Believing in Destiny (AU,CC,Teen/Mature)BookII,Pt5 4/25 [WIP

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

continued from the previous post

Part 16b

“I cannot find Max anywhere” Tess whined to Isabel at the quad.

“His jeep is also not here, so he probably went to have his lunch somewhere else.” Isabel said nonchalantly more concerned about finding Liz than Max.

“We lost them. Both of them are missing.” Alex said joining them.

“I bet he had something to do with it” Maria said angrily looking at Michael who was sitting under a tree far away from the other students.

“Who else is missing?” Tess asked curiously.

“Liz” Isabel said impatiently opening her lunch wondering how she could make sure that she and Liz become partners at English.

“What? You mean Max went with Liz?” Tess shrieked.

Maria rolled her eyes at that. “No. We just meant we couldn’t find both of them.”


“So you often come out here to have lunch?” Liz asked Max after a long silence, as he parked at a diner.

“Sometimes, when we get tired of the school cafeteria.” Max said as he got out of the jeep.

“I will join you in a minute” Liz said to Max and went towards the diner.

Max went and sat down on a table outside the diner as it was not very sunny and opened his homemade lunch. A while later Liz joined him with a burger and a cherry coke.

“So why are you avoiding your friends?”

Max’s jaw opened in surprise and after a couple of seconds, he asked her, “How do you know I am avoiding them?”

Liz chuckled, “You said yourself that you don’t come here often and you already have your homemade lunch with you. So you weren’t expecting to come here. Plus the way you were glaring at the back where Maria was sitting and the way you ran out of the class pretty much confirmed that you are avoiding your friends.”

Max looked at her wondering whether this meant she had been observing him in the class as he had observed her.

“Not that I was watching or anything…I…” Liz stuttered blushing and Max smiled at her.

“Its nothing. Just a difference of opinion between us.” Max said then continued with his eyes twinkling, “Now why were you running Miss. Parker?”

“Actually its your sister and girlfriend.” Liz said seriously though there was a hint of a smile on her face. She leaned closer to him and asked him smiling, “Tell me Mr. Evans do they always bug poor unsuspecting girls like me?”

Max who had drowned in her eyes completely missed what she was telling him.

“Max? Cat got your tongue?” Liz teased him.

“Huh?” Max said flustered.

Though she knew he hadn’t been listening to her and was thinking of something else, she thought he looked really adorable at that moment with his hair ruffled by the ride in the jeep, his half-eaten sandwich in his hand and a totally bewildered look in his face. Liz couldn’t resist leaning a bit more close to him and she softly brushed his hair away from his forehead. Max closed his eyes and leaned into her hand and sighed deeply.

The sudden blaring of a horn jerked Liz away from him. Max opened his eyes only to find a panicked Liz. Liz looked mortified by her action. She didn’t know what had happened, how she could have lost control like this. She did not take rides from random guys; she was usually more clear-headed than that. What did she know about Max Evans other than that he is really gorgeous, goes to Roswell High, and has a nice mother, a sister, a girlfriend and close friends? For all she knew he could be a serial killer. Okay, that’s going a bit far, Liz decided but she hadn’t even had a whole conversation with him other than taking his order. How could she trust him so blindly and feel as if she had known him her entire lifetime instead of the past 10 minutes? This is not normal, her head screamed at her while her heart seemed to accept it calmly saying that it is inevitable. He has a girlfriend, her head screamed while her heart said that he liked her, not Maria. You cannot get close to anyone, her head argued…

“Liz?” Max’s voice drew her away from the constant battle between her head and her heart.

“So,” Liz began cheerfully forcing a smile on her face, “you never answered my question.”

At Max’s puzzled look, she continued, “Is your girlfriend always like that? I mean, no offense but she seems kinda weird.”

“My girlfriend?” Max asked even more confused.

Max didn’t understand what is happening here. He had never felt so comfortable or open with a girl before. “I mean God, I was flirting with her” Max thought shocked and surprised. Since when did Max Evans-the-loner take random girls, much less the girl he had been dreaming about since he first met her, for lunch dates in his jeep and flirt with them. “Oh My God! Is this like a date?” Max thought suddenly choking on his food.

“Max, you alright?” Liz asked worried.

Max nodded and tried to calm himself down. Okay Evans, be cool. You are just talking with the girl of your dreams, no big deal. Yeah Right. Max mentally snorted. Now what was she saying? Focus Evans, focus. Yeah, something about his girlfriend and... girlfriend? Max sat up suddenly. What the hell is she talking about? He only wanted to have one person as his girlfriend and she was sitting right opposite him, so what was she talking about?

“My girlfriend?” He once again asked.

“Yeah, you know Maria” Liz mumbled looking anywhere but at him.

Max suddenly smiled; was she jealous of him and Maria? Well much as it boosted his ego and confirmed that she also had feelings for him, he couldn’t have her thinking that someone else is his girlfriend. It was time to clear the air.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Max whispered to her.

Liz looked up at him speculatively wondering about the abrupt change in the subject. She shrugged and Max leaned closer to her and said, “Maria is not my girlfriend.”

He then leaned back to see the stunned look on Liz’s face and he chuckled.


“It was just a ploy to get my mother off my back. Maria enacted it when she saw my mother in the Crashdown, the day you came. She is my best friend.” Max explained.

“Oh. So why don’t you date?” Liz asked him curiously, “I mean are you…?”

“No!” Max interrupted his eyes wide, before she could complete the sentence, and then said a bit embarrassed that he even had to say this, “I…I like girls. I was just waiting for the right one.”

“Was?” Liz teased him her playful mood restored. “Does this mean you have finally found the right girl?”

“Maybe I have” Max said smiling shyly at her.

Suddenly uncomfortable, Liz changed the subject, “How does Tess fit into this”?

Max grimaced hearing the name and Liz laughed, “Let me guess? She wants to get into your pants?”

“No…its not…” Max stuttered embarrassed and his ears turned red.

Liz laughed even more if possible. She suddenly felt happy and carefree, something she hadn’t felt in a long while. “Face it Max. That girl wants you.”

“A bad mental image,” Max grumbled but felt glad that he was able to make her laugh. “So what about you?”

“Me?” Liz asked taking a sip of her cherry coke.

“Yeah,” Max took a deep breath and blurted out, “The guy you hugged in the morning, is he your boyfriend?” There he had finally asked it, the question he had been wanting to ask since he saw her and Michael in the morning.

But he never expected her reaction to his question. Liz immediately started choking on her drink and began coughing loudly. She spit out some of the drink on the table and tears started coming down her cheeks due to her continuous choking. Max instantly went to her side and thumped her back trying to calm her down.

“You ok?” He asked when she had finally stopped her coughing.

“I am really sorry.” Liz said horrified at the mess she had made on the table. She had spit out the drink on his remaining lunch and during her coughing she had unknowingly spilt her cherry coke also on the table. But she hadn’t been able to control her shock when he had asked if Michael was her boyfriend. Everyone in her old town was so used to seeing Michael and Liz together right from their childhood, that nobody had really asked them that question. They knew that Michael and Liz behaved more like brother and sister and so Max’s question had completely taken her by surprise.

“I am sorry about your lunch” Liz apologized once again looking at his lunch.

“Nah. It’s okay. Let me tell you another secret.” Max said his eyes twinkling, “My mum isn’t that great of a cook so it’s not a loss at all.”

“So you okay now?” Max asked her concerned.

“Yeah. I am fine.” Liz said getting up from the table. “We should get going.”

“Yeah” Max said looking at his watch.

They picked up the remnants of their lunch and after throwing those into the trash got into the jeep.

After a few minutes, Liz said looking at the passing scenery, “He is my best friend.”

“Who?” Max asked looking at her confused.

“Michael. The guy you saw me hugging today morning. I haven’t seen him for nearly a year, so imagine my surprise when I suddenly saw him standing in front of me.”

“So how long have you known him?” Max asked curiously though the questions he really wanted to ask was does she know that he is an alien form another planet? Second-in-command to a King? Does she know where his parents were, how his childhood was? How did she know Michael was at the door before he entered the classroom?

Max was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn’t hear her answer.

“Since I was a little kid.” Liz answered vaguely then changed the subject.

“I think we are going to be late. So what do you have for your 5th hour?” she asked him looking through her schedule.

“AP Bio.” Max said, reluctantly driving a bit faster to make it to the school in time. He didn’t want his time with her to end.

“Me too.” Liz said excited. “Mr. Seligman’s your teacher?”

“Yeah.” Max said smiling at her. He couldn’t believe it. He had one more hour with her and he now had 3 classes with her. This was turning to be the best day of his life.


Tess looked at the clock and then once more at the door. ‘Where is Max?’ She thought frowning. He had been missing since lunch and now the 5th hour had also started and there was no sign of him. He was the reason she had taken AP Bio and she hoped that the teacher would pair them off, as lab partners, like the last term. Mr. Seligman had already started pairing off those present in the class and if he didn’t arrive in the next 5 minutes, she would be paired off with someone else. ‘What is keeping him?’

Alex also looked at the clock wondering where Max was. He was never late to the class. Maria had been worried about Max. According to Maria, Liz also had AP Bio this hour but there was no sign of her either. Alex suddenly wondered whether Max and Liz had gone together somewhere, then he dismissed those thoughts immediately. Liz didn’t trust anyone so easily and Max really wasn’t brave enough to approach her.


Finally Max and Liz arrived at the school and Max parked the jeep. Both of them hurried to the class.

“Don’t worry” Max said looking at Liz, “Mr. Seligman’s cool. He won’t mind coming late on the first day.” He assured her. “Besides you are new.”

They both knocked the door and entered.

“Mr. Evans, Nice of you to join us” Mr. Seligman said dryly.

“Actually, it isn’t his fault.” Liz said and Mr. Seligman turned to look at her. “I am Liz Parker and am new here and was lost. Max here showed me the class.”

Mr. Seligman looked through his papers and then looked up at her, “Miss. Parker, Harvard bound straight A’s student?” He smiled at her, “Welcome to Roswell High.”

Max looked at Liz in surprise but there was an unreadable look in her face and a sense of sadness seemed to surround her now.

“Since I had already paired off the remaining students, you both can be lab partners for the school year. Please take the remaining station in the middle.”

“Ok” Liz mumbled and went to the lab station.

Max couldn’t control his smile at the thought that Liz Parker was going to be his lab partner for the rest of the year. He decided this was officially the most wonderful day of his entire life. They both started working together on that day’s lab and every few minutes when their hands brushed against each other they looked up and smiled shyly at each other, though Max could still sense her sadness and he did his best to make her forget it.

Alex was now sure that Max and Liz had definitely gone together somewhere for lunch. He was really curious to find out how Max-behind-the-tree-Evans had managed to ask her. If the permanent smile on Max’s face and the shy glances between them were any indication, then something had definitely happened between them. This was a job for the truth-extractor DeLuca, Alex decided and anxiously waited for the hour to be over.

Tess stared angrily at the way Max and Liz were behaving. “I am his destiny not that human,” Tess muttered to herself furiously. What angered her even more was that her mind powers were useless against Liz. Still she can use her physical powers against her if the need arose, Tess consoled herself. But she needed to know now what had happened today between Max and Liz so she closed her eyes and concentrated on Max. A minute later she opened her eyes in disgust. Max’s mind was full of Liz, Liz laughing, Liz blushing, Liz smiling, Tess gritted her teeth in anger. She couldn’t obtain anything useful from his mind other than Liz. Max was useless like this. It was time to take drastic measures to ensure Max followed his destiny. First of all Nasedo had to come from wherever the hell he was and second of all they had to find the pod chamber. Once they found the pod-chamber, she can start working on the translation, as she knew that the Granolith couldn’t be far away from the pod chamber.


A.N: Hope it wasn't boring guys. Feedback will be much appreciated :D
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:27 pm

Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey everyone, here's the next part. I know you all have lots of questions but at least some of them will be answered soon in the next few parts. Thanks for your patience. I will try to answer some of them now. And thanks to

Behrsgirl77: You will find out answers to some of your questions in the upcoming parts :D and it will be a long time before Tess is gotten rid of.

stardreamer323: Yes, Maria's powers are beginning to show as Max healed her. As for your other questions they will be explained in the upcoming chapters.

begonia9508: That's a good theory but I can't answer that question. You just have to read to find out :lol:

Linn Yup Michael can't resist her vibes :D

SweetieTeeny: thanks for your feedback

and to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Hey guys I know you all need answers and you will start getting some from the next part onwards. I hope you all enjoy this part. Feedack is much appreciated guys.


Part 17

Isabel and Tess arrived at the quarry in Tess’ SUV only to find Michael already waiting for them with a scowl on his face. Isabel hurriedly got out of the car thinking that if she had to listen to one more minute of Tess’ ranting about Max, Michael and Liz, then she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions. Isabel seriously felt like hitting someone and that feeling only intensified when Michael and Tess immediately got into an argument about Liz. Michael curtly replied that it was none of their business and this angered both Isabel and Tess. Each time they asked him a question about Liz that was his standard answer. Isabel finally decided that she wasn’t going to do anything till Max arrived. She got out her cell and called Max impatiently wondering where he was.


“Okay. Spill girlfriend.”

Max looked up to see both Maria and Alex sitting down across from him in his booth. Maria was full of excited anticipation and Alex had a grin on his face.

“About what?” Max asked innocently though he knew exactly what Maria was asking.

Alex snorted and Maria replied impatiently, “Please Max. Alex already told me that you had lunch with Liz.” She paused then asked gleefully, “So what happened?”

“Nothing happened,” Max then narrowed his eyes at them, “Besides I am still angry with you guys. What you guys did was stupid. And to bring Kyle also with you…”

“Max, we are fine now and we said we are sorry,” Maria interrupted him contritely then continued, “Anyways, you owe Alex and me for your lunch with Liz today.”

“Really?” Max asked her sarcastically.

“Yeah. If we hadn’t crashed in on your meeting yesterday, you wouldn’t have become angry with us. If you hadn’t become angry with us, you would have had your lunch with us today. And if you had had your lunch today with us, then you wouldn’t have decided to go out to have your lunch. And if you hadn’t decided to have your lunch outside, Liz wouldn’t have come with you. And if Liz hadn’t come with you, you wouldn’t have had your lunch with her today. So if it weren’t for us you wouldn’t have had lunch with Liz today.” Maria finished triumphantly in one breath looking at a gaping Max staring at her.

“Yeah” Alex added enthusiastically nodding his head.

“You understood that?” Max asked Alex bewildered and Maria frowned at Max.

“Totally,” Alex said convincingly and Maria beamed at him.

But as soon as she turned back to look at Max, Alex mouthed softly to Max, “No frigging way,” shaking his head slowly.

“So, Spill!” Maria said once again.

Max then smiled dreamily. He had been bursting to tell this to someone and he couldn’t hold back any longer, “Yeah. We had lunch at the diner on the other side of town and,” Max looked at the table and his ears turned a little red, “we also flirted a little.”

Maria squealed at this, “I knew it. I knew she is the right one for you.” Maria exclaimed happily.

“Max Evans flirting?” Alex asked shocked, “Wow. I never knew you had it in you man.”

“What about Michael?” Maria asked calmly though inside she was very eager to know who Michael was to Liz.

“Michael is her best friend,” Max said though it was evident from his tone that he wasn’t too happy about that information, “and they hadn’t seen each other for a year or so that’s why there was such a reunion in the morning.”

“She always punches people when she sees them after a long time?” Alex asked confused.

“She punched him?” Max asked puzzled.

“Oh yeah. You weren’t there,” Maria said then explained gleefully in great detail what had really happened that morning including Kyle’s encounter with Liz.

To say Max was stunned was an understatement. “Wow, its really hard to believe,” Max exclaimed. “I mean she is so petite, soft, beautiful …I didn’t think that she could hit …”

“What? Hit a man?” Maria asked annoyed. “We girls don’t always need some man to defend us. We are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves.” Maria huffed.

Alex quickly changed the subject, “So your first date…”

“You think it was a date?” Max asked him hopefully.

“Did you pay for her lunch?” Maria asked.

“No, She did. Ow…What was that for?” Max asked rubbing his head where Maria had whacked him and Alex backed away from Maria.

“Haven’t I ever taught you anything? Honestly sometimes you both act like typical guys.”

“Maria,” Alex said cautiously, “That’s because we are guys,” and Max nodded.

