Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by LivE »

Chapter 36

**The Present - A Month After Max had Left**

A slight breeze ruffled the wispy dress around her legs, the dark expanse of water in front of her rippling around her ankles seductively. As Liz stared out towards the moonlit horizon, she shivered slightly. So much had happened during the last month.

Liz, I can’t ask you to give up your life here to come with me. His beloved voice echoed through her memory—from that morning before he made her his completely.

You don’t have to ask, I’m offering. My life is with you now, Max.

How clearly she still heard his sharp intake of breath at her firm statement. But still he hadn’t given in.

Soon after Max had left for Antar, she had taken Maria to meet Amy at Kyle’s house in Roswell.

“Where are we going?” Maria whined for the millionth time, making Liz smile—a rarity since Max’s ship had disappeared from her sight.

“You’ll see.”

“You’ve not lost it totally due to missing M—, erm… just tell me!” Maria amended herself, mentally kicking herself for bringing back the shadows to Liz’s expressive eyes.

“I really miss him, Maria.”

“I know, chica. I miss Space Boy too. You know they—”

“Yes,” Liz quickly interrupted. But her heart wasn’t so sure. She ached with the irrational fear that Max would forget her quickly once he’d arrived on his new world, the world where he was a Prince instead of a mere normal man, where females probably threw themselves at the handsome heir to their throne. Then she got angry with herself, did she trust Max’s love so little? He would never just forget her.

But fear was an insidious thing.

Pulling up in front of the house Kyle now lived in again, she turned to Maria. “Here we are.”

“Here?” Maria stared at the plain, small house with a frown. “What is here?”

“Well, Kyle for one,” Liz answered with a grin.

“Okay, Liz babe, you have gone mad. The guy is cute and everything, but I think alien sex has kinda spoiled me for—”

“Hey, Kyle is a great guy, you would be lucky!” Liz couldn’t help but grin when Maria looked panicked. “I didn’t bring you here to see Kyle. I brought you here to see his dad’s girlfriend.”

Maria gaped at her. By now, she was starting to be sure that Max’s leaving had fried something vital in Liz’s mind.

The door of the house opened abruptly, Amy standing hesitantly just outside of it. Liz turned back to Maria. "That is Jim’s girlfriend. Maria, it’s your mom.”

A soft choke escaped Maria. “But…” she stared at her mother dumbly. “But she…”

“Khivar brought her to our lab a long time ago. I’m sorry, Maria, we had to make her disappear or he would know… she was still alive.” Liz cast a look at the worried-looking Amy. “Go to her. She’s afraid you’re mad at her for not letting you know she was hiding.”

Maria suddenly flew from the car, running towards Amy and the embrace she had missed for three years.

Later, while mother and daughter caught up in some other place in the house, Liz, Kyle and Jim had chatted in the den.

“Liz, are you sure you’re okay?” Jim still couldn’t believe that bastard Max had just disappeared on her. Kyle had told them an edited version of events, just saying that Max had been instrumental in killing Khivar before he said goodbye to Liz, never to be seen again. He didn’t mention that Max had been the other alien the group called “Andre” had been searching for.

“I’m okay,” Liz assured him, but the worry and sadness in her eyes belied her words.

“Well, you deserve a holiday after all you went through. I hope Kyle let you rest while you two were holed up wherever.” Jim gave his son an affectionate look and, for the first time, Liz realized that Jim harbored secret hopes for her and Kyle. Maybe if she hadn’t met Max…

“Yeah well…” Surprisingly Kyle blushed, evading Liz’s gaze. “So, no news on the other alien group yet?” he changed the subject.

“No,” Jim said. “It’s like they disappeared off the face of the earth. We can’t get a good lead on them.”

“Maybe they were never here to begin with,” Kyle stated, still avoiding looking at Liz.

Liz was floored. What had Max done to Kyle when he healed him? The only thing Kyle had ever told her about it was: ‘that man loves you more than the human mind can comprehend.’ But whatever it was, it had turned Kyle into his ally. He had stood by Liz, holding her when missing Max got too much and she cried until she had no tears left, finding things for her to do that had nothing to do with their alien quest, and bullying her into eating. Through it all Alex and Maria had stayed close too—the four of them turning into a tight group.

