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Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 18 - 11/13/10

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:05 am
by PML
Thanks again to those following along.

Begonia9508- Thanks. And you would be right, but the poor characters involved don't know. Except for poor Maria. Tess really does have a lot to answer for.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. Yep, his Translation of the ship saved them from the storm. And left Maria behind.

mary mary- Thanks. No. Liz still has four to six days to worry about her vision.

Disclaimer-Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 19


Alex woke up with a start. He’d had a dream that he was about to be overwhelmed with a wall of water.

His sister was in danger. It had been how he had found her in the first place. He had odd echo dreams of her from time to time.

If Liz had a minor gift of precognition, he had one of dreaming. It was very minor though. He couldn’t conduct mind raids like some of the other more talented students. But he could see things. Sometimes important things, sometimes minor.

When he first saw Liz Parker he knew that she was important to him. There had been no lust or true attraction there, just a sense of utter importance.

A little detective work later and he knew that she was the daughter of the scandalous Sorceress Nancy Madigan. The man who helped raised her none other than the infamous Jeff Parker himself.

What a girl like Liz Parker was doing in Worlds End had confused the then straitlaced Alex Whitman. It helped that his best friend had fallen fast and hard for Liz’s best friend Tess Harding. And that Kyle’s step sister was becoming part of the little group too.

Alex never thought he’d end up grouped with them. Liz and Tess had a reputation in the various Colleges of being troublemakers. Liz of being a gambler and card shark, Tess of being a ruthless heartbreaker.

Both were prodigies in their official studies, and were given a bit of latitude. In truth, low level mayhem was expected of the students. As long as no one got hurt. That was the key.

Alex quickly dressed and headed to the surface deck to talk to Serena. They needed to increase their speed. Things had been fine when they were just chasing, but Alex had a dead drop to pick up in the next world.

And Liz was in danger, deep and serious danger.

It had taken a bit to find the right spell. To find why Liz seemed important to him for reasons unknown. She already had a lover, one that she was desperately in love with. She had good friends and while he himself was becoming one of them, there seemed to be more. The dreams pointed to more.

He rushed to the wheelhouse and found only a single Dryad whistling happily. You would think that the Dryads would hate all the dead wood that made up the ship. Instead they found it comforting somehow and gloried in taking care of it.

They probably were the best carpenters he had ever seen.

Of course, try and cut down one of the Trees in the Valley and they would not be so sanguine. And they might look harmless, but were far from it.

“The Captain. Where is she?”

The Dryad looked at him and smiled. “She is in the mess getting an early breakfast. She said we will be hitting the translation will within the hour. She wanted to be ready. Is there something wrong?”

“Trouble. We need more speed to. I will go talk to the Captain.”

The Dryad smiled and went back to whistling happily.

Alex looked at the Dryad, she seemed much to happy. “Cirelle, what is going on? You seem awfully chipper for an early morning watch.”

“Mother has taken your friend down below to comfort him.” She looked over at Alex, “You humans have such a spark of life to you. I will have at least one sister before the morning is through.

Poor Kyle. He’d be able to resist the Sylphs and Dryads, but Yelena? A full blooded Nymph of the Valley?

Not a chance. He’d bet even a pre-Tess Max Evans would fall to her.

The results were unexpected to say the least. A sister. A half-sister, but still family.

When he had shown her the results, he had not expected her to cry so hard. To hold on to him so very hard. It wasn’t until then, as she spoke of her life growing up, that he realized just how much this meant to her.


And the knowledge of who her father was. Now that investigation had led to surprises!

But despite it all, the two of them were family. And they can and did trust each other.

That trust had saved his life.

And was why he wasn’t about to let her get hurt. They needed to hurry!

Alex barged in on the half full mess hall. “Serena, we need to talk.”

Serena smiled and pointed a seat across from her. “Sit. I need to eat or I’ll be cranky all day. And you know you don’t want that to happen.”

Alex shuddered. No. That would be a bad thing.

Serena looked at him, “If this is about your friend, I didn’t get the girls to wake her. Although the boy certainly seemed entranced. You men, always letting your hormones do your thinking for you.”

Alex glared at her, “Do you want me to summon a triton and see how well you resist?”

Serena snickered, “Half troll mer-babies. Hubby would never understand.” She shook her head, “What I don’t get is why they want us. Kyle has been a source of continual chatter, and don’t think that you don’t merit a lot of talk. My brothers too. I love them to death, but they are not the prettiest of fellows. And yet they had Dryad lovers.”

“No Sylphs huh?”

“Too flighty. According to Chad, they make great flirts but horrible girlfriends. I can not believe my older brother is in love with a tree.” She said shaking her head. “I would blame you, but without you we’d all be dead.”

“What was happening to you and your people was wrong, Serena. I didn’t do it for this.” Alex pointed at the ship. “As for our friends…. Serena, to them we have a spark they simply don’t have. Lore says they lack souls, but from what I have seen that simply isn’t true. But they are different.” Alex shook his head, “And Yelena is different from them. She will last as long as that valley lasts. A very long time. But take Cirelle, the Dryad you have on watch. She will only last as long as her tree does. Hundreds, perhaps even a thousand years. But to Yelena, her children live only a fraction of her life span. But they have a fire she lacks, the fire of our human mortality. They crave it for some reason.”

“Huh. So. You don’t seem so broken up by this Yelena situation. What gives that you woke up early to track me down?”

“Speed. We need more speed. We have one more stop and then we need to catch her. I fear if we don’t hurry she will die before I get to her. And, and….”

Serena grasped his hand, “Don’t worry, Alex. We will get there. And we will save her. My brothers have the engines on stand by.” She nodded a moment. “And I will speak to my husband later. You have always been there for us, we will be there for you and your family.”

