Alien Hocus Pocus - AU M/L ADULT - ~{COMPLETE}~

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Part 21

Post by Emz80m »

Part 21

A few weeks later Michael entered Maria and Liz’s apartment and found Liz standing on her bed waving her hands around everywhere.

‘Ah Liz, what are you doing?’ he asked her.

Liz gave him a sharp look and then explained ‘Well I am attempting to sound proof my wall’

‘Okay, but why?’ he asked perplexed.

‘Because it’s bad enough Michael that I have to feel your roommate fucking his girlfriend, I don’t want to have to hear it anymore’ Liz snapped at him.

Michael nodded his head and then attempted to help her as best as he could. That’s how Maria found them when she got home about an hour later.

‘So are you going out with Dave again Lizzie?’ Maria asked cautiously.

‘Um yeah we’re going to a movie tomorrow night’ Liz replied half-heartedly and then hopped up.

‘Are you guys going to be here tonight or next door?’ she asked

They both looked at each other and then Michael answered ‘My place’

Liz smiled and then left them.

‘What’s up with this Dave?’ Michael asked Maria.

‘Well he’s the only guy Liz has gone on a second date with since the whole fiasco with Max’ she answered.

‘What?’ he asked shocked.
‘Yep it’s a long story but basically this connection thing is a lot harder on Liz than she let’s on. You should talk to her about it’ she finished, and then they left to go next door.

A couple of hours later Liz was laid out on the lounge in a little tank and three quarter sweats waiting for her Chinese take out when there was a knock at the door. Knowing it was too soon to be her take out she reluctantly answered the door. ‘Max, what’s up?’ she asked when she realised it was him at the door.

‘Remember that offer a few weeks ago about anytime I needed an escape from our roomies?’ he asked with his lost puppy look.

Liz noted the pile of books he was holding ‘Yeah?’ she replied.

‘Them having sex and me studying aren’t a good combination’ he continued.

Liz reluctantly opened the door wider inviting him in ‘tell me about it’ she mumbled.

Max heard her though and couldn’t help but chuckle. ‘Thanks Liz I have that assignment due on Monday and I just want to get it done’

‘No problem, you can use the table’ she told him, and then lay back down on the couch to resume watching her DVD.

About a half an hour later there was another knock at the door and Liz jumped up and with her wallet to collect her Chinese. ‘I don’t normally share well but since I am sure all that studying had made you hungry I’m willing to give it a try.’ She smiled at Max offering him a pair of chopsticks. Max smiled back and accepted her offer coming to sit with her on the couch ‘what are you watching?’ he asked.

‘Oh A Walk to Remember’ she replied. ‘How’s the assignment going?’

‘I am pretty much finished so the Chinese had good timing’ he replied.

After sharing the Chinese back and forth between each other Max sat back on the couch with Liz and watched a DVD with her. When it ended Liz couldn’t help but smile at Max when she saw that there was the hint of tears pooling in his eyes. She herself had practically begun sobbing towards the end of the movie and now had her head in Max’s lap for comfort.

‘That was so sad’ she said.

‘Yeah’ he replied. They sat in silence for a few minutes before the sound of Max’s ringing cell broke the silence. Liz lifted up so that he could get his phone out of his pocket.

‘Hello’ he spoke into it. ‘Shit, no I forgot I’ve been studying’ pause ‘No I’m not at the apartment but Michael should have picked up’ pause ‘nah I’m not really in the mood how about tomorrow night?’ pause ‘Okay, bye’ he hung up the phone and groaned inwardly.

‘Problem?’ she asked

‘Oh not really. I kind of stood Jessica up’ he smiled.

Liz couldn’t help but laugh at the situation, here he was with her eating Chinese and watching DVD’s like is was a regular occurrence why his girlfriend was being stood up.

‘What’s the time anyhow?’ Liz asked

‘Oh 8.30’ he replied after looking at his watch.

‘Well I have another DVD is you want to watch it with me’ she asked

‘Sure’ he smiled.


The next night Liz was on her way home from her second date with Dave. So far everything had been great and surprisingly for the first time in a long time Liz was actually having a good time. Dave walked her to her front door and the minute they stopped Liz became nervous, she could feel Max and knew that he was next door and also knew that this was crunch time if Dave attempted to kiss or touch her.

Placing her key in the door she unlocked it and opened it slightly ‘Thanks for tonight Dave I had a really nice time’ Liz smiled up at him. ‘Me too’ he replied while moving in to kiss her. Liz let him, bracing herself to follow through with it. The kiss was gentle and hadn’t been going long when the door opening and closing loudly at Michael and Max’s apartment interrupted the two followed by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Liz broke away from the kiss and looked over to the door where Max was standing. Unsure of what the look on his face meant she ignored him she turned back to Dave ‘Did you want to come in?’ she asked.

Dave looked from Liz to Max and back to Liz before answering ‘I should really get going. I’ll see you in class’ he replied and then left.

Liz ignored Max and walked into her apartment slamming the door behind her. Michael and Maria came running out of Maria’s room to see what was wrong after the sound. They didn’t need to ask Liz to see how furious she was about something and Liz simply pointed to Michael and then to next door. Michael knew better than to argue and quickly went next door.

Max was still standing outside the two apartments trying to control himself when Michael exited Liz and Maria’s apartment.

‘Maxwell what did you do?’ he yelled.

‘I couldn’t help is Michael if he hadn’t of left when he did I would have thrown him out’ Max replied.

‘Where’s Jessica?’ Michael asked confused.

‘Inside’ he replied pointing to their apartment.

‘Send her home and then get your ass over here’ Michael commanded and then entered Maria and Liz’s apartment again.

Max took a deep breath and went back into his own apartment to talk to Jessica. He was met with a very furious Jessica ‘Where the hell did you go?’ she yelled.

‘Um just outside, listen I think it would be best if you went back to your place’ he told her.

‘No uh huh Max I’m not going anywhere’ she stated.

‘Jessica I have some family things to sort out with Michael and Liz and I think you should go home. I will call you tomorrow.’ He told her again, his voice more stern this time.

‘Family stuff huh, they aren’t even your family Max’ she yelled.

At that comment Max snapped, how dare she presume to know who was and wasn’t part of his family.

‘I’m going next door and I suggest that you go home NOW’ he yelled back. He didn’t wait for her to respond he simply left.

Next door Michael and Maria were sitting on the couch watching a furious Liz pace; they had heard the entire conversation between Max and Jessica next door and were now waiting for Max.

Five minutes later, after being sure that Jessica had in fact left Max knocked on Liz and Maria’s apartment door. Michael hopped up and opened it, revealing to Max immediately that the feelings he had been getting from Liz were in fact correct, she was furious.

‘Liz I am so sorry, I cant tell you how sorry I am I just couldn’t control my self. I didn’t even realise what I was doing until after I had done it. I hope I didn’t ruin things between you’ he started begging.
Liz stopped pacing and looked at him, she could tell he was sorry, she felt his remorse and saw it on his face.

‘Liz please forgive me, the connection just sent me out of control and I have no idea why I did what I did, it’s never happened before’ he continued.

Liz shook her head ‘Can I forgive you?’ Liz asked herself and then looked at Maria ‘You know what how dare you Max?’ she began to yell at him ‘the reason why you’ve never had to deal with it before it because I don’t or rather I cant date’ Max’s face fell and then looked to Maria for confirmation, she shook her head.

