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Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 21. 12/17/12

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:45 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hey Guys

Sorry this is a day late, but hey, better late than never right :lol:

Grace: I agree, Tess was a good character before she turned to the dark side. :lol:

Ginger: Ha ha I love Amy Deluca, she is such a great character.

Katie: I completely agree with you.

Neodeu: Ha. Do you really think after crazy-Amy with a non-pregnancy Maria would tell her about the proposal! Anyway we will address the issue of what happened when they were unconscious. Thanks, as always.

Carolyn: Thanks and yes, complete understatement. :lol:

Chapter 21

The next morning, Maria walked briskly down the school corridors, her eyes falling upon her fellow students as they snickered and giggled behind their hands at her.

She knew this was going to happen. Ashley Thompson had obviously remained true to her persona and told everyone that she had seen about Maria buying pregnancy tests at the store yesterday.

As she neared her locker, she could see something hanging from the lock. She quickened her pace and removed the offending object before anyone else saw it. She placed her books inside the small space and then went on the hunt for her boyfriend. If she was taking this shit from the other students, then she was definitely going to share it with her other half.

She found Michael by his own locker, clutching something blue in his hand. As she approached he turned her with a wry grin.

“Is there something you need to tell me, Blondie?” he asked as he held up the blue object for her to see. It was a onesie and worse than that, one that her mother sold in her small souvenir shop. It was blue with green writing on it, saying ‘Daddy’s Little Alien’.

“Ashley Thompson saw me yesterday buying a pregnancy test so she obv….”

“What?” Michael interrupted her, grabbed a hold of Maria’s arm and pulling her around the corner. “Why did you need to do that? Are you….? Are we…..?”

“I told you yesterday, Michael. My mom freaked when I asked about her pregnancy and forced me to take a test. Ashley was in the drug store when we bought them.”

“So now the whole school thinks you’re pregnant?”

Maria held up the baby pink pacifier that had been hanging from her locker. “Ya think?”

“It could be worse,” Michael said with a shrug.

“How, Michael?” Maria huffed. “How could this possibly be worse?”

Michael leaned over to her and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear, “You could actually be pregnant.”

Maria pulled back from him shock, inhaling sharply and her eyes wide. She then hit him with the pacifier. “Do not even joke about that, Spaceboy.”

Michael just smirked at her as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and they set off down the hallway together, both actively ignoring the looks they received from their fellow students.

“This is bad, Michael,” Maria continued. “The whole school is gonna be talking about this by second bell.”

“Let them,” Michael answered simply.

“I don’t like people talking about me,” Maria lamented. “Unless they are saying good things, obviously.”

“Yeah, well, I’m used to it. And you should be by now. You know the whole school has an opinion on our relationship. They’re just jealous, anyway.”

“Jealous of what?” Maria asked him skeptically.

Michael smirked down to her, “That I’m off the market.”

“Pretty sure of yourself there, Spaceboy,” Maria laughed.

“I’m every girl’s fantasy,” he answered simply.

“If you so say,” Maria returned with a knowing grin.

“Oh, I do say so, and you know it.”

Maria did know it. She had actually overheard some of the girls taking about her often badly groomed boyfriend. She knew he was desired, and many members of the female population at West Roswell High had the hots for him, but she wasn’t going to stroke his ego with that knowledge. She figured one of his greatest appeals for the girls was his bad boy image, and he was really trying to move pass that to be something better for her.

“Have you not entertained the notion that it might be because of me?” she asked him.

“Oh, constantly, babe. I’ve read the writing on the wall in the boy’s locker room.”

“Really? What does it say?”

“Oh, look here’s my classroom,” Michael acted surprised, though his half grin told her something completely different.

“Michael! What does it say?”

“Well, let’s just say, I can guarantee that 95% of what is written there is truth. I’m still working on the other 5%.” Then he winked at her and entered the room while she stood at the door, her mouth hanging slightly and her mind a whirl at what could be immortalized in the boy’s locker room.

Maria and Michael spent the rest of their day being questioned by the students at West Roswell High about their baby, Maria vehemently denying the existence of said child whilst Michael simply eluded the questions.
For Maria, the high point of the day came when she was approached by Ms. Flescher wanting to enroll her in the life experience program for expectant mothers held at the local community college. It had taken Maria half an hour and a phone call to her mother to finally get the guidance counselor to accept that fact Maria wasn’t pregnant.


By 7 that evening, the humans and aliens were assembled at the UFO Center under the pretense of a school project. Brody had laughed at them, saying he didn’t mind if they used his establishment for their school work as long as they didn’t mess with any of the exhibits and then returned to his office.

“When will we actually meet Larek and not his proxy?” Liz asked Jackson.

“Soon,” Jackson answered. “Though travel between the two worlds is now instantaneous, Larek is needed back on his own world.”

Maria looked nervously around to the others. What was she expected to say to the guy?

“It will be ok,” Michael reassured her, sensing her discomfort.

“That’s easy for you to say. You actually know your sister.”

Michael looked over to Isabel and smiled. Yes, he had known her his entire life, but they had yet to actually discuss the changes in their relationship. Sure, they had brushed upon the fact they were blood brother and sister, but that had been as far as the conversation had gone. He felt that they needed to talk without Max being there, as they were both too worried about upsetting Max and making him feel like he didn’t belong. Even though Michael was still at odds with Max and his recent treatment of Maria, he still didn’t want to cause the guy any pain. Max had been his brother, blood or not, throughout his entire human life, and he didn’t intend for that to change now.

Jackson walked past them heading toward Brody’s office, indicating that now was the time.

A few minutes later, he returned with Brody in tow.

“Mia,” Larek said with Brody’s voice, and a smile spread across his face as he walked eagerly over to her.
Maria smiled shyly at the man she knew, trying to just imagine it was Brody talking to her and not some alien brother from another planet.

Brody turned to Michael. “Thank you,” he said sincerely, his eyes showing more emotion that his voice did.

“What for?” Michael asked.

“For keeping my sister safe, in this world and your own. From what I understand, even on Antar, you were
always looking out for her.”

Michael looked at Maria and smiled to her. He held out his hand, and she took it, returning his grin. She had known this through her dreams of their life on Antar.

Larek stepped a little closer to her. “You must have a lot of questions?”

“Not really,” Maria answered. “I’m sorry, but this is all a little strange to me. I’ve never been anything other than me, Maria Deluca. I’m not like Michael, Max, and Isabel. I didn’t awake in a pod and instantly know I wasn’t from around here or that I was different.”

She paused, noting the dejected look on Brody’s face.

“But you will return home? You and Rath. To rule your planet?”

Michael and Maria looked at each other. They had yet to discuss this. Maria knew Michael wanted to see his mother and to have that connection with her that he had always needed. But Maria didn’t want to leave her mom. Not in a never going leave home way, but more a I’m not going to leave my mom alone on this planet thing.

“That is something we need to talk about,” Michael offered diplomatically.

“Maybe we could visit?” Maria asked hopefully.

“I think that would be most acceptable for the immediate future. Though the situation needs to be more stable before you return.”

“My Lord,” Jackson interjected. “Maybe a visit from the royal family would help boost the fighters.”

Larek flashed his eyes in anger at the young man. “You expect me to put my sister in danger again? To give Kivar a chance to kidnap her?”

Michael swung his head back and forth between the two men. “That is not going to happen. If there is a slightest possibility that she could be in danger, then she stays here.”

“I have a name, you know. And you’re not going without me,” Maria stated sternly.

“Then we won’t go at all.”

“Michael,” Isabel said, interrupting them.

“If you want to go, Isabel, that’s fine, but I’m not putting Maria in danger.”

“But it’s ok if Isabel’s in danger?” Maria asked, disgusted with Michael’s lack of regard for his sister.

“That’s different, Maria,” Michael answered her, exasperated.

“I don’t see how,” Maria huffed.

“Maybe it’s because Isabel has powers, and you don’t,” Liz offered, hopefully diffusing an argument.

Maria understood what Liz was trying to say, she really did, but all she heard from Liz’s comment was, “we are special, and you’re not.” It brought forth her insecurities that she would never be good enough for anyone, let alone a king from a distant planet. She looked from Liz to Isabel and then to Michael before taking a deep breath.

“If you go, Michael, I want to go with you.” Then she hit where she knew it would hurt Michael the most.

“Surely, I’ll be safer near you than millions of miles away. What if there was an attack?”

She turned to Jackson. “Does the enemy have to same travel technology?” she quizzed him.

“Well, yes,” Jackson said, looking uncertainly at Michael.

“See,” Maria gloated, “They could be here in an instant, and who would be here to protect me then?” She hated using the damsel in distress tactic, but she was willing to try anything to stay with him.

“I could stay,” Max offered. He wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to go back to Antar. Go back to what?

“No,” Michael answered all too quickly. There was absolutely no way on this Earth or any other planet that he was going to leave Maria alone with Max. He shifted his eyes to Maria, silently acknowledging that she had won. “You can come along.”

Maria smiled as Michael continued. “It will have to be next weekend. I can’t miss any school time.”

Kyle laughed a little too loudly at Michael’s comment. The others all looked at him in surprise at his outburst.

“I’m sorry, I just found that highly amusing,” he said.

“Why?” Isabel asked, her eyes narrowing at him.

“Well, considering all the times we have all skipped school for some crazy alien conspiracy, Michael picks now to the responsible member of the group,” Kyle explained.

“If I miss any more unexplained time from school, I’ll be out on my ass,” Michael huffed.

Brody/Larek moved a little closer to Maria, who was watching with amusement as Michael and Kyle quarreled the benefits of skipping school.

“Mia,” he started.

She turned quickly to him. “Maria,” she said simply.

“Of course, I’m sorry,” he answered her quickly. “Maria. Can I ask? Are you happy? Were you happy? On Antar, I mean.”

Maria smiled to him and took him gently by the hand to lead him over to some seating that Brody had provided for his customers.

“She, Mia or Maya, whatever you want to call her, she was very happy. I admit, there were times when I’m remembering certain parts of her life that she was scared and lonely, but all that changed when he entered her life,” and she indicated to Michael with her head.

She saw the sadness in the Brody’s eyes and could only imagine how Larek was feeling at that moment.

“She missed you,” she said with a small smile. “Sometimes, you were all she could think about: You and your parents.”

“Why?” Larek asked softly. “Why did she never tell anyone who she was?”

“The details are all sketchy at best,” Maria answered him, knowing he needed answers but unsure she could provide them adequately. “As far as I can remember, and you have to know this information is only from dreams, someone called Jessina told her to keep her identity a secret, and Mia took that to heart.”

Larek nodded. “Jessina was her protector. Mia had been taught from a very young age to always listen to her instructions and obey without hesitation.”

Maria was a little taken back when Larek confirmed this Jessina person really had existed. There was no escaping the fact that her dreams were those of this dead girl.

“Jessina must have been in great fear for Mia’s life for her to instruct her to keep her identity hidden,” Larek finished.

Maria nodded, unsure what further to say.

“And,” Larek started again, nervously. “Do you have any idea who killed Mia?”

Maria shook her head slowly. “I’m sorry, but I haven’t remembered anything about that.” She didn’t want to remember the feeling she had when she briefly visited Mia’s lost moments on Antar while unconscious. The pain had been unbearable and, to be truthful, she didn’t want to know who had killed Maya.

Larek nodded in understanding. “When you come home, that is, when you come to Antar for your visit,
would you be willing to meet our parents?”

“They are still alive?” Maria asked, shocked and little concerned that she hadn’t thought about them before now.

“Yes,” Larek beamed. “And most eager to meet you.”

“I don’t know,” Maria answered uncertainly. “That might be a little bizarre.”

“Well, maybe on your next visit then?” Larek concluded.

“Maybe,” Maria agreed with a small smile.

“I would appreciate it if you would seriously consider it,” Larek returned her smile.


“I have to say, those Antarians are really good with developing their technology. You are my sister, Maria, down to your very fingernails. You even have the golden glint in the green of your eyes that Mia had.”

“I always wondered why I looked nothing like my mother,” Maria laughed.

“You look like our mother,” Larek told her gently.

Maria nodded, unsure what to do with that information. The fact that she looked like some stranger was disconcerting. She almost imagined this was what people felt like after hearing they are adopted. But her mother still gave birth to her; she was still conceived in the old fashioned way.

“I’m sorry,” Larek said, noting the sad look on her face. “I’ve upset you.”

“No, it’s ok, really,” Maria said quickly. “It’s just……it’s hard for me to imagine having another mother. I have a mom here in Earth and for the longest time, it’s been just us. Now I suddenly have this whole other family in a far-away place, it’s……..weird.”

“I understand. Almost like discovering your long – lost sister, who died decades ago, is living and breathing on Earth.”

Maria smiled a genuine smile to her brother, “Yeah, exactly.”

“We’ll progress at which ever pace you choose, Maria. I’m content to know that you are happy. You are happy, aren’t you?”

Maria answered without hesitation. “Yes. I’m as happy here as Mia was on Antar.”

“Good, because I have no problems with having a few words with His Majesty,” Larek responded with a smile.

“That won’t be necessary,” Maria laughed.

Michael looked over to Maria and Brody/Larek talking and hoped she was doing ok. When he saw her smile and laugh, he knew he had nothing to worry about. A few minutes later they returned to the group.

“I really should be going. I have used this body for too long,” Larek said, then turned to Max. “He may need a little more rest than normal after this visit.”

Max nodded, understanding Larek’s instructions.

Isabel took a step forward and placed her hand on Larek’s hand. “Please, will you tell my mother, if you see her….” She paused, what did she want to say to the person she most desperately wanted to see?

“I will tell her that you are as beautiful as ever, that you are happy and will see her soon,” he answered knowingly.

“Thank you,” Isabel smiled.

“Until next weekend then,” he said with a nod of his head in the direction of Michael and Maria.

He then turned to Jackson. “I will inform the Dowager Queen of your planned visit.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Jackson answered with a slight bow, then he followed Larek back into Brody’s office.

“Well, that went well,” Kyle piped up. “Are we all invited along on this intergalactic getaway?”

“I don’t see why you all can’t tag along,” Maria answered looking at Michael. “We are all in this together, right?”

“Right,” Michael affirmed.

“And royalty are supposed to have an entourage, aren’t they?” Maria added with a grin, then wished she hadn’t as Liz’s hurtful words of her wanting to world to bow before her echoed in her head.

“I’d better start practicing my bowing skills,” Kyle smirked before Maria shot her eyes to him, and he too remembered the cruel and hurtful things Liz had yelled at Maria in his car.

“Hey, we’re probably all held in high esteem thought, right?” he concluded with a look to Isabel, his own eyes shifting nervously to Liz.

“Don’t worry, Kyle,” Isabel laughed. “I’m sure the ladies will be falling at your feet.”

“Oh no, Is,” Maria added. “Just remember, Kyle was forbidden to touch the women in his old life.”

“That won’t still stand though, will it?” Kyle asked, looking between the two girls. “We are all different people, really. Surely, there could be some Kyle loving along the way.”

“Geez, Kyle, is that all you thinking about?” Liz asked.

“No. Only 95% of the time,” he reasoned with a look to Michael.

“Hey, don’t bring me into this,” Michael smirked as he headed for the stairs, his arm falling around Maria’s shoulders. Kyle, Isabel, and Liz falling into step with them.

“So what do you think about the other 5%?” Maria asked goodheartedly.

Kyle looked at Michael, and they both grinned and said at the same time. “Food!”


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 22. 1/06/13

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:04 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey, come on in, take a seat and enjoy :D

Neodeu: Thanks as always.

Katie: OK, I will take that under advisement.

Carolyn: Yeah, you can just see that confidence ooze :lol:

Grace: Yeah, it has to be hard for Maria.

Ginger: It’s amazing what kids can handle. :D

Chapter 22.

A few days later, Kyle walked purposely down the school hallways looking for Maria. He was bristling with embarrassment and distress, and the only one person he felt he could take his anguish out on was Maria. She would understand and do that calming thing she always did to make things seem better.

He saw a flash of her hair as she exited her classroom and headed off down the corridor, intent on making for the quad and a seat in the shade.

“Maria,” Kyle called, hoping to get her attention, and when she turned her head at his voice, he smiled in spite of himself.

Maria waited for Kyle to catch up with her, and then slipped her arm into the crook of his elbow, and they continued down the corridor.

“What’s up, Buddha Boy?” she asked.

“Maria, I know I’m a grown man and all that, but you’ve got to help me,” he implored her.

“With what?” she answered, repressing the giggle that threatened to erupt at his choice of words. Grown man indeed. In her opinion, anyone who still thought snorting milk out of his nose was hilarious was definitely not a grown man.

“You have to get your mom to start learning how to lock the bathroom door,” he said simply and shuddered as he remembered last night’s incident.

“Oh, did you walk in on her in the shower again?” Maria laughed.

“It’s not funny, Maria. There are some things a guy does not need to see. I mean, don’t get me wrong. For an old chick, your mom is definitely working the whole MILF thing,”

“Oh, God, Kyle. Please don’t,” Maria tried to stop him.

“BUT that woman could very well end up being my mother, so I just don’t need to see…..” he waved his hands in front of his chest, indicating a woman’s upper body, “anything!”

Maria laughed harder at his obvious embarrassment.

“Hey, quit it,” Kyle said sternly. “I’d like to see you find the funny side if you walked in on my dad in the shower.”

That stopped Maria quickly, her smiling slipping as she turned to him. “That is so gross, Kyle!” she groaned to him, pulling her hand away from his arm and hitting his shoulder with it.

“Yeah, you’re not laughing now, are you?” Kyle cackled.

“Oh God, I think I need to have my mind wiped now!” Maria exclaimed, as over-dramatic as usual.

“So, you’ll talk to her?”

“Yes, Kyle. I’ll remind her about that crazy invention called a lock,” she paused, pondering something before asking. “Your bathroom door does actually have a lock on the bathroom door, right?

“Of course,” Kyle looked around them, rolling his eyes are her question, and then moved a little closer to her. “Do you know there are rumors running around that you’re pregnant?”

“Oh Kyle, that’s old news. I wish you’d keep up,” Maria laughed to him, waving her hand dismissively.

“So you’re not pregnant?”

“You are the only one out of the “I Know an Alien Club” who has actually come out and asked me,” Maria said to him, thankful that he was at least concerned enough to question her.

“Well, I need to know if I have to kick his majesty’s ass for knocking up my sister,” Kyle replied, his face deadpan.

“Ha - now that I would like to see. And don’t bother because it’s not true,” Maria smiled to him.

“Thank God for that,” Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. “Michael is a little overprotective of you at the moment, and I can only imagine that would go into overdrive if you were carrying a little Guerin in there.”

“Oh God, could you just envision that!” Maria laughed and then shuddered as images exploded in her mind of just how over-protective Michael could be.

“Hey, Ria?” Kyle started, his eyes darting to her and then away as if concerned with his next question.

“Have you told him yet? About the little unconscious journey we took on Saturday night?”

“No, Kyle, and I don’t think I want to,” Maria admitted.

“Maria, he’s going to find out eventually, and then he’s gonna be pissed. Better just get it over with,” Kyle offered his advice.

“You do realize it’s a little unnerving to talk about yourself dying in a past life?” she answered him.

“Yeah, I understand that, but what if we need to know who killed Mia before we go to Antar? Maybe that person is still out there and could try again?” Kyle had been thinking about this and was almost on the verge to taking his concerns to Michael. But seeing the mood he had been in recently regarding his girlfriend, he decided to go to her first.

Maria looked shyly at Kyle. “I already know who killed her.”

“What!” Kyle exclaimed a little too loudly and Maria shushed him, moving him out of the flow of students in the hallway. “I thought you didn’t remember.”

“I don’t,” she admitted. “Someone told me.”

“Who?” Kyle asked intrigued.

“I don’t really want to talk about it here,” she answered him, her eyes darting around them, not trusting the student body at school anymore. “Why don’t you come over to Michael’s this evening? We’ll tell him what happened, and then I’ll fill you both in.”

“OK,” Kyle replied skeptically, looking at her sideways.

“Great, you can bring to food,” she beamed.

“Hey, wait, why do I have to bring to food?”

“Because you and Michael eat, like, three times as much as I do, and my bank roll just can’t take a hit like that at the moment. I’m still paying off on the repairs for the Jetta,” she explained as they join the throng again, heading for lunch.

Hours later, Kyle knocked loudly on the battered wood of Michael’s front door. Almost immediately, it was opened to reveal Maria on the other side.

“Geez Kyle, were you trying to break through the wood?” she laughed and inspected the door for holes or dents.

“Well, I wasn’t sure if you two would be otherwise engaged, and I could have been out here for ages trying to get your attention,” Kyle reasoned.

“Oh please, that’s not all we do here, you know,” Maria returned indignantly.

Kyle just smirked at her as he entered the small apartment carrying three pizza boxes, his face implying he knew otherwise.

“Yeah,” Michael grinned from his sprawled position on the couch, “we do it other places, too!”

“Michael!” Maria snapped her head snapping around to him.

“Oh, come on, Blondie. He already knows this,” Michael said as he stood and grabbed the top box from the stack in Kyle’s arms. “I hope one of these is the Man’s Meaty Feast.”

“Hey!” Kyle answered incredulously as if he was offended at Michael’s lack of trust in him as Michael lifted the lid of the box he had taken and grinned. “extra jalapenos, sweet!”

“Grab the tabasco, babe,” he called to Maria as she headed to the kitchen to retrieve some soda’s for them.
Maria nodded in response and opened the cupboard that housed the firey sauce. As she returned to the living area, she smiled to see Michael laughing at something Kyle had said as he flicked the TV onto a re-run of an ice hockey game.

It was good to see Michael relaxed and at ease. He was always on guard, ready to go at a moment’s notice, especially just recently.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure of this secret meeting?” Michael asked after he had gulped down a huge bite from his first pizza slice.

“Michael, could you not have asked that before stuffing the pizza in?” Maria exclaimed. She had hoped his eating habits would have improved a little and instantly wondered what the citizens of Antar would think if they could see their king like this.

Michael shrugged at her with a smirk and she couldn’t help returning his grin.

“Who said anything about a secret meeting?” Kyle asked anxiously, wondering how Michael always knew when something was amiss.

“Don’t get me wrong, Kyle. You’re welcome here any time, but I guess this was planned, so spill,” Michael answered simply.