Maria rolled her eyes, “You are supposed to pay for everything whenever you go out with a girl. And eating with a girl in a cheap roadside diner during the 1 hour lunch break where she pays for her lunch is not a date.” Maria then shook her head regretfully, “I guess you both need more training to be in touch with your feminine side.”

At this both Alex and Max looked at each other in horror knowing from experience what ‘getting- in-touch-with-your-feminine-side’ meant.

At that moment Max’s cell phone rang and as soon as he saw the caller id he realized that he had forgotten about the meeting at the quarry.

“Listen, I got to go to the quarry now. See you later. Sorry man,” Max said to Alex while he shot Max a pleading look. Max quickly escaped from the café before Maria said anything more about their feminine side.


Isabel sat on a rock in the quarry and rolled her eyes at Michael and Tess and tried to mute their emotions in her head by meditating. Both Michael and Tess were standing far apart glaring at each other silently in a Mexican standoff with their arms crossed under their chest.

“I really don’t understand why you people constantly associate with humans.” Tess began once again and Isabel mentally groaned hoping Max would hurry up.

“Deal with it.” Michael said impassively not really listening to what she was saying.

“I mean what is it about that girl Liz that both you and Max go after her like a dog in heat? Really she …”

“What?” Michael suddenly roared interrupting Tess and both Tess and Isabel looked up surprised at his response.

“I mean she is only a human…” Tess began meekly a bit scared at the fury in his eyes.

“Not that!” Michael said impatiently desperately hoping that he heard wrong, “What did you mean by Max going after Liz?”

“Oh that. That girl hasn’t left him alone since she came here and today Max went somewhere private to have lunch with her and they both came to the class late after lunch all cozy and flushed looking,” Tess exaggerated realizing that Michael’s anger was not at her. “They are also partners in Biology and they were shamelessly flirting with each other today. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is with her right now.”

“Tess,” Isabel said crossly unable to believe the picture she was painting to Michael about Max.

Michael muttered a curse and then said angrily, “Liz isn’t like that. She doesn’t have lunch with strangers and flirt with them. Max must be…”

“My brother is also not like that,” Isabel defended Max not liking what Michael was insinuating.

“It didn’t seem like that by the way they were acting,” Tess muttered smugly.

Michael muttered another curse, put on his helmet on and went to his bike and sat on it.

“Where are you going?” Isabel snapped at him.

“To look for our great King,” Michael said sarcastically and started the engine.

At that moment they all heard the roar of the jeep coming towards them. Michael immediately removed his helmet, got up from the bike, and rushed towards the sound with his hands clenched. Isabel also quickly joined him not liking the murderous look in his face and gave an icy glare to Tess when she came near them.

Max slowed down the jeep warily noting the tension between Michael and the others. As soon as he parked and got down, Michael was upon him holding him by the lapel of his shirt tightly.

“Where the hell were you?” Michael demanded furiously.

Isabel shocked for a moment unfroze suddenly and came up to Michael and ordered icily, “Let him go!”

“Not till he tells me where he was,” Michael growled not removing his eyes from Max.

“Uhm…I know I was late, but don’t you think this is a bit too much?” Max asked really confused by what was going on.

Michael’s hands started glowing a bit and everyone became alarmed.

“I said let him go!” Isabel shouted pushing Michael away from Max with a burst of her energy.

A couple of boulders near them exploded and Max and Michael both threw a shield around them all to avoid the rock debris. Once it cleared, both of them removed the shields and Max looked at everyone annoyed.

“Would anyone like to tell me what the hell is going on here?”

“Where were you till now?” Michael asked Max once again trying hard to rein his temper.

Max narrowed his eyes at Michael, “Not that it’s any of your concern but I was with Maria and Alex in the Crashdown.”

“And during your lunch?”

Max stiffened in anger and glared at Tess who was avoiding looking at him. He now knew exactly what this was about. Tess must have told them. Liz had told him that Michael and her were only best friends but apparently Michael didn’t think like that. Max didn’t like it at all.

“I don’t think I need to answer your question,” Max replied grimly.

Michael immediately knew that Max had indeed spent the lunch with Liz and he warned Max, “Stay the hell away from Liz. I don’t want her in danger because of you.”

Before Max could reply, Isabel said angrily, “Maybe you should be the one staying away from her. The skins know you, not us. So if they see her with you, she will be in danger because of you.”

“I would give my life to save her,” Michael said angrily.

“Yeah. So would I,” Max automatically said and both Isabel and Tess looked at him shocked to hear this for someone whom he had only met about 2 weeks ago while Michael simply glared at him unbelievably.

“Besides,” Max continued, “You are the one who said that our powers are useless against the skins. You are willing to risk her life like that?”

“This isn’t about me Your Majesty,” Michael spat in anger. “This is about whom King Zan associates with. About whom Zan is friends with. The skins aren’t concerned about me or Isabel or Tess Zan. Once I knew I was an alien with a price on my head, I left my life and my friends so that they can be safe. Are you prepared to do the same? Are you willing to leave your family and your friends so that they can be safe?”

Max remained silent while Isabel came closer to him and held his hand supporting him and at the same time hoping that he doesn’t agree with Michael’s stupid idea of leaving Roswell.

Michael snorted, “Thought so. So I suggest you keep away from Liz and the others if you really care about them and want to protect them. The skins want King Zan alive and won’t hesitate in killing everyone closer to you to get to you.”

“Yeah guess what Rath?” Isabel sneered at him hating the way Max was feeling because of Michael.

“Right now, the skins know how Rath look like not Zan or Vilandra or Ava. So they will come for you and your friends meaning you should be the one staying away from us all.”

“But we can fight against the skins and win if we are a four-square.” Tess said quietly after listening to everything.

Michael answered Tess ignoring what Isabel had just said. “We all need to be stronger with our powers before we can form a four-square. And we need to do that before the skins come here searching for us.”


Isabel looked at Max worriedly on their way home from the quarry. They had all finally practiced with their powers for sometime and Michael had given a quick history of their planets told to him by his protector. They weren’t surprised to learn that Tess already knew this but both Max and Isabel wondered what else Tess is keeping from them. Max had remained silent the entire time and had apparently decided to do that till they reached home. To make matters worse, after Michael had explained about setting blocks in the heads, Isabel had stopped feeling Max’s emotions. She didn’t know how he mastered it so soon. Well, Isabel wasn’t going to let him brood any longer.

“So how long are you planning to brood?” Isabel asked him.

Max gave a half-smile and said, “I am not brooding,” Isabel snorted and he amended, “just… thinking deeply.”

“And?” Isabel asked him curiously.

“Michael is right.”

Isabel gasped in outrage, “What? His reasoning is completely ridiculous. Right now we are the ones in danger because of him…”

“Isabel,” Max interrupted her calmly, “I just don’t want to put anyone in danger because of me. I am the king and he is right in saying that they would kill you guys to get to me.”

“And you believe him?” Isabel asked incredulously. When Max remained silent, Isabel continued angrily, “So what are you going to do? Leave your family and friends and go somewhere?”

Max looked at her startled and Isabel suddenly grew scared. “Please don’t tell me you are going to leave us Max?” Isabel asked in disbelief. She wouldn’t put it past her brother to decide something stupid like this.

She then continued before he could answer, “Coz the skins could still use us to get to you even if you aren’t here. We should all be here together. So tell me you aren’t leaving us Maxwell Philip Evans,” Isabel nearly shouted at the end.

“Of course not Isabel. I am not leaving you all,” Max said and when Isabel seemed relieved by it Max continued dryly, “Yeah, thanks for believing in me Iz.”

Isabel looked away from him guiltily and Max continued, “I just meant we have to practice more and I have to stay away from non-aliens at least until we know for sure the skins won’t bother us.”

Isabel snorted, “Yeah. Good luck explaining that to Maria.”


Michael wearily trudged into the Crashdown wishing he had asked Liz where she was staying while she was still in a good mood. She had completely avoided him in school and he hadn’t seen her since school was over. He hoped she might come here since this seemed to be the teen-hangout. Michael went and sat down in the counter thinking that way somebody had to bring his order sooner than the last time.

Maria looked up to see Michael sitting down on the counter and picking up a menu and she scowled at him.

Seeing her Michael began, “I need a plate of Saturn rings…”

Maria smiled sweetly and lied, “I am sorry but you can only order drinks here. You have to sit at the booth to order the food.”

Michael seemed taken aback for a moment and then snorted at her, “Nice try blondie. Now get me Saturn rings, cherry coke…”

Maria glared at him, “Listen spiky!” and Michael touched his hair frowning at her, “You have to sit at a booth to eat food served.”

Michael gritted his teeth and said, “Fine. Bring my order to the booth. I want Saturn rings…”

“Nope sorry can’t do.” Maria replied grinning. “I take only counter orders,” and she went to the back room laughing inwardly at a gaping Michael. This would teach him to ignore Maria DeLuca.

Michael fumed and seeing her through the order take-out window, he neared it and said angrily, “Get me a cherry coke then. The food here isn’t so great anyways and the service sucks.”

Maria heatedly began, “If you don’t like the food or the service, why do you come…”

“Maria. Is everything al right?” Mr. Parker who was coming into the backroom from the apartment interrupted her, seeing her talking with a customer on the other side.

“Yes everything is fine Mr. Parker. I am just explaining to an ex-customer that the food and the service here doesn’t suck.” Maria explained.

“Hey I didn’t mean that.” Michael said coming more closer to the window to see the café owner, “Sir, she…Mr. P?”

“Michael?” Jeff asked incredulously then immediately came closer to the window and took Michael’s hands, “How are you doing my boy? We were all really worried about you. Are you alright?”

Michael was looking at him unbelievably and asked, “You own this place?”

“My mom does Michael. Wait. Let me go and get Nancy.” And Jeff immediately went back to the apartment calling for Nancy.

Michael suddenly remembered Liz saying something about the Crashdown in class today. Figures Grandma Claudia would own this place, Michael thought as he looked around the back room to see Maria and the cook looking at him curiously. He decided to go inside so as to avoid a scene in the café. He looked around once more and entered the back room only to come face to face with a tearful Nancy.

“Oh My God Michael. Where were you all this time?” Nancy asked while hugging him.

Michael embraced her back feeling uncomfortable and said, “Hi Mrs. P. How are you doing?”

“Liz had a sudden feeling yesterday afternoon that something wasn’t right with you and we were all really worried since then that something had happened to you. Thank God you are fine.” Nancy said still holding him tightly.

Michael looked at Maria to find her looking at him suspiciously and he cursed mentally thinking why she had to witness this.

“Nancy let the poor boy breath.” Jeffrey said chuckling at the pained look on Michael’s face and Michael shot him a grateful look when Nancy released him.

“You had dinner yet?” Jeff asked him. When Michael shook his head, Nancy added, “Come on, you can have dinner upstairs with us.”

When Michael followed them he shot Maria a triumphant look while she simply rolled her eyes.

“Is Liz here?” Michael asked when they reached the apartment.

“Yeah but she is sleeping. She just got back from work and she had a really tiring day.” Nancy explained.

“She doesn’t work at the café?” Michael asked wondering how she could have gotten out of working at the family café.

“No. She got a job with Congressman Whitaker.” Jeff said proudly. “Today was her first day.”

Michael then decided to meet Liz later and he talked generally with the Parkers while having dinner.


Liz jogged down to the park exhausted and sat down on a bench near some trees. She then looked at the horizon to see the sun that was just rising. The sky looked reddish orange and the birds started chirping. Something was different about her dreams today, Liz thought frowning. It hadn’t been exactly a nightmare but she was sure that she saw a familiar pair of amber eyes in the dream just before she woke up.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” someone said from her right sitting near her.

“Yeah” Liz said then asked still looking at the sky, “What are you doing here Michael?”

“Enjoying the sun-rise like you.” He said but when Liz looked at him arching her brows, he continued, “I couldn’t sleep.”

Liz sighed and asked, “Uhm…So how long you haven’t been able to sleep?”

“Since your nightmares started.” When Liz looked down guiltily, Michael softly said, “Don’t. It’s not your fault. Besides I…it makes me feel closer to you. That’s the only time I feel you.”

“I’m sorry,” Liz said quietly looking down and thought, for everything Michael. I’m sorry that our connection is closed, sorry that we can no longer sense each other like before, sorry I didn’t listen to you and stay away from Xander. Maybe then he would have been alive now.

Liz shook her head to clear her thoughts and continued, “It started again when I came…” She then trailed off.

“And saw Alexander Whitman.” Michael finished for her.

Liz remained silent and after some time asked him, “Michael, are my parents or us in danger here?”

“No, no one is” Michael said surprised as to why she was asking him this.

“Then why were you scared Michael? What were you doing all these months?”

Michael took a deep breath and began softly, “I cannot answer those questions Liz. Just that I thought something had happened to you and got scared. For now everyone’s safe, that’s what matters. You once said that you do not want to know anything about my past. That you want to live in the present and look forward to your future.”

Michael looked up at Liz to see her looking at him tearfully and he cupped her cheek with his hand gently removing the tears with his thumb, “Do that Lizzie. Don’t live in the past. Live now and reach for your dreams.”

My dreams died a long time ago Michael.” Liz thought sadly. “Why don’t you do that Michael? Why can’t you let go of the past?”

Michael removed his hand and looked away from her unable to answer her. How could he tell her that unless he figured out their past, they might not even have a future?

They remained silent for a minute then Michael said gruffly, “What happened then…I…I know we never talked about it but Liz it’s not your fault…You cannot blame yourself.”

“Yet you blame yourself. It’s not yours also Michael.” Liz said sorrowfully knowing deep down that no matter what, she was responsible for what had happened.

“So I met your parents yesterday and they said you have started working for the Congresswoman?” Michael asked after a couple of minutes.

“Yeah. That is far better than waiting tables at the Crash. Can you believe mom actually wanted me to work there?” Liz asked incredulously.

Michael chuckled, “Yeah. I never knew grandma owned such a place. Those little green men and the alien menu. I would have paid to see you work there. And the uniforms…” Suddenly Michael scowled thinking of the short uniforms and grumbled, “On second thoughts, I really am glad you aren’t working there.”

Liz simply rolled her eyes and said, “The uniforms are great for tips though.” Seeing Michael’s grimace she continued, “Chill out Michael. I only wore it once.”

“Liz,” Michael continued grimly, “About Congresswoman Whitaker, she is conducting an…”

“Investigation on the special-unit that hunts aliens.” Liz completed for him and when he looked at her surprised, she said sarcastically, “What? I do listen to news; you know the thing on T.V. where they give information about events happening in the U.S and the world? They do show things other than hockey games Michael.”

“Yeah very funny Liz. Very funny.” Michael said annoyed then continued seriously, “Be careful, okay?”

He didn’t want her to work with Whitaker but given the choice between the Crashdown and Whitaker, Whitaker was safer. Anything that keeps Liz away from Max and the others is bound to be better, Michael thought.

“Wow, Michael and careful in the same sentence?” Liz teased then seeing his frown added, “Sure I will be.”

Both of them got up and started walking out of the work.

“So see you at school?” Liz asked him seeing the Crash in the distance.

“Nah. I will come and pick you up for school.” Michael said.

“You bought a car?” Liz asked him surprised.

“You will see,” Michael grinned and then turned back to go to his place.

“Hey, I don’t want to be late for school,” Liz shouted after him, “So if you aren’t here by 7.30 I’m leaving.”


A few minutes after Liz and Michael left the park, Isabel walked away from the trees behind the bench where Michael and Liz had been talking. She stared at the place where they had been for a long time with a puzzled look on her face.

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

okay, so i am posting 18 & 19 today and i will try my best to post the next one (coz it has Max's...I won't say :twisted: i know :lol: ) before this weekend.

And i know you all hated Michael in the last part but he does have a really really good reason for behaving like that. (You will get an insight to his feelings in part 18 ).

And once again thank you very much for your support and feedback

hey welcome back and hope you had a wonderful vacation :D
hope the 2 parts answered atleast some of your questions :D

And of course to my wonderful beta Behrsgirl77

And here's part 18


Part 18

“Maria when I said somewhere private, I didn’t mean the Eraser room,” Isabel said looking around the small room supposed to clean erasers but used as a make-out room by the student body.

“What is the matter with your brother?” Maria asked clearly irritated, turning to face Isabel after locking the door. Not waiting for her answer, Maria continued agitatedly running her hands through her hair, “He is back to avoiding Alex and me. I thought we had cleared off all the misunderstanding that happened at Tess’ house. I mean its not as if we were spying on you guys or anything.”

