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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 5:06 pm
by Realistic Dreamer
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I actually like both CC and AU fics.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Very much CC, mainly because I dislike much of the character bashing that seems to occur in a lot (although most definitely not all) of UC to justify an UC pairing. The show's prime example would be Max. He loves Liz, but the writers want to put him with Tess and get to the sex. In order to accomplish the UC pairing of M/T, they ruined the character of Max in six short episodes. Much of it was so unbelievable that I sat watching my TV screen going "huh?" Writing where a character or characters are destroyed for the sake of plot or pairing aren't my thing. I much prefer writing where the plot unfolds while keeping true to the characters. The last UC fic I tried, which was quite awhile back, made Max a rapist, stalker and murderer so that Liz could be "saved" from him and paired up with someone else. :roll: My favorite couple would be Max and Liz.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I'm too straight-laced to be the slash type, and I don't see enough of other television shows to make heads or tails of crossovers. My boys own the remote and we live on ESPN, which is a crossover that'll never happen.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I'll go all the way up to NC17, if it's well done.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
The Experiment Series, by LivE, and it was over on I loved it, because it was well written, romantic, and her characterizations of Max and Liz were spot on. She completely understood her characters.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I've written 3, 2 of which are incomplete. Send in the Clones was a one-parter on how the characters Max and Liz felt about the way they were being written and how they couldn't trust the writers to do right by them. Dealing with Disaster is a M/L fic that tries to look at the whole season 2 fiasco with the idea that Max isn't stupid and realizes he's made mistakes and wants to first and foremost change himself, and Liz struggles with forgiveness. Always Waiting for Someone Else is a Zan fic, because I love Zan. DWD and AWFSE, unfortunately, are on the Dead and Buried board right now, because I have no real time to write. Send in the Clones is on the completed board.

7. Who's your favorite character and why? Max, followed closely by Liz. They were an intergalactic Romeo and Juliet and they were magic. And then came season 2 and 3, and neither one ever really recovered.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
There isn't one that pops out at the moment.

9. What's your favorite fic and why? I have no one real favorite. Anything by LivE, Majesty, EmilyLuvsRoswell, Ashton, MidwestMax, DevilKitty, Diehard, Taffycat, RosDeidre, Mockingbird39, Kath7, Applebylicious, Sylvia37, Breathless and almost any author who keeps the characters close to the way they were originally presented.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
About 3 years now, and I usually check this site every day after work.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:59 am
by LittleHottie510
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like AU. I don*t know why, but I can watch a Sci-Fi show just fine and follow along with whats going on... but I don*t like reading fics with too much Sci-Fi in them... I get all confused and end up giving up on it.. *lol*

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Uhm, both, if you can believe that. If its UC though, Liz has to be with Zan, cause I love him *lol*

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I haven*t read any crossovers, actually, not sure why either... I*ll have to go do that soon. Slash is alright, but there are only a few authors whose Slash work I can read.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

I don*t have a rating preference. If its a good fic, I*ll read it... but a little nookie in there is never a bad thing

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

The first fic I ever read was "Tres Amantes" by the lovely Breathless. It was located in the UC/Slash board when I read it, now its on the Complete Fanfic board. Rating is NC-17, and its a Max/Liz/Zan fic. I thought it was wonderful. I*ve read it over a dozen times, and I might just have to go read it again right now. *lol* If you haven*t read it, you should! Debbi writes amazing stuff!

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I do write. I started writing about a month after I joined RF... there was a fic in my head and I just couldn*t get it out, so I wrote it down. Then a bunch of my girlfriends were buggin me about posting it, so I did. The first fic I wrote was a UC fic... Liz/Zan called 'Summer Lovin' and then I wrote a little three parter called 'The Only One I Trust.'

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Depends on whose writing the character :wink:

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

"Fuck me and call me a virgin!" from... "Good Things Come.." by Applebylicious (Lindsaykins! *lol*) I think thats the fic it was from... if not, its from one of the other ones with Nick Gannon in it. I love that quote because I love the man who inspired the quote. *lol*

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Wow.. thats a hard one. I*d say either "Tres Amantes" by Deb(Breathless) or one of Lindsays fics... its hard to pick just one with all these amazing authors running around over here!

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I*ve been reading for... almost 10 months now. I come here almost every day. *lol* I can*t get away, I love it here too much!

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:17 pm
by Scottie
I hope you’re still taking your survey!