Maria looked nervously at Kyle, and then back to Michael.

“We need to talk to you about something that happened on Saturday, and we need you to keep calm,” she said gently to him, her hand falling onto his arm.

“Ok, I can be calm,” Michael returned coolly, then finished his pizza slice and reached for another.

Kyle laughed at that and quickly became quiet as two sets of eye swung to him. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

“Remember when we had that little incident with the protective shield?” Maria started, her hand soothingly stroking his arm.

“That wasn’t so protective,” Michael huffed, not wanting to remember his inadequacies with his powers.

“Maria, that image is permanently etched onto my brain,” he finished.

“Well,” he eyes darted to Kyle and then back to Michael, “When we were unconscious, something happened.”

She held her breath, expecting Michael to blow up at this for two reasons. One: that something had happened to her that he caused: and two: she hadn’t told him about it straight away.

Michael just nodded at this. He figured something had happened with the both of them, something serious considering Kyle’s frantic behavior after he had regained consciousness. He had not pushed for any details, though, as it had been quite a traumatic weekend for Maria. It’s not every day your best friend insults you, your boyfriend proposes, your mom thinks you’re pregnant, and you meet a brother from another planet.

Yeah, Maria had certainly had a rough weekend.

“We both ended up in the same place. On Antar,” Maria continued cautiously.

“And….,” Michael offered, wishing she would just get on with it.

“And it was when Maya or Mia was dying,” she rushed out.

That stopped Michael mid-chew as he looked from Maria to Kyle. He swallowed nervously before saying to Kyle. “Did you have something to do with her death?”

“No!” Kyle answered quickly. “I found her, and she was barely alive.”

Michael looked at Maria, concern evident on his face. “You felt that?” he asked. “You felt what it was like for her to die?”

Maria nodded. “I think she had been thrown against the wall.”

“Yeah, but there was a lot of blood, as well,” Kyle added, thinking he was helping.

Michael’s eyes narrowed at Maria. “Blood!”

Maria just nodded again as she opened the other pizza box, looking for something she could eat without one of the boys moaning at her for eating their pizza. She smiled when she saw the ham and mushroom pizza. Perfect. Kyle truly thought of everyone.

“Maria!” Michael said drawing her attention from the pizza. “Where was the blood coming from?”

Maria and Kyle exchanged another glance.

“It was sort of localized,” Kyle offered vaguely.

“Localized where?” Michael probed his heart pounding. They obviously didn’t want to tell him which could only mean it was really bad.

Maria sighed. “I think she was pregnant, Michael. And the trauma from being slammed against as well, it was too much, and she….”

“She lost the baby,” Michael finished, sickened by the thought. An image flooded his mind of Maria pregnant with his child, and while his heart fluttered at that thought, there was also an innate sense of fear and an overwhelming need to protect the baby she was carrying.

Maria took a bite of her pizza slice to stop herself from having to answer.

Michael looked at the food in the box before him, suddenly losing his appetite.

“You felt that? You felt her losing the baby?”

“There was a lot of pain, her body was in agony,” Maria whispered.

“And that’s why you were so urgent to bring her back to consciousness?” Michael asked, turning to Kyle again.

“We had this theory we didn’t want the test that old urban legend. You know, if you day when dreaming you die in life?” Kyle answered him, realizing how silly this sounded.

“That’s just a load of bullshit,” Michael said shortly.

“Are you sure?” Kyle returned, trying to defend himself. “Have you ever actually died in your dreams?”

“Well no, but….”

“Yeah, well, I didn’t want to take the chance,” Kyle finished, hoping Michael would see it from his point of view. “Sure, it’s a myth,” he continued, “but so are aliens, right?”

Michael almost smirked at that. True, many people believed aliens were pure myth, but there was a growing group in Roswell that knew otherwise. He looked Kyle straight in the eyes, nodding his slightly. “Thanks, Kyle.”

Kyle was actually embarrassed with the emotion he heard in Michael’s voice. This wasn’t the Michael Guerin he was used to. He had learnt to accept the brash Michael, no-nonsense, tell you like it is Michael; The guy who would go in all guns blazing.

This Michael? This was the man who only Maria got to see.

“Yeah,” was all Kyle could say.

They ate in silence for a moment. Then Kyle said, “So Maria, you said you know who it was that killed Mia?”

Maria finished chewing the food in her mouth, then she took a quick drink of her soda.

‘Yeah,” she answered softly, placing the can back on the table.

“So? Who was it?” Michael asked impatiently.

“Vilondra,” Maria told them both.

“Isabel!” Michael exclaimed, shocked.

“No,” Maria replied, slowly. “Vilondra.” She needed Michael to be aware of the difference.

“And how do you know that?” Kyle asked after a brief pause. His eyes had been watching Michael’s reaction to Maria’s revelation, and he could see the other man’s jaw clenching tightly.

“Liz told me. She remembered some things the night we had our ‘disagreement’,” she stated with disgust, actually used air quotes.

“I’m sorry, Maria, but I don’t really know if I quite believe Miss My-Boyfriend-Isn’t-King-Anymore-and-All is-Wrong-with-the-World,” Michael said, standing and tossing the now empty pizza box onto the breakfast bar.

“Now that’s a title,” Kyle laughed, reaching for the other container.

“Well, I sometimes shorten it to bitch,” Michael smirked, sitting back down and eyeing the new pizza.

“Michael, please don’t talk about Liz like that,” Maria signed, picking at the cheese on her pizza.

“Maria, the girl has been a little certifiable just recently,” Michael justified himself.

“Well, maybe a little, but you don’t need to call her a bitch,” she returned, her eyes on the food and not her boyfriend. “She also mentioned Kivar,” she finished, figuring she might as well get it all out there.

“Kivar?” Michael repeated slowly.

Maria nodded. “She said Betina was jealous of Maya because of Zan and Kivar.”

“What does that have to do with Maya’s death?” Kyle asked.

Maria shrugged. “I’m just letting you that Liz mentioned Kivar, that’s all. You know, before we fly off to Never-Never Land.”

“This isn’t Peter Pan, Maria,” Michael returned a little more sharply than he had intended to, standing and glaring down at Maria.

“Don’t I know it,” she said back, just as tartly, standing also to meet his gaze.

“Hey, guys, lets calm down, ok?” Kyle interjected.

“I am calm,” they replied in unison, their eyes blazing as they faced each other.

Kyle’s eyes flicked from Michael to Maria, and he grinned. “It’s just, I don’t want to be here if you two are going to have a fight.”

“We are not having a fight,” Maria told him, finally turning her head to look at him perched on the edge of the couch.

“Good because though I can handle the shouting and the name calling that you obviously don’t mean, it’s the makeup I don’t want to be around for.”

Maria turned back to Michael to see him smirking at her, and she gave a snort, halfway between a laugh and a huff. Michael stepped forward, his arms outstretched and Maria moved into his embrace.

“Please do not get physical,” Kyle moaned, “I’ve just eaten.”

Michael moved back to the couch, and Maria squeezed in between them on the battered cushions. Michael passed her plate over after dropping another slice onto it, and she smiled as she accepted it. He reached back to the box containing the other pizza Kyle had selected for them: BBQ chicken with extra peppers.

They sat in companionable silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts as they continued their dinner.

“Do you think we need to be concerned about the Kivar thing?” Kyle eventually asked.

“I think we always need to be cautious of Kivar,” Michael answered.

“Yeah, but judging from what Liz said about her being jealous of Maya because of Zan AND Kivar,” Kyle paused before continuing, “well, we all know how Zan feels about Maya. Maybe this Kivar dude had the same major jonsing for Maya, as well.”

Maria stopped mid-chew, and her face contorted into an expression of disgust.

“Do you remember anything like that?” Michael asked her, his voice a stonewall to his emotions about the possibility that there was another alien out there who wanted his girlfriend.

Maria thought for a minute, her mind awhirl with images of what she had remembered so far. “I don’t think so. I don’t recall ever meeting Kivar. I think there were a few run-ins with his father, though.”

“Yeah, but Maya worked in the palace, so he would have seen her, right?” Kyle pushed.

“Yeah,” Maria acknowledged.

“But Kivar was a lord or something. Would he really have taken notice of a serving girl?” Michael added.

Kyle looked bewilderedly at Michael. “Are you seriously asking me that? Michael, the fake king fancied her.
You, a Lord, were probably nailing her every day.”

“Kyle!” Maria exclaimed loudly. “There is no need for that.”

“Well, it’s true,” Kyle smirked. “So what’s to say this other guy hadn’t noticed Maya either?”

“Does anyone remember the good old days when we were running from the FBI?” Michael quipped. He half-expected to have to fight his way through the male population of West Roswell High when it came to his gorgeous girlfriend, but the thought that there was an evil alien out there who had nearly decimated a planet and who could possibly want Maria, too. That was a little too much, in his opinion.

He turned to Kyle. He was the only one he could trust with her now. “When we are on Antar, you are to NEVER leave her alone. You hear me? Not for one minute.”

“Can I at least pee in private?” Maria snorted.

“No,” Michael returned quickly. “If you are not with me, you will be with him, and I am going to talk to Brody- Larek – whoever, to make sure you have a guard or something.”

“Michael…” Maria started.

“No, Maria. If you insist on coming with us, it is under these terms,” Michael told her shortly.


Michael turned fully to her. “Kivar is a killer, Blondie. Not like Max, harmless, or Zan who I doubt really has the balls to do anything. But Kivar, he killed his own sister.”

Maria nodded once. She had yet to tell Michael that Zan had actually tried to rape Maya and would probably have succeeded if Ava hadn’t interrupted him.

“OK, Spaceboy,” she relented, seeing that resolve in his eyes.

Kyle just nodded his acceptance of his role during their visit, though seriously wondering how effected he would be against a full-bloodied alien. He smiled to Maria, knowing he would do whatever it took. She was his sister, and no one was going to hurt her.

Across town at the CrashDown, Liz was bristling with anger. She couldn’t believe she was stuck here working the evening shift. And to top it off, Maria had called and begged her way out of her shift.

Liz felt the resentment she recently had for her friend begin to build again, and she consciously made an effect to push it back down, determined that it wouldn’t take over again.

She marched over the diner to deliver another meal to a family of four, smiling brightly and congratulating herself on her acting skills, then returned to where Isabel was sitting at the counter.

The tall alien had been there for the last half hour, and to be honest, Liz was become tired of her, too. Isabel played on her insecurities, though, of course, she was unaware of this. She was elegant and beautiful, always immaculately dressed. With Isabel, there was never even a hair out of place, and her perfection angered Liz.

Liz caught her reflection in the large windows at the front of the diner. Her turquoise uniform was stained with spots of food, strands of her hair had pulled from her hair elastic and dangled lifelessly down, and she was forever pushing them behind her ear, and she knew she looked like a mess.

Isabel was expressing her concern about their impending return to Antar, and Liz wondered why she was bringing this up with her. It hadn’t escaped her notice that Maria and Isabel had grown closer during the last year, especially the last few months. She guessed the only reason Isabel was here with her was because Maria was with Michael somewhere, doing things that still remained a mystery to her. Oh, she knew what they were doing, all right, but that closeness with Max still eluded her.

It hurt her to think Max might actually want that with Maria, but not with her. When she was in the right frame of mind, she understood that side of Max was Zan, and she knew all too well what it was like to battle with another personality. She couldn’t stop the feeling of hurt and disgust when she caught him looking at her former best friend, his eyes bright and a leering smile.

She shook her head and walked away from Isabel again, heading for the backroom, not wanting to hear any more about Maria and Michael or about Isabel speculating what her mother was like and what traveling to their home planet would hold for them. Liz found it strangely funny that she, Maria, and Kyle had more memories of Antar now compared to Isabel, Max, and Michael. She gloated silently that she could envision the palace and its environments, but Isabel couldn’t.

Liz whirled around to face Isabel. The Blonde had followed her into the backroom and had said something that registered with her brain.

“Sorry?” Liz asked, hoping Isabel would repeat what she had uttered.

“I said,” Isabel huffed out, “I wonder if Kivar would try anything on this little visit. I don’t think I’m ready to see him yet.”

“Isabel, it’s been fifty odd years since you last saw him,” Liz answered her.

“But I loved him,” Isabel squeaked out.

Liz snorted. You’re not the only one.

Liz thought, not for the first time, what Isabel would do if she knew she was responsible for Maria’s death on Antar, and before she could stop herself she spoke, “You know, I remember you from Antar.”

Isabel looked at her, her eyes wide. “What do you remember?”

“I remember you were a spoiled princess who was used to having her own way all the time,” Liz said in a light voice, as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Isabel’s head snapped back at Liz’s words. “Well….. I was a princess,” she reasoned.

Liz smirked at her. “And when you didn’t get your own way, you took vengeance on those you felt had wronged you,” Liz continued, her insides bubbling with excitement at Isabel’s distressed features, her mind willing her to stop before she went too far.

“And your revenge against the one you felt offended you most, who took your one true love away from you….that was your crowning glory,” she teased.

“What?” Isabel asked quietly, not really wanting to know, but needing Liz to tell her. “What did I do?”

Liz laughed. “Well, you killed her, of course.”

Isabel took a step back at the easiness of Liz’s voice. Killed who? her mind called out. Who did I kill?

Liz sniggered at the devastated look of the Ice Princess’ face. This shouldn’t be news for her. She was the reason her brother, her betrothed, and her sister-in-law had all been killed. What was one more person to that list?

“Who?” Isabel asked simply, her eyes on the floor.

“You killed a girl, because Kivar wanted to make her his queen and not you,” Liz taunted her more, taking a step closer as Isabel sat down sharply on the sofa.

Isabel swallowed at that news, and her stomach seemed to drop and lurch at the same time, like she had taken a suckerpunch to her belly. Her mind reeled with a million thoughts and questions all at once, but one stood out more prominent than the others.

“Who?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper, and looked up to see Liz smirking again, and her heart fell, realizing that she already knew the answer to her question.

Liz’s eyes gleamed with something Isabel could not comprehend, and her smirk widened into an evil grin as she said easily… “Maria.”


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 23. 1/13/13

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:11 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey Guys,

Hope you are all having a great day so far.

Thanks for reading and leaving feedback, it really helps.

I hope wherever you are in the world, life is treating you kindly.

And – GO PATS!!!

Katie: Thanks :D

Grace: It sure is. Let’s just hope they can all move on together.

Carolyn: They do, don’t they. And I feel as though Liz is really struggling with these new emotions. She’s not the type to be bitchy and when she is, it’s a shock to her as much as to everyone else.

Neodeu: Your question is answered right now. Yeah, Michael seems to have more control over his powers these days.

Chapter 23

Isabel shifted in her chair once more, her uneasiness evident in her inability to sit still. She was in the school library reading a history book. At least that’s what it looked like to any casual observer. Actually, the text she was reading could have been anything, she had just pulled a random book from the shelf, opened it at a page, and gotten lost in her thoughts.

In truth, she was hiding: Hiding from her friends.

After Liz had revealed her shocking revelation last evening, Isabel felt she couldn’t face Maria or Michael. What did you say to someone who you killed in another lifetime?

Her mind wandered back to last year and the guilt she experienced when she first learned who she was and what she had done to her family on Antar. What do you do with that? Who can you go to and talk through it? She knew she could have handled the whole situation differently. She’d avoided Max, just like she was avoiding Maria now.

Isabel wasn’t Vilondra. Fundamentally, Isabel understood that, but like the others, she knew Vilondra was lurking somewhere just beneath the surface, and she didn’t want parts of her other self to emerge.
While it was obvious Zan had harbored feelings for his serving staff, and Betina may very well have been a conniving bitch, neither of them was responsible for killing anyone else.

Isabel looked up from her book when she sensed someone walking over to her and shrunk back a little when she saw Michael and Maria heading over.

“So, this is where you are hiding out,” Maria said cheerily as she pulled over the chair next to Isabel and sat down, dropping her book bag onto the table top.

“Yeah,” Isabel forced out, trying to keep her voice light and carefree, and she held up her book. “Just trying to study.”

“That’s bullshit,” Michael grunted as he flopped onto another chair beside Maria. “What gives, Isabel? Why are you avoiding us?”

“What?.......Who?.......I’m not……..” Isabel spluttered.

“Yes, you are,” Michael returned, maybe a little too angrily than he meant to.

“What Michael is trying to say is,” Maria interjected, “we’ve noticed you heading in the opposite direction when you see us. You didn’t sit with us at lunch. And now, you are reading for a subject you no longer study.”

Isabel looked down bewildered at the text in front of her to see she was reading a book on the Civil War. She closed it with a shy smile and pushed it further down the table.

“So, the only conclusion we could come up with is you are avoiding someone or somebodies,” Maria finished.

“What’s wrong, Iz?” Michael asked, sitting forward in his hard plastic chair, his eyes full of concern.

“I….” Isabel started, her gaze shifted from Michael to Maria.

“You know, don’t you?” Maria whispered, leaning her body forward slightly.

“Know what?” Isabel asked, her eyes wide with that deer in the headlights look.

Maria looked conspiratorially around them, her eyes searching for anyone who might be listening. Her gaze landed on Jackson a few tables over, and at the slight incline of his head, she turned back to Isabel.

Maria had strangely gotten used to her new shadow. Jackson followed her constantly now, and while she still found that disturbing, she knew why he was doing it. And for Michael’s piece of mind, she held her tongue on what she really thought about her alien bodyguard.

“You know what happened on Antar,” she continued to Isabel, “Between Vilondra and Maya.”

Now Isabel looked really shocked as her wide eyes seem to double in size at Maria’s statement.

“How do you know?” she asked quickly, her voice low as her gaze shifted from Maria to Michael.

“Liz told me,” Maria answered, shrugging one shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “She told me during our little talk.”

“You’ve known since then?” Isabel hissed quietly. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I needed to talk to Spaceboy here first,” Maria said in her defense.

“Babe, ya know what? Since I’m a king now and all, do you think we could drop the Spaceboy thing?”

“Ooh, someone woke up grumpy this morning?” Maria teased.

“Bite me, Blondie,” Michael grinned back to her. “I was thinking more along the lines of Spaceking.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Maria answered him, a disbelieving look on her face.

“Come on, you know I’m your Spaceking,” Michael told her, inching his chair closer to her and giving her a special look that only she ever saw, a quirk of his eyebrow and a lazy half smile.

Maria ducked her head and blushed a little at his innuendo. “Michael,” she whispered, “this is hardly the time or the place for that.”

Michael gave her a full blown smirk. “It’s never stopped you before.”

“Michael,” Maria looked shocked and swatted him on the arm.

She turned back to Isabel, ready to launch back into their conversation, to see her grinning at them.

“What?” Maria asked, unable to stop mimicking her smile.

Isabel shook her head. “You are the only two I know who can switch from talking about a killer princess to sex in no time at all.”

“Who’s talking about sex?” Maria said indignantly.

“I’m not stupid, Maria. And I don’t really want to know the places you two have gone at it,” Isabel returned in a dismissive voice.

“Good,” Michael grumbled, “because I’m not discussing my sex life with my sister.”

“Thank the Lord for that,” Isabel exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.

“Ok, get we get back on track,” Maria asked, her eyes swinging between the two. When they both nodded in agreement, she settled back on Isabel. “There really is no need to avoid us, Isabel. We all know the people you were on Antar are not who you are now.”

Isabel looked at Maria for a second, her face a picture of nervousness, and then glanced over to Michael.

“You know, I feel compelled to point out. No matter how many times we all say we are not who we were on Antar, you two, you both seem to be exactly who you were on Antar. Why is that?” Isabel stated.

Michael and Maria exchanged a concerned glance at Isabel’s comment.

“I thought Rath was pretty much a shithead on Antar,” Michael pointed out.

Isabel snorted a laugh. “Michael, a lot of the populace around here might think of you as a shithead, but those who know you, they know better. And maybe Rath was a class-A dick, but with Maya, he wasn’t. I’m sorry to break it to you, but you are exactly like Rath.”

She turned to Maria. “And Maya, though I don’t remember much about her, I have come to understand through your dreams that she would do anything for Rath.” Isabel stopped and waved her hand between them with a raised eyebrow, and Maria knew what she wasn’t saying. Maria would do anything for Michael.

“Tess obviously wasn’t that much different from her other self, and I’m guessing Kyle isn’t either,” Isabel continued.

“Neither was Alex,” Maria added sadly.

Isabel nodded once. “So, if all you guys are not different from your other selves, then why is everyone hell bent on convincing the rest of us that Max, Liz, and I are?”

“Isabel,” Maria reached out and grabbed the taller girls hands and she asked seriously, “Do you want to kill me?”

“No,” Isabel answered without hesitation. “But how do you know that won’t change when Kivar enters the picture?”

“And here we go, back to Kivar again,” Michael huffed a little too loudly.

“Why would you say that?” Maria asked, ignoring Michael’s outburst.

Isabel looked shyly to Maria. “So, Liz didn’t tell you that part, eh?”

“She mentioned something about being jealous of Maya because of Zan and Kivar but was very sketchy on the Kivar parts,” Maria explained.

“I wish she’d been sketchy with me,” Isabel mumbled, her eyes on the table.

“She implied that Kivar wanted to make Maya is queen, and Vilondra wasn’t overly fond of this idea,” Isabel finally lifted her eyes to Maria. “I guess she really did love the man.”

Maria didn’t know how to respond to Isabel’s declaration of Vilondra’s love. She knew if she felt threatened for Michael’s attention, she would gladly take down the bitch who was trying to muscle in….. but was she capable of murder?

She looked over to Michael to catch the smirk on his face before he quickly schooled his expression. He obvious knew what she was thinking about, and she silently cursed their connection.

“What are you smirking at now, Spaceboy?” she asked, emphasizing her nickname for him.

“Nothing,” he grinned. “Just thinking that Isabel might be right. Maybe we are more alike than we thought.”

Maria raised her eyebrow in question, and Michael sighed.

“It seems both of us fell for the girl everyone wants,” he explained.

Maria huffed at his answer before turned back to Isabel. “Do you think these feelings Vilondra had for Kivar will re-surface when we visit?”

Isabel shrugged. “I don’t know, Maria. I don’t even know what the man looks like. I have no memory of him at all.”