Now, as she stood here, on this strange shore with the soft sand beneath her feet, she still couldn’t quite comprehend how her life had changed in so short a time. All because an alien prince loved her.

Reflecting on that morning she and Max had planned what to do in that dingy resort outside Carlsbad, she marveled at how sure they had been of what they each wanted.

“I want to come with you, Max.” Biting her lip, she lost the battle not to beg. “Please.”

“I want you there,” he had answered moving around the bed with the awful spread to stand before her. “You have no idea how much. But Liz—”

Tears had sprung into her eyes, abruptly silencing him. “Sweetheart! I’m not saying no!” He brushed tender fingers over her cheeks before framing her face with his strong hands—hands that were going to love her soon. “I don’t know how to do this. I don’t want to drag you over there and then you can’t live… breathe there. And I’m really not happy with taking you away from the only place you knew all your life… your parents, friends, work. Liz, I can’t ask this of you. I need to go back to see what options there are for me—for us. Then maybe I can come back… some day.” His thumbs caressed the sensitive corners of her mouth. “Do you understand?”

She understood that he was trying to do the right thing for her. But didn’t he understand that the right thing was being wherever he was? “I want to go with you when you leave,” she said stubbornly, curling her fingers around his and squeezing. “It will work, I know it will. Your body is not so different from mine, if you can live there, so can I.”

But Max had remained worried.

It had turned into a tense discussion before Max was finally convinced that he wasn’t going to ruin her life by letting her go with him to Antar. He had had overwhelmed tears in his eyes when he finally compromised. “But Liz, I will have to go there alone at first and make sure you won’t be at risk.”

“How long?”

“It takes a week or so to get there… Three weeks, I’d need three weeks.”

At that point, three weeks hadn’t sounded like much when compared to the lifetime they would have together. But Liz hadn’t been prepared for seeing Max in his role as Prince Zan. During the fight with Khivar, she had seen a side of him she hadn’t before and it reminded her forcibly that Max had a heritage that she couldn’t compete with. He was to be the heir to the throne of an entire planet—her mind couldn’t even wrap itself around the concept, it was so big. Thus she had told him that she would understand if he changed his mind about coming back after he’d seen his future. He had been so sure he wouldn’t, but she couldn’t help but be scared that, while he would always love her, he would be taken away from her by his destiny.

So, it was with trepidation that she had gone to the now-deserted cabin in the desert after the promised three weeks to wait for his return.

***A week ago***

Inside the cabin, Alex, Maria, Kyle and Amy were talking animatedly while three silent onlookers watched from the sidelines, but Liz could barely swallow, let alone speak. She clung to the wooden doorway in an effort to keep herself steady, but her hands were trembling visibly as the vast sand vista remained undisturbed.

“They’ll be here, chica,” Maria assured her, adding a comforting hug to the statement. “In fact, I’m surprised he hadn’t been here waiting for you when we—” Oops, wrong thing to say, Maria admitted to herself. Liz had been quiet ever since Max had left, sometimes retreating into her own little world for long periods.

Maria hoped that Max arrived soon, or he would only find a Liz-puddle here, instead of the girl he left behind. And if Michael weren’t with him, she would go to Antar and kick that pigheaded man’s butt to the curb too—he’d better have missed her as much as she had missed him.

One of the silent watchers was Jim Valenti. He had gotten the shock of his life when Amy finally revealed the reason for their visit to this remote place. She had come to see off her daughter, who was leaving for another planet with her alien boyfriend. Being Amy, she had looked decidedly smug about apparently having been right about the other aliens. She hadn’t been so obvious as to say it out loud, but her look said: I told you so all along. He had nearly burst an artery in fury, until Kyle had added his version of the story. Liz hadn’t said a word during the whole discussion, but he could see her start slightly every time Max’s name was mentioned. It was then he realized that something huge had happened in the lives of Liz, Maria and Kyle somewhere along the way—and it all resulted from the influence of the royalty of Antar.

Jim hoped they weren’t all deluded.

