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Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:29 pm
by soppysophs
Max To The Max
Um Max gets ‘alien-horny’ & Liz helps him J
Max doesn’t bother seeing Tess, he decides to see Liz
* Means thought

“Ill, see Tess”

~Max Going to see Tess~
*Liz, Liz, need to see Liz*

“Hey Liz”
“Hey Max”
“Um, we have to go”
“Whot, where?”
“We have to go, somewhere, I don’t know, I just want to be with you, is that ok?”
“Yeah, my shift starts is an hour”
“How about the old high-way?”
“Yeah, yeah come on”
“Lets go”

~Bob, 1½hour’s L8R~
“So, that was”
“Um, nice”
“Max, did you see, did we connect…”
“…See every-thing from each other”
“I love you too”
“I saw & um about your fantasy, you know you had when we, um the flashes”
“Kinda intense”
“It was the flashes, you know”
“Of course, um we better get back”
“Yeah & you better clean this car”
~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:30 pm
by soppysophs
White Room
Um, story telling what happened in white room really
* Means Max’ thought

~White Room~
*Why are they doing this to me? Don’t they know im good? Im not bad like Nasedo, I don’t kill people. I only use my powers for good, I help people, and I would never hurt anyone. Can’t they see that, I saved Liz’ life, I didn’t end it, I saved it.
I can just hear her voice now, ‘Max you shouldn’t have saved me. For my life, you have jeopardized the lives of Isabel, Michael & your own life.’ Then I would reply ‘It was worth it, just to spend some time with you.’ ‘Max one life, of a human no less, does not compare to the lives of three aliens.’ Great im having conversions in my head*
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Max screamed out, the physical pain was unbearable *Liz, Liz* He kept repeating to himself. The thought of her was enough to keep him going. *People say you can never love at 16. I didn’t fall in love at 16, in human terms I started loving at 6. In terms of when I was ‘hatched’ I started loving at a couple of months old. 10years of love for three dates, it was worth it* & Max withstood all the emotional & physical pain. If he needed to he could have survived for years, with only the thought of Liz to keep him going.


~soppysophs :mad:

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:31 pm
by soppysophs
After Destiny

Maria & Isabel talk. Then we find out what has really been happening

“So how’s Max?”
“He’s not Max any-more, he’s.………empty, empty isn’t Max”
“Even when he broke up with Liz he wasn’t this bad”
“Maybe it’s just the after effect of Pierce”
“Maybe its lack-of-Liz-syndrome” Isabel said remorsefully
“He, he’s nocturnal. He locks himself away in his room each day, he never has any lights on. He just sleeps in the day, showers, works & eats in the night”
“Well at least he eats”
“Yeah, its strange, he only ever has Chinese food”
“Huh, Chinese food, interesting”
“If you go in & see him, he’s just at his desk on his computer, he doesn’t even talk any-more” Isabel said unhappily
“Liz, well she, she just lays in bed not moving, staring out into space. She always looks, distant, vacant, like a part of her is missing. She never cry’s, you see the tears in her eyes But they never spill. She gets up, showers, gets a drink & goes back to bed. She’s always resting on her side staring out onto her balcony, I doubt she ever gets any sleep But she’s always in bed. I hate seeing her like this so, so helpless & knowing I have been her friend from so long, knowing that I cant help her & it hurts.” Maria said mournfully
“Guess they didn’t realise how much their break-up would affect the group”
“Guess so”
“Bye Maria”
“See ya Is”
/Max has been going to Liz’ room every-night, showering her & trying to get her to eat, which she refuses to do. Liz doesn’t speak, not even to Max\

~Liz’ Room, Max has just crawled in, 1:00am~
“Liz, Liz, its me”
“Max?” Liz whispered
“Liz, are you awake?” Max asked while turning on the light, witch Liz seamed to flinch at.
“That’s better, isn’t it?” Max asked a lifeless figure lying in the bed he was sitting on
“Liz please, just talk to me, please” Max pleaded with the love of his life
“Ok, well let’s get you showered”

~30Minutes Later~
“That’s better, don’ t you think?” Max asked setting a showered, re-clothed Liz back in bed
“Ok, let’s get some food in you” Max said spoon-feeding Liz, with her rejecting, hid efforts
“Please Liz its been two weeks, you need to eat, ok” Max questioned with Liz shakily nodding her head

~5Minutes Later~
“M, Max I can’t eat any-more”
“You spoke” Max said grinning
“Why do, you do this, help me?”
“Because I love you”
“Liz I have to go” Max said walking 2wards Liz’ window
“Bye Max”
“Bye Liz” Max said jumping threw Liz’ window

/Scene pans out with Max leaving & Liz lying on her side staring out at her balcony\



Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:33 pm
by soppysophs
A Conversation After DestinyWe know Tess is a whore, so whores deserve to be bitched at!

