Charmed Again (CHMD,XO,CC,TEEN) (Complete)

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Okay so I’m back with a new part. Finally. I know that when your done reading this Chapter your going to want to strangle me for leaving thing’s as they are, lol. Anyway’s, a big thanks to orphyfets, Erina258, jess28lc, roswellian504, Roswellgurlygirl16, stardreamer323, Forensicschic (lol, I heard dorms were hot, I cannot wait to get out of here!) aliensister, and harroc83.

And now here’s Chapter 20, Enjoy.

Steph :) :D


Charmed Again
Chapter 20

“A-Alex,” Tess managed to choke out. “Oh, God. H-how? How is this possible?”

“Surprised to see me here?” Alex asked. He turned his head around to find Kyle standing there, his mouth hanging open with shock.

“Hey, Kyle.” Alex said, managing a small smile to the guy who stood gawking at him. He turned back to face Tess, who looked just as shocked as Kyle was.

“I-I” Tess said but Alex finished the sentence for her.

“Killed you?” Alex said. “Yeah, your killed me alright. You used your little mindwarping games on me and you killed me.”

“Then how the hell is it that you’re standing here before me?” Tess asked, slowly but surely regaining her composure.

“Because I want justice, that’s why.” Alex replied. “I want justice for what you did to me. And also I think you need to be stopped before you kill another innocent.”

“Tess.” Kyle managed to choke out. “You killed Alex? Why? How could you?”

“I-I didn’t mean to, Kyle.” Tess said, looking at Kyle with a pleading look in her eye’s. Then she turned to face Alex.

“Your brain was just so weakened from all the mindwarps.” She said, tears spilling down her face. “I didn’t mean to kill you!”

“But you did!” Alex exploded angrily as he shouted in her face. “You did kill me! God, Tess,
I was only 17, Tess! I had my whole entire life ahead of me!!”

“I had a mission to complete!” Tess shouted back. “I have a mission to return home and a Destiny fulfill!”

“How could you!?” Kyle burst out before Alex had the chance to speak. “You bitch! You lived in my house! We took you in our home and you were family to us!”

“Kyle, please,” Tess pleaded, tears falling down her face.

“WHY DID YOU DO IT!?” Kyle shouted, stepping up until he was only a few inches away from her face.

“I-I don-” Tess stuttered weakly.

“ANSWER ME, DAMMIT!” Kyle shouted angrily.
“I had to decode the book.” Tess answered as he tears subsided. She stood up straight and looked Alex in the eye. “I mindwarped Alex into going to the University of Las Cruces to decode to alien book for me.”

“I never really went to Sweden did I?” Alex said, shaking his head in disgust.

“No, you didn’t.” Tess answered. “You were Las Cruces the whole time.”

“I can’t believe you.” Kyle said. “That still doesn’t explain why you did it. Why did you need to know what was in that damned book.”

Tess took a deep shuddering breath before answering.

“I need to know how to get back home using the Granolith.” Tess said.

“Why, Tess? Why was it so important to you to get back home? Why was it so important that you had to kill me in order to get what you wanted, huh? Didn’t you think about me, Tess? About my family and friends and what the hell you must of put them through?”

“I had to get back to my home planet.” Tess answered coldly. “I had to do whatever it took to get what I wanted.”

“Home to what, Tess?” Kyle asked. “Last time I checked Khivar killed you when you were on your home planet. And you want to go back home to him?”

“I made a deal with Nascedo 40 year’s ago.” Tess said quietly.

“What deal?” Alex asked, his voice filled with venom.

“To return home with the Royal Four.” Tess said. “And with Max’s child. And to deliver Max, Michael, and Isabel to Khivar.”

“Max’s <i>child</i>?” Kyle asked with a dry laugh. “That’s hilarious. You can barely get him to kiss you and you were expecting him to fuck you or something?”

“How the hell is it that your still alive anyway’s.” Tess said, ignoring Kyle’s comment.

“What do you want I was a good boy my whole life and I was made an angel.” Alex answered. “A Whitelighter to be more specific. Not that you even need to know what happened to me after you killed me. What was I to you? Collateral damage?”

“Of course not?” Tess snapped. “I didn’t <i>mean</I> too.”

“He <i>should</i> kill you, you know.” Kyle said. “You killed an innocent guy in a selfish act. You have no soul, Tess, you don’t even deserve to live.”

“Kyle,” Tess said, fresh tears forming in her eye’s once more. “Please just try putting yourself in my shoes for a second. I was raised by a sick and twisted man, Kyle. A man who-”

“Shut up,” Kyle snapped. “Save the speech will you? I really <i>don’t</i> need to hear it right now.”

“Fine.” Tess said, her voice turning ice cold all of a sudden. “I’ve worked too hard to lose everything now. I’m not going to let you destroy everything I’ve worked for.”

She looked up at both Kyle and Alex, her face set in stone as she outstretched her hand, power cackling.

“Oh my, God.” Kyle said, his breath catching in his throat. “Your going to kill us, aren’t you?” He paused, his eyes boring into her’s. “I can’t believe we took you into our home. I can’t believe I ever cared for you.”

“Well you did.” Tess snapped. “And that wasn’t a mindwarp.”

“Kyle, get out of here.” Alex said, “Get out of here now.”

“No, Alex, I’m staying.” Kyle answered. “I’m not leaving you alone with this bitch. I mean, I don’t know what the hell’s going on right now. I have no idea how it is that your alive but I’m not leaving you to get killed again.”

“Kyle, just go.” Alex ordered. As he uttered those words, Kyle’s body suddenly disappeared in a swirl of blue lights.

“W-what the hell was that?” Tess sputtered. Her eye’s glued to where Kyle had been standing only seconds earlier, her hand still outstretched, ready to blast Alex.

“Does it matter he’s gone now.” Alex said icily. “Now it’s my turn to get revenge.”


Liz, Phoebe, and Piper suddenly re-appeared in a swirl of blue lights right into Liz’s bedroom. The

three stared at each other in unison unsure of what to do next.

“My dad’s probably downstairs in the Crashdown right now.” Liz said as Piper and Phoebe looked around the room curiously. “He should be working the grill or something. Or maybe he’s just doing some paper work.”

“So your dad owns a restaurant?” Piper murmured. “Interesting. Does he like to cook?”

Liz smiled faintly. Piper seemed to be interested in cooking and restaurants.

“Well, yeah, he does actually.” Liz answered, shrugging. “He opened this restaurant just a little bit before I was born. He loves this place.”

“What about you.” Piper said, looking down at a picture of Liz along with Alex and Maria. “Do you cook too?”

“Actually I’m mostly the waitress around the Crashdown,” Liz answered, not wanting to disappoint Piper. “But I do enjoy cooking sometimes.”

A smile broke out on Piper’s face. “That’s great. I lo-”

“Okay, Piper,” Phoebe said, interrupting her by placing a hand on Piper’s shoulder. “Keep the heartfelt talk for after. We need to go talk to Liz’s dad and find what the hell’s going on around here.”

“Okay, your right.” Piper said, rolling her eyes. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

The three of them walked out of Liz’s room and headed down the stairs, searching for any signs of Liz’s father.

The three entered the Crashdown’s kitchen as Piper let out a small gasp when she saw the kitchen.

“Wow, <i>great</i> kitchen.” Piper said, looking around the busy and crowded kitchen.

“Dad,” Liz said when she spotted him busily talking to one of the restaurant’s cook.

“You <I>need</I> to add some-” Jeff Parker said but stopped short when he spotted Liz, Piper, and Phoebe.

“Liz, what’s going on?” He said as he looked at Liz and then at both Piper and Phoebe.

Liz took a step forward and crossed her arms across her chest as she continued to stare at her father.

“That’s exactly what I want to know.”

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Woah, that is seriously crazy. I was seriously not expecting that at all. I was answering the voting survey a couple of minutes ago and I saw that I had been nominated for Best Portrayal of a Character for Piper. My mouth literally dropped open. I was like 'wut wut? when? how? why??' I was really not expecting that at all. I've never actually been nominated before so that's why I'm making such a big deal out of it, lol. Really, I'm just happy to be nominated, I really don't care if I win or not. I really do enjoy writting for Piper, she's definitily one of my fav character's.