Maria nodded, and Isabel looked at her cautiously. “Do you know how Maya died?”

Maria shifted uncomfortably in her chair. “I don’t think we need to discuss that,” she said diplomatically.

“So you do,” Isabel countered, her eyes wide again. She looked over to Michael when Maria refused to say anymore.

“She remembered it when I knocked her unconscious,” Michael offered.

“Not deliberately,” Maria interceded, her hand falling onto Michael’s thigh affectionally, knowing he still held himself accountable for the incident.

Michael acknowledged her offer of reassurance with a slight twitch of his lips, and Maria gave his leg a squeeze before turning back to Isabel.

“Yeah, I remembered, but I really think it would be better if we didn’t discuss it. You don’t need to know the finer details. I’m not even sure what really happened anyway, only what I felt when I……… when she was……”

“Dying,” Isabel offered.

Maria nodded, her lips curling slightly.

Isabel thought about that. Her friend actually had experienced her other self dying. That was so wrong on so many levels. She had no memory of her death on Antar, and she didn’t think Michael or Max did either.
But Maria, she seemed to be having the full blown Technicolor version of their lives, including her own death.

“I’m sorry, Maria,” Isabel squeeze out, unable to keep the emotion from her voice any longer.
Maria moved over to her friend and enveloped her into a hug. “It’s not your fault, Isabel. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

Isabel clung to her friend, willing her tears not to fall. They were in school, and she had a reputation to upkeep.

“Ok, you two,” Michael said, interrupting their moment. “Break it up before I have to hose the guys down.”

Maria moved away from Isabel, and both girls looked around the library to see several sets of male eyes on them.

“Typical,” Isabel groaned.

“Why are guys so disgusting?” Maria asked nobody in particular.

“Not all guys are,” Michael answered in the defense of males worldwide.

“Oh, really!” Maria laughed, her eyebrow rising. “You forget, Michael. I have exclusive access to your innermost thoughts. I know what goes on in there, and it can get pretty perverted.”

“Yeah, well, ditto baby,” Michael grinned back to her.

Maria inhaled sharply, her face showing her surprise at his response. “Michael,” she whispered hoarsely.
Michael just continued to grin at her, leaning back on the plastic chair, his feet stretched out in front of him and his hands behind his head.

Maria looked around the room surreptitiously, hoping no one caught what he had said. When the weird guy on the table beside them leered at her, she shuddered and slapped her hand against Michael’s shoulder.

Michael had chosen that exact moment to lean further back in the chair, tipping it slightly on its back legs, and with the slight force behind her slap, he toppled over, crashing to the floor.

Maria and Isabel looked at him for a moment, shocked at his tangled form on the floor and then to each other before they laughed in earnest.


The dinner rush at the CrashDown, later that evening, was crazy as usual, and Maria zipped with expertise through the diner. She turned her head when the bell over the door signaled more customers, and as much as that made her groan because her feet were seriously sore, she smiled thinking of the potential tip factor.

When she saw it was Jackson, she nodded him over to a booth along the side of the room then continued on to the serving window to pin her food order to the receipt wheel.

She turned back to Kyle who was sitting at the counter and quickly collected his glass, moving to re-fill it. On replacing the beverage in front of him, she smiled.

“You’re off-duty now,” she told him. “Captain Jack has arrived.”

Kyle sat taller in the bar stool. “The pirate?” he questioned with a cheeky grin.

“I wish,” Maria answered with a roll of her eyes. “No, Captain Jackson, my regally appointed bodyguard.”

While she said the last part, she swung her eyes accusingly to Michael through the serving window.

“Don’t look at me like that, Blondie,” Michael huffed loudly from within the kitchen, his back to the diner.

“How the hell does he do that?” Kyle asked Maria, his voice low.

Maria shrugged one shoulder, but her eyes twinkled, a warm glow building within her at the knowledge that she and Michael were so in tune these days that they didn’t need to visibly see each other to know what little quirks or mannerisms they were using.

She walked over to the table Jackson had procured, ready to take his order.

Jackson looked up at her as she approached and quickly stood.

“Are you not staying?” Maria asked in confusion, pointing at the booth with her pen.

“Erhm, yeah, well…. I mean ……I should…… I have to talk to….” Jackson stammered.

Maria watched him as he stuttered, her brow rising at every incomplete sentence.

“Well, you have to sit down them,” she laughed.

Jackson nodded quickly and slid back into the booth.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I just think it’s a little weird, you taking an order from me.”

“I’ve taken plenty of food orders from you in the past, Jackson,” Maria said gently.

“Yeah, but that was before you knew who you are. I’ve always known but it was easy to go along with the
charade while you were in the dark. Now, it’s not so easy.”

“Ok,” Maria smiled. “How about I make it easier for you? I recommend the Chili Rocket Dog. How does that sound?”

Jackson smiled gratefully and nodded.

“With a Cosmic Cola?” she added and again, Jackson nodded.

“Ok then, I’ll be right back with your drink,” and she turned and headed back to put his order in.

“Tell Jackson I need to speak to him before he leaves,” Michael told her as he took the order from her.

“Yes Sir, your majesty, sir,” Maria replied with a mock salute.

*Ooooh, someone’s in need of a good spanking,* Michael projected into her mind as he turned back to the grill.

“Promises, promises,” Maria answered aloud, and she moved to fill Jackson’s drink order.

“Is he offering you some kind of kinky sex?” Kyle asked, leaning over the counter slightly and Maria berated herself for speaking out loud.

“As if I’m gonna discuss it with you,” Maria retorted, as she headed back to Jackson’s table with his coke.

“There you go,” she said with a smile placing the drink in front of him. She looked at toward the kitchen and Michael busy within. “Michael has asked if he would be able to have a word before you leave.”

Jackson nodded. “Of course.”

Maria turned to the next table, picking a few of the empty plates up and heading back to the kitchen. She had only taken a few steps when she turned and said to Jackson. “Why don’t you join Kyle at the counter? It beats eating alone.”

Jackson nodded his thanks, picked his drink up and followed her back to the counter. He took the stool next to Kyle and the two quickly fell into a conversation regarding the school’s basketball team.

Maria entered the kitchen with the dirty plates, dropping them beside the large industrial sink before turning to face Michael.

“Why do you need to talk to Jackson?” she asked.

“Shouldn’t you be out there actually working instead of yakking?” Michael commented, pointing in the direction of the diner with his spatula.

Maria huffed. “I need a break. My feet are killing me.”

Michael quickly flipped the burgers he had on the hot plate then moved over to her, crowding her against the sink, his hands either side of her body.

“Is that you’re way of asking for a foot rub?” he asked, his nose burying behind her ear, and he placed a delicate kiss there.

“Michael,” Maria tried to protest but it came out more like a moan as she melted against him. He was deliberately playing with her, just like he knew how to; kissing her where he knew it would turn her to mush.

“Don’t worry, babe,” Michael said to her, his voice gruff and low. “I’ll take care of you later. I know just what you need.”

His lips returned to her neck, and Maria shivered at his touch and his words. “Oh, you do, do you?” she replied, trying to get a hold on her body as it responded to Michael all too quickly, her arms snaking around his shoulder and her fingers delving into his hair at the base of his neck.

“Oh, yeah,” he snickered as she pushed her body hard against his.

“Excuse me,” a voice called out, and Michael pulled back from Maria slightly, turning his head toward the space in the wall.

“There are people out here who are hungry and want their food. They don’t want a full show of you slobbering all over the waitress,” Kyle informed Michael with a smile.

“I guess we’ll have to save this for later,” Michael said, turning back to Maria.

“I guess,” she answered him with a mischievous smile and a concealed rub of her thigh to the bulge in his pants.

“You are evil, Blondie,” Michael groaned against her lips before giving a swift, hard kiss and moving back to the grill.

Maria smirked as she passed him on her way out of the kitchen, patting his ass as she went.

A couple of hours later, and the rush had finally calmed down, and the customers left in the diner, while still numerous, were mainly finishing up their meals.

Michael wiped his hands on his apron as he left the kitchen and moved into the main diner, snagging a stool beside Kyle at the counter, with Jackson on Kyle’s other side.

He smiled at Maria when she placed a Cherry coke in front of him with a wink before moving off to attend to a customer.

“I’m glad you are both here,” Michael said to the two guys beside him. “I have something to talk to you guys about.”

Michael looked further down the counter and scowled at the three customers who were eating there, wishing they had chosen other places to sit in the diner. He vaguely thought about taking the two into the back room, but that would mean leaving Maria only in the main area. While he knew she could deal with the customers, he wasn’t happy leaving her unprotected. His paranoia had kicked into over-drive just recently, and Maria was one thing he would never take a risk with.

“About when we go on our weekend trip?” Kyle asked, seeing Michael’s annoyance at the others and his need to talk about otherworldly things.

“Exactly,” Michael returned with a nod, please Kyle had picked up on his uneasiness.

“We have something that I feel we need to take extra special care of on our trip,” Michael continued, and at
Jackson’s confused look, he flicked his eyes over to Maria.

Jackson caught on quick to what Michael was talking about.

“I hear that the security in this place is pretty high,” he answered Michael.

“I don’t care how high tech these people think their security is. There are only a few people I trust with my ……….” he searched for a word to describe Maria in code to the others, “hockey puck.”

Kyle laughed. “You are seriously gonna call her that?”

“Yeah,” Michael answered, shrugging. “Anyway,” he continued, “I’m hoping we can arrange with our friends already there some extra protection.”

“As in the puck’s brother?” Jackson asked, not completely happy called Maria a puck.

“Just what I was thinking. There are few I trust with my puck and one is sitting here and the other…….elsewhere.”

“Would you like to talk to the puck’s brother personally?” Jackson probed, knowing that he was talking about Kyle and not himself.

“Yes, can you set that up?”

Jackson nodded.

“What are you guys talking about?” Maria asked as she neared the counter again.

“Nothing,” Michael said over his shoulder to her before turning back to the guys. “So we are all clear. My puck is the priority with security on our weekend getaway.”

When both guys nodded to Michael, Maria looked at him in shock, then her brow furrowed in question. “Are you thinking of taking your hockey puck with you?”

The three guys laughed at her question, and Maria swung her eyes across them all before her eyes widened.

“Are you talking about me?”

“Babe, this is a man’s conversation,” Michael said off-handedly.

“You are,” Maria almost shrieked. “Are you saying that the only thing you could think of as a codename for me is puck?” She hissed low.

“Babe, a man’s puck is a very precious thing,” Michael explained, his arms spread out in front of him.

Maria stalked closer to him and poked him with her finger. “You’d better come up with something better, or there will be no pucking for you.”

And with that, she turned on her heel and stormed off through the door leading to the back room.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 24. 1/20/13

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:21 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hello to you all.

I hope you have all had a great week and are relaxing this weekend.

Thanks to you all for continuing to read this fic.

Carolyn: Thanks. And, yeah, there is obviously nowhere to hide in Roswell. Expect in plain sight 8)

Katie: Yeah, I don’t think he was expecting that :lol: and thanks.

Neodeu: Thanks I have to admit – I had a little help with the whole ‘hockey puck’ thing. So if you are out there, and you know who you are – Thanks :lol:

Grace: Hey, this is Michael. Come on :wink:

Chapter 24

Friday evening came entirely too quickly for Maria. Liz had somehow arranged the work schedule at the CrashDown so she, Maria, and Michael could have the time off, convincing her father the three of them had a school project that would take up most of this weekend and that there was no way any of them could work.

Stories had been created for all parents with similar lies, giving the six of them free-range over the weekend.

Maria knew her mother did not believe the story she had been told, assuming Maria just wanted to spend the time with her boyfriend, and Maria was happy to let her think that. She remembered how frantic her mother had been when she went to Arizona with Michael last year. She could only the image the fallout if her mother knew she was visiting another planet.

She stood in front of the mirror, holding up a dress in front of her before discarding it for another when she heard a knock at the front door.

She moved quickly through the house and opened the door to see Isabel standing there, shifting her weight between her two feet and nervously looking around her.

“Hey,” Maria greeted her cheerfully.

“Hi,” Isabel replied. “Erm, do you have a minute?”

“Sure,” Maria smiled to her, and she opened the door fully for Isabel to enter. “You can help me pick out a dress,” she continued as she walked back to her room with Isabel following her.

“Ok,” Isabel answered, though Maria heard no inflection in her voice at all and wasn’t surprised at Isabel’s lack of enthusiasm.

They returned to her room, and Maria picked up another dress and repeated her earlier actions.

“Why are we looking at dresses?” Isabel asked her absentmindedly.

“I want to make a good impression,” Maria answered with a shrug, looking down at the dress and smoothing out a wrinkly.

“Maria, you are their queen. They will love you regardless,” Isabel returned sincerely.

“But it doesn’t hurt to look good, right?” Maria smiled back to her.

“Right,” Isabel agreed.

Maria noted Isabel’s dejected tone and placed her dresses back on the bed, taking a seat next to her friend.

‘What’s wrong, Iz?” she asked, her voice full of concern.

Maria watched as Isabel’s eyes wandered her room, realizing this was the first time the girl had been in there.

Isabel stood from the bed and walked over to Maria’s dresser, reaching for one of the framed photos there. It was one Liz’s dad had taken at the CrashDown of Liz, Maria, and Alex.

She replaced the frame and asked, without turning, “What if she doesn’t want to see me? What if I’m a disappointment?”

Maria’s heart broke at the fear and apprehension she heard in Isabel’s voice.

“Isabel, she’s your mom. She’s gonna love you no matter what,” she answered her softly.

Isabel turned to face her. “I killed her son.” She didn’t bothering specifying between Rath or Zan, because either way, she killed them both.

“And you lost your own life,” Maria continued. “And a mother’s love is unconditional.”

“Yeah, on this planet. But things could be different on Antar.”

“A mother is a mother, no matter where in the universe,” Maria reasoned.

Isabel signed deeply, before walking back to Maria. “Do you remember anything about her?”

Maria tipped her head slightly, trying to think of all the dreams she had experienced regarding Antar.

“Nothing specific. She was kind. She never reprimanded me for being in the presence of her children.”

“I’m scared, Maria,” Isabel whispered, terrified to actually say the words out loud. She never admitted her fears to anyone outside of Max and Michael.

Maria scooted closer to her, grabbing her hands. “I’m not gonna patronize you and say don’t be scared, because I know that’s impossible. I’m just gonna say I’m scared, too. We don’t know what is gonna face us when we get there or how the people will react. Bu we will be there together as a team as always.”

Isabel smiled weakly to Maria. “You don’t have to go, Maria. No one would blame you.”

“Oh, please. You expect me to leave all that diplomatic stuff to Spaceboy? We are trying to end a war, not create new reasons to fight.”

Isabel laughed at that. “You are good for Michael. You calm him like I’ve never been able to. You give him something to focus on.”

Maria gave a little shake of her head as she waved her hand at Isabel, dismissing her words, as Isabel’s cell phone sprang to life.

Isabel dug into her jacket pocket for the device. “It’s Max,” she said to Maria as she lifted the device to her ear.


Maria stood and moved back over to her mirror, sweeping a dress of her bed and holding it in front of her, day-dreaming of what they could expect when they reached Antar.

*Hey Blondie. I like the red dress.* she heard in her head.

*I know you do, Spaceboy. But it’s not the kind of dress I want to wear when I meet your mother,* she sent back with a smile.

*So, are you nearly ready?*

Maria turned to head around to Isabel talking on the phone. * Are we about to leave?*

*Not yet. Jackson wants to have a talk with us before we go.*

*Us or everyone?* Maria asked, turning back to the mirror, the dress discarded again, and she tugged on the hem of her shirt.

*Everyone, I guess. Max is looking for Isabel.*

*Isabel is here with me,* Maria told him.

*Are you ok?* he asked, instantly concerned.

*I’m fine, Michael.* Maria answered, her eyes swinging back to Isabel’s reflection in the mirror. *It’s Isabel.*

*What’s wrong?*

*She’s just worried about meeting her mom. She concerned about how she will be accepted. You know, with Vilondra being reasonable for the deaths of the royal family.*

Michael was silent for a minute. *Spaceboy?*

*Maybe she should stay home?* he asked. Even in her head, his voice was quiet and unsure.

*No, she needs to face it, not postpone it. I think it will be good for her. Give her some closure.*

*Probably,* Michael agreed.

*Do you want us to come over?* she queried, turning to she Isabel looking at her intently.

*Yeah, you might as well come over now if you’re ready.*

They had agreed to each bring a small bag with them for personal effects that they might need during the weekend.

*Yeah, I’m ready, * she returned, picking a random dress from her bed and stuffing it in her bag.

“Ok, Isabel. Are you ready?” she asked the taller girl.

“You know, if we could all do that in-head talking, it would seriously help keep the costs of calls down,”
Isabel said with a smile as she stood from the bed.

“How did you know I was talking to Michael?” Maria questioned as she led the way from her room.

Isabel grinned as she followed her. “You get this dreamy look on your face.”

“I do not,” Maria threw over her shoulder as she entered the kitchen and crossed to leave her mom a note on
their wipe message board.

“I’m afraid you do,” Isabel laughed.

Maria concentrated while she wrote a quick – Goodbye. See ya Sunday evening. Love you xxxx – and then exited through the kitchen door, asking Isabel, “Do you have a car?”


They were the last to arrive at Michael’s apartment, 15 minutes later.

“So, why the meeting?” Michael asked, jumping straight in. He had spoken to Larek the day before and was pleased to find the alien fully understood and supported his plans regarding Maria and her security needs. Larek had assured him that all would be taken care of and that his own guard was being sent to Antar for the duration of their visit.

“There are some issues that need to be cleared up before we go,” Jackson answered, sounding a little unsure of himself.

Michael bristled at this revelation. How could they be preparing to travel to another planet and only know was the great protector saying “there are issues?

Maria placed her hand on Michael’s arm, “What’s the problem?” she questioned Jackson.

Jackson looked down at his feet, and then back up to Michael, not meeting the alien king’s eyes.

“The people of Antar are not aware that Zan; sorry, Max, is not their King,” he answered her.

Michael groaned, and Max sat heavily down on the arm of the couch beside Liz.

“You had to wait until this moment to tell us?” Michael moaned.

“The Dowager Queen thought it best to not let that information be public knowledge at the moment. She plans to tell the people tomorrow after you have arrived. But for tonight, when we get there, the populace will think Zan is still king.”

“Do they know about me?” Maria asked.

Jackson swung his eyes from Michael to Maria not answering her question.

“Do I have to pretend to be a servant?” she questioned him, a shocked look on her face.

“No,” Jackson answered all too quickly. “They know you are Princess Mia. They just don’t know that you and
Rath; sorry, Michael; are married.”

“We aren’t married,” Maria returned.

“In the eyes of Antar, you are,” Jackson told her simply.

“Wait,” Liz interrupted them. “So does that mean Max is still king?”

“No, Max is not king,” Jackson reasoned all too quickly.

“But for tonight, in the eyes of the people of Antar, Zan is their king,” Liz reasoned.

Jackson looked between Max and Michael before answering, “Yes.”

“Why can’t the people know that Michael and I are,” Maria looked at Michael, and then back to Jackson,

Jackson shifted his feet and took a step back from Michael before saying, “Because Zan was first betrothed to Mia when they were very young. With Ava firmly with the opposition, she is as good as dead. And by Antarian law, Zan’s first marriage arrangement was never dissolved. Therefore, they are still contracted to marry.”

Michael turned to Maria, pointing his finger at her. “You’re not going,” he said firmly.

“What?” Maria exclaimed.

“I can’t stop Max from going…”

“And you can’t stop me from going, either,” she interrupted him, folding her arms across her chest and giving her a look that yelled, don’t argue with me.

“It will only be for one night,” Jackson reasoned with Michael.

“No,” Michael hissed back before turned to Max. “I’m sorry, Max, but I won’t put Maria in a position where Zan can hurt her.”

“Michael!” Liz exclaimed. “Max will be a little preoccupied, don’t you think?”

“I don’t care. I’m not risking it,” Michael stated with a nod of his head, as if that motion ended the discussion.

“I’m coming with you, Michael, so there is no need to argue,” Maria repeated.

Michael looked back to Max, his mind whirling with contrasting thoughts. He didn’t want to leave Maria here by herself, but did he want to put her in a situation where she would be in danger from his friend?

“I can reassure you, Michael,” Jackson interrupted his internal discussion, “Zan and Mia will never be left alone together. Betrothed couples are never left alone on Antar. Rules of society to preserve the girls virtue.”

Michael relaxed a little at that information, and Maria moved closer to him, slipping her hand into his. “Am I allowed to come now?” she asked with a smile.

Michael looked to her and then back to Jackson. “And this is only for today? The announcement will be made tomorrow?”

“Yes,” Jackson confirmed. “I think the Dowager Queen wants to spend the evening with you all. She’d like to get to know her son before telling the world. And really, it’s not as if the whole of the people of Antar will be there. It will just be a few dignitaries.”

“But they won’t know who I am?” Michael asked for clarification.

“No. To them, you are Lord Rath, Commander of the King’s Armies.”

“Does that mean I have a higher rank than Michael?” Maria questioned, a grin on her face.

“Princess always outranks a Lord,” Isabel grinned to them.

“So Michael can be at my beck and call?” her eyes shining with amusement as she questioned Jackson.

“As long as you are not alone together, yes.”

“Kyle, you are our chaperone,” Michael ordered before turning back to Jackson. “Would that work?”

“Yes, Cali was an acolyte to the Holy Order of the Seven Stars. He would be an most appropriate chaperone,” Jackson agreed.

“Why?” Kyle questioned.

“Because,” Maria laughed. “The holy order, Kyle, it’s like a religious thing. You’d be like a priest. No sex whatsoever.”

Kyle looked shocked. “Is that true? Weren’t they like the ones who are allowed to have wives or something?”

“Do the words romantic relationships are prohibited within the Holy Order have any meaning to you? Isabel laughed.

Kyle vaguely remembered being told that when the four protectors had first introduced themselves and gave a little insight into his and Liz’s life on Antar.

“Oh crap,” he moaned deeply.

Michael grinned at him and slapped him on the back. “Bring your iPod.”

“Michael,” Maria said shrilly. “I hope to God you are not implying we will be having sex with Kyle in the

Michael just focused his grin on her and shrugged.