“Thank you. I just worry. I don’t know what I would do without her. There are days when I think she is the only true family I have.” He looked up, “Long story Serena, maybe later.”

“Well then. Just let us finish our breakfast and we will get to work.” She waved a hand at one of the cooks and a large breakfast was brought to him.

He stared at plate.

“Eat, my friend. I don’t want a cranky wizard anymore than you want a cranky Captain. We will make Translation on time and then run on engines for a while. But for now, eat.”

He looked up and smiled, “Yes Captain.”

“Damn right I am.”

And they talked of other things.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 19 - 11/14/10

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:19 pm
by PML
Thanks again to everyone following along.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 20


Isabel had fallen asleep on the hill. The storm still raged around her, growing steadily less as she withdrew herself from the storm.

So much power. She had been filled with it. And those memories, that voice….

It had been her. Isabel had had that power all along as she had lived her little crippled existence. She understood why her father and husband and village had been frightened. Frightened of her Awakening.

Isabel certainly was.

But now she was Awake, fully Awake, in a manner that had not truly existed since the fall of the Azen.

Vilandra moved uncomfortably as the rose bush’s vines pulled her closer the statue of herself. The thorns dug deep into her naked flesh. The roses were still mostly white, but as they drank her blood, consumed her essence, they would turn red. And she would be broken.

She was not the only one being broken in the Garden. She heard the voices of many of her brothers and sisters crying out for mercy. For another chance.

For death here was final. No more would they return to serve. Their power and memories would be broken and their soul would travel the path to Final Judgment.

Not even the Azen were arrogant enough to condemn a soul to eternal damnation and torment. Although to be broken in such a manner, to be scorned by those who were blessed by Heaven itself, was a sure sign that one was not likely to be judged pure enough for Heaven.

And without recourse to rebirth, what chance would they have to make amends? How could they atone for their sins.

A statue toppled several rows up. The roses a bright red. Another broken Scion. Broken for all time.

Would the Creator forgive her for what she had done? She had tried her best to the right thing. But would that be enough?

Or would she be turned away. To make her way through the long valleys of torment until she came to the end and was burnt out of existence and unmade.

A soft female voice called to her, “Oh, Vilandra…. Why did you do it. Why did you betray us?”

Vilandra’s voice was solid, “I did not betray my oath, Ava. I swore to protect Mankind and to preserve all that was good. I am not forsworn and they did not try me. How many of us do they plan to break Ava? I see so many here.”

Ava’s voice was rough, “One third of us, maybe as many as a half. They need to root out all the traitors.” Ava was crying, “I, I can’t believe that you are one of them. They say you opened the Southern Gate to Khivar and his army. That you…. Why, sister? Why?”

And Vilandra knew. She KNEW. “The Azen have Fallen. Khivar was right. Ava, cut me down and we can still stop the High Council from whatever evil plan they have. Enough to save the people, theirs and ours, the heartbreak it will cause.”

Ava shook her head, “No. No I can’t believe it.” She backed away, “We swore to serve them Vilandra. We gave our oath.”

“We gave our oath to serve good and to serve mankind, Ava. We will be doing both. But first we must save out brothers and sisters.”

“I can’t!” And Ava ran off into the night.

Vilandra heard another statue collapse. Another Scion broken. Were the flowers of her rose bush a darker pink?

Isabel shook her head. Somehow she had survived. And had not been broken. She had lived more than a dozen lives since then. And had done what she could for her people during those lives.

Some of those lives had been very brief. In some ways she had been lucky that her father had found a ‘cure’ for her dreams. She had been burnt as a witch more than once and did not care to repeat the experience.

She stood and shook out all the stiffness. Her family had always appreciated how much work she could do. If they had only known how far they could have pushed the simpler damaged Isabel.

She sighed. She could have helped the village so much if they had just let her. Just simple trick to improve their homes and fields. She never really was good with boats, but even there she could have helped if only a little. Funny how in these past few lives it was more the knowledge that she carried from her past lives than the power she wielded that were the true blessings she was able to give.

She walked back to what was left in the village in the pouring rain. She knew that no lightning would strike her. Not unless she asked it to. She had always been good with the weather.

She was grateful for the pyre that Vilandra had forced her to make. She didn’t know if she could have survived seeing the shattered bodies of her fellow villagers right now. There memory was enough to harrow her.

She leaned against a building in sudden agony, her son. Ripped out of her and torn. She didn’t know how long she stood there shaking.

There would be a reckoning for what had happened here. It might take years, but it would happen.

She walked through the village gathering supplies. She would still camp on the hill. It would let her see if any ships were sailing near enough for her to signal them. The local authorities should know of the massive raider band that had destroyed her people.

She caught a glittering on the ocean.

A ship?

Isabel headed down to the beach to get a better look.

The beach was covered in debris. Isabel grinned wolfishly. Her storm had caught some of the pirates she was sure.

And there was a tiny pontoon out in the bay slowly being brought in by the surf. As it came closer, Isabel waded out into the tide to bring it in.

On the pontoons was a large bed sheltered from the rain by a mist like roof. And on the bed was a young woman dressed in a garment of golden scales. Something about her seemed familiar, and yet totally unknown.

She pulled the pontoon onto the shore and easily lifted the girl onto a series of blankets that she had planned on using herself.

When she went back to the strange pontoon it was gone.

Isabel sighed. Magic. Powerful Magic.

But whose and to what purpose?

She erected a small structure on the beach to give them both shelter. She really would prefer the hill to this, but she didn’t want to move the girl more than she had to.

When she was done and a fire had been lit she studied the girl. She still slumbered peacefully. On careful consideration, Isabel added a few years to her initial judgment. She had dark blonde hair and her lips were set in what seemed an almost natural pout. High cheekbones.