Isabel made an oddly choking sound that suspiciously sounded like laughter, but Maria ignored it and continued on without taking a breath, “Anyways he was totally cool about that. But yesterday night he didn’t answer any of my calls again and today he spouts off stupid excuses and runs off whenever I try to talk to him. And he is no better with Alex also. Alex simply says to let Max alone for some time that he would soon come around. But I don’t …”

“Maria, take a breath,” Isabel hurriedly interrupted her knowing that the girl could go on and on unless someone stopped her or she ran out of breath and the latter had never happened till now, but Isabel wasn’t going to take any chances.

Maria removed a small vial from her skirt pocket and started sniffing it, “I swear your brother is trying to drive me crazy and give me white hairs.”

Isabel looked at Maria’s shining golden locks and didn’t think that it would ever be possible but she remained silent about it and then said hesitantly not sure of Maria’s reaction, “I think, no I am sure that Michael is the reason for Max’s more than usual weird behavior.”

Maria’s eyes flashed hearing Michael’s name and Isabel continued on quickly, “He apparently convinced my asinine brother that everyone around him is in danger because Max is the king and the skins are looking for him. And so Max has gotten it into his thick head that the only way to protect us all is to avoid everyone including my parents.” She then proceeded to explain what had happened the evening before. “Besides it didn’t help that Max saw Liz and Michael coming together to school on his motorcycle.”

“That’s it. The hypocrite has gone too far. Both he and your brother need a lesson,” Maria said angrily before opening the door.

“But I wanted to talk to you about this morning…” but Maria had already gone off leaving Isabel alone.

Though Isabel was angry that Maria had simply dismissed her she was also glad that she wasn’t at the receiving end of Maria’s anger. But her brother deserved it for being insanely stupid. She frowned once again thinking of the conversation she had heard in the morning between Michael and Liz. Something had been nagging her since she heard Alex’s name.

“Why are they interested in Alex?” Isabel thought, “They have never seen him before. Hmm, Liz said nightmares started after she saw Alex. Why would that be unless… maybe he reminds her of someone in her past? This is frustrating and ridiculous Isabel. Alexander Whit…” Suddenly Isabel stopped abruptly in the hallway thinking of Liz’s dream. “Alexander, Xan short for Xander, Alexander.” She knew it was a wild guess but no harm in trying to find out about all the Alexander’s in Liz’s old school. She then walked purposely towards the computer lab searching for Alex before the first hour started.


Isabel entered her English class 5 minutes before the bell rang glad that no one was in the class yet. She quickly looked at the list posted on the small board outside the class and grimaced when she saw Michael paired up with Liz, Max with Tess, she with Kyle, Maria with her arch enemy Pam Troy and Alex with some girl. Okay Isabel, time to change it. She cautiously looked around the hallway and quickly swiped her hand across the list. Looking at the new pairings she gave a big smile and entered the class.

A few minutes later Michael came striding into the class casually looking at the list on the board. Suddenly he stopped and stared and then stared again thinking his eyes were playing tricks on him. Max was paired with Alex, that Maria girl with Kyle, he was paired off with Tess, and Isabel, Isabel was with Liz? How did that happen? He had just changed it before. Michael gritted his teeth in anger when he saw Isabel inside the class talking with someone and he swiped his hand across the list and then ducked into another classroom nearby to ensure that Isabel didn’t change it again.

Tess happily walked to her English class where she and Max are going to be… She abruptly stopped her train of thought seeing her paired up with Isabel? What the hell? Just that morning she had made sure she was paired with Max. This is ridiculous. She looked into the class to see Isabel sitting there talking casually. “Sorry Isabel, but I want your brother,” Tess thought swiping her hand across the list and she quickly entered the classroom towards Isabel.

“Hey Isabel. Uhm…Look I know you consider me as your best friend and really you are my best friend too, you are like my sister but not for real you know coz that would like make Max like …”

“Tess what are you blabbering about?” Isabel interrupted her annoyed. Tess was many things but never crazy. Okay so she is crazy with anything to do with Max but Isabel wasn’t sure how this was connected to Max.

Tess leaned closer to Isabel and whispered, “I mean about the list. I really want to be your partner but I think this is the perfect opportunity to get close to Max…”

“Again Tess, what are you talking about?” Isabel asked her impatiently.

“I appreciate you putting us as partners but I want to be paired up with Max…”

“What?” Isabel asked surprised then quickly walked out of the class to look at the list for herself.

Michael again with Liz, Max with Tess, Maria with Kyle and Isabel with Alex? It’s not that she didn’t like her partner but it defeated the whole purpose of getting closer to Liz. She raised her hand once again to wave it across the list but suddenly somebody caught her wrist in a tight grip.

“You are not changing it,” Michael said grimly.

“Oh? As if you didn’t change it to be paired with Liz? Let me go,” Isabel demanded angrily.

“No,” Michael hissed, “I warned you all to stay away from Liz.”

“You both want to be paired off with a human?” Tess asked them disgusted.

“Shut Up Tess!” Both of them said furiously.

Isabel then wrenched her arm free from Michael’s hold and waved it across the board simultaneously as Michael also did it. Tess looked at the new list and found to her horror that she wasn’t paired up with Max and she quickly waved her own hand across it while Michael and Isabel glared angrily at each other. All three of them started arguing and waving their hands at the list simultaneously not caring who could see them in the hallway.

“Oh My God!” Tess suddenly exclaimed looking at something behind Isabel and Michael.

They both immediately turned back to see Max, Maria and Alex hurrying towards them from the other end of the hallway. Maria had a tight grip on Max’s hand and was chattering continuously to Max and every few seconds she whacked him over the head real hard. Max had a really painful look on his face. Again they saw Maria whacking him and all of them winced along with Max and Alex.

Suddenly Maria stopped when she saw the others standing near the classroom and she pointed a finger angrily at Michael and shouted, “You!”

Michael looked in shock to see Maria rushing at him with her hands clenched tightly at her sides and the students between them automatically parting for hurricane DeLuca. Dressed in a denim skirt with slits on her sides, a tight green tops, her shoulder length blonde hair swaying around, and her breasts heaving in anger, she looks great, Michael thought, till he saw the murderous look in her flashing green eyes, and downright scary.

Michael immediately tried to slink away into the classroom but a “Stay Right There!” from Maria froze him on the spot.


All three swiftly turned to see Liz who was looking at Michael, Isabel, Tess and then at Maria bewildered.

“Liz,” Michael said flustered not knowing what to say.

Fortunately for him at that moment their teacher came along and cleared off the group and she took the list from the board before Michael, Isabel or Tess could see the final pairings.

The final bell rang and they all hurried into the class with Michael and Max both trying to sit far away from Maria. Michael looked everywhere but at Maria and Liz and Max hoped he didn’t get stuck with either Tess or Maria. “Right now I don’t know which of them is the better evils,” Max thought rubbing his head scowling at Michael since he was the reason for Maria’s anger at him. Kyle who had enjoyed the whole incident from the hallway looked interestedly between Michael, Max and Maria.

“Okay class. Settle down now. I will just go through the list to make sure and you will get your first group assignment in a couple of days. It is just a questionnaire to know your partner better and I expect you to write a biography of your partner later in the course.”

Mrs. Freeman then started reading the list and Tess sat up when she heard her name.

“Harding with Whitman.”

“Noooo,” Tess said loudly and dramatically and the whole class looked at her.

“Is there a problem Miss. Harding?”

“No Mrs. Freeman. Nothing,” Tess said scowling at Michael and Isabel that she wasn’t with Max.

Isabel looked sympathetically at Alex who looked really pale at the thought of the Crazy Bride from hell. Still better Alex than her, Isabel thought happily.

“Evans with Valenti.”

Michael looked triumphantly at Isabel, Isabel started cursing under her mouth and Kyle looked very happy.

“That’s Evans, M with Valenti.”

At this Michael frowned and Isabel looked triumphantly at him and both Kyle and Max gave a look to each other dejected.

“Evans, I with…”

Isabel held her breath and Michael looked intently at the teacher as if trying to intimidate her into not telling the one name he didn’t want to hear.


“Damn it!” Michael cursed softly and glared at Isabel who could barely conceal her glee but the next minute Michael paled when he heard,

“Guerin with DeLuca”

He then looked at Maria to see an evil smile on her face and a satisfied glint in her eyes and he gulped. “This is not good. Okay Michael you can handle it. She is just a girl,” Michael thought not knowing just what he had gotten himself into.


“You have to do something.”

Max shut his locker and looked to his right to find Michael staring at him expectantly.

“What? Plan an invasion?” Max asked sarcastically.

Michael scowled at him, “No. Tell your girlfriend to stop hounding me.”

“I am supposed to stay away from her. So you tell her,” Max said curtly beginning to walk towards the quad to have his lunch.

“NO!” Michael nearly shouted then shuddered thinking of what had happened.


A few minutes earlier

Maria had cornered Michael right after the English class in an empty classroom. Michael stared at her nonchalantly though inside he was scared thinking of what she had done to Max and what she is going to do to him now.

You are going to talk to Max and tell him that you are sorry for everything you said. He is my best friend and if because of your stupid and ridiculous reasoning he stays away from Alex and me then you are history special powers or not. We don’t care about the skins or your alien heritage or about the dangers that will follow us because we are friends with Max. So you are going to convince Max…”

“No, I won’t,” Michael interrupted immediately.

“Tell me Michael how is it okay for you to be friends with Liz and the Parkers but its wrong for Max to do the same? ” Maria asked mad with anger. Michael opened his mouth, “and if you say its because he is King I am going to hit you,” she said punctuating it with a swift kick to his shin.

Michael yelped and said desperately trying to make her listen, “Look Maria,” and something in his eyes stopped her for a moment. “They will kill you and Alex without a beat. I know it. Its safe for you and Alex to stay away from us and Max.”

“That’s not your decision to make,” Maria snapped.

“Do you think he will want to live with the guilt if something happened to you or Alex?” Michael asked harshly. “Do you think its easy knowing every minute of every day of your fucking life that you are the sole reason for someone’s death, that your enemies killed him just because you were friends with him? That you can never get close to anyone because they might also meet the same fate? That you wished you were never born if it meant your loved ones are safe and alive? Believe me Maria,” Michael laughed bitterly, “ Max wouldn’t want that.”

Maria looked into Michael eyes not knowing what to say. She felt his sadness, guilt and could suddenly see the vulnerable boy hiding behind the rough exterior and rude manners.

“Michael…”she began softly.

“Why can’t you humans just stay from us?” Michael sneered at her not liking the look in her eyes. He didn’t want any fucking pity. “Besides I could just tell Tess to mind warp you and Alex into forgetting about us,” he lied just to scare her.

Maria’s temper anger spiked once again. Vulnerable boy just went to hell. “Okay. You are so not threatening me,” she growled angrily poking her finger his chest and suddenly a window in the room shattered.

Both Maria and Michael looked at the now broken window in alarm and Maria turned a bit pale but one look at Michael, hurricane DeLuca was back. “You have to do better than that,” she said pointing at the broken window, “ to scare me Bastard.” Maria tried to calm herself down from her fear and anger that she missed the surprised and then the scared expression on Michael’s face as he looked around the room trying to figure out how the window suddenly burst. He knew it hadn't been his powers that made it burst.

“And I know about you and Liz.”

Maria felt great satisfaction in the sudden widening of Michael’s eyes.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Michael asked gruffly trying to steady his thudding heart.

Maria wasn’t fooled and she smiled evilly, “I know she felt you when you were in Tess’ house. I just don’t know how or why.” She then leaned closer to him, “But believe me when I say I will find out Michael.”

She then turned on her heels and went out of the classroom leaving behind a very nervous and scared Michael.


Michael hurried up to Max and said, “Max, Maria is planning to dig into my past. If she starts asking questions around my old town it might raise the skins’ flags. You have to tell her to stay away from me and Liz.”

“Tell whom to stay away from me?”

Both Max and Michael turned back to see Liz looking at Michael inquisitively.

“Hey Liz,” both Max and Michael said nervously wondering how much she had heard.

“Hey Max,” She smiled at Max and then repeated her question looking at Michael, “Tell whom to stay away from me?”

“Ah…uh…,” Michael stuttered and looked at Max who simply shrugged at him smirking. “Maria. She…She was…uhm… asking questions about you. So I told Max to tell her to stop it.”

Liz frowned at him knowing that he was lying. “So you two know each other?”

“No,” Michael said immediately and shot a look at Max who then shook his head at Liz. “I just know that Maria is his girlfriend so I told him.”

Liz looked at him wondering how he knew that Max was Maria’s boyfriend when he had joined school only yesterday. “So finished your bio homework?” She asked Max thinking of dealing with Michael later.

“Yeah,” Max looked at Michael to see him glaring at him and Max frowned at him back thinking that he couldn’t just leave without answering her question. That would be rude. “And you?”

“Yeah. Me too. I finished it.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah. It’s good.” Liz repeated, “I mean you finishing your homework…” Liz trailed off then looking at him.

“Yeah” Max said smiling at her gently.

“Yeah” Liz said just as softly.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be Max?” Michael asked him pointedly glowering at him.

“Michael,” Liz said annoyed.

“No. Its fine,” Max said staring at her, “I have to meet my sister for lunch…”

“Good Maxwell,” Michael interrupted him and then turned to Liz, “Come on, let’s go.”

“Yeah. Okay, bye” Max said and then turned to go to the quad.

Liz waited till he was gone and then immediately turned to Michael to see him still scowling at the place where Max had been.

“God Michael. Would it kill you to be polite just for once in your life?”

“He was hitting on you.”

“No, he wasn’t” Liz said a slight blush on her cheeks. “You are being ridiculous Michael. I was just being friendly with him.”

“Yeah. That’s exactly how it started with Xander,” Michael snapped then immediately regretted his words when saw tears filling Liz’s eyes. “I… I didn’t mean it like that…Liz…”

“No, you are right” Liz interrupted him turning her face away from him. “I… I’m sorry. I’m not hungry. I have some work to do in the library. I will see you later.”

Liz then quickly went away while Michael berated himself for reminding her of Xander. Liz was so focused on trying to get away from everyone that she failed to see someone coming out of the library and collided with a hard body. She immediately clutched the person’s shoulders to avoid falling and then a flash hit her.


“jag bli Sverige.”

“What?” Maria asked.

“jag bli Sverige,” Alex repeated grinning.

“Isn’t that Swedish?” Max asked puzzled.

“Yes my bekant. I am going to Sweden in 2 weeks as an exchange student.”

“Wow,” Maria said enthralled.

“In the middle of October?” Isabel questioned astonished.


“Liz, Liz,” Alex called her name trying to wake her up. She had touched him and had immediately gone into some sort of trance. Her eyes were unfocussed and her fingers were holding his shoulders tightly.

“Alex?” Liz asked suddenly and then removed her hands from him but she swayed immediately and Alex caught her once again.

“Are you alright?” he asked her worried.

“Yeah. Fine, just feeling dizzy.” Liz told him smiling, “I got to go.”

She then hurried away thinking about the flash she had got from Alex. She was always unfocussed after she had her premonitions but she seemed to be improving nowadays. She had felt dizzy only for a couple of seconds after she got her latest one. Then Liz frowned thinking why she had that particular premonition. After the first time, her premonitions had always warned her of something dreadful about to happen. So what was so terrible about Alex going to Sweden?


Hope you liked it :) will be back soon with the next part
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Disclaimer: Some of the dialogues in this chapter have been taken from Roswell, Season 1. They aren’t mine.

Part 19

Alex nervously waited in the Eraser room and looked at this watch once again to make sure that it was working. He never thought he would be ever be alone in this room waiting for a girl, let alone the girl of his dreams. But Isabel had told him to meet her here and he had never been so happy or anxious in his life. Okay, so they were technically meeting to discuss what he had found out so far about Liz and Michael but still being in the Eraser room alone with Isabel... the possibilities were endless. Now if he could just find the courage to act on them. He then heard footsteps outside the door and he nervously straightened his pants and shirt, smoothed his hair and then the door opened.

“Isabel,” Alex said trying to be calm seeing her coming in, “ are you…Maria?” he asked surprised to see Maria coming in after Isabel and locking the door.

“Not that it isn’t every guy’ fantasy to be here with the 2 hottest girls in the school but what are you doing here Maria?” Alex asked disappointed that he wouldn’t be alone with Isabel.