“Unbelievable,” she huffed, her arm flapping at her side.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen, Spaceman,” Kyle agreed with Maria.

“Spaceman?” Michael repeated a look of shock and disgust on his face.

“Just trying it out,” Kyle shrugged, his eyes scanning the room to catch Max and Isabel’s shoulders shaking as they both snickered.

“Don’t,” Michael growled abruptly

Kyle nodded briskly at Michael’s quick rejection to his new nickname. “Understood.”

“Ok, are we ready to go?” Liz asked, tired of listening to them chatter on when they could be regaled on another planet.

“I guess,” Maria answered looking around the room to the others and they all nodded their agreement. Her eyes met with Michael’s last, and she smiled softly to him.

*Are you ready, Spaceboy?*

*Yeah. Just……….* he eyes flicked to Max, before returning to her gaze. *Don’t be alone with him.*

*I won’t, Michael.*

*I love you,* he sent her.

*I know,* she smiled, stepping closer to him. *It will be ok, Michael,* she reassured him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, enveloping him, and Michael inhaled her scent deeply.

She pulled back a little, *I love you, too,* and she kissed him gently.

“Come on, you guys,” Isabel moaned.

Maria pulled away from him. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Michael answered and let her move from his arms, though he refused to give up her hand. He turned his body to Jackson. “So, how do we do this?”

Jackson pulled the crystal from his pocket and held it up.

“They know we are coming, so we just have to walk through,” he explained.

“Light it up, then,” Michael instructed.

Jackson lifted his hand, and the light emanated from the crystal, and the six other people in the room looked apprehensively at each other as they were bathed in the eerie, other-worldly light-shining from the object.

“Ok,” Jackson started. “Max, you go first, then Isabel, Michael, Maria, Kyle, and Liz. I will follow after Liz.”

Max nodded and shifted his backpack on his shoulder as he moved forward to the bright glow. He stopped when he felt Isabel slip her hand into his, and he looked back and gave her a watery smile before stepping into the light, the others following his lead, and he thought, this is the last time they will follow me.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 25. 1/27/13

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:37 am
by Pixie-Maria
Is it just me or do Sundays seem to come around so much quicker these days :P

Katie: Thanks :D

Carolyn: Yep, betrothed as children and since Mia disappeared that contract wasn’t dissolved. Things are definitely messed up :lol: Yeah, I kind of feel sorry for Max.

Grace: Ha - me too!

Chapter 25

As Max stepped through the crystal’s light, the first thing that greeted on the other side was a pair of warm hazel eyes. These then became the focus on a face which was illuminated by a look of joy and astonishment.

“Zan,” a regal voice chimed, a melodic sound which brushed against the fringes of Max’s memory. And he was pulled into a warm embrace; his free arm automatically enveloping the woman he presumed was the Dowager Queen.

He heard a sharp intake of breath and moved, turning his head to see Isabel beside him, a look of wonder on her face.

“My beautiful daughter,” the woman said as she turned her attention to Isabel and repeated her actions, wrapping his sister in a welcoming hug.

Max watched as Isabel sank into the arms of her mother, and he felt an aching loss when her hand slipped from his so she could hug her mother back.

Isabel felt herself relax into the embrace, and she had an overwhelming sense of peace because she finally had what she had craved for so long. While she loved her adopted mother completely, being here with her ‘other’ mother was what had been missing in her life.

She closed her eyes and inhaled her mother’s scent, her mind a whirl with visions of a younger version of herself: She was dancing in the arms of a father long forgotten; playing carefree games with Zan and Rath; twirling in long, luxurious dresses.

The next person to step through the portal was Michael, and Max was intrigued to see how both Michael and the Dowager Queen would react to their first meeting knowing who the other truly was.

As suspected, Michael tensed at the woman’s touch, but nevertheless, he let himself be drawn into her arms, awkwardly patting her on her back, and if not for the seriousness of the situation, Max might have laughed.
Michael felt uneasy and self-conscious as this woman held him warmly in her arms. He wasn’t used to this. In his whole life, he only had two women hug him: Isabel and Maria.

*It’s ok, Michael,* he heard in his head. His eyes flicked over to Maria as she entered the room, and he relaxed at her reassuring smile. As he stepped out of the old queen’s embrace, Michael couldn’t help notice the secretive smile that adorned the face of one of the few other Antarians in the room.

The Dowager Queen stood before Maria and bowed slightly to the small girl, and Maria looked anxiously to Michael before she, too, was drawn into a hug.

*Relax, Maria,* Michael sent her with a slight smile, glad he wasn’t the only one to feel unsettled by the woman’s actions.

Kyle stumbled through the light next, bumping into Maria and causing a guard at the side of the room move forward quickly.

Michael was quicker and was beside Kyle in an instant, his hand stretched out to hold off the advancing guard.

“It was an accident. He won’t hurt her,” he said roughly, though not sure who he was defending; Maria or the Dowager Queen.

The guard stopped instantly at Michael’s words, bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement, and moved back to his place by the wall.

The man who had given Michael the secretive smile stepped forward. “You must be Cali?” he asked, his voice calm and soft. He was dressed in brown robes and wore a large, ornate pendent around his neck in the shape of a star.

“Kyle,” Michael almost snapped, determined that their own names would be used and not those of the dead Antarians.

“Kyle,” the man smiled. “I’m Toman, and I am the head of the Holy Order of the Seven Stars to which you were an acolyte. You helped a great deal with research into the technology created to send yourself and Princess Mia to Earth along with Xavier and Betina.”

Kyle grinned to Michael and Maria at this just as Liz walked through with Jackson close behind her. The light disappeared from the room and the atmosphere in the hall dimmed to what could be considered normal.

“I’m so glad you have all decided to visit,” Dowager Queen Lyarna said graciously to the six human/hybrids.
“There is so much for us to discuss. But first, we have a state dinner to celebrate your arrival.”

Maria turned to Michael panic in her eyes. *I thought this was supposed to be low key?*

*Yeah, me too, Blondie* he returned and swung his eyes accusingly to Jackson.

“Most of the people attending tonight are not aware that Zan is not……” Lyarna stumbled on her words here, and Toman stepped forward.

“What Her Majesty is trying to say is no one here apart from those in this room is aware that Zan was switched at birth. She will make the announcement tomorrow, but for tonight, Zan will remain our king. I know this may seem strange to you, but trust us, we know the people of Antar and the knowledge that we knew about the swap would only cause more discontentment among the people.”

“You knew?” Michael asked before he could stop himself.

He watched as the older man’s eyes flicker to the queen and back to him. “I knew. It was revealed to me after your essences had been sent to Earth. Unfortunately, it was too late for me to do anything to change what had been created, and it wasn’t until after Princess Mia and her friends were sent to Earth that I confessed my knowledge to the Dowager Queen.”

The Dowager Queen smiled to Michael. “By announcing this tomorrow, the people will believe the knowledge was discovered this evening. Please, we need to help keep this world together. You need to trust us in this.”
Michael’s gaze swung to Maria, his concern for her evident, and she mentally told him she would be fine.

“This evening only,” he returned to the Dowager Queen.

Lyarna smiled to her son and nodded her head. “Let’s get you settled and then we can all sit down and you can tell me of your adventures on Earth.”

At her words, a pair of ornate doors opened, and she turned, walking from the room, and the others looked at each other, unsure, until Max followed behind her, and they fell into step with him.

They shadowed her through magnificent hallways, and Maria was struck with a sense of familiarity of her surroundings, seeing herself everywhere she looked, dressed in a drab brown dress.

So lost was she in thought that she bumped into Michael when they came to an abrupt stop.

“This side of the palace is reserved for the royal family, and I have arranged rooms for you all here. Zan, Vilondra, and Rath, you have your old rooms again. If this is not acceptable, please let me know.”

“Would it be ok if you called us by our Earth names?” Isabel asked, her voice a little shaky, and when Lyarna looked curiously on her, she added. “It’s just….. we aren’t used to the other names.”

What she didn’t say was that she, personally, did not want to be called by her Antarian name, as she didn’t want to remember what she had done as Vilondra.

“Of course, Isabel,” Lyarna smiled, “It must be confusing for you, especially having been raised with another name.”

Isabel smiled her thanks as her mother turned back and took a few steps further down the corridor.

Lyarna indicated the first room they came to was for Kyle, and he grinned as he entered the large room, flopping down on the bed.

The second for Liz, and she broke from the group to enter.

Further down the corridor, Lyarna indicated to another grand entrance. “These were your rooms, Michael,” and the doors opened to reveal a large area, and Maria couldn’t help the smile that flittered across her face as she remembered spending a lot of time in that room.

Michael remained where he was, not stepping into his room, determined to find out where Maria’s rooms would be.

“Here are your rooms,” Lyarna said to Isabel as they approached the next set of ornate doors, and Isabel smiled nervously as she entered the room.

They rounded a corner, and immediately, Michael tensed as he saw large doors with guards outside, dressed in emerald green and purple.

“These guards arrived from Plantgesia, and I’m informed that you requested them,” Lyarna informed Michael, and he breathed easier knowing that Larek had upheld his part of their deal.

“Yeah,” Michael answered her as they moved closer to what were obviously Maria’s rooms.

“These are our grandest state rooms,” Lyarna said graciously to Maria as one of the guards opened the doors.

Maria peered into the rooms, taken aback by the opulence. She wanted to run into the room and squeal at its magnificence, but she also needed to keep calm, and she watched as Michael stood in front of one of the guards.

“Do you know why you are here?” he asked the guard.

“To protect Princess Mia, my Lord,” came the quick response.

Michael nodded. “No one enters her room without her permission, is that understood?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Are there more of you?” Michael questioned.

“Yes, my Lord. They are in the barracks awaiting orders.”

“I want one with her at all times whenever she is not in her rooms,” he instructed.

“Michael,” Maria said softly, looking nervously at the Dowager Queen and hoping she hadn’t taken an affront
to his obvious distrust of her own servants and guards.

Michael turned to her. “Look, we agreed before coming here. Don’t go back on your word now, or I’m getting Jackson to take you straight home.”

Maria huffed at him and turned to enter the rooms.

Michael watched as Maria spun around in her room, a huge smile on her face and then continued to follow Max and Lyarna, needing to know where Max’s rooms were. He wasn’t completely happy to learn they were just down the hall to Maria’s, and once Max had entered, he turned and headed back down the corridor, unaware for a moment that Lyarna was still with him.

He stopped again at Maria’s door and faced the guard there. “When I said, no one is to enter her room, I especially mean him,” and he pointed back down the corridor to Max’s room. “Do you have any problems disregarding his orders?”

“King Zan is not my king. I answer to Princess Mia and you, my Lord. Those are the only orders I have.”

Michael nodded, happy with the guard’s answer. “You are to be her personal guard,” he informed the one
who had spoken to him and then continued down the hallway.

“Larek informed me of your request for her protection. Is there something that worries you?” Lyarna asked him.

Michael looked warily at this Dowager Queen who was his biological mother, unsure if she was aware of Zan’s obsession with Mia.

“There are things that happened here that you may not have known about. I just need to make sure Maria is safe,” he said, by way of explanation.

Lyarna smiled to Michael and followed him into his room. At first, he wore a look of bewilderment but then realized they really needed to talk.

“Why don’t you sit down?” he asked her, and Lyarna smiled as she lowered herself gracefully into a chair.

“You know, there aren’t many people who tell me what to do,” she said to him.

“I’m sorry,” Michael answered quickly. “Did I just make some huge mistake?”

Lyarna shook her head, still smiling. “You are my son, Michael, and the rightful king of Antar. You are allowed to give orders.”

Michael looked down at his feet at her words, his hand lifting, and he scratched his eyebrow.

“I don’t know why I never saw it before,” Lyarna continued, “but your eyes, they are your father’s.”

Michael gave a slight smile at that, amazed there was something about him that resembled his father,
despite the fact he was the image of some random Earth person.

“I must have known when I first saw you in the palace gardens,” Lyarna said softly. “There was something pulling at me, telling me to take care of you. I guess there is some truth when they say a mother would know her child anywhere.”

The room descended into silence as they both took in what she had said.

Michael cleared his throat nervously. “It must have been hard for you when you were told about the swap.”

“Yes. I felt robbed of my son, but, I was also glad that you had been here all along.”

Lyarna looked up into Michael’s eyes. “It must have been hard for you, too. Finding out that you are King and not Max.”

“Max is my best friend. We grew up together, and for more than a year, we have all looked on him as king. He was the one with the family, with responsibilities, respectable. My life on Earth wasn’t exactly ideal, so yeah, it was a little of a shock to find out I was the one with family and responsibilities.”

“Can I ask about your life on Earth, Michael? Are you happy?” Lyarna asked.

Michael shifted his feet unconsciously. No, he wanted to yell at her. I wasn’t happy for a long time; I was the punching bag for a dick who only took me in for the monthly check.

But looking at the sorrowful face of this woman, the words stuck in his throat. So instead, he focused on the last couple of years and the time he had spent with Maria.

“Yes, I am happy. Things were a little rough for a while but now, I’m happy.”

“And family? Do you have a family on Earth?” Lyarna probed.

“The group of people who are with me now, they are my family,” he answered without hesitation.

Lyarna nodded her head, her heart breaking for his boy, no, man, who was her son and who had obviously missed out on so much, on both worlds.

“And Mia, I mean Maria, how does she factor into all this?” Lyarna asked him with a smile.

“What do you mean?” he questioned suspiciously, his body becoming tense and alert, ready to run if need be.

“You do realize my son was betrothed to Mia at a young age. You are my son and that betrothal was never dissolved. Despite the fact that Zan married Ava, the man that Zan became, that is not my son, so therefore, he is not the one contracted to marry Mia.”

Michael grinned at this, and Lyarna couldn’t help mirror his smile.

“I see that idea appeals to you,” Lyarna said.

“Yeah, but Maria may have something to say about that,” he told her, already imagining his girlfriend’s fiery words at this new piece of information.


Maria turned in circles in the middle of the huge room. She had never in her life expected to be in a room like this. There were three almost floor to ceiling windows, each adorned with heavy gold and lavender drapes. A cream-colored marble fireplace along one wall gave the area warmth, and the focus of the room was the large canopied bed with a mattress so over-stuffed that there was a set of steps to the side of the bed to help climb into it. The coverings on the bed matched perfectly with the drapes, and Maria couldn’t resist running her hands over the material, marveling at the softness.

She moved toward an internal door, and this time, a squeal did escape her at the sight of the large marble tub.

After Maria had inspected her new surroundings, which included a wardrobe full of garments which the Antarian people would appreciate, she decided she would go and see how Isabel was doing.

She opened her door and jumped when the two guards snapped to attention. She couldn’t help her smile as she said, “Easy boys.”

She walked down the corridor, hoping she would find Isabel’s room, and then stopped sharply, turning quickly to the guard behind her.

“Why are you following me?”

“Lord Rath’s orders, Your Highness.”

Maria snorted and turned back, heading down to Isabel’s room.

She knocked quickly on the door and waited, her eyes shifting to the guard and back, until Isabel’s face appear before her.

“Hey,” Maria smiled. “How are you doing?”

“You do realize you have a shadow?” Isabel laughed.

“Yeah,” Maria huffed. “Lord Rath’s orders.” And she quickly entered the room, leaving the guard to take up position by the door.

Maria wandered around Isabel’s room, realizing it was just as grand as her own space.

“Isn’t this place amazing?” she grinned to Isabel, her hands running along the rich upholstery of a sofa.

She looked up when Isabel didn’t answer her to see the tall blonde gazing out of a large window.

“Isabel?” Maria queried, moving across the room to stand beside her.

“It’s overwhelming,” Isabel finally answered her, her voice low.

“Are you remembering anything?” Maria asked cautiously.

“I wouldn’t exactly say I’m remembering things, more like I’m seeing snapshots of someone else’s life,” Isabel replied, trying hard to explain how she was feeling.

“What kind of things?” Maria probed.

“I remembered Vilondra’s dad, and things like balls and celebrations,” Isabel turned to Maria. “Is that silly?”

“Of course not. I would be surprised if you didn’t start remembering stuff. I mean, I can understand you not recalling these things back home, but here, you have the add bonus of sight and smell. Smell is a great contributory aid to triggering memories,” Maria told her.

Isabel nodded, showing she was listening.

“You know, I’m remembering things, too.”

“Yeah, but your memories have to be 100% better than mine.”

“Don’t be too sure of that,” Maria answered skeptically, not really wanting to go into some of her memories.
Time spent alone, longing for a family she had no hope of being reunited with, and time trying to evade the touch of her king weren’t her fondest memories.

“But you remember Maya’s time with Rath?” Isabel queried with a smirk.

“Oh, yeah,” Maria grinned.

Isabel laughed, shaking her head as she turned from the window and walked over to a large, ornately carved wardrobe.

She opened it to reveal several grand dresses and sighed as she drew her hand down a garment, feeling the soft material glide through her fingers.

“This dinner tonight,” she said, though didn’t turn back to Maria, “Do you think we are expected to dress in one of these, or should we stay as we are?”

Maria had also wondered this after finding her own wardrobe full of beautiful clothes, and she looked down to her current attire -- light-colored jeans and a pink T-shirt. Her eyes shifted to Isabel, and as usual, the alien princess looked regal in a long, dark blue suede skirt with a black tight-fitting sweater.

“Who do we ask?” Maria asked her, not wanting to break some unspoken royal rule.

“Maybe we should just do it?” Isabel offered with half a shrug. “I mean, everyone else here will probably be all dressed up.”

“Yeah, you are right,” Maria answered, distractedly. “You wanna come with me to check on Liz?”

“Sure,” Isabel agreed, closing the door of the wardrobe.

They exited Isabel’s room and giggled together when the guard outside snapped to attention as soon as they passed, him falling in step behind Maria again.

Isabel knocked loudly on Liz’s door as Maria turned to her follower.

“Do you have a name?” she asked.

“Jetur, Your Highness,” he answered with a bow of his head.

“No, no, no,” Maria said, waving her hands in front of her and shaking her head as Liz opened her door.
“None of this your highness stuff. It’s just Maria.”

The guard, Jetur, looked bewildered that she wanted him to call her by her given name.

“Maria,” Liz started, “he probably doesn’t feel comfortable calling the daughter of his ruling house by her first name.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t feel comfortable being called Your Highness,” she returned.

“How about a compromise?” Liz said, diplomatically.

“What do you have in mind?” Maria asked cautiously.

“Maybe something short like, Lady Maria?”

Maria looked sideways at her friend and then across to the guard. “Ok,” she relented.

“Good. That would be better for everyone,” Liz beamed, liking the idea of being called Lady, and she turned and let the other two enter her room.

Maria noted instantly that while Liz’s room was grand, it paled in comparison to Isabel’s and her own. Her eyes shot to Isabel, hoping to convey in their silent look not to reveal that fact.

“Isn’t it amazing here?” Liz laughed as she bounced on her huge bed, unknowingly echoing Maria’s earlier words to Isabel.

Maria grinned to her brunette friend as she sat uneasily on the bed, trying hard to maintain her balance as Liz continued to bounce.

“Isabel and I are wondering if we are expected to dress in their clothes for this dinner,” Maria said to Liz.

Liz stopped her bouncing, looking around the room. When her eyes fell on the dark wooden wardrobe, she scrambled from the bed and over to it, throwing the door open.

“Oh, definitely in their clothes,” she grinned, pulling a rich blue satin dress out and holding it against herself.

“What if they don’t fit?” Isabel asked, moving closer to Liz and inspecting the dress.

Liz’s eyes twinkled as she took the dress back from Isabel. “There’s only one way to find out,” and she dashed into the bathroom.

“Looks like someone’s happy,” Maria laughed at Liz’s eagerness.

“Oh please,” Isabel turned back to the other blonde. “You can’t tell me you can’t wait to try one of your dresses on.”

Maria sighed dramatically. “What can I say? It’s the inner princess in me.”

“I guess we all have an inner princess,” Isabel stated.

“Yeah, I guess it come from dads calling their daughter’s princess. It kind of sticks, right?”

Isabel looked cautiously at Maria. “Did your dad call you princess?”

Maria shrugged. “Can’t remember, but I’d like to think he did.”

Isabel watched Maria, realizing this was the first time she had ever spoken about her father.

“It must have been tough, growing up without your dad,” she said.

Again Maria shrugged, “I think it was worse for my mom, I’ve had more years without him than with him.
Besides, I think dads are overrated. I just….,” she stopped.

“What?” Isabel asked, moving closer to Maria.

“I don’t want that for my child. You know, I need to make sure he will be there no matter what. Even if things don’t work out between me and the dad, I need to know that he wouldn’t just ignore his child.”

“And you talk of this man like he’s some unknown man while we both know he’s just down that corridor,” Isabel laughed.

Maria beamed back to her. “Yeah, yeah he is,” she agreed.

“And,” Isabel continued, “we also both know he will never leave you, and if, no, when you decide to bring a child into this world, well, I don’t think Michael could love you more than he does right now, but I reckon he’d give it a go.”

Maria swallowed nervously at her words, knowing Isabel was right, but was saved having to reply when the bathroom door revealing Liz, looking radiant in the long satin dress.

“Well, what do you think?” she grinned to them.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 26. 2/03/13

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:59 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hey Everyone. Hope you are all having a happy Superbowl Sunday :D

Thanks for reading and leaving feedback.

Carolyn: Yeah, Isabel is happy. And I agree a State Dinner is absolutely NOT low key. And unfortunately, no, Lyarna has no idea what her son’s life has been like on Earth.

Crsnryad: Welcome to Restoration and thanks so much for leaving feedback.

Grace: You are So right about that :D

Chapter 26

On returning to her room, Maria could see a figure standing by her door who obviously was not allowed in, and silently, she thanked the guard for holding up Michael’s orders.

The brown color of the woman’s dress brought a magnitude of memories back to her. Recollections of serving the royal family, cleaning grates, washing floors, doing laundry, and the like, she realized the person waiting for her was a serving woman just like she had been.

As she moved nearer, she saw the woman was maybe in her early 40’s with soft sandy colored hair, soft facial features, and a trim waistline. And there was a sense of familiarity about her.

When the woman saw her, she dropped into a small curtsy.

“Can I help you?” Maria asked her politely.

“Dowager Queen Lyarna has asked me to help you dress for dinner,” the woman answered, her voice soft and strangely soothing to Maria.