‘Oh yeah I’ve had a few dates here and there but then they go ahead and try to touch me, I practically run screaming and funny enough they don’t call again Max and the one time you have to try and handle yourself you cant. You know Max at least now you’ve had a very small taste of your own medicine’

Max looked at her confused ‘Oh well lucky me I not only get to feel what you feel when you fuck your girlfriend, oh and feel like your doing it in my room, I also get the added effect of wanting to rip her hair out. Oh and for a while there I got to hear it too you bastard.’ Liz didn’t wait for his response she stormed off into her room slamming the door behind her sinking to the ground sobbing.

Max sunk into the couch devastated. ‘I had no idea’ he didn’t get to wallow in his own pity for very long before the most intense wave of emotion flooded him. Liz was crying uncontrollably and Max knew immediately that she needed him, and that he was the one who would be able to calm her down. Without hesitation he jumped off the couch and ran into her room. When he saw her rolled up on the floor in the fetal position sobbing uncontrollably his hear broke. He sat down on the floor against her bed and pulled her onto his lap and sat with her until she eventually fell asleep.
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Part 22

Post by Emz80m »

Part 22

The next morning Liz was woken up by Maria when she brought her breakfast in bed. Maria smiled at her best friend ‘Morning sweetie how are you feeling this morning?’

‘Um a lot better thanks. I think I really needed to get that stuff of my chest’ she replied. ‘Do you think I could convince my best friend to come to day of relaxation at the spa place around the corner?’ she asked.

‘Hell yes’ Maria replied.

Next door Max was busy getting everything together for classes that day.

‘How’s Liz today?’ Michael asked coming out of his room

‘Well she just woke up but considering how she was before she went to sleep last night pretty good’ Max replied.

‘Very good’ Michael smiled.

‘Yeah’ Max smiled back ‘See ya Michael’ and then left.

At the spa later that day Maria and Liz were being pampered. They were now in mud baths with cucumbers covering their eyes. ‘So Liz are you sure you’re ok?’ Maria asked.

‘Actually I’m better than okay Ria because I’ve come to a very important decision’ she replied with a big grin on her face.

‘And that would be’ Maria asked anxiously.

‘I’m going to take back what’s mine’

Maria immediately removed the cucumber from her eyes and turned to look at her best friend. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

‘Well I’m sick of feeling this way. I don’t just feel the way I do because of this stupid connection with Max I feel this way because I love him and I belong with him’ she replied lowering her voice so that no one could over hear.

‘So what’s the plan?’ Maria asked, she was happy that her best friend had finally admitted her true feelings and that the Liz of old was returning.

‘Well the plan is that I have to get Jessica out of the picture and convince him that he belongs with me. I want him to come to me though I’m not going to throw myself at him’ she told Maria.

‘So I think that best place to start is with you and Michael’ Liz grinned.

‘How can we help?’ Maria asked confused.

‘Well Max and I sort of made an agreement that when we couldn’t be in the apartment with the two of you for various reasons that we could escape to each other’s place, so I need you to be there tonight’ Liz explained.

‘What various reasons?’ Maria asked.

‘Well when the two of you are going at it’ Liz laughed at the look of horror on her best friends face.

‘God Liz I am so sorry’

‘Don’t worry about me you haven’t driven me out yet but Max had to leave the other nights’ she continued to laugh at her best friends now crimson face.

‘Okay so we’ll hang at our place tonight and then you can go next door and hang with Max?’ Maria confirmed.

‘Yeah I figure a bit more one on one time is the best place to start’

Both girls went back to relaxing and enjoying the rest of their afternoon before having to worry about putting their plan into action.

That night Max returned home from classes to find Michael just about to walk out the door.

‘Hey man, have you seen Liz today, she didn’t come to any of our classes’ Max asked concerned.

‘Yeah her and Maria went to some spa for the day, they were both fine before. I’m heading there now’ Michael told him and then left.

Max decided to grab a shower and make the most of the alone time in the apartment, he knew he would have to call Jessica and tell her something tonight, what he wasn’t too sure about what yet.

He had just pulled on some sweats after his shower when he heard a knock on the door. Opening it he was greeted with a smiling Liz ‘Hey’ he said opening the door so that she could come in.

‘Hey’ she replied. She had taken a step in but was finding it hard to concentrate on anything but the site of Max who was standing there in a pair of loose sweats. His body look like a Greek god and it took a lot of her will power not to jump him.

‘I was hoping you could help me out with a couple of things’ she told him forcing her eyes to look elsewhere. Max couldn’t stop the grin that formed when he saw her staring at him; it had been so long since Liz had looked at him in that way.

‘I was hoping I could hang out here since our roomies have taken over my place, and that I could borrow your notes from today’s lectures?’ she asked.

‘Yes’ he answered simply.

‘Yes to what?’ she asked with a grin.

‘To both on one condition’ he grinned back. He looked at his watch ‘that you eat pizza with me, it’s 6 and I'm starving’
‘Only if we get pepperoni’ she told him seriously.

‘Liz you wound me, would we eat pizza any other way’ he joked.

Liz smiled and Max led her over to the table where his books were laid out from when he got home. He gave her the class notes and told her to make herself at home, telling her he was going to go order the pizza. Liz removed her shoes and pulled her hair out before she sat down on the couch and began to read the notes Max had given her. Max had made his way over to get the phone and the menu for the pizza place from around her corner. Liz noticed that he had made no move to put a shirt on and was happy that she could enjoy the view for a bit longer.

While Max was on the phone there was a knock on the door, knowing that Max hadn’t heard it she went over to answer it. ‘Coming’ she called out when the knocking persisted. What greeted her when she opened the door was a very pissed of Jessica who upon seeing Liz answering the door pushed her way through and into the apartment.

‘It should be here in about half an hour Liz’ Max called out as he made his way back into the living room where he had last seen Liz. Liz was still standing at the door while Jessica was standing in the middle of the room with her arms on her hips.

Max looked up when he saw where Liz was standing and she indicated with her eyes the fact that he had a visitor. Turning around he saw Jessica ‘Jess, what are you doing here?’ he greeted her. Liz walked over and sat back down on the couch after telling herself that she was not going to back down or leave, Max belonged with her and it was obvious from his feelings when he saw Jessica that she wouldn’t have to do much to get her out of the scene.

Jessica was seething ‘Well I came to see my boyfriend who kicked me out of his apartment last night; I was going to give him the opportunity to apologise. Now what the hell is she doing here?’ she yelled pointing to Liz.

Max was about to respond but Liz beat him to it ‘Well Max and I are roomies at the moment since Michael and Maria have taken over my apartment’ she told her.

‘Oh I don’t think so. Max there is no way I am gong to allow you to live here with, with her’ she yelled at Max.

‘Well it’s a good thing I wasn’t asking for permission then wasn’t it’ Max said sarcastically.

Jessica shook her head shocked, and then took in Max’s appearance and lack of clothing as well as Liz’s ‘Oh so that’s it you’re fucking that slut behind my back’ she raged.

‘Don’t you dare speak about Liz that way again’ Max yelled at her again.

Liz got up ‘ uh Max maybe I should go, I’m sure Michael and Maria won’t mind’ she said to Max.

