Carve UR Heart Out! (M/L,ADULT) Ch.23 08-02-06 [WIP]

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Location: The monkey's his uncle????

Post by Crashdown_51 »

A/N: Yay! Updated in a month. :D Usually this fic gets updated every three but I was in the writing mood, it being my fourth fic updated, are you guys proud? :lol: Now I must say, this is the longest chapter I have ever written. EVER! So enjoy because it's funny, witty, suspenseful, Siskel & Ebert give it two thumbs up, lol. Wait, it's Ebert & Roeper now. Anywho, this I think is the creme of the creme, the theories should be going through the roof so my little detectives, put your thinking caps on and your spectacles b/c the clues and hints are endless in this chapter. :twisted:
tequathisy wrote:Firstly there's no way the killer is Isabel (right?)
Oh, sweetie, there you go under estimating us again. :twisted: We're evil I tell ya! :twisted:
tequathisy wrote:I really hope the guy at the airport isn't Cal. Seeing how he's MIA and all. But maybe if he is then we'll find out personal details about him like what he does for a living!!
Dream on. :lol: Aerosmith, take it away! Dream on! Dream on! Dream on!

janesdilemma wrote:Cal/yep... so dead
Ha!!!! LMAO!
janesdilemma wrote:Max/Where are the clues to his job?I'm beginning to think it was a ploy to mention his 'interpreter job status' as a means to send us in one direction while you girls hit the back door. SURPRISE?!
Awww, you think we're that evil? :oops: Stop it, you're making me blush, LOL.
janesdilemma wrote:Did Izzy hook up with Alex before the party? I cant remember... Cus if it was before, and now the blurry faces... hmmm.. *strokes chin*
She was cruchin' on him before the party and hooked up with him later on.
iequeen wrote:Ok knowing the two of you the killer might be some guy that we met in the first chapter for 2 seconds.
I like where your heads at, lol.

Well, thanks for the feedback kiddos, now on with the reading. :wink:

<center>Chapter 21

Outside Art Gallery - 6:53p.m.

"You sure you're not coming?" Michael questioned Courtney as he leaned against the passenger side with his head ducked to see her shake her head.

"It's not my kind of scene, Guerin," she answered indifferently before looking to the steering wheel and then back to him, "and it's not yours either."

Michael sighed at the sound of her persistence to isolate him from anyone but her. Shaking his head, he pulled out his cell phone from his back pocket to catch a glimpse of the time and then looked to her as he tucked it back in his pocket.

"What?" She questioned in offense from the annoyed look Michael was casting her way, but he didn't reply. He simply shook his head again in disappointment and closed the passenger side door. "Michael?" She called out, leaning to her side to watch him hold the gallery's glass door open for an upscale couple before he entered. "Fine! Go to your hooker then." She shouted, seeing a pedestrian looking her way in disgust. "What the hell are you looking at?" She yelled brutally as she turned on the ignition to the car and pulled out abruptly from her parking spot.

<center>Inside the Gallery</center>

Her sudden obsession was getting tiresome for him. True he noticed in their years of being partners that she had started to develop feelings for him, but he never responded towards them and it seemed to be working out fine despite that. He wondered if Max was right in his theories that her possessive behavior is escalating due to the threat she feels from Maria being around him. It was a crazy theory, but hearing the sounds of screeching tires, which he was absolutely certain it was from Courtney driving off angrily, caused him to consider talking to his Captain in regards to her obnoxious behavior.

Shaking the thought from his head, he began looking through the crowd from where he stood, in search of Max and the pixie that had magically bewitched his best friend, but ended up focusing on the shapely form of a petite blonde that had her back turned towards him. Tilting his head to the side, admiring the woman's assets, he coolly made his way to her and tapped confidently on her shoulder as he plotted his approach.

"What?" He heard the sweet smelling blonde answer before she turned around and revealed herself to be none other than his bickering enemy, Maria DeLuca. "What?" She repeated in frustration as she held her cell phone against her chest.

"Uh-have you seen Max?" He quickly replied after clearing his throat.

"He's probably pronouncing his love to Liz in the cliché corner there," she answered with a sarcastic snort, pointing to section of the gallery that displayed photographs of kissing couples before she returned to her phone call. "Alex, it's me, again, for like the hundredth time already. Where the hell are you?" Exhaling in desperation to know over Alex's well being, she nervously rubbed the smoothness of her neck and glanced to Michael when he snorted in annoyance. "I'm so worried about you," she continued, turning her back to Michael to continue leaving her message, "and Liz is beyond pissed so you better call us to let us know that you're okay, okay?"

He should've just walked away and left her to continue pining over Alex since he spotted Max at the bar, but he found his feet firmly planted on the ground, waiting for her to finish. Why, he didn't know, but as he waited, he looked over the silky dress material that wrapped her body approvingly, wondering again on how could Courtney possible feel threatened by her and why he suddenly felt the urge to cringe every time he heard her say Alex's name. It was a feeling that made him regret not joining Max at the bar, but when he looked towards the bar again, Max was no longer there.

<center>Other end of the gallery</center>

Liz had definitely seen terrible things in her time as an evidence technician, Doug Shellow's mangled remains including, but never had something so diminutive as a face being blurred caused her to be unrulingly afraid and angry at the same time.

Pulling out her cell phone from her tiny hand bag, she dialed for Claire's office line, ready to tear her a new one verbally since no one else but Claire Green could leak out a key item to the media for career recognition.

'You reached Claire Green...'

"Pick up," Liz muttered over the recording and then collected herself when she heard the tone to commence speaking, "Claire, it's me. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but releasing those photos is absolutely unethical. Expect to find a complaint filed to Clay and the review board tomorrow."

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Despite the chattering around her, she was startled by the sudden sound of Max's concern voice. "Jesus, you scared me," she voiced, turning to see Max balancing a champagne glass in one hand and a martini in the other.

"Sorry," he apologized with a small chuckle before noticing her attention to the drinks in his hands, "Oh, um, I wasn't sure on what to get so I got champagne and an apple martini."

"Um, an apple martini sounds great right about now," Liz replied with humoring relief before she relinquished the martini from his hand and carefully sipped the green liquid, making sure she held the lemon wedge in place at the brim of the glass.


"Sorry," Liz blushed as she covered her lips with the back of her hands, "just a little nervous."

"Nervous? Why?" He questioned with an amused chuckle as he shoved his free hand in his pocket.

"I guess I'm feeling a little out of place here," she confessed as she looked at the two chic women that passed by them and then looked down at her dress.

"What is it?" Max questioned after she set her empty glass on one of the waiters trays that passed by her.

"I don't know what I was thinking in wearing this," she replied as she desperately tried to straighten a wrinkle in her dress, "I might of well just shown up in jeans and a t-shirt."

"Are you kidding? You look amazing tonight."

"Max, stop it. I'm a mess. Your friends are probably wondering what you see in me."

"First of all, none of these snobs are my friends, and if it were up to me, I'd be home right now, in bed, with you in my arms." He confessed, seeing her head lower to hide her flushed face. "But I promised Isabel I'd see her opening." He added, lifting her head up softly by her chin to see her rosy cheeks. "If you're really uncomfortable, I can call Michael to pick you and Maria up..."

"No. No. I'll stay and enjoy art with you." Liz smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully and then redirected her attention to the disturbing photograph that had become oblivious to her in Max presence. "Um, do you know anything about this piece?"

"Uh, no, not really," Max hummed as he looked quizzically at the photograph.

Looking carefully at the exposure, she began mentally checking off the things she was sure Michael would be demanding once he saw the photograph himself. Tracking the location the picture was blown up in would be damn near impossible to her. Not only would they have to call every Kinko's in the Bay Head area to ask if anyone blew up a picture of faceless person, they would have to also have to call every small chain business in the same field and even consider technicians, police, and every photographer in New Jersey that owns their own darkroom.

