Waiting For I Love You - AU M/L ADULT [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Part 20

Post by Emz80m »

Part 20

By the time they both showered that morning and grabbed a quick breakfast it was fast approaching ten am.

They were walking through the palace on their way to the garage that held Max’s cars and bike. ‘We still have time if you want to see the shuttle off’ he said then.

They hadn’t talked about what had happened between them earlier or how it would change their relationship. Liz was thinking about it as they were on their way out so Max’s question came as a shock and she assumed that he thought that what happened between then had been a mistake. He was trying to give her the opportunity to fix things with Zan.

‘No I don’t think that’s a good idea’ she replied honestly. Seeing Zan would confuse her even more than already was if that was possible.

Max smiled at her reply but she didn’t see it, maybe Zan being gone for a week was a good thing after all he thought to himself.

When they reached the garage Max handed Liz the spare helmet. ‘Are we taking the bike’ she squealed.

‘Well if you want to go bike shopping after we’re done I am going to need my bike’ he laughed at her enthusiasm.

‘Oh fabulous do you know how long it’s been since you’ve taken me riding’

‘Yeah after the last time how are you surprised’ he replied his happiness fading somewhat as he remembered the past.

Zan had been waiting for them in the garage when they had returned from one of their afternoon rides. He hadn’t known where Liz had been going so when Michael had spilled the beans on who was occupying her time Zan immediately lost it. Let’s just say it hadn’t been pretty and Liz had left in tears, Zan with a broken nose and Max with a black eye. Liz wouldn’t speak to either of them for a week and she and Zan had almost broken up over it.

‘Well at least you dressed for the occasion’ he said then looking down her attire. Liz had opted for a pair of leather pants and a red tank top and if Max thought she was sexy before well leather just brought her sexiness up another notch.

‘I was hoping we’d at least stop by and take a look at some bikes’ she smiled sheepishly.

Zan stood at the shuttle with his parents holding of the departure as long as possible. He was angry, as hell when he found Liz in Max’s bed that morning but he was sure that she would show to see him off.

‘Prince Zan, we really must leave now’ the pilot informed him.

Zan shook his head, where the hell is she, he thought. After managing to restrain himself from pulling Liz out of Max’s bed he had stormed out of their suite and headed back to his own. He knew that he had upset her last night but he knew Liz and knew that she would never betray him, especially with his brother.

Confident that Liz only had eyes for him and that once he returned she would come running back into his arms he went about packing for his trip. He would talk to her at the shuttle.

Giving his mother a quick kiss and bidding her and his father a last goodbye he boarded the shuttle. Once in the air and high above the estate Zan caught sight of what had kept Liz from seeing him off as her and Max sped out of the estate on the back of his bike.


Half an hour later after cruising down the highway Max pulled the bike up in front of a small jewellery store.

‘What are we doing here?’ Liz asked looking around the familiar streets of Antar City.

‘Come on’ Max said and grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her into the store.

‘Prince Maxwell you made it’ the elderly gentlemen smiled in greeting.

‘Hi Arthur’ Max smiled. ‘Arthur this is Liz my fiancée. Liz this is Arthur he’s a family friend and the best jeweller in the whole of Antar’ he introduced.

‘Lady Parker it’s a pleasure’ he kissed her hand.

‘Liz please and it’s nice to meet you too’

‘Max, what are we doing here’ she whispered.

‘We’re here to buy you an engagement ring that you like, one that you can wear everyday’ he answered her.

‘But Max I already have a beautiful ring’ she argued.

‘If you like it so much then why aren’t you wearing it’ he laughed at her. He knew that she did like the ring but that it was just over the top. Liz preferred simple jewellery.

‘I’ she stuttered as she looked at her hand and realised that she had forgotten it again.

‘It’s okay Liz it’s not like I picked the ring for you. Just take a look and see if there is something here that you like that you wouldn’t mind wearing for the rest of your life’

Shocking Max, Liz pulled him to her then and gave him a gentle kiss ‘Thankyou’ she mumbled against his mouth.

‘You’re welcome’ he beamed at her.

An hour later they left the store, Liz wearing her brand new engagement ring. It was white gold with a diamond a quarter the size of her other ring but to her it was perfect.
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Part 21

Post by Emz80m »

Part 21

The week that Zan was away passed quickly for Liz and Max. They had indeed purchased new bikes and had spent most the week teaching Liz how to ride hers. They were almost inseparable accept for when they went to bed at night. They hadn’t talked about what was happening between them though. Max never brought it up hoping that Liz would come to him on her own, trying to let their feelings develop naturally before he told her how long he’s been in love with her.

Liz was happier than she had ever remembered but the closer to Zan’s return it got the more it started to bother her, she knew it was going to hurt him when she ended things with him but hoped that being away for the week had helped him realise that there was no possible way they could continue their relationship.

The night of Zan’s return was the name night of Kyle and Tess’s engagement party. After being told they were betrothed Kyle had wasted no time proposing and they were getting married a month after Max and Liz.

‘Hey Liz’ Max called out as he walked into her room. Liz was standing at her vanity rubbing moisturiser over her legs when he walked in. He stopped when he saw what she was doing and his eyes followed her hands every movement as they rubbed up and down her legs wishing that it were his hands running up and down them.

‘Hey’ she smiled and then laughed a little when he didn’t react to her but continued staring at her legs.

‘Max’ she sighed, his hungry eyes were starting to have an effect on her, she felt like her skin was burning everywhere that he was looking.