Once again, thank you guy's so much. You guy's seriously rock. :)

Oh and btw I'll be back with a new Part real soon, probably after tommorow or something.

Steph :) :D
Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:24 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

<i>Hey Everyone,

Here’s Chapter Twenty One! Hope you Enjoy! Also, a big thanks to everyone for the feedback, it’s always extremely appreciated!! Thank you guy’s so much!</I>

Charmed Again
Chapter Twenty One

“You can’t kill me, Alex.” Tess spat. The two stood in Tess’s room facing off. “You just don’t have it in you. Your to good of a person to do it.”

Alex was about to reply when a voice sounded from the doorway. “Your right he can’t.”

Alex quickly turned around and found Max standing there, his hand outstretched in Tess direction. All of a sudden she went blasting through the air, finally hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

She let out a painful groan but got up from the floor, glaring at Max.

“What are you doing!?” She asked, clutching her arm painfully as she stared at Max angrily.

“How the hell could you Tess?” Max asked, advancing on her. “Why did you do it, huh? Why the hell did you kill Alex? You betrayed all of us!”

“You wouldn’t understand Max.” Tess replied angrily. “You wouldn’t understand why I did it.”

“She made a deal with Khivar.” Alex spoke. “40 Year’s ago.”

“<i>Nascedo</i> made a deal.” Tess corrected him. “It was Nascedo <i>not</I> me.”

“What deal?” Max asked, taking another step towards Tess.

Tess didn’t answer.

“WHAT WAS THE DEAL? ANSWER ME!” Max bellowed, throwing his hand forward once more and blasting Tess again. She flew through the air and hit the wall behind her then slumped to the ground. This time instead of getting up she remained on the floor.

“To return home with your child.” Tess answered, not looking Max in the eye. “And to deliver the three of you to Khivar.”

“And what the hell would happen to us once you delivered us, huh?” Max sneered. “How could I ever have fallen in love with you back on our home planet? How could I ever <i>marry</i> you?”

“You were different you were a <i>King</i>.” Tess answered. “Now your just a boy.”

“Why did you kill Alex?” Max asked, ignoring her lat comment. “Why him?”

“I-I mindwarped him into going to Las Cruces to decode the book.” Tess answered. “I didn’t <i>mean</i> to kill him it just <i>happened.</I>. His mind was just so weakened by the mindwarp.”

“I came to you,” Alex said angrily, taking several steps towards Tess just like Max had done. “I told you to stop it, that you were killing me, that I might as well be dead because I had nothing left in my brain!”

“I <i>told</I> you it was an accident!” Tess cried out. “I didn’t <i>mean</I> to!”

“But you did, Tess!” Alex shouted. “I am dead!”

“I can’t believe I trusted you,” Max said, shaking his head in disgust. “How could I have been so stupid?”

“You know Max, I might of been able to teach you a thing or two.” Tess said, slowly getting to her feet. “But that stupid <i>bitch</I> had you wrapped around you damn-”

“Don’t you <i>ever</I> call her that!” Max shouted.

“<i>See</I>!” Tess cried out. “See how fast you run to her defense! Why couldn’t you ever feel that about me, Max? I’m your wife!”

“You crazy bitch,” Max said, “I’ve never loved you, I’ve never even cared for you.” He raised his hand one final time towards Tess, ready to hit her with one final blow. But before he could do anything, Alex placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Max, don’t.” He said in a quiet voice. “We can’t kill her.”

“What?” Max said, turning his head towards him. “Why not?”

“Because it’s wrong.” Alex answered, “It’s not us, Max. We’re good guy’s, we don’t kill people.”

Max lowered his hand, keeping an eye on Tess who was smirking as she sat on the floor, blood trickling down her face from the impact of the blast.

“What do we do with her then?” Max asked. “It’s not like we can turn her in to the cops.”

“Your right.” Alex said, “But I know some F.B.I agents who would be more than happy to have her.” He paused. “And if you don’t want that, I might have another idea that would involve the Charmed Ones.”

“The Charmed Ones?” Max asked, “When you The Charmed Ones, you mean-“

“Liz, Phoebe, and Piper.” Alex finished for him.


“Liz, what’s going on?” Jeff Parker asked as he stared at Liz, Phoebe, and Piper. The three stood in the busy kitchen of the Crashdown Café.

“Dad, I need to speak to you.” Liz said.

“The three of us have to speak to you, actually.” Piper said, her arms crossed over her chest.

“Piper and Phoebe Halliwell?” Jeff said in a barely more than a whisper as he stared numbly at the two sister’s. “Is that you?”

“Yeah, that’s us alright.” Piper said, “How about we go somewhere else to talk?”

“Good idea,” Liz said as she looked at the people working the grill around her. She led the way outside of the kitchen and into the back room of the restaurant. Luckily for them there was no one there.

“Lizzie, what’s going on?” Her father said once they had closed the door behind them so that no one could hear them.

“Dad, I know about Piper, Phoebe, and Prue.” Liz said, taking a deep breath.

“You know?” Jeff asked, “How? How did you find out?”

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Liz whispered, tear’s forming in her eye’s. “Dad, why?”

“Sweety, I just thought you’d be better off if you didn’t know.” Jeff answered. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“What about mom?” Liz asked. “Does she know what you are?”

“No.” Jeff said, shaking his head. “I clipped my wing’s after you were born, Liz. I never told her about my parents. About what I was. And she doesn’t need to know either.”

“Ans she didn’t mind raising me?” Liz asked, “Knowing that I wasn’t her’s?”

“Oh, Lizzie, God no.” Jeff said. “Your mother loves you and she’s been raising you for the past 17 years as if you were her own. She loves you, Liz.”

“What about this other mom of mine,” Liz asked, glancing at Phoebe and Piper.

“She died only weeks after you were born,” Jeff said sadly. “I was completely torn apart. I loved her.”

Liz closed her eyes. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her.

“But then I met your mom.” Jeff continued. “I met her just a little less than a year after you were born. It took a while but I grew to love your mother. Now you and your mother are the two most important being’s in my life, Liz.”

“You’ve been lying to me for year’s, dad.” Liz said harshly. “I can’t believe you. Now here I am with all this stuff being dumped on me. Power’s that I don’t understand yet. And I have sister’s.”

“Why now?” Dad asked, turning on Piper and Phoebe. “How did she find out, huh?”

“Our sister died.” Piper said, “She was a demon. The Source. He must of known about Liz and he went after her. That’s how we found out she was our sister.”

“Actually we summoned our mother and our Grams...” Phoebe said, “But that’s not really the point right now.”

“A demon came after my daughter?” Jeff asked, his eye’s blazing as he stared at Piper and Phoebe. He turned and looked back at Liz. “God, I wasn’t expecting this to happen, Liz. I’m so sorry. I never thought...”

“This is as much of a shock to us as it is to you and Liz,” Phoebe said. “This was the furthest thing from our minds. We just lost our sister-”

Phoebe stopped, tears welling up her eye’s. She quickly blinked them away.

“I’m sorry,” Jeff said, “I was out of line, I shouldn’t be blaming you for this happening. It’s not your fault. It’s just...she’s so young. She is to young.”

“I know,” Piper said, “We know that. And I promise you were going to try to keep her away from this whole mess as much as we can. We wouldn’t want anything happening to her just as much as you.”

Jeff nodded slowly, turning back to face his daughter, who was still clutching the couch.

“Your still lied to me,” Liz said, shaking her head. “I just-”

She paused, taking a deep breath.

“I just need some time to think this through.” She looked away from her father and walked away from him. She hurried up the stairs to her room, not looking back.

How could her father have done this to her? She couldn’t believe that Nancy Parker wasn’t actually her mother. That she had another mother. A mother who had died only weeks after her mother.

She entered her bedroom and shut the door behind her, throwing herself on her bed.

She just couldn’t forgive her father for what he had done. She needed time to think about all of this.

Suddenly, she felt a sudden a little ringing sound in her head. Someone was calling her. And that someone was Alex. It had to be.

Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Fri Dec 09, 2005 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


I’m back with another Chapter. A big thanks to everyone for the feedback, it’s always appreciated! And now here’s Chapter Twenty-two! Enjoy!