But what really struck her were the garments. She had seen the like. The golden scales seemed almost like real scales. It was even hard on the outside. But the inside felt as soft as silk.

The girl also wore a matched set of bracelets, each with a spiral symbol. She had a pendant with the same marking. There was even a matching set of golden anklets. All of it was real gold, Isabel was sure.

Priceless. These garments were absolutely priceless.

And she knew. She knew where she had seen these before. From her far distant memories. From back near her very first memories of her first life.

It was what young Azeni maidens wore. So very long ago, back when the Azen had still produced children. They marked her as a child of the Azen. Which was flat out impossible.

She must have found them somewhere. Somehow.

There was a simple test.

But Isabel was afraid to cast it. What would she do? What could she do?

Isabel stared long into the flames. But they provided no answers.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 20 - 11/14/10

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:55 pm
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along.

mary mary- thanks. Now trying to get a coherant story going. The middles always lag for me.

valentinebaby- Thanks. All I can say is maybe. And this is one of those plot bunnies that struck me on Day two of the Nano, but that struck me as entirely explaining what will happen later. Translation is a method of travelling from one world to another. Since there are different spots that are conducive to travel, it is possible to use it to make short cuts from world to world.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 21


Max stared down at Liz, looking so small in the cot she now lay in. Her skin was so pale with magic overuse, almost translucent. Worse there was a slight glow coming from her, noticeable only if she was in near darkness.

Max had checked briefly, covering her. All of her tattoos had shown faintly in the dark. Liz had used much more magic than she should have, pushing herself far beyond her natural limits.

He held her hand and wished there was something he could do for her. That his abilities in healing were better. But in truth, even Maria’s meager talent was greater than his was in that area.

Most of the passenger cabins had been ruined by the falling rigging. The remaining crew were searching through the ship now to see how extensive the damage was.

Max was using the temporary calm to take care of Liz. Liz had wakened briefly after the Translation had freed them from the freak storm.

Maria’s death had hit her particularly hard. Even now she clung to the enchanted bag she had made for her friend. Unwilling to accept that Maria was simply gone.

Max now wished he had never let either of them join him on this journey. Liz still claimed that death would take her in a few days. She had even said that because she had heard Maria’s voice there at her death, there was no way she could be dead now.

He sighed. How he wished it could be so easy.

One of the ship’s officers rapped on the door, “Mr. Evans? Professor Milton said we should send for you. That you should hear this.”

Max nodded and gave Liz a quick kiss. “I love you Liz Parker.”

Her voice answered him, more than half asleep, “Love you Max.” Her breathing went back to her even sleeping pattern.

Max took one last look. Had he truly waited so long, wasted so much time to get her back? How had he forgotten how important she was to him? He turned and followed the officer.

He sat down and listened into the damage control meeting. All of the various officers listed the damages. The steam engine was offline because of damage to the smoke stacks and both of the paddle wheels. And with most of the rigging, including the main mast torn from the ship by the sudden winds….

They were adrift.

The ship was still sea worthy to a degree. They weren’t sinking. Not yet. But if they didn’t get some level of mobility and the waves came at the wrong angle they could capsize.

Max felt he had to add his little bit. “If you can rig up sails of any kind, I can help provide some propulsion.”

Professor Milton nodded, “Yes, the young man IS the best Wind Adept we have at World’s End. You can also keep working on your,” He twisted his mouth with dislike, “steam engine and together we can get enough speed to get to Oriesta before we run out of supplies.”

The former second officer, now the Captain nodded. “I guess it’s the best we can do. Let’s get to it. I want at the very least a workable sail for Mr. Evans. The sooner we get out of these waters the better.”

Max asked, “Bad weather?”

The new Captain shook his head, “We always try to sail fast through these waters. Pirates. And their new Pirate Chief is a particularly nasty one. The Admiralty asked for any information we can gather on them, but most Merchantmen aren’t willing to port anywhere in these waters.” He nodded, “I know I am not.” And he left.

Milton came over to him, “How is Miss Parker.”

Max grimaced, “Advanced Mage sickness. Whatever she did seriously overdrew her reserves.”

Milton nodded, “If the spell was the one you described it was far beyond the abilities of most. If she survives…. If she survives I will testify to the Council as to her skill. If she keeps this up, she will finish her practicum before she starts it.”

“She’s in danger then? I thought it was bad, but….”

“My dear boy, I will do what I can. And despite what I might have said, the girl is a fighter of rare strength and spirit. She should pull through.”

Both of them went back to the cot on which Liz lay. Milton placed his hands over Liz and muttered some word, words in an old language Max could partly understand. The words were a cross between a benediction and a plea.

Milton smiled sadly and softly said, “Once I could produce miracles on occasion. All of us Azen had this gift. But now…. Whatever happened to my home altered this like so many other things. But I have done what I can here. Now we can only hope and pray.” Milton patted him on the shoulder and left him and Liz alone.

Max sat next to Liz and held her hand in his.

He would be busy soon. So he wanted to drink her in as much as he could.

Because Liz had been right. They might not always have tomorrow. Today was precious and should not be wasted.

And so he vowed not to waste it.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 21 - 11/14/10

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:35 pm
by PML
Thanks again to everyone following along.

valentinebaby- Thanks. The spell was far beyond what she is really capable of at this stage. And she now has the magical equivalent of pulled muscles and heat exhaustion.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 22


Tess carried her sleeping son off the boat. He had been active and jabbering a bit while they had sailed into port. But he had simply run out of energy in the time they spent docking.

She ran her hands over him, just to make sure he was okay. And he was. Just tired.

Neither Nyssa nor Nikolai understood why she took him with them when they went on their expeditions. But Tess simply did not trust those she might leave him behind with. It just wasn’t safe. Not in Bright Cove.