‘No it’s fine Liz, besides the pizza will be here soon’ he answered her.

‘No it’s not fine Max, you and I need to talk because I am getting pretty damned tired of being so low on your list of priorities’ Jessica stated.

‘I’m not sure what there is to talk about Jessica. Last night I had something that I needed to sort out with Liz and Michael and I asked you to go home. You were the one who argued and refused, just like you barged in here 10 minutes ago, called my best friend a slut and are still standing here making demands’ Max replied.

Jessica was shocked she had never seen Max so angry before and she couldn’t believe he was airing their dirty laundry in front of other people. ‘Okay I admit that I was out of line with what I said about Liz earlier and I will apologise but ever since you moved in with Michael and started here you are this totally different person and I cant help but think that’s because of her’ she reasoned.

‘You’re right it is because of her.’ He told her honestly.

Jessica shook her head and then turned and apologised to Liz, who accepted easily.

There was a knock at the door and Max went to answer it knowing it would be the pizza he had ordered earlier for him and Liz. Bringing the Pizza back into the living room he placed it on the coffee table in front of Liz and waited for Jessica’s next move.

‘I’m going to go’ she said simply. Max walked her to the door and when she looked up at him he knew what he needed to do. He couldn’t continue with the way things were any longer. ‘Look Jessica I think we should end this why there is still a possibility of us being friends. After what just happened then and last night its pretty obvious to me the way you feel about my friends and I don’t want to be with someone that feels that way.’ He told her simply. Jessica went to speak but couldn’t get anything out because there was a sob caught at the back of her throat. ‘I guess I’ll see you round’ he smiled and then closed the door quietly.

Liz hadn’t heard the conversation between Max and Jessica while they were at the door but she knew it must have gone better than it had been because she could feel relief sweep over Max. He returned to her and handed her a can of soda and then began to eat the pizza. [Wow Jessica sure knows how to kill someone’s good mood] she thought to herself.

‘That’s for sure’ Max replied.

Liz looked at him with shock written all over her face ‘What?’ Max asked her with a mouthful of food.
‘I never said that out loud, and we’re not touching’ she told him.

‘Oh’ he replied, his brow furrowing and putting the piece of pizza down that he was holding.

[Liz can you hear me?] he said in his mind

[Yes, very clearly] she replied


Max picked up his pizza and began eating again [least I don’t have to be worried about you keeping secrets from me anymore] he thought, and then turned and smiled when he saw how red her face had turned.

[Yeah well be careful what you wish for Evan’s because I am sure there is some stuff in that skull of yours you don’t want me to know about as well] Max laughed in between bites of pizza and then almost spat it out when he received and image from Liz of the two of them going at it on the table in the Crashdown.

[You ok?] She asked him trying not to laugh, she had sent him that image on purpose and was hoping he wouldn’t realise it.

Finishing off the last bite of her pizza she looked over at Max who had remained quiet, but his face had turned bright red.

‘So do you have anything here for dessert?’ she asked him, giving him a look that told him she wasn’t talking about food.

Max turned to look at her to see if she was being serious, Liz had put on her best innocent face when she saw that Max was turning to look at her. She wanted more than anything to just say to hell with it and jump into his arms but she wanted him to come to her, she didn’t just want sex from him, she wanted his love as well this time.

‘I can offer you some ice cream, how you choose to use it is up to’ he replied with a grin. He then sent her an image of him licking ice cream off her naked body.

Liz arched her eyebrow at his comment and pretended not to be effected by the image he had projected to her ‘A cone would be great, I prefer to lick and suck at and a spoon just isn’t big enough’

Shaking the image from his head of Liz sucking and licking him he left to get them some ice cream. In the kitchen he took the time to think about what he wanted to do now that there was nothing stopping him from telling Liz how he felt. He decided to form a plan that ended is Liz falling head over heels in love with him and it would start with flowers and a date tomorrow. With a huge grin he returned to the kitchen with the tub of ice cream and two spoons. ‘Sorry but you’ll have to make do with the spoon tonight’ he told her.

‘Okay, if I have too’ she played along.

The two spent the rest of the night talking, laughing and watching television.
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Part 23

Post by Emz80m »

Part 23

The next morning Liz and Maria were sitting together in their apartment enjoying breakfast before their morning classes.

‘So you look happy this morning chica, I take it everything went well last night?’ Maria asked Liz.

Liz smiled and nodded her head ‘Well except for the huge confrontation with Jessica I cant complain’

‘Yeah we heard some of that’ Maria told her. Their conversation was interrupted by knock at the door and Maria got up to answer it.

Maria opened the door to delivery guy who was holding a large bouquet of white roses ‘Delivery for Parker’ he said to Maria who hadn’t yet spoken.

Liz had heard her name and made her way over to the door, when she saw the flowers she gasped. Maria took the flowers for her friend and Liz signed the delivery slip and then closed the door. ‘Wow’ she finally said when she took a better look at the flowers Maria was handing her ‘Read the card, I’ll put them in water’ Maria ordered.

Liz took the small card from the flowers and sat down to read it.

Dear Liz,
I realised that I forgot our traditional second course of dessert last night. Let me make it up to you tonight?

-xx- Max

Liz smiled when she finished reading the note from Max, she hopped up and went over to where Maria had placed the flowers and took in a deep breath of their fragrance.

‘So’ an impatient Maria asked.

‘There from Max and he wants to take me out tonight’ she beamed.

Maria squealed and then gave her a huge hug ‘that’s great sweetie’ she told her. ‘Isn’t it?’ Maria asked again after she saw the look on Liz’s face.

‘Yeah it is but I just remembered I have to work tonight, and I cant get out of it either’ she replied.

‘Oh well just tell him that you’ll do it another night’ Maria responded easily.

‘I guess I don’t have much choice’ she sighed. She looked at her watch and then at the door contemplating whether it was too early to go next door and thank him personally.

‘I’m sure he’s up’ Maria told her with a smile on her face.

‘Yeah I’m just gonna go’ Liz said pointing at the door to gesture she was going next door.

Liz knocked on the door quietly, remembering that Michael wasn’t a morning person and thinking that if Max was up and about he would hear her.

Max was sitting at the breakfast table eating some cereal and going over some notes for class when he heard the knock at the door, he hopped up quickly when he realised that it felt like Liz. Liz didn’t wait for the door to open completely before she launched herself into Max’s arm, she didn’t need to see him to know that it was him, and right now she was so happy she didn’t care.

‘Good morning to you too Parker’ he smiled against her temple.

‘Hmm best morning’ she replied into his neck, she had no intention of relinquishing the hold she had on him.

Max pulled back to look at her face, her reaction to him this morning was enough to tell him that she liked the flowers but he wanted to know desperately if she was going to go out with him that night.

Feeling him pull back Liz raised her eyes to look at him also ‘Thank you, they’re beautiful’ she whispered.

Max couldn’t resist the urge, and bent down and placed a featherlike kiss on her nose, ‘Not as beautiful as you’ he told her.

Liz blushed, ‘Thank you, but about tonight I’m sorry but I have to work’

‘Oh’ he replied letting go of her. Liz could see the disappointment in his face ‘but maybe you could meet me afterwards and we could get some ice cream or something’ she asked quickly.