‘Oh sorry’ he blushed ‘what colour is your dress?’ he got back to the reason he had come in the first place.

‘Red’ she answered with a small smile knowing that it was his favourite colour on or off her, she had picked the dress for him.

‘Great’ he replied but his mind was now occupied with the thought of what she would be wearing underneath that red dress.

‘I think you should wear your black shirt tonight with a red tie’ she told him then.

‘Do you now’ he replied with a grin on his face.

‘Yeah you always look good in black’ she replied not realising that she was now ranting.

‘Thank you I’ll see you in half an hour then’ he said and began backing out of the room.


Half an hour Max knocked on Liz’s door to escort her downstairs to the party when she opened the door Max gasped. Liz’s dress was a rich red was strapless and fitted her body all the way down to her shins. She had a pair of red strappy shoes that screamed fuckme and it took all of Max’s self control not to push her back into the room the moment he saw them.


‘That all you got Evans’ she laughed and then took in how fabulous he looked in his completely black suit and red tie.

‘You look hot Parker, I’m not sure if I should let you out of this room though’ he teased.

‘Well you look mighty fine too Evans so as long as you agree to protect me then I think I’ll be safe’ she teased back.

‘Let me match my tie first’ he said and reached out a finger to touch her dress before returning to his tie so that his tie changed to the same red as Liz’s dress. ‘Perfect’ she smiled.

He took hold of her hand then and when he grasped it with his he felt the rings on her finger and when he looked down he noticed that she was wearing both of her engagement rings tonight. ‘You only had to wear one of those you know’ he laughed.

‘I know but I thought tonight was an occasion worthy of the rock but I didn’t want to take the other one off’ she told him honestly.

Max didn’t respond there was nothing to say she had just made him so happy with her words.

When they reached the ballroom where the party was being held everything was already happening. Tess and Kyle were busy greeting their guests and talking about wedding plans.

They caught up with their friends and siblings who they hadn’t seen in a few days and put up with there teasing over the amount of time they had been spending alone.

‘Glad to see I was missed’ a voice interrupted them from behind.

The group all turned around to see Zan with Serena on his arm.

‘Hey welcome home’ Izzy smiled.

‘Yeah’ Max and the rest of the group agreed. Max noted Liz’s silence as she just stood there and stared at Zan who seemed more than comfortable with Serena attached to his side. She realised that it wasn’t jealousy that she was feeling it was more along the lines of betrayal because she realised now that Zan and Serena had always been a whole lot more than friends.

‘Do you think we could talk Liz?’ he asked then.


He walked them out to the balcony and when he thought they were alone he pulled her to him and tried to kiss her.

‘Zan don’t’

‘What’s wrong I’ve been gone for a week and I don’t even get a hello kiss’ he tried to joke.

‘Zan all our parents are here and you know what would happen if someone saw us and I don’t think it’s a very good idea that we continue doing this anymore’

‘What do you mean?’ he asked confused.

‘Zan what we had is over now. I am going to marry Max in a few weeks there is no point dragging out something that isn’t going to go anywhere’

‘No, Liz don’t be silly you don’t think Max has someone on the side. Him and Serena are pretty close you know, why do you think I brought her as my date’

Liz laughed at him then realising that he would do anything to keep her, and not because he loved her but because he didn’t want Max to have her.

‘See ya Zan’ she said and walked off to find her fiancée. She caught sight of him on the dance floor with Serena and Zan wasted no time trying to convince her again that Max was with Serena.

Ignoring him, when the song finished Liz walked towards Max and reached up and brought his face down to hers for a searing kiss. When they pulled away Max looked at Liz with a smile but when he noticed his brother watching in annoyance from the side the smile disappeared quickly.

He gently grabbed hold of her hand and entwined it with his and led her out to the balcony where she had just been with Zan moments before.

‘Would you like to explain what that was all about?’ he asked his anger evident in his voice.

‘Am I not allowed to kiss my fiancée in public?’ Liz replied confused at his anger.

‘No you are not allowed to kiss me to make your boyfriend jealous’ he snapped.

‘What! Max I was doing no such thing’ she protested.

Max stopped then when he heard the conviction in her voice.

‘Really?’ he asked

‘Really’ she promised
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Part 23

Post by Emz80m »

Part 22

It had been two days since Zan had returned and Max had already noticed the change in Liz. They had started spending less time together and Max suspected that she was once again spending her time with Zan. He sighed as he sat in his seat in the study. His plan to woo her over seemed to have come to an abrupt halt and he didn’t know what to do about it anymore. He had just received an invitation to attend the 21st celebration of Prince Mathew of Kathana and was unsure now if he should ask Liz to go with him or not.

Liz had been busy the past 2 days with her mother and Dianne making plans for the wedding. The closer the wedding came the more excited she found herself getting, if she took the time to analyse those feelings she would probably realise how happy she was that she was getting to marry Max.

When she reached the door to her suite she noticed it was already open and couldn’t understand why.

‘Zan’ she sighed when she entered and found that he made himself comfortable.

‘Hey babe’ he replied with a smile.

‘What are you doing in here. Get out before Max sees you’

‘Oh you didn’t think that little performance you put on last night would convince me that you really meant that things were over did you’

‘Yes now leave or I’ll get security to make you’


Max made his way back to his room to get ready for dinner, he peeked his head in the bathroom to see if Liz was in her room, he really needed to see her right now.