Maria looked at Isabel confused, “You didn’t tell him?” She got him to dig up info on Liz and Michael without telling him? Maria thought, that guy is seriously whipped.

“Tell me what?” Alex asked seeing Isabel shaking her head.

Maria said secretively, “Operation-Michael. Isabel heard a conversation…what?” She asked seeing a look pass between Alex and Isabel.

“Operation Michael?” Alex smirked and Isabel arched a perfectly shaped eyebrow at Maria.

“Or Operation Liz.” Maria said flustered. “It doesn’t matter. What is important is Isabel heard a conversation between Michael and Liz yesterday morning in the park…”

“You were spying on them?” Alex asked appalled that Isabel would resort to such things.

“No I didn’t,” Isabel denied. “I was meditating in the park…”

“Meditating?” Alex interrupted her then joked, “Kyle rubbed off on you?”

“No,” Isabel frowned, “I do it to control my powers. Anyways I was meditating in the park after jogging there…”

“Jogging?” Alex asked his mouth suddenly dry at the vision of Isabel jogging in shorts and a short tight tank top with her hair tied up and sweat dripping off her face onto her neck, then lower…

“Alex!” Both Maria and Isabel shouted at him and he shook his head as if to make the image go away to see Maria smirking at him obviously knowing where his thoughts had gone. She wasn’t the only one to know it seemed as he saw Isabel glaring at him.

“As I was saying,” Isabel began icily, “I heard Liz and Michael talking in the park,” and she proceeded to explain whatever she remembered about that conversation.

“That’s it?” Alex asked skeptically after Isabel finished. “I mean you just heard Michael telling her to reach for her dreams and whatever happened wasn’t her fault and to be careful at Congresswoman’s Whitaker? It doesn’t make any sense.”

“What about the special unit remark? Why would Michael tell Liz to be careful at Whitaker’s unless she knows something about aliens? And the one she made in the English class about skins?
I mean why would she suddenly talk about snakes when describing Egypt?” Isabel asked and Maria nodded her head vigorously.

Alex looked at them both clearly knowing that they had already discussed these things.

“It could mean she was just watching the news as she said. Besides, Michael would never put Liz in conscious danger and that’s what would happen if he told her the truth. We all know how protective he is of Liz.” Alex said thinking of the quarry incident and then shrugged his shoulders, “And maybe there were lots of snakes in Egypt and she felt like talking about them.”

Both Maria and Isabel rolled their eyes at his explanation and then Maria said, “They were also talking about you Alex,” and Alex looked up at them surprised.

Isabel then explained about Liz’s nightmares and her apparent conclusion about Xan being short for Alexander.

“That’s why you told me to get information on Alexander in Liz’s previous high school,” Alex stated more than asked.

“There’s more,” Maria said. “A couple of days ago Mrs. Parker told Michael that they were worried about him because Liz had a feeling on Monday afternoon that something had happened to Michael.”

“So?” Alex asked perplexedly.

“He was with us at Tess’ house on that day.” Isabel said.

“Yeah and nothing happened to him so Liz was obviously wrong.”

“But something did happen to him Alex,” Maria said her eyes gleaming, “He thought he was being attacked by the skins. Don’t you see? I think Liz somehow felt he was attacked and that’s why they were worried about him.” Maria finished excitedly.

Alex looked at Maria incredulously. He always knew she had an overactive imagination but this latest theory surpassed even that. “Okay Maria, don’t you think that’s like stretching it a lot? I mean Michael wasn’t really attacked that day, it was a mind warp and Liz wasn’t even in town then. And you believe this Isabel?” He asked looking at Isabel in disbelief.

“I didn’t till she confronted Michael about it. I think she may be right,” Isabel said.

“What?” Alex asked scared not hearing anything after the confronting Michael part. “Are you crazy Maria? What if he had done something to you?”

“I am fine Alex,” Maria said impatiently. “Anyways, Michael didn't know that it was a mind-warp and you should have seen his face when I told him that I knew Liz felt him when he was in Tess’ house. I'm sure we are on the right track. We just have to find out what how she was able to feel him.”

Alex simply sighed and nodded knowing that it was pointless to argue with the two of them. He then showed them some printouts and pictures.

“There are currently three students named Alexander studying in Apple Valley High School. One senior, and two sophomores. There were also 2 who graduated this year and a year before.”

“So who do you think this Xan is?” Maria asked Isabel curiously as she checked out the pictures.

“Her boyfriend,” Isabel said then frowned when she couldn’t find any recognize any of the pictures.

“You sure there wasn’t any one else named Alexander?” Isabel asked dejectedly.

“Maybe Xan’s full name isn’t Alexander?” Maria suggested.

“Actually there is one more…”and Alex handed Isabel one more picture.

Isabel gasped when she saw the picture, “This is him.” She said excitedly. “I remember him from Liz’s dream walk. So is he still studying in California?”

“Uh…No, Isabel. He is dead,” Alex said.

“What? How? When?” Maria asked him looking at the cute guy in the picture, and then added, “Poor Liz.”

“He had gone on a camping trip during his senior year and there was an accident. He apparently went into a coma and then died.”

“Oh! Do you know who all went with him?” Isabel asked.

“No. I didn’t find much information about him, just an article mentioning his name, school and the accident.”

“Any information on Liz and Michael? Michael’s family?”

“Not much but there weren’t even pictures of those two in the school records, only their names. And get this, other than the school records I couldn’t find anything else on Liz Parker, nothing, Zilch, Nada. I mean no health or dental records or anything. And I also couldn’t find any information on Michael except his emancipation papers in December.”

“You mean he was living in foster care for all these years?” Isabel asked suddenly feeling bad for Michael.

“No. He was living with his adoptive parents Hank and Katherine Guerin but the record of when they adopted him is missing. Katherine died of cancer last January and then some couple filed for his adoption in August but before it could finalize Michael filed for emancipation in December. I got this information from his parents’ file. And see his grade reports.” Alex said showing them the grade information on Michael. “They are erratic like till his freshman year he barely scrapped through and suddenly he gets all A’s in his sophomore year and he is back to your average student in your junior year though there are a couple of A’s in here. And Liz is your perfect straight A student. Almost no records exist for Liz and Michael except their school ones and I am not even sure whether we could have found those if we were any later. Either that or we were meant to find these records.”

“What do you mean Alex?” Maria asked not liking his tone.

“I am saying that someone has gone to lots of trouble to erase Michael’s and Liz’s past. I get it that Michael’s protector might have done it for Michael but why go to the trouble for Liz? And with the difficulty I had in finding Michael’s I hope I didn’t set off any traps.” Alex finished grimly.


The bike sputtered and choked and then the engine died down much to Michael’s dismay. He got down and waved his hand once over the bike but he still wasn’t able to start it. He finally looked at the fuel tank only to find it empty. He cursed it. He had wanted to do this alone and didn’t want the others to know at first. Sighing Michael got his cell phone out. A few minutes later, Max’s jeep came along the way.

“What are you doing in this part of the desert?” Isabel asked him when Max stopped the jeep.

“Apparently waiting for you guys,” Michael said sarcastically still angry with Isabel for the English fiasco that happened a couple of days ago. Isabel rolled her eyes.

Max then rephrased Isabel’s question, “What were you doing here instead of coming to the quarry Michael?”

Michael climbed into the jeep and said, “I was searching for our birth-place and the fuel ran out.”

“What do you mean?” Isabel asked with her heart thudding.

“The pod chamber. That’s where we were born,” Tess explained then turned to Michael excitedly. “You know where it is?”

“Yeah. Puhlman Ranch.”

“I’ve never even heard of it,” Max told him skeptically starting to drive as Michael gave the directions.

“That’s because the government took it over in 1947. Three guesses why.”

“Close to the crash site?”

“It was the crash site, Maxwell. But it’s not on any maps any more. It’s like they erased any trace of it. But I can find it.” Michael said opening a paper in his hand. “Stop right here.”

They all climbed out and looked at the huge rock formation that felt familiar to them. Michael and Tess both smiled when they saw it while Max and Isabel looked with mixed feelings of apprehension and dread. They all started climbing it and stopped beside a huge rock of wall.

Max waved his hand over it and a silver handprint appeared. He looked at Michael who then placed his hand over it and a section of the rock opened up showing a cave. They all went inside the cave and saw four pods suspended, two lower and two higher, in a corner of the cave emitting a strange bluish glow softly.

“What is that?” Isabel started hyperventilating seeing that.

“That’s where we were till we were born,” Tess said smiling and going forward towards the pods.

“So its’ all true?” Max asked staring at the pods. Although he had believed Nacedo and Tess a small part of his heart had always hoped that all of it wasn’t the truth, that maybe they were all really more human than they thought, that he wasn’t a reincarnated version of an alien King of a distant planet but this proved that they were really engineered and pre-destined for each other. Maybe Nacedo was telling the truth all along. He numbly followed Tess.

“What…what are you doing Tess?” Isabel stuttered scared and disgusted by the pods. This…this thing showed to them beyond a doubt that they are aliens, not humans, different from her parents, from her friends, from others. Isabel shuddered torn by the need to run out of the chamber and the desire to find out more. She stood at the entrance of the cave not knowing what to do.

Michael had a puzzled expression on his face. Four pods? There are four? Maybe two or at the most three but four? Michael thought utterly confused. He had thought finding the pods would validate Tess’ claim to be the fourth once and for all but how could this be possible? Does this mean Tess is also one of them?

Tess touched the lower left pod and it glowed brightly in response to her touch. Everyone looked at it stunned and Tess said her eyes bright, “It recognizes me. This was my pod. They are all arranged like our pictures are in the destiny book.”

Tess then proved her point by touching all the other pods and they didn’t glow as the lower left one. Guess that proves she was also sent with us, Michael thought convinced that four pods were really sent.

Max reached out his hands towards the upper left one and Tess said, “No Max. That isn’t yours. This is.” She then moved his hand towards the lower right one and as soon as Max touched it, it glowed.

“Come on Isabel, touch yours,” Tess said enthusiastically and went over and brought a reluctant Isabel nearer to the pods. “Go on touch your pod. You will feel drawn to it.”

Isabel hesitatingly touched the upper right one and the pod glowed brightly. Tess beamed at them all and then Michael touched the upper left one getting the same response. They all stared contemplatively at the pods for a minute and then Max unable to resist the pull of the upper left pod touched it with his hand. It glowed brightly bringing everyone’s attention to it and a gasp from Tess.

“That’s Michael’s. How is that possible?” Isabel asked confused.

“Maybe it works for everyone?” Michael asked hoping what he thought wasn’t true.

All of them started touching each other’s pods but only their own pod glowed except for Max for whom both his and Michael’s pods glowed.


thought that's it? :twisted:

kidding, Continued in the next post
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Continued from previous post


“That was weird,” Tess commented once again when they were all riding back in the jeep. Max was driving with Michael riding shotgun while Isabel and Tess sat in the back.

“Yeah. Maybe Max and Michael were like really really close with each other,” Isabel said and both Tess and her giggled at that.

“Ha ha ha. Very funny guys, very funny,” Michael said scowling but Max remained silent thinking of the flash he had got when he had touched Michael’s pod. What did it mean? Who was that in the pod? Why did...

“Hey Maxwell. Stop here. I will get my bike,” Michael interrupted his thoughts and Max stopped.

“What? You are going to fit that in here?” Isabel asked unbelievably.

“Watch Princess,” Michael smirked and went towards his bike. He held his hand over the bike and concentrated on it and then waved his hand slowly over it. All of them watched from the jeep as the bike slowly turned into a mini…

“T.V.? You turned into a small television?” Isabel asked both her and Tess gaping at it while Max looked interested wondering if he would be able to change things into whatever he want.

“Yeah. I have a hockey game tonight and my T.V doesn’t get in till tomorrow so…” Michael trailed off climbing back into the jeep and Max started it.

“That will work?” Tess asked skeptically.

“I haven’t done it before so I just have to see if it works or not.”

“So, that was just molecular manipulation?” Max asked curious. When Michael nodded, he continued, “We could do that to any thing we want…like change videotapes into DVD’s or say, old song CD’s into new ones?”

“The second one works but dunno about the first one,” Michael shrugged.

“This is so exciting,” Tess said from the back happy that they had found the pod chamber. “Do you know where the Granolith is?” Tess asked realizing too late that Max and Isabel still didn’t know about it when both of them turned to look at her angry that she had kept more things from them.

“You know about the Granolith?” Michael asked Tess suspiciously wondering why she hadn’t told the others about it.

“What is the Granolith?” Isabel asked annoyed at Tess.

“It’s a religious icon,” Michael said.

“It’s a ship,” Tess said simultaneously.

“What?” All of them asked her shocked.

“Yeah to home, that’s what Nacedo told…Max look out!” Tess shouted at him and he quickly turned back to the front to see a puppy standing in the middle of the road. He applied the brakes immediately and turned the jeep around and it stopped with a screeching sound too close to the puppy.

“Oh my god, oh my god. Tell me we didn’t hit it,” Isabel said shaken by what had happened.

“It’s just a dog Isabel don’t worry,” Tess replied soothingly and Isabel looked at her shocked.

Meanwhile Max and Michael immediately went towards the back of the jeep where the dog was last seen. Max saw the puppy lying near the jeep and he bent towards it and took it carefully in his hands. It was a black with white spots on its body but its ears were completely black and covered its eyes and it looked to be about a month old. The puppy yelped and Max made soothing noises and then holding the pup in one hand placed his other hand over its body.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Michael asked him stunned.

“Its hurt,” Max hissed, “I cannot just leave it here.”

“So you are going to heal it?” Michael asked incredulously. When Max’s hands started glowing a little, Michael grabbed it and said, “Are you fucking crazy? The town’s just five minutes away. We could take it to a doctor or something.”

“No, its hurt badly. It will die soon” Max said and shrugged off Michael’s hand violently and healed the puppy while Michael cursed and acted as a lookout ready to leave as soon as anyone saw something. Max then placed the puppy down and it gave a lick to his hand and scampered off.

“Now can we go your Highness?” Michael asked angrily.

Max simply nodded and checked the jeep before climbing in at the driver’s side. But before he could start they all heard a tiny bark coming from the back and then Isabel shouted.

“Max. That dog is trying to climb in. Do something.”

“What?” Michael growled and the puppy gave another bark that sounded like a yelp, “Just go.”

When Max started, Isabel screeched, “Don’t drive Max. That went beneath the jeep. Don’t drive. You might hit it again.”

“Great, just great,” Michael said sarcastically from the front and then turned to Max. “Get it out from there.” When Max glared at him, he said, “What? You healed it. So you get it.”

Max climbed out and looked under the jeep. He started making barking sounds but after a few minutes of running around the jeep with no results, he looked into the jeep wearily to see Isabel and Tess snickering and Michael glowering at him.

Max scowled at the others, “What are you all staring at? Don’t just sit there. I need help.”

“It might bite me,” Isabel said scared.

Michael snorted, “That’s a puppy Isabel.”

“Yeah, so?” Isabel asked defensively daring him to say something.

To avoid any more delay, Michael looked at Tess who just shrugged, “I’m allergic to dogs.”

Cursing under his breath about stupid alien kings who think they are God, Michael got down from the jeep and for the next few minutes both of them started running around the jeep with unhelpful comments from Isabel and Tess. The puppy was wagging its tail and seemed to be enjoying this game very much. Finally exhausted Max leaned against the side of the jeep with the puppy still under the jeep.

Suddenly Michael caught it with his both hands and shouted gleefully, “Got it!” but he had grabbed it a bit hard, so the puppy turned around and nipped one its fingers. Michael immediately let go of it in shock and the puppy ran towards Max who picked it up gratefully gently sending healing powers to the side where it hurt for the puppy.

“It bit me,” Michael said in disbelief staring at the pup safely in Max’s arms now. “That fucking dog bit me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Michael,” Max said as he climbed back into the car with the puppy.

“Yeah Michael. That’s a puppy,” Isabel taunted him and Michael glared at them both.

Max then handed his jacket and the puppy to Michael who stared at him amazed, “You have got to be kidding me.”

“I cannot drive and hold the puppy Michael and I cannot give it to Tess or Isabel. Besides its only till we reach the shelter.”

“So let me or one of the others drive and you hold it.”

“Nope, only I’m allowed to drive Bob,” Max said patting at the steering wheel gently and looking at Michael seriously.