Charmed Again
Chapter Twenty-Two

“I’m going to go get Liz,” Alex said immediately as he stood next to Max. Tess lay on the floor unmoving, still unconscious from Max’s last blow. “I can sense her but...I think there’s something wrong. She won’t answer my call.”

Max’s eye’s widened at the mention of Liz.

“What do you mean?” He asked worriedly, “What do you mean you think there’s something wrong? Is she okay? Is she hurt?”

“Max, don’t worry about it.” Alex said reassuringly. “I’m sure it’s nothing, okay? You stay here and make sure Tess doesn’t go anywhere and I’m going to go check on Liz and bring her back here.”

“No,” Max said, “Alex, please. I need to make sure that she’s alright. I want to check on her.”

Alex let out a small sighed but finally gave in.

“Alright, fine.” He said, “I can orb you over there. But hurry back, okay? We have to take care of <i>her</I>,” He threw a disgusted look at Tess.

Max nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll orb you over there and Liz can orb the two of you back here.” Alex continued, “Just hurry back.”

“Don’t worry,” Max said. “But how exactly is this going to wor-”

“<i>Liz’s bedroom</i>,” Alex said loud and clear. Max quickly disappeared into a swirl of blue lights, leaving Alex alone in a the room with Tess Harding.

He sighed as he leaned against the wall. He couldn’t believe everything that was happening to him. Everything that <i>had</i> happened to him. He couldn’t believe that he was <i>dead</I> and that he had been brought back as a <i>Whitelighter.</I> Everything was happening so fast, he hadn’t been able to think about how his death must of affected his parents. His friends and Isabel. One thing that broke his heart was his parents. He feared that he would never be able to see them again. That he would never be able to talk to them and tell them how much he loved them. He would never be able to tell them how much he missed them. To tell them that he was okay, that he was fine and that they shouldn’t worry about him.

And then there was Isabel.

God he missed her so much. Although he was excited at the thought of seeing her again, he couldn’t help but feel a little scared at the same time. How would she react when she would see him? What would she say? What would she be thinking?

Alex looked down at Tess, who was slowly starting to groan and stir. She would be awake any second and she was sure to start bitching. He just hoped that Max would be back with Liz and possibly Piper and Phoebe before Tess was fully conscious.

“Ughh,” Tess groaned from the floor.

At the same time, Alex heard a small noise coming from somewhere in the house.

Who was it? Was it Jim? Possibly Kyle? No, it couldn’t be Kyle since Alex had orbed him off somewhere.

But then who was it?

“Tess!” A girl’s voice called out loudly throughout the house. “Tess, it’s me. Are you in here? The door was unlocked so I figured that you might be hom-”

Before Alex could react by orbing away, Isabel appeared in the doorway of Tess’s bedroom. Her eye’s darted to Tess who was lying on the floor, her eye’s now wide open as she stared up at Isabel. Then Isabel’s eye’s looked up at Alex, who stood there helplessly. Isabel immediately let out a small shriek when she saw him.

“Alex!” She said,

“Isabel, no.” Tess managed to choke out from the floor. “That’s not Alex, that’s a shapeshifter. Isabel, help me. Kill him.”

Isabel stared up at Alex in shock as Tess spoke. And before Alex could say anything, Isabel reached out and blasted Alex backwards.

He flew through the air and hit the wall hard behind him, tumbling to the ground unconscious.

Isabel stood there, her hand still raised in the air until Tess let out another small moan from the floor.

Isabel hurried across the room and knelt down by her side.

“God, Tess, are you okay?” Isabel asked worriedly as she stared at Tess’s bleeding head. She reached out and helped Tess to sit up.

“Isabel, thank you.” Tess managed to say as she stared at Alex who lay only inches away from her. “You saved my life.”

“I-I don’t understand what’s going on here.” Isabel said, still staring at Alex’s body. “If that’s a shapeshifter, why would it look like <i>Alex</i>? And what did it want from <i>you</I>?”

“I don’t know,” Tess lied. “I just...I came home about 15 minutes ago and he was already here in the bedroom. He was just there waiting for me.”

“What about Kyle?” Isabel asked, “And Jim? Are they okay? Where are they?”

“Kyle’s out and Jim’s gone for the weekend.” Tess answered as tears sprung to her eyes. “God, I got so scared.”

“It’s okay,” Isabel said, wrapping a comforting hand around Tess’s shoulders. “Your okay now.”

“No I’m not,” Tess answered, sniffling as she clung to Isabel for support. “We need to get rid of him.” She paused and swallowed hard. “We need to kill him before he wakes up.”


Liz remained on her bed, tears still running down on her face as she clung to her pillow. She was just thankful that her father or either Piper and Phoebe hadn’t followed her upstairs to her bedroom. They were probably still downstairs talking which she didn’t mind as long as she was alone right now.

She took a deep breath, trying desperately to stop the tears from coming.

She leaned over the bed and grabbed a Kleenex from the box on her bedside table. As she did she was suddenly momentarily blinded by a swirl of blue lights. Which she was sure was Alex orbing in to check on her. But instead of finding herself staring at Alex, she found herself staring at Max.

“Max?” Liz asked softly as she continued to stare at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Liz,” He said, staring around the room in confusion. Then he turned and looked down at her on the bed. He saw her tears and immediately hurried by her side, wrapping his arms tightly around her as she pressed her face onto his chest. She immediately started crying all over again.

“Oh God, Liz.” Max said, “What happened? What’s wrong.”

“My mom,” She cried. “She’s not...she’s not even my real mother.”

“Liz, I’m so sorry.” Max whispered in her hair, holding on to her even more tightly. “I’m so sorry,”

“He’s been hiding this from me for years.” Liz said, sobbing. “Why didn’t he ever say anything to me before? God, why didn’t he say anything?”

“I don’t know,” Max whispered. “I don’t know Liz. But I know that it’s going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”

“How?” Liz continued to sob. “How is everything going to be okay?? I just found out that my mom isn’t my real mom. That my supposed real mom died several weeks after I was born. And that she was a witch with powers. And now I have sisters with superpowers and my best friend just came back from the dead and he’s a <i>whitelighter</I> and he was killed my a murdering blond alien bitch from another planet that we were all starting to trust! How is everything going to be okay, Max?”

“Because we have each other,” Max said, “And because I’m going to <i>make sure</I> that everything’s okay. I’m going to help you all of it.”

“And what if I can’t get through all of it?” Liz whispered. “What if I can’t?”

“You <i>will</I>.” Max promised. “You <i>will</I>, Liz. Because your strong. And because I’m here for you.”

“Thank you.” Liz whispered, pulling away slightly from him to look him in the eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Max said, looking deep inside her eyes. “I love you so much, Liz.”

“What do we do?” Liz asked, as she buried her face into his chest once more. “Where do I go from here? I just don’t know what to do.”

Max ran a hand through her long dark hair and hugged her.

“I guess,” He said slowly. “That first off, we should take care of Tess.”

“I know,” Liz said, shakily, “Alex is supposed to be doing that right now.”

“I know that,” Max said, “I got to Tess’s house and he was there.”

“Oh my, God.” Liz said, pulling away. “Is he okay? God, I never should of left him alone with her, it’s just that he wanted to get back at her so much and I just-”

“Shhh,” Max said, pulling her back against him. “Liz, it’s okay. <i>He’s</i> okay. I blasted Tess several times and now she’s unconscious. Alex didn’t want me to kill her. He said that we couldn’t. That it was wrong. He also said that he needed the...Charmed Ones.” He paused, “He was about to orb over here to get you. He said that he thought that there was something wrong because you wouldn’t answer his calls or something. He <i>sensed</I> that something was wrong with you and so I decided to come check up on you myself.”

“I’m glad you did,” Liz answered slowly. “But we better get back to him before,”
“Before Tess wakes up.” Max finished for her. “I know. But...are you sure your up for it? After everything that just happened, I would understand if you didn’t want to come. I’m sure Alex would understand too.”

Liz shook her head. “No. I have to do this. I can do this.”

“Okay,” Max said, “But we’re kind of going to need your...half-sister’s help.”