He smiled at her ‘I would love too, what time should I meet you?’ he asked

‘Say around 9?’ she replied.

‘Sounds great, so it’s a date then’ he stated rather than asked.

‘Sure is’ she said backing towards the door ‘well I have classes to get to, but thanks again for the flowers Max’

‘Your welcome’ he smiled again, and then she was gone.

Max Evans could barely contain the grin he had on his face for the rest of the day. Michael had commented on it, saying he hadn’t seen Max so happy before and Max knew that he was right. He had known since the day he saw her in third grade that Liz Parker was different from everyone else, and he knew it wasn’t because she was like him. He loved her, he always had and he knew that he wouldn’t let anything or anyone get in between them this time. He knew that they needed to talk about everything, he knew he needed to finally apologise, but most of all he knew that he needed to tell her that he loved her and that he was never going to let her go again.

That night Max met Liz out the front of the restaurant she worked at and they decided to go for a walk to the park. Max bought Liz a vanilla cone ane a chocolate one for himself and they walked hand in hand to the park talking about their days.

When they found a bench near a tree Max grabbed Liz and pulled her down next to him and putting his arm around her shoulders pulled her towards him and they sat in silence eating their ice cream.

‘So can I ask you something?’ Liz asked finally breaking the silence.

Max nodded ‘What’s going on with you and Jessica?’ she asked quietly.

‘I broke up with her, she isn’t the person I wanted to be with and that wasn’t fair to her or to me.’ he replied simply but looking her in the eye so that she could see that he was not going to lie to her. Liz nodded and then continued licking her ice cream.

After a few minutes contemplating what to say Liz looked at him ‘so who is it that you want to be with?’ she asked. Max smiled at her ‘I guess the dozen white roses wasn’t a very good hint’ he joked. ‘Liz I know that I have done things in the past that would cause you to not trust me, hell to not even like me. I cant take those things back as much as I would like to but you had to have known that it was because of how much I cared for you that I got as angry as I did.’ He continued.
Max went to keep going but was stopped when Liz reached up and pulled him towards her and giving him a very sweet kiss. When she pulled away from him she smiled at him and he smile back. ‘Can we go home, it’s getting a little cold?’ she asked.

Max placed a gently kiss on her temple ‘of course we can’ and then help her up.
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Part 24

Post by Emz80m »

Part 24

By the time they got back to their apartment Liz was shivering. They went straight to Max’s knowing that Michael and Maria would be at Liz and Maria’s for the night. Max pulled Liz towards his room and handed her a shirt and a pair of his sweats. ‘Go have a shower before you get frost bite’ he joked.

‘Thanks’ she replied and then went in the direction of the bathroom. Max decided to change as well and threw on another pair of sweats and a clean shirt. He was heading towards the kitchen to grab them a couple of sodas when he noticed the answering machine flashing. Pressing play he sat and listened to the several messages, which included one from Isabel, one from his Mum telling him to call about Thanksgiving and then 3 from Jessica asking him to call. Max sighed, he knew he should have realised that it wasn’t going to be that easy.

‘Cant be that bad’ Liz said as she made her way into the kitchen

[God I never should have given her my clothes, I want her in my clothes all the time so everyone knows that she’s mine] he thought as he watched her walking towards him.

Liz smiled shyly and sat down on the table where Max was seated before. ‘Thanks for letting me use the shower, I really needed that’ she said ‘and you know whether you wanted me to be or not I’ve been yours for quite some time now’ she smirked.

Max was stunned, he moved towards her swiftly and bent down and have her a very passionate and hungry kiss. He tried to pour every emotion he felt into the kiss so that she would maybe some how understand that he had never stopped wanting her, that he had always wanted her to be his. Hearing those words out of her mouth was like a dream come true for him and he decided that it was time to tell her that.

‘Liz.’ He started but was interrupted by very loud and persisting knocking on the door. He looked at her with an apologetic smile and made his way over to answer the door. What he saw when he opened it was a shock, it was Jessica and she looked totally distraught.

‘Oh Max, I’m sorry can you please forgive me, I don’t know what I was doing last night and I mean I love you and I want this to work, can you please give me another chance’ she rambled on, while pushing her way into the apartment. Max was frozen in place at the door.

Jessica looked at him expectantly, he finally snapped out of his confusion and closed the door quietly and turned to her. ‘Jessica what are you doing here? I mean it’s really late’ he asked.

‘I’ve been trying to call you, I mean I must have left like 5 messages and you didn’t ring me back so I decided to come over and see you, I mean I was so worried and your cell phone was turned off, you never turn it off’ she rambled in response.

Liz was sitting in the kitchen listening to the conversation going on in the living room. She was nervously biting her bottom lip wondering what she should do. She knew Max didn’t want to hurt Jessica’s feelings but she also knew that unless he was straight and ended everything quickly she would continue to interrupt their relationship.

The decision was taken out of her hands when she heard him calling to her [Help me please babe] he asked.

‘Look Jessica, I thought we said everything that needed to be said last night’ he told her firmly. He had heard what Liz was thinking and knew that she was right, and had decided to take her ideas and put them into action.

‘Nothing to talk about? Max we’ve been together for nearly 4 months. Do you really want to just throw that away because I over reacted about some girl visiting?’ she replied.

Liz entered the room silently and waited for Jessica to realise that they were no longer alone. It didn’t take long for her to notice her when Max’s eyes immediately fell to her when she walked into the room.

‘That’s the thing Jessica, she isn’t just some girl and you cant seem to understand that. I broke up with you because it was the best thing for you and me. I don’t feel the same way about you that you feel about me’ he told her.

‘What the hell are you doing here again?’ she yelled at Liz, never taking her eyes off her and ignoring everything Max had just said to her.

‘Max would you mind grabbing my drink from the kitchen?’ Liz asked him. she told him silently.

Max didn’t hesitate and left them alone. ‘Listen Jessica I don’t really know you and you don’t really know me but I think you do realise that I am not going away, that I wont be disappearing out of Max’s life anytime soon.’ She told her ‘ I know you think that it’s my fault that Max ended things with you but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There was nothing going on with Max and I when you two were together but that’s about to change and Max is trying to spare your feelings’ she continued.
‘Bullshit. Just shut the fuck up. You might think that you’ve snagged Max Evans but it’s fairly apparent that you don’t know him that well. Max is a player and he will dump your ass eventually like he has every other girl. Don’t think that I am going to just sit back and let you steal him. He’ll come back they always do’ she replied snidely.

Liz was taken back by the change in her attitude. She had never really known the girl from school but knew that this was her normal behaviour and that everything she had been doing since she had been with Max was an act. Liz was immediately suspicious it smelt like Tess and Liz couldn’t shake the feeling that somewhere along the line Jessica would lead back to Tess Harding.

Liz simply smiled sweetly at Jessica and worked towards the door and opened it ‘Bring it on’ she told her as she left the apartment in a huff.

Jessica turned once more to Liz before making her way down the hallway to leave ‘You’ll be sorry’. Liz simply just shook her head and closed the door.
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Part 25

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Part 25

Liz didn’t have much time in the week following hers and Max’s first date or the discussion she had with Jessica to think about what was really going on. She found herself busy with classes and working and the connection between Jessica and Tess was pushed to the bottom of the ‘to think about’ pile.