Mission Impossible indeed.

"I noticed it's not like any of the other photographs in her collection." Liz pointed out as she looked to him from the corner of her eye, assuming he probably saw the photograph as just a simple black and white picture and nothing more.

"Well, she does have some pictures that are veiled over there," he informed her as he pointed to the covered panels that were guarded by two gallery security guards and a line of velvet rope, "Maybe they're the same thing."

"Yeah, maybe," Liz replied with a shrug as she lowered her head.

"Maxwell?" They both heard before they noticed a 5'8", slender red head approaching them in a snug classical 1930's dress. "Max-well Evans." She announced after eyeing him up and down. "So, who's your friend darling?" She asked without looking to Liz.

"Alana Mocca," Max spoke nervously as he placed his hand on the small of Liz's back, "this is Elizabeth Parker."

"Nice to meet you." Liz replied courteously.

"Well, well, well, Maxwell Evans. Don't you just look...mmm yummy," she purred waving her cigarette holder about like a wand.

"Funny you should say that, Alana." Liz interrupted.

"Alana Mocca darling." Alana chuckled devilishly.

"Oooh, ok. Alana Mocca," Liz repeated as she looked to Max and flashed him an fake smile, "I was just telling Maxwell Evans how yummy he looked too. Wasn't I, darling?" Liz asked with a big smile, and sarcasm laced in her tone before she laughed along with Max's nervous chuckle.

"Um, Liz," Max coughed out as he pointed to Alana with his champagne glass, "Alana Mocca is the gallery owner. She hosts Isabel's work."

"To tell you the truth, Darling. Isabella Evans has been lacking in the art department if you know what I mean. I mean if me and you didn't have that glorious month in Alcapuco," she paused to pick lint off of Max's shirt, causing Liz to shift her weight, uneased by how flirtatious the woman was being with him. "I doubt anyone would've ever heard of Isabella Evans."

"I'm pretty sure her name is Isabel." Liz corrected.

"You're hosting her, aren't you?" Max reminded in Isabel's defense as he felt Liz attempt to pull away, something she would've done if it wasn't for his secure hold on her waist.

"Yes, yes, after her faceless pieces, it was hard not to." Alana chuckled before she snatched a champagne glass from one of the waiters that walked by.

"Faceless?" Liz replied in a gulp, noticing Alana's use of 'pieces' and not 'piece', meaning there was more then one faceless picture on display.

"Yes. The idea is absolutely brilliant. I mean who are we really but a bunch of faceless people. Society today allows clothing, style and location to define who we are."

"Yo," Michael announced loudly before he rest his arm on Max's shoulder and then looked to Maria when she stood by his side.

"God, Michael. Do you have to be that loud?" Maria snickered with her arms crossed.

"Well, well, well, Michael Guerin. I see you're still the same." Alana hissed as she folded her arms in offense.

"Holy shit, Alana Mocca," Michael laughed, surprised to see her. "You're not still pissed about that ticket Banks gave you, are you? You keep treating her bad and she'll keep handing you those."

"So it was her I just saw at the bar. Tell me Detective Twit, where is the little Doberman now? Outside with a leash I hope." She questioned, twiddling her fingers in disgust as she scanned Michael's appearance in distaste. "You know you should really put her to sleep."

"Hi, I'm Maria," Maria announced, extending her hand with an ear to ear grin. "Enemy of my enemy, my friend?"

"Pardon me?"

"Don't mind her." Liz replied instead, pulling Maria back. "Enemy of your friend, so your enemy," Liz whispered to her.

"Oh, gotcha," Maria whispered back before giving Liz "the wink" and "the gun" and then miraculously changed her demeanor with a scolding glare.

"Friend of yours Michael Guerin?"

"Why, you need one? Because I can always call Banks, she's working at the moment," Michael responded in humor as he held his arms wide open to display himself fully, "but if you want, I can be a darling and tell her to call you," he offered before scratching his eyebrow and pointing to her, "should she ask for Alana or Alice?"

"Michael," Max warned, knowing exactly what Michael was referring to.

"Well, I see this conversation has reached the same level as our police department, worthless," she snickered as she glared at Michael. "Darling," she called to Max before she looked to him, "when ever you're done with the appetizers, you know where to find me to get a cuisine," she purred and then turned on her heel, wiping her hair to hit both Max and Michael.

"He'll look you up," Michael shouted as she walked away, "under Maguire, right?"

"What's he talking about?" Liz whispered to Max while Michael started arguing with Maria.

"Her real name is Alice Maguire." Max whispered back.

"Hey, shut up already," Maria ordered to Michael, elbowing him on the side, "people are staring."


"So, if you want to be embarrassing, wait until I leave at least," she huffed as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"She's right Michael," Max supported, "we're here for Isabel, remember?"

"Come on, Maxwell. I made nice with her and as for Isabel, I really don't think she would've minded either. You and I both know that if Isabel were here, she would be saying the same thing to her."

"Who the hell was she?"

"She's the host for tonight's opening," Max answered Maria and then looked to Liz when she managed to slip out of his hold. "That's all she is."

"But she was your girlfriend at some point right?" Liz questioned in a calm tone to hide the fact that she was upset.

"Not exactly."

"Michael?" Liz called out, questioning him instead for her answer.


"Oh, so now you're deaf?" Maria instigated.

"I didn't hear her, alright."

"She's standing right infront of you."

"I can see that."

"Good for you, you got one out of five senses working. Maybe you want to go for two, can you smell the bullshit? I know I can."

"Keep talking and you're gonna be tasting prison food," he threatened, arching both his eyebrows, "that's sense number three if blondes can count that high."

"Of course I can, how else could I grade your IQ, and keep threatening to arrest me. I mean is that all you got? Lost ammunition sweetie?" Maria taunted. "Oh no, don't arrest me," she patronized with a laugh before snorting, "please," Maria retorted as she scanned Michael up and down, "you wish."

"Maria, if I arrested you, New Jersey drivers' would be thanking me." He declared before he turned to look to Liz, "Look, Liz, forget Alana. She's a huge nut job, out of many, that Max made the mistake of getting involved with--"

"Thanks Michael," Max spat.

"--but believe me when I tell you Liz," Michael continued, ignoring Max's glare, "that both me and Isabel have made him pay for it. Isabel more than me because, hey, it's no secret, Isabel frickin' hates her with a passion."

"I can relate to the feeling." Maria mumbles under her breath.

"Anyway," Michael voiced, not answering back to Maria's comment because he didn't know whether she was referring to him, Courtney, or Alana. "My point is, Isabel hates her, I make cracks of her and Max avoids her, so you can stop being angry now."

"I'm not angry, Michael," Liz explained as she look directly to Max, "it's just, if he knew she was hosting this party, he should've told me, instead of having me stand here like an idiot and watch her flirt and touch him before I find out who she is."

"The man is a Political Interpeter for Christ's sake Liz, cut him a little slack." He pleaded, dodging Max's fist, when he atempted to punch him on the arm, and then continued to defend him. "You know he thinks you're adorable, so I don't see what the problem is."

"Uh, recap, flirting and touching." Maria reminds.

"Does she ever shut up?" Michael questioned rhetorically to both Max and Liz before shaking the remark from his head he had planned to answer to her in return and then held his hand by his head in frustration. "Help me out here Max, I mean, am I dating the girl or are you?"

"I mean, I don't know what else to say," Max started as he turned to face Liz, "I met her a while back, it was nothing, definitely not how she made it out to be. I know I should've mentioned it but it slipped my mind."

"And the flirting and touching?" Maria reminded again.

Touching Max's shoulder when he heard him exhale, Michael took a step forward and then pointed behind him with his thumb as he said, "all you gotta do is say the word Maxwell and I'll get my buddy Fly from narcotics," he offered, making Max laugh, "with his help, she'll get five years tops for possession."