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I mostly read regular fics, but I love good AU fics if I can still recognize the characters.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

I’m mostly CC, and my favorite couple is Max and Liz, but there are one or two writers who can make me read anything, even UC! Midwest Max’s Maria/Max stories come to mind. I will read UC stories only if the traditional couple has been dealt with lovingly and convincingly. By that I mean that if it’s a Max/Maria story, then Liz isn’t some freak who drove Max away - there’s another reason why Max and Liz aren’t together. It has to be believable.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I think the only crossover I ever read was Kiss the Flame/Rope the Wind by Ashton that has Sydney and Vaughn from Alias in it. They didn’t enter the fic until it was well along, so I didn’t necessarily set out to read a crossover.

I definitely love slash, but it has to be well written. I’m definitely not into femslash though.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Anything not PG, it’s just too boring. Although now that I think of it, Ashton can do more with a kiss between Max and Liz than some authors can do with lovemaking!

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

I think that the first fic I ever read was Cookie2697’s fic called Everything and I think it was on the old “Jenn” board. I adored it. That’s the fic that got me hooked! I can't remember the rating, maybe PG13? Max and Liz pairing, but it had other Roswell characters along for the ride.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

No, I don’t write, just read.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Max Evans is my favorite character. He drew me in with his first look at Liz, the way he healed her from the gunshot wound and his beauty!

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

I wish I could think of one, but I’m stumped!

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Probably Innocence by Mockingbird. Or Antarian Sky by Rosdeidre. You pick!

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

I’ve been reading for probably four years? Three or four years. I come here most days to see what’s been updated and I check a couple of other boards also if I have time.

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:57 am
by mareli
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I'm more into Regular fics. I loved Roswell theme so I'm more attracted by aliens in Roswell but I read AU too.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Max and Liz with no doubts. Second one is Max/Michael (can't resist! :lol: )

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I don't watch enough television to read crossover. But I have to admit, I have a strong passion for slash, as I said I love Max/Michael paired up (if anyone read "Boys of summer" by Rosdeidre know what I mean :D )

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
For Max and Liz I like NC-17 very much thanx, i saw so little action between them on the show... :wink:

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
mmm I began with Crashdown but the first story I read and loved was "The experiment" by LivE. You understand I couldn't not fall in the alien abyss... she's such a great writer!
But until "Between the sand and the stone" I didn't read any WIP stories. Kath7 made me addicted to this board... :roll:

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I just read. I wrote some stories in Italian (being my mothertoungue and all... )

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Mmmm, I can't decide, sometimes Max sometimes Liz. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, (those eyes... who can resist?) but I loved his wonderful character, his loneliness and his loyalty.
I love Liz because I can someway identify with her, her scientific approach to things, her curiosity. She has a very strong character and I loved her for this.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
“YOU! Off my planet! I’m done with you!” Maria to Michael from Lelea "Fail safe"... that line makes me die every time I read that story.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?
I have too many stories I love and I can't choose THE ONE. Usually I print the stories I love more because I love to read them over and over and, well, let's say I printed 270 stories so far, (well, reading Roswell fics pratically is my favourite way to spend spare time... and I'm a quick reader!)

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
From the ezboard (I don't remember the name of that board... something with Earth on the screen... I think). I come here everyday, in the morning, in my lunch time and at night.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:09 pm
by AntarGrrl

1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

Regular fics, Roswell is about aliens.

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
UC all the way! I don't have one fav couple but Mi/I is at the top along with Mi/T, Mi/Zan, and L/Zan.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
Don't like crossovers that much. I am a big slash fan though.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Usually R or NC-17, but will ready any if it has a good story line.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
Don't remember the first fic I read. I quit reading Roswell fics about a year ago and just started up again. The first one I on this site was "Dust on the Wind" by kerri240879, R, Liz/Zan and Kyle/Ava. I loved was the frist L/Z fic I have read.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
Nope, I just read.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Michael and Tess, I just do I was never really a fan of Max or Liz.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Cannot think of one at the moment.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

To many to choose from.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
Just found this site a few days ago. I am here at least once a day.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:17 pm
by harroc83
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both actually, I usually check both boards

2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

Usually Im into the CC but only two UC pairings I like one is Liz/Zan. I do like some stories where they have Kyle/Ava pairing because ironically i liked the character of Ava more than Tess even though it was the same person playing them. I ususally like her charcter, also another character that was underused

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

I like them. I never could get into Crossovers. My god I really tried but its hard enough keep facts about Roswell in my head let alone another show on top of that. Props to those writers of crossovers because my god it must be hard to remember all those details. Slash is cool depending on who wrote it like the one with Nick/Max/ Liz I so like that one. I like the Max/Zan/Liz combo two, so I guess I more into threesomes like Michael/Max/Liz is really cool.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Doesn't matter to me as long as it is good writing.