‘Fine I’m going’ he sighed ‘but I’ll be back’ he told her.

Liz slammed the door behind her surprised at how little she felt for Zan now when she saw him.

‘What’s going on?’ came a voice from the bathroom.

Liz looked over and saw Max leaning against it and she could tell that he didn’t look happy.

‘Nothing to worry about’ she replied.

‘Is that where you’ve been the past two days Liz?’ he asked then and gestured towards the door that Zan had just left out of.

‘Sorry?’ Liz asked confused.

‘End it’ he ordered then in a voice that Liz had never heard him use with her before.

‘Excuse me?’ Liz asked taken back by his tone.

‘You heard me. It’s about time you stop playing games’ he snapped again.

‘What are you talking about Max? I’m not playing games with anyone’ she replied hurt by the accusation.

‘Could have fooled me’

‘Look Max if you want to be angry with someone over this situation be angry with your father he’s the one that betrothed us’ she snapped herself. Her anger was a defence mechanism from Max’s own angry words.

‘Is that how you really feel Liz? Like you’re stuck with me’ he said then all anger gone from his voice and replaced with hurt

‘I’ll speak to my father and insist it be fixed then right away. I’ll be leaving in an hour for Kathana’ he turned to walk away then so that she wouldn’t see the devastation on his face.

‘Wait, why are you leaving for Kathana?’ she called out after him causing him to stop. He didn’t turn around to face her straight away.

‘It’s Prince Mathews 21st and I am going to represent the family’ he told her but without meeting her eyes.

‘I could come to escort you?’ she asked hopefully.

‘No I wouldn’t want to put you out. I’ll arrange to escort Princess Ava maybe I can convince father to a match between us to free you from this arrangement’ he replied bitterly.

‘Max!’ she gasped. How could he think that she didn’t want to marry him? But he didn’t turn around at her cry he moved forward into his room and locked the door soundly behind him.

When Liz knocked a half an hour later he wasn’t anywhere in sight and when she sort out his whereabouts she was devastated to find out he had left without saying goodbye.
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Part 23

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Part 23

‘Maxwell’ smiled Ava when she saw him approach her the next night at her brother’s party.

Max kissed her hand ‘Hello Ava it’s nice to see you again’ he replied.

Max admitted to himself that he didn’t really like Ava, the two had only met each other on a handful of occasions and he was more than aware of her desire to be matched with him, her father had in fact approached his father on a number of occasions but Philip had always rejected the offers.

‘Father tells me that I am returning to Antar with you’ she told him a small smile on her face.

‘Yes I believe he is talking with my father about a betrothal with you and Zan’ Max replied.

‘Oh’ she replied shocked.

‘Where is your fiancée tonight Max?’ she asked then.

‘Oh she’s been tied up in wedding plans unfortunately. I didn’t have the heart to drag her away for such a boring event’ he laughed.

‘Well you aren’t married yet, so there is still time for you and I to have some fun’ she whispered into his ear huskily and all of a sudden Max Evans was back in the game. He knew exactly how this voluptuous blonde would help him with his dream girl.


As Max and Ava’s shuttle landed outside the palace Max could see Michael waiting for them.

‘Max, welcome back’ he slapped his friend on the back.

‘Thanks’ he said and made his way into the palace.

He was barely through the door when a fuzz of brown was flying into his arms ‘You’re home’ she sighed and then reluctantly pulled back to look at his face ‘I missed you terribly’

The sound of a voice clearing broke them from there staring competition ‘Oh Liz this is Princess Ava of Kathana, Ava this is Elizabeth Parker’ he introduced them and immediately noticed the frown on Liz’s face and bit back a smile.

‘It’s a pleasure’ she smiled and held out a hand to the Princess.

‘You too. I’ve heard a lot about you’ she told Liz and in fact she had. The entire trip home had consisted of Liz this and Liz that. Ava couldn’t personally see what the big deal was.

‘Oh well that’s nice, I’m surprised Max hasn’t mentioned you before’ she said then, oblivious to how the comment had sounded.

‘Come on Ava I’ll show you to you room’ Max said then and led her away from Liz without another word or acknowledgement.

Liz was still standing there when the Queen came looking for her son ‘Liz’ she questioned and when she lifted her eyes to meet the Queen’s she couldn’t hold the tears in anymore ‘I’m sorry Dianne’ she apologised before running as quickly as she could towards her own room.
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Part 24

Post by Emz80m »

HI guys thanx for the feedback and thanx again to my great beta Kay_b. Hope you enjoy.

Part 24

Liz was sobbing painfully on her bed when Maria and Isabel had burst in. Dianne had called them immediately after Liz’s quick departure.

‘Lizzie what’s the matter’ Maria asked whilst rubbing her best friends back.

‘He doesn’t want to marry me Maria. He brought back a replacement’ she sobbed.

‘Who Max?’ Isabel asked confused.

Liz nodded.

‘Don’t be silly Liz. He could never find a replacement for you’ Isabel assured knowing quite well that Max had loved Liz for as long as any of them could remember, replacing her had never been an option for Max.

‘Who did he bring sweetie?’ Maria asked.

‘Some princess named Ava’ she spat.

Maria and Isabel exchanged knowing glances both aware that Max didn’t even particularly like Ava that much.

‘Come on Liz why the tears I thought you would have been happy. I mean if Max marries Ava you can marry Zan’ Maria said then.