"Michael," Liz warned.

"What? With visitations." Michael shrugged.

"Michael," Max warned as well, but with humor laced in his tone.

"The offers on the table," Michael reminded with a wink and then took a few steps back, waving his hand before him to insinuate to Max that the floor was his.

"There wasn't any touching or flirting," Max declared, causing Liz to gasp in disbelief.

"Oh, really?" Liz questioned before she moved infront of Michael and started to imitate Alana's behavior with him, "so all this, and this, and this..."

"Okay, okay," Max chuckled pulling her away from Michael, "I get your point."

"I didn't," Michael exclaimed, "show me again," he asked before Maria smacked him on the arm. "Why are you hitting me?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I can get your attention please," someone announce, stopping Maria from answering Michael. When the all turned to see it was Alana, standing infront of the veiled photographs and security guards. "First of all, I wanted to thank you all for coming tonight. It's been a pleasure, but if we can now get the lady of the hour to come up? Isabella, darling, where are you?" She asked, scanning the crowd as she covered her eyes from the spotlight that was on her. "Isabella?"

"Where is she?" Michael whispered to Max, who shrugged and began to look around from where he stood.


"Uh, over here."

"Do you see her?" Liz asked on her toes, unable to make out who the crowd was making way for.

"Oh, there you are darling," Alana giggled sophisticatedly as flashes of cameras dazzle in the applauding crowd.

"There she is," Max declared before he started to clap as well and then leaned closer to Liz. "Your friend, Alex, is with her."

"Really?" Liz questioned with surprise and then grabbed on to Maria's forearm as she got on her toes again to see him.

"What?" Maria questioned.

"Alex is there."

"Really?" Maria responded in the same anxiousness and then held on to Liz as the both tried to see passed the people in front of them. "I see him!" Maria cheered. "Alex!" She and Liz both waved to him, calling his name a few times before he finally spotted them and waved back. "He looks hot." Maria commented, never seeing him in a suit before.

"It's an art show, not a Chip n' Dale concert." Michael snickered as he crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Good evening," Isabel greeted once she reached the microphone, "tonight has gone really well, met a few people, sold a few pieces, but I'm pretty sure that's not what you want to hear right now," she stated making the crowd laugh. "You all came to see the unvieling," she added, displaying the curtains behind her, "but before I can cue the guards, I have to thank the people that inspired me to do these particular pieces." Straightening up, she scanned through the crowd until her eyes landed on Liz, standing beside Max. "The lovely Miss Elizabeth Parker," she announced pointing to Liz.

With the spotlight on her, Liz froze at the sound of her name and became suddenly mute to the questions Maria and Max were asking her.

"But," Isabel spoke again, making the spotlight return to her, "the person that actually made these pieces magic, my model, a real charmer, Mr. Alexander Whitman," she introduced before pointing to him and joining the crowd as they applauded.

"This guy is getting annoying," Michael retorted to Max in his ear.

"Come on, let's get closer," Maria suggested, grabbing Liz's hand to make her follow her.

"Hey," Max called out with a small laugh at the sight of Maria stealing Liz away into the crowd, "come on," he commanded as he signaled Michael to follow behind him.

"Maria, hold on," Liz giggled on how quick Maria was getting through the crowd. "And now, without further adu," Liz heard as she accidently bumped into a curly haired blonde. "Oh, sorry," she apologized, keeping her eyes on Maria's back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Faceless in the Nude," they both heard, reaching the front of the crowd the second the veils were pulled off.

"Oh my God," both Maria and Liz gasped, stunned at the sight of four enlarge photgraphs of a naked, faceless man.

"There you are," Max proclaimed with joy when he spotted Liz, but immediately noticed the tears consuming in her eyes, "Liz, what happened?"

"What?" Michael questioned when he looked to Max, who looked as confused as he was before he finally looked to where Liz was still drawn to. "Shit," he cursed before he pulled Maria to him and let her bury her face in his chest to cry.

"It's Alex," Liz moused out in anguish when she recognized the background behind the faceless man, it being the inside of Alex's apartment, the same spot where they walked in on him posing for Isabel.

"Hey, what's going on?" Alex questioned, hopping down from the stage and then helping Isabel down right after.

"Alex," Liz called out dispiritedly before Maria quickly turned to face them, looking to Isabel in repulsion.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Maria questioned in tears.

"What?" Isabel responded in bewilderment.

"She didn't know, Maria," Michael defended.

"Maria, what's going on?" Alex questioned holding her back by her shoulders.

"Liz?" Max questioned instead, hoping for an explanation himself.

"It's nothing Maxwell," Michael answered instead as he and Liz exchanged looks, "she didn't know," he repeated in assurance.

"I know," Liz answered back in a low tone as she nodded and then turned to face Max, "it's getting late, I should go."

"Okay, let me get the car-"

"No. Max." Liz called out, stopping him from speaking as she looked sadly to her hand that was pressed on his chest and covered by his instantly. "I mean with Maria and Alex," she added before her eyes connected with his.


"Maxwell," Michael spoke, "just let her go tonight," he advised, causing Max to break his gaze from Liz to give him a confused look, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay," Max mumbled, looking to Liz again. "Just be careful," he bid, knowing she wasn't safe as long as Kyle was still missing.

"I'll call you." Liz promised as she stood on her toes and kissed him, a kiss she intended to be a short, brief one if Max hadn't held on to her to deepen it. "I'll call you," Liz repeated with her forehead resting against his, kissing him one last time before she finally pulled away.

"I'll call you later," Alex whispered to Isabel and then followed quietly behind Liz and Maria, meanwhile, Max watched helplessly as they squeezed through the first few people in the crowd and then turned to Michael for an explanation when they longer could be seen.

"What the hell was that about Michael?" Max asked demandingly.

"What did I do?" Isabel questioned right after.

"You know that case I'm working on, right? The one with Maria's friend and Liz's ex?" Michael questioned rhetorically while cracking his knuckles and then continued when Max and Isabel both responded with a nod. "Well, the whack job that popped them leaves these behind."

"Leaves what?" Max questioned as he shook his head, utterly confused.

"Pictures of vics without a face," Michael informed them, seeing Max and Isabel exchange looks before they looked back to him, "it's where we went this morning," he reminded to Max.

"Jesus, Michael," Isabel replied nervously, "I didn't know. It's just when Liz asked me about it, I just-I just thought it sounded like a cool idea."

"They'll cool off by tomorrow," Michael assured them with a shrug, "they just freaked out seeing Alex like that, that's all. Him being the apple of their eye or whatever and the pain in my ass."

"Shit," Max cursed as he rubbed the stubble on his cheek.


"Alana's coming." He answered, pointing with his chin.

"Guys, if you want, you guys can go." Isabel suggested as she hugged herself.

"Really?" Max questioned unsure.

"Yeah, either way I have to stay behind with Misses Multiple Personalities over here and close up."

"Okay, but you're staying at our place tonight right?" Max questioned, getting a nod from Isabel in return. "I can sleep on the couch, doesn't seem like Uncle Kals coming back tonight either," he speculated with a shrug.

"Another girl?" Isabel questioned with a giggle of disbelief.

"The man has game." Michael added with admiration before Alana appeared behind Isabel.

"Isabella," Alana sighed in disappointment as she held her by her shoulders, "we got buyers from New York and you're chit-chatting with the family," she declared with a rich chuckle before she turned Isabel to face the crowd. "The good thing about family is," she spoke as they both started to walk, "they're always there, but buyers darling aren't, so go mingle."


7:50 p.m.</center>

"Oh my God, Isabella, you were a smash darling!" Alana cheered, sitting on the stage as she waved her cigarette holder about and watched as Isabel covered her photographs.