Max hadn’t heard a word from Jessica’s since the night in his apartment and believed that Jessica was going to let everything go, and leave him and Liz to move on in their relationship.

Max was standing outside of Liz and Maria’s door getting ready to knock when his thoughts drifted to Liz. They hadn’t had the opportunity to spend much time together since their date last week and Max couldn’t be more relieved that it was Friday night; he was looking forward to spending some quality time with her.

Liz answered the door quickly after hearing the knock, she smiled when she saw Max on the other side ‘Hey you’ she said.

‘Hey yourself beautiful’ he replied pulling her towards him and into his embrace. Liz couldn’t believe how good it felt to be in his arms again. [Hmm these arms were made for me] she thought to herself.

‘God I hope so’ he replied to her thought. Liz looked up at him and grinned. Liz led them towards the couch where they began to make out like high schoolers. ‘God I’ve missed you this week’ Max told her in between kisses.

Liz sat up and looked at him big smile lighting up her face and eyes. ‘Me too’ she told him.

She leaned forward to kiss him and then ran her tongue along his lower lip asking him for entrance again which he automatically granted. Their kisses were becoming more passionate and hungrier and a moan of dissatisfaction came from Liz when Max broke the kiss finally.

‘I’m sorry baby but I want to talk to you about something and if I don’t do it now I know we will get sidetracked and I wont do it’ he smiled at her.

Liz sat back up and moved over on the lounge to give Max some room. ‘This sounds serious’ she replied and small frown gracing her face just above her eyebrows. She automatically moved to push her hair behind her ear and was biting on her lower lips, which were both obvious signs of nervousness. Even if Max couldn’t feel it through the connection he could tell by the gestures.

He reached out and took her hand. ‘Well I guess it kind of is. I guess I was just wondering if we could talk about us, I mean about us being together and if that’s what you want and about things that happened before. I mean we haven’t really discussed it and I guess I wanted to get it out there and ask if there is anyway that you can forgive me’ he asked nervously.

Liz looked at him; she could see the vulnerability in his eyes and immediately wanted to reassure him. ‘Well I was hoping that you would be my boyfriend’ she answered ‘ I already consider you my best friend and my king’ she continued, lowering her eyes to avoid looking him in the eyes.

Max reached for her and raised her chin so that she as forced to look at him ‘Liz that’s what I want more than ever, because you are all of those things and more to me too’

‘I think I want to add one more think to that list though Max’ she said quietly, it almost a whisper. She leaned in and gave him a gentle and kiss making a trail towards his ear ‘because I am pretty sure you’re my soul mate too’

Max heart soared after hearing Liz call him her soul mate; he knew that it was true no one knew his heart and soul like Liz Parker. He quickly claimed her mouth again luring her into a passionate kiss forgetting about everything else he wanted to talk to her about; he tried to put everything into the kiss so that she would know how much her words had meant to him. When he finally pulled away he could see a few tears gently sliding down Liz’s face and his own eyes were filled with tears also. He gave her the biggest smile he could ‘that sounds perfect, Liz Parker my best friend, my girlfriend, my queen, my soul mate and the women I love’ he replied.

Liz gasped and the tears continued to fall down her face. ‘What did you say?’ she asked. Max couldn’t help but smile at the surprised look on her face ‘I said it sounds perfect’ he replied with a grin.

‘No after that?’ she asked again.

Max pushed her down into the couch and then moved his body so that he was laying above her, he gave her a sweet kiss and then looked her in the eye ‘I said that I love you’ he told her, voice full of passion. Liz smiled up at him, and he moved his hand to wipe the tears that had fallen down her face ‘I love you too’ she told him and then reached up to bring him down to her lips.

Their kisses quickly turned more passionate and hungry as their hands began to wander the curves of each other’s bodies. Pulling away from their kiss Max stood and pulled Liz into him arms and walked towards her bedroom, he placed her on the middle of the bed then followed her on.

Liz reached up and pulled Max towards her waiting mouth again as her hands wandered under his shirt tracing the lines of his abs and running up to his chest. Becoming frustrated she pulled on the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head and began placing gentle kisses all over his chest. Pulling one of his nipples into her mouth she smiled when she heard Max moan. Recovering quickly Max began his own exploration of Liz’s body quickly discarding of her baby tee and slowly kissing a path of kisses from behind her ear, down her neck and all over her collarbone. When his mouth made its way towards her chest he looked at her for permission before reaching for the clasp of her bra and removing it from her body. Once it was discarded he cupped her breasts in his hands and then lowered his mouth over her perky nipple, ‘Mmmm’ Liz moaned.

After giving each breast an equal amount of attention she started a trail down her stomach and stopped when he reached the waist of her jeans. Liz lifted her hips up into him to let him know that she wanted him to remove them quickly. Taking her lead Max unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them and her panties down over her hips and threw them over his shoulders. ‘I think your wearing too many clothes’ Liz mumbled in between kisses that she was placing all over his chest and jaw line.

Reluctantly pulling away he quickly discarded of his jeans and boxes and crawled back on the bed to Liz. ‘God your beautiful’

He moved back in to kiss her again as his hand wandered down in her curls; he parted her lips and easily slipped a finger inside her to test if she was ready for him. Liz arched up at the contact and her hand immediately found it’s way to his very erect penis and she began to stroke it slowly. ‘Oh baby I love your hands on me’ Max moaned at the contact ‘but if you keep going it’s going to be all over before we’ve started’ he smiled at her and she removed her hand.

Placing himself at her entrance he looked at her one last time to be sure that this was what she wanted, what he saw took his breath away, Liz lay there with very red swollen lips and desire and love in her eyes, love that he knew was for him. He entered her with one swift thrust and they both moaned in union at the pleasure of their joining.

He started a slow but hard rhythm taking his time to be sure that they would both enjoy every second of being reunited again in body. Liz raised her legs and wrapped them around her waist [harder baby] she told him. Max couldn’t deny her and began to pump into her faster and she met every one of his thrusts with one of her own.

[Oh Liz, I love you baby, so much] he told her. Liz was close and all it took were Max’s words of love to send over the edge

‘Oh yes Max yes baby’ she screamed out.

Her walls tightening around his hard cock and her screams of ecstasy sent Max following her very quickly and he came sending his seed deep inside of her was the last think he heard as he continued to come. He continued to thrust inside of her slowly as he was coming out of his orgasm and then slowly collapsed on top of her. ‘Did you feel that’ she asked him. During their orgasm Liz had felt Max’s soul reaching for hers and she released it too him quickly. He smiled at her ‘Yeah, you soul is so beautiful and strong’ he replied. Max rolled off her then and to the side [come here bub I don’t want you that far away from me] he begged and pulled her toward him and she rested her head on his chest. This was the same position they both fell into a peaceful sleep in.
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Part 26

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Part 26

Liz was having the best dream that night. She was dreaming that Max was with her and they had just the spent the night making love and whispering sweet nothings to each other when she was woken by the banging on the door. Slowly coming out of her dream like state she began to sit up and then smiled when she realised that Max was actually with her, and very naked laying next to her.

Max felt the shift in the bed before he registered the loud knocking on the door. He got up quickly and put his boxers on and then turned back to Liz ‘I’ll get it’ he smiled ‘stay in bed, I’ll be getting rid of who ever is at your door and then I’ll be back’ he smirked.