~On Cliff~
“What do we do now Max?”
“Max” Isabel piped in
“We don’t do any-thing”
“Look Maxwell” Michael tried to reason
“SHUT-UP! Do you know how much I hate that nickname? I’ve just lost my soulmate the one person I’m supposed to spend my life with. & You, you come along” Max said aiming his aggression at Tess
“You. Do you know how many lives you have just ruined? Isabel has finally opened up, she has just realised how mutch Alex cares for her. Michael, I know he won’t admit it but he loves
Maria & you have to come along & ruin evry-thing. & Liz, do you know how mutch she has been threw!?! WE were finally together & ruin it all with ‘destiny’ I’m not a king & you are not my wife. I don’t love you, I don’t even like you; I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I’m gona go & try 2to find Liz, no doubt she’ll be crying on Maria’s shoulder, no wait Maria will be crying as mutch!!!!!!!!!!! Look just FUCK-OFF you whore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Max screamed, then ran after Liz



Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:35 pm
by soppysophs
My Version Of Destiny (The Aftermath)
When in the truck Liz & max do it, this is a spin on what would happen.
6years on no one has seen or heard from Liz since she ran way from Max & his destiny

~New York 2006~
Max Evans stands waiting on a street corner, its 9:30pm(& dark) & he sees a girl being hit on………
“Oh come on you know you want it”
“NO, leave me alone!” Sumthing about this girl was hitting Max rite thru to his soul.
“Come on girly”
“NO!!! Get off of me!” The woman replied forcefully
“Hey, hey get off of her!” Max said rushing to the woman’s aid & giving the man a little alien shock
“What the hell, im out of here” The drunk man said
“Are you ok madam?”
“Yeah im……Max?” Liz asked raising her head
“L, Liz Parker?”
“Yeah, um how have you been?”
“So, you wana just act casual?”
“Max, I just wana go on living my life”
“Liz im part of your life, I have been since I saved you”
“More than you know” Liz mumbled
“What you doing on a dark street corner?”
“Ill tell you if you tell me”
“Waiting for Iz to pick me up. You?”
“Waiting for a friend, who was supposed to be here ½ an hour ago”
“Do you wana lift?”
“Er, no, its to mutch trouble” Liz was surprised at how caring Max still was, & how he had barely changed
“Its no trouble Iz wont mind”
“She will, I know Isabel”
“Not for six years, she & Alex are engaged & she’s like a knew person”
“What about Michael?”
“You mean ‘what bout ‘destiny’?’”
“Michael lives with Maria, But he doesn’t want to settle down, he hasn’t changed mutch. Kyle & Tess are an item, & im, im single, you know me”
“No. More like, doesn’t matter”
“More like what?”
“Like your the only person I’ve ever loved”
“Here’s Iz, hop in”
“No ill walk”
“Come on its safer”
“Okay, if it will shut you up”
“Yeah Iz, this young lady was being sexually harassed”
“Saint Max strikes again”
“Fine, where do you live?”
“64 Hazelwood”
“The apartments?”

~10Mins L8R~
“Thanx fro the lift”
“Ill walk you to your apartment”
“Its ok”
“I insist”
“Fine follow me if you have to”
Liz got out of Bob (the 8year-old)
“5mins Izzy”
“I would of thought 15”

~Liz Apartment~
“Liz um can I use your bathroom?”
“Its just down there” Liz said taking off her jacket & throwing it on to the counter. She then walked into a bedroom as Max went to the bathroom. Once Max came out of the bathroom, Liz was just coming out of a different room
“Liz, I, I’ve really missed you”
“Max, Im really tired & I’ve got to get up early tomorrow”
“Oh, im just gona go, I’ve got something to do tomorrow anyway so ill just go. Bye Liz” Max said leaving Liz apartment & closing the door behind him.
“Mummy, who was that?”
“Just someone mummy used to know, now lets get you back to bed”
“Okay. You look up-set”
“I just havent seen him in along time & it brought back some memories”
“Night-night mummy”
“Sweet dreams James”

~Next Day (Rediford School)~
“Miss Parker, children we have a knew science teacher; Mr Evans”
“Um, hey” Max said causally
“Ill be back in a minute, I just hav some business to attend to”
“Hey, Liz um im just gona sit down & you can get on with teaching”
“So your the knew teacher?”
“Yeah” Max said sitting down, his gaze drifted wen he felt something tugging on his trousers
“Um, excuse me can I sit on your lap?” The boy asked very politely.
“Of course you can” Max replied not able to resist the boys eyes; if he didn’t no any better then he’d swear they were Liz’
Liz noticed James sitting on Max lap & hopped Max didn’t find out James was his son
“Um, okay what story do you want to hear?”