"Yeah, we sold more than I expected," Isabel replied in excitement as she walked over to the next photograph and cover it with a blue cloth that protected them from dirt and dust.

"Oh, honey, pick up your feet when you walk. I can hear you move from here."

"You know what?" Isabel retorted as she looked to the side pensively and then turned on her heel. "Why am I doing this?" She asked before dropping the art covers she had in her hands on the floor. "Shouldn't you be preserving my art?" Isabel questioned pointing to Alana before she stomped off toward the door that led to the gallery's back room exit. "I'm out of here," she voiced before pushing through the door.

"Isabella." Alana called out when she left. "Isabella, okay," she surrendered as she heard her voice echo throughout the empty gallery. "I promise I'll help, now come back," she called again as she tilted her head back and chuckled of amusement, a chuckle that immediately muted when she heard the heavy back room exit door close. "Isabella?" Alana called out as she stood up and started to head to the back but stopped when she heard the heavy metal door open again. "Isabella, it was a joke," she added apologetically with relief, waiting for the Isabel to come back out. "Isabel?" She questioned before she gasped at the sounds of the main light switches from the power box being turned off one-by-one and then the metal door closed again. "Isabel," Alana called out in a nervous panic as she turned a full 180 slowly to see that she was almost left in the dark, if it wasn't for the soft display lights that were still on. "This is not funny anymore," she argued angrily as she pushed the back door open and looked around, not seeing Isabel at all. "Bitch," she hissed as she moved to her coat hanging on the hook beside the back room exit and pulled out her lighter, "she's lucky she's worth money," she mumbled to herself as she ignited the lighter and moved to the power box, turning the main lights back on.

It was when she turned on the last switch that she yelp, startled by the loud sound of something falling in the gallery, "fuck," she muttered to herself, clutching her chest as she moved back out to the lighted gallery.

Poking her head out the door, her eyes instantly narrowed on the enlarged photograph that had fallen from it's display before stepping out completely and walking over to it. Looking at the back of the enlargement, she eyed at the label, reading "Not Nude Faceless - SN#34A836" before she picked it up and then lightly brushed the surface with hand before placing it back on display.

"What the hell?" She voiced after a double take to the photograph, noticing it was different from the one she had seen earlier. Different as in all the faceless pictures she set up for the show were of a man, meanwhile the one she was looking at was of a woman in a linen dress.

Stepping closer to look at the background, Alana's head snapped to the direction she came from when she again heard the sound of the backroom metal door opening again. "Isabel?" She whispered with a shiver before the main lights shut off again, this time, leaving only the display light that she was standing by on. She immediately pressed her back against the wall, squinting her eyes with attempts to see the back door in the dark, attempts that were put on hold when she heard the front door unlock and the sounds of the busy street spill inside before they were muted again by the closed door.

In tears, Alana slowly slid down to the ground, hearing the loudness of the footsteps clattering on the hardwood floors, and then began crawling into the dark. "Shit," she whimpered, knowing her crawl was limited by the restrictions of her tight dress.

Resting on her side, she catiously attempted to rip a slit on her dress while she looked below to the lit display since she no longer was able to hear the foots steps.

"Come on," she pleaded, biting her lip and she commenced with the first rip, that was minute compared to the second, which to her was as audible as the footsteps. "Shit," she winced knowing she had given her location away and then frantically crawled on the floor. "Shit. Shit." She cursed crying when she heard the footsteps again, only quicker, and then yelped again when she felt a pair of hands grab her both her ankles. "No!" She shouted in fear as the hands held her ankles securely. "Please," she pleaded before her cries were muffled by other pair that grabbed her by hair and covered her mouth.
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Post by lizard_queen »

Ok, so it may have been a very short while ago that we last updated, but we're back now, at least for one more chapter to be posted.

All of your fb was pruned so we can't do individual responses, but we both want to thank you all so much for the wonderful fb and we also want to apologise profusely for the crappy updating schedule we both seem to have.

And thank you all so much for the noms! It makes us both smile when we see them.

Now, when we last met our characters, things with Max and Liz were going good, things between Michael/Maria/Courtney were not so good, people were showing up randomly and disapearing, strange photos were turning up and someone may or may not have been murdered in an art gallery...

<center>Chapter 22</center>

3:09 am

It was an irritated Detective Guerin who begrudgingly walked along the dark, cold pedestrian pathway through Central Park at three am towards the flashing lights and commotion that only a murder could conjure up. He pulled his coat tighter around his body to shield himself from the cool wind and readied himself for the site of another dead body. No matter how many times he had seen one, he doubted that he would ever become used to it.

Up ahead he could see Liz talking to Tim, a new recruit to the force. She looked like she would rather be in bed as well. As he approached the pair Tim turned and addressed him with keen green eyes.

“Good morning Detective Guerin. Is there anything I can do to assist you and Miss Parker?”

Liz tried to bite back a smile at how eager he was. He had told her before that this was the first murder case he had ever been assigned, and she could tell from his manner that he was either high on speed or extremely excited. Michael raised a tired brow at the boy in front of him, not in the mood to do anything or talk to anyone until he at least had some caffeine in his system.

“Yeah, two coffees. No milk in mine, and make sure it’s strong,” he barked the order and watched in amusement as it registered on the rookies face that the only chance he had of even seeing the body tonight was if he was the one bringing it a coffee.

“Right. They’re on their way sir.” He turned with a disappointed smile and walked away, not before Michael muttered ‘sir’ under his breath and shook his head at how old it made him feel.

“You know, you could have been just a bit nicer,” Liz suggested, turning to her tool case next to her and retrieving two pairs of disposable gloves, handing on pair to Michael and putting the other pair on her own hands.

“It’s too early to be nice. Why can’t these murderers be considerate for once and murder someone during the day?”

“Would you rather have it at night when most of the reporters are asleep so you can do your job quickly and go back to bed, or during the day where you have a hundred or more different newspapers all crowding around, giving you a headache and interrupting your concentration?” Liz suggest with a smile.

“Detective Guerin, glad to see you finally arrived,” Courtney said walking over to the pair. Her tone was cold and full of sarcasm. Even Liz noticed the tension between the partners.

“Some of us don’t live as close to the ‘bad’ part of town as you do, Detective Banks.” Michael replied smugly, crossing his arms over his chest to show her that he could play her game as well. She gave a disgruntled look and stalked off to talk to the witness who found the body where it was.

“What was that about?” Liz asked quietly as her and Michael made their way towards the body.

“We had an argument, and as usual, she’s solving this the mature way,” Liz smiled when he rolled his eyes. He gave a curt nod to a female officer who was told to brief them both before they started collecting evidence. “What have we got on this bastard of a morning Karen?”

She smiled at the detective who had been a friend for quite some time and read from the sheets in front of her. “Female, twenty five years old. Her name is Mitsy Walker. She lives at 24 Caroline Street. She runs a bookstore down town. We found ID in her wallet, as well as cash so we can rule out a robbery. She has a series of lacerations to her face and neck from what we can tell. That’s about all we’ve found out so far.”

“Has she got any family that needs to be informed?” Liz asked, trying to draw her eyes away from the body that lay less than four meters away but unable to.

“She has a husband but no kids. He was at work, but we have an officer who’s informing him as we speak.”

“What does the husband do?”

Karen scanned over the sheets of information quickly before she found the information she needed. “It says here surveillance. It’s his own company; he’s the only employee. I’ll see what else I can find out for you.”

“Thanks. We better get started. The sooner we wrap this thing up the sooner I can go back to bed.” Michael addressed Liz, suppressing the bile rising in his throat from the sight of the body and readying himself for what he had to do. This was the worst part of his job. “And where the hell is my coffee?”

1 Hour Later

“What do you think?” Michael asked, taking off his gloves and throwing them in the closet bin. Liz looked up from the strip of film she was studying in her hand when she heard his question.

“It wasn’t our guy who did this.”