‘You better not disappoint me Evans’ she smirked back and then sank back into the bed.

Max made his was quickly to the door and swung it open ready to rip into whoever it was knocking at this ridiculous hour. When he opened the door he was shocked to see the eyes of his dupe staring back at him.

Not waiting for an invitation like usual Zan barged into the apartment and started screaming ‘Where is she, is she ok’

Hearing the commotion and the New York accented voice Liz quickly hopped out of bed donned her short silk robe and made her way out to the living room.

Zan immediately ran to her and pulled her into his embrace and sighed in relief when he saw her. Liz could tell immediately that something was wrong and with a quick glance at Max to see his reaction she lead Zan to the couch and pushed him into it to sit down. Liz sat opposite him and waited for Max to come and sit with her.

‘I’m sorry Liz, but all of sudden I couldn’t feel you anymore, you were just gone and I thought something terrible must have happened’ he rambled. Liz looked at him in confusion.

‘Since you’ve been here you’ve been close enough that I could feel the connection humming in the back of my head, and tonight it was just gone’ he continued. Getting his concerns of his chest he automatically felt better and then moved his gaze to Max. Anger immediately took over and he looked back at Liz and pointedly asked ‘what the hell is he doing here Liz? After everything he’s put you through why is he here?’

Max immediately became annoyed by Zan’s comment, but he also felt guilty because he knew that everything he said was true and then he remembered that he had wanted to talk to Liz about it this afternoon before they moved on further in their relationship and he had selfishly forgotten.

[Stop is baby] he heard in his head from Liz and couldn’t help but smile. She reached out and took Max’s hand and led him from the spot where he was standing behind the couch to sit next to her. ‘Not that it is any of your business Zan but Max and I are working things out and we’re together’ she stated.

Zan looked from Liz to Max and then back to Liz ‘You finished the bonding didn’t you?’ he asked quietly.

Max looked at Liz stunned [What is he talking about?] he asked. [Well I think out souls joined tonight when we made love, that’s what happens when Antarians give themselves in love to their soul mates] Liz answered and then smiled at him. Max smiled back at her, he wanted to jump out off the lounge and shout in joy.

‘Yes’ Liz answered Zan finally. [Can you go put some coffee on please?] Liz silently asked Max, she needed to a few minutes along with Zan. Max nodded and the walked off into the kitchen.

‘Look Zan, I know that all of this has been hard on you in one way or another but Max and I love each other an we are going to be together from now on and I think that this is a good thing for you too’ she told him sincerely.

‘How do you figure that’ Zan asked sarcastically.

‘Because before I came into your life you were happy with Ava’ Liz could tell that Zan was about to protest to her comment and put her hand up to silence him and let him know that she wasn’t finished. ‘Don’t deny it Zan because you and I both know that it is true and Ava doesn’t deserve to be second best in your eyes any longer. If you don’t have feelings for her then you should go out and find someone that you do’

Zan nodded he knew that she was right. He was about to ask her if this was what she really wanted but stopped when Max came back in the room and handed him a cup of hot coffee.

‘While I am here I guess it’s a good time to tell you that I saw Tess’nar in New York a few weeks ago. Nicholas has been trying to get his claws into Lonnie as a bargaining chip to get Khivar to send a ship so he can go home. Looks like they are working together so I would suggest that you prepare yourself because they’ll be coming for the granolith sooner or later’ Max and Liz exchanged looks after hearing what Zan had said and nodded.

‘Thanks’ Max replied [we need to find the granolith and soon] he told her silently.

After Zan left Max and Liz went back into Liz’s room and got into bed, neither speaking about the unsettling news that Tess was back.

‘Nigh Liz, love you’ Max whispered in her ear.

‘Love you too’ Liz whispered back and minutes later they were both asleep.
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Part 27

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Part 27

In the following weeks after Zan’s visit to Liz’s apartment Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz spent a considerable amount of time with each other practising and honing their powers. They had found that when connected with Liz they were able to use their powers to a much higher ability, especially Max’s shield. They had all talked about the information Zan had given them on Tess and decided they wanted to be prepared for when the time came that they would have to fight their enemies.

After spending the afternoon with Michael practising their blasts Liz and Michael returned to his apartment to find Max on the phone with his Mum.

‘Yeah mum I will get Isabel to ring you and let you know what time out flight is coming in’ he sighed into the phone.

‘Yeah you to mum, bye’ he placed the phone down gently and turned around the engulfed Liz in his embrace.

[Hey you] she gave his a sweet kiss.

[Hey yourself gorgeous] he replied.

Michael excused himself and left to go next door in search of Maria. Max and Liz were in their own world and hadn’t even noticed that Michael had left. Dragging him over to the couch Liz sat down with Max and remained silent waiting for him to talk to her, she could tell that he had something on his mind that he wanted to talk to her about and decided not to push him that he would come to her when he was ready.

Max was enjoying the quiet time that him and Liz were sharing. Lately things had been so hectic that they hardly had a moment to themselves.


‘That was my mum that I was talking to on the phone when you and Michael came in, we were discussing Thanksgiving’

‘Okay’ she replied quietly not sure if she understood where this conversation was going.

‘Where will you be for Thanksgiving?’ he smiled at her.

‘Well Mum and Dad are going to be in Florida I was either going to go there or just stay here and study’ she told him.

‘Come home to Roswell with me, spend Thanksgiving with me’ he asked. Liz could see the hopeful look in his eyes and knew that there was no way that she could deny him, she couldn’t stand the thought of being away from him.

‘Yes’ it was one simple word but the smile that she received in return for it from Max could have lit an entire street. They were both finally happy.

2 days later Liz, Maria, Michael, Isabel and Alex were all in the girl’s apartment waiting for Max to get home so that they could all sit down and eat dinner together. The get togethers had been occurring more and more regularly lately with everyone needing to be in contact with the rest of their little family with the growing fear that conflict was around the corner.

Max parked the jeep in front of their apartment complex and began to walk quickly up to the apartment. He knew that he was running late but his group had insisted on getting together once more before Thanksgiving to go over their project. In his rush to get to his apartment he didn’t notice that he was being closely followed.

Hearing the door to next doors apartment slam Liz immediately got up ‘Where are you going’ Maria asked, confused.

‘I thought I heard the apartment door close so I was just going to see what was keeping Max’ Liz smiled at her friends and quickly walked towards her bedroom so that she could enter through the door her Max had created so that could both easily access the others room.

Next door – Max quickly dumped his bag and was about to head back out the door when he was confronted by the three people that had been following him all day. Freezing at the sight of Tess with Jessica and a short kid who he immediately assumed was Nicholas.

‘And to what do I owe this privilege Tess’ he asked them, not moving to allow them to enter the apartment.

‘Your majesty, still as stupid in this life as you were in the last. Do you know how easy it is to follow you?’ the short kid asked sarcastically.

Max raised an eyebrow at the comment ‘Well considering I haven’t been hiding that doesn’t surprise me’

Taking a step back from the door Max allowed them to enter the premises realising that a confrontation out in the hall would not be an option. He immediately opened his connection and called for Liz trying to let her know that he needed her, Isabel and Michael.

‘And where’s your trusted second these days? Leaving you to be attacked by your enemies again?’ the kid laughed again.