‘I don’t want to marry Zan’ Liz replied quietly.

‘You want to marry Max?’ Isabel asked a smile breaking over her face when she saw Liz nodding.

‘You’ve fallen in love with him’ Isabel squealed then.

‘No. I think I was always in love with him’ Liz confessed.

‘Elizabeth Parker are you going to sit here crying and let some blonde princess steal your man?’ Maria demanded then.

It was exactly what Liz needed to hear because she immediately wiped her eyes and looked at her friends ‘You’re right. He’s my fiancé until the King says differently’ she told them.

‘You go get him girl’ Maria said.

10 minutes later when Liz was sure you couldn’t tell she had been crying she made her way through their shared bathroom and knocked on Max’s door.

‘Yep’ he answered without turning around to face her.

‘Hey’ she said hesitantly waiting for him to turn around to look at her.

‘Hey’ he replied.

‘How was your trip?’

‘Good thanks’ he answered.

‘There’s a party tonight over at Troy Manor did you want to go?’ she asked him hesitantly. All their friends were going and Liz knew that Max wouldn’t want to be the only one missing.

‘Oh yeah about that I was going to take Ava’ he shrugged.

‘Oh um ok I guess I’ll just stay in and watch a DVD’ she replied sadly and began to walk out of the room. Max watched her go and immediately felt his heart pang, maybe he was taking this too far.

‘How come you’re not going with Zan?’ he asked then unable to stop himself.

‘Why would I go with Zan?’ Liz asked him confused she hadn’t come back into the bathroom she remained in her room out of his sight.

‘Oh I don’t know because he’s the love of your life’ Max replied sarcastically.

Liz didn’t reply for a long time and when she did her reply shocked Max ‘I hope you have a nice time tonight’ and then he heard the door close.

Max actually hadn’t mentioned the party to Ava yet so thought he better go see if she was interested. He was on his way there when his mother asked to speak to him.

‘Welcome home. How was your trip?’

‘Fine thanks’ he replied.

‘That’s good. Is Liz ok now?’ she asked then.

‘What do you mean?’ he asked confused.

‘When I saw her this afternoon she ran out of the front foyer very upset. I sent Maria and Isabel to see if she was ok. Have you not seen her since returning’ she responded narrowing her eyes at her son.

‘I saw her moments ago. We were talking about the party tonight. I’m going to take Ava and she decided to stay at home’ he replied with a shrug.

‘I think you should convince her to go. The girl has done nothing but spend the past 4 days with me and Nancy locked up planning your wedding. She deserves some fun, she missed you terribly while you were gone’ she informed him.

Max looked at his mother shocked ‘Hold on what do you mean the past 4 days?’

‘Exactly what I said. She has been planning the wedding putting her personal touches on everything, she has gotten so excited I’m glad that everything is working out between the two of you’

‘Oh god’ Max cursed realising the huge mistake he had made, she hadn’t been with Zan after all.

‘Oh and Maxwell as for taking Ava to the party tonight I think that’s a bad idea. Don’t encourage the girl ask your brother to take her you know what she’s like when it comes to you and I don’t think it would look good for you to go without Liz’

Max nodded his agreement, and quickly left to first find Ava and Zan so that he could convince them to go to the party and then find Liz and try and make his awful behaviour up to her.
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Part 25

Post by Emz80m »

Guys Guys Guys.. i didnt realise that it was such a short part but you were all so nice at begging for an update that i have decided to be kind and grant you one. This one is about the same length at the previous and i hope you like it.

Part 25

Max went straight back to the suites he and Liz shared first hoping to convince her to attend dinner with him. He found her sitting on her bed reading a very worn book and noticed immediately it was one of her favourites A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks.

‘Hi’ he said.

Liz looked up from her book ‘Hi’ she replied and then went back to reading.

‘Are you coming to dinner?’

‘No I think I’ll just have something in here later’ she replied her face still in the book.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked again hoping she’ll face him so that he could use his puppy dog eyes that he knew she loved.

‘Yes’ she snapped.

Max sighed and reluctantly left her, planning on coming back as soon as dinner was over to convince her to attend the party tonight with him.

On his way to dinner he ran into both Ava and Zan who were just making their introductions.

‘Maxwell there you are’ she cooed when she saw him and Max plastered a fake smile on for her as she attached herself to his arm. He noticed the gleam in his brother’s eyes and thought he could play on it to get his brother to take Ava off his hands for the night.

‘Are you going tonight?’ Zan asked

‘I was planning to’ he replied.

‘What’s happening tonight?’ Ava asked.

‘There’s a party in town’ he explained.

‘Would you like to go?’ Zan asked her then thinking that he was getting the upper hand on his brother by asking her first. Max bit back a smile.

‘I would love to go. Will you be going with us Max?’ she asked then.

‘I’m sure Max already has his hands full with Liz’ Zan answered for him and Max nodded his confirmation.

‘Speaking of which, where is she tonight?’ Zan asked.

‘She wasn’t feeling like dinner right now’ Max shrugged and he entered the dining room and made his way over to his seat. The rest of the group apart from Kyle and Tess were also at the palace for dinner tonight for other reasons and looked up as they entered.

‘Ava you can sit with Zan’ he directed her but Ava would have no such thing ‘Don’t be silly Maxwell there’s a spare seat next to you so I’ll sit there’ she insisted and waited for him to pull the seat out.