And he hoped to heck Pierce never asked him about any of this. How on earth could he explain that not only Liz and Alex, but his own son had aided these other aliens from escaping earth? And that he was in on it now. Damn. At least they had waited until almost all the guilty parties were on the verge of leaving Pierce’s sphere of influence.

Liz’s parents had no idea what to expect. Their daughter had spent the majority of the last month at their home in Boston during which she finally let them in on her secret life of the last few years. Not only had Liz been spying against Khivar, whom they were shocked to learn was a monster, but she had somehow gotten involved with another alien and now planned to go live on his planet.

Most eyes regularly returned to the petite brunette guarding the door so closely.

“What if he found someone else, Maria?” Liz whispered, her eyes still glued to the empty horizon.

Maria gasped and spun her around. “Now I know you’ve lost your mind!” she scolded Liz. “You never saw the way he looked at you when you weren’t watching—like you were his salvation. I knew him a long time before he met you and you made him a whole new person, Liz. He’ll be here, I can guarantee you that.”

Liz bent her head, her long, dark hair spilling over her face, hiding it from Maria.

“Do you remember when you were on our ship? In that cell?” Maria tried again.

“Yes.” A faint whisper.

“He hardly left that stupid observation room, Liz. No matter how wrong you seemed for him then, he couldn’t stay away. He watched you and he loved you, even though he thought you would never be his. I feared for Michael’s life a couple of times while he was in there talking to you.” She grasped Liz’s shoulders, giving her a small shake. “Trust in your love for each other. He’ll be here, even if he has to go through some people to do it.”

Maria was right, Liz admitted. Lifting her hands to her neck, she touched the places where he had marked her for the first time since he left, tracing shaking fingers over her skin. When he’d been so far away, she hadn’t wanted to feel the absence of the link between them, so she hadn’t even tried to rekindle the glowing signs. But now… Concentrating on an image of Max she lovingly called up in her mind, she pressed her fingers onto the swirling sign of the Royal House of Antar.

The sudden glow that erupted was so bright, Maria took a hasty step back. “Holy cow!”

Everyone came rushing over, talking simultaneously, but Liz was leaning back against the doorframe with closed eyes, her face a picture of bliss. He was coming! She could feel all the atoms in her body starting to hum and every last one of her fears slide away.

Uncurling his tightly clenched fists, Max stared down at his glowing palms and nearly shouted with joy, oblivious to the gasps of shock sounding around him. Whirling around, he grinned openly at Michael, who had been pacing the floor behind him. Just like Liz, Max had fought his own demons while away, praying that Liz would be there when he got back. Facing his father with the news of Liz was not as hard as he’d feared. Aran had been less shocked than he had anticipated, but remained wary of this strange girl they were allowing into their family. Nothing had phased Max. He had rushed around for a week, preparing a place for him and Liz to stay and making sure she’d be okay health-wise in between starting with his duties as Prince. The terrible empty ache in his heart spurred him on to work himself until he was too tired to feel anymore.

On the other hand, the journey back to earth had been excruciating. There hadn’t been much to keep him busy and he ended up pacing his room for hours, dreaming up bad scenarios—all of which ended in Liz not being at the cabin when he arrived.

But now he had the glowing proof that she was down there, waiting for him. Oh lord, they had so many lonely days and misery-filled nights to make up for! Next to him, a group of females chittered excitedly. Max sighed. They were to be Liz’s servants and they kept telling him that they would need to see Liz first, to prepare her for her “royal mate”. He had told them to forget it in no uncertain terms. The moment they land, he wanted to hold Liz and not let her go until they got back to Antar. At least.

Maria and Liz clung to each other as the ship settled onto the sand with a soft hiss. They were oblivious to the little crowd that gathered behind them with gaping mouths, their whole focus on the door that was opening way too slowly in the hull of the ship.

Max waited impatiently as the Royal Guard went outside ahead of him. It was all he would allow before he rushed down onto the desert sand with Michael at his heels.

And there she was. His heart literally stopped when he saw her again, looking more beautiful than he remembered. “Liz,” he breathed in awe, his feet suddenly unable to take him forward.

Liz had the same problem. As Michael and Maria embraced and kissed, she stood rooted to the spot, drinking in the sight of the man she loved. He wore jeans, she noted incongruously, surely that wasn’t what he normally wore on Antar.