“What about my T.V?” Michael asked glaring at him.

“Here, let me have it,” Isabel then took the T.V from Michael’s hands much to his protest and a smug Max handed over the pup to Michael who settled it on Max’s jacket in his lap.

“Careful,” Michael barked at Isabel, “That’s my baby you are holding there.”

Isabel rolled her eyes and mumbled, “men and their stupid obsessions with their vehicles.”


Okay, hope you all like it and uhm...yeah :D feedback is always appreciated
check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey all, i am done with the new part :D I have tried to answer some of your questions.

Thank you

kay_b: check out your PM :D
xmag: You will know why the pod glowed in this part and nope the puppy isn't a shape shifter :D
Look out for that kiss :D
Elf3748: Nope Liz isn't the puppy. As for Liz being an alien read on :D And don't worry. Alex won't die.
stardreamer323: You will find out why the pod glowed and no its not because Michael is Max's second-in-command :D
stargrl678: It will be sometime before Liz finds out about the other aliens but she will get suspicious.

all for your wonderful feedback.

I wanted to post this part by today and I just finished it so I didn't send this to my beta. Just ignore the mistakes :D

Here's the new part and feedback is always welcome


Part 20:

“Okay. Got to go guys,” Michael said slowly placing the sleeping puppy in Max in the seat and turned back to Isabel, “Give my baby back and be Careful.”

Isabel gave the T.V. to him and hurriedly got out of the jeep, “Max I need a ride back home in about an hour. I am meeting Liz for my English project now.” She said smirking at Michael who was glaring at her and then turned back to go to the Crashdown.

“Wait” Max said when Michael got down. “I have to meet Valenti for my project now. I cannot take this puppy inside the Crash.”

“Yeah, tough call Maxwell. Why didn’t you leave him at the shelter?”

Max said dejectedly, “They close early on Friday’s and are not open during the weekend. And I can’t take him home. My dad doesn’t like dogs and Isabel’s scared of them.”

“Then why the hell did you take it from the road?” When Max looked at him expectantly, Michael looked stunned, “Unbelievable. You want me to keep it? Newsflash Max. I hate dogs. Besides, pets aren’t allowed in my apartment.”

“Fine, I will ask Alex then.” Max grumbled.

Max was now talking with his friends again or rather threatened with dire consequences if he didn’t by one Maria DeLuca. The infamous corridor episode before English had spread throughout the school with different versions but the most popular ones were he, Maxwell Evans, had been going at it with Tess Harding, Max visibly shuddered when he heard this, and his girlfriend, Maria had caught them at it and the other one was he wanted to dump Maria for Tess but she had found out about it beforehand and hence the scene. But these hadn’t stopped the hurricane DeLuca. No, she had taken to conspiring with Isabel, when did those two become friends? Max thought confused, and had taken to hounding him in his house, in his bedroom for the last couple of days.

Of course, the last straw had been his parents finding him with Maria in his room at 1.00 A.M. yesterday night. His father had jovially remarked to them that they shouldn’t have sleepovers on a school night but his mother had looked with disapproval at both him and Maria. The result? The next morning his father had given him the talk, THE TALK, God! He had never been more humiliated in his entire life. His father hadn’t even believed him when Max had told that Maria wasn’t his girlfriend and had said that he and his mom were really happy that Max was at last interested in a girl and these urges were normal in teenagers and they would naturally seek to relieve them and on and on. Max had literally wanted to die at that moment.

So when he had reached school and found Maria waiting for him gearing up for another round with him with a scared Alex watching far away from her, he had given in. Screw Michael! He wanted to at least live peacefully before his dangerous enemies came looking for him. Besides Maria had told him with a twisted smile not to worry about the Michael situation and that it was being taken care of. Max didn’t even want to know what she meant by that. He really pitied Michael now. Max and Michael had reached a tacit agreement for now. Max and the others stay away from Liz and Michael stays away from their friends. Of course other than those two, who else follows this is altogether different matter.

“You do that. I am late for my shift anyways.” Michael then turned and went quickly to the Crashdown leaving behind a shocked Max and Tess.

“When did he get a job at the Crashdown?” Max asked rhetorically.

“So what are we doing now?” Tess asked brightly.

Max looked to find her sitting beside him now though maintaining a safe distance from the puppy that was just now beginning to wake up. The puppy gave a short bark and then climbed onto Max’s lap licking his fingers and tried to jump up on him to lick his face.

“Whoa…easy boy,” Max said smiling forgetting all about Tess’ question, “Seems like someone’s hungry? Want to eat?” He asked scratching the puppy behind its ears.

“Sure. I know a very nice restaurant where we could go.” Tess began while Max looked at her puzzled. “It’s Italian and very romantic...”

“Uh Tess,” Max interrupted her horrified of having dinner with her alone. “I meant the pup. It’s not that I don’t want to have dinner with you,” he hurried on cringing at the thought inwardly, “but I have to take care of the pup and I know you don’t like dogs…”

“But I love dogs,” Tess said taking a squirming puppy from Max’s hands. She would be damned if she allowed the puppy to come in between her and Max.

“I thought you hated them,” Max asked confused.

“Of course not,” Tess laughed fakely. “In fact we both can go to my house now and feed the dog. How about it?” She asked Max who was suddenly looking very pale. “Even the puppy likes me,” she said as the pup tried in vain to go back to Max from her clutches.

She then began in a baby voice to the puppy, “Don’t you love me, you sweetie. Of course you do. I mean who could resist me….You Damn Blasted DOG,” She shouted suddenly and the pup finally jumped on to Max from her. “GET HERE NOW!” and Tess tried to grab the pup from Max with a hard glint in her eyes and Max immediately turned the other side with the pup.

“What are you doing Tess?” Max asked angry at her.

“It peed on me,” Tess whined.

Max looked at her dress to see that they were indeed wet and he tried very hard to control the sudden urge to laugh at the look on Tess’ face.

“He didn’t mean it Tess. Stop trying to grab him. It’s not as if you can’t wave your hand over it.”

“No. I have to take a bath now to remove this disgusting smell from me,” Tess said annoyed and then demanded seeing Max unrelenting, “Drop me home.”

“Your car is parked over there Tess,” Max said pointing towards her car.

“Okay fine then,” Tess huffed and got down from the car. “And get rid of the mutt soon.” She then walked away to her car angrily.

Finally Max let out a burst of laughter and the dog barked joyfully. “That was a great job you did,” Max said to the puppy still laughing. “You deserve a reward. Come on, let’s see if I can get you something from the café.”


“Only employees are allowed here you big oaf. Get out now before I call the security.” Maria said shocked to see Michael come into the backroom as if he owned the café.

“Can it blondie,” Michael said then coolly opened one locker and took a chef’s hat and an apron from there and placed his t.v. inside the locker.

“Oh my god, oh my god. You are stealing. This is vandalism. I always knew you were up to no good. And you are using the locker to keep stolen items. Oh God….”

“Don’t you ever shut up?” Michael asked irritated.

“Oh God,” Maria said again ignoring Michael, “This isn’t happening. The café is full, Agnes is God knows where, Stephanie is flirting with the jocks, the brat at table 5 just spilled his shake on me, the bald obnoxious man in the front keeps staring at me, the chef is missing, and you are stealing…. mmmpfff.”

Maria stood stunned as Michael grabbed her and covered her mouth with his. Before she realized what was happening, Michael had pulled her up flush against him with one arm while the other held her head as he kissed her and swept his tongue over her lips. Soon her shock turned to anger and Maria opened her mouth to curse him. Michael’s tongue was immediately inside her mouth and touched hers hesitantly. Maria moaned and her hands which were about to push him away willingly went around his neck and Michael’s hands came around her waist to hold her tightly against him as they started kissing each other ravenously.

A few minutes later both of them pulled away with their hands around each other and breathing harshly.

“I did it to shut you up,” Michael mumbled staring at her mouth. She had looked really cute in her short uniform with her hair bouncing and her hands flailing all around but the effect had been ruined by her mouth going miles per minute. Michael had only meant to shut her up but once he pressed his mouth against hers, he had lost himself in the amazing kiss.

“Shut me up again,” Maria said also looking at his lips and Michael once again crushed his mouth against hers.


“So your middle name is your grandmother’s?” Isabel asked Liz brightly a pencil in her hand.

“Yeah,” Liz said then when Isabel seemed to look at her expectantly, she asked irritated, “Aren’t you going to write it down?”

“Of course,” Isabel said jotting it down on the assignment sheet. “So you are close with her?”

“What number is that?” Liz asked sharply.

“Oh…that’s not here,” Isabel said laughing lightly. “It’s just that I and Max are close with our grandmother. And she likes us better than our cousins. So you have any brothers or cousins? What about…”

Liz got up really exasperated. She couldn’t do this any longer and she had only been sitting here with Isabel for ten minutes. And she was still trying to get past the first question on the assignment. Isabel had been going on and on about how her and Max loved each other very much, how their parents and grandparents loved them, how Max and her were friends with Maria and Alex and of course in between she flooded Liz with questions like, “Do you have any brothers or sisters? Best friends? Boyfriend? Where did you stay in California? Why did you go to Egypt?”

Liz gritted her teeth in anger looking at the beaming face of one Isabel Evans.

“Hey Isabel,” Liz interrupted her smiling widely. “I will go and get our orders. I don’t know why it’s taking so long.”

“It’s fine Liz. Let’s talk…” Isabel began but Liz left the table hurriedly not caring if she was rude.


Be back in a second
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Continued from the previous post


Michael pushed Maria against the lockers pressing himself tightly to her loving the sounds she was making. Maria’s hands moved along his back and then under his shirt lightly skimming his muscles as Michael trailed his mouth along her neck nipping her slightly at the base of her neck.

“Michael…oh god…”Maria moaned then grabbed his hair pulling him up and crashed her mouth over his. Michael groaned and then the flashes started.


A 5 year Maria trying to tie her laces on her red sneakers finally tying it and grinning…A 7 year old Maria crying in the arms of her mother sad that her father had to go away…An older Maria playing dress up with a reluctant Alex and Max…Maria looking up bewildered from the floor of the café at a worried looking Max.


A 3 year old Michael waking up in a bed all alone, looking around completely terrified and confused wondering about the others…A 5 year Michael hugging a little brown-haired girl tightly, relieved that she was safe and happy that he had found her at last…A 10 year old Michael looking bored as the brown-haired girl gazed into a microscope and then her doe shaped brown eyes shining with excitement told him to come and look at it…A worried Michael seeing a pale Liz lying on the bed and then suddenly with dread filling his heart going up to her, slapping her and shaking her up wildly trying to wake her up.

Puzzled about what was happening Michael paused and noticed Maria standing really still and realized that if he was receiving flashes from her then she might also be receiving from him. Abruptly he pushed himself away from her to see her looking confused for a second. Then her eyes fell on him and they widened with shock, and then sadness.

Michael paled knowing that she had indeed got flashes from him and he immediately reached out and grabbed her arm roughly.

“What did you see?” he demanded gruffly.

“Let go of my arm,” Maria said beginning to get angry.

“Not till you tell me what you saw.”

“Listen buster. You kiss me first and now you manhandle me. How dare you?” Maria asked angrily and trying to push his hand away from her arm.

“You told me to kiss you,” Michael accused her. “I only did it to shut you up.”

“Liar, you kissed me first.” Maria said starting to hit him with her other hand.

“You asked me to,” Michael said trying to catch hold of her hand.


“Hey Maria….What’s going on here?” Max asked puzzled to see Michael holding Maria’s arm tightly with one hand and trying to dodge her with his other, as he entered through the back entrance.

Quickly Michael and Maria moved away from each other and started straightening their clothes and hair avoiding looking at Max. Michael went and started placing burgers on the grill and turned the knob high.

“Michael?” Max asked looking suspiciously between them. “Maria.”

“Nothing happened. She didn’t know I was the cook and I was explaining that to her.”

Max looked at Michael disbelievingly and then at Maria worried who was looking at Michael in astonishment.

“You are the cook?” Maria asked incredulously. “Since when?” Maria then asked distrustfully and suddenly caught sight of the squirming bundle in Max’s arms. “And what’s that?”

“Yeah, and since today,” Michael answered her questions.

“This is a puppy,” Max said simultaneously and the puppy gave a short bark as if to confirm, “and Michael does work here Maria.”

“Oh God, this isn’t happening, this isn’t happening,” Maria said then got her vial out of her pocket and started sniffing on it calming down somewhat.

“I told you not to bring it in here,” Michael growled looking at Max and pointed at Maria. “Look. She’s scared now.”

“I’m not scared of puppies jerk. I’m scared of the customers you are going to poison tonight.” Maria said taking the puppy from Max’s hands and crooned. “Oh! Look how cute you are? What is your name sweetie?”

At that moment, the door from the café opened. “Hey guys, we need 2 milk shakes,” Liz stopped short on seeing Michael dressed in the apron and the chef’s hat and then promptly burst out laughing. “Dad was right. You look ridiculous.”

Michael scowled and asked skeptically, “He said that?”

Liz’s eyes twinkled but before she could answer the puppy gave a short bark and she looked at Maria who was looking at her strangely. Liz squealed when she the puppy in Maria’s hands.

“How sweet? Is he yours?” Liz asked taking the pup from Maria’s hands which was wagging its tail to the dozen and trying to lick her face.

“No. Max when did you get a dog?” Maria asked looking at Max.

“He is yours?” Liz asked him eagerly.

“Yeah…I mean no,” Max answered staring at Liz who was now once again looking at the puppy scratching behind its ears delightedly. He had never seen her so animated, so happy and her laughter, he hadn’t ever heard anything as beautiful as that.

After Michael’s warning, both Max and Liz had kept their distance from each other. Max had felt really guilty thinking that Liz might be feeling bad about his now cold behavior towards her but to his disappointment she didn’t say anything about it and in fact their conversations were now limited to “Can you pass the beaker?”, “Did you write up the lab results?” Liz on her part was relieved that Max also seemed to stay away from her. The good camaraderie that had started to develop between them was ignored by both of them and they were now just lab partners.

“It was abandoned…”Max then trailed off seeing the intense way Liz was looking at the puppy’s eyes. The puppy had gone absolutely still and also seemed to be staring at Liz. Max looked at Maria and Michael puzzled as to what was going on.

Michael who had been looking at Maria furtively suddenly noticed the silence in the room and looked up at Liz. His face suddenly blanched of color as he realized that Liz was connecting with the pup and he immediately went towards her and shook her.

“Liz! Snap out of it.”

“Michael, Maria? Hurry up. The customers are waiting,” Mr. Parker said as he opened the doors. “And Liz, your friend Isabel Evans is looking for you. And what are you having in your hand?” he asked noticing for the first time the puppy in her hands.

By this time the puppy was squirming and barking again and Liz clutched it tightly to prevent it from running around the café.

“Dad,” Liz turned pleading eyes to her father. “It’s just a small abandoned puppy. Can I please please keep it?”

“What?” Mr. Parker seemed stunned. “Liz, somebody might be looking for it. We cannot keep it. You have to give it to the shelter.”

“Dad, it was abandoned in the highway. Who would just leave a poor defenseless pup to die on the highway? They obviously do not want it. Please dad. I promise to take care of it.”

“Oh. Who then brought it here from the highway?” Jeff asked.

Max who had been looking at Liz completely baffled as to how she knew they found the pup in the highway answered Mr. Parker nervously. “I did sir. I just brought it here to feed some food as the shelter is closed today and for the weekend.”

“Dad, please, Pretty please,” Liz pouted as the pup also fell silent. Two pairs of eyes, one dark brown and the other dark blue looked up at him beseechingly. Jeff didn’t have the heart to say no.

“Okay,” he agreed reluctantly, “but only if your mom is okay with it. You know she isn’t too keen on pets.”

Liz squealed with happiness and hugged her father with the pup and all. “Thank you, thank you soooo much. I have a feeling that mom will say yes if I agree to have this pup instead of a car,” Liz told her father her eyes twinkling. “I have to feed the pup as he is very hungry.”

Liz turned back to go up into the apartment with the pup just as Isabel opened the back door looking for her.

“Liz? You ready to continue the assignment?” Isabel asked her looking at the group curiously.

“Oh,” Liz said crestfallen. She really wasn’t in the mood to spend an hour with Isabel. “I have to feed this pup. He is really hungry,” Liz began but seeing the frown on her dad’s face continued hurriedly, “Can we meet some other time? Maybe, during the weekend?”