‘That’s Liz’s seat’ Maria objected ‘Where is she anyway?’ Maria asked concerned.

Max flashed her a look begging her for help ‘She isn’t coming down’ he replied and then reluctantly pulled Ava’s seat out for her.

Liz put her book down and sighed, she was hungry and realised staying in her room was getting her nowhere she wasn’t going to let some princess make her feel uncomfortable in her own place so she ran a comb through her hair and made her way down stairs to the dining room.

When Liz entered the dining room excusing herself for being late everyone looked up shocked. Her eyes immediately landed on her seat where the blonde princess was now perched ‘I guess I was later than I thought’ she said bitterly.

‘Oh am I sitting in your seat?’ Ava asked pretending to be embarrassed.

‘It’s not like you’d care if you were’ Maria hissed.

Max watched the anger wash over Liz’s face and immediately stood to find her a seat but she ignored his gesture and took a seat at the opposite end of the table next to her brother and a servant immediately brought her food for her.

Max watched her with a confused expression on his face, why hadn’t she sat near Zan for? She never had a problem sitting there before.

‘Are you ok?’ Alex asked her searching her face for the truth.

‘I miss you. I know we live in the same palace but I never get to see you’ she told him.

‘I know’ he smiled as they ate through their main meal.

‘I can’t believe she’d have the nerve to flirt with someone in front of you’ Ava said to Max then.

‘Excuse me Ava but for your information that happens to be Liz’s twin brother’ Max hissed back.

‘So your test is tomorrow isn’t it?’ Alex asked her then.

‘Yep. I’m a little nervous’ she shrugged.

‘That’s tomorrow?’ Max asked from his end of the table, he had completely forgotten about it.

‘Oh you have plans tomorrow?’ Ava asked ‘Maxwell has promised to take me shopping tomorrow. What a shame you won’t be able to join us’ she added, a small smile of glee making its way to her face.

Liz looked Max squarely in the eye then leaving him no doubt as to what she thought of him right now ‘I can’t believe you, we’ve had that appointment for a week’ she whispered and then stood up quickly ‘Excuse me everyone but I’m going back up to my room.’ She didn’t wait for replies and quickly made her exit.

‘I think that’s a great idea I need time to get ready for this party’ Ava smiled and waited for Max to stand and pull out her seat for her and then also made her way out of the dinning room.

‘What the hell are you trying to pull’ Alex roared at Max as soon as Ava was out of earshot.

‘Excuse me’ Max asked.

‘How dare you insult my sister by allowing that airhead to sit in her seat?’ he continued. No one was surprised at the outburst however they were surprised Alex beat Maria or Isabel to it.

‘That seat is next to yours and on the right hand side of the King because it’s for your mate I cant believe you would insult Liz so bad as to let that airhead sit in her seat, or should I say in her place. Not to mention forgetting her test, have you forgotten your highness that she can’t go unless you take her? what are you thinking?’ he spat and then threw his napkin down and left the dining room. Isabel got up and left right behind him

‘I guess the problem isn’t what are you’re thinking, it’s what you’re thinking with’ Maria added.
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Post by Emz80m »

Hey guys thanx for reading and Omega i am definetly listending not sure why the parts are so small i didnt realise when i was writing them so anyway as a piece offering, and to save my ass here is 26 and 27 *S*

Part 26

Liz stood in the shower and let the spray fall down her bag and drowns out the tears she was now letting freely fall. Her mind was full of things that she would love to scream about right now but she knew that it was of no use. On her way back from the dining room she had decided that she was going to put on her leathers and take her bike for a spin. She knew she wasn’t supposed to go out without someone with a license but right now she couldn’t care less, she craved speed.

Walking to her closet she pulled out her black leather pants and put them on with a black tank top and her chunky knee high boots.

‘Liz’ came a hesitant voice from the door. Liz turned around and found Max standing there watching her. She kept moving around the room ignoring him.

‘Where you going?’ he asked taking in her dress and how absolutely fabulous she looked.

‘For a ride and then to maybe check out the party’ she answered.

‘I was hoping that you might consider going to the party at the Troy’s with me’ he asked.

‘Why would I want to do that?’ she bit back.

‘Well can I come for a ride with you?’ Liz looked up at him at the question. She was still unbelievably hurt and angry with him right now but she was desperate to have a fast bike between her legs right now.

‘Don’t you have a date with your precious Ava?’ she said sarcastically.

‘I’d rather take you riding’ he told her honestly.

‘Whatever, if you’re coming I’m leaving in ten minutes’ she grumbled.

Max rushed off into his room to pull on his own leather pants and to pull on a black shirt with the arms cut off, it was his usual gear when riding.

Liz quickly changed her shirt to a silky red camisole and without waiting for Max made her way towards the garage where her bike was stored.

Max walked back into her room 5 minutes later and noticed her gone, but that her jacket was still on the bed he picked it up and rushed out the door to follow her. On his way to the garage he ran in to Ava and Zan.

‘Oh Max your coming with us’ she asked trying to sound sexy.

‘No’ he replied and kept moving through the garage unaware that Ava was still following him.

Liz was leaning against his BMW holding onto both of their helmets when they entered Max’s side of the garage ‘You left your jacket’ he smiled and made his way over to help her into the leather riding jacket.


‘You’re riding?’ Ava pouted. ‘I thought we could all go together in one of your nice cars Max’

‘No’ he replied and watched as Zan grabbed her hand and led her back to where his car was garaged.