In truth she disliked leaving him at all. But sometimes it was unavoidable. There was no way she was going to let hundreds of miles, let alone worlds separate the two of them.

Better the shared risks aboard a ship than the risk of his being stolen away and used against her.

Nyssa kissed Nikolai and then headed to one of the other ships at the pier.

“Where is she going?”

Nikolai muttered, “I was told there was a problem back home. Nyssa is going to go see if she can find and bring in any strays.”

Tess nodded. Soon she would have to be back at work Shaping the prisoners into useful tools. “I was wondering why we headed straight back.”

Nikolai said, “It had better be important. We lost to many ships out there. What I am trying to do has a certain momentum. If we get slowed too much we will get stuck and be easy prey for one of the bigger powers like the Confederacy or the damn Verge.”

Greer ran down the docks. He was middle aged and one of the half dozen other Scions Nikolai had gathered for his plans. He was weak though, as were the other six. No, Nikolai and Nyssa were the real threat. They were the ones she would need help defeating if she truly wanted to leave.

Others had tried to escape before. And their fate had been simply horrific. It was one thing to face death, another to face that.

She shuddered as she remember seeing the still severed but living heads of seventeen other Scions. Permanently trapped between life and death.

She had to serve until she was certain, absolutely certain that she could make a clean escape. Her hands rubbed her neck where the mounting torc had been placed when she had been offered a chance to serve….

Greer was breathless when he looked at Nikolai.

Nikolai glared back, “What was so important that I needed to rush home?”

Greer said, “Sir, we have a problem. A big problem. There is a Scion in town who is taking it upon himself to bring ‘law’ and ‘justice.’”

“There are six of you. Certainly you can overwhelm a single Scion.”

“We’ve tried sir. Justine is dead, Andriev is going to be crippled for a least a week.” Greer shook his head. “He calls himself the ‘Wrath of Heaven’” Greer shuddered. “And from what I have seen, he may very well be.”

Nikolai began walking up the pier, “Bah. I worked with the man. If it were truly Wrath, the city would be burning and you would all be dead. The man was a hot head and an extremist. The sort of monster the Azen unleashed if they wanted everything dead and no stone atop another.”

Tess found herself adding, “Maybe he has changed.”

Nikolai just laughed. He and Greer began discussing other details of running the town and their grand plan. Including how to deal with this current annoyance.

Tess followed them until they reached the compound and placed her son in his bed. She watched him for a long time before she came to her decision.

It was a risk, but she needed out. Already too many of the things she did were becoming normal, casual. Warping bodies and minds to profit Nikolai and his cause.

She softly whispered over her son, “I need help. I am so tired of this. Of always being a tool for evil. Where in my lives did I go wrong? I was never truly like this with the Azen. Until.” Tess closed her eyes and felt the tears. The tears and the bitterness of her actions. Actions she could never take back.

Could her selfishness in one life truly bleed into the others? Or had she only always thought of herself?

“I left that information for Alex. But will it be enough to buy my freedom. Or even just yours, Jimmy. I would be happy if they simply sent you to your father. What a mess I have made.”

But maybe there was another way. Maybe….

.She grabbed a cloak and headed into Bright Cove, making sure that a nanny watched over her son.

She followed her instincts, part of the gift that the Azen had gifted her so very long ago. And she found him. He was sitting alone in a inn. But she could feel there was a difference in the patrons. They were not afraid. Not with him there.

Wrath looked up at her as she walked in. She saw his hand reach for the sword on his hip. Perhaps he did not have his full powers yet if he was simply using that sword. That did not make him any less dangerous. Those silver swords could cut through any defense.

He said quietly, “I know you. Ava.” He looked disappointed. “What have you done to yourself?”

“In this life I am known as Tess. I come, Lord Wrath, to beg for assistance and mercy.”

Wrath closed his eyes. “I am called Michael. Once I was a simple weapon. One that struck where it was pointed. And I did not know mercy.” He opened his eyes, “I don’t want to be just a weapon any longer. Sit.” He held out his hand. “But I do need to know. I need to read you.”

Tess was shaking as she sat down. What would he see. And would be able to run from him if he decided she was too far gone? She reached out her hand.

He took it and she felt a pulse of energy surge through her.

He looked up at her, eyes nearly clouded with tears, “How far have you fallen, my sister?”

Tess could not help the tears in her own eyes as she replied in total honesty, “I have fallen far. I have Fallen so very far…..”


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 22 - 11/15/10

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:48 am
by PML
Thanks again to everyone following along.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. Keep looking my friend keep looking.

valentinebaby- Thanks. The alternative is really, really bad. Trust me you will see why in a few parts. She would happily die if it meant her son was safe.

mary mary- Thank you for catching that typo for me. And we are getting closer to finding out who the father is.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Liz is in denial about Maria. She saw her in her vision, the one where she dies in a few days. And if that is to happen Maria has to be there, therefore she is alive. Odd way of thinking. And Michael isn't actually the Wrath of Heaven, that is just what people called him. Its a title not a description.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 23


Maria sat at an outside table at Taggart’s Coffee Shoppe. Maria could not remember the number of times she had spent talking with friends or resting from a shopping trip here.

Her mother had actually worked at this very Shoppe for a few years before she met her step-father, and Maria had actually helped the bakers here. Well helped as much as a small energetic child truly could an over worked group of the best bakers in town.

The place was special to her, and of all her haunts of the Capital, this was the one she missed most. She sipped her spiced coffee.

She watched as the City bustled around her. It was so different from Worlds End. Worlds End had a ponderous and timeless feel. People discussed philosophy and magic while strolling the lanes.

In the Capital it was all about business. Inside the coffee shops and the inns and taverns, people discussed stocks and bonds and futures. They argued over Parliament and the expansion of the franchise.