~10mins L8R~
“The End”
“Dat book is the coolest”
Max just watched Liz as if he were hypnotised

~Liz Apartment (8:30pm)~
“James can you get that?”
“Sure, mummy”
“Hello?” James asked when he opened the door
“Hey, is Liz in?”
“Your, James right?”
“James Maxwell Parker at your service”
“So, Liz is your mum?”
“Yup, er come in”
“Mummy, the man from school is here”
“What man?”
“Er, Mr Evans”
“Tell him ill be out in one minute”
“That’s fine, take however long you need”
“So if Liz is your mum, then who’s your dad?”
“Don’t have one, mummy says he doesn’t know about me & she hasn’t seen him or ne-of her friends since she ran away”
“Did she run away because of you?”
“She says that she had to run away & she didn’t even know that she was pregnant”
Liz stood in the doorway looking at the two most important people in her life & now Max knew
“What you talking about?” Liz asked making herself known
“Politics” Max said sarcastically
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were”
“I take it James is very smart”
“Like his dad”
“Im gona go……read”
“Bye mummy, bye daddy, oops I just have a feeling you know”
“I know”
“Bye James”
“So, um im a dad. Why didn’t you say?”
“I didn’t think you’d be a permanent fixture in my life But now we work together”
“I cant believe your a kindergarten teacher, what happened to molecular-biology?”
“Stuff changes & I love teaching 5&6 year-olds”
“So, me ruining your life was for the best?”
“It’s the way I only know it”

~Liz Apartment (1:00)~ After a lot of talking Max is crashing on Liz sofa
“NO!!!!!!!!!!” James screams as he falls outa bed from a nightmare
“James, James, its k, it was just a bad dream” Max said rushing to his son’s aid
Max comforted James until he had calmed down

“What is it?”
“Can I sleep with you?”
“Okay but just for tonight”

Liz walked into her living room to find her son sleeping on her soulmates chest

~1Year L8R~
Max & Liz were married & living as a family with James. Max was still teaching science at the school were Liz was a kindergarten teacher & James was a student (with the family car-9year-old Bob)

“Daddy you see her?”
“I think im in love with her, I feel different good &……”
“……its like your floating & cant wait until you see her next?”

“L8R, Liz & Max bedroom~
“I think our son is in love” Max said to his wife

No matter what generation, some things never change.



Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:36 pm
by soppysophs
Season 2Discoveries
This has a rebel’s kiss BUT for Dreamer purposes
~Liz’ Balcony~
“Max? What you doing out there?”
“Saying hey”
“Why were you calling me Lizzie, I mean you that….
…..your drunk again!”
“I think I am” Max smiled blindly
“Come in”

~Liz’ Room~
“Max why, oh why do you drink when you know how drunk you get?”
“Have I ever told you that you have really pretty eyes?”
“Max shut up”
“Okay” Max leaned forward & kissed Liz
“Huh what am I doing here?”
“You don’t remember, of course you don’t you were drunk”
“Not again, wait can I use your phone?”
“Sure, why?”
“I need to see some-thing”

~10Minutes Later~
“So what did he say”
“That I, you, we”
“Max can you speak in English or aloud?”
“We have got to go to Tess”
“You will find out”

~Tess’ House~
“So I spoke to Nasado & um I’ve got to kiss you, do you have any alcohol?”
“Yeah” Tess came back a minute Later with a bottle of whiskey
“Here” Max unscrewed the lid &took a sip & started coughing. Liz took the whiskey from him.
“Tess you’ve got to kiss Max” Max & Tess kiss & Max stays drunk. Max then goes to kiss Liz & they share a short sweet kiss, Liz pulls away
“Im sober, when I kissed Liz right?”
“What does this mean Max?” Tess asked like a gerbil
“I spoke to Nasado like I said. Well he said that if the king were ever to become intoxicated only a kiss from his true bride would cure him”
“So Liz really is ur destiny”
“Yeah” Max said smiling
“I always knew it was you”


Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:38 pm
by soppysophs
Ask Not
~Liz’ Bedroom~
“Liz?” Max asked knocking on her window
“Um, hey Max” Liz said nervously
“Liz, I, I, don’t know what to do, I know, I know nothing” Max sighed sitting on Liz’ bed
“Max” Liz said not understanding
“Im supposed to be this leader, & I don’t know anything about my plant, the enemies im supposed to fight, I don’t know anything about my past. The only thing I ever really knew was true, was my feelings for you, I love you, & I don’t know what to do with out you” Max said truthfully
“Max, we can’t be together, you know that, all we can be is friends. If you ever need someone, as a friend im here, but I cant be here as a girlfriend, Max I just cant” Liz finished with a sigh
“Your, right. Im, im sorry, I, I gota go, see ya Liz” Max said jumping back threw Liz’ window
“Bye Max” Liz whispered as she heard him climb down her ladder


Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:38 pm
by soppysophs

Title: Surprise
Rating: YTEEN
Couple: Max & Liz
Disclaimer: all I own are thoughts of what I would do to Colin Hanks if I ever met him J
Summary: Takes place before Surprise

Max Evans stood outside Liz Parker’s window wearing nothing, hands over his crotch with a white-rose in his ass, calling out to Liz.
“Max, what are y……..” Liz trailed off seeing Max’ state of undress
“Hey Liz” Max said casually
“Max, what the hell are you doing?!!?!?!?!” Liz asked, eyes wide
“Getting you to notice me” Max replied a grin plastered across his face
“I, I notice you” Liz stuttered
“Can I come in?” Max asked sweetly
“Max” Liz started to say, but was cut off by Max
“Liz, please, it’s kinda cold out here” Max pleaded
“Fine, just, come in” Liz sighed & turned round not wanting to see ‘little-Max’. As soon as Max was in Liz’ room, he turned round & heard giggling, followed by…..
“Max, you know you have a rose in your butt, right?” Liz asked threw a fit of giggles
“Yeah, luckily one without thorns” Max said turning back around
“Max, what are you really doing here?” Liz asked sitting on her bed
“I’ll tell you if you take this rose outa my ass” Max said slightly wincing
“Why don’t you?” Liz challenged
“Because, I would have to move my hands, now unless you want to see my…” Max was cut off
“Ok, ok, ok I’ll do it” Liz said quickly
“Thanx” Max said turning round (again)
“There, now will you tell me?” Liz asked
“Man, you don’t relise what comfort is ‘til you have a rose stuck in your ass” Max said sitting next to Liz
“So are, you going to tell me?” Liz perused
“Oh, yeah, im doing this” Max replied pushing Liz back on her bed, lying on top of her, suffocating her with kisses. Until his lungs were begging for air
“Oh, that” Liz said in a daze
“You have to admit, we’re in love” Max said
“Max, I know that……” Liz trailed off staring at ‘not-so-little-Max’
“Liz?” Max asked seeing her eyes transfixed on a certain part of his anatomy
“So, your naked?” Liz asked
“Yeah, & im here to take your innocence, is that ok?” Max asked
“Liz, I love you, & I don’t know why I should be with Tess, I don’t love her, I don’t even know her, but I love you, & I know you better then you know yourself” Max said looking deeply into Liz’ eyes
“Then, you know that im gona say ‘make love to me Max’, right?” Liz said teary eyed

Yea, that’s right folks, Max & Liz cemented their relationship, all night love J



Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:40 pm
by soppysophs
Summer ‘O’47
Hmmmmm dreamer. Ah Yvonne & ‘Dick’ hmmmmm getting it on:

~Outside Bus~

~Dodie’s House~
Richard was looking at the girl he had kidnapped. He had a gun in his hand & he had it pointed at the unconscious girl. She started to stir.
“Er, are you gona kill me?” Yvonne asked nervously
“No, why would you, oh” Richie said throwing the gun to the floor
“Um, what do you want with me?”
“Im, im following orders”
“I have orders to er ‘take care of’ you”
“BUT im not”
“Then what…”
“…Im not gona, im gona make sure you don’t get hurt, But get out of Roswell; k??”
“Im Richard Dodie”
“Yvonne White” Yvonne said stretching out her hand, only to find it hand-cuffed
“Oh” Richie said un-cuffing her
“Um, what’s gona happen?”
“Ill get you out of here, make sure you don’t get hurt”
“Why are you helping me?”
“I just am”
“But why arnt you ‘taking care’ of me?”
“I cant”
“Do you always ask this many questions?”
“Sorry, I just want to know why your helping me”
“I have orders to kill you, I always follow orders, its what I do, its who I am. But, I cant just kill someone in cold blood”
“Oh” Richie looked into Yvonne’s eyes; she looked so young, & so scared
“You don’t have to be scared of me”
“I can’t help it”
“Do you want a drink or anything”
“Iv got to go, um, don’t leave, Ill be back later”