Liz passed Max his helmet then ‘Your bike’ she told him and once he was on the bike she moved around to hop on but Max grabbed hold of her and placed her in front of him facing her before she could stop him.

‘I’m sorry about what happened at dinner’ he told her pulling her closer so that her legs straddled his thighs.

‘Are you?’ she asked not sure if he really meant it or if he knew what he was apologising for.

‘Yes, in fact I’m sorry for quite a few things and I want to talk to you about it later. Can we?’

Liz didn’t answer she just nodded her head. Max pulled her closer again then so that her body was against his.

‘Good, let’s get out of here’ he said then and leant forward and gave her a sweet kiss and then helped her sit behind him on the bike. ‘Just for the record I missed you too’

Five minutes later they were out of the grounds of the palace flying down the roads on their way into town, their destination was Troy Manor.
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Part 27

Due to the speed they rode to Max and Liz arrived fairly quickly at the party. Max moved the bike into an area that the security guards assured their future king would be safe for him to leave his bike and their helmets.

Max hopped off the bike first and then grabbed hold of Liz’s hand to help her too. When he grasped it though he noticed something different to all the other times recently and when he looked down he noticed that her left ring finger was empty.

‘Liz?’ he asked.

Liz bit on her lower lip while she watched him eye her missing rings and then slowly pulled the chain out from under her shirt where both her engagement rings dangled.

‘Why aren’t you wearing one of them?’ he asked, hurt echoing in his voice.

Liz shrugged, she had never wanted to take the ring off, not for a second after the moment she had seen the ring she knew that she wanted it on her finger for the rest of her life.

When she didn’t answer him Max reached around her neck and undid the chain and pulled both of the rings off and slid them gently back on her hand. ‘I can understand you wearing the big one around your neck but I thought you liked the new one I bought you?’ he asked whilst fingering both the rings, he was reluctant to let go of her hand.

‘I do, I didn’t think’ she answered but she didn’t meet his eyes.

Max was about to ask her again why she had taken it off then but he was interrupted by Ava’s squealing voice.

‘Maxwell’ the minute her voice sounded Max saw Liz’s body tense completely. She slowly started to pull her hand away from his and got off the bike. Max caught hold of her hand though before it left his completely and used it to pull her back to his side after she was off the bike.

‘Where’s Zan?’ Max asked Ava as she got closer to him.

‘He’s just talking to some girl, Serena or something I wanted to find you’ she explained.

She stood there and looked back and forth between him and Liz then once again confused as to what Max saw in the brunette.

‘So Lin I’m sure some of your friends are here’ she said in her dismissive princess voice.

‘It’s Liz’ she snapped back immediately, she was trying very hard for Max’s sake not to be rude to the princess but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

‘Ava’ Zan called out as he ran towards them. ‘Geez princess why’d you take off’ he grumbled.

‘Well now that Zan is back, Liz and I are going to head inside. We’ll see you two later’ Max said and then keeping hold of Liz’s hand led her towards the party.


Once inside the party they were bombarded by many of their friends that they had gone to school with congratulating them, and all the girls wanting to see her ring. Most were even more surprised when they saw that she had two engagement rings. They found the rest of the gang standing around chatting and went to join them.

‘I’m glad you came’ Maria whispered to Liz. ‘Did you sort everything out?’

‘No’ Liz replied unable to share her friend’s enthusiasm.

‘Come on let’s Dance’ Tess said and grabbed hold of their hands and led them to the dance floor.

The girls had been dancing for about 20 minutes when Jason Behr, one of the hottest guys they had gone to school with approached them.

‘Hey Liz’ he smiled.

‘Um hi’ Liz shyly replied. Her and Jason had been lab partners the previous year in Chemistry and had developed a strange friendship because of it.

‘Wanna dance?’ he asked.

‘Um sure’ she said and then began to dance with him to the fast song.

Max has stayed with the guys off to the sides of the dance floor and had been watching Liz dance with the girls.

‘There you are Maxwell, I’ve been looking for you everywhere’ Ava said as she approached him and the other guys.

Max sighed, he knew now it had been a bad idea agreeing to let her come and stay at the palace and knew he would have to fix it immediately the next day.

When the song ended Liz was going to excuse herself to find Max but when she looked over she saw Ava was once again plastered all over him and although he didn’t look as though he was encouraging her he certainly wasn’t doing anything to stop it.

Jason saw the look of anguish come over Liz’s face and looked over to where she was staring and noticed the blonde all over her future husband. He was surprised at the sight considering in all the time he had gone to school with Max Evans he had never seen him with a girl. Sure they all threw themselves at the future King but Max had never once returned any of their attentions.

‘Wanna go get some fresh air?’ he asked. He liked Liz, a lot in fact and if she hadn’t have been dating Zan Evans last year then he would have asked her out. He was disappointed when he found out she was betrothed to Max but knew it wouldn’t ever stop him from being her friend.

‘Yeah that would be great’ she replied and followed him outside. Neither noticed the amber eyes watching them leave the room with anger blazing from his eyes.
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Part 28

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Part 28

‘So who is the blonde?’ he asked once they reached the garden.

‘Princess Ava of Kathana’ she replied spitting the name out as though it was burning her.

‘I take it she is trying to get her claws into Max?’

Liz shrugged she wasn’t sure what her agenda was at all to tell you the truth.

‘You know she might be a princess Liz but you’re going to be a Queen some day’ he told her then.