“Sure,” Isabel beamed at her. This was perfect. “Is tomorrow at 11.00 okay for you?”

“Yeah, sure,” Liz said smiling. Anything to not spend time with Isabel now.

“Okay, here’s my address and cell number,” Isabel said handing Liz a paper. “Meet you tomorrow at my house. Bye...”

And before Liz could get over the shock of meeting Isabel at her house and protest about it Isabel had gone back to the café. Liz started as if to follow her but her dad stopped her with a hand on her arm.

“Liz, no pets in the café.”


“So are you planning on telling me what you are brooding about?” Isabel entered Max’s room and casually sat on his chair.

Max looked up at her from the bed annoyed, “Don’t you ever knock? Besides, I don’t brood,” he said, “I think.”

Isabel rolled her eyes and asked wryly, “so what were you thinking about?”

Max sighed and got up from his bed and started pacing. He couldn’t keep this inside any longer. He had to tell someone. “I had…”

Suddenly a knock on his window interrupted him and Isabel looked at him questioningly. Max just shrugged and went to his window.

“Maria? Alex?” He asked shocked then opened the window to let them in. “What are you guys doing here? If my mom finds you here again Maria…”

“I had flashes from Michael.” Maria suddenly blurted out.

“What?” Alex and Max asked shocked. Maria had simply called Alex for a meeting at Max’s. She hadn’t mentioned the reason.

“How did you get those?” Isabel asked taken aback.

Maria flushed and mumbled, “That’s not important. What’s important is Michael is a liar.” She finished angrily.

“What?” Once again Max and Alex repeated.

“Maria, only we, the aliens, can get flashes. You are a human. How is it possible?” Isabel asked.

“Look. It just happened. Okay,” Maria said running her hands through her hair agitatedly. “I don’t know how it is possible just that I got them.”

“Maybe, Max changed you when he healed you?” Alex suggested.

“WHAT?” Max and Isabel shouted and Maria became pale. She hurriedly got out her oil and started sniffing it. Max sat down on the bed feeling guilty.

“No, that’s not it. I…I don’t feel any different. I mean, other than the flashes I like don’t have any powers like you guys. So I am still me, a human not an alien. These flashes could also be like a one time thing or maybe it only happens when you make out with an alien…” Maria abruptly stopped her eyes wide.

“You made out with Michael?” Isabel asked her shocked while Max and Alex looked at her with their mouths agape.

When Maria flushed and looked down guiltily, Max got up in anger. “The hypocrite! First Liz, now you. He is putting you also in danger. I am going to have a talk…”

“How dare he? I am going to kick his ass,” Alex also joined Max.

“Will you both quit it?” Maria said exasperated. “I can take care of myself. Do you want to know what I saw or not?”

When Max and Alex ignored her and started to go out the window muttering ways to kill Michael, Maria looked pleadingly at Isabel who rolled her eyes and raised her hand sealing the window and freezing Max and Alex in their place.

“Isabel!” Max said annoyed. “Release us.”

“Well then, stop behaving like kids,” Isabel said frustrated. “You can deal with him tomorrow. Now listen to what Maria has to say before mom and dad once again comes in hearing the noise.”

Max and Alex looked at each other silently agreeing to have a private talk with Michael later on and reluctantly nodded at Isabel who then released them.

“What did you see?” Isabel asked ignoring Max and Alex.

“He is lying guys. He didn’t come out of the pod as a 6 year old. I saw a flash of him as a 3 year old. So either he came out much earlier than you guys or…”Maria trailed off not knowing what to say.

“Or what?” Alex asked curious.

“Or he isn’t one of us and didn’t come out of the pods at all,” Max finished forbiddingly.

“What?” Isabel asked shocked. “That isn’t possible Max.”

“Why do you say that?” Alex asked.

“I had a flash when I touched Michael’s pod today.” Max paused and then continued, “And I saw around 2-year old brown-haired girl floating in the pod.”

check out my fic:
Believing in Destiny
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

First of all Thank you everyone for your amazing feedback :D . I know everyone wants to know whether it was Liz in the pod or not. You will get the answers in a few parts. But I can say this, Michael is an alien and did come out of the pod before everyone else :lol: But his first memory is waking up in a dark room which is what Maria saw when she kissed Michael. As for the other flashes she saw they will be explained once I go into Michael and Liz's past before they came to Roswell.

And since Max healed Maria, she is starting to change and that is why Michael and Maria were able to see flashes. And also because Michael had his guard down and didn't block Maria, so she saw flashes from his life.

Thank you

Yeah, Michael knows that Liz has powers but he doesn't want her in danger or involved in anything alien related. And still he doesn't trust Max, Isabel or Tess. So he doesn't want them to know about Liz or Liz about the others. Hope this answered atleast some of your questions :D

for your feedback.

And of course, Thanks to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Here's the next part. Its not much but hope you all like it :D


Part 21:

“What? Are you sure?” Alex finally opened his mouth to ask seeing that both Maria and Isabel looked too shocked to say anything.

“That isn’t possible,” Isabel suddenly said convincingly.

“Isabel, I’m certain I saw a long-brown-haired girl.”

“Maybe you just saw Michael with long hair. I mean even his hair is brown,” Alex said.

Max frowned at him and said scowling, “That was a girl I saw Alex, not a guy.”

“Liz,” Maria whispered all of a sudden.

“What? Where?” Max asked going towards his window and Alex snickered.

Maria rolled her eyes, “I meant Liz is brown-haired.”

Isabel’s eyes widened remembering her dream-walk while Max and Alex looked at Maria as if she had finally gone off the deep end.

“No Maria. She has auburn colored hair. Reddish-brown maybe but it cannot be mistaken for brown hair even from afar” Max explained.

“Yeah,” Alex agreed. “Listen to him Maria. He knows better. After all, he does spend every chance he gets staring at her.”

“I do not!” Max denied hotly his cheeks a slight red but everyone ignored him.

“Maria is right,” Isabel said. “In my dream-walk she had brown hair and brown eyes. But how did you know that?” she asked looking at Maria.

“Flashes from Michael,” Maria said avoiding looking at Alex and Max. She hadn’t realized the brown-haired girl with Michael was Liz but the last flash had confirmed it. “He met her when he was five.”

“Just because she has brown hair doesn’t mean she is the girl I saw in the flash,” Max said running his hands through his hair agitatedly.

“Then how do you explain Tess not being able to mind-warp her or Michael and Liz’s obvious connection or the fact that Alex couldn’t find any records of Michael and Liz?” Maria questioned heatedly.

“What?” Max paled then rounded on Alex angrily. “You went through their records? Are you crazy? What if Michael finds out?”


Michael climbed up the ladder hearing the sounds of playful laughter and sweet baby talk. Feeling really curious he quickly jumped onto the balcony only to find the puppy madly barking at him going round his feet. Liz once again burst out laughing at the expression on his face.

Grinning Michael picked up the pup and asked, “Enjoying yourself little fella? Like your new home?”

It was a long time since he had seen Liz smiling and playful and he was suddenly glad that Max had brought the pup to the café.

“What are you doing here Michael?” Liz asked taking the squirming pup from his hands.

“What? I cannot even come to see you?” Michael asked aggrieved.

Liz rolled her eyes and said, “Go away Michael,” annoyed that he was keeping things from her.

“What? What did I do this time?” Michael asked honestly bewildered.

“Don’t act as if you don’t know what I am talking about,” Liz said angry.

Michael’s own temper flared. Between the terrible school day where he had tried keeping tabs on Liz and Maria and finding the pods, the flashes with Maria, which he was still worried about, and his 5 hour shift with the said Maria glaring evilly at him continuously, he was in no mood for mind games. “Women! Who can understand them?” Michael thought scowling.

“What the hell are you talking about?” He asked just as angry.

“What were you doing with Max in his jeep on the highway?” Liz bit out.

“What?” Michael feigned shock but truthfully he had been expecting this question, just not so soon.

“Don’t deny it. I know you realized I connected to the puppy, which by the way I still haven’t figured out how or why,” Liz said looking at Michael suspiciously, “And I saw Max about to run over the pup with his jeep with you riding shotgun beside him. So how is the puppy alive?”

To say Liz was shocked when she suddenly connected to the pup was an understatement. She hadn’t even known that it was possible to connect with others besides Michael but to connect with a dog? How the hell did that happen? She had been so surprised that she hadn’t registered the images flashing at first. But when she did she had had another shock to see Max and Michael in a jeep on the highway about to run over her. At that moment Michael had shaken her and she had lost the connection. She had tried connecting to the pup many times after that but it was too excited to stay still.

“Okay, fine. I was with Max but that’s only because my bike was out of gas on the highway. Max came by down that way and asked if I needed a lift. As for the pup I swear I don’t know how you were able to connect to it. And we didn’t hit the pup,” Michael held her stare knowing that if he even flinched she would know he was lying.

“And what about Maria?”

“Maria?” Michael asked suddenly scared that she had found out about their kiss. “What about her?”

“Why are Isabel and her interested in you so much?”

Michael scowled. “How would I know? Besides I can’t help it if they both want me,” he finished smirking.

Liz rolled her eyes at his obvious arrogance. “Yeah Right. You have definitely improved Michael, could have fooled even grandma. But unfortunately I know you too well to know that you are lying now.”

Before Michael could answer, his cell ran shrilly in the night and he picked it up hurriedly thankful for the respite. But his face turned in to a grimace when he heard the voice at the other end.

“What?” Michael asked angrily wondering why in the hell the bastard was calling.

“Always a delight to talk to you Michael. And say hello to Liz too,” Langley drawled on the phone.

Michael narrowed his eyes looking around the balcony wondering how the hell Langley knew he was with Liz.

Seeing Liz frowning at the phone, he held it out to her smirking, “Wanna say hello to our dear uncle?”

Liz glared at Michael and the phone knowing she wouldn’t get proper answers from either of them. “You both can go to hell,” she said angrily storming to her room shutting her window with a loud bang.

“Aww…trouble in paradise?” Langley quipped.

Michael gritted his teeth in anger and asked, “How did you know I am with Liz?”

“I am your protector. Its my job to know Michael,” Langley said patronizingly.

“Really, then tell me what do you know about Tess Harding?” Michael asked knowing he wouldn’t get a straight answer from him.

True to his nature, Langley deftly changed the conversation, “Well, its seems someone’s been digging through your and Liz’s files.”

“What?” Michael asked his heart thudding in fear completely forgetting his previous question.


Max sighed from his bed. He was still upset that they had gone through Michael and Liz’s records without him but Maria and Isabel were certain that Michael wouldn’t find out. And for the past hour they or rather Isabel and Maria had been arguing back and forth while he and Alex were mute spectators. Maria was convinced that the royal four and destiny told by Tess and Nacedo was a lie and that Liz might be one of them. While Isabel was adamant saying that she felt both Tess and Michael’s emotions at the pod chamber and each truly believed they were part of the royal four. Max privately agreed with Maria and thought that their so-called protector had lied about the royal four since there were five of them if he counted the girl in the flash.

“Will you both quit it,” Alex groaned tiredly from the chair near the computer. “You are just going around in circles. We aren’t going to find anything this way.”

“I still say Michael knows something he isn’t telling us. You are the King Max. Why don’t you just demand answers from Michael?” Maria asked frustrated.

“Yeah, fat chance of that happening. I cannot even get you guys to listen to me,” Max commented wryly and then continued speculatively, “Maybe I should demand answers from Nacedo. According to Michael, he is programmed to obey my orders. And let’s keep this to ourselves for now. Don’t mention this to Michael or Tess,” he finished sharply.

“Oh Please,” Maria and Isabel said simultaneously as if they would do that.

“Maybe, you guys can go back to the pod chamber and see if you can get any more flashes,” Alex said to Max and Isabel. “And I can look for some more records. And Maria, maybe you can ask your mother what she knows about the Parkers.”

“Wow Alex. You are better at this than Max,” Isabel said impressed. Alex blushed while Max scowled.


“Liz,” Isabel said surprised to see her standing in front of her room.

“Hi,” Liz said smiling, “your mom let me in and told me you were in your room.” When Isabel still looked at her shocked, she said uncomfortably, “uh…so can I come in?”

“Sure, come in,” Isabel recovered quickly then said, “Its just I didn’t expect you early.”

Liz shrugged, “I thought we would finish it sooner. But if you are not ready…”

Liz was determined to get some answers from Isabel. She knew Michael and she knew Langley. Michael getting lifts from random guys and hanging out with them was as believable as Langley telling the truth for once in his lifetime. Of course, she could always demand answers from him, if she could get hold of him, but he would undoubtedly twist it so well that by the time he did tell the truth she couldn’t be sure that it is the truth. God! Even thinking about it made her head spin. Besides, there was also the deal with Isabel and Maria always asking her questions about Michael and her life. If Isabel liked questions so much then she would definitely like the ones she had for her.

“No, its fine. Let me just freshen up,” Isabel said and went to the bathroom discretely taking her cell also with her.

“Come on, pick up, pick up,” Isabel mumbled pacing in the bathroom. “Maria, listen…”

“Isabel?” Maria said groggily, “Do you even know what time it is?”

“Change of plans. Liz is here now.”

“What?” Maria sat up in her bed suddenly awake. “But it's only ten.”

“I know. Just get here pronto,” Isabel said and snapped her phone shut. Then she took a deep breath and waved her hand making herself presentable and entered her room.

“Forgive the mess. I just woke up a few minutes…”

“Sure no problem,” Liz said looking at Isabel weirdly as there was not a thing out of place except for a yearbook on her bed.

There was an awkward silence for a minute then Isabel said beaming. “So who let you in? Max must still be sleeping and I think mom went out…”

“Oh no. Your mom actually let me in,” Liz repeated then watched confused as Isabel’s face became pale.

“What? Listen, if my mom asks we are NOT staying here for lunch, okay? We are not…”

A knock interrupted her and Mrs. Evans came in smiling at Isabel and Liz. Liz watched fascinated as Isabel’s face tuned literally green seeing the plate in Mrs. Evans’s hands.

“Hope you girls are hungry. I brought this new thing that I tried out today.”

“Mom,” Isabel said exasperated quickly gaining her composure, “You know I don‘t eat breakfast on weekends and I am sure Liz already ate.”

“You can try some right?” Mrs. Evans asked smiling at Liz.

Liz reluctantly nodded seeing the hopeful look on Mrs. Evans face. She was somehow reminded of how Michael’s mom used to bring her stuff to eat whenever she went to Michael’s place. She hesitatingly took a small bit of the green-brownish thing that suspiciously looked like pancakes and took a bite. She immediately smiled at Mrs. Evans while Isabel looked amazed.

“This is good,” Liz said between mouthfuls trying her best to swallow it and not spit it out.

“It’s a new kind of pancake with fruits in it. Would you like some more?”

Liz looked horrified at Isabel, who tried to control her laughter seeing the expression on Liz’s face. “Mom, I am sure she is already full. We really have to work.”

“Okay girls. See you at lunch and Liz, I hope you stay for lunch,” Mrs. Evans said smiling not noticing the pale look on both Isabel and Liz’ faces.

As soon as Mrs. Evans left, Isabel pointed the bathroom with her hand, “Outside, 1st door to your left,” and Liz thankfully fled from the room.


“Five more minutes mom,” Max mumbled as someone shook him awake and snuggled closer to the pillow.

“Get up Maxwell and I am not your mom,” Michael said irritated. “Jesus. You sleep like the dead,” he mumbled and then shoved Max off the bed.

“What…OW…” Max muttered harshly finding himself on the ground.

“Michael?” Max looked incredulously at a growling Michael standing over him. “What the hell is your problem?” he demanded angrily getting up.

“You and your snooping friends,” Michael said curtly. “I told you all to keep your noses away from my affairs.”

“Well then you better keep your tongue out of my friend’s mouth,” Max shot back equally angry.

For a second Michael looked taken aback and then he came back with, “That’s not important right now. Your friend Alex Whitman…”

“Since when is you kissing my friend okay Michael especially after you spouted off how dangerous it is for us to be seen with humans?” Max asked in a deadly calm voice.

“That’s just a kiss Max. Besides she enjoyed it…Christ,” Michael shouted suddenly finding himself on the ground with a shiner. He stood up clutching his eye painfully and began again, “She asked me to kiss…” but seeing Max step towards him with a murderous glint in his eye Michael took an unconscious step back and raised his hands defensively. “Look, I wasn’t the only one kissing and you know it better than me that she could have easily stopped me if she wasn’t interested.”