A man in a grey suit and bowler hat walked up to her table. “Miss Valenti, or do you prefer Deluca as I gather that is the name you are using now?”

She stood and nodded to him, “Deluca is fine. Why did you ask me here? I am not supposed to be in the City. In fact, I am paid a great deal not to be.”

The man grasped her hand and kissed the back of it. Both his hand and the kiss were warm and dry. “Worry not, Miss Deluca. You are safe here.” He sat down and regarded her. His eyes were deep and bright. Old and wise and cunning.

Maria could never quite remember the color, only that she had to look away slightly to avoid falling into them. Her cheeks blushed for her inability to look him straight into the eyes.

“Sit, my dear, sit.”

Maria hesitantly sat down. The man was important. She knew it. Important and powerful. “Um, why did you ask me to be here?”

“I have not seen one like you in such a very long time. It almost makes me feel young again,“ He laughed self deprecatingly, “Or perhaps not quite so old.“

Maria peeked up, looking at his eyes was not an option, but maybe if she looked at his nose or his forehead? It would keep her eyes somewhat level. She would just have to avoid that gaze. It could see right through her. “Thank you, sir.“

“It was a pleasure, my dear,” His voice turned serious, “Have you made your decision yet?”

“My decision? I, I don’t know all of my options yet. I, I don’t know.” Maria looked away. She couldn’t help it. She did not want to disappoint this man.

“Yes. I can see that. I pray that you make the right choice and that we may meet again. It has been so very long since I have had company. But you are on the journey alright. I can feel it. And soon you will choose.”

Maria simply did not know what to say so she nibbled at a small muffin on her plate.

The man stood, “It is time for you to go, my dear. I wish you to do me a favor.”

Maria stood, “Yes? How can I help you?”

The man reached into a pocket and pulled out what looked like a white rose. “Give this to Liz Parker. She will know what it means. May Heaven’s Light shine upon you.”

“Wait! I don’t even know your name.”

He turned back to face her, “I have many names, my dear. But you may call me Mr. Blue. Give Alex and Yelena my regards.”

And he was gone.

Maria sat down and …..”

She woke up under bundle of blankets. She stared at the fabric ceiling. There was the sound of light rain softly beating against the fabric. From time to time a drop would slip through a tiny hole and sizzle in a large fire that rested five feet away.

She had not truly expect to wake up. But someone must have saved her. Another of the ships crew? Or had Max been able to return to fetch her.

No. She must have washed up on some island shore and the locals had saved her. She didn’t recognize any of the patterns on the blankets. And they were hand woven not factory made. But still nice and warm.

What to make of that odd dream? So much of what had happened to her the last few days had been so very strange.

But had it been real? That was the question.

She yawned and sat up. There was another set of blankets across from her that someone else had been using. But they were not to be seen.

She stood up to look around and noticed immediately that her clothes were different. Gone were her fashionable skirt and blouse. She had kicked off her shoes in an attempt to swim when she had fallen into the sea, so they were long gone. But so too were here leggings. And her underwear and bustier.

Instead she was wearing a single piece dress of some unknown fabric. It was as light as a sheer shift. But she felt warm in it. And the inside felt like some odd combination of silk and linen.

There were a couple of pockets woven into the piece and in one of them was a lump. She took it out. At first glance it looked like a white rose. It even had the light fragrance of one. But a closer look revealed that it was made of a silvery-white metal.

Maria shuddered. She had been bored. Had wanted adventures.

Maybe she should have just stayed home.

Maria wandered outside the tent. The rain softly landed on her dress and rolled right off. She looked off into the horizon, to the place that Called her.

No. Liz was right. Leaving had been important to her.

LIZ! Oh how could she have forgotten. Maria had to find her and somehow keep her from dying!

How long was she out and how soon would a boat come to rescue her?

Maria prayed that it was not too late, that she could somehow find and save her friend.

But first she had to find the locals who had saved her.

Her friend was running out of time.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 23 - 11/16/10

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:09 am
by PML
Thanks to everyone following along. Two quick parts. Here is the first.

begonia9508- Thanks.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. And she will need it if she is to save Liz.

mary mary- Thanks. I do hope you are enjoying this. And the rapid post rate.

valentinebaby- Thanks. Good question. There's a good chance we'll see him a little later.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 24


Tess sighed as the bodies of her new subjects were wheeled in. She took them in order of injury.

Her discussion with Michael had carried long into the night. They needed a plan and allies. Michael wanted to purge the town, to clean out the pirates. But he wanted to do it right. To make sure that they were able to actually accomplish their job and not just die in the attempt.

He was excited when he heard she had contacted a Wizard for aid. He had run into some of them in his past lives it would seem.

Until then she needed to continue to do her work, but as lightly as possible. To not totally trample on the people she was healing, but to cover who they were in a removable cloak so to speak.

That was much harder than what she usually did. But it was well within her abilities. And it felt almost good to not crush their past lives.

Then she came to a body she did not expect.

Liz Parker.

The world seemed to shake as she saw the woman who was in part responsible for her exile. Responsible for her losing so very much.

And the girl who had been her very best friend. The first person she had ever truly related to.

A girls she had completely betrayed. Had stolen her love simply because her father had ordered her to. Had nearly destroyed her brother’s mind…..

Tess felt her cheeks heat as she stared at the girl. At the wounded and damaged girl underneath her hands.

And she began to work.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 23 - 11/16/10

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:16 am
by PML
Thanks again. Here is part two for tonight. It's a little longer.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 25


Max groaned as he moved. His head pounded and his whole body felt bruised and battered.

Water. He was so thirsty.

Milton’s voice softly said, “Slowly, Max. slowly. You took quite a beating.” There was an element of weariness and sadness to his voice.