“Oh, thank God,” Maria exclaimed, thankful her clothing dilemma had now been cleared up. “That would be great. Come on in.”

The woman curtsied again and waited as the guard opened the door, and Maria entered.

The woman immediately moved to the large wardrobe, pulling the doors opened, and then turned back to Maria.

“Which dress would you like to wear, Your Highness?”

“Please,” Maria answered, getting tired of having this conversation. “No calling me ‘Your Highness.’ Just Maria.”

The serving woman nodded once and then turned back to the array of clothes as Maria stepped closer. “What do you recommend?” Maria asked her.

The woman shifted her eyes over the colorful garment the wardrobe held and then pulled a royal purple dress out, holding it up for Maria to inspect.

“Wow,” Maria cooed, “that is so pretty,” and she let her fingers trail down the soft silk taffeta.
Maria looked back to the woman with a smile, and her eyes twinkled as this stranger smiled back to her

“Do I know you?” Maria asked suddenly, feeing a pin prick of recognition just on the peripheries of her brain.

“Yes. I’m Sadine. I was the one who found you in the market place. We worked closely together as you grew up.”

“You knew me?”

“Yes, I knew you as Maya,” Sadine answered.

Suddenly, the image of this woman chastising her as only a mother would came into her mind. “You were like
a mother to me,” Maria whispered, and when Sadine nodded, Maria threw her arms around Sadine’s neck, the feelings of love and attachment rolling off her.

Sadine hugged her back for a moment before pulling back. “Please, Princess Mia. You shouldn’t be so familiar with me.”

“My name is Maria, and as I recall, you saved my life….. Maya’s life or Mia, whoever I was back them. You took me in and cared for me. You gave me a home, hope, and love, and I never thanked you for that,” Maria said as she tugged on Sadine’s arm, moving them both over to sit on a sofa.

“You worked for that home, and you were easy to love. You were such a happy child, despite the fact you had no memory,” Sadine told her.

Maria noticed a tear fall from the older woman’s eye. “Please don’t cry,” Maria begged. “I’m ok. It turned
out ok.”

Sadine lifted her hand to her cheek. “I was so worried for you.”

Maria swallowed at the emotion pouring from this woman. She needed to do something quick before she turned into a blubbering idiot, which would only cause Michael to come crashing into the room demanding to know what was wrong.

Her gaze landed on the vibrant purple of the dress Sadine was still holding.

“Now,” Maria said, standing them both up. “Tell me, how am I supposed to get into that dress?”

Sadine laughed. “That’s why I am here, Lady Maria. To help you.”

“Then I’m forever grateful,” Maria grinned back to her.

An hour later and the person staring back at Maria from the mirror amazed her.

She had relaxed and pampered herself in the warm waters in the large marble tub as Sadine had scurried around her room, finding the items needed to dress her, and after she had dragged herself from the pampering waters, she had sat in front of a dressing table mirror while Sadine had done wondrous things to her hair.

Now it lay in golden curls around her shoulders with the sides pinned back and adorned with deep purple flowers. Maria couldn’t help turning her head from side to side, admiring her hairstyle.

She had absolutely refused to wear the glittering jewels Sadine had produced for her hair, pointing to the flowers instead. While she had dreamed as a young girl of wearing tiaras and crowns, for some reason, tonight did not seem like the right time to start.

She had laughed when a silk underdress had been produced, but nonetheless allowed herself to clothed in the sinfully soft material.

Next, the royal purple material was passed carefully over her head, and the exquisite fabric fluttered around her. Maria inhaled sharply as Sadine tighten the gold thread at the back, securing the dress tightly around her body.

She twisted from left to right, taking in the way the silk moved with her and giggled as she imagined what Michael would say after seeing her dressed this way.

The neckline of the dress was wide, the scoop starting almost at the top of her shoulders and falling to show a hint of her breast. The edge trimmed with a gold thread in an intricate design of swirls. The bodice fitted tightly to her upper body and hips, accentuating her small waist, then fell in soft folds down to the floor, the gold thread pattern repeated along the hem of the dress. The sleeves were long, down to the wrists and tight, a single pearl-like button fastening at each wrist, but from the elbow, long drapes of material hung almost to the floor. The dress was laced up the back with crisscrossing shimmering gold ribbon tightly, almost to the point that Maria found it hard to breath. At her waist hung a gold linked belt, studded with deep purple and emerald green glistening stones, a length of chain hanging down to one side.

On her feet were a pair of purple silk shoes with a small heel, and not for the first time, her mind wondered how everything seem to fit perfectly.

There was a knock at the door, and Sadine hurried over to answer the call.

“Princess Isabel,” Jetur called from the corridor outside the room, and Maria nodded her acceptance, and
Isabel swept into the room, a woman much like Sadine following her.

“Oh my God, Maria,” Isabel exclaimed. “You look amazing.”

Maria grinned to the statuesque blonde before her. “Yeah, and pale miserably in comparison to you.”

Isabel’s dress was the same design of her own, though a rich claret color. The embroidery on the gown gold and silver, and her jeweled belt was spotted with red and white gems.

Isabel laughed as she twirled in front of Maria, the skirts of her dress floating outwards at her movement.

“I was never one for those old timey stories, but I have to admit, they knew how to dress,” Isabel smiled.

“And would you look at that crown?” Maria added with her own grin.

“I know,” Isabel said as her hand lifted up to touch the glittering circle hidden amongst the curls of her hair.
“I’m told it’s expected,” she finished with a nod to the woman who was standing beside Sadine, a look of wonder on her face.

“Don’t you have one?” Isabel asked Maria, indicated to the flowers in her hair.

“Yeah,” Maria answered with a wave of her hand. “I didn’t want to wear it, though.”

“You look radiant without it, my Lady,” Sadine said from her position by the wall.

“Isabel, this is Sadine. She looked after me when I was Maya,” Maria said, by way of introduction.

“Well, I have to say thank you, Sadine,” Isabel said gracefully with a slight nod of her head. “For keeping Maya safe for us.”

Sadine curtsied at Isabel’s words, and Maria was impressed with the ease Isabel seemed to have fallen back into her royal role.

The door banged again, and Sadine moved to answer it. “Mistress Liz,” Jetur announced, and Liz walked through into the room, a young girl following her and her eyes narrowing at the guard.

Again, Liz’s gown mirrored that of Isabel’s and Maria’s, a rich blue color, though the brocade at the neckline was almost gray in color and the belt at her waist a simple gold chain links.

Liz’s hair hung straight and down her back with a few blue flowers arranged along the top of her head.

“I feel amazing,” she grinned, though her spirits fell a little at the subtle differences in their attire. While the material of all three dresses looked almost identical, Liz’s didn’t seem to shimmer as much as the other two, and the braiding at the top of their gowns was more exquisite than hers. The gold of their belts matched, but hers was not adorned with the gemstones that Maria’s and Isabel’s had.

“Could you imagine what people would say if we turned up to a school dance like this?” Isabel giggled.

“If it was a themed dance, we would win, hands down,” Liz agreed.

“I wonder what the guys are wearing,” Maria mused.

“Well, of course they will pale in comparison to us,” Isabel answered in her most regal voice, and Liz and Maria laughed.

Maria thought how nice it was to be laughing with her friends again. There had been too much commotion in their lives just recently, and though they might be on another world and dressed in these old fashioned clothes, she hoped they could have a respite tonight before the drama started up again tomorrow.

Maria was lost in her thoughts for a moment, but she heard something one of the serving women had said and turned her head to them.

“What was that?” she asked the three, not sure which one had spoken.

Sadine stepped forward. “Lasina was just saying how you made a most regal couple,” she explained to Maria.

“Who?” Maria asked her stomach knotting as she looked over to the young girl who had followed Liz into the room.

“Why, you and King Zan, Your Highness,” Lasina answered softly, as if afraid to talk out loud to the woman in front of her.

Maria turned quickly to Isabel and Liz, her eyes wide with panic.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said to them, her mood suddenly taking a nosedive.

Isabel walked over to her and held on to her hands, not wanting to crush their dresses. “It will be fine, Maria. Only one night, remember?”

Maria swept her gaze over to Liz, and the brunette gave her a shaky smile.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Maria mumbled.

“Because you’re Maria Deluca, and you have always had an overactive imagination,” Isabel stated knowingly.

“It will be ok,” and she turned to Liz. “Won’t it, Liz?”

“Sure,” Liz answered without conviction, her head nodding slowly.

“I don’t feel so good,” Maria lamented and sat down on a nearby chair.

Sadine rushed her. “Are you all right, my Lady?” she asked, full of concern.

Maria didn’t get a chance to answer her as another loud knock was heard.

The door opened, and Jetur called. “Lord Dalmus, my Lady.”

Maria looked at Isabel and Liz and shrugged, not knowing who this new person was, and made a move to walk over to the door when Isabel stopped her.

“We don’t know this person, Maria,” she said, and Maria would hear her nonverbal warning. Michael will go ape-shit if you admit someone we don’t know.

She was saved any further dilemma when another voice called into the room. “It’s Jackson, Maria.”

The three girls visibly sighed, and Maria nodded to Sadine. Sadine then opened the door, admitting Jackson into the room.

Jackson smiled as he entered, then he stopped and bowed deeply to all three girls.

“Lord Dalmus?” Maria asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

“Newly appointed Lord,” he grinned back. “For services to the crown. Dalmus is my given name.”

Maria nodded. “What can we do for you?”

“I’ve been asked to show you to the dining hall. The State Dinner is about to start.”

“Where’s Michael?” Maria asked before she could stop herself.

“He’s waiting with the others for you,” Jackson answered. “Shall we?”

“Ok,” Maria said, and then turned to Isabel and Liz. “

Liz bounced with excitement and gave a nod, and they turned to leave her room.

Maria’s smile grew as they entered an anteroom to see Michael, Max, and Kyle waiting for them. Jetur and the other guard had followed them through the palace and now stood either side of the door, falling in beside the royal sentinels already there, and Jackson left through the set of double doors toward the other end of the room.

Her eyes fell upon Michael with hunger as she took in his royal outfit. He wore what looked like black pants with the bottom part of the leg pushed into the black leather of his knee-length boots.

On his top, he wore an emerald green silk tunic with a leather belt around his waist. The neckline of the garment was embroidered with blue thread and open, showing a little of his smooth chest. Over this, he wore a charcoal gray jacket, which appeared to have no way of fastening, so it hung open.

He looked up at her almost shyly, and her grin widened as she withheld the need to fling herself into his arms and tear the shirt from his body.

Max was dressed like Michael, but he was in tan pants, a crimson red tunic, and a black jacket, though the difference between the two was most notably the golden crown on top of his dark hair.

Kyle was in deep contrast to Michael and Max, and he looked miserable. He wore brown course robes with tan pants, again the leg stuffed into his boots, and a white tunic shirt.

“I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Kyle grumbled.

“And you look great,” Maria giggled. “Hope the force is strong in this one,” she said to Isabel and the other girl laughed.

“Ah, you are all here,” Lyarna smiled as she swept into the room, her dress like the ones the girls wore, though a shimmering silver color, and a stately crown atop her head.

“I will go in first,” she instructed, “then when your names are called, you will enter.”

“Which names?” Isabel asked.

“I must ask for your indulgence, and use your old names tonight. This will change tomorrow, as I will make sure your new names are used.”

The six looked to each other, unsure how to take this, but as Max nodded, they all followed.

“Thank you,” Lyarna smiled, and as her name was called, she straightened slightly and moved through the double doors that obviously led to the dining hall.

They could hear her talking to the other in the room, telling them that they Royal Four had returned from Earth.

*They are only three of you,* Maria sent to Michael. *Why did she say four?*

Michael looked to her and smiled. *Don’t know, Blondie. How long will it take me to get you out of that dress*

*Michael!* she exclaimed loudly in his head, but she grinned at him.

The double doors opened again, and they heard “Mistress Betina and Acolyte Cali.”

Liz and Kyle looked at each other unsure what to do and then tentatively, Liz stepped forward, dragging Kyle
with her, and they entered the room, the door closing behind them.

“Why do I get the feeling of a lamb being led to slaughter?” Max said wryly.

Michael let out a snort of a laugh, and Max gave half a smile.

*I’m not joking,* Maria heard Michael voice in her head again. * I bet I can get you out your dress in half the time it took you to get it in.*

The doors opened again, and the voice boomed. “Princess Vilondra and Lord Rath.”

Maria looked at Michael, this time her eyes wide.

Michael hesitated, his eyes on Maria.

*One night,* he said to her, though she could see the concern in his voice.

*One night,* she agreed and offered him a smile.

“Come on, Michael,” Isabel said gently and grabbed his arm, moving them toward the door.

Michael stopped once, grabbed hold of Maria’s hand and squeezed gently before turning to enter the room with Isabel.

Maria glanced around the room, trying hard not to look at Max. They were alone now, apart from the few guards around the space and the silence was deafening.

“You look beautiful,” Max said softly, his voice making Maria jump slightly and she turned to him to see his eyes wandering over her, lingering on the tight bodice and the view he had of the top of her breasts.

“Thank you,” she replied, trying to keep her voice calm, though the hunger look in his eyes unnerved her and in a flash it was gone. She knew he was Max, but being here in this palace was bringing back all kinds of memories for her, and she wondered what Max was feeling.

“How are you doing?” she asked kindly, trying hard to move her distrust to the back of her mind.

Max took a step closer to her. “It’s strange. I remember growing up here, I remember being king here. And I remember you.”

Maria moved back, away from him and seriously debated fleeing from the room, but she held her ground.
Partly because when Max stepped toward her, Jetur had stepped closer into the room.

The doors opened again, and she heard. “King Zan and Princess Mia.”

Max stepped toward the door and then turned back to Maria, his hand held out to her.

Maria looked at his hand and up into his face. He gave her half a smile, a look so typically Max that she laughed at her nervousness and reached out with her own hand, slipping her fingers into his waiting palm.

Max gripped her hand tightly, his smile changing to a twisted malicious one, and he led her from the room.

Maria and Max entered the large dining hall to a resounding cheer from the dignitaries collected there, and all Maria wanted to do pull her hand out of Max’s vise-like grasp. She glanced down at their hands to see his knuckles white with the force of holding her so tightly.

He led her over to the large chairs at the center of the long table that faced out onto three other tables perpendicular to the royal table.

Maria cast worried eyes toward Michael, but at his slight movement, she gave a minuscule shake of her head, and he remained where he was, on the Dowager Queen’s left side, who stood in front of one of the grand chairs.

Max continued over to the table with Maria until she was standing in front of the smaller seat beside the other large chair, which was obviously where they were expected to sit.

Maria and Max arranged themselves before the table, and after a nod from Lyarna, Max lowered himself onto the cushioned seat, and the rest of the room followed.

The room burst into activity with the low murmur of people talking and heads turning every so often to the six newcomers at the high table.

*What the hell did he do?* Michael’s voice shot into Maria head as a group of serving people entered through a door, carrying trays laden with food.

*Nothing, Michael,* Maria answered, her eyes shifting over to him in his seat besides Lyarna.

*Nothing, my ass, Maria. You are as white as a sheet,* he returned.

Maria shifted slightly as the man on her right side leaned over to her. She turned her head quickly to him, her eyes wide. She settled a little when she recognized the man as one of those who had greeted them earlier. Toman she thought his name was and she felt an immense sense of respect for this older man.

“I must warn you, your highness,” he said low to her. “There are people here who might be able to detect your internal thoughts.” And he pointedly looked over to Michael.

Maria inhaled sharply as she understood this man was telling her others could detect her and Michael’s connection.

“How?” she whispered, feeling strangely at ease with this man who was head of the religion on Antar.

“Child, the very air crackles around the two of you,” Toman replied with a smile. “That only happens when two share an extremely deep connection, and that is a rare thing, even on this planet.”

He chuckled slightly at her wondrous look. “I became aware of it the minute you stepped through portal. You reassured each other, calmed each other.”

Maria smiled at his words, and her head turned involuntarily back to Michael. He was talking quietly to Lyarna, but his eyes glanced over to her every few seconds.

“Until this whole mix up has been sorted, I must advise you that you and Michael should be a little more careful with your connection,” he warned cautiously.

Maria turned back to him and saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes, and she nodded, silently apologizing to Michael, and then mentally cutting off their internal thoughts.

“You have great control, Maria,” Toman said with a smile, and Maria was shocked to know he knew what she had done.

The rest of the dinner ran surprisingly smoothly and soon, the guests were standing, and the wooden tables were being moved to make room for dancing.

This brought up a new set of worries for the Roswell Six. How the hell was they supposed to know how to dance?

Before the dancing started, a tall man with graying hair, arrogant features, and outlandish clothes approached to royal table, bowing low to Lyarna.

“Your Majesty,” he started. “May I take this opportunity to say how pleased the people of Antar are to have their king back.”

“Thank you, Lord Corvin,” Lyarna returned gracefully.

“I take it his betrothal will be announced this evening,” Lord Corvin continued.

“Well,” Lyarna stammered, looking over to Max and Michael. “We should really discuss this with Mia’s parents,” she finished, hoping to stall for time.

“Nonsense,” Corvin returned with a wave of his hand. “Their blessings were given years ago.” And he swiftly turned to the gathering crowds.

“Lords and Ladies, may I have your attention?” he called in a commanding voice, and the guests turned to him instantly.

“As you all know, our Queen has shown herself to be a traitor and crossed to the enemy’s side. And in accordance to Antarian law, her actions instantly dissolve her marriage to our king.”

Maria looked to Michael, her eye wide in fear, and she took a step closer to him, Toman at her side.

“But we do not weep for her indiscretion, as this leaves our king free to marry his true love. The Princess Mia of Planetgesia, who for so long was missing and has at long last returned to us.”

Max took this opportunity to stand from his throne-like chair and hold his hand out to Maria.

Maria, afraid to look at Michael and the anger she would see building in his features there, turned to Toman, unsure what she should do.

Toman smiled gently to her, his eyes portraying his sympathies, and he held his hand out. Maria slipped her fingers into his palm, and he walked her over to Max.

Max grinned to her as Toman passed her hand over to him.

“Therefore, our king’s return will be celebrated with his marriage to Princess Mia,” Corvin concluded, and the room erupted with applause at their approval.

Maria cringed where she stood beside Max, her mind repeating the same thing over and over. “One night only. One night only.”

As the room bustled again with activity, people moving around and music starting, Michael moved over to Max and Maria.

“What the hell are you playing at, Max?” Michael hissed under his breath while pretending to offer kind words to the happy couple.

“I’m planning on dancing with my betrothed, Lord Rath,” Max answered, his voice steady and loud enough for the people around the three of them to hear.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Michael growled, his hand falling onto Max’s arm, stopping him from moving away with Maria.

“She’s my betrothed, I can dance with her all I want, and you can’t do a thing about it,” Max said to Michael, his voice low and menacing, no longer the smooth tones of Max Evans. “And you know why. Because for tonight, I’m the king, and you are nobody, so get your hands off me before I have you thrown into a cell for treason.”

And with that, he led Maria out onto the dance, Maria looking back at Michael, panic and fear in her eyes.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 27. 2/17/13

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:54 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey everyone out there in Roswell-Land. I hope you are all having a great day.

Thanks to those of you for reading this and taking the time to leave feedback.

Please accept my apologizes for not posting last week, there was so much going on in my life I fell behind, and of course, the Blizzard didnt help. :lol:

Anyway, after another eventful week of work and sickness, I'm back with another update.

Carolyn: Is it wrong that I can so picture Kyle as a Jedi Knight? And yeah, Michael and his typical male reaction.

Grace: Never truer words uttered :lol:

Chapter 27

“Relax, Maria,” Max said gently as they moved around the floor clumsily, his easygoing smile contradicting the maliciousness within his eyes.

“Max, you just threatened to throw your best friend in jail,” she answered through clenched teeth.

“Only because he was in my way,” he answered, as if it was the most obvious reason in the world.

“How can you say that? You knew the deal before we came here.”

“Yeah, well, things change.”

Maria gave him a shocked look, and she stopped moving around the floor, planting her feet firmly.

“I don’t want to dance anymore.”

Max looked at her for a few seconds before he wrapped his arm further around her waist and roughly pulled her closer.

“We will stop dancing when I say so. I am King of Antar.”

“No, you are not,” she ground out, her eyes narrowing.

Max smiled and laughed a little. “There are about hundred people here who would disagree with you on that.”

“Only for tonight,” Maria bit back, then she continued her voice softer. “Max, just stop this, because if you think Michael is pissed now, just imagine what he will be like later.”

She turned in his arms and caught Michael watching them intently, his jaw clenched and his fists so tight she could imagine his white knuckles. She smiled softly to him, as discreetly as possible. She could feel the anger rolling off him through their connection and anyone who should happened to look at him would see by the hard set of his jawbone that he was seething with rage. And she didn’t blame him one bit.

“Max,” Maria tried again, her voice staying gentle. “Don’t let Zan win.”

“Maria, it’s really hard not to. I want you so bad, and this may be the only chance I get,” Max replied, his voice almost pleading.

“What about me? What about what I want? You know I don’t feel that way, and the only way you are gonna be able to have me is by force. Do you really want to do that?”

“If that’s what I have to, then yes,” Max answered her vehemently, his tone harsh as he continued to forcefully lead her around the dance floor.

“You are willing to hurt me, hurt Michael, and hurt just because you have this latent feeling that you feel something physical for me?” Maria asked as she did her best to keep her face trained and calm, but she felt she was nearing her breaking point. What was she going to do if Max tried to do something?

“I know what I feel, Maria,” he said harshly, becoming angry with her as she questioned his motives. “I’m not Michael. I won’t go around for weeks denying that I want you.”

Maria’s eyes widened at his declaration, her body shuddering with fear at his words. While she had been afraid of what he could do whilst at home in Roswell, here that fear was heightened. Here he was in charge for the time being, and no one would stop him from doing whatever he wanted to. Well, anyone except Michael, that is. She was now thankful he had come to that agreement with Larek regarding her guards, and she hoped they were good at their jobs. It could be horrible for everyone if Max followed through with his plan.

She wished she could hear Michael’s soothing voice at that moment, but she was worried about turning their connection back on, not knowing who could be listening in to their private conversations.