Max relented a little knowing that Michael was right in that no one could force Maria to do anything. She was very vocal and demonstrative about things she liked as well as hated. But that didn’t mean that Michael could…

“Listen,” Michael began hurriedly taking advantage of the brief silence, “Alex searched through my records and has put all of us in danger. Because I can assure that I am not the only one who is monitoring my old records. If I can find out easily that its Alexander Charles Whitman from Roswell, New Mexico then definitely the skins will find out if they haven’t already, and when they do they will go to Alex first,” Michael finished grimly.

Of course, he didn’t mention the fact that the skins who do come close to finding them will disappear before they can say Roswell or pass the information back to Nicholas, courtesy of Cal Langley, who for all his smugness and talk is bound by the imperative and cannot defy direct orders.

“I will talk with Alex,” Max mumbled deathly pale, but seeing the smirking look on Michael’s face that clearly showed his amusement, he scowled and said fiercely, “All the more reason for you to stay away from Maria and Alex.”

“Sure,” Michael said nonchalantly. “Tell Whitman to lie low for a few weeks.”

Max then mumbled something about getting out before lunch and it was only after he went to shower that Michael remembered the other reason he came here – to warn Isabel to stay away from Liz. “Still I have a few more minutes before she gets here and I can always sense her anyways,” Michael thought looking at the clock and relaxing.

Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Tue Sep 07, 2004 10:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 63
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey Everyone! Sorry I thought of submitting this part as soon as my Beta gave it but I had some problems with the net and then went to my friends' place for the weekend. I'm back now :D

Thank you

roswellluver: Liz was able get flashes from the pup as Max had healed it before forming a connection. So Liz was easily able to form a connection with the pup which Michael knew but didn't tell her :lol:
Hey Tanya! I got the edited part . Thanks :D and you will start to get answers from the next part!

for your wonderful feedback and to my Beta Behrsgirl77

Hope you all like the next part:

Part 22:

“The best memory of your life?” Liz asked looking at the questionnaire in her hand.

“Getting adopted,” Isabel said and Liz looked up at her surprised.

“You are adopted?”

“Yeah. Both Max and me were adopted when we were 6.”

“Oh. Do you know your birth parents?” Liz asked then continued, “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Its okay. No we don’t actually remember anything before that but we are really lucky that mom and dad found us when we were alone in the desert.”

“You were abandoned in the desert?” Liz asked shocked then quickly said, “I didn’t mean it…”

Isabel just shrugged. “I guess so. But since we don’t remember anything before that mom and dad are all we have known. So what about your best memory?”

“Finding…I mean meeting Michael for the first time,” Liz said writing Isabel’s answer down.

Isabel looked surprised but quickly hid it. “So you both are really close? When did you meet him?”

Liz’s eyes took a faraway look as she answered, “In kindergarten. There were different sections and we had all come out to play. And he was the only one sitting and scowling at everyone. He looked familiar and I found that he also felt the same about me. Then we started talking and became friends.”

“Oh so you had met him before that?” Isabel asked puzzled.

“I don’t know. We never talked about that.” And before Isabel could ask her anything more Liz said, “next question.”

Isabel was now sure that Liz didn’t tell her everything. Did this mean she saw Michael when he was 3 or 4? And she was sure that Michael isn’t the type to just trust anybody and be their friend even if he was only 5 at that time. What was it about Liz that Michael readily trusted her?

“I don’t really have any worst memory. Maybe when Max got the jeep instead of me getting a car.” Isabel said thinking that she couldn’t very well say that it was the day Tess and Nacedo found them.

Liz looked at her weirdly but let it go. Then shrugged saying, “I guess moving here.”

“Oh,” Isabel said somewhat disappointed. She knew Liz was lying. “So why did you move here?” Isabel smiled mentally when she saw the slight stiffening of Liz’s shoulders. “Finally some real answers,” Isabel thought.

“My dad wanted to come back here for business reasons. Next question.”

Isabel watched as Liz’s face suddenly blanched off all color when she looked at the next question.

“Do you believe in destiny?”

Liz glanced at him lying next to her amused at the question. “You wanted to bring me here to ask that?”

Xan looked at the clouds in the sky floating away, from underneath the bleachers. It was a free period after lunch and they were both lying down on a blanket lazily looking at the sky.

Xan turned towards Liz and propped himself up on his elbow. “Nope. I wanted to have at least 5 minutes of conversation with you before Michael interrupted us.” When Liz laughed at that, he continued wryly, “I mean it Liz. That guy has a freakish Liz-radar that goes off anytime one of the guys, especially me, tries to talk to you. And viola, he is at the scene.”

“Okay, now you are exaggerating” Liz said mirroring his posture.

“You think so?” he asked slightly trailing his other hand through her hair.

When Liz simply lied back down with her hands behind her head, he sighed and continued playfully, “You never answered my question Parker. Do you believe that there is a person out there for every other person and that no matter what they are destined to meet and live happily ever after?”

“A true believer in Fairy tales?” Liz asked smiling thinking of her own childhood when she had childishly believed a prince would come, take one look and fall madly in love with her and take her far away to a beautiful kingdom where they would live happily ever after. She then answered, “Maybe. I never thought about that. What about you?”

“I always used to consider that as crap.”

“Used to?” Liz asked curiously looking at him.

Xan leaned a bit closer to her, “Yeah. Now I am beginning to believe.”

“LIZ! Get back up here,” A voice yelled above them and Xan laid back down looking at his watch “And get away from her Thornton.”

“Wow. 5 minutes. Must be a new record, huh?” he asked grinning at Liz who was now looking up annoyed.

Before Liz could answer the question, another long buried memory flashed into her mind.

“It’s destiny. Rath and Vilondra, Zan and Ava were engineered to be with each other, destined to rule together.” He said coldly.

“NO,” Liz said fervently shaking her head as if to remove those memories, “I don’t. And you?”

“No,” Isabel replied a bit taken aback by Liz’s vehement response but before she could ask Liz the reason, Liz asked. “Do you believe in aliens?”

“What?” Isabel asked surprised by the sudden change in conversation. “huh…what question is that?” she asked suddenly feeling uneasy.

“Its not here. Its just…I mean you have been here forever. I am sure every flaky tourist you meet asks you this.”

“Oh…No I don’t,” Isabel said, “What about you? Do you believe in aliens?”

“Sure I do.” When Isabel seemed stunned by her answer Liz explained, “I mean it would be a total waste of space if earth is the only planet don’t you think?”

“I…uh…maybe?” Isabel said not sure where Liz was going with this.

“And I think they aren’t green and slimy but look like humans just like you and me,” Liz said in a hushed voice, clearly enjoying the widening of Isabel’s eyes.

Isabel was now beginning to feel really nervous. Sure she wanted to find out whether Liz knew if Michael was an alien or not but she wanted to be the one in control asking the questions not Liz.

“And you know a secret,” Liz said leaning closer to Isabel and Isabel also did the same now curious. “There really was a crash in 1947 and I think Michael is from the crash.”

Isabel’s mouth was now hanging open with her face completely pale, her heart thudding in fear. So does this mean Liz knows about her, Tess and Max. And Michael said that he never told Liz so how did Liz find out? Was she going to tell to the FBI? Oh God! They have to get out of Roswell…

Suddenly Isabel was distracted by sounds of hearty laughter and she turned to see Liz laughing with tears falling down her eyes.

“Oh my God, you believed it,” Liz said laughing like crazy wiping her eyes. “The look on your face.”

“This isn’t funny Liz,” Isabel said in her coldest voice possible her heartbeat gradually slowing down.

Liz stopped laughing hearing Isabel’s tone. “Come on Isabel. I know Michael behaves extremely odd for a human but still to believe that he is an alien,” Liz once again started laughing. “The crash occurred in 1947 and Michael is nearly 18 years old Isabel. Wow you must really believe in aliens to react so strongly to what I told.” Liz said looking at Isabel speculatively.

“Can we get on with the project?” Isabel said not liking the joke one bit. She wasn’t sure now whether Liz really knew about Michael and was just messing with her or really meant it as a joke. But she was positive that Liz did know something.

“Isabel, I meant it as a joke,” Liz said apologetically. She had seen the fear in Isabel’s eyes when she was talking about aliens. Was that because Isabel really believed whatever Liz said or was it for altogether different reason? Isabel didn’t seem the type of girl to scare easily. Whatever it was, Isabel knew something about Michael.


Michael went through Max’s DVD collection whistling on seeing Braveheart and Matrix. Suddenly Max’s cell rang and Michael looked at the caller id. Seeing the name Alex he angrily picked it up.

Before he could even say a word, Alex started talking rapidly, “Max, you have to get out your house NOW. Your bride from hell is coming there to do our English project. Don’t even ask why…”

“Whitman,” Michael growled into the phone.

Alex gulped and stuttered, “Mi…Michael?”

Michael smirked hearing the scared tone in Alex’s voice. “If you know what is good for you, stop digging through Liz and my records.”

“Oh,” Alex squeaked, “I…I wasn’t…I mean Isabel and Maria…You stay the hell away from Maria,” Alex suddenly yelled remembering what had happened.

“What?” Michael said surprised by the sudden turn in conversation. “That girl really is a blabbermouth. It’s a wonder that she kept this secret about us for a long time.”

“Maria isn’t a blabbermouth. You take that back right now,” Alex immediately defended his friend though knowing that Michael was right.

“Whatever Whitman. I got to go and stay away from me and Liz,” Michael warned once more and switched the phone off before Alex could say anything more.

The minute Max came into his room, Michael asked heatedly, “Where is your sister Maxwell?”

“In her room,” Max said gladly taking him along. He was more than happy for Michael to butt heads with Isabel. He knew his sister and if Michael though he can intimidate her in any way he was going to spend the rest of his life with horrible nightmares. Max shuddered having been at the end of Isabel’s anger one too many times.

“Shit!” Michael suddenly exclaimed as they neared the living room. “She’s already here.”

“Who?” Max asked turning only to see Michael disappearing into the kitchen.

“Morning Max,” Isabel said coming down the stairs.

Max began puzzled, “Iz, did you just see…Liz?” he said shocked though he knew she would be coming here to do project work with Isabel.

“Hi Max,” Liz said smiling slightly then seeing the way he was staring at her, she began uncomfortable, “I had project with…”

“You are early,” Max blurted out suddenly then cringed at the way he must have sounded. “Not that it’s a problem, I mean…Isabel…I…”Max shut his mouth before he could make a bigger fool of himself in front of Liz.

“Ignore my brother Liz,” Isabel said rolling her eyes. “He is socially challenged.”

“Isabel!” Max yelled annoyed.

“Here they are,” Diane Evans said coming into the living room followed by a sullen looking mud-covered Michael. “Your poor friend fell into the fresh flower bed while looking for you Max,” she said sympathetically.

Max and Isabel gaped at him stunned while he glared at them daring them to say otherwise. His face and hands were smeared with dirt and leaves with his clothes faring no better. A quick peek at Liz showed her eyes about to water trying to control her laughter. Michael’s scowl darkened more.

“Why don’t you show him to the bathroom Max,” Diane said and Max nodded taking a surly looking Michael along with him. The minute they left the living room though, they heard peals of laughter coming from the room. Max looked at Michael and his own face twitched.

“One word Maxwell, not one word,” Michael said threateningly stepping towards Max.

Max silently nodded and pointed his hand towards the bathroom but the minute Michael turned back his face went into a wide smile.


“So you girls are staying for an early lunch?” Mrs. Evans asked smiling and that put an abrupt end to their laughter.

“Mom, we have to meet Maria in the café so we will just have it there. Maybe next time.”

“But I am sure Michael will be delighted to have your delicious meal,” Liz suddenly said her eyes gleaming.

Isabel looked at Liz surprised then said, “Yeah mom. I forgot. He had a bite of Max’s lunch in school and he totally digs your food.”

Mrs. Evans beamed at the girls, “I will be back in a minute,” she said going back into the kitchen.

Isabel and Liz looked at one another and once again started laughing when they were interrupted by a knock on the front door. Isabel excused herself to open the door just as Max entered the living room his face in a full-blown smile. For a second Liz simply stared at him awe struck. Max was generally handsome but he looked drop-dead gorgeous when he smiled. His entire face transformed giving him a boyish yet charming look that literally took her breath away.

Max sucked in a breath seeing Liz. She looked radiant in a cute red tee and denim cut-offs with her long hair falling gloriously around her shoulders. Her eyes were dancing with laughter and mirth and then he saw a slight darkening as she looked at him. Max gasped seeing the desire in her eyes. Was that for him? He had a sudden urge to take her in his arms and kiss the living daylights of her.

“Maxie!” A shrill cry interrupted their heated staring and Max gaped in horror as Tess came to his side and wrapped her hands around his right arm. “I missed you,” Tess said ignoring Liz standing next to him. “Did you miss me?”

“I…Uh…” Max looked at Liz wanting her to know that he didn’t like Tess at all but she was now looking at something behind him. He turned back to see Michael smirking at the painful look in his face.

“Hi Michael,” Liz said dryly walking towards him.

“You were blocking me,” Michael whispered accusingly as he wasn’t able to sense her before.

“For the past 30 minutes,” Liz said smugly.

“I don’t know why I am surprised,” Michael began nonchalantly. “I mean it has always been easy for you to shut me out, hasn’t it,” Michael stated more than asked and then quickly turned away from Liz but the split second was enough for her to see the hurt in his eyes.

“Michael,” Liz began painfully knowing he meant more than her blocking him out just now, “I didn’t …”

“Whatever,” Michael said the stoic look back on his face again and walked away from her.

Liz glared after him in hurt and in anger. She knew he was hurt but that didn’t give him the right to behave like an asshole. It wasn’t as if she was doing anything deliberately and she wasn’t the one hiding and keeping secrets from him.

“So you are also staying for lunch?” Mrs. Evans asked smiling at Tess. Her family never ate at home during the weekends and she usually tried all new dishes only at that time. So she was really happy that this time and Max and his friends were staying for lunch. She couldn’t wait to see them try her latest dish.

Tess looked at Mrs. Evans in a dilemma. On the one hand this was the perfect opportunity to spend time with Max but she had unfortunately tried Mrs. Evans’ cooking and she wasn’t prepared for a repeat performance. Suddenly she heard Isabel whispering to Michael.

“Michael. You do know that Liz is staying for lunch right?”

That decided it. “Yes!” Tess, Michael and Max simultaneously yelled and then surreptitiously Max and Michael glared at each other.

“Of course I will stay for lunch Mrs. Evans,” Tess repeated smiling sweetly.

“Lunch? Did somebody call me?” a new voice said entering through the front door.

“Kyle?” Max asked surprised, “What are you doing here?”

“Project, Evans. Couldn’t meet you yesterday,” Kyle said grinning at the chance of free food.

“This is really good. Lunch will be ready in a few minutes. Make yourself comfortable,” Mrs. Evans said going back to the kitchen.

“Okay, Liz shall we go?” Isabel asked smiling at Liz.

“Wait…you aren’t…”Both Max and Michael looked at Liz and Isabel bewildered and Isabel felt bad that her brother also has to eat their mother’s cooking but its not as if he hadn’t had practice making it disappear.

“You lied to me,” Michael hissed at Isabel who just laughed and went out the door.

“Its just lunch Michael. Stop fidgeting,” Liz said crossly following Isabel.

“I am not,” Michael denied though he could suddenly feel as if he wanted to get out of his own skin. The feeling lessened a bit once Liz left but gradually intensified.

Something was wrong. He tried to calm himself down but he felt as if someone or something was calling him. He tried ignoring it for a few minutes then looked around restlessly and his gaze fell on Tess who was now talking listlessly clinging onto Max who was trying his best to get out of her grip while Kyle was just grinning like a fool. He started walking towards them instinctively.

“What are you doing?” he asked Tess suspiciously.

“What?” Tess asked a little nervous as both Max and Kyle looked at him puzzled.

“You are…” suddenly his gaze fell to Tess’ handbag and he reached out as if to grab it.

“What is the matter with you?” Tess hissed trying to get away from him.

“You have something in there,” he said confidently.

“Michael. That’s a handbag. Of course, she has things in there,” Kyle said mocking him.

“I meant something other-worldly,” Michael said gritting his teeth and then unable to ignore the pull, he pulled at Tess’ handbag.