“What are you talking about? Of course it was him, she had a strip of film in her mouth just like all the others. That’s his trademark.” Courtney said, stalking over when she over heard their conversation. What kind of forensics person was she if she couldn’t even make a connection as simple as that?

“Just because there’s a flimsy piece of film in her mouth doesn’t mean it was the same guy.” Liz tried to explain calmly, even though inside she was fuming that the blonde had the nerve to question her. She was slowly starting to see why Maria couldn’t stand her.

“Why do you say that?” Michael asked even though he had had a feeling ever since they arrived that something was out of place. This just didn’t seem like the work of a serial killer.

“Well for starters, from what I can tell she died from a trauma to the head. Could have been from a weapon or she could have been pushed.”

“What’s your point?” Courtney interrupted impatiently, receiving a glare from both Michael and Liz yet taking no mind to either of them. She had been in a shitty mood since they had their fight the night before and it didn’t make it any better that she was missing out on valuable beauty sleep right now. Even though she was aware that her attitude was affecting her work, it didn’t mean she would just forgive and forget.

“My point is,” Liz ground out through clenched teeth, “the murder is too clean. All the other murders by our guy have been bloody and violent. He, or she, is trying to make a point. This murder looks like it was an accident. But the main tip off that this is just an imitation is the filmstrip. Take a look at it.”

Liz passed the filmstrip to Michael who studied it silently, a smile forming on his lips before her passed it on to Courtney. “What’s your point? It’s another surveillance shot of someone, just like all the others.”

“Banks, have you even looked at the body since you got here?” Michael asked with a huff of annoyance.

“Yeah, but what does that matter?”

“Look at the shoes on the film, and then look at the shoes of the body. They’re the same. In fact, the person in that filmstrip is the same dead body over there, clothes and all, which means these photos’ were taken today. All of our guy’s victims had a strip of someone else in their mouth. And their faces were blurred, in the strip from this murder they’re all taken from behind her so there’s only shots of the back of her head. This wasn’t our guy,” Liz explained.

“You have a theory anyway, don’t you?” Michael asked with a smirk, he could see the gears turning in her head.

“She lives Downtown and works there as well, but the apartment building she’s coming out of in these pictures is uptown. I’ve driven past it before. My guess is that her husband had an inkling that she wasn’t being faithful so he decided to do a little surveillance for himself. He found out that she was screwing someone else and he got angry. Probably confronted her, things got out of hand, he hit her too hard or he pushed her and she fell and hit her head. Either way he killed her. He’s probably seen the news about our guy and when he got freaked out he did the only thing he could, covered his tracks by using the strip of film he had taken of her before and shoved it in her mouth, dumped her in the park and then ran. He’s left a stack of evidence as well. I collected some skin that was left under her fingernails from the struggle and there were some hairs and material strands on her dress and stuff as well. I bagged it all but it’s up to the other forensics team to figure out if I’m right or not. This isn’t our case any more.”

“So I can go home and sleep?” Michael questioned hopefully. It was the first night in days that he had been able to sleep in his own bed because Liz and Maria decided to stay with their friend Alex that night, and he didn’t want to be away from his mattress for longer than he had to be.

9: 03 – Boy’s Apartment

“Ahh, can you hear that?” Michael sighed as he stretched languidly in front of the television with a giant smile plastered across his face. It was good to be home.

“Hear what?” Max asked absently from the kitchen. He was struggling with the tin of coffee that refused to let him remove the lid. The fight had been going on for over ten minutes now, but the lid just wouldn’t budge. He had tried jabbing everything he could find under the lid to lever it up, only nothing worked.

“The silence.”

“Ah huh!” Max smiled in triumph when the lid came flying off, but his smile quickly turned into a frown as the coffee landed on the floor in a small pile. He sighed tiredly and decided the coffee wasn’t going anywhere and he would clean it up later.

“Look, I am sorry about the girls staying here and invading but if they were really in your way that much all you had to do was ask and they could have stayed at a hotel or something,” Max reasoned, sitting down on the recliner positioned next to the lounge.

He thought back to that morning and waking up in his bed all alone. It was a cold and strange feeling, considering he and Liz had only been together a week or two. He should be used to waking up alone. And he wasn’t technically alone anyway. He had woken up halfway through the night to see the cat sitting on the edge of his bed, peering down into the darkness of the floor and hissing at something under his bed.

“Bullshit Max. You and I both know that you wouldn’t have let Liz out of your sight that entire night, and I’m ok with that. It’s that Maria girl who I just want to strangle or something!”

“That Maria girl? You’re making it a bit obvious don’t you think?”

“What?” Michael asked in denial. He knew what his friend meant, but it was much easier to play dumb.

“Admit it. You’re attracted to her.”

“To who? Motor mouth? Sure, if the definition of ‘attracted’ suddenly means to want her to die a horrible horrible death, one where her voice box is preferably pulled out. Then yes, I’m attracted to her.”

Max looked at his friend in concern. “You’ve been around dead bodies and mass murderers for too long.”

Michael sighed and scratched his eyebrow with the back of his index finger. “Sorry, it’s just this entire case seems a little too close to home, you know? Plus with Courtney acting like she’s in high school again, I’m glad to have the silence to relax in.”

The phone started ringing and both men groaned in distress. So much for silence. Their perfect weekend of nothing but TV and sleep was about to be ruined.

Michael stood up to retrieve the phone, talking as he walked. “I’ll make you a deal Maxwell. Liz can crash here whenever she wants, as long as I get at least an hours warning before her friend is here so I have adequate time to make my exit.”


9:43 am – Alex’s Apartment

The brunette rolled over on the mattress for the fourth time in the last twenty minutes. She was tired as hell but her mind was too awake to let herself go back to sleep. She knew that there was something they were all missing, some tiny piece of evidence that held the key to the entire investigation, she just had no idea what.

“Morning ladies,” a very smug looking Alex said when he strutted into the lounge room of his apartment where Liz and Maria had slept that night.

“Yeah, for you maybe. I think when you bought that couch you got conned because there is no way that thing is made from anything but rocks,” Maria grumbled, stretching her tired muscles and quietly padding to the kitchen to make herself a much needed cup of coffee.
“It’s not that hard Maria,” Alex tried to defend his furniture, pulling down three mugs from one of the high cupboards. “So what have we got planned for today?”

All three friends had designated today as a day to relax and hang out, something that they each hadn’t had time to do in what seemed like months. They were all stressed and in need of a good dose of gossip. These days usually involved some movies, ice cream and complaints about how crappy their love lives were, but it seemed that Maria was the only one who could complain this time.

“I’m up for a good mani, pedi and a facial,” Maria suggested.

Liz was about to respond from her spot still in the makeshift bed on the floor when her mobile started to vibrate next to her. She let out a small groan and pulled it to her ear.


“Hey, I didn’t wake you up did I?” Max. His voice brought a relaxing sense of comfort to her instantly. She suddenly didn’t feel all that tired anymore. Instead butterflies started to swarm in her tummy and her teeth bit down on her bottom lip out of nervousness. It was ridiculous that she could still be so nervous when she was around him. He’d already seen her naked multiple times after all.

“No, I’ve been awake for a while now. What’s up?”

“I realised this morning that we’re overdue for another date so I was thinking-”

“Maria, it’s hard enough for me to find a girl who doesn’t think I’m a geek. What is she going to say when she realises that I let my friends talk me into manicures and pedicures?” Alex’s voice floated across the room interrupting the conversation between the lovers.

“Who was that?” Max asked after being cut off halfway through his proposition.

“She’ll either think you’re a very well groomed geek, or that you’re gay,” Maria reasoned, ducking when Alex threw a pillow from the lounge at her.

“Just Alex and Maria arguing. Nothing unusual there. So anyway, what were you saying?” Liz readjusted the pillows behind her to get more comfortable and stuck her hand over her free ear to block out her friends.