“Don’t worry, Maria,” Max sneered to her. “I’ll make sure you have a good time.”

Maria turned her head from him, absolutely disgusted in his turn of behavior and unable to look at the familiar face of her friend. The only thing that had changed was his eyes; Max’s once warm, friendly, chocolate orbs were now dark and menacing, seeming to penetrate her soul.

Max grinned down to her, enjoying her distress, and then he bent slightly his lips brushing against her ear.

“Come on, Maria,” he whispered. “Let’s get out of here.”

Maria pulled her head away from his as though she had been burnt and she looked at him, her eyes wide with terror.

“We can’t,” she stammered out.

“Sure we can,” Max continued, his head almost dizzy from the fear radiating from her. “I’m the king, remember. No one will question me for wanting to talk in private with my betrothed.”

Maria looked anxiously around her, needing someone, anyone, to help her but not wanting to create a scene.
Max just pulled her even closer to him and Maria gave a yelp of horror when she felt his hard erection through the many layers of the material of her gown.

Max’s arm wrapped tighter around her slim waist, his fingers splayed wide against her side and he grazed the side of her breast almost tenderly. He had wanted to do that for so long. Since he had crept into her room and watched her sleeping with Michael.

Maria froze at his touch and strained her body away from him, astonished that he would touch her like that, in front of these people and in front of Michael. She didn’t dare look over to Michael, knowing he could feel the fear in her and she could feel his aching need to help her. She felt cold and her body shook slightly as a chill rippled through her, almost as if in warning.

Max took that reaction as one of pleasure and grinned to her more, looking sinister, as he said, “Your body knows that you want me, even if your heart and mind is staying loyal to Michael.” He leaned back down to her ear, “Sometimes, we just have to give in to our bodies,” he whispered. “Don’t worry, Maria. It can be our dirty little secret.”

Again, Maria snapped her head away from him as a figure appeared beside the semi-dancing couple, and Maria breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Toman beside her.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty,” he said with a slight bow to Max. “May I interrupt your dance?”

“Why?” Max asked, obvious disdain evident in his voice.

“I would like to dance with Princess Mia,” Toman explained with a bow of his head.

“Of course,” Maria answered quickly, not giving Max a chance to turn this man down, and she turned from Max’s forced hold and stepped closer to Toman.

Toman bowed deeply to her and gingerly took her into his arms.

As they moved away from Max, Maria relaxed a little. “Thanks for the rescue,” she said quietly.

“You were looking a little uncomfortable,” Toman said with a smile.

“That’s an understatement,” Maria answered low, her eyes shifted when Max moved across the room to Liz.


Liz watched as Max circled the dance floor with Maria in his arms, and she could almost feel the tension rolling from her friend.

She turned in her seat to gauge Michael’s reaction to this turn of events, and so far, he was keeping his temper in check. Though judging from the way Max was handling Maria, she had a feeling his newfound composure would soon disappear.

She switched her attention back to Max. She knew when tomorrow came, and the truth about Michael was brought to light, Michael would absolutely make sure Max would have no access to Maria. Would he then turn his devotion back to her? How did she feel, knowing that she was coming in second behind Maria? Maria! The girl who was always came in second to her. The girl whose life was never as good as hers. The girl who was always in her shadow. Liz wasn’t sure how she felt about being second best. That had never happened to her before.

She wondered if it would be considered bad etiquette if she went over and cut in on their dance. She reasoned yes, he was royalty after all. And she was a smart person. She hadn’t missed the slight difference in actions regarding her non-royal status, like how the guards called her mistress instead of lady or how her dress was somehow less ornate than both Isabel’s and Maria’s, her golden belt not nearly as elaborate. And she had no way been offered a crown or a glittering tiara to wear for the night. She did wonder why Maria had refused to wears hers. If she had been in her friend’s shoes, she would most definitely be wearing the crown.

And her room was a broom closet compared to the suite of rooms the other two had. She even had a feeling Kyle’s room was bigger than hers.

But that didn’t matter. She was here with Max, and she would be able to do what Maria and Michael hadn’t succeeded in: She would keep Max away from Maria.

Ever since arriving in Antar, Liz had been bombarded with memories of her previous life here. The most vivid being the time she spent with Max/Zan. There were also blurry images of time spent in the arms of another man, tall, dark, and extremely handsome, but she had no name to go with this mystery man and so she disregarded him all together.

She was confident that she would be able to keep Max distracted and lose all thoughts of Maria. She knew she was ready to take that final step with Max and was determined that by the end of the night, she would no longer be a virgin. It had to be tonight while Max was still king.

Her focus was brought back to the dance floor to see Maria dance away from Max in the arms of the Holy Man, and she chuckled to think Maria was dancing with the old man. She watched as Michael inched forward in his seat slightly, and Isabel moved closer to him, obviously trying to get him to dance with her. Liz knew she would have no luck. Michael simply did not dance. Unless it was with Maria, and even that was under duress. Liz continued to watch as one of the courtiers politely asked Isabel to dance, and with a quick look to her mother, and at her slight nod, Isabel smiled to the tall, fair-haired man and was swept elegantly onto the floor.

Liz turned her attention back to Max to see him heading her way. She smiled as he got nearer, but when he turned at the last moment and sat heavily back in his gilded chair, she couldn’t stop the disappointed feeling rising within her.

She cautiously moved over into Maria’s vacated seat so she could sit beside him. Once there, she leaned over to him, “Would be completely inappropriate for you to dance with me?” she asked him with a shy smile.”

“I’m the King, Liz. I can do whatever I want,” he returned, his voice dripping with contempt.

“So,” she probed, “Are you going to dance with me?” As she asked this, she looked coquettishly at him through her eyelashes.

Max scoffed at her attempt to flirt with her, but Liz took that short laugh to mean, ‘of course I’m going to dance with you’.

Max watched as her smile widened, and he smirked to her and held out his hand in offer.

Liz slipped her small hand into his, and they stood as one and moved out onto the floor.


Maria felt much happier gliding over the floor with Toman than she had dancing with Max. He made her smile with his comical comments regarding the dignitaries in the room.

“I think you have won these people over,” he said to her.

“Me?” Maria asked, surprised. “I haven’t done anything.”

“Just by being here,” Toman smiled to her. “That is what you have done.”

He looked around them to the many people dancing. “You and Michael will be Antar’s greatest rulers.”
Maria laughed nervously, not wanting to tell this man she had no intention of living on Antar. “What makes you say that?”

“Michael has a great power within him,” Toman replied.

Maria huffed at his words. “Yeah,” she agreed. “A power he doesn’t always know how to control.”
Toman moved away from her a little, looking deep into her eyes, as if searching for something.

“You are his control, child,” he answered sincerely.

Maria’s cheeks tinted pink as she ducked her head to hide her blush.

“Have there ever been times when Michael has more control when you are around?”

“Tons,” Maria told him with a smile.

“That just proves what I say is true. Michael’s power is raw, majestically consuming, and he needs something to anchor him, to rein him in when he goes too far. That is you.”

Maria turned her head to look at Michael, who again was talking with the Dowager Queen, his gaze wandering to her every few minutes or so, as if keeping tabs on her whereabouts, though she was sure he didn’t need to. Even though she had shut down their verbal connection, they could still feel each other’s presence and emotions. Which was one of the reasons she was bursting with pride at his self-control. He hadn’t gone barreling into Max when he could so easily have when he sensed her fear and apprehension.

“Come,” Toman said abruptly and led her from the other dancing couples back over to the long, high table.

As they passed Max and Liz, his eyes narrowed to Max as if telling him with one look not to cause a commotion. He approached Lyarna and Michael slowly, bowing deeply to the Dowager Queen and discreetly to Michael.

“Princess Mia has expressed a wish to dance with Lord Rath,” Toman announced to Lyarna with a secretive smile.

“Of course,” Lyarna returned gracefully.

Michael stood slowly, rising to his full height before reaching a hand toward Maria. She gave him a small
smile, placing her tiny hand in his larger one, and he led her out to the dance floor. As much as he hated dancing, Michael was no fool. He knew his chances to be with Maria during this ‘low key’ evening were extremely slim so he would take what opportunities were given him. When they stood facing each other in the middle of the dance floor, he flashed her his most charming smile and drew her into his arms, mimicking the old-fashioned dance stance the couples surrounding them held.

Maria desperately wanted to tell him what Max had said, how callous he had been with his remarks and the way he was disregarded anyone’s feelings but his own. But she knew this wasn’t the time or the place for such a conversation and she was much happier now she was in Michael’s arms again. Home, with the only man she could ever want or need, and she felt her body warm up at his tender touch.

They were watched as they danced, and Maria wondered if it was because of the rumors that circled when she had been Maya about her affair with Lord Rath.

“They are watching us,” Michael said stiffly, holding her a little too close to him.

“Of course they are,” Maria replied. “After all, I believe it was common knowledge that Rath and Maya were……”

“In love?” Michael asked her, his eye soft as he gazed into her bright emerald orbs.

“Well, they might not have known about that part, but I’m sure they knew they were sleeping together.”

“Speaking of that,” Michael grinned, his gaze now changing to cheeky and mischievous. “Will we be sleeping together night?”

“I don’t know, Michael. I think that sort of thing is frowned upon on this planet,” she said coyly.

“Not at all, Blondie,” Michael returned seriously. “After all, on this planet, we are already as good as married.”

Maria rolled her eyes. Did she seriously doubt Michael wouldn’t find a way to share her bed tonight?

Michael wanted so desperately to draw her closer to him, to smell her hair and inhale her unique scent. He wanted to take her from this room and keep her safe. But the most pressing issue was the loneliness he felt, even with her there in his arms. His mind was too quiet. There was no Maria chatter, a sound he had become so used to he didn’t realize it was there until it was gone. “How come I can’t hear you? Talk to you?”

Maria automatically knew what he was talking about, and she looked around to make sure no one was listening into their conversation as they awkwardly moved around the dance floor.

“Toman told me there are people here who could detect our connection if we use the internal talking thing, so I closed it down,” she explained quietly. “Sorry.”

“No, babe, it’s fine. I understand why you did it,” Michael said softly, the fingers if his hand around her waist caressing her back discreetly. “And expect me in your bed tonight. You are not sleeping alone.”

“Didn’t think I would be,” she smiled back to him. “All in the name of my safety, right?”

“Absolutely, Blondie,” Michael grinned to her. “A man has to do what a man has to do,” he added with an exaggerated deep sigh.

“Such hardship,” she bantered back.

“Yeah,” and he looked down at her outfit again, not in the least letting his eyes linger on the soft flesh of her breast peeking out the top of her dress. “Just got to work on getting you out of that dress.”

“You’re smart, Michael. I’m sure you’ll work it out,” she giggled.

Michael’s hand wrapped around her more tightly, and his fingers brushed against the lacing running up her back that secured her dress. He ached to pull at the thin length of golden ribbon and he could almost imagine his torture as her porcelain flesh was revealed to him, and he groaned, loudly.

“Easy, Spaceboy,” she soothed stretching the fingers of her left hand on his shoulder and discreetly pulled gently on his silky hair.

“Maria,” he breathed out, and she giggled again.


Finally, the State Dinner ended, and the Dowager Queen led the Roswell Six from the grand room back into the smaller antechamber they had started off in.

“I think that went well,” she smiled to the small group of teenagers in front of her.

“I didn’t get to dance,” Kyle grumbled under his breath.

“Apparently, acolytes of the Holy Order are not permitted to partake in the pleasure of dancing with females,” Isabel explained to Maria, as the small blonde had spent most of the evening dancing with various dignitaries, each of the courtiers wanting to take their turn dancing with the famed Princess Mia.

“But Toman was dancing,” Maria stated, looking at Kyle with sympathy.

“He can. He’s the Master,” Kyle answered with regret.

“Is that another Star Wars reference?” Isabel asked in confusion.

“Toman is the Grand Master of the Order of the Seven Stars,” Liz said with condescension.

Isabel’s attention immediately turned from Kyle to Liz. She narrowed her brown eyes, giving Liz her most frightening ice princess glare, as the brunette shrunk back.

“Why don’t you all go and get some rest?” Lyarna instructed. “I’m sure it has been a long day for you all, and tomorrow will be just as difficult.”

“That’s a good idea,” Isabel agreed, and they moved out into the hallway, hoping to be able to find the way back to their rooms. They didn’t need to worry though, as both the royal guard for Max and Maria’s own personal protectors led the way through the palatial corridors.

Within minutes, Liz, Kyle, and Isabel had left to enter their own spaces, which left Michael, Max, and Maria in the hallway. Michael glided straight past his own suite, heading to Maria’s, when Max stopped him, his hand landing on Michael’s chest.

“Where do you think you are going?” Max asked him.

Michael knocked his hand away as he answered, “Where do you think?”

“You’re not sleeping with Maria tonight,” Max growled out, his eye narrowing at the taller man.

“Guys, come on,” Maria whispered harshly, as her eyes flickered between the two.

“I’m King, Michael, and what I say goes,” Max continued as if Maria hadn’t spoken.

“Don’t pull that crap with me, Max,” Michael spat out.

“All I have to do is call for the guards, and you will be gone,” Max threatened, his voice hard and cold.

“Try it,” Michael shot back, just as strong.

“Max,” Maria intervened, moving in between them. “Just go to your room.”

“With pleasure,” he smiled to her and turned to leave, but at the last minute, he grabbed her arm and pulled her along with him.

“Max!” she shrieked, her voice shocked.

“Get your fucking hands off her,” Michael bellowed and tugged on Maria’s other arm.

Maria winced as Max’s gripped tightened painfully around the top of her arm, and at this, Jetus, her guard, stepped forward and twisted Max’s other arm around and up his back.

“Take your hands off Princess Mia,” the guard stated roughly, holding Max’s arm tightly against his back.
Max was actually stunned this guard had touched him. He was the king. He struggled against the man behind him, his other hand still firmly holding Maria’s arm, but Jetus hold was secure.

“Let go of me, you imbecile!” Max ordered. “I am your King.”

“You are not my king,” Jetur answered evenly. “Now take your hand off Princess Mia.”

Max reluctantly let go of Maria, and Michael moved her quickly toward the door of her room. Then he turned back abruptly, his eyes blazing with anger as he regarded Max in front of him. Jetur had released him as soon as Max had let go of Maria’s arm and Michael could virtually feel Max’s indecision regarding where to go after Maria again, or turn on her guard. Michael took that choice from him as his fist smashed into Max’s jaw.

Max went sprawling to the floor from the force of the blow.

“Listen to this once and for all, Max. You ever touch her again, and it will be the last thing you ever do,” Michael warned, his voice dropping dangerously low.

Max sneered up to his one-time brother from his position on the floor and his hand shot out, palm turned toward Michael in a stopping motion, and Michael’s body lifted into the air and was thrown against the wall behind him, landing with thud, the sounding echoing along the corridor.

“Michael!” Maria screamed, and she tried to run over to him, but Jetur stopped her.

Michael was back on his feet in an instant, the same time that Max scrambled to stand.

Michael ran across the small space, tackling Max around his waist, and they both crashed back to the ground.

Fists flew and connected with flesh as the two rolled around on the floor, struggling for dominance over the over. Michael, with his bigger build, soon had Max beneath him and he pummeled his fist into his one-time brother’s face, his rage taking over. Max’s royal guard moved down the corridor but Maria’s other sentinel intercepted them, holding them both at bay.

The door to Isabel’s room opened sharply, and the tall blonde came barreling out to find out what was happening down the corridor from her door.

“Max,” she called, shocked to see her two brothers fighting on the floor.

Kyle moved quickly passed her, heading over to Max and Michael. “Come on, guys. This is ridiculous,” and he tried to pry the pair apart, receiving a fist to his stomach as his reward.

“Isabel, stop them,” Maria cried, tears streaming down her face.

Isabel moved closer to them again, not knowing which brother to try and intercept.

“Max, Michael,” she called out to them again, and she shook her head when they both ignored her. She turned back to Maria, her eyes wide, and Maria understood. Isabel couldn’t take the chance of hurting one of her brothers.

They rolled, and Max, again, used his powers against Michael, his knee on the taller man’s chest, holding him down, and his hand on Michael’s head as he repeatedly slammed it against the floor.

Maria didn’t share Isabel’s concerns, and jabbed her elbow sharply into Jetur’s chest and, in the moment of his shock, she broke free of his hold, rushing forward. She threw all her weight against Max and he toppled sideways from Michael.

Immediately, Michael was up and roughly dragging Max to his feet while glaring disbelievingly at Maria.

“What the hell was that?” he growled to her.

“I was stopping you two from beating the shit out each other,” she replied just as heatedly, and she, too, stood, Jetur instantly at her side to help her to her feet.

Michael held Max against the wall as he wiped a trail of blood from his mouth. He looked at Max, the anger in his stance only telling half of the rage that was swirling within him.

“Jetur, can you take Maria inside please?” he instructed the Plantgesian guard without moving his eyes from Max.

Jetur inclined his head slightly to Michael and half guided, half dragged Maria into her rooms, all the time with her vehemently expressing her wish to stay out in the corridor.


Kyle knew right away what Michael was going to say. “Come on, Isabel, Liz. Let’s get you back to your rooms.”

He moved to usher the girls back down the hallway.

“No. I’m staying with Max,” Liz demanded.

“Liz, go to your room,” Michael ordered.

“You are not king yet,” Liz answered back, determined to stay with Max.

“Liz, come on,” Isabel urged, her eyes swinging fearfully but trustingly to Michael.

Liz reluctantly let herself be led by Isabel, and all three entered in the tall blonde’s stately rooms.
Michael turned back to Max. Now it was just them in the corridor with his guards and the remaining one of Maria’s.

“You listen to me, Maxwell,” Michael said, his voice low and in a tone that allowed no argument. “You will not make any attempt to talk to Maria for the remainder of this visit. You will stay away from her completely. You may be king for this evening, but remember, I will be in charge tomorrow, and you don’t want to push me anymore than you have right now.”

“What you are doing is treason,” Max sneered to Michael.

“So throw me in a cell,” Michael answered. “But be sure that, come tomorrow, when it is announced to the world that I am king, our positions will be quickly changed.”

Michael smirked to Max. “I’ve spent time in a cell before, I can certainly cope with one night. But you, Maxwell, have never had to endure that. And your time in a cell will be a lot longer than mine, as I will be king for longer than your,” he glanced down at his watch, “ four hours.”

Max seemed to slump against the wall, knowing what Michael was saying was true.

“Go to bed, Max,” Michael ordered and let go of him. Michael walked away, not looking back and into
Maria’s room.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 28. 2/24/13

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:34 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey everyone. Hope where ever you are in the world things are going just great with you.

Candyliciouslovah: Thanks, and yes, we survived the blizzard. :P

Carolyn: Yes, I have to agree with you. I feel sorry for Liz too, and unfortunately its not gonna get any easier for. But hang on in there, I’m sure things will sort themselves out on the end. Glad you like the Star Wars references, that’s my fiancés influence. He’s so proud it made it to a feedback!

Grace: Yes, Max and Liz are being completely controlled by their past at the moment.

Chapter 28

Maria was immediately upon him when Michael entered her rooms.

“Are you ok?” she asked, tilting his head between her hands to look at his split lip and the bruising already showing around his eye, her eyes showing concern and she grimaced as if she could feel his pain.

“I’m fine, Maria,” he answered her, brushing her hands away, noting the tears staining her face.

“You don’t look fine,” she retorted sharply, gingerly brushing her fingertips over the darkening skin.

Michael winced at her gentle touch.

“Sorry,” she whispered, quickly pulling her hand back.

Michael just stood there, watching her intently. His arm rose, and his palm cupped her cheek, his thumb wiping away the last of her tears and his long fingers tangling into the curls in her hair.

“Did he hurt you?” he asked hoarsely.

Maria shook her head, not trusting her voice. She was overwhelmed by the raw look of love and devotion in his eyes and she was unsure how to react other than speechlessness.

Michael’s hand lowered from her face, down her slender neck and along her collar bone. He continued moving his palm over her, appreciating the feel of the silky material of her dress as his hand slid down her arm.

When her face contorted in pain at his touch on her upper arm, he pulled back sharply.

“Did he hurt you?” he repeated, firmly, his amber eyes seeking out her emerald ones.

Maria again shook her head, but her eyes fell to the floor.

Michael copied her earlier movement, raising both hands to her face, and he cupped her cheeks in his palms.
He brought his lips to meet hers in a gentle kiss and then moved around to stand behind her.

His fingers trembled slightly as he pulled on the double-knotted bow securing the ribbon that held her gown tightly closed. Eventually he had it unfastened, and he tugged on the lacings, opening the back of the dress. He had imagined to see the creamy, almost silk-like skin of her back and was disappointed when he was faced with actual white silk.

Maria moved her hands and popped open the pearl buttons at her wrists, and Michael gently shifted the material from her shoulders and the garment fluttered with a wisp to the floor.

He gave a snort of laughter at the sight of her clad now in what looked like an old-fashioned night dress.

“Don’t laugh,” she said sternly, looking back over her shoulder at him, though there was mirth in her tone.

“This is all the rage here,” she explained with a chuckle. “The pinnacle in the art of seduction.”

That made him laugh a little louder until his gaze fell on her upper arm, the bruising there echoing the coloration around his eye. However, only hers would match Max’s hand-print precisely, he guessed.

Michael felt his rage build again, and when Maria tried to turn around and face him, he stopped her. He wrapped a strong arm across her shoulders, his thumb brushing delicately across her collarbone and he drew her body back against his, burying his face into her soft hair and inhaling the floral scent deeply before he spoke.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered huskily into the silken strands.

Maria shook her head slightly. “Not your fault, Spaceboy,” she returned softly, leaning into him completely, appreciating his strong, hard body at her back.

Michael dipped his head lower and placed a chaste kiss in the space where her neck met her shoulder and smiled against her skin as she quivered beneath his lips.

He continued a trail of warm kisses along her clavicle, moving the silk of her underdress with his left hand as his right moved down to palm her breast, groaning slightly when he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra under the material.

Maria moaned softly when his hand pushed the soft material against the sensitive flesh of her breast.

“Michael,” she whispered sensually as his thumb grazed her nipple.

Michael retraced his lips, his palm moving back up her body, and with his hands on her shoulders, he gently pushed the silken fabric down, letting the straps fall over her shoulders as the rest of the garment dropped with a whisper to the floor.