Tess looked shocked and then became angry, “Let go of my bag,” pulling it back. “Max, order him to let it go.”

“She’s hiding something. Ask her to show it,” Michael snapped back at Max.

“Uhm…Tess just show him,” Max said confused by what was happening.

Then suddenly Tess’ bag burst open spilling all the contents on the floor. Tess gave a shriek and started putting everything back in the bag while Michael looked intently to find if she was hiding anything.

“You asshole. Satisfied now?” Tess asked Michael her eyes filled with anger. “Max, I am going home now. I will see you later.” Tess then walked out with a huff.

Kyle and Max looked at Michael weirdly.

“What?” Michael scowled. “She was doing something. I’m sure of it.”

Max just shook his head thankful that he didn’t have to spend any more time with Tess and went to the kitchen.

“There’s something really freaky about you Guerin and I don’t mean the alien factor either,” Kyle told Michael while following Max.


Tess drove her car quickly willing her heart rate to slow down. She looked at crystal in her lap its bright green glow gradually dimming away till it became colorless. She clutched the steering wheel tightly as she thought of the images she saw in Max’s head. So now they think that I am not even part of their foursquare? Tess gritted her teeth in anger.

She had easily overcome the block in Max’s head without his knowledge using the crystal. Nacedo had given it to her a long time back saying that it can be used to amplify one’s powers but before she could successfully remove Max’s doubts from his mind and convince him about destiny, Michael had confronted her. She wasn’t able to figure out how Michael found out, till she came outside the house and saw the usually colorless crystal glowing. That was the first time it had ever glowed. “It is a Granolith crystal so it could have been reacting to Michael’s presence. He is after all the Granolith protector also.” Tess mused out loud but that wasn’t of concern right now.

What was bothering Tess the most was, she had the crystal in her handbag and when contents had spilled down she had automatically mind-warped everyone in the room to avoid them seeing it. It wasn’t until she came outside she realized that she had mind-warped Michael too. And he hadn’t the slightest clue that she had done it. “How is this possible? Does this mean Michael is not immune to my mind-warps? If so how did he find out the first time I mind-warped him?” Tess thought completely confused.

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

WoW! Thanks for the wonderful feedback guys :D I am really glad so many of you enjoy reading this fic and New Readers...Welcome :D

And I know that many of you want answers and you will start to get some answers from this part onwards. Thanks for being really patient...


xmag :
Hey i guess I can understand what you are trying to say so I hope you feel that this part gives you some answers :)
Glad that you like this fic and I love this Michael too :D

for your Great Feedback....You guys are the BEST!

Thanks to my wonderful Beta Behrsgirl77, here's the new part!

Part 23a:

“Can you believe what the asshole did?” Maria asked reaching the booth where Max, Isabel and Tess were sitting.

“Stop being so dramatic Maria,” Tess said snidely.

“Was I talking to you, You Fake-Breasted Blonde?” Maria asked her antenna bobbing wildly in her anger.

Tess gasped and Isabel tried to control her laughter.

“What did Michael do this time?” Max asked hurriedly trying to avert an unpleasant scene.

“I asked him a few questions for our project and the jerk said that he doesn’t have time to waste in mindless talk with,” Maria made quotes with her hand, “ ‘blonde haired twits’, that he isn’t interested in knowing anything personal about me. As if I am very eager to know about him and his stupid interests. If it wasn’t for this project I swear…”

“Maria relax” Max said alarmed by the way she was turning purple.

“Then he just grabbed the questionnaire from my hand, flipped through it and,” Maria’s voice lowered, “waved his large hand over it. I mean how lazy is he to not even fill those questions with a pen. Then he ordered me,” Maria’s eyes flashed with anger, “Ordered me to submit my filled up questionnaire to the teacher along with his,” she finished bringing a folded paper from her apron pocket and waving it wildly.

Isabel took the questionnaire from her hand curiously and unfolded it.

“Maria, here sniff this,” Max said taking a vial from her apron and holding it under her nose.

“Of course he ordered you. I mean he is a General and you are only a human,” Tess said smugly.

“Tess!” Max said in anger.

“That’s it gerbil,” Maria said.

“Yeah? What are you going to do?” Tess asked bored.

Maria simply picked the remaining glass of cherry coke, poured it over Tess’s head and coolly walked way ignoring Tess’s shriek and Max’s groan.

Isabel was busy looking at Michael’s answers disregarding what was going on around her.

Best Friend: Elizabeth Claudia Parker
Best Memory: Meeting Liz
Worst Memory: Meeting Maria DeLuca-Valenti
Do you believe in Destiny? Crap
Love: Brunettes
Hate: Blondes especially ones wearing ridiculous uniforms with antennas and yakking a mile a minute.

Isabel had a very strong feeling that the minute Maria finished reading this Michael was going to be dust.


Liz hurried to her class cursing Michael for coming late. But she couldn’t really blame him also knowing that she was the reason he wasn’t getting any sleep. Well, technically he didn’t need more than a few hours of sleep but try convincing Michael of that, Liz thought rolling her eyes.

It had been more than a week since she had gone to Isabel’s house for her project and knowing very well that she wouldn’t get any answers from Michael she had decided to wait for him to slip up. Of course, she couldn’t hide her glee when Michael had called in sick that evening after having lunch at the Evans’ house. Liz smiled thinking of that.

“That is weird,” Mr. Parker said putting his phone down looking at his wife. “Michael just called in sick.”

“Really?” Mrs. Parker said surprised, “He has never gotten sick before.”

“There’s always a first time Mom,” Liz said unable to control her smile.

Nancy frowned at her, “And you don’t know why?” she asked suddenly suspicious of the wide-eyed innocent look on her daughter’s face.

“Mom!” Liz said feigning shock and then hurt. “You think I had something to do with this?”

“Of course not honey. Your mother didn’t mean that.” Jeff said giving at look to Nancy who then nodded reluctantly, unable to stop thinking of the many times Liz and Michael had got each other in trouble.

And the best part of all, Isabel had stopped hounding her about Michael. Now Maria was altogether another matter. That girl simply didn’t take “No” for an answer. Fortunately she only had to see Maria at school as Liz got in late from her work at the Congresswoman’s office in the evenings. Liz frowned suddenly thinking of the way Michael seemed to act around Maria. If she didn’t know him well, she would say he somewhat appeared nervous or even scared around her.

“Ouch,” Liz said colliding against a warm body just as she turned the corner to her classroom. She immediately clutched his shoulders as their books and papers fell onto the floor.

“We should stop meeting like this. People are going to talk,” Alex said his eyes twinkling at her.

”Yeah,” Liz said smiling bending down to pick the books. “Whatever will Isabel think?”

“Isa…Isabel?” Alex stuttered flushing suddenly. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Liz simply laughed arranging her books. Suddenly something on a paper caught her eye just before Alex picked it up.

“Sweden?” Liz asked feeling uneasy remembering her premonition.

“Yeah. I had always wanted to go there and applied for an exchange program seeing this is our last year. It’s for around 2 months I think. I got in the program and just got the details from the principal…” Alex stopped his babble when Liz unexpectedly hugged him.

“Alex, just be careful,” Liz said looking at him intently still keeping her arms around him. She had hoped for another flash or a premonition but she didn’t get anything.

“Sure,” Alex replied feeling unnerved by the look in her eyes then joked puffing his chest, “As always the lady falls to the charms of Alex Whitman. After all who can resist good old me?”

“Yeah, Right!” Liz joked right back as they walked into AP Bio together.


Max sighed as he discreetly looked at Liz arranging things on their lab table. “She looks beautiful as usual,” he thought dreamily. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t stay away from her. He longed to see her and hear her voice even it was only for her to say, “Pass me the slide.”



“I said could you pass me the slide?” When Max continued to look at Liz confused, she elaborated, “We have to prepare a slide with our blood sample and write notes for today’s lab.”

“What?” Max said scared then added quickly, “I can’t…I…I have a phobia of needles,” pointing to the small sharp needle in her hand. “I will just go…”

Liz smiled at him gently and placed her hand on his arm. “Relax. We can use mine.”

Max simply nodded his head his entire focus on the feel of her hand on him. A warm and tingly feeling originating from his arm spread throughout his body and he wished that he hadn’t worn long sleeves today. His breath hitched when Liz leaned closer to his ear.

“I won’t tell anyone. Your secret’s safe with me,” she teased referring to his phobia.

Max turned his head in surprise and her lips grazed his cheek slightly. He paused sucking in his breath.

“Mind if I cut in?” A cold voice intruded and they sprang apart from each other as if on fire. Max immediately felt the absence of her hand.

“What do you want Tess?” Max asked warily and also a bit guilty.

“My lab partner didn’t show up today and Mr. Seligman said I can join any group for today.”

“Of course, you would join this one,” Liz muttered sarcastically under her breath pricking her fore finger with the needle.

She placed the slide under her forefinger and squeezed it till a couple of drops of blood fell on to the slide. Suddenly hearing the pin drop silence she glanced up to see both Max and Tess looking at her intently or rather at her blood on the slide with bated breaths.

“What? Never saw blood before?” She snapped irritated but felt bad immediately seeing the way Max jerked back. She then said softly looking at Max, “I didn’t mean you.”

“Can we proceed?” Tess said rudely.

Liz simply rolled her eyes and adjusted the slide before viewing it in the microscope. She wrote something on her notes and then gestured for Max to take a look. “This is it!” Max thought his heart thudding not knowing whether in fear or in anticipation and he leaned towards it slowly. He looked into the microscope suddenly anxious not knowing why. He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them. Her blood cells were….

Normal and Human.


“Grandma” Liz exclaimed happily hugging her grandmother tightly. “I missed you.”

“Oh Honeybear! I missed you too,” her grandma said then took a step back. “Oh! Look at you. You have become…”

“Grandma you saw me just a couple of months ago.”

“I still say you have grown more beautiful. Jeffrey isn’t my granddaughter beautiful?” she asked seeing her son passing by Liz’s room.

“The most beautiful girl in the world.” Mr. Parker said looking at Liz proudly.

“Okay, you both are too much,” Liz said a bit embarrassed.

“Your dad said that you had a pup?” Claudia said looking around the room curiously.

“Yeah, I gave it to one of the kids at the hospital who was crazy about puppies.”

“So,” Claudia Parker began secretively when her son went away, “how are the boys in this town?”

Instinctively Liz’s mind went to Max and she quickly answered but not before Claudia had seen the slight blush on her face, “the usual, I guess Grandma. I don’t have time for boys.”

“Really?” She teased. “So there is no one special? Tall, dark and handsome?”

“No one special,” Liz said firmly.

Her grand mother remained silent knowing that Liz could be really stubborn when she wanted to. Besides Michael would know the guys interested in Liz better than her. In fact, the first thing he would have done once joining the school was to warn them away from Liz. Speaking of whom…

“Where is my grandson by the way? I haven’t seen the boy since I came here.”

Liz’s mind once again went to Max and this time she scowled, “He is as usual with his new best friend” she finished bitterly.


“Why isn’t he here yet?” Michael demanded Tess.

“He said he would be here Michael so he will be here,” Tess replied back impatiently.

“I can’t wait any longer.”

“Yeah?” Isabel questioned then continued taunting, “You want answers? You wait.”

Max’s mind was still at the Bio lab. He didn’t know what he was expecting to find when he saw Liz’s blood cells. But it wasn’t until that exact moment, Max realized how much he wanted her blood cells to be not Normal, how much he wanted her to be an alien, exactly like him. Though he had denied to Maria and Isabel that the girl in the flash couldn’t be Liz, deep in his heart unconsciously he had been hoping that Liz was really the girl in the pod. Never had it been so glaringly obvious in his life how different he really was than at that moment. But he was also glad at the same time that Liz is free from the dangers of his life, that she need not hide herself in fear and most of all she is free to lead her own life without any pre-destined path mapped out for her.

“Shut up Princess,” Michael said rudely.

“Make me General,” Isabel shot back.

“Will you both cut it out?” Tess yelled sick of playing the adult among kids. She gave an incredulous look at Max who seemed to be in deep thinking.

Tess snorted. She knew exactly what he was thinking about. He was still disappointed that Liz isn’t like them. As if she could be anything than a mere human. Tess had already dismissed the flash that Max saw of the girl as his desperate imagination. She knew that they were the Royal Four. She had practically grown up hearing stories of them. How can it not be true? Still she had been uneasy when Liz had prepared her blood cell sample. But she was proved right when Liz’s cells were only human. There simply has to be a perfect reason as to why her mind-warps didn’t work on Liz. And she was going to get the answers today.

Michael looked at Tess distrustfully seeing the malicious smile on her face. “There is something seriously wrong with that girl,” he thought. He was convinced that she had been doing something otherworldly at Max’s house the last weekend. “And I will find out what that is.

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door and Tess immediately went to open it grumbling “Its about time he came.”

“If he is an alien, why is he knocking the door?” Michael asked warily.

“If I were an enemy, you would all be dead by now,” Pierce/Nacedo said disgustedly coming inside. He then looked at Tess and continued, “Haven’t I taught you anything? Never assume it is a human outside even if he knocks.”

“Rath I presume?” He asked walking towards Michael and reached his hand out as if to touch him. But the next second he was flung against the opposite wall. There was a cracking sound and Nacedo fell down to the floor looking at Michael with his eyes wide open and gasping for breath.

“What did you do that for?” Tess cried out in anger and rushed towards Nacedo. “Are you alright?” she asked concerned.

“Apparently,” Isabel’s shocked eyes glittered dangerously, “that’s Michael’s way of greeting his kind.”

“How did you do that?” Max asked impressed and also a bit envious. He had seen a slight flicker when Nacedo had touched Michael.

“Well excuse me for being cautious,” Michael began sarcastically ignoring Max. “But the last time I came face to face with a protector for the first time, he blasted me unconscious.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Tess argued. “Our protectors are programmed to protect us. They cannot kill us.”

“Sure, they cannot kill us. But that doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t harm us, does it?” Michael asked Nacedo shrewdly who was simply gaping at him partly in shock, partly in awe and then finally in fear as he realized what had happened.

“What the hell were you trying to do?” Michael demanded.

Nacedo got up slowly his face expressionless. “I was doing the earth custom. What do they call it?” he looked confused for a second then said, “The handshake.”

Truthfully, Nacedo had sensed a familiar energy as soon as he had entered the house. It was wild, untamed, and powerful and the last time he had sensed anything similar to that was on Antar when he was face to face with Rath. And that shocked Nacedo. Sure Rath’s energy was considerably more powerful than what he was sensing now but Michael was only half-alien and to sense such power even through Michael’s mental shields threw him for a loop. So he had reached to touch Michael to get a better feel of how strong he really was instead he had made contact with an energy barrier and flung away from him.

“How did you do that?” Isabel asked this time curious.

“Body shield,” Nacedo answered still unable to tear his gaze away from Michael. “But how…”

“What is that?” Isabel asked irritated that everyone knew more about her and Max.

“The shield can be made to conform to the exact shape of the body,” Nacedo glanced at the others, “completely invisible to the humans and aliens alike. But,” he once turned to Michael, “that takes years of practice and how did you know that you can do it in the first place?”

“Memories,” Michael shrugged then grinned arrogantly, “Besides I am naturally talented.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at his reply and Max suddenly demanded to Nacedo, “We have some questions and I want the truth from you.”

Nacedo looked surprised for a moment then found himself answering humbly, “Yes your Majesty.”

He then scowled wondering how Max found out Nacedo was programmed to obey his orders but the smirk on Michael’s face told him how. Both Max and Isabel looked stunned, as this was the first time Nacedo had addressed Max as King.

“Is there really a Royal Four and destiny?” Max asked and Tess gasped.

“Of course there is Max. How could you?” Tess yelled belligerently but Max ignored her and continued, “There is no fifth?”

“Yes. The Royal Four are destined to fight together against Kivar. And no,” Nacedo looked at Max puzzled. “There is no fifth.”

Isabel who had seen Max’s flash of disappointment suddenly asked, “How many pods were sent in the ship totally?” And Michael looked up interested.

Nacedo hesitated for a second before replying nervously, “Four.”

“The truth Nacedo,” Max ordered.

“Eight” Nacedo said sourly followed by gasps in the room and a crash as Michael fell down from his chair in shock.

A.N: Okay okay I know you probably have more questions after reading this part but I promise you will get the answers soon :D
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.