“If you don’t have anything planned tonight, maybe we could go on that second date I’ve been meaning to ask you about for a while now? We could go to dinner and then find something to do afterwards.”

Liz smiled and nodded against the phone but stopped upon realisation that he couldn’t see her. “I would love to.”

The apartment phone started to ring and Maria answered it with a grumble, thinking it was too early in the morning for Liz and Max to be this lovey-dovey. Sure, she was happy for her friend, but it was difficult to be enthusiastic about someone else’s happiness when you were miserable. The scowl on her face became darker when the voice of Michael Guerin came through the receiver.

“What?” She snapped, ignoring a giggle from her best friend and yearning for her coffee that was sitting the kitchen bench just out of reach.

“I need Liz. We have another body.”

:D Ki-ki :D

My Stuff

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Post by Crashdown_51 »

Author's Note: Hey guys. I know, :shock: gasp an update, lol. No, no, it's not a mirage, lol. It's really an update.

Both me and Kris would like to thank everyone for the nominations and the votes Carve Your Heart Out got this round. <Hugs> We really appreciate it. We did the happy dance. :lol:

Now, it's been a while, so maybe I should recap:

There's a killer on the loose. The K's are missing, Kal and Kyle. Tess is still crazy. (I mean hello, remember, she was under the bed while Max and Liz were doing it!!) Michael and Maria are into each other but are fighting it with every bone that's in their fiber, bones that Courtney is willing to break with some police brutality since she is itching with jealousy. The body count consists of Nathan, Doug, and "possibly" Alana Mocca (the art host). There was a copy cat killer for a wink, but it turned out to be a jealous hubby trying to cover up his tracks, nothing to worry about. Of course, there was a little Titanic love in the air with Isabel taking nude pictures of Alex, where in her exhibit, it's revealed that she manipulated the pictures, making them faceless as the one's from the murder. Maria and Liz were distraught to see Alex like that (faceless, not nude) and decided to leave, so Max (our Political Interpreter) went home alone. :( AND! In the last chapter, Michael calls Alex's place, where the girls stayed the night, to tell Liz that they found another body.

Ellie wrote:Yay, new chapter! Interesting to get to see Liz do her job. Now if only we'd get to see the same from Oh well, maybe by the end of the fic.
Oh! :lol: Oh! :lol: Almost fell for that. <Wiping> No dice, but nice try.
Lorastar wrote:Where's Uncle Kal?
You'll find out in this chapter. :shock: :twisted:

And now on with the new chapter!!


<center>Chapter 23</center>

Girl’s Apartment – 9:55 a.m.

Another body…just hearing the words from Maria’s lips made the news seem unrealistic to her, like somehow she was still asleep and the phone call was just something she dreamt up. But Maria’s anxious persistence for Liz to take the call and Michael’s distant tone when she answered made the news more existent.

‘Liz. You need to get to Twilight Lake. Now.’

It was all the information Michael was willing to release over the phone, which frightened her…his sudden confidentiality. With Nathan, he didn’t know she was an evidence technician or who Nathan even was, so he couldn’t possibly notify her of that specific murder, like he did with Doug. But now, someone else was murdered and he wouldn’t tell her whom.

Scrambling around her room for clothes, she tried to imagine the film strip from Doug’s mouth, to figure out who it was, in case Michael was right and the killer was going after people she knew.

‘It was a man’, Liz thought to herself as she hopped into a pair of slacks. With the sex in mind, she was able to rule out female possibilities, like Isabel and Claire. She was just on the phone with Max and Alex was safe and sound in her living room waiting for her with Maria. Michael was at the crime scene…

It could be anyone really. From the mailman to the pizza delivery guy or the guy that served her coffee at the coffee shop. It was like picking a needle out of a hay stack. “Ugh,” Liz vented, overwhelmed with names that crossed her mind.

“Liz?” Alex called with a faint knock before opening her door and peeking inside, “Everything okay?”

Holding her hair back, Liz took a deep breath, and then nodded slowly. Everything was not alright. There was a killer on the loose and it was only a matter of time before he revealed himself to her.


Apartment Building

“We’re just a little worried since he hasn’t come back since he left,” Isabel exhaled as she stepped out of the elevator and headed down towards Alex’s apartment, “so if you can just call me back Dad, when you get this message, that’ll be great. I love you. Bye.”

Tucking her cell in her pocket once she reached Alex’s front door, she took a moment to recite the apology she had been practicing in her head, since Max had told her that Liz and Maria decided to stay at Alex’s because of what happened at the gallery, and then finally knocked on the door.

No answer.

Pulling her cell from her pocket, she scrolled down her phone log and highlighted Alex’s name. Hitting “send”, she waited patiently as the first two rings echoed in her ear, followed by the soft tone of Alex’s voice answering.


“Alex,” Isabel called out, unable to help the smile that stretched across her face and the impulse to twirl her hair nervously.


“Um, yeah it’s me,” Isabel replied bashfully before an unsettling awareness that she was being watched crept up her spine. “I’m like right outside your door,” she notified him as she guardedly looked around the hall from where she stood.

“You are,” she heard him reply before she saw Liz’s door open at the far end and his head poking out the door.

“Hey,” she called out, tucking her cell back in her pocket and then jogged down to him.

“Hey-” he grunted out of breath when she suddenly threw her arms around him and hugged him as tight as she could. It was in his arms that Isabel felt her warm sense of security return. “You okay?” He asked as he stroked the back of her head.

“Yeah, fine,” Isabel replied with a nod before pulling away.

“What are you doing here,” he asked with a smile of his own as he took a step back to allow her inside.

“I wanted to talk to Liz and Maria,” she replied, just as Maria stepped out from the kitchen.

“What about,” Maria questioned before blowing on the hot coffee in her coffee mug.

“I wanted to apologize, about last night,” Isabel answered as she watched Maria carefully sit down on the couch while stirring her coffee. She had the keen sense that Maria was still sour over what happened and she couldn’t help but feel terrible over it.

“It’s not your fault,” Liz spoke from her doorway, fully dressed with name tag and all. “You didn’t know,” Liz added as she stepped further into the living room and glanced over to Maria to assure her that Isabel was clueless to the faceless fiasco.

“I should’ve never altered my pictures the way I did,” Isabel apologized as she sat at the far end of the couch, with her hands folded underneath her chin, “I swear I didn’t know the reason behind you asking me all those photography questions.”

“Isabel, it’s fine,” Liz waved off before slipping on her blazer and flipping out her dark hair from underneath the collar. “We were just caught off guard, you know,” she shrugged and looked to Maria, who was occupied still with blowing her coffee cool.

“I know, and I’m sorry,” Isabel replied as she hung her head in shame, “I honestly didn’t know that four pictures would have that great of an effect on you guys.”

“It’s the style of the picture that effected us,” Maria spoke from the brim of her coffee mug, glancing to Isabel before she looked to Alex, who was standing beside Isabel with his arms crossed, “to see Alex in that way…it just scared us.”

“Maria, I’m so sorry…”

“Look, Maria, it’s just as much as my fault as it is Isabel,” Alex intervened, “I mean I posed for the photos after all—”

“Five,” Liz interrupted absentmindedly as she buttoned her blazer.

“What?” Alex questioned.

Lifting her eyes from her busy fingers to their confused faces, Liz shook her head and repeated, “five…there were five photographs,” she explained and then looked to Isabel. “You said you didn’t know four photographs could effect us the way they did, but there were five. Alex’s four, and the one of that man that was with the other exhibits.”

“There must be some kind of mistake,” Isabel responded as she shook her head, “I only had four faceless photographs on display.”

Liz took a minute to let Isabel’s words sink in. She was more than positive that there were five faceless photographs and not four. How could she forget, if it was that very photograph that made her leave a very disgruntle message in Claire’s voicemail. A message that she knew she had to apologize for today when she would see Claire.

