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Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:07 am
by Anais Nin
when alex died, in CRY YOUR NAME. No contest. I was so mad, I threw the phone at the screen. I broke the tv and ended up not seeing the rest of the episode! my friend lent me it later, but i could barely sit through it! i even bought the book of poems that alex had. The episode also made me cry because Liz finally grew a back bone and chewed out max. When they were fighting it sort of hit me like, thats the couple that everyone thought would spend the rest of their life together. I started crying right then and there and even like, yelled at the tv, "Your supposed to be together! why are you fighting?!"

I soooo agree with you! That had to be, like, the worst scene in Max/Liz history... I accepted it, hoping that they would get back 2gether again in a fight, y'know, like Michael & Maria usually do? But I guess not... No, he just had to sleep with the evil gerbil and get her pregnant...

Worst thing that had happened in the whooole series... (Besides Alex dying...)

~ Lynn xxx

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2003 11:15 pm
by isabelle
The WORST was the end of TEOTW. You could SEE Max's heart breaking. And Liz's too. Unbelieveable. Horrible. Beyond belief. That was the absolulte worst. I just had to cry. :mad:
And every time that Liz lied about it after wards - How can she do that to him? Sometimes I yell at the screen so loudly, that I can't hear her lying. So many times when I think she should be TELLING them about future Max. Or maybe Maria should.

Another part was in Cry Your Name, when Max comes out of the van after not bringing Alex back. He looked so broken. I wanted to shout, "Somebody give him a hug." But nobody did. It must have been devastating for him. But nobody stepped forward. Not even Valenti. They all just expected HIM to be helping Isabel. Someone should have shown some feeling for Max, too. :( :cry:

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 1:56 am
by dreambehr
I feel for him in this episode too! He just wants to make everything right but he doesn't know how to!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:58 am
by Jbehrbabe
I bawled my eyes out when Liz gave that speech to Max in his bedroom in "EOTW". She utterly broke his heart and his eyes were all teary. I litterally bawled. I still cant watch that scene. Actually, I have only watched that ep about three times and never all at once. Too much on the heart. :cry:

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 4:48 am
by willowbv
nallitie wrote:Everytime i see <b>Destiny, EOTW, Harvest, ITLAITB, Departure, Ch-Ch-Changes and Graduation</b> my heart brakes every freaking time and i get all teary-eyed. I just love those episodes. That's all a Dreamer needs to survive... :D
I get all tear-eyed, all the angst is just heartwrenching (apart from Graduation, the proposal, awwww) that's why a dreamer also needs eps like Heatwave, the Pilot and especially Sexual healing to recover

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2003 7:03 am
by dreambehr
I always go and look at my Dreamer pics when I'm feeling really depressed about Max and Liz, and boy were there many horrible scene in Season 2.

Jbehrbabe- Recognize me from FF? : :D

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:52 pm
by It Was You
Hmm...I've cried a lot through out Roswell's episodes, but I think the two times that had me crying the hardest was at the end of Changes. I've never been more heartbroken over a TV show. And then at the end of Graduation, but that was kinda different b/c I was crying for happiness that they were finally married, but also crying b/c I knew that the show was over and we'd probably never get to see another new episode/scene/quote...etc.

Ok..going now before I get too depressed. lol :(

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 2:34 am
by ps_dreamer
I love every dreamer scene but there are only two episodes/scenes that touched TOUCHED me. (very unbelievable-)

1. Graduation- when Max was proposing to Liz. That scene was very beautiful, powerful, and well portrayed by both Jason and Shiri. It just...blew me away. No words can describe it. So romantic... *dreamy sigh*

2. Blind date- when Max asked Liz to runaway with him. That scene was MAGICAL!!! Purely enchanting and captivating. I just LOVE it.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:44 am
by dreambehr
ps_dreamer wrote: 2. Blind date- when Max asked Liz to runaway with him. That scene was MAGICAL!!! Purely enchanting and captivating. I just LOVE it.
Second that. :) I just love the whole speech that Max gave. That's such a classic and of course, gave all the Dreamer our name.

"You're my dreamgirl, Liz."

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:15 am
by strawberryapple
The scene that really made me cry, was the "jeep scene" the night they both had a talk. When Max said, I always thought I'd give you my graduation ring..OMG! I was crying my heart out with the scene after..Liz was entering The Crashdown and Max was crying..The pain in their eyes..Oh dear:(

Another one was EOTW it's a given already why, of course all of us had the same feelings for that episode..The last would be Cry your Name, odd as it may be but I really cried for them coz for the first time they are really at each others throat..that no matter how they love each other, when it comes down to it. They both won't give up their pride and what they believe in.