Liz smiled slightly as she snuggled closer to Max. “I guess I should go get them downstairs then. It’s just...I don’t want to have to face my father <i>or</I> my mother as a matter of fact.”

“I’ll go get them,” Max said reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it, okay?”

“Thank you,” Liz said with a small sighed of relief as Max squeezed her hand and got up from the bed.

He smiled down at her then crossed the room.

“I love you,” Liz said as he reached out to grab the doorknob. He slowly turned his head towards her and smiled.

“I love you, too, Liz.”

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Thanks to everyone for the amazing feedback. You guy’s are awesome!! And now here’s Ch. 23! And by the way, this Chapter here is mostly going to be a big Alex/Isabel Chapter, you’ll see what I mean I guess.




Charmed Again
Chapter Twenty-Three

“Tess, I don’t like this,” Isabel said worriedly as she looked at Alex’s body lying unconscious on the floor. She didn’t know why but she had a bad feeling about all of this. “We need to call Max.”

She reached inside her jacket and pulled out her cell phone. But as she punched in Max’s phone number, Tess grabbed the cell phone out of her hands.

“No,” Tess said hurriedly. “We don’t have time to call Max. We have to take care of this problem <i>now</I>.”

“Tess, how?” Isabel asked, visibly confused. “We <i>need</I> Max.”

Tess rolled her eyes in annoyance. She wasn’t going to get <i>anywhere</i> with Isabel and she knew it. If she didn’t do something now Max was sure to come along any second now and then she would be screwed for good.

“I’m calling him,” Isabel said plainly as she started to punch in his phone number.

Tess could only stare at Isabel. What could she do? She didn’t have a choice, she had to act now before Isabel managed to get a hold of Max or before Alex woke up.

“I’m sorry, Isabel.” Tess said, “I didn’t mean for it to go this far.”

“Tess, what are you talking abou-”

Before Isabel could say anything, Tess blasted Isabel backwards. She landed only inches away from Alex. Only she quickly got back to her feet before Tess could blast her again. Isabel quickly threw her hand forward and blasted Tess who flew through the air and crashed into the wall.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Isabel exploded once Tess was down. Tess was still conscious as she looked up weakly at Isabel.

Isabel’s hand remained in front of her as she took several steps forward.

“What the hell is your problem Tess?!” Isabel asked.

“I-I’m sorry.” Tess said as fake tears sprung to her eyes. “Please, Isabel. You have to get me out of here.”

“The hell I will!” Isabel screamed. “You blasted me you bitch! What were you trying to do, kill me!?”

“No, of course not!” Tess said angrily as she managed to sit up from the floor.

There was something in her voice that brought disgust and revulsion to Isabel. She took a quick glance at Alex who remained unmoving on the floor then she turned back to Tess.

“What about the shapeshifter?” Isabel asked, “Are you two working together or something?”

“That’s not a shapeshifter.” Tess answered quietly.

“W-what?” Isabel managed to say as she slowly turned to look down at Alex. “That’s...that’s impossible. Alex is dead. I <i>know</I> he is.”

“It <i>is</I> him,” Tess said. “I don’t know <i>how</I> but he is.”

Isabel swallowed hard as she looked down at Alex. How could this be possible? How could he be alive? She had seen when they had buried his body. No, none of this was possible. It just <I>couldn’t</I> be possible. Could it?

And yet Isabel slowly got to her knee’s next to him and reached out, softly placing a hand on his face. Suddenly tears began to pour down her face and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop them. The man that lay in front of her <i>was</I> in fact Alex.

“Isabel,” Alex croaked, his eyes still closed tightly.

“Alex,” Isabel cried. “Oh, Alex. God, I’m right here.”

Alex’s eyes slowly opened and Isabel cried even harder as she brought a hand up to her mouth.

“Isabel,” Alex whispered her name once more, reaching up to her face and brushing her tears away. “I love you.”

Isabel touched his hand and kissed it. “I love you, too, Alex. I love you so much. And I’m so sorry. I should of said it before but then-” She was stopped by yet another wave of tears that came tumbling down her face.

“It’s okay,” Alex said as he slowly sat up from the floor. He ignored the pain that was shooting up his left arm and wrapped his arms around Isabel, holding her tightly and taking in her scent. God how he had been dying to just <i>hold her</I> in his arms for so long. And now here she was. And how he been dying to hear utter those words to him. Those three simple words that he had been desperately hoping to hear her say. <i>I love you</I>.

“Alex, I’ve missed you so much.” She said, clinging to him desperately. “I’ve been trying so hard to try to move on but, it’s just been so hard. And now here I am in your arms and I’m so scared that it’s all a dream. That I’m going to wake up any second now and that everything just goes away.”

Alex couldn’t help but smile as he held her. “It’s not a dream, Isabel. I’m here. I’m here and I’m not going to leave you.”

“Good,” Isabel said. “Don’t ever leave me.”

“Never,” Alex whispered.

Isabel pulled away from him slightly as her hands moved to his face. She cupped both sides of his face with her hands as she looked into his eyes.

“I need to know if this is real,” Isabel said, “I need to know for sure if this isn’t just some dream.”

She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. As soon as he lips made contact with his, she saw everything. She saw what Tess had done to him. Everything Tess had put him through to get that alien book decoded. She saw her killing Alex in this very room, mindwarping him one last final time before he fell to his knee’s and died. She saw a bunch of men dressed in white robe’s as they surveyed him and tried to explain to him what had happened to him, what he was to become. She could <i>feel</I> everything he had been feeling. She could feel his pain, his confusion, his worry, and his sadness. She could feel his love for her. She knew it was real. She knew <i>he</I> was <i>real</I>

The connection broke and Isabel lips lingered on his. Finally she slowly pulled away from him, her eyes never leaving his.

“Isabel-” Alex started slowly, unsure of what to say next. Instead of saying something he reached out and brushed a strand of blond hair out of her face, tucking it gently behind her ear.

“Alex, I saw everything,” Isabel said, her voice chocked with emotions. “I’ve seen what you’ve been through. I’ve seen- <i>felt</I> everything you’ve been through.”

“Iz,” He started again but she went on before he could say anything.

“Tess killing you- God, Alex. It’s all my fault. If we never would of brought you into all of this mess, if only I would of-”

“Isabel stop,” Alex said, “Isabel, it’s not your fault. What Tess me. It’s not your fault, nor is it Max’s fault or Michael’s. Don’t you dare blame yourself for what happened to me.”“‘’

“It’s hard not to, Alex.” Isabel said softly. She shook her head. “I just...I feel like I should of <i>known</I> what she was up to. I should of known that something wasn’t right with her. That she was hiding something.”

“How could you have known?” Alex asked, “How?”

“I don’t know,” Isabel said warily as she shook her head. “I don’t know, Alex. I just feel like I should of known.”

“Well, you couldn’t have.” Alex said. “There was no way any of you could of known what was going on, so stop blaming yourself.”

Isabel nodded, a small smile spreading across her beautiful face. “So, I don’t really know the whole story here.” She paused, her eyes locked on Alex’s. “What exactly happened to you after you died? Where did you go? And who were those people with the white robes?”

“The Elders.” Alex said, smiling back at her. “They’re called The Elders. They’re one of the Higher Powers.”

“Wow,” Isabel breathed. “And what exactly did these Elders want with you? Did they bring you back to life or something?”

“In a way,” Alex answered. “They sort of made me one of theirs. They made me what you call a <i>Whitelighter</I>.”

“A Whitelighter?” Isabel repeated with a note of amazement in her voice.

“Yeah, a Whitelighter.” Alex repeated, his smile never leaving his face. “I’m sort of what you could call a guardian angel good witches.”

“Witches?” Isabel asked, curiously. “You mean actual witches? With broomsticks and spells and stuff?”

Alex laughed again, “Yeah, except, I don’t think they have broomsticks. And, no, they don’t have black hats, capes, and they don’t have long pointy noses.”

“Oh,” Isabel said, grinning. “Now I’m reassured!”

“But they do cast spells and they do have magical powers.” Alex said. “As a matter of fact you <i>know</I> one.” He paused slightly, waiting for her reaction. “A Witch that is.”

“I do?” Isabel said, frowning slightly. “But, that’s impossible. Or at least, I think is.”