‘Look as much as I’m enjoying this little chit chat before we continue with play time maybe you could at least provide me with your name?’

‘Nicholas’ was his sharp reply. ‘See you probably don’t remember me Zan but I was there the last time that you died, fairly ironic isn’t it’ he smirked.

‘How so’ Max knew what he was getting at but knew that the longer he kept him talking the better chance that Liz the others would get to him in time.

Liz was standing in the bedroom listening to the conversation between Max and Nicholas gong backwards and forwards, she had worked out from her connection with Max that there was three of them and that she needed to get Michael and Isabel now.

Running back into the apartment Liz startled the rest of the gang. ‘Michael, Isabel we have to get next door now’ she yelled at the other two aliens.

Michael immediately jumped to his feet when he heard the urgency in Liz’s voice and began to follow her through her bedroom and into Max’s.

Using their connection Liz let Max know that they were on their way and to hold tight. Once they entered the bedroom Liz began to talk to Max through their connection. [Okay Max we’re all in the bedroom, get read to raise your shield, as soon as we come out Michael is going to send a blast towards them and then I will help you with the shield do it protects us all, okay?]

[Sounds like a plan to me] he sent back.

‘Well I thought they would at least make you smarter this time around Zan’ Nicholas finally answered him with a laugh, both Tess and Jessica joined in. ‘I mean you’ve been sleeping with the enemy for weeks and you didn’t even know she was an alien’ he continued.

‘Yeah well you see I’ve had alien sex before and I knew how good it was, and you see sex with Jessica was worse than pulling your toenails out so it isn’t surprising I didn’t figure it out’ Max smirked when he saw the look of humiliation and anger on Jessica’s face.

‘You’re going to pay for that’ Jessica screamed and raised her hand to send a blast at him. Max immediately went into defensive mode and lifted his shield, which blocked the blast with little effort.

[Now] he screamed in his mind.

The next few minutes were like a blur after his shield went up. A huge blast was thrown at Nicholas by Michael and Liz sending him flying and turning his body into thick cloud of skin dust. Liz immediately joined with Max to increase the shield to include Michael and Isabel brought up the rear sending another blast which sent Jessica flying towards the wall and knocking her out cold, leaving Tess as the only one standing. Realising that she was defenceless against them without her powers she turned towards the door and began to make a run for it. She was just about to enter the hallway when a jolt pulled her back towards the four aliens.

‘You didn’t think I would let you get away again did you’ Max mocked her.

‘Treason against your king Tes’nar is punishable by death’ Michael added easily slipping into second mode and with a nod from Max he sent a blast towards her and she disappeared into a pile of ash right in front of their eyes.

‘What about her’ Isabel asked pointing to Jessica who was slowly coming around from the earlier blast from Isabel.

‘I’ll take care of her’ Liz spoke up quickly. The other three turned to her quickly surprised that she wanted to have to deal with this side of things, which wasn’t her nature.

‘We have unfinished business, and she threatened me a few weeks ago’ Liz told them in explanation.

The three nodded and Liz made her way over towards where Jessica was laying. Looking down at her she couldn’t hide the smirk that had found it’s way on to her face ‘Got sick of waiting around for him to come back did you? You k now when I told you to bring it on I thought that you might actually be a worthy competitor but this just proves you were always out of your league.’

‘You bitch, You’ll p’ she yelled and raised her hand towards Liz but before she could finish her sentence Max sent an energy bolt towards her turning her to dust too. Liz looked up surprised ‘I told her to stop talking to you like that and she just wouldn’t listen’ he replied with a smile and made his way towards Liz and pulling her into his embrace. [Love you, thanks for being here] he told her.

[Love you to, this is where I belong and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else] she replied.
They were still locked in their embrace when Maria and Alex burst into the room and into the arms of their own aliens. All six teens realising what could have been lost today, and 4 aliens realising how important they all were to each other.
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Part 28

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Part 28
Part 28

The day before Thanksgiving the 6 teens were all sitting on a plane destined for Albuquerque, New Mexico. After finding out that Liz was going home to Roswell Maria and Alex also decided to spend the holiday with their family and friends in Roswell too.

‘So your mum knows that I am coming home with you and Isabel right?’ Liz asked Max as they sat together on the plane.

‘She’s knows that I am bringing someone home from Cambridge for Thanksgiving that means a lot to me, she doesn’t know that it is specifically you.’ He replied.

‘Oh’ she looked down at her hands that were in her lap

‘Oh baby it’s not what you think’ Max told her as he reached over and turned her face so that she could see him.

‘How do you know what I’m thinking?’ she asked.

Max raised and eyebrow at her and grinned at the comment and Liz couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her when she realised what she actually said. Max leaned over so that he was close enough to kiss her ear ‘Because you were made for me, we don’t have any secrets from each other anymore, remember?’ he whispered.

Liz nodded in response but remained quiet not sure what she was feeling about Max’s response. Somewhere is the back of her mind a little voice was telling her that it didn’t matter because she truly new how he felt about her, she could feel it every time they were together and was trying to tell herself that it didn’t matter that his parents didn’t know about their relationship or that they probably still thought he was with Jessica and that it was her who he had invited to stay with them for Thanksgiving.

[Stop that. The whole point is that it doesn’t matter to me what my parents think Liz] Max spoke to her silently.

Liz looked up at him and smiled, she knew that he was right. It didn’t matter what anyone thought they were happy and they knew that no matter what anyone thought they belonged to each other in two life times.

When they landed in Roswell The Evan’s, The Whitman’s and Amy Deluca were all waiting together for the arrival of their children. When the 6 teens finally found their way to them surprised glances were passed between Phillip and Dianne at the tightly clasped hands of their son and Liz Parker.
‘Lizzie’ Liz turned and looked around at the sound of someone calling her name and saw that her parents were rushing towards her.

‘Hi’ she gave them both a hug ‘what are you doing here, I thought you were going to Florida’ she asked.

‘Well that was the plan but when you said that you were coming home we decided to stay and surprise you’ her mother explained.

‘Oh’ she replied. Liz felt Max tugging on her arm and turned to look at him with sad eyes. She saw the same look reflected in his eyes when she realised that they wouldn’t get to spend Thanksgiving with each other after all.

‘Mum, Dad you remember Liz right?’ Max interrupted his parent so that he could introduce Liz. He wanted to alleviate any doubts she might still have that he was trying to hide their relationship from his parents.

‘Of course honey, how are you Liz? It’s nice to see you again’ Dianne replied politely. ‘Max you didn’t tell us that you and Liz were dating’ his father added accusingly, Liz could see the confused look in his eyes.

‘Whose dating’ Jeff Parker asked after hearing the last end of the conversation between Liz, Max and The Evan’s.

‘Um Max and I are daddy’ Liz replied softly.

Jeff and Nancy Parker also exchanged confused and worried looks after being informed of their daughter’s relationship. ‘We didn’t say anything because it’s still newish and we just wanted time to ourselves’ Max explained

‘Well come on honey we should get you home, I’m sure your tired and excited to get home to your old bed’ Jeff Parker stated, getting ready to gather Liz’s bag.