~2hours L8A, Richie has just got back & is drunk~
“Yvonne? Yvonne??”
“Yeah, o God your drunk!”
“Yeah, &, & im a bustard”
“Oh God, what are you talking about?”
“I just sold my friend out, because of orders”
“It isn’t the end of the world”
“Yes it is, he’s my best-friend, he’s my only friend, well was”
“Go, go, um, sit down” Yvonne said going to the kitchen. When she came out she had a cup’o’coffee
“Hmm thank-you” Richie said drunkenly. Yvonne then went & put some bed linen on the floor next to the toilet, with some pillows.
“Your sleepin there tonight”
“Okay, why?”
“Your thank me in the morning”
“Okay. Has anyone ever told you your eye‘s are pretty?”
“Go to sleep” As Richie go up he staggered over to Yvonne & kissed her & she defiantly didn’t stop him. As he pulled away he fell on her!
“Richie go to sleep”
“Really you are pretty”

~Next Day, After A Hang-over Richie Had Done Some Checking & Bought Something Yvonne~
“Hey, are you ok today?”
“Fine, are you k?”
“Yeah just you know, shouldn’t get drunk”
“Huh, well I wanted to thank-you for you know taking care of me, & well I wanted to know if you would marry me?”
“We don’t even know each other”
“I no BUT I feel like I’ve know you a life-time & I think I love you”
“Do you love me?”
“As strange as it sound yeah I do”
“Then say yes”

Richie & Yvonne moved to London, Richie became a nice guy & they had a white picket fence


Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:41 pm
by soppysophs
The First Evaer FAnfic I WroteA short fanfic its how i think Liz will tell Max about F.Max

"So can you go to the movies tonight?” Asked Maria
"Oh sorry I can’t, I’ve got a date with Max its our three month aniversery" replied Liz.
"Oh in that case i have the perfect thing" said Maria holding up her order book with the words 'im easy' on it. "Thanx, BUT no thanx, tonight’s the night i tell Max about Future Max" "In that case good luck chica”

~Liz Bedroom~
"Max can i tell you something, i mean there’s this thing i haven’t told you & i don’t want any secrets." Liz said her tone serious. "What’s this about?" Max said sitting next to Liz on her bed."Well you know when i ‘slept’ with Kyle" sounding like she wanted to get this over & done with. "Yeah but you didn’t did you??” Max asked woried. "I didn’t but I want to tell you why i made it look like i did ok?"
"sure" Max replied. "Ok i was standing in front of the mirror saying my voles" "Your wedding voles?" Max cut in tring to keep his laughter in.
"Yes my wedding voles,if your not going to take this seriously then i wont tell you!" Liz said standing up & wandering over to her window. "No please tell me" Max said sounding like a 5-year-old.
"Ok so... im standing in front of my mirror & then you appear BUT its not because your in your 30's & have grey hair & a beard & stuff" Max looked intreged.
"Well he said we got married & had kids & then these evil aliens came & everyone died, so you used the granolith to travel back in time to make sure that, that never happened" "Liz are you saying" "NO please let me finish"
"I didnt believe it was you but he predicted the future you know with the mariachi band so i knew it was you, he said I had to push you away & get you together with Tess” (*evil bi^^h*)
"So you set me up with tess" "Yes but there’s loads more BUT you ended up kissing me, he said the night of the gomez concert you came over & we made love, i i i i went bizzurk, i mean i didn’t have any intention of making love to you or anyone" Liz said feeling the tears stinging her eye's. "So i went to your house & said i didn’t love u & i wouldn’t die for you, BUT that wasn’t, isn’t true Max i love you with all my heart & I would die for you in an instant. Later Future. Max started to disappear he said I had done it BUT he didn’t , then he told me Michael & Isabel had died" "OhMiGod Liz"
"NO please Max let me finish" Liz pleaded with a tear running down her cheak. "I was talking to Maria about Michael & Courtney & i thought if you saw me in bed with Kyle then………………….. BUT we didn’t do any thing we just sat there talking with our underwear ON."
"Max it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do"
Max didnt know what to say, he looked up from the floor where he'd been looking tring to register everything. Max saw the tears streaming down Liz face.
He got up & almost ran over to Liz.He hugged her & kissed the side of her neck saying: “Thats all in the past, what matters is that we are together & that we love each over"