“It’s Liz,” Alex said, his expression turning serious. “She just found out a couple of days ago. “It’s still kind of recent for her and she’s having a little trouble taking it all in.”

“Liz?” Isabel said, her eyes widening slightly. “Liz is a witch? With magical powers and stuff?”

Alex nodded his answer. “She’s just not <i>witch</I> either.” He said, “She’s one of The Charmed Ones. She just found out that she has three half sister’s, The Halliwell’s. One of them which was killed by a demon a couple weeks ago.”
“Demons?” Isabel asked, “You mean that demons actually exists?”

“Unfortunately they do.” Alex explained. “But it’s not like they go walking around town and all. They like to keep they’re identities secret.”

“Oh,” Isabel said, “So that explains why I haven’t seen one wondering around Roswell. But, Alex, tell me something, Liz has three half-sisters? How is that possible? I never knew that Liz was adopted, you mean that the Parker’s never told her that she was actually adopted?”

“She wasn’t adopted.” Alex said, “Her dad’s a Whiteligher. Or <i>was</I> anyways. At least that’s what Leo told me. He didn’t say much though.”

“Who’s Leo?” Isabel asked curiously.

“He’s a Whitelighter. Like me.” Alex answered. “He’s also married to Liz’s half sister, Piper Halliwell.”

“And you said that one of Liz’s half sister died a couple of weeks ago?” Isabel asked. “That’s terrible.”

“Prue Halliwell.” Alex said sadly. “I never got to meet her but I know that she must of been a great person. A great Witch.”

“I can’t believe Liz had sister’s!” Isabel said, “And lots of them too! I just can’t believe she never knew about them before.”

“Yeah, but it’s okay,” Alex said, “She’ll be okay. Max is there with her right now.”

“Max?” Isabel said. “He knows about Liz being a Witch? God, it sounds so weird for me to say.”

“I know,” Alex agreed. “It <i>doesn’t</I> sounds weird doesn’t it? All of it sounds weird. But it’s all true. And, yes, Max does know about Liz being a Witch. He also knows about Tess and me.”

“He did??” Isabel said, disappointment seeping into her voice. “He’s known all along and never said anything to me.Why?”

“Because he only found out today,” Alex explained, taking her hand in his. “He was completely shocked, Isabel. God, you should of seen him. And it didn’t help that The Source, basically the big evil, possessed him into trying to kill Liz and her sisters.”

“Oh my, God,” Isabel said, her eyes widening. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’s fine.” Alex said, “Don’t worry about him, he’s with Liz.”

“And speaking of-” Isabel started but stopped in mid-sentence, her eyes widened in horror as she whipped around to look at the spot where Tess had been only minutes lately. Or so she thought it had been minutes.

“Tess!” Isabel gasped as she scrambled to her feet. She grabbed Alex’s hand and helped him off the floor. “Alex, she’s gone! What are we going to do!?”

“It’s going to be okay,” Alex said as he looked around the room. Sure enough, there was no sight of Tess anywhere in the room.

She was gone.

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Post by Buffsteraddict »


<center> Runner up for Best Portrayal of a Character for Piper. </center>

I just want to say to all those of you who voted for, thank you so much! This really means alot to me, so thank you so much. You guys are truly amazing. And a big congraduations to Kath7 for her big win for this round!

And, one last thing, a big thank to all of those who nominated this story for Best Crossover!

oh and I promise to be back with a new part real soon. I'm almost done Ch.24, as soon as I'm done I'll be posting it. Which should be tommorow or Monday at the latest.

Steph :) :D
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


I actually managed to finish this part right now, so here it is! I big thakns to everyone for the feedback, as I keep saying all the time, it's always appreciated.



Charmed Again
Chapter Twenty-Four

Max descended the stairs that led to the Crashdown and immediately spotted Jeff Parker talking to Piper and Phoebe Halliwell.

“I just...I feel so bad,” Max heard Jeff Parker say. “I should of told before but...I just wanted to keep her safe.”

“You did the right thing,” Phoebe said reassuringly.

“Are you kidding me!?” Piper nearly exploded. “I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now! Oh wait, I can. My own <i>mother</I> kept this a secret from us too and she’s been hiding it for over 20 years!!”

“Piper, calm down,” Phoebe said , placing a hand on her shoulder. “We’re not here to blame anyone, okay? We just came here to get some answers.”

Max took a deep breath and descended the stairs. Jeff, Phoebe, and Piper all looked up at him as he came down.

“Max,” Jeff said, quickly standing up from the couch.

“Max?” Phoebe asked curiously, looking Max up and down. “Wow, Hi.”

Piper rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and gently hit Phoebe on the shoulder.

“Ow! What??” Phoebe said, making a face at Piper.

“He’s a teenager!” Piper bit back with yet another role of her eyes.

“Um, I just came down to tell you that Liz needs you right now,” Max said, looking at both Piper and Phoebe.

“Is she okay?” Jeff asked worriedly.

“Yeah, she’s going to be fine.” Max said, “She’s just a little shaken up I guess. I think she just needs a little bit of space.”

Max could see the pain in Jeff Parker’s eyes and he could only imagine what he was feeling right now.

“I get it,” Jeff said with a small sighed. “Anyway’s, I should better get back to the kitchen. There’s a new cook and I want to make sure he’s doing a good job.”

Max watched as Jeff quietly headed out of the back room and back inside the kitchen.

“So <i>your</I> Max Evans, huh?” Phoebe said, raising her right eyebrow. “Max the alien?”

“Y-you know about that??” Max said, glancing in the direction of the door to make sure that no one was coming in. He also lowered his voice to barely a whisper as he spoke.

“Alex told us,” Phoebe said, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not like we’re going to tell anyone about your secret. And you know about us being witches anyways.”

“Right,” Max said, slightly taken aback that Alex had told them about they’re secret.

“Alex is with Tess,” Max explained, unsure of how much he should tell them about her. “Alex said that you guy’s could help. He said that he needed the help of The Charmed Ones.”

“Alright, we’re here to help.” Phoebe said. “Let’s get going then, shall we?”

Max nodded as the three headed back up the stairs towards and Max couldn’t help but stare at Piper and Phoebe. He couldn’t help but notice the similarities between Phoebe, Piper, and Liz. For one, the hair and the eyes. And then there was also the height of the three girls. And there was also certain gestures that they made. It was so weird to think that Liz had sisters out there all this time.

Max took the lead once they were upstairs, heading toward Liz’s bedroom, twisting the doorknob open and pushing open the door.

“Max?” Liz asked, immediately getting to her feet when she saw them all coming through her door.

“Sweety, are you okay?” Phoebe asked, as she shot Liz a sad look.

“I will be.” Liz said with a sighed. “But right now we really have to get to Alex.”

There was a sudden swirl of blue lights and Leo appeared, starring around the room, feeling a little bit disoriented.

“Leo,” Piper said as she wrapped her arms around her husband. “Where have you been? I was starting to get worried.”

“Where’s my sweetheart?” Phoebe asked. “I’m starting to get worried about Cole. I mean, what is one of these Bounty Hunters got to him or something?”

As she said those words, A sudden glow appeared out of thin air and Cole appeared, breathing heavily. He slumped against the wall weakly.

“Cole!” Phoebe said, rushing to his side. She kneeled down beside him, not taking her eyes away from him. “Cole are you okay?”

She scanned his body for any signs of bruises or blood and she sighed with relief when she saw none.

“I’m fine,” Cole said shakily. “I just had to dodge a couple more Bounty Hunters but I’m pretty sure their going to be laying off for a while. I think The Source is going to be backing off for a while too. I’m not sure for how long though.”

“Not for long,” Piper said with a huff. “There’s no way in hell that guy’s gonna leave us alone. He wants us all dead.”

“Hey, at least we got him to back down for a little while.” Phoebe said, “Which is a good thing.”

Max could feel Liz’s anxieties and he took her hand in his, giving it a tight squeeze. Liz looked up slowly and shot Max a small smile as he moved his hand to her waist.

“Max we really need to get to Alex,” Liz said softly as she shot Piper and Phoebe a small look.

“Yeah, we better,” Leo said, “I have a small feeling that he’s going to be needing our help.”

“What?” Liz said, “Is he okay?”