‘I’m not so sure about that’ Liz replied.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Max and I had a pretty bad fight the other day and he left to Kathana. Now he’s back with Ava in tow so it makes me wonder why. Maybe she’s here to be the future Queen.’ Liz told him. It was the first time she had voiced her concerns to anyone other than Maria or Isabel and it felt good to get it off her chest.

‘I don’t think Max would ever do that to you Liz. I saw the way the guy used to watch you, anyone could tell how he felt about you’ he told her.

‘What do you mean?’ Liz asked.

‘Wow, for someone so smart you can be really dumb ha?’ Jason laughed.

‘Liz, Max looks at you like you’re this big gift with a bright red bow on it. He’s not worried about the wrapping, he just can’t wait to tear it all off and discover what’s inside. I bet that guy knows more about you than Alex’

Liz thought about what he said, and knew it was true. Max knew all her favourite things and she admitted to herself that it was the same for her. Lately she had started buying Max’s favourite chocolate rather than her own just in case he dropped by during the night to watch TV with her or something.

‘Thanks Jason’ she smiled then ‘I think I’m going to go back in now’ she said gesturing towards the party.

‘You’re welcome Liz’ he smiled and watched her walk away.


When Liz entered the party again she immediately tried to find Max, but he was no longer in the same spot he was when she had last seen him.

Spotting Maria though she made her way over and asked her if she had seen where Max went. Maria gestured to the dance floor reluctantly and Liz turned around and found Max dancing with Ava, Ava’s front plastered against Max’s where she kept rubbing her hips back and forth.

Liz’s face turned red with anger ‘Lizzie?’ Maria asked concerned.

‘That’s it! I’ve had it with that tramp’ Liz fumed and stormed away towards the dance floor and towards Max and Ava.


Max saw Liz heading towards them and when he caught the look on her face he knew he was in trouble.

Liz didn’t meet his eyes as she approached him her hand went straight out and grabbed onto Ava’s arms and yanked her away from Max.

‘Get your paws of my fiancée’ she growled.

‘Excuse me?’ Ava gasped.

‘You heard me. Since the moment you stepped into the Palace this morning you’ve been all over him like a dog on heat and I’ve had just about enough’ she snapped.

‘Liz’ Max said trying to make her aware of the scene she was starting to create. The music hadn’t stopped yet but plenty of people were watching them.

Liz turned on Max when she heard him say her name ‘Don’t’ she roared.

‘How dare you speak to me that way, I think you better remind your little friend here Maxwell who I am’ Ava replied then.

‘Who you are?’ Liz roared ‘You're just some visiting spoiled princess from a neighbouring planet. You have no connection to Antar I however am Max’s fiancée and the future Queen of Antar so I think you should remember who you’re talking to’ Liz told her.

‘Hmpf. We’ll see about that’ she replied sarcastically ‘My father is already in talks to amend the mistake King Phillip made’ she lied.

Isabel who had been standing by watching the scene unfold laughed at that ‘You’re kidding me right? Liz is already a part of our family whether she marries Max or not, you however are a runner up that your father is trying to get rid of to any one that he can including my brothers. But I’ll be sure to inform my father of your behaviour and even Zan won’t touch you then.’ She told the other princess.

‘Okay guys I think that’s enough. Max you should take Liz home now’ Alex interrupted realising the situation could get uglier if he let it.

‘I’m not ready to leave’ Liz bit out. Max was taken back by the anger in her voice and realised that he had let things go too far this time. He had been quite angry himself when he saw Liz leaving the party with Jason Behr that he had let Ava lead him on to the dance floor and begin to plaster herself all over him. He knew that his behaviour would undoubtedly get back to his parents too and they wouldn’t be happy.

Making a snap decision whilst Liz was still arguing with Alex on how she would be getting home Max picked her up and thew her over his shoulder.

‘Bye’ he said to the rest of them and quickly walked out of the party with a screaming squirming Liz on his shoulder.
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Part 29

Max didn’t put Liz down until he had gotten back to where he had parked the bike.

As soon as her feet hit the ground she swiftly turned around with the intention of going straight back inside to the party to find someone else to get a ride home.

‘Liz, where do you think you’re going?’ Max asked her now having hold of her arm to stop her from taking off.

Liz turned around and glared at him ‘If you think that I would go anywhere with you after that then you better think again’ she yelled ‘it’s one thing to behave like that in private but to do that to me in front of all those people we know, god you’re a bastard not even Zan would stoop that low’ she started and then a pair of lips came crashing down against hers stopping any more words from escaping.

When he pulled away Liz just stared at him taking a deep breath.

‘I’m sorry I know that doesn’t cover it but if you give me the chance I really want to explain’ he told her.

Liz raised her eyebrow at him gesturing that he better start.

‘Can we do this at home?’ he pleaded then knowing that if they started the talk here it would more than likely cause another scene.

Liz thought about what he said for a couple of seconds before grabbing hold of her helmet indicating that she agreed. They hopped on the bike and quickly sped out of the property.

Inside the party Zan had just came across what was left of the scene involving Liz, Max and Ava.

‘Hey’ he grinned at Ava but it fell quickly when she scowled at him. Earlier in the night she had been making out with him he thought he was going to get more than lucky with her tonight something had obviously changed.

‘Let’s leave now’ she ordered him.

‘Nah sweets I’m not ready to go yet’ he replied not in the least bit fazed by the look she shot him.