Max opened his eyes and saw flashes of color. And in some ways even more worrisome, he could not feel any magical currents. It was possible to lose magical abilities if you took a strong enough blow to the head.

And he had resisted the attack as hard as he could. In fact he could have sworn he had been cut at least once or twice….

Milton put a cup to Max’s lips, “Slowly Max. It’s always hardest the first time.”

“The first time?” Max tried to sit up. But the world spun.

“The first time you take a major injury.” Milton sighed, “If you were a normal human you would be dead. They know what we are. That you are a Scion and that I am Azen.” He shook his head, “Funny that, most people believe we are all dead.”

“How? I remember a woman. She moved through our men like they were not even there….”

Milton looked down at him, “Another Scion I am afraid, a Crusader. Or maybe an aggressive Templar. There is much similarity in the two.” Milton gave a despairing sigh. “And they have others. Apparently this Pirate Chief Nikolai we keep reading about in the papers is one as well. And they have a Heart Shaper. So much makes sense now. How he keeps expanding and growing his fleet. Anyone he captures she turns into a willing ally.”

“The others?”

“That woman was pretty brutal, but I suppose the survivors are being looked at by their Heart Shaper now. Those powers were originally meant solely to heal, but were quickly used to other purposes. Very effective purposes.” There was a look of woe on Milton’s face, “We used you Scions so very hard. Made you do things that we would never dirty our hands with. Creator forgive us, our children. We gave such tasks, allowed you to sully your souls so that we could go on and spread our Empire and our good works. We turned you into weapons.” His voice was hoarse as a few scattered tears slid down his face, “And we used you. We used you all so very much. Is it any wonder that some, some of you are broken?”

Max sat up, his head clearing. “We need to figure out a way to get out of here. A way to get Liz.”

Milton was silent.

Max looked over at him. “What?”

Milton said, “You have noticed they are blocking our powers? How do you propose to escape?”

Max stood and looked at the cell. He could tell by the lack of movement they were on land. “How long have I been out?”

“The better part of a day. Maybe a little longer. They knew what you were and so they didn’t send for a healer for you. They knew you would pull through. It takes a lot to kill a Scion. But the others? They have been seen to. One of our guards is a man from the Winters Edge. I remember him taking classes at Worlds End….. He doesn’t remember me.”

“What are you talking about?”

Milton sighed, “Max. By now Liz has been seen by their Heart Shaper. She won’t BE Liz anymore. She will be whatever the Shaper desires her to be.”

Max dropped to the bed. Liz was…. Gone?

“It’s repairable. To a degree. If she wants to remember and we, we try to make her see…. But she will never be completely the same again. None of the Shaped ever are.”

Max rested his head on the pillow.

He needed to think.

Was there even a point to resisting? Or should he wait and see what this Nikolai had to offer….

Maybe, just maybe he could give him his Liz back?


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 25 - 11/17/10

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:14 am
by PML
Here we go again. Now this is part of a sub plot that I am not one hundred percent sold on. But my muse seems sold on it, and I do need to make my word count. We'll hit Isabel next I think and then Alex. More on that tomorrow.

mary mary- Thanks. I just hope I can keep it up.

valentinebaby- Thanks. You didnt miss a part. While Max was trying to make a sail out of bedsheets, Nyssa and a bunch of pirates jumped their drifting ship. Max lasted a few seconds before being seriously wounded. Good thing he's a Scion or he'd be dead.

As for Tess, she had her reasons. They were bad reasons, but they were real. We will find out more of them as the story unfolds.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks.

begonia9508- Tess doesnt have the power to make her a Scion. And what she does will have a few... intersting affects.

keepsmiling7- Thanks.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 26


Kyle awoke in the middle of a valley. Sunlight streamed down on the bower he and Yelena had shared last night.

How could he describe Yelena? He could not truly describe what her body looked like. Only its effects on him. From the very first moment she walked up on the deck he had wanted her.

She had told him to come to her and he had followed. Down the first flight of stairs, past the mess hall and the engine room. Past the second flight of stairs and the ships main hold. Down a third flight of stairs he had not noticed and into a seemingly impossible valley.

He had felt the eyes of other Dryads and Sylphs watching him as he followed Yelena. And they had talked. Or rather he had.

Kyle could still remember those deep purple eyes, so full of wisdom and understanding. So full of love. He could refuse her nothing. And he told her things that he had felt and kept inside that he hadn’t even realized he’d been hiding..

And then, when he was done. When he had nothing more to say, they made love.

It had been the most awesome and yet disturbing night of his life. Because even as he moved over her, he couldn’t quite tell exactly what she looked like. He found it less disturbing to simply close his eyes and drown himself in the sensations.

But afterwards, when he had woken up and found her gone, he had realized the body that he had felt. The body he had been responding to, when his eyes had been shut had been Tess’s

He simply could not shake her. Liz had said once bitterly that neither of them would ever be whole without the ones they had lost. Her Max and his Tess.

And it was true. He waited for the pain and bitterness to hit. For the memories to taunt him and the self doubt and hate to begin.

But that was gone. The pain was gone.

The love remained. The unrequited love and knowledge that it would likely never change…. That still remained. But it didn’t hurt. Not like it had. It was simply something true.

He stood up and walked into the sunshine, looking in vain for his clothes. But they were gone.

Kyle took care of a few needs and looked again for his clothes of something to wear. He stopped when he heard a polite cough.

Cerille, one of Serena’s navigators, sat cross legged on the grass. Before her lay a freshly dug hole in the ground. She was naked and held a fairly large acorn in her hands above her greenish blonde pubic hair. “Mother was tired, but she asked if I would help you this morning. And considering…. Well I had to say yes.”