“We better get going,” Leo answered as he and Piper disappeared in a swirl of blue lights before Liz could get a straight answer.

“We’ll meet you there,” Phoebe said, looking up at Liz. “You sure your going to be okay?”

Liz nodded and mustered another small smile. “Sure.” She answered simply, shrugging her shoulders.

Phoebe smiled reassuringly and gripped Cole’s hand right before disappearing both.

Liz swallowed hard before glancing up at Max.

“You okay?” Max asked, worriedly as he brushed a strand of dark hair out of Liz’s face.

“I just <i>really</i> want to get all of this over with.” Liz said as she gripped Max’s hand. She took a deep breath and the two orbed off in swirls of blue lights.


“I need to get to Liz.” Alex said as Isabel held on to his hand, not wanting to let go.

Before Alex could do anything, he saw both Piper and Leo appear before his very eyes. And seconds later he saw Cole and Phoebe appear right before Piper and Leo.

Alex could see Isabel’s eyes widen in shock as he held on to her. He knew that she was freaking out big time about this. But there was no time to try to reassure her that everything was okay. Right now he had to find Tess.

“Where’s Liz and Max?” Alex asked from his position by the door.

“Right here,” Liz said once she and Max had orbed in. Max looked around the room nervously. He apparently hadn’t gotten used to orbing.

“Max!” Isabel choked out as she momentarily let go of Alex to give her brother a hug.

“Are you okay?” Max asked, as he wrapped his arms around her. “Why are you here? And where’s Tess?”

“She’s gone.” Isabel said, “I-I just, I was wrapped up in the moment of Alex being alive that I didn’t notice her sneaking out of the room. I’m so sorry Max.”

“It’s not just her fault,” Alex said quickly. “We both weren’t paying attention.”

“Leo, can you sense her anywhere?” Piper asked her husband desperately.

Leo closed his eyes and focused. After a few minutes his eyes snapped open.

“She’s running,” Leo said quickly. “She’s leaving Roswell. I can barely sense her.”

“We need to get to her,” Phoebe said, “Leo can you orb there and get her here?”

“Why should we get to her?” Isabel asked as she stepped away from her brother and returned to Alex to be by his side. “She’s gone now. She’s leaving Roswell for good. As long as she never comes back here we should be fine.”

“She kind of has a point,” Piper said quietly. “Why should we go looking for trouble? She’s gone and I highly doubt that she’s ever going to come back. She’d be real stupid if she did come back. Why should we go after her? We’d just be risking our lives.” She paused and crossed her arms across her chest. “If she ever comes back here or anywhere near you guys, <i>then</I> we can take care of her once and for all. It’s not like we could kill her if we even went after her. We’re stupid to help the innocent. We’re not supposed to punish the guilty.”

“Actually,” Leo began slowly. “Do you remember right before you, Phoebe, and Liz orbed off to get some answers from her father? I didn’t go with you because I told you I had something to discuss with The Elders?”

Piper nodded and frowned slightly. She didn’t know if what Leo was about to tell her would be a good thing or a bad thing. “Yeah, I remember.” She said slowly. “What did you and The Elders talk about?”

“Well, they know <i>what</I> she is and what she did,” Leo said, “And they know that we couldn’t kill her. So they sort of decided to do something with her.”

“And what exactly would that thing be, Leo?” Phoebe asked.

“If I’m correct, this girl, Tess, won’t be getting very far with her car.” Leo explained. “See, The Elders will be sending a couple of Whitelighter to take care of her. They’re going to be keeping her up there for a period of time and see what they can do with her. They’re not going to kill her but they send her back to her home planet. They won’t let her come back to earth, that’s for sure.”

“So she won’t be punished for what she did to me?” Alex said, slightly angry at this turn of events.

“Oh she’ll be punished alright.” Leo said, “The Elders are going to be though on her, trust me.”

“That’s to bad,” Cole said, shaking his head. “I was sort of hoping that <i>I</i> could take care of this bitch.”

“ the way.” Alex started, “I’m sort of going to have to go right now. I sort of...orbed Kyle off before because I was scared of what Tess might do to him. The only problem is that I don’t really know <i>where</I> it is that I orbed him off to.”

“Oh my, God,” Liz said worriedly. “Do you think he’s okay?”

“That’s what I need to fin-” Alex started, but he was stopped when he saw Kyle, Maria, <i>and</I> and Michael burst into the room. All of them wearing wild looks on they’re faces.

“WHERE IS SHE!?” Maria burst out violently.

Kyle was visibly sweating as he looked around the room for any signs of the blond while Michael held his hand out, ready to blast Tess Haring to Timbuktu.

“Maxwell, what the hell’s going on here?” Michael asked, as he looked around the crowded room. His eyes fell on Alex and his eyes widened in shock. “Holy shit, it’s true.”

“Alex?” Maria’s eyes widened when her eyes fell him.

Before she could say anything her eyes fluttered close and she fell to the ground right before Michael or anyone else in the room could catch her.

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Post by Buffsteraddict »



Just wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone who voted for me! Thank you guys so much and congradulations to the runner up for Best Crossover, Calinia.

Also, I will be posting a new part really soon, probably Tuesday, Wedsnesday at the latest, I haven't posted sooner because I haven't really been on the computer this past week.

Thank you guy's!

Steph :) :D
Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Hey guy’s,

Here’s Chapter Twenty-Five. Thanks to everybody for the feedback, and again, a big thanks for the award, it really means a lot to me. Also, I just wanted to let you know that this Chapter is the last Chapter before the Epilogue. I’ll probably be posting the Epilogue this Saturday, this Sunday at the latest.



Charmed Again
Chapter Twenty-Five

“Oh my, God.” Phoebe said as Maria went down. She hurried across the room and knelt on the floor next to her.

“She fainted.” Phoebe looked up at Liz and then at Alex.

“Why am I not surprised?” Liz said, unable to keep the smile from forming on her face. She watched as Michael knelt down next to her, running a hand through her hair. He looked back up at Alex, staring up with wide eyes. Finally, he tore his eye’s away from Alex and turned to look at Max and Isabel.

“Maxwell, what the hell’s going on?” Michael asked, looking pretty freaked out by everything that was going on. “Who are all of you people?”

“Witches.” Piper answered, hands crossed over her chest. “He’s a Whitelighter and that guy over there’s a demon.” She said, pointing towards Cole.

“<i>half</I>- Demon,” Cole corrected, shooting Piper a look.

“The hell’s a Whitelighter?” Michael asked, looking at Leo, who stood next to Piper.

“I’m sort of like a Guardian angel for good witches.” Leo replied,

“Witches?” Kyle asked, looking at Piper and then at Phoebe. Who was still kneeling on the floor next to an unconscious Maria.

Kyle turned to Alex. “And your like him?” He asked, looking at Leo. “You’re a Whitelighter? Is that how you sent me across town to Michael’s appartment? Because that’s not really a place where I wanted to be.”

“Sorry about that.” Alex said, shrugging. “I had to get you out of here in case Tess tried something on you. For some reason Michael’s appartment is the first place that came to mind.”

“Kyle filled us in on the way here.” Michael answered. “Only we didn’t get much of the story considering all the babbling he was doing.” He shot Kyle a look.

“Yeah, well, you know what?” Kyle said, angrily. “If you would of seen your supposed dead friend standing next to you, you would of been babbling to.”

“So, you’re a Whittyliter,” Michael said, ignoring Kyle’s comment. “How is that?”

“A Whitelighter,” Alex corrected him. “I was turned into a Whiteligher after I died by the Elder’s.”

“The Elder’s?” Michael repeated as Maria let out a small groan from the floor. Michael immdiately looked down as Phoebe got up from the floor and went to stand next to Cole, taking his hand in her own.

“Alex,” Maria groaned as she opened her eye’s. “I saw Alex.” She let out a small giggle as she remained on the floor, staring at the ceiling. “Michael, I saw <i>Alex</I>.”

“Maria,” Alex said, slowly, not wanting to freak her out anymore than he already had. “Maria, it <I>is</I> really me.”

“No, your dead,” She said, giggling some more. “It’s <i>impossible</i>. Dead people don’t come back to life.”

She let out a scream when she saw him looking down at her. “Oh my, God!”