Max and Liz exchanged pleading looks with each other, both begging the other to say something so that their parents wouldn’t separate them. Liz could see that her father was less than happy about what he had heard today and knew that as soon as she got back to the Crashdown she would receive the same lecture she received when they had found out about Zan when they were in New York. Don’t lock yourself into a relationship Lizzie, there is a whole world out there and you don’t need to be a serious relationship at your age, you should be concentrating on school you wont have time for this if you want to achieve your goals.

Max could hear the thoughts running through Liz’s head and desperately wanted to be able to save her. He was also disappointed that now with more parents they would also have less time to search for the granolith. They had all talked a lot about it recently, and since the attack on Max they knew now how important it was to be in control of it.
‘Mum, Dad, Mr & Mrs Parker would it be okay if we all had thanksgiving together this year?’ Max asked quietly.

Dianne Evans looked at her son shocked. ‘Before you answer Mum can I explain. We know that you are a little shocked and that we have both kept our relationship from you but I think it’s important that you both understand how serious Liz and I are about being together. We don’t get to see you often and maybe this would be a nice opportunity for us to all get to know each other better. Maybe the Whitman’s would also like to join us, I know Isabel would like to be able to spend thanksgiving with Alex as well.’

All the parents exchanged glances, realisation settling in that their children were not children anymore and had set up their own little family in Boston. Anyone could see how close they all were and that there was something or someone that was keeping them all together and Dianne Evans immediately believed that that something or rather someone was Liz Parker.

‘Well I think that sounds like a lovely idea Max, what do the rest of you think?’ she asked the other parents.

The rest of the parents agreed, it was settled they were no longer 3 separate families but rather 1.
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Part 29

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Part 29

Thanksgiving came and went with out any major surprises or problems. Liz still had to sit and listen to an hour of lecturing from her father about her relationship with Max but when she told her Dad that it was none of his business and to butt out he reluctantly let it go, for the time being.

Max had received a similar lecture from his father, curious as to what happened with Jessica and firmly reminding him that schooling should always come first and that girlfriends would always come and go. Max decided that the best course of action was to simply sit through the lecture and when in a year’s time they were still together his father would simply just accept it.

The day after Thanksgiving the 6 teens met at the Crashdown for breakfast before heading out to the dessert near Pulman Ranch. They had talked about where they thought the granolith was on numerous occasions and decided that it had to be close to where Isabel and Max were found.

‘It’s going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack we don’t even know what it looks like’ Isabel asked.

‘We’ll feel it’ Liz replied.

‘What?’ the other three aliens asked in union.

‘I already feel it to some degree’ she replied simply. ‘I’ve been having these strange dreams since we’ve been home and I think it’s trying to tell me where it is, kind of like calling out to me. There’s this rock formation near the Reservation I think that’s where it is’ she told them quietly.

‘What sort of dreams?’ Max asked her quickly.

‘Just snap shots of the location and of when I hatched’ she told him.

‘I’ve been having similar dreams but I thought it was something insignificant’ Max told her.

‘Well lets going then’ Michael added getting up quickly. He was excited, he didn’t care about going home anymore but finding something that was so important to his people was something he felt strongly about and in his opinion they had wasted enough time already.

They all piled into the Evan’s SUV and headed on 285 towards their destination. Max drove and Liz rode next to him both talking to each other through their connection about where to go and what they thought they would find once they got there.

Nearing the location the four aliens all stiffened in their seats ‘Can you feel that’ Max asked.

‘Yeah’ Isabel and Liz responded at the same time.

Max pulled up in front of a rock formation, it was similar to one he saw in his dream and it was the exact formation that Liz had been dreaming about. After exiting the car they all moved towards the formation and began to investigate for any area that was open. While the others were busy Liz began to climb up the formation and studied it closely, she remembered something from her dream about this.

Max watched curiously as Liz began running her hands all over the front of the rock formation. He had noticed that she was missing from the rest of the group and wondered what she was doing.

Liz began running her hands over the rock formation, she wasn’t exactly sure what she was looking for exactly but something inside her told her to continue and that this was the way to the granolith. The closer they had got to the formation the stronger the pull from with in her got.

Max’s mouth dropped open when he saw the handprint appear on the rock formation after Liz ran her hand over the area. After seeing it Liz placed her palm against the handprint and a huge rock door began to slide open.
‘Guys this way’ Max called out and made his way up the rock formation towards Liz.

When everyone was there they made their way into the chamber. There was a soft green glow lighting the way and Maria couldn’t help bus gasp when she saw the four pods hanging from the walls.

Pointing towards them she asked ‘What is that’

‘That’s where we were born Maria’ Liz replied simply, making her way over towards the pod and placing a hand over the one she believed was hers.

‘How do you know which one is yours’ Alex asked.

‘From storied that Ava told me, they had a set in the sewers, Zan took me to see them once’ she replied.

The four aliens stood with the hands on their pods for what seemed like forever to Maria and Alex. The only sound in the place was a humming that had been unable to find so far but it was beginning to drive them crazy because it kept getting louder and louder as each minute ticked by.

‘Wow’ Liz’s voice broke the silence. She turned to Max who had also come back to and they both smiled at each other had they basked in the love they shared over two lifetimes.

‘That was intense’ Michaels voice broke Max and Liz’s soulmate moment.

‘Hey space boy you wanna tell me what the hell that noise is? It’s driving Alex and I crazy’ Maria’s voice drew all the aliens attention to the noise as they all tried to fined the source of the noise.

Max had remained passive searching his brain for something he knew he should know. Finally he found what he was looking for and made his way to the sidewall and waved his hand over the surface. Two handprints appeared together indicating that it required two people to open this door so what ever it was hiding must have been important.
Liz, Michael and Isabel stook behind Max and were also surprised when not one but two handprints appeared. ‘Michael’ Max said indicating that he should place his hand on the second print. Michael did so but nothing happened. ‘Let me try, I am the princess’ Isabel said shoving Michael out of the way to get to the print. Once again the wall failed to open when Isabel placed her hand there. The three aliens all turned to Liz then. ‘Liz, you are the Queen’ Max smiled at her softly. Liz nodded and made her way towards Max and the second print and placed her hand on it. A loud rumbling sound followed and the wall in front of them began to slide open revealing what was inside.

‘What the hell’ Maria and Alex yelled simultaneously.
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Part 30

Post by Emz80m »

Part 30

Maria’s voice vibrated around the room but no one responded they all just stood staring at the huge black cone like figure that was pulsating light in recognition. Instinctively Liz and Max walked forward and both placed the palm of their hand against the object. The granolith came to life from their touch; both Max and Liz both took sharp intakes of breath at the information flowing to them.

It felt like hours had passed while Max and Liz connected with the granolith but was really only 20 minutes. They both dropped their palms, which automatically linked together causing their bodies to glow.

‘Um guys your glowing’ Michael pointed to their joint hands.

Liz and Max looked at their joined hands and then to each other, huge smiles forming on their faces. “Why?” Isabel finally asked.

‘The granolith established our bond permanently” they smiled at each other.

‘So what you guys are like married now?’ Maria laughed at her own question.

Looking at each other Liz said ‘Yep’

‘Wow’ Alex responded.

‘What else?’ Michael asked.

‘We have our memories from Antar we know everything we should have always known’ Max responded.

‘Like what Max?’ Isabel asked her brother.

Max turned back to the granolith before answering his sister. ‘It’s the way home’