“Um. What exactly did you have in mind?” He looked her over. Her skin was well tanned bronze. Her eyes were a deep green her hair that strange greenish blonde/ She wore the hair long, but somehow when she tilted her head she looked almost familiar to him.

Over the smell of the lush grass he could make out a faint scent of honey and cinnamon.

“I am here to help you plant your daughter.” There was a small smile on her face, “It’s the typical price of healing, although there isn’t always a child. But you are fertile, having already brought life to a mortal womb. So today we will plant the seed and wait to see if it grows.”

Kyle could feel his body betray him slightly as his eyes raked over Cerille once more. He hunched down near the hole, trying to hid his growing attraction. “So we just bury this seed and we wait?”

She smiled, a smile that pulled at his memory, “We both need to be upstairs for dinner. Alex has some sort of important announcement to make. But the day…. The day we just need to spend in the valley however you wish. I have much to show you.”

Kyle sighed, “I will bet you do.”

They buried the acorn and Cerille said some sort of blessing over it.

The rest of the day past by in a blur.

Kyle tried to be good. His memories of Tess were so clear, and the memory of his love for her so pure after his time with Yelena.

Which honestly made no sense to him, but it was never the less true.

But Cirelle was so willing. And Kyle had never been one to pass up an opportunity.

A mistake of sorts, although not one he found out until after their third time. He was cooling himself in one of the numerous pools that the streams fed. Most of them were ice cold, but for whatever reason this one seemed warmed by the sun. It was peaceful and quiet.

Cirelle’s eyes were shining as she floated over near him. “My daughter was such a fool to lose you. And the child you were destined to have. So much safer here within me.” She rubbed her belly proudly. “Mother was right about you. It is surprising you do not have a larger number of children.”

“Excuse me?”

“Come, let us see the results of the day. She should be developed enough to manifest by now.”

Cirelle ran across the valley.

Kyle followed and spent the next few hours underneath a tree that had sprouted from that tiny acorn. It looked like it had been there for several years, and from time to time a little girl would toddle out and play with them.

But then after around five or ten minutes the child would get tired and sleep. And fade from view. Becoming one with her tree.

His daughter.

A couple of giggling Sylphs brought them both some clean clothes. They would have to leave soon.

Kyle stared at the tree. “How is this possible.”

Cirelle smiled at him, “All the emotional energy you used today, all the wonder and pleasure were used to feed your daughter. To feed the magic of this place and to help her grow. Each time we had sex, the emotional bond heightened by our latent connection through my daughter.” Her smile became broader and her whole face beamed almost to glowing, “And by the child I now bear, only made it stronger.”

“You are pregnant?” An unexpected problem. How did he explain to his father and the family council, that he had sired two children by mythological creatures? Did they count as heirs?

Would he ever live this down? Alex alone would be trouble enough, but when Liz or heaven help him, Maria heard about this….

And that was all without considering the considerable work that two children would cost. Although he suspected the little Dryad girl would be fine. But the child Cirelle was carrying….

“Why? I didn’t know this was even possible. You’re a Dryad for Heaven’s sake.”

Still she smiled at him, “I am half human, Kyle. All of us are. The Sylphs too. All mortal save for Mother. Creatures of magic perhaps, but human too. And my child, our child, it will be human. I will likely move to Worlds End until I foster him or her, or perhaps this time I will stay. Perhaps my days here in the valley are numbered and I will grow old and grey. Perhaps I will find someone and live out the rest of my mortal span.” She looked over at a large tree, “My soul will still be tied to my tree, but in time I too will face judgment or rebirth, just like any other mortal.”

Kyle just looked at her, uncertain of what to say.

Cerille looked back at him, her gaze soft and sad. “Thirty years ago, I thought my time had indeed come. There is a small village on the other side of the ridge. We trade with them often.” Her voice slowed, “One day a scholar came to the village. It happens more often than you would think. They are always trying to understand us, to understand Mother. But this scholar wasn’t interested in Mother. He was interested in us, in me.”

Her eyes were shining with tears, “I thought he loved me. Most mortals can not hide their emotions from us. But he was more adept at it than I. Older and wiser in such arts. Azen.” She looked away, “I think what he truly wanted was a child of Mother’s. But he could not fool one such as her. So one space removed. What he was looking for I do not know. But he was the perfect husband for a long time, until I finally gave birth. I should have known then. His careful measuring of the child, his growing distance to me. Poor Tess. She never really stood a chance. Not with him raising her.”

She was crying now, but her voice was even. “Oh, even when he tried to take her away from me I fought back at him. But he is so strong, Kyle. So very strong. He has learned magic, dark magic that my skills at manipulating nature simply pale in comparison. Once he realized what Tess was…. Oh, he had not gotten what he had wanted, but he had gotten something close. For Tess is a Scion, one of the rare Heart Shapers. And his plan changed. He no longer needed me and threw me out. He wouldn’t let me raise her, wouldn’t let me teach her. He threatened me, threatened my family. He, he burned some the trees in our valley.”

She shuddered, “Slow burning fires with black flames. It took my two sisters several days to die. Their screams filled the Valley. And I left my daughter to his tender mercies. I saw her in your thoughts. Saw him as well. The heartless bastard. You two were meant for each other. Destined to be the parents to a special child, one now unborn. A tragedy as deep as the Parker child. There is still hope for that pairing, if they can finally overcome the pain and sorrow. But you and Tess….. I fear it may be too late. She is so tired of life, Kyle. I do not know if you can save her. But I beg you to try. For the love you bear her.”

“She lives?”

“Yes. She lies beyond the horizon. But she is so very tired. If she did not have a child to care for, she would have long since died. Your fate and that of hers…. It is what made my Mother so tired, so needing of a healing rest.” She placed her arm on his shoulder, “Kyle I do not claim you, not for this babe’s sake. I have family and friends enough to care for him or her. Him I think, although we bear mostly girls. Your destiny lies not with me, but with her. But Mother asked, and I agreed, that we could not let the child you both should have had pass by without life.”