“Liz,” Alex called out, touching her shoulder when he noticed the color fade from her cheeks.

“I have to talk to Michael,” escaped from her lips before she gave Alex a dooming stare and then ran out the door.

Twilight Lake - Temple Docks - 10:19 a.m.

“Maria, just whatever you do, stay inside and don’t let Alex out of your sight, okay?” Liz shouted at her cell as her eyes focused on the light show down on the other side of the docks.

“Why, Liz? What’s going on?”

“Maria, please, just say you’ll do it, for me.”

“Okay. I’ll do it. I just don’t understand why we have to stay at Michael’s again.”

“Humor me ok,” Liz responded as she twirled the cell wire between her fingertips, feeling more anxious the closer she got to crime scene.

“Do you want to talk to Max?”

“No,” Liz quickly answered, gripping on to the stirring wheel when she started to drive on the graveled road. “Just tell him thank you for letting you guys stay there tonight.”

“You guys? You mean ‘us’ right? You’re staying here tonight too right?”

“Maria, I gotta go,” Liz quickly brushed off and hung up her cell. It wasn’t that she was trying to dodge Maria’s question. It was the fact that she had just pulled up to a media circus that was kept under control by a dozen uniformed cops and an endless barricade of yellow police tape around the area.

Warehouse 4-A… it was directly across the lake from where Nathan’s body was found, which worried her since their killer was care-free enough to return to the same area.

Stepping out of her car, Liz pushed passed the frenzy and outburst of questions, to the closest uniformed officer, whom she had met last night. “Tim,” she called out, flashing her ID to him and then pulling out her gloves from her pocket.

“Miss Parker,” he greeted, lifting the tape up for her to duck underneath it, “Detective Guerin is expecting you.”

“Where is he,” Liz questioned as she scanned the area, seeing more police officers on sight than required.

“By the dock,” he replied, pointing towards the lake, “they’re about to exhume the body now.”

“Exhume,” Liz repeated in surprise.

“Yeah, a diver found him this morning,” he informed her as he pointed over to a shivering man, sitting on the bumper of an ambulance while he was being questioned by Courtney.

“Do you know who it is,” she questioned, feeling her heart start to race in alarm.

“No,” he replied as he shook his head and tucked his thumb in his utility belt, “just know Detective Guerin took it pretty bad when he found out who it was.”

“Th-thank you,” Liz stammered and then commenced the walk down to the docks.

It seemed like a walk of shame. Never in her years as an evidence technician did she feel so out of place. She would walk pass officers, who would scan her suspiciously and then return to their whispers. Miscellaneous areas were being photographed and near the warehouse entrance was none other than Claire Green and her supervisor, Clay Emerson.

Looking straight ahead, Liz pretended not to notice them, and then quickly bee-lined her way towards Michael. He was at the end of the dock, his hands deep inside his coat pockets as he and two women dressed in black suits stared into the grey water.

“Detective Guerin,” Liz called out, feeling obligated to call him by his title in front of the two unknown women.

Michael turned around at the sound of his name, and was relieved to see it was Liz, rather than someone else to gruel him with a list of questions. “Miss Parker,” he answered, almost wincing at the sound of referring to her so properly. “Agent Duff, Agent Topolsky, this is Miss Elizabeth Parker, the lead technician in this case,” he introduced before he looked to Liz to explain, “the FBI has generously given us an extension into finding out who this whack job is before they take over.”

“Oh, no hard feelings Detective,” the blond agent responded with an unsettling smirk, “we’re all on the same team.”

“Whatever you say,” Michael snorted as he kept his eyes on the wire that disappeared into the water.

“Right, well, we’ll keep in touch,” Agent Duff added as she slipped on a pair of shades, “Detective. Miss Parker,” she bid farewell before she and Agent Topolsky walked away.

It was only a matter of time before the FBI intervened. It was just a relief to Liz that they came sooner than expected, with hopes that the psychopath could finally be caught once and for all, despite it meaning that Michael were no longer on the case. She had faith in his abilities, and Courtney’s, but this case seemed to be hitting too close to home, so the sooner it could be solved, the better.

“I’ve worked my ass off in this case to have some suit-wearing, pencil-pusher come and take it,” Michael muttered angrily as he kept his eyes locked on the wire in the water.

Liz waited a moment before moving beside Michael, asking, “how much time did they give us,” just as a police diver surfaced from the water and gave the thumbs up for the tower to retract the wire.

“Three days,” Michael choked out as he quickly wiped away the tear that escaped him. Liz was beside herself on how emotional Michael seemed to be. She wasn’t sure if it was because his case was being turned over to the FBI, or over what Tim had said… that Michael was upset over who the diver found. “The witness is Aaron Hutchins,” he spoke with a sniff and his eyes still focused on the wire. “He cleans boats for a living.” It was no denying that Michael must’ve known the victim, seeing him react the same way she did when she found out about Doug. He was distant, no sarcastic remarks, and he seemed to be forcing his emotions aside to do his job…just like she did.

“Do you know who it is,” Liz questioned softly as she lowered her hand and clenched her fist in preparation.

“And so do you,” Michael spoke, glancing at her before he took a step forward and supervised the divers gurney that surfaced from the lake. “It’s Kal. Max’s uncle,” he muttered before turning on his heel and moving towards the pasture where the gurney was being set at.


Candles, photographs, tiny mementos and trophies… no, shrine didn’t quiet cover the spectacle before her. It was more of a dedication to the man that made her feel alive inside. Max Evans, the man of her dreams.

Humming in serenity, Tess swayed side to side as she admired her reflection while she stroked the fur of her new trophy, Bruno. “You’re a good kittie,” she purred, scratching behind Bruno’s ear before she set him down and picked up a new collar from the table that read the name “Max” on the engraving. “Bruno is such an ugly name,” she pouted as she removed Bruno’s collar from around his neck and then adjusted to new one in its place, “Max is a more pretty name,” she cheered, picking the cat up and moving to her bed.

Bruno jumped out of her arms and onto the collection of pillows that Tess rested her head on. Taking a deep breath, she smelled the fresh aroma of laundry detergent and fabric softener, and then suddenly started to whimper.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” she cried as she held the side of her head and shook it in disbelief. His smell was gone. His sweet manly aroma that intoxicated her with love. “Mom,” she shouted at the top of her lungs while tears streamed down her face. “Mom!!!”

In rushed in a frightened middle-aged version of the hysterical girl who was screaming her lungs out, “Tess, Tess, what is it,” she questioned in a panic.

“You washed it,” Tess accused as she shook the pillow in front of her mothers’ face, “You washed it!”

“Tess, honey, please—”

“You washed it,” she screamed as she fell to the floor kicking and screaming, “you washed it, you washed it, you washed it, you washed it!”


“No! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”


Temple Docks

He was wearing the same clothes since the last time they’d seen him, his body was pale and bloated, and the lake’s habitants had already feast on a majority of his face. Thankfully, he hadn’t suffered a grueling death as Nathan and Doug had, but the impression in the front of Kal’s throat had yet to be determined. ‘Probably from a broken fishing line,’ Liz thought to herself.

“What do you see,” Michael questioned, looking over Liz’s shoulder as she examined what he could only refer to as Kal’s mangled body.

“He’s been in there for a while,” Liz answered as she pried open his clenched jaw and carefully pulled out the strip of film with rubber-tipped tongs, “as for how long, I can’t say until I check his lungs.”

“So check ‘em,” Michael ordered as he straightened up and signaled the coroners over, “I want to be able to tell Max and Isabel everything they’d want to know about Kal’s murder.”

Liz nodded in settlement, securing the negative into an evidence bag, and then stepping aside as she removed her gloves to allow the coroners to do their job.