Now she stood in front of him, her back still to his front, in nothing but a scrap of lace that she laughingly called her panties. His hands immediately returned to her, each dipping and cupping a breast and Maria
groaned, her head rolling back onto his shoulder at the feel of his calloused skin on hers.

Michael smiled against her ear, delighted at the sounds he could elicit from the delicate girl in front of him, and one glided down her body, snaking its way over her stomach and lower until his fingers dipped into her panties.

“Shit, Michael,” Maria hissed, her hips moving, trying to push herself into his hand.

Michael laughed at her impatience, pulling his hand back, and Maria whimpered at the loss.

Maria whipped around in his arms and crashed her lips against his, demanding he take what she gave him, and Michael gripped her hips, grinding their lower regions together in an almost desperate attempt to show her how she affected him.

When Maria finally let go of his lips and began a hot trail down his neck and along his collarbone, Michael growled.

He turned his head, trying to judge the distance between them and the bed, then decided it was too far away and sank down to the floor with Maria in his arms.


Max paced aggressively in his grand rooms, his mind racing with the many ways he wished to kill Michael Guerin. How dare he attempt to rule him? He was King Zan!

There was a knock at his door, and he growled out, “What!”

The huge door opened, and Liz stepped into the room. She studied him for a moment before timidly asking,

“Are you ok?”

Max huffed. “At least someone cares,” he said roughly. “You know Isabel hasn’t even been to check on me. She’s probably with Michael right now.”

“No, she’s in her room talking to Kyle,” Liz told him as she moved further into room, the soft fabric of her long gown gliding across the stone floor.

Max crossed the room, finally slumping into a large, cushioned cross-frame chair beside the ornate fireplace, the flames leaping high from the grate. “And I bet Michael is still with Maria.”

Liz nodded, watching him closely as she followed him and seated herself in a similar chair opposite him.

Max turned away from her, his gaze falling on reds and oranges glowing in the fire. This was his last chance, his last opportunity to get with Maria, and where was she? In her rooms with Michael. Again.

Max was ashamed of himself for the thoughts running through his mind. Maria was one of his best friends, not some sexual object to be used for his own satisfaction. He also recognized that Maria was not Mia. But, Zan was too strong, his identity almost overriding Max’s and he could feel his timid, sensitive side giving way to the more dominate, spoiled persona of Zan.

He tried to fight it, and back on Earth, he seemed to be winning. Here on Antar, though, with Zan’s memories rippling through him, he knew he was losing. Whenever he looked at the small blonde girl he couldn’t differentiate between Maria and Mia, he just had an almost violent need to process her, have her, completely as his own.

Max pushed himself back up from the chair and began pacing the room again, Zan’s emotions bubbling to the surface again. He needed to cool down; he was too wired, too energized.

“I wish I hadn’t come here,” he said suddenly, turning to Liz, his eyes almost pleading with her, wanting her to understand and knowing he needed to stay away from Maria.

“You came because this is your home,” she answered gently, standing also and moving over to lay a hand on his shoulder. “Your family. Your throne.”

Max gave a half laugh at that. “But it’s not,” he spat back, his voice barely above a whisper. “Not my home, not my family, and definitely not my throne.”

Liz turned him so he faced her. “We can go home if you want? Back to Rowell,” she offered, and Max smiled gently to her.

“You are always here for me,” he said, his hand lifting to cup her cheek.

Liz leaned into his hand, her heart soaring at his tender touch. It seemed like forever since he had touched her in a way which could be seen as romantic.

Max kissed her gently, chastely, and Liz grinned against his lips.

When they separated, Liz reached for his hand and led him over to the huge bed which was placed along one wall, and Max smirked as he followed her.

As they got closer to the bed, Liz began kissing him again, though this time more aggressively, more demanding, and she pulled Max down on top of her as she collapsed onto the overstuffed mattress and its elaborate coverings.

Max lost himself to the sensations of the girl under him as one hand trailed down her body and the other tangled into her long, brown hair.

Liz moved underneath him, relishing the feeling of his body against her, and she shuddered delightfully when his hand brushed across her silk-covered breast.

Max groaned at the feeling of her, and he tore his lips from her mouth to attack the tender skin of her neck.
“Maria,” he moaned.

Liz stopped moving, her body becoming rigid under him as Max continued to kiss her neck, his hand roughly squeezing her breast.

She lifted her arm, her palm closing over his, stopping his movement. “What?” she asked, her voice steady, positive she must have misheard him. “What did you call me?”

Max moved off her, standing in front of her prone body, and he laughed, the evil sound ringing loudly in Liz’s ears.

Liz looked up at him in shock and for the first time, she noticed the difference in his eyes. They were darker, evil, and almost gloating at that moment in time.

“You will never be her, Liz Parker,” he almost spat out. “You don’t even come in second behind her. You are not worthy to even use as a poor substitute for her.”

He moved quickly then, grabbing her arm and pulling her roughly from his bed, dragging her over to the door. “You are not and never will be Maria,” he spat with venom.

He reached for the brass door handle and yanked the door open with force, tossing Liz out into the corridor where she landed in a heap on the floor.

Max turned to one of his royal guards. “She is not to re-enter these rooms,” he instructed before slamming the door shut.

Liz remained where she was for a few seconds, her mind racing with what had just happened.

She lifted her eyes to see one of the guards looking down on her, his face almost sympathetic. When he reached down to help her up, she brushed his hand away and stood on her own.

Then with as much dignity as she could muster, she turned on her heel and walked down the hallway to her own room, her dreams of a blissful life with Max Evans shattering with every step.


Morning arrived all too quickly for Michael, and he moaned as the intense sunlight shone across his face. He rolled over in the large bed, burying his head into the soft, warm body beside him.

Maria sleepily lifted her arm and wrapped it around Michael’s shoulder as he burrowed his face into her neck, a smile playing across her lips. This was Michael at his most vulnerable, half-awake, half-asleep, and she knew she was the only one to ever see him like this.

Her hand lifted and she idly glided her fingers through his long hair, soothing him, not wanting him to fully wake yet, and needing to prolong this comfort, as she knew things were only going to get hectic and crazy from now on.

She felt his large body relax, half on top of her much smaller one as he rested against her, his hand lifting to cover her exposed breast.

Maria let her mind wander as a million thoughts flittered through her. How would the people react to the news that Michael was their king? Would they accept him? Would it cause more problems with the ongoing battle with Kivar? How would Max cope with the trials of today?

She shuddered a little when she thought of Max. He had scared her immensely last night. He was so far from being the Max they all knew and loved. It was as though he had spilt himself in two, and Max Evans had stayed behind on Earth while Zan now resided in Max’s body on Antar.

When the dreams and memories had first started, she told Michael there wasn’t much she remembered about Zan apart from the interactions they had as children, but she had lied. Her most terrifying memory was the one where Zan had pinned Maya down on his bed, ripping her clothing, and forcing his fingers into her unwilling body as she whimpered her protests. She vaguely wondered if Michael would be expected to move into the royal chambers after the announcement, knowing she would be unable to enter the room where Maya had almost been raped.

She shuddered again at the thought, grateful for the guard outside her room and the man in her bed, knowing without them, she would be no match for Max.

Michael stirred again at the ripple that passed through the body under him.

“Are you cold, babe?” he asked drowsily.

Maria sighed, hating the fact she had involuntarily woken him with her body’s reactions to her thoughts of
Zan. She shifted her head slightly and placed a kiss against his forehead.

“No,” she whispered, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the room. “Go back to sleep.”

Michael tilted his head up to meet her dazzling green orbs with his caramel ones. “You’re thinking too loudly,” he whispered, and Maria’s eyes widened in surprise.

Michael chuckled low in his throat. “Don’t worry, Blondie. That invisible wall you’ve erected in your mind is still up, but I know you are having insanely carnal thoughts about me.”

“Oh, yeah?” Maria grinned, though the corners of her mouth twitched with nervousness that, thankfully,
Michael seemed to miss. “And how do you know that?”

“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” Michael replied, moving himself to settle over her completely. “I’m in your bed, naked, and willing to be used and abused.”

Maria’s smile grew as she indeed felt him hard against her leg. “Well, aren’t you just a wanton piece of masculinity?” she giggled as she trailed her fingers up the side of his body, knowing he loved her soft, feather-light touch.

“You know it, babe,” he grinned back as he nuzzled back into her neck, gently pulling her soft skin into his mouth and sucking gently.

“Nu-huh, Spaceboy,” she said sternly, pushing him playfully away from her neck, thinking of the low cut gowns she was expected to wear during their visit. “No marking where it can be seen.”

Michael smirked at her as he moved down her body slightly until he placed his lips on the underside of her breast. “This ok?” his muffled voice drifted up to her from around her skin.

“Huh-hu,” she nodded vigorously, wishing he would move his lips a few inches higher.

Michael laughed against her skin, and his hand moved down her body to her thigh, and he lifted her leg against his hip, causing her to groan at the slight friction against her body.

Just then, the door to her room opened, and Sadine rushed in, a smile on her face as she moved over to the large windows, throwing the light drapes back and drenching the room in glorious sunlight.

Michael and Maria froze in the bed, their heads turned to the unknowing intruder. Michael tried to inch away
from Maria but only succeeded in brushing himself against her sensitive flesh, and Maria let out an involuntary moan.

Sadine head swiveled toward the bed, and she shrieked a little, her hands flying to cover her mouth when she saw her mistress and Lord Rath there, obviously naked.

“I’m sorry,” she squeaked out.

“No, it’s ok,” Maria answered, trying to reassure the woman who was like a mother to her, and she had a sudden flash of what her real mother would have to say if she walked in to see her and Michael about to go at it, and that image was NOT pretty.

She pushed gently on Michael’s shoulder, rolling him from her and shot him a warning glare when he mumbled death threats to the poor serving woman. Maria lifted the soft sheets to cover her bare chest and gave a shy smile to Sadine.

“I don’t suppose there is a robe or anything in that wardrobe?” she asked.

Sadine nodded quickly and rushed across the room to open the heavy doors of the wardrobe. She turned almost immediately with something white in her hand, and she gingerly moved to the edge of the bed, placing the garment on the corner.

“I’ll just go and run you a bath,” Sadine offered and entered the bathroom quickly, not waiting for any response and closing the door firmly behind her.

“That was awkward,” Michael laughed, rolling onto his back and sprawling luxuriously across the wide expanse of the bed.

“And that was an understatement,” Maria grumbled as she inched down the bed, reaching for the robe. It was incredibly soft and felt like silk as she wrapped it around her shoulders, slipping her arms into the fabric with ease, a slight smile on her face.

Then she turned quickly to Michael. “That woman practically raised me on this planet,” she informed him.
“It was almost as embarrassing as having my mom walk in on us.”

Michael looked at Maria as if she had grown a second head. “Don’t wish an Amy walking in on me, Blondie,” he said seriously. “I’m still reeling from the last newspaper she wacked me over the head with.”

“And yet, she still lets you in the house,” Maria grinned to him. “Despite knowing all the dirty things you want to do with her daughter.”

“How the hell does she know?” Michael asked loudly, sitting up suddenly, looking around the space as if Amy could walk in any moment.

“Michael,” Maria returned her hand against his chest. “My mom vividly remembers being a teenager. After all, it wasn’t that long ago for her.”

“I will never be able to look her in the eye again,” Michael mumbled.

They turned their heads when they heard the water running in the other room. Maria climbed from the bed, drawing the silk and lace robe tightly around her and moved to collect Michael’s clothes, which had been discarded rather rapidly the night before. She tossed them over to him, looking up to see him watching her, a sexy smile on his face.

“What?” she asked, mirroring his smile.

“That robe is practically see-through,” he said, his eyes wandering appreciatively over her figure.

Maria rolled her eyes but continued to grin at him. “Get dressed, Michael,” she instructed, then turned and bent to pick up her own discarded gown, turning her head discreetly to see Michael’s eyes on her rear. She straightened up and draped the dress over the back of a chair and moved back to the bed.

“They help if you put them on,” she told Michael, indicating to his clothes scattered on the bed.

“Don’t think I can,” he squeaked out, than cleared his voice. “Those pants may not fit anymore.”

He looked to her with a wicked gleam in his eye and suddenly moved, pulling her back onto the bed with him.

“Guess you’ll just have to do something about that,” he told her.

“Michael,” Maria looked shocked. “Sadine is in the other room.”

“Come on, Blondie. I know you like a bit of danger every now and then,” and he collapsed back onto the bed,
drawing her down on top of him, her giggles like music to his ears.


Michael, Maria, Max, Isabel, Kyle, and Liz all stood on the large white marble balcony that overlooked a grand courtyard below, which was now bustling with people from the surrounding villages and towns who were all crammed into the space to catch a glimpse of the king they had not seen in decades – or in some of their cases, a king who they had never seen.

The sun continued to stream down on all the people gathered there as Master Toman and Dowager Queen Lyarna revealed to the citizens of Antar a fantastical tale of treason and clandestine meetings to upset the royal family and tear away their prince. And of how this treachery was finally discovered last night during a regal ritual designed to realign the king of Antar with his people. Of course, they didn’t add this ritual was something the ruling class had eliminated eons ago. The populace would not know that, and Lyarna needed something to explain how they had come to the conclusion that Zan was not their king.

“So as you can see, beloved people of Antar,” Lyarna’s regal voice floated to all in conclusion of her announcement, “a great injustice was done to all when Zan was forcibly taken from us and replaced. And I must stress, in no way do we hold the person we know as Zan responsible in any of this. He was just a baby at the time, as much a victim in all this as the rest of us, and he had served this world to the best of his abilities. He will henceforth be known as Lord Zan and Lord Rath will take his rightful place as ruler of this world and be King Rath.”

Lyarna turned to Michael, gesturing him to move forward, and after a gentle squeeze of Maria’s hand, he did as she bid.

There was a low rumbling from the courtyard below them as the populace looked up to Michael, digesting what Lyarna just told them.

Michael looked nervously down on the people and then back to his friends behind him, his eyes falling on Jackson, who was strategically placed within arms distance from Maria and Isabel.

Earlier that morning, Michael conducted a meeting with Jackson, or Lord Dalmus as he was now known, and out on that balcony, Michael knew Jackson held in his pocket the crystal device which opened the portal, and Jackson knew his instructions: If the people of Antar did not accept what they were told or if there was any signs of unrest or uprisings, Jackson was to open the intergalactic doorway and get Maria, Isabel, and Liz -- he added as an afterthought -- off the planet and back home to Roswell. He was not let them out of his sight until Michael or Kyle returned. Michael made it quite clear that he no longer trusted Max around Maria.

The noise from the crowd below grew and brought Michael’s attention back to the moment at hand as he turned his head back to the people. His people. The sound became louder, seeming to vibrate from the walls surrounding the courtyard as the voices rose. Michael almost winced at the sound, his body becoming rigid, and he prepared himself to push Maria into Jackson’s arms, knowing she would resist all offers and explanations of his intentions to keep her safe. That was until he noticed Maria was smiling at him, and the noise registered within him as cheers and shouts of happiness, joy, and good wishes.

And just like that, the citizens of this planet accepted him on the word of their loyal Dowager Queen. Michael was truly bewildered. He wasn’t used to being acknowledged so readily. He usually had to fight for what he had, and fight fiercely, at that.

The only person to truly accept him, warts and all, was the crazy pixie girl who still stood steadfastly at his side, no matter that she had been outwardly terrified of him when she was first dragged into this mess or that he continually tried to push her away time after time for her safety and his own. He couldn’t lose himself that much in one person, couldn’t open himself up to any more pain that his young like had given him. But despite his best efforts, she had torn down his stonewall, brick by brick, until he was laid bare before her, offering her his heart and soul.

And now, she owned him completely, whether she knew that or not, and there wasn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for her. He might bitch and moan when she asked him to take her to the movies for some sappy chick flick, but the thing was, they both knew those were only words and that they completed each other, making the other whole, and he would gladly sit through a chick flick marathon if it meant just being there with her.
He turned to her in that moment, the instant he knew he had been accepted, and her smile dazzled him. She was happy for him. A nobody who couldn’t find his place in the world was actually the king of another. Had found his something better than Roswell, New Mexico. But the kicker was that it didn’t mean anything without her by his side, so in realizing his dream, she had also found hers.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 29. 3/17/13

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:11 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey everyone. So sorry this update has taken its time in getting out here, it has taken several re-writes but I finally got something I was happy with.

CandyliciousLovah: Yeah, totally embarrassing.

Grace: Yeah, I understand completely.

Carolyn: Poor Liz, things are not gonna get any better for her just yet. And Zan seems to have complete control of Max at the moment – right?

Chapter 29

By early afternoon, Max was hunched over a large book in a vast room with high ceilings, its walls adorned with shelf upon shelf of different sized, colorful tomes.

He turned a page again, his eyes scanning over the strange letters on the pages before him that, for some strange reason, he could decipher with ease.

He was searching, looking for a way for him to get what he wanted. Not the crown, of course. He knew that was lost when the people of Antar readily accepted Michael as their king. And, for the moment, that was the last thing on his mind.

No, what he was looking for was something he overheard whispered in the corridors of the great palace as he wandered its grand halls following the announcement that morning by the Dowager Queen.

Now that Rath had been revealed to be the true king, there seemed to be a huge debate about who Mia would marry.

From what Max could understand, on Antar, when betrothals were made and the contract signed, the marriage between the two people named in the contract had to take place. And according to this same Antarian law, if one party hesitated or backed out on the betrothal, there would be hell to pay. In the past, a few Antarians had lost their lives over it.

The names on the document were those of Prince Zan and Princess Mia, not Rath and Mia. He had overheard many servants discussing amongst themselves whether it was right for Rath to marry Mia, not Zan. Surely that was breaking the law. Not that any announcement had been made as of yet regarding any marriage.
And, although he wasn’t exactly a prince, it was still his name on that document, not Rath’s.

So he was here, double checking his facts before addressing the Dowager Queen on his request for his marriage to continue.


On the other side of the palace, Michael and Maria were walking through the gardens, Maria was admiring the flowers and enjoying the sunshine, while Michael strolled along side her in a slight daze.

Kyle and Jackson were a few steps behind them, clearly chaperoning the couple who were walking in front of them.

They had been talking about little things, the weather, their surroundings, and Michael’s astonishment that he had been so easily accepted by the citizens of Antar.

As they made a turned and started down another stone path between the sweet smelling blossoms, Michael reached up and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

“Oh no,” Maria sighed as she observed his movement.

“What?” Michael asked, looking around them so see what Maria could be referring to.

“You,” Maria returned simply. “You have something you want to say, and you’re worried about how I will take it.”

Michael shook his head, sending his long hair flying, amused by her perceptiveness, not that he would accept anything less, and then he offered her a cheeky smile.

“Spill it, Guerin,” she smiled back.

“Well, it’s this whole marriage thing,” he started, unsure of her reaction.

“Not again,” Maria exclaimed.

“Is the idea of being married to me so disturbing?” Michael asked her a little heatedly.

“No, not at all. You know that, Michael. We’ve discussed this.”

“I was talking to Lyarna yesterday, and it’s kind of expected.”

“It’s kind of expected that I marry you?” Maria huffed at him. “And since when have we done anything that was expected?”

“It won’t change anything, Maria. Not between us, I mean. It’s not like we will be married by Earth standards. We would still have to do that legally back home. And we already have this connection, and to be honest, babe, I don’t like the fact that we can’t use that here without being married.” He looked shyly at her before whispering, “I miss you.”

“How can you miss me? I’m right here.”

“I miss you in my mind. I miss your constant chatter and your wacky thoughts and running commentary. I want that back, and the only way to do that is to marry you here on Antar. Plus, there’s like this whole law or something that states if we don’t get married, one of us must die.”

“Oh, that’s a little dramatic don’t you think?” Maria laughed. “You know, you don’t have to spin me a line, Michael.”

“No, it’s true. Ask Jackson.”

Maria turned to look back at Kyle and Jackson to see Kyle obviously trying to talk Jackson into something he didn’t think Kyle should do. She laughed when Kyle swore, shaking his head.

“What’s wrong, Buddha Boy?” Maria called back.

Kyle gave Jackson a stern look before striding nearer to Michael and Maria.

“Michael, buddy, you have to do something,” Kyle implored.

“About what?” Michael asked.

“This stupid rule that says I can’t so much as talk to a female,” Kyle moaned melodramatically. “It’s a little drastic, don’t you think?”

“You’re talking to me, aren’t you?” Maria smiled.

“Maria,” Kyle returned her grin. “Ya know I love ya, right? But you’re not exactly the female I want to talk to.”

“Oh, got your eyes on another honey?” Maria probed, her eyes lighting with amusement upon Kyle’s plight.

“Well, no, not yet. But if I do happen to see someone I would like to talk to, I don’t want to lose my head doing it.” Kyle turned to Michael. “You’re the king now, surely you can pass some rule to say I can socialize with the girls.”

Michael chuckled. “I’m sorry, Kyle, but the ruling family has no say when it comes to the religious order. Those guys have their own laws. Maybe you should talk to Toman. He seems a good guy. Maybe he will make some exception for you as you aren’t completely from here.”

Michael watched as Maria and Kyle looked at each other and then back to him, Kyle with a look of surprise on his face and Maria’s expression smiling and happy.

“What?” Michael asked the two.

“That was very diplomatic, Michael,” Maria beamed.

“Yeah,” Kyle confirmed. “Very kingmanship of you.”

“Kingmanship?” Maria queried Kyle, a delicate eyebrow raised. “How do you keep coming up with these new words?”

“Well, it sounded ok to me,” Kyle reasoned with a shrug. “And it’s not a bad suggestion,” he said to Michael.

“I aim to please,” Michael returned glibly.

Maria shook her head at Michael before turning to Jackson. “Is there really a law that states betrothed people have to marry, and if they don’t, one of them is put to death?” she asked the Antarian.

“Yes, there is,” Jackson confirmed.

Kyle grinned at both Michael and Maria. “So it looks like you really have to get married then.”

Michael nodded a little too enthusiastically.

“I hate to burst your bubble, Spaceboy,” Maria said stoically, “but you seem to forget that the actually betrothal was with Zan and Mia. Not Rath and Mia.”