She stood and dressed briskly in her ship board uniform. “Come, Alex will be waiting.”

Kyle dressed as well. But before he left he looked back at the tree that had grown so very fast this day, a tree that bore a part of his essence.

The little girl peeked again out of the branches and made its way to Kyle. And kissed him. He held her tightly and breathed her scent. She smelled of fresh dirt and green growing things. And once again the girl grew tired and vanished back into her tree.

Kyle left, tears staining his cheeks as Cirelle lead him to the ship.

Alex would be waiting.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 26 - 11/18/10

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:40 am
by PML
Just one tiny added part before I catch a couple winks before work.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 27


Miranda stared at her freshly scrubbed body in the mirror. She was trying to decide what the best lingerie would suit her current master best.

She might wish to be a little taller or maybe a little more buxom, but her body was well formed. She stretched effortlessly lifting one foot to her outstretched hand.

She smiled, athletic but still feminine. She made a series of slow relaxing movements in front of the mirror. (Unaware they were a combat maneuver in slow motion.)

Miranda wished she could remember more of her past. The other girls had said it was for the best, to simply enjoy the life they now led. They were for the elite of Bright Cove.

The girls on the docks didn’t fare nearly as well.

No, just focus on the mission. And maybe get a little pleasure out of it herself if she could.

She frowned as the room grew a little darker. One hand made a sweeping motion at a candle nearby. Miranda chuckled. What was she thinking? That she was some sort of mage?

She was still chuckling as she looked at her large brown eyes in the mirror. For just a moment there had been something there. Some odd ripple in the mirror.

Focus on the mission.

Miranda got ready for her assignment for later that evening.


Re: Across the Far Horizon (CC ALL, Mature) Part 27 - 11/18/10

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 5:02 am
by PML
Thanks again for everyone following along.

valentinebaby- Thanks. The answers to your questions are essentially yes. Cirelle would rather bear the child that should have been her daughters than see it not born. It will not be the same child, but it will be close. As for Miranda being Liz, well things are not entirely as they seem. But right now, Liz's skills are effectively the same, making her an extremely dangerous courtesan. Her memories, well that is for another part.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Heart-shaping is essentially Healing taken to the max. And then twisted. Tess can heal almost any injury, but she can aslo manipulate and alter humans and animals. Just by changing their chemisty. She can not add skills, but she can amplify or weaken innate talents. And she can completely change someones personality and memories by altering the brains structure and chemisty.

begonia9508- Thanks. What do you mean by a black fairytale?

keepsmiling7- Thanks. No Kyle really doesn't. And Max isn't the father. Niether is Kyle.

mary mary- Thanks. Again, what do you mean by a black fairytale?

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Across the Far Horizon part 28


Michael sat nursing his drink in a tavern on the good side of town. It was a strange situation. People had a pretty good idea of who and quite likely what he was.

He scared the daylights out of them.

And yet they came to see him. To thank him even.

A few even asked how they could help.

His response?

Organize. Learn to defend your home and family. And your neighbors home and family. And see to it he or she will do the same for you.

It was funny. He spoke with the same brusque voice that had said the same things in arguments before.

Only now they listened. Now that they thought he was some sort of instrument of divine retribution….

Life was truly strange.

And Ava. No wait her name was Tess. Could he trust her?

As Ava he knew he could. The woman had always tried to twist events to her favor, but in the end she could be counted on. But this Tess…..

Her essence was tattered and torn from her actions. She had done evil, both unwittingly and deliberately. There was a seed of goodness, a stubborn core that so far had refused to give in. But it was getting tired and slowly being washed away from the sea of despair she hid within.

She wanted to turn away from her past. She knew she was evil, and wanted to be good. But she was weak. And Michael was afraid that one of her comrades might notice the change, and try to twist her back.

If he was going to break Nikolai’s hold on this city he needed allies. Strong allies.

Back in the day, he could always count on the armies of the Empire to back him up. But now he was all alone. And while he could go rampaging and destroying things left and right, he no longer could stand that sort of indiscriminate violence.

He had done things in the name of the Azen that once had not marred his conscience. He was not so certain of their ineffable rightness now. Not even in the deep past.

A man walked into the tavern and headed straight for his table.

He was entirely out of place here. He was dressed up like some barrister walking down High Street in the Capital City of the Verge. And while they did have lawyers here, no one dressed like that.

His voice was majestic and deep, “Good afternoon, my dear boy. Do you mind if I sit down and have a chat with you?”

Michael bridled immediately upon being called boy. He looked up at the gentlemen, met his deep purple eyes. They were deep set and full of age and wisdom. And old. So terribly old.

Michael looked away. For the first time since the part of him that was called ‘Wrath’ had woken up, Michael was frightened.

He was afraid that he knew who and what this gentleman was. And it filled him with awe and an odd sort of sublime terror.

Michael kept his voice even, looking at the being’s face if not quite meeting his eyes. “I no longer serve the Azen. And I refuse to be a puppet. No longer will I blindly do what I am told.” He stared defiantly at the being’s chin.

“Fear not, Michael. I do not seek to tie you to some cause or organization. That is not now, nor has it ever been my job. I do have a task I would like you to perform. But it will pay you in a coin more valuable than gold.”

Michael raised his eyes just a little more, still unable to meet the being’s eyes. He couldn’t help his own eyes tightening. He did not want to remain some minor pawn in a Celestial gambit. “What is more valuable than gold?”

“Hope. Faith. Love. All of these will be yours if you protect her…..”

Michael felt a thrill as Mr. Blue described what was expected of him.