She got up and backed up slightly against the wall, staring up at him.

“Maria, it’s me,” He said softly, bending down next to her. He reached out and took her hand. She didn’t pull away.

“Is it really you?” Maria asked, looking into his eye’s, tears quickly forming in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him, burying his face in his shoulder. “My, God, Alex. I missed you so much.”

“I missed you,” Alex said, “I wanted to let you know that I was okay. But I couldn’t.”

“If I ever get my hands on that whore,” Maria said angrily, thinking of Tess. “I swear, I will rip her blond hair off one by one.”

“Speaking of that,” Leo said, “I better head up there and see what they’ve done with her.”

“I guess you should,” Piper said with a sighed.

“Are you going to be okay?” He asked Piper,

“Yeah, Liz can orb me back to the manor later,” Piper answered, looking at Liz who mustered a small smile in her direction. “I’m going to be fine.” She said sincerely.

“Okay,” Leo answered, placing a small kiss on her cheek before orbing off.

“What was that?” Maria asked over Alex’s shoulder. “Where did he go?”

And with that, Liz started talking, telling them all about Whitelighters, about her magical powers, about her half sisters and about killing Shax, She told them about The Source and about finding out about Alex was a Whitelighter.

“Liz, why didn’t you come to me before with all of this?” Maria asked, sadly. “I could of helped you, you know that.”

“That’s what I said,” Max said, looking down at Liz.

“There was just so much going on,” Liz said, “And we were barely talking.” She added, looking down at Maria who still had her arms around Alex.

“I have to go,” Cole said suddenly. “I got to make sure it’s safe. I have to make sure that those Bounty Hunters have stopped coming after me.”

“Do you have to go?” Phoebe asked turning to him.

He nodded in response. “Yeah, I do.” He said. “But I’ll be back as soon as I’m sure it’s safe, okay? I promise.”

“Okay,” Phoebe said with a small sighed. “I guess you better go.”

He looked at her once more before he shimmered off. Phoebe turned to Piper and hooked her arm to her’s. “We should get going too.”

“Your right,” Piper said, turning to Liz. “Do you mind giving us a ride home. We’d ask Alex but we’re pretty sure he’d rather stay with these guy’s.” She turned to Alex and gave him a small smile.

“Sure,” Liz said, “I’ll bring you home.” She turned to Max. “I’ll see you right after okay?”

He nodded and she leanned into him, giving him a long passionate kiss before pulling away from him.

She took Phoebe’s hand in her own and the three of them orbed off in a swirl of blue lights.


Liz let go of Phoebe’s hand once her feet hit the ground. She looked all around. Sure enough she had managed to orb them straight to the manor.

“Wow, I did it,” Liz said,

“Of course we made it,” Phoebe said, “I know it may take some time to get used to your powers, but I have faith in you.”

“Yeah,” Piper said, “Took <i>me</I> quite a while to get used to my blasting power’s. Took me a couple of weeks actually. It was nightmare. I was always so scared of accidentally hurting my husband or accidentally vanquishing my sisters.”

“Yeah and it took me weeks to get used to my levitating powers.” Phoebe said with a smile. “I kept levitating all over the place.”

“And remember when Prue learned to Astral Project herself?” Piper asked, laughing a little as she remembered about one and a half years ago when Prue had learned to Astral project herself.

“How could I?” Phoebe said, laughing along with her sister. “It was horrible. It took her a <i>really</I> long time to get the hang of it.”

“She sounds like a great person,” Liz said sadly. “I wish I would of had the chance to meet her.”

“I know,” Phoebe said sadly. “You would of loved her. And I know she would of loved you right back.”

“I better get going,” Liz said softly, “I’d actually like to have a little talk with my dad.”

“Honey, you really should.” Phoebe said, “I know it may sound really bad what he did. But he did it because he loves you. He wanted to protect you from this. He wanted to protect you from what Piper, Prue, and I have been through for the past three years.”

“I know,” Liz said, “Your probably right,”

“Then go to him,” Piper said, “Talk to him. I know he doesn’t want to lose you.”

Liz smiled one last time and then orbed off to her home.


Once Liz had orbed home to her room, she knew immediately what she had to do. She had to talk to her father.

She took a deep breath and headed downstairs to the Crashdown where she knew she would probably find him. But instead of finding him there she found him in his bedroom. He was sitting by his dresser, looking through what seemed to be pictures.

“Hey,” Liz said softly as she stood in the doorway of his room. “What are you doing?”

“Lizzie,” He said when he saw her standing there. “Come in,”

Liz stepped inside the room and went to sit next to him. Once she had sat down he handed her a picture of herself when she had been a little baby. She must of only been about three months old on that picture, not more than that for sure. Instead of her mother holding her there was another one who held her in her arms.

“That’s your biological mother,” Jeff said, smiling a little. “You were only three months old on that picture. Her name was Patty. Patty Halliwell.”

“She was pretty,” Liz admitted as she stared down at the picture.

“She was,” Jeff said, “Liz, I”m so sorry. I should of told you that you were adopted before. I just-it never seemed like the right time to tell you. And you never asked either. I just thought that it wouldn’t hurt if you didn’t know the truth.”

Liz let out a small sighed. “I understand.”

“Do you?” Jeff asked.

Liz nodded. “Yeah, I do. Maybe I actually would of been better off not knowing that I was adopted. Or that I’m like this Witch with super powers.” She paused. “But it’s to late now. I can’t go back in time, can I?”

“No you can’t.” Jeff said, “I wish we could though. I mean, now that you have these power’s, demons all over the world will be coming after you. It’s not the kind of life I wanted you to have, Liz.”

“I know that,” Liz said, “It’s not really the kind of life I wanted either. But I guess I’m just going to have to get used to it. And so are you.”

“I know,” Jeff said,

“What about mom?” Liz asked softly. “Are you going to tell her the truth? About my power’s I mean?”

“There’s no point in worrying her, is there?” Jeff asked, shaking his head and sighing. “I don’t think I should tell her about your power’s. Maybe...maybe in a couple of months. One day at a time okay? I promise that eventually we’ll tell her.”

“Okay, fine.” Liz said.

“But in the meantime you have to watch out. You have to be careful around her.” Jeff said, “No orbing in the house.”

“Fine,” Liz said,

“And now that you seem to be back with Max,” He continued, “No sneaking off with him, okay? No orbing off in the middle of the night to go meet him in the middle of the desert or something.”

Liz held back a laugh and wrapped her arms around him. “No orbing to meet off with Max,” She said, even though she knew it was a lie.

There was no way in hell that she wouldn’t be using her powers to meet up with Max in the middle of the night.

“I love you, dad.” Liz said, hugging him tightly.

“I love you too.”

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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Hey guy's,

I'm so sorry it took so long for me to post th Epilogue, I've been really busy this past month. Anyway's, here it is, the Epilogue for Charmed Again. This is actually the first fic that I've completed, so I got to say I'm pretty proud :) Okay, so I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who's been reading this, everybody who's been leaving feedback, harroc83, Roswellgurlygirl16, jess28lc, orphyfets, Erina, madroswellfan, you guy's are really great, thank you so much and thank to everyone for the awards, you guy's rock :) :D And as I've mentioned before, be on the look-out for a Sequel because I will definitily be posting one, I love writting Roswell/Charmed fanfiction so much so there's definitily going to be one.

Thank you!

Steph :) :D


Charmed Again


Phoebe slowly crept down the hallway, careful not to wake both Piper and Leo. She poked her head into one of the spare bedrooms in which they had told Alex he could sleep in. She saw that the bed was made which probably meant that Alex had spent the night with Isabel.

She continued down the hallway towards the stairs, craving a good muffin and cup of coffee. Only she stopped short when she reached Prue’s old bedroom.

She hadn’t been inside Prue’s bedroom ever since she had died. She simply hadn’t been able to bring herself to do it, it was just to painful.

But now something made her stop and go inside the bedroom.

She stepped inside and slowly crossed the room, taking in the bed- neatly made of course- the cameras on the dresser, the stack of books on the nightstand. The only disorder was on the pink velvet seat right next to the window.

There Phoebe saw a skirt, and a leather jacket that was tossed casually over the arm of the seat.