Then he smiled and the paralysis that had plagued her limbs disappeared.

She ran towards him with a small cry, only allowing him a few strides before she flung herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms and her legs around him so that their bodies pressed together tightly. A huge shudder wracked her body when the heat of his skin seeped into her, finally chasing away the chill that had settled inside her when he had left.

Neither of them spoke for long breathless moments—it was enough to feel their connection jump to ecstatic life and flood them with love and longing and desire. Frantic kisses later, Max tore his mouth away, panting harshly. “I want so much to love you right now, but I think your parents would be upset.”

Belatedly, Liz remembered they had an audience and slid her legs from his waist. Max was staring down at her as if he didn’t quite know what to do first now that he had her in his arms again. He ended up holding her hand tightly as he finally met the two people that had given him the love of his life.

And he wasted no time in asking them if he could marry their daughter.


Warm hands settled on her hips, drawing her back into a very aroused body.

“I’ve wanted to bring you here for real for a long time,” Max whispered against her ear as light from the three moons bathed the beach she had first seen on the dream plane.

Her Antarian wedding dress slid over her skin seductively as he slowly trailed his hands over her stomach and up towards her breasts. “Max,” she sighed, her head falling back against his shoulder as his caresses unfurled a warm, moist heat in the pit of her stomach.

They had spent the whole journey here finding new ways to make love. After the first almost frantic coupling just seconds after they had entered Max’s rooms on the ship, they had relaxed, knowing they had their whole lives ahead of them to be together like this. They had kissed for hours, basking in being able to sleep together every night and wake up holding each other every morning. They had even talked about having babies one day, Max smilingly promising that he would undo his magic in her womb as soon as she was ready to bear his children.

Her servants had been horrified at the fact that she allowed Max to see her in various states of dishevelment, telling her respectfully that a Princess should strive to be as perfect as possible for her mate. Max had laughed when she told him the story, wiping away her worry that she was already not worthy of him by picking her up and dropping her on his bed, proceeding to very deliberately ruin her appearance. The servants had eventually given up on that particular tradition.

Whenever Max had been busy with his own duties, Liz had spent time with her new servants, getting to know Antarian customs. It was a whole new way of life she had been committing herself to, and she wanted to make Max proud. She planned to get involved in science on Antar too, but would aim most of her duties at forging relations between her old planet and her new one.

The meeting with his father had gone well, but Liz had the feeling that she would still have to prove herself to the King in future. He accepted that his son loved her to distraction, but he wanted to see proof of her feelings too. That would come in time, she knew.

As for now, she and Max were celebrating a new beginning in the place where they had spent so many glorious hours on the dream plane. The air smelled different here on Antar and the water drifting around her feet had a thicker substance than that of earth. But the planet had its own unique beauty.

“I love you,” Max whispered into her hair as his hands continued their languid seduction of her body.

“And I love you,” she promised him back. They had held a blessing ceremony here a few hours ago, presided over by the King, making their bonding public. But everyone had gone now, leaving them alone on the pristine beach.

Sliding her hands in between their bodies, Liz found Max’s arousal and trailed teasing fingers over it, listening for the inevitable hitch in his breath. He pushed into her palms while pressing his hands more firmly over her breasts. “Will the sand bother you?” he asked thickly.

“No.” She arched into his caress. “Not if you do your magic.”

He did more magic than just stopping the sand from ruining their moment—he caressed her body to singing life when her dress was gone before tenderly sliding inside her. His eyes burned down into hers as he rocked rhythmically above her.

Ever since they’d met in a college classroom many months ago, all their actions had had each other as a first priority, both consciously and subconsciously.

It was all for you.

Completion rushed upon them as always, quickening their breathing and their thrusts until they climaxed with soft sounds of satisfaction before resting quietly in a loving embrace.

So much was lying ahead of them on this new planet, but as Max whispered the words that had sealed their fate so long ago, his lips against his mark below her ear, Liz knew that they loved enough to see them through what may come.

“U Shayna Min.” You are Mine.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: That's it, folks! Hope the ride was enjoyable and thanks to all who came back to read it a second time. LivE