“Oh, shit,” was all Michael could say.


Max stood before the ornate double doors that led into the private chambers of his one-time mother. He shifted his weight between his feet, tugging on the hem of his deep blue tunic, suddenly nervous and feeling like he had been called to the Principal’s office.

He gave himself a mental shake, determined to go through with this.

“I would like to speak with the Dowager Queen,” he informed her personal guards.

One of the sentinels gave him a swift nod and knocked on the door.

After a minute or two, a voice called out, “Enter.”

The door was opened, and Zan’s request relayed.

Max soon found himself standing before the woman who had been his mother during his years on Antar. But did he really think she wasn’t his mother? After all, the woman who raised him on Earth wasn’t his birth mother either. He vaguely wondered for a moment who his real parents were, where they currently lived, if they were still alive, and not for the first time, he saw the irony in his present position.

He, who had once had everything practically handed to him on a platter, the perfect family and life on both worlds, had literally swapped places with the one who had to struggle and fight for everything.

“Max,” the Dowager Queen smiled warmly at the man she had raised as her own son. “Is there something I can help you with?”

Max faltered for a minute. He knew his actions, if followed through, would cause an even bigger rift between his tight-knit group of friends, maybe even splitting the group completely, and for a second he wondered which people would come out on whose side.

Liz would be upset, and therefore, lean toward Michael in fighting against his proposal. Ok, so maybe she would be a little more than upset. He was giving up any chance of them being together because the other soul within him was battling for supremacy. Would Liz be more upset over the fact he was giving her up for another woman, or that other person was her best friend?

Maybe she would understand, at least he hoped she would. She too had recently had the other soul within her surfacing, causing her to argue with Maria, her own insecurities bubbling to the surface. And if she didn’t, well, she would have to learn to live with it; because he was determined nothing was going to stop him.

Kyle would, of course, side with Michael. But which way would Isabel go? Would she stand true and stick by him, her brother by default? Or would she turn and support her true blood brother?

Max took a step back from the grand lady in front of him, hesitant. Did he really want to do this? Split Michael and Maria up and take away from Michael the one person who loved him completely, who had stuck with him despite all the crap he had given her? Could he do this?

Max’s eyes flashed once, and he stepped forward again.

“I have come to petition my marriage to Princess Mia,” he stated clearly, his head held high with dignity.
Lyarna looked at him with surprise. She opened her mouth to speak, pausing and mulling over her words carefully before asking, “You realize that Michael and Maria are practically already married, correct?”

“I know that Rath and Mia should not be allowed to marry,” he spoke firmly to the woman who had been his mother on this planet. This was his chance to plead his case, and he was taking it with both hands, consequences be damned. “It’s my name on that contract, not Rath’s.”

“But it’s the child of the King who was intended to married the princess, and I’m sorry, Zan, but you are not that child,” Lyarna returned sincerely.

“When the contract was written, signed, and sealed, it was proposed that ZAN was to enter into the contract
with Princess Mia, not Rath, even though he is your true born child,” Max argued.

“No, Max, you are wrong,” she responded softly. “It was always intended to my true born child.”

“The name on the document states Zan is the one who is betrothed to Princess Mia,” Max spoke, his voice rising in anger as he continued relentlessly. “I am Zan. Michael is Rath, and therefore, by your rules, I should be the one to marry Mia,” Max continued relentlessly.

“Michael was once Zan, too. And are you really Zan? You were born with another name just as Rath was,” her delicate brow rose in challenge.

“But I am now Zan, and Michael is Rath,” Max returned lamely.

“Max, can I ask why you are so intent on this marriage? You know what this could do to your friends. You know what it could do to Michael and Maria. You know what it could do to Liz.”

“I just want what is mine,” he replied sternly.

“Maria is a person, not a thing or a possession,” Lyarna answered, wondering how much of the man standing in front of her was Zan, her son, and how much was Max, the Earth hybrid he had become.

She couldn’t count the number of times she wept over the man the child she raised as her own had become, how someone sweet and giving had grown up to be so manipulative and vindictive.

From what she understood from Dalmus, Max Evans was a good being, kind, loyal, and compassionate, everything she could hope for in her son, because in spite of everything, she still thought of him as her son.

The man standing in front of her now was anything but the gentle soul she had been led to believe was Max Evans. Judging from this conversation alone, he was the cruel man her son had grown into. He was Zan as he had been during his first lifetime on Antar.

“Mia is a princess, a child of royal birth,” she reasoned. “And as much as I regret it, you are not. You cannot marry her.”

“So how was Rath, who you thought was a child NOT of royal birth, betrothed to Princess Vilondra? Isn’t that just the same?” Max questioned.

“With Vilondra and Rath, it was different,” Lyarna answered. “As Vilondra’s parents, Kwane and I knew Rath wasn’t of royal birth and therefore accepted that own daughter would marry beneath her social class. That gave credence to the contract. Mia’s parents never gave such consent. They contracted their daughter to marry the child of the king of Antar. That is Rath.”

There was movement from the back of the ornate room, and Grand Master Toman stepped forward from the shadows. The aged withered man still stood surprising tall, his silver-gray hair thinning, but plentiful, and his features pleasant and open.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I could not help overhearing your conservation,” he said with a slight bow to Lyarna before turning to Max.

“Michael and Maria are already married,” Toman stated simply. “The connection they share signifies their souls have met their other halves and are now complete, melded into one through their joining. What they have done cannot be undone.”

“I don’t care about their stupid connection!” Max yelled at the aging man.

“It cannot be severed. They will be joined for all eternity,” Lyarna explained calmly. “Max, to break that bond and to separate them…. it will kill them.”

“I don’t care!” Max repeated. “She is mine.”

“The simple truth is: Prince Zan, while he certainly existed and ruled on Antar, was never the true prince, as he was not of royal blood and therefore, he is not allowed to marry a child born to royalty! Zan was never a prince of the royal blood. Hence the betrothal should never have taken place, and the contract is rendered nil and void.”

“You are just twisting the law to bend to your wishes,” Max bit vehemently.

“And you were not trying to do the same?” Tomen queried in mock surprise.

“I just want what rightfully belongs to me,” Max reiterated. “Rath has taken everything that was mine!”

“Max, Mia was never yours. Even when you ruled this planet, Maya was something you could not have. She fought you at every turn because her heart belonged to another. She was a lost princess and he a forgotten prince, but they still loved only each other.”

Max knew he’s been beaten on this. He knew there was nothing he could do about it here. It seemed the people in charge were determined for Michael and Maria to marry, maybe even against their wishes, too. But
back on Earth, back in Roswell, Maria wouldn’t be so protected.

He turned and left the room, not waiting for a dismissal as protocol demanded.


Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 30. 4/28/13

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 1:47 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Hey, it’s me. I’m back.

I’m so sorry this update had taken forever to get to you. There are a number of reasons why this is so, mainly, I lost my muse there for a while. While this fic was originally written over 10 years ago, with all the changes I’ve made I sort of got myself lost there for a while. But I’m glad to say I’ve got my groove back. :lol:

For those reading my other fic’s, those will be updated next week, I hope. :lol:

Thanks to all for your feedback.

Carolyn: It’s definitely getting confusing, that’s for sure.

Neodeu: Thanks, sorry this took so long.

CandyliciousLovah: Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 30.

Max burst through the ornate palace doors and out into the bright sunshine, striding quickly over the vibrant green grass and into the stone courtyard, his mind recounting over and over the conversation that had just taken place.

He was angry Lyarna and Toman sided with Michael, and that Michael would get the one thing he desired more than anything. When was it his turn? When would he get what he wanted?

Max recognized the whiny voice in his head of that of an extremely spoiled child, and he sighed.

This wasn’t him. He wasn’t someone who always wanted what he could not have or what someone else held in their own hands. He wasn’t spoiled enough to take from others. His parents raised him to be a good person; His Earth parents raised Max Evans to be a considerate human being.

Max sat dejectedly on a low stone wall. Diane and Philip raised their son well, and Max felt his breath rush from him when he thought of how disappointed they would be with the way he was acting.

He looked up sharply when he heard the sound of feet hurrying to him and watched as Isabel moved closer.

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Isabel exclaimed quickly as she approached him, her worry apparent on her features.

Max looked up to her, his face a picture of dejection and regret.

“Max?” Isabel queried, her voice full of concern, as she took a seat next to him on the wall.

“Isabel, I’ve done something really bad.”


Across the courtyard, Liz rounded a corner, her mind awhirl with smells and sights that were strange but curiously familiar.

Her hands smoothed down the skirts of her dress, and she smiled at the luxurious feel of the material.

She was remembering a little more of her time as Betina, and one of the things that stood out in her mind the most was that she never wore dresses as soft as this. Her usual clothes were drab and dowdy, generally in dark greens and boring browns. This dress was soft and silky, and she was filled with memories of her dreams to wear gowns like these and rule the planet beside Zan.

She also recalled a tall, brown haired man with strong features and enticing grey eyes. His personality seemed to be domineering and charismatic, and she was drawn to him like prey to the slaughter, loving his enchanting siren song as he lured her into his devious plans.

And she had gone willingly, betraying the one person who was possibly her only true friend on the planet… and maybe even the rulers of her land to this man.

Liz knew this man was Kivar, the man who had killed Max, Michael, and Isabel in their previous lives and who still held the planet within his iron grip. But the Royalists were fighting back and gaining ground, which was why they were here: To offer hope to those who fought bravely for their absent king.

She had yet to tell the others about her increasing memories of her time spent with Kivar and wondered if Isabel, too, was remembering more of her involvement in the murder of Maya and her entanglement with Kivar.

She glanced out of the huge window in her room that morning to look at the rolling landscape beyond the palace walls and the city which surrounded it. She knew Kivar was out there somewhere, maybe even looking toward the palace at that very moment. She wondered if he knew they were on the planet: she suspected he did.

She knew he most likely had a spy planted somewhere within the confines of the palace, just like she, Betina, was so many years ago. Liz was amazed at how much that freaked her out, knowing there could be someone out there watching her every move, or more than likely watching Max, Isabel, and Michael’s movements and interactions in the palace on a daily basis.

She turned her head slightly when the breeze blew gently through her hair, inhaling deeply the aromas of the large blossoms hanging heavy from the trees. She liked it here. It felt like home.


Isabel looked anxiously at her brother. He wouldn’t meet her gaze, his focus solely on the stone beneath their feet.

“What did you do?” she asked cautiously, afraid of his answer.

Max swallowed nervously, his eyes lifting slowly to lock with hers.

“I told Lyarna that I want the betrothal of Zan to Maya to continue.”

“You did what?” Isabel exclaimed as quietly as she could, looking around them to make sure no one was in earshot of their conversation.

“I said I didn’t care that Michael would get hurt in the process… or Liz or Maria, in fact. I just acted like a spoiled brat who had his favorite toy taken away from him. I argued it was my right to marry Maria, and no one was gonna take that away from me.”

Isabel looked in shock at her brother. He wore an expression of pain and anguish, as though he was only just realizing of what he was doing to the people he loved.

“Max, you have to stop this,” she started off quietly. “You have to push back when that inner voice in you tries to take control. I want my brother back, Max, not this person you have become.”

“You have to help me, Isabel. I don’t want to separate Michael and Maria. I don’t want to marry Maria. I don’t want to hurt you or Liz or anyone else. I don’t want any of this. I just want to be happy, graduate high school, go to college, and live a normal, boring life.”

“Max, I don’t know how to help you,” Isabel confessed with frustration evident in her voice. “I’ve tried, but I can’t be with you all the time.”

“Maybe I should go home,” he answered dejectedly. “Back to Earth,” he clarified.

“Maybe,” she agreed. “If you think it would help.”

“Well, it will certainly keep me from interfering anymore. It will stop me from doing something I would deeply regret, and most of all, it will keep Maria safe.”

“Do you really think she’s in some danger from you?”

“I don’t know anymore, Isabel,” he admitted, his voice hushed at the admission. “I just know I’m losing control. I can’t guarantee anything anymore, and that scares me as much as it must scare her. I don’t want to be the one to instill that fear in her or in anyone, you know that.”

Isabel nodded. “I know, Max.”

“I hate that Michael looks on me like I’m some bug that needs to be squashed,” he continued. “I’ve lost the confidence of my best friend and I don’t know how to get that back.”

Max wiped viciously at a tear that escape, not embarrassed that he was crying but ashamed of the person he had become.

“He’s my brother in everything but blood,” Max continued, “but we are no longer friends, and the only way I can see away back to that friendship is to get out of here. He no longer trusts me around Maria, and I totally understand why.”

Max turned his head, staring at the pale blue flower that swayed slightly in the breeze.

“I remember what Zan did to her,” he stated simply, not looking at his sister, not wanting to see the disgust in her eyes. “He would try everything he could to get her into his bed, but she refused him at every turn. He forced himself on her,” Max paused, swallowed at the images that erupted into his mind. “He enjoyed frightening her, tormenting her. I dream of that most nights even before we came here, Isabel, I enjoy it. That alone makes me the monster that Zan was.”

The two sat in silence. Isabel was shocked at what her brother had revealed.

“I have to get out of here,” Max said, standing quickly from the small wall they both was resting against.

“Where are you going?”

“I don’t know,” he answered. “I just know I have to get away from Maria.”
Before Isabel could say anything else, Max was gone, rushing from the courtyard and through an arch in the wall.


Liz moved quickly as Max stalked closer to her, twisting her body so her back was pressed against the wall. Max brushed past her, not even noticing her there and striding off and around another wall in the vast courtyard.

Liz exhaled slowly.

She heard everything Max said to Isabel. She knew he had moments where Zan threatened to take over, just like she did with her own inner past personality, but she wasn’t aware that Max dreamt about Maria, about forcing himself on her and enjoying it, maybe even wishing it would really happen.

This was Max, the guy who healed birds and hid behind trees. Her Max. The man who brought her back from the brink of death. Her first love. Her Max… She felt a warmth in her heart when she thought back to the beginning of their relationship before the images of what happened next crashed back on her.

Her Max who kissed and then slept with the enemy. Let’s face it, she thought to herself, his past record wasn’t exactly stellar when it came to proving his love for her.

Sure, everything was great when it was just the two of them, but as soon as Tess entered the picture, he was different. And since his memories of Maya resurfaced, he was different around Maria, too.

She was so sure she had found her one true love in Max, but obviously she didn’t mean that much to him if he was so easily swayed by other women, even if he did deny it and profess his love for her often and vocally.

And now he was dreaming about Maria. Not only dreaming about her, but having disturbing dreams that he was enjoying. Liz shook her head. She didn’t know how to compete with that. She had practically thrown herself at him, and he rejected her.

Even the first time they lived on Antar, Betina was second in his eyes behind Maya.

Liz stomped her foot in true stubborn fashion.

Maria is not gonna win this time, a voice from deep inside her yelled.

“Stop!” Liz demanded of herself, shaking her head and willing that inner person to stop. This wasn’t a competition between her and Maria. Maria didn’t want any of this, just as she didn’t want her boyfriend lusting after another.

Liz moved from where she was hiding and peered through the arch in the stone to see Isabel still sitting by the wall, obviously thinking of the best ways to help her brother.

Liz had to admit that maybe it was a good thing if Max went back to Earth. Maybe she should go with him so she could keep Betina from hurting Maria any more than she already had.


Kivar paced across the marble flooring in what he liked to call his throne room. The news about the king returning last night had truly been a shock to him.

He didn’t think the Dowager Queen would allow her precious son to return to their war-torn planet. It only proved to him that the old queen and her simpering followers were deluded to think they were winning this

What shocked him the most was when they announced to the planet that morning that Rath was actually the true king and not Zan.

That was bold.

But the populace accepted King Rath instantly with jubilance and cheers.

He turned back to the man waiting patiently to the side of the large room.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“You just sent for her, my Lord. At least give her time to get here,” came the steady reply. “You didn’t exactly give her the most favorable of rooms.”

“I gave her what she deserved,” Kivar ground out.

“She’s your sister,” Nicholi reasoned.

“She slept with the enemy,” Kivar fought back.

“At your request,” Nicholi stated with no emotion in his voice.

Kivar whirled around to face his most trusted Lieutenant. “I told her to sleep with the king, to bear the child of the king, not some nobody we know nothing about.”

“With respect, my Lord, Queen Ava was never privy to the knowledge that Zan was not the true king. Neither was Holtus.”

“That traitor,” Kivar spat out. “What did Ava call him?”

“Nesado, my Lord,” Nicholi provided.

“Yes,” Kivar smiled. “Nesado. That’s a strange name by Earth standards.”

Nicholi nodded his agreement.

The large double doors opened and a guard marched into the room, followed by a small, blonde-haired whose two guards trailed behind her.

“Ah Ava,” Kivar smiled to her. “I’m glad you could join us.”

“Did I have a choice?” the small blonde woman retorted.

“You always have a choice, my sister,” Kivar answered, though by the tone of his voice, Tess knew it was a, ‘do as I say or die,’ kind of choice.

Kivar waved his hand, and the three guards turned on their heels and left the room as he stalked up the few stairs to the dais and settled into his throne.

“Did you know your friends have arrived?” he asked his sister.

Tess looked shocked. “Max is here?”

“Yes, Zan is here. Along with Rath and Vilondra.”

“They are all here?”

“Yes,” Kivar repeated with a roll of his eyes. “And it seems they brought some others with them, as well.”

“Liz,” Tess spat out, and Kivar smiled at her vehement tone.

“It would seem, sister dearest, that the humans are not completely human.”

Tess shook her head. “I don’t understand.”

“A lot happened on Antar after your death and departure, little Ava. The most important being that the lost Princess Mia was found,” he paused dramatically for a second before continuing. “She had actually been alive and well and was most probably in attendance to your wedding in a way.”

Tess was startled to hear this. She had been living on this planet for what she assumed to be equivalent to just more than four Earth months, and this was the first she knew of this fact.

“Tell me, Ava,” Kivar’s voice drawled out slowly. “Do you remember the serving girl, Maya?”

“That girl,” Tess huffed immediately. “Yes, I remember her, and I remember the way Zan would look at her.”

Kivar smiled. “Well, it turns out that Maya was, in fact, Princess Mia.”

Tess was too stunned to respond to that revelation.

She vividly remembered the blonde servant who had an intimate affair with Rath throughout the time Ava was in the palace and probably before her arrival, as well.

“And after the tragic deaths of the Royal Four,” Kivar paused to laugh at his own joke, “Princess Mia was sent to Earth with three of her closest friends, too. Years after her death.”

Tess’s eyebrows furrowed at this revelation. More Antarians on Earth, and she nor Nesado knew about them?
Then her eyes widened in surprise, the two separate images of Maya and Maria snapped into her mind, and she knew they were the same person. Why had she not seen this before?


“What does this Maria look like?” he asked.

Tess shrugged. “Blonde hair, green eyes, no breasts.”

Kivar nodded. “Maya.”

“But Maria was with Michael on Earth, not Max,” she reasoned.

“Just as Maya was with Rath here on Antar.” Kivar watched as Tess took this information in.

“There’s more,” he smiled.

“Is that not enough?” Tess mumbled as she lowered herself to the bottom marble step.

Kivar was ready to berate her for daring to sit without his permission but let it slide, just this once.

“This morning, Dowager Queen Lyarna revealed to the people of Antar a monstrous plot put into motion decades ago with the switching of a baby. A royal baby, no less.”

He watched as Tess processed this information.

“Zan was not the child of the king and queen,” she said with understanding after a moment.

“You are smart,” Kivar teased. “No, Zan is not the true king, and this morning, Lyarna revealed to the planet who was.”

He waited for Tess to arrive at her own conclusion.

“Michael!” she said with a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

Kivar nodded.

“Does this mean I’m not actually married to the king?” she asked in a small voice.

Kivar laughed heartily at her question.

“Ah, my sister, always thinking of her jewels and status,” Kivar roared. He leaned forward her. “You were never married to the king, Ava. Just some nobody my father found. That is why your child will never be accepted and why you failed in your mission.”

Tess looked bewildered at this revelation.

“What was Michael like on Earth?” Kivar asked her cautiously.

“Hot-tempered, suspicious of everything and everyone, a loner,” Tess answered. “But he accepted me.”

“And were he and Max good friends?”

“They were best friends, but Michael found it hard to toe the line sometimes, which caused them to fight a lot.”

Kivar nodded, attributing Rath’s traits to those of Michael.

“Tell me more about Maria,” Kivar instructed.

“There’s not a lot to say, really, except she’s a complete bitch. She never accepted me. In fact, she was the only one who was never friendly to me. Even Liz was pleasant to me, almost friendly at times, despite the fact I stole her boyfriend, but Maria never was.”

“Seems the princess saw straight through you,” Kivar smiled.

Tess huffed at her brother’s response.

“Does this mean Maria will be Queen of Antar now?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Quite probably if Rath has anything to say in the matter. And since he is now proclaimed King of Antar, I would think he will be consulted in the matter.”

Kivar watched as Tess mumbled something to herself, crossing her arms in defiance, before he waved a hand at her. “You can go.”

Tess stood and walked toward the door. Before she left, she turned back to face her brother.

“When will I be able to see my son?” she asked in a small voice.

“Why would you want to see that freak?” Kivar asked with disgust.

“He’s my son,” Tess stated sincerely.

“He’s a human,” Kivar returned sharply. “He’s lucky I let him live.”

“Please, Kivar,” Tess implored.

“Enough, Ava. Your son will be raised to be what he should be: Nothing more than a servant. Now leave my sight before I change my mind and have him killed.”

Tess turned abruptly and left the room.

Nicholi laughed as she fled the room. “It would seem her time on Earth has weakened her, my Lord. There was a time she would have done the deed herself.”

“She spent too much time in the presence of a weak, false king,” Kivar reasoned, his eyes lingering on where his sister had stood.

“I hope you have a plan forming in that devious mind of yours?” Kivar said, turning his head to Nicholi.

“A plan for what, my Lord?” Nicholi asked, his brows furrowing in question.

“To get me what I want.”

Nicholi thought for a moment what Kivar could want, he almost had the entire planet, though it looked like that was failing, and his grip was loosening. He glanced up to see the faraway look in his overlord’s eyes and knew instantly what he wanted.

“Princess Mia?”

“Exactly. And I don’t want to want to wait long, either,” Kivar ordered.