She picked up the leather jacket - a soft creamy leather- when a she was suddenly jolted by a memory, making tear’s spring to her eyes.

“Phoebe?” Piper said softly, calling her name from the doorway.

“Remember that time I burrowed this without asking Prue?” Phoebe asked, holding up the leather jacket in front of her.

“Which time?” Piper asked, a smile tugging on the corner of her lips.

“The time my boyfriend’s cat peed on it.” Phoebe said, “Only I didn’t know it until Prue put it on a few days later and found out the hard way.”

“Ended <i>that</I> date pretty quickly.” Piper said, smiling a little.

“She got so mad.” Phoebe remembered with a choked laugh. “I thought she was going to have a stroke. But the funny thing was, she got mad at <i>you</I> because she thought you were the one who had taken it.”

Phoebe gazed at Piper, gratitude and sorrow washing over her. “But you never told her the truth,” She said, “She never knew that it was me who had burrowed it. She never knew,”

Suddenly Phoebe felt a dam break inside of her. The tear’s began to flow as she found herself burying her face in the jacket, weeping freely.

Instantly she felt Piper’s arms around her.

“It’s okay,” Piper said soothingly, “It’s okay,”

“I miss her so much.” Phoebe sobbed.

“It’s about time.” Piper said tenderly. “I was wondering when you were going to finally let loose.”

“Ever since Prue died, I’ve been trying so hard to put my feeling’s aside. I wanted to be strong for you, dad, and everyone. I concentrated on helping Liz and Alex. And now that that’s done and that she’s safe for now and that Alex is going to fine...I just....what are we going to do without her, Piper? She’s always been the strong one. The one to take the lead when thing’s go bad. She was our big sister and now she’s gone. How are we supposed to go on without her? How are we supposed to go up against The Source?”

Piper picked up a Kleenex and handed it over to Phoebe.

“It’s going to be hard,” Piper answered finally. “It’s going to be really hard without her. We’re going to have to start getting used to Liz being around because we’re going to need her.”

“I know,” Phoebe said, blowing her nose loudly. “But she’s just so young, She’s <i>too</I> young to be fighting demons.”

“I know that,” Piper said with a small sighed, “But we <i>need</I> her. Especially if we’re going to go up against The Source.” She paused, “We’re just going to have to teach her everything we know about witchcraft.”

"Wait," Phoebe said, suddenly. "Piper I have an idea."


Alex and Isabel lay tangled up on Isabel’s bed. Alex’s arm was wrapped around Isabel’s waist.

“Your not going to leave me are you?” Isabel asked, snuggling closer to Alex.

“Of course not,” Alex said, “I’m not leaving you, Iz. Especially now that I’ve found you again. No way, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good,” Isabel said, “That’s good because I don’t want you too,”

“So what are you going to do, Iz?” Alex asked, his hand playing with her hair. “Are you graduating early? I mean, what are your plans? You did tell me that you were graduating this year that night before Prom, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I know,” Isabel answered with a small sighed. “It’s just that, Max won’t let me leave to go to University, Alex. He wants me to stay here with him and Michael. And now with Tess gone there’s really no point in asking him.”

“Oh I think you should ask him again,” Alex answered, “He’s different when he’s with Liz. He’s a different person.”

“I noticed that,” Isabel said, “Liz makes him a better person.”

“Exactly,” Alex said,

“So you think he’d let me go to San Francisco State?” Isabel asked, frowning slightly.

Alex sat up straight in bed, “San Francisco State?” He asked, “And your serious about this?”

“Yeah,” Isabel answered, “I thought I told you. They have amazing dorms there, the place is just perfect.”

“Wow,” Alex said, a huge grinning bursting on his face. “I can’t believe it, Iz. That’s wonderful!”

“You think?” Isabel asked, smiling back and sitting up next to him on the bed.

“Yeah, Izzy,” Alex said, grinning widely. “I mean, it would be perfect too considering the Charmed Ones live in San Francisco. I wouldn’t have to orb across the country every five minutes.”

Isabel grinned and threw her arms around Alex, hugging him tightly.

“I love you so much, Alex.” She said, “And I can’t believe it took me this long to figure that out.”

“I’m just glad you did,” Alex answered. “I love you, too, Isabel.”


A swirl of blue lights slowly apparated out of nowhere as a body appeared.

Max sat up from the bed and smiled when he saw her.

“Hi,” She said as she sat on the bed next to him, “How you doin'?”

“Better now that you’re here,” He answered as he kissed her. The two fell backwards on the bed as he continued kissing her passionately.

“God, your beautiful.” He said, “How did I manage being without you for almost an entire year? I must of been crazy.”

“How did <I>I</I> manage being without you for almost an entire year?” Liz asked, laughing as he kissed her neck.

“I love you so much,” Max breathed in her ear.

“I love you, too, Max.” Liz said, “And I never want to be apart from you again.”

“Me too,” He answered, “I love you too much. But promise me that you’ll tell me everything from now on. No more keeping secrets from me, okay?”

“I promise,” Liz said, snuggling closer to him. “But I better get going. I promised my dad I’d be home by 11:00.”

“Oh no,” Max said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Your not going anywhere tonight.”

“Oh, really?” Liz asked, smirking slightly as she leaned in and kiss him lightly on the lips.

“Really,” He answered once she had pulled away, her lips still lingering on his own. “I want you to stay here with me tonight. Call Maria if you have to, but your not going anywhere.”

“Okey then,” Liz said, smiling as she huddled back into his embrace. “I’ll stay right here by your side.”

“Good idea.” Max said, grinning.

But before either two of them could react, a white light suddenly enveloped them and the two vanished from they're spot on the bed.


Liz and Max both reppeared seconds later. Liz looked around the large and musty attic and frowned slightly when she saw Piper, Leo, and Phoebe standing there by the Book of Shadows. Standing a few feet away from the two were Alex, Isabel, Michael, Maria, Kyle, and Jeff Parker. Each and every single one looking slightly confused as to what they were doing there.

"Hey, don't ask me, I have no clue why were here." Alex said, speaking up. "One second were lying on the bed and the next thing I know were standing right here. And I didn't orb us here either," He added, looking at Isabel when saying this.

"So what's going on?" Liz asked curiously,looking at both Piper and Phoebe.

"We wanted to show you something," Piper said, taking a small step forward.

"Show me what?" Liz asked as she watched Piper flip through the pages of the book, easily finding the encantation she was looking for while Phoebe lit a circle of candles on the floor.

The two stood next to one another and began chanting a spell fomr the Book of Shadows.

"Hear these words, hear my cry,
Spirits from the other side.
Come to me, I summon Thee.
Cross now the Great Divide."

On the last word, the increasingly familiar swirl of white lights filled the attic. Then a beautiful women in a long white gown materialized before them.

Through the women's ghostly glow, Liz could see long, shiny dark brown hair and large brown eye's.

The women looked in confusion at both Piper and Phoebe. Phoebe stepped forward and said,

There's somebody here we think you'd like to,"

Liz heard the last word but didn't quite comprehend it. This women was..she couldn't be, could it?

"Elizabeth?" The women asked, her voice sounding echoey. She was staring at Liz now, a smile of recognition and excitment on her face.

Lix's jaw practically stared at the figure that stood in front of here. She felt Max's hand envelope hers and give her a small squeaze.

"Mom?" Liz croaked out. It felt weird calling her that considering she already had a mom. Despise that she couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of meeting this women.

Then Patty Halliwell's transparent body suddenly became more and more solid with each step she took towards Liz, until she stood before her daughter, now temporarily flesh and blood.

Patty wrapped her arms around Liz and Liz hugged her back. She glimpsed at Max, who was standing next to her, smiling widely at her. Then sha glanced at Piper and Phoebe who were both smiling in the background, and at Isabel and Alex who were holding hands and smiling also.

And then she heard Patty whisper two simple, sweet words;

"Welcome home,"

And Liz smiled at those words. Despite everything that was happening in her life right now, she couldn't have felt more at home. She had two half-sisters, a boyfriend whom she loved more than the world itself, and best friends. With them by her side, she knew she'd be able to handle anything that came her way, no matter how big the problem was, she'd be able to handle anything.


The End :) :D