5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

That is a hard one but I know it was on the Crashdown website I think it was this story called Awakenings its under the Max and Liz section of that fanfiction website. I really recommend reading it but i dont think it was finished I tried looking for it but can't find it. or I think it was forbidden love by Linda.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

I usually read, but I am writing one now called Transferance, its my first one and for some reason it's going on too long but whatever, you can check it on this board. You can tell my couple prefences there if you check it out. Also the other fics I have written is on my sig. I'm not good with the writing but I try because sometimes got to get rid of nervous energy. Its like therapy for me so is reading actually. If you are brave enough to come into my weird mind you can check them out

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Max, Liz and Zan. I loved the Zan charcter even though he was on the screen for like ten seconds. I thought he had the edge and he was down right sexy. Max of course becasue he touched people how he looked at Liz, man you don't find good actors that could pull that off like that. I remeber the first kiss they had on screen I was like hot damn, thank you, the wait was totally worth it. Even though a lot of people thought Max was ruined I didn't I thought he grew up too fast, it happens. I understood where he was coming from, he was really human to me and honest. I always like honest characters that's why I always had a problem with the Tess character not because of the Max and Liz factor, no those two messed up themselves. No it was because she had the opportunity to be human and honest, and she didn't take it. She was holding onto a man that didn't love her. She wasn't stupid or naive she knew that he would never love her. Shit the man was thinking about his ex-girlfriend while kissing you. Anyway, I also liked Alex and Kyle by far the most honest charcters I have ever seen on tv. I loved thier wit and energy and its too bad that the writers of the show killed one off and didn't give the other one room to shine. Sorry for the rant

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

To tell you the truth i can't remeber specific quotes. I always have a hard time with these questions

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

I like alot of them but i love To Have and To Hold by Pathos, that is my shit. I love fics where baby Zan s loved by Liz, or treated like a son by her becasue I was so disappointed by the show, taking that away from Liz who deserved it. I think like many of us here that sex scene between Tess and Max killed it. Killed the charcter Max. Also loved Devil Kitty's Evil Within, I thought it was honest and realistic

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

Actually since maybe May or June of 2004. I just really got into fan fictions. I watched the show but never knew anything about fan fictions. I was just looking for the whirlwind symbol to put on this report that I did on the stars for my astronomy class and wanted the cover to look nice and I fell into it

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 1:11 am
by Norma Bates
roswells_angel285 wrote: 1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
It depends on the story but usually I stick with Regular fics.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
Any sort of coupling except slash and M/T. I like CC. I am a major pollyanna dreamer (M/L) with truck stopper (Z/L) and double dipper (M/L/Z) tendancies. I loved Alex but I couldn't picture him with Isabel. K/I or K/T is good. Mi/Maria or Mi/L is ok.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I like crossovers, especially Dark Angel, Angel, Buffy, Alias, Highlander, and X-Files. The thing I don't like about crossovers, though is that Max frequently gets turned into Maxhole to the Nth degree in order to hook Liz up with someone else. I am not into slash.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I have no preferance (G, PG, R or NC-17) but I do hate stories where the author turns the story into almost non-stop porno sexcapades. I read Roswell fan fic because of the storyline and the worlds the author creates, not for spankhervision. Subtle is better.
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
UGH! That was a long time ago. I might be wrong but I think the first fic I read was WR's The Importance of Being Elizabeth. M/L. I think someone sent me the link from Fan Forum. I loved the story. It captured a lot of the theories from the Liz's Importance to the Alien Mythology thread (Liz Mythers). It was my favorite thread. Fascinating stuff. Prior to that I wasn't even too aware that there was any such thing out there (so I lived a deprived life. LOL) I read poetry at about the same time but didn't like the fan fic layout. Someone suggested the EZ board site and I've been here ever since.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
Yes and no. I do write, but mostly poetry (usually minimalistic free form) and not usually fan poetry. I did write some Roswell poetry and posted it on the old Ezboard but not even 1 person looked at it. (There was a veiw counter.) I did send one out on a Roswell email group. I have 2 stories started, 1 of which I posted a small amount of on the old board called Genesis and then real life just killed me. I was working 2 jobs, 7 days a week and owned horses. I got very, very little sleep (3-5 hours a day if I was lucky). Exhaustion prevented me from having the energy to write although I read a lot of fan fic to keep me sane. I am actually putting a big push in to get the other fic posted. The working title is Burning Empires but the name might change to The Road To Hell (as in the road to hell is paved in good intentions). It's very angsty, probably R and will most likely end up on the Alien Abyss board.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
Liz and Max of course. Zan and Ava because their characters were so unexplored on the show but what I did see was very interesting and left a lot of possibilities.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
I don't have a favorite. There's a lot of really good ones out there.
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Of Rosfic-I have a few favorites- What's So Great About Normal? by Alley1341, Spin by Incognito, Running With Scissors by Assilem_1 ( because they were so unique, funny and creative.) Any of Caelan's stories (pure genius), I also like a lot of Breathless, AweInspired, Trinitystar1323, Angel, Beenie, WR, Kzinti Killer, and Doublestuff's work.
Of fic outside Roswell-its a tie-Glen Cook's Black Company series, Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy, Terry Adams's Sentience
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
October 2001 here, but I was a member on the old EZ-board version of this board so I think earlier 2001? I'm not sure. I am here every day, at least 2 times a day unless I'm at a horse show.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:46 pm
by Evelynn
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?
I love AU maybe because I like being able to read something starting out fresh. I don't have to know up to a certain point in the TV show in order to start off.
2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.
CC when it comes to Max and Liz. I can take UC for the rest of the cast. ML is my fav. Someone about having the two of them together.
3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?
I liked crossovers when I was reading at Crashdown, the Buffy/Roswell ones by Aesop, I think.
4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?
I don't mind any rating. But I'll tend to go for the R rating because there's more angst and area to read about and it's not limiting.
5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?
The first fic I read was on I don't remember it anymore, but I know I loved it at the time because I had no idea what fanfics were and I loved Roswell.
6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?
I've written. A ML AU POV. title: The Denial Game.
7. Who's your favorite character and why?
I like the whole cast bc they're versatile. In AU, they don't have to be the way they were in the show.
8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?
Geez.. too many
9. What's your favorite fic and why?
Completed fic, I would have to say Spin by Incognito. It's the story that drew me into a world of amazingly written fanfiction and made me love them.
10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?
I've been here for a very long time. Years and Years. Probably 3 or more years or so I'd say. I don't come so often anymore. I've fallen out of it. I'm going to try to finish up the fic I'm writing and then I don't know if I'll come back.


Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:05 am
by Luvya
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?

I like both I honestly do but at the moment I'm prefering fics with the Aliens because that's Roswell.

2. Are you into CC or UC:

Again I like both. If it's brilliently written it's a good story no matter what the couples and it's a believable.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash?

I like Crossovers but I honestly don't really read Slash. I've just never really liked it.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?

Anything I don't really like NC17 that much but I can read it if I'm already hooked onto the fic and I can't put it down.

5. What was the first fanfic you read...?

First Roswell fic I think was One of Kath7's fics, the very first I'm not sure about but I know it was on

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it?

A bit of both. I'm currently writing and planning to finish Yesterday When The War began (link located on my sig)

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

I loved Alex. Alex was the one who hooked me on to Roswell. Colin Hanks did a brillient job with him and I was incredably upset when he was killed off.

8. What's your favorite quote and why?

No idea sorry. I really can't remember a certian quote at the moment honestly..

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Um.... pass

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

Okay this is a tough one I think 2003 so about 2 years and currently more than twice a day. (okay yeah I'm hooked)

Re: What's Your Favorite Type of Fic to read?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 5:40 pm
by DreamKeeper
1. Do you like AU or Regular fics?


2. Are you into CC or UC? Tell me your favorite couple.

CC, because some UC can take some characters I love (and I do love all the characters of the show, although Liz is beginning to grate on my last nerve) to depths I've never seen before.

3. Do you like crossovers and slash fics?

Neither one.

4. If you have a rating preference, what is it?


5. What was the first fic you read, the author, where it was located, the rating, the couple, and what did you think of it?

Antarian Sky by RosDeidre. M/L and it was just the best.

6. Do you write fanfiction or just read it? If you write, please tell me some fics you've written so I can go read them; if you don't write, try it! No one's mean here, so you have nothing to worry about. It's fun and you can get writing pointers. How do you think I learned?

Just read.

7. Who's your favorite character and why?

Max, because he was a decent guy who had too many people manipulating him, and then getting pissed off when he didn't do it right because he didn' t have all the facts to make the right decisions. I can't stand Liz right now, because she's become so perfect I feel this urge to genuflect whenever she appears, and capitalize She and Her. If she would ever remember that their break-up started with her, and that she wasn't exactly a sweetheart from the hostage-taking by Brody thru the investigation of Alex's death when she was the friend from hell herself, I'd like her again.

8. What's your favorite quote from a fic?

Don't have one.

9. What's your favorite fic and why?

Antarian Sky, because it was a really decent Max and Liz.

10. How long have you been reading fanfiction on this site and how often do you come?

A little over two years, and I get on when I can.