‘If we don’t go now I’ll be sleeping in my room tonight then’ she told him.

‘Well then we better go then’ Zan grinned.


When Max and Liz reached the garage of the palace Liz hopped off the bike and quickly stormed off towards her suite. She had already decided that is she was going to have this talk with Max it was going to be on her turf.

Max followed her quickly becoming more worried with every step, he had never seen Liz so angry before and when she had told him he was lower than Zan it had hit Max hard. He was nothing like his cheating brother he thought to himself.

When Max made it back to their wing he went straight to Liz’s room and knocked, as soon as his fist hit the door it opened so he entered. Liz was walking around the room pacing.

‘Shit’ Max cursed. This wasn’t going to be good, not at all he thought.

Part 30

‘Liz can you come and sit down?’ Max asked from where he was sitting on the love seat in her room. Max had sat straight down the minute he entered the room and had been watching Liz pace for the past 5 minutes, he knew she was trying to organise her thoughts, and he hoped it was calming her down as well.

Liz looked at him and stopped pacing when she heard his voice. ‘Did you set out to be such an asshole today or did it all just fall into place on its own?’ she asked suddenly.

‘Liz you know you’re being pretty hypocritical here’ Max started ‘What!’ Liz shrieked.

‘Let me finish. I had one dance with Ava that may have been a little inappropriate you’ve been with Zan the entire time of our engagement.’ he stated.

‘We’ve been engaged for a total of 2 weeks Max and I broke up with Zan after 1 of those’ Liz replied.

Max seemed to have not heard her or chose to ignore her ‘and then you just took off with Jason Behr to god knows where.’ Liz just shook her head at that.

‘Did you just say you broke up with Zan?’ he asked then.

‘Yes at the ball the night he returned. I haven’t seen him since except for at dinner or when he showed up in my room the other night’ she said then.

Max nodded ‘And as for my walk with Jason, he took me trying to help me calm down after I saw Ava fondling you the first time. I can't believe you would just stand there and let her do that in front of all of those people’

‘You’re right I shouldn’t have done that’

‘I mean it was bad enough you just brought her back here and shoved her in my face even before your father called off the engagement. I mean here she is about to take my place and you expect to be happy about it and you haven’t even said a word to me about it either I mean I thought we were friends, do I mean so little to you now’

‘What, god no Liz’ Max gasped at her words, she was starting to confuse him though

‘So tell me now then Max. When is Phillip announcing that your engagement will be to Ava instead and were you ever planning on telling me first’

Max shook his head ‘God Liz if I could take back those words to you about Ava then I would but you said you didn’t want the betrothal either’

‘What, I never said that Max what would make you think that?’

‘The other night you said that I should blame my father for the betrothal’ he replied.

‘All I meant was that it was a sticky situation Max that could have been handled a lot better’ she sighed and then finally took a seat and put her head in her hands.

‘Liz I never asked my father to break our betrothal contract. I don’t want that. Ava is here because Dad is considering a proposal from King Arthur for Ava and Zan’ he told her then. Liz looked up at him then and he could see the tears that had began forming in her eyes.

‘Then why would you do this? I thought you didn’t want to marry me anymore.’ She began crying this time unable to stop the tears from falling.

‘Do you want to marry me Liz?’ he asked then. He knew what he wanted but he was still unsure as to how she felt. Liz didn’t answer his question though but Max saw everything he needed to.

Max moved towards her quickly then and knelt in front of her taking her hand in his ‘Oh baby don’t you get it yet?’ he asked her.

Liz didn’t answer she just looked at him confused. ‘Liz I was so angry with you the other night when I found Zan here and I didn’t even give you the chance to explain. We were getting along so well and I thought that everything was going to work out but then Zan came back and you just disappeared I had no idea where you were spending all your time and I assumed it was with Zan. My mother informed me that you’ve been busy planning the wedding’ he explained

‘When I was told Ava was returning with us I thought I could use her affection to me to my advantage hoping that you would understand what it felt like’

‘You tricked me? This whole thing was an act to make me what? Jealous?’ she asked.

‘Liz I despise Ava there’s only one woman I want, that I’ve ever wanted and that’s you. I thought’

‘You thought what? That I would realise that I loved you? That I’ve always loved you?’ she yelled.

Max was crying too now he knew he had stuffed up royally.

‘I’m so sorry Lizzie’ he cried.

Liz didn’t respond because she didn’t know how to. She felt hurt by Max’s act and lies didn’t he realise how much he had hurt her.

‘Do you have any idea what it felt like to see you disregard me for the very Princess you told me you were going to marry instead of me. I know that what I did with Zan was wrong but I never once set out to hurt you but everything you did to me was on purpose. Why?’

Max used his hands to wipe his eyes and then cleared his throat. ‘Because I am so in love with you Liz Parker and when I found out you were going to be my wife, be by my side for the rest of my life it was the happiest day of my life but you were miserable. All I wanted was you, it was always about being with you. Forever’ he declared.

‘I am an asshole of the worst kind and I know what I did was unforgivable and if I could take it all back I would but don’t ever doubt why I did it’

Liz cried harder at his words not sure if this was somehow a dream come true or not. She was still angry with him and realised that it was going to take time to get over that.

‘I need some space I think I might go away for a few days’ she said then.

Max nodded realising he didn’t have a say in it anyway.

Damn you Max Evans she thought, just like every other moment in their life he was once again refusing to fight for what he wanted.