“I’m gonna catch this bastard,” Michael vowed as he pointed down to the earth, “and when I do, this Valenti’s gonna wish he’d never lifted a finger against Kal.”

“Michael,” she called out, grabbing hold of his arm to stop him from storming off, “I was thinking,” she spoke before shrugging and hugging herself for warmth, “maybe you were right…about this killer going after guys I know.” She emphasized on the word “killer” because she still wasn’t convinced that Kyle was responsible for the murders, especially now with Kal turning up as the next victim since he came after Kyle was already missing in action.


“Look, Maria and Alex are at your place,” she informed him as she looked at nothing in particular, “I was thinking if I stayed in my office…then maybe Alex…Max, and even you can be safe.” It hurt her to say it out loud, but the more the case intensified, the more she was convinced that someone was out to get her.

“I hope this lunatic comes after me,” Michael retorted angrily as he crossed his arms and shrugged, “but do you really think now’s the time to be second guessing whether or not you should be with Max.”

“Michael, I got his uncle killed,” she said incredulously.

“You don’t believe that, and neither do I.”

“I just think it’s for the best that I stay away…try and figure things out.”

“It’s what I’m here for,” Michael replied before shrugging, “at least, for the next three days I am.”

“Yeah, about that,” she whispered as she pulled him away from the coroners, “there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you since I got here, Michael.”

“What is it?”

“Isabel came by my apartment this morning. Now she said that there were only four faceless photographs in her collection, but Michael, Max and I saw a fifth with the floor exhibits.”

“A fifth,” he repeated suspiciously.

“Yeah, but Isabel swears that she only made four photographs that way, so I figured…”

“That the fifth was left by our killer,” he pieced together, getting a nod from Liz in agreement. “If that’s true, that means the killer was probably there.”

“Yeah, probably to see what people thought of his work,” Liz snorted underneath her breath as she shook her head in disgust. “It’s why I think I should stay away. That night, the killer probably saw me together with anyone of you guys…”

“Maria and Isabel too,” Michael acknowledged.

“Yeah, but like you said, Michael,” she whispered as she pulled him aside, “that the killer only goes after guys I’ve been in contact with.”

“Well, Claire said those other photographs would be ready today right?”

“Yeah, so…”

“So,” he replied as he started to walk towards his car, “we’ll take a closer look at them and the new negatives, maybe we can find out who the fourth is before his times up.”


ET Office

“I don’t care if he’s in a meeting,” Michael shouted into his cell as he paced back and forth in Liz’s lab, “you go in there and drag his ass out. Do you understand?”

From her peripheral vision, Liz could see Michael behind her, angry and unable to keep still. He had been on and off his cell phone since they got to her office, and Courtney had been lingering over her shoulder, keeping a close eye on Liz as she worked. ‘Probably playing bodyguard to Michael,’ Liz imagined with a faint chuckle of amusement.

“If Jim Valenti isn’t in that interrogation room by the time I get there, you’ll be working traffic until you retire!”

Liz glanced to Michael once again, thanking the stars he was off the phone now, and then returned to her microscope. Between him screaming on his cell, trying to find out where Alana Mocca and Jim Valenti were at, and Courtney breathing down her neck, she wasn’t allowing herself to focus completely on her lung samples.

“Do you think maybe you can step back a little,” Liz questioned to Courtney as she straightened up on her seat and scanned Courtney up and down to display her discomfort.

“Whatever,” Courtney snorted as she moved towards the developed images from the previous negatives propped up on the molding of the wall.

“Thank you,” Liz nodded with a breath of relief and then returned to her sample. There was something peculiar about the lung sample. Definitely something she couldn’t of diagnosis at the dock without running tests. “There’s salt water in his lungs,” Liz announced with her eye still connected to her microscope.

“What,” Michael questioned as he stalked towards her.

“There’s salt water in his lungs,” Liz repeated as she knelt down to a gym bag tossed on the side of her desk, “but he wasn’t drowned,” she added as she rummaged through the bag until she pulled out a gym shoe.

“Wait, what does that mean?” Michael questioned anxiously as he watched Liz yank the shoelace from the shoe.

Glancing to the blown up images, Liz smiled on how everything slowly seemed to be falling into place. “Now that we got Nathan and Doug’s negatives developed, it’s safe to say that the strip inside Nathan’s mouth was of Doug,” Liz stated, glancing to Courtney, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in annoyance. “Doug’s was of Kal, but the only reason we didn’t get a hit…”

“Was because we snoozed,” Michael snorted as he looked away from her.

“Michael, you can’t blame yourself for what’s happening,” Liz stressed as she rolled up the shoe lace in her hand and then walked over to Michael. “You saw the pictures of Kal were from the airport in Washington,” Liz reminded, “this killer scopes out it’s victims ahead of time, keeps track of their movements, and let’s us know ahead of time, like he knows we won’t find them in time.”

“Because he’s screwing with us,” Michael shouted, unable to hide his aggression anymore. “Kal was safe, and I let him go. I knew he was going to go out with a complete stranger, but I let him go anyway.”

“It’s not your fault,” Liz reminded, touching his shoulder. Courtney let out an annoyed breath as she shifted her weight, undeniably unsettled by the sudden closeness of the two, but Liz simply ignored it and continued with her theories. “The only thing we can do now is catch this guy before he hurts anyone else,” Liz advised, getting a defeated nod from Michael in response. “Now, I know you kept saying Kyle’s your main suspect…”

“And still is,” Michael replied with a snort.

“Yeah, well, come here for a sec,” Liz asked as she pulled him by his sleeve to follow her, “Courtney, can you sit here,” Liz asked as she set two wooden chairs together, side-by-side, and then rolled her desk’s chair behind one of the wooden ones. “Now, Kal said that he had a date, so you be Kal,” Liz ordered as she guided Michael to sit to the left of Courtney. “Courtney, you be the ‘pretty little number’ Kal was bragging about.”

“And who are you?” Courtney asked as she watched Liz sit behind Michael.

“I’m the killer,” Liz answered calmly and then proceeded with her demonstration. Leaning over, she pressed a few keys on her keyboard, and then a window popped up with a picture of the laceration on Kal’s neck. “Now, when I first saw this, I assumed that a broken fish line tangled around his neck, probably from letting a fish go or a line snapping…”

“Seems reasonable,” Michael shrugged as he averted his eyes away from the photo.

“See I thought so at first,” she responded as she typed another string of keys, causing another photo to appear, this time of the back view of Kal’s neck. “What do you see?”

“Nothing,” Michael answered as he shook his head in bewilderment.

“Right. If a fishing line would gotten tangled around Kal’s neck, the lacerations would be all around Kal’s neck, not just the front.”


“There were traces of salt water in his lungs, but not enough to say he was drowned,” she replied as she wound one end of her shoe lace around one hand once, and then did the same to the other. “Can you sit back please,” she asked Michael, waiting for him to comply before she continued with her explanation. “Now, I’m thinking he was attacked in a car,” she speculated, noticing both Courtney and Michael’s head whip around in surprise, “from behind,” she added, preparing to demonstrate. “The killer was probably waiting behind Kal’s seat, waited for Kal to sit back, and then—” expressing her theory, Liz lowered the clenched shoelace around Michael’s neck, and softly pulled back to reveal the shoe lace pressed up against Michael’s neck.

“The head rest blocked the back,” Courtney concluded and then looked to Michael, “it makes sense.”

“Also, the direction the wound is inflicted points out that the person behind Kal is shorter than him,” Liz added as she stood up and tossed the shoe lace aside.

“So it’s Kyle,” Michael announced in high spirits.

“Michael,” Courtney called out in disbelief, “if Kal was sitting in the passenger seat, and the strangler in the back seat, that means the driver was in on it,” she pointed out, seeing his smile drop in realization.


“We got to find out who that ‘pretty little number’ is.”
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