Promised(AU M/L Mature/Adult)COMPLETE 5/28/05

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody...I have a few things to say I still want to assure you that nothing "bad" will be happening during this break. I also want to apologize to you all, when I wrote this story a month ago...I never realized how angsty it was....apparently I can handle more than a lot of you Don't worry it will be over soon! Question: Did anyone else have trouble getting on the site yesturday? I wanted to post the new chapter...and it wouldn't let me! So because I don't know if this was my computer or the sites problem...I'm going to post the next two chapters for you all...since you are great readers and hopefully you will see that I am a dreamer and I mean no harm. I come it peace!

Strawberry88:Thank you for coming out and telling me how you feel! I really appreciate it!
su-lyn: I'm glad that you see there is no clear guilt here...thank you.
Emz80m: I'm sorry you feel that way...I hope the wait isn't too long.
Sweet Liz: You are quite welcome!
BehrObsession: Liz didn't mean to hurt Max. She didn't intend to use Max either, they love each other and I think that Liz knew her virginity stood for she wanted to give it to the most special person she could...Max.
Orphyfets: I'm glad you liked Nancy's topic of choice...I had fun writing it!
g7silvers: I don't think Liz is thinking about the long run...she just wanted one night with the man she loves.
Earth2Mama: Hey Lurker!! Thank you for your honesty and your kind words. I'm sorry the angst is hurting you...but it will be over soon!!!
: There will be no sleeping on Max's part. I promise!!

So here is chapter 21

Ch. 21


After Max left this morning, I cried. I lost him and there was nothing I could do to get him back. I was marrying Kyle in 2 weeks. Maria showed up a few minutes later and she realized right away something was wrong and I explained everything to her.


“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?” I ask shocked…this is Maria after all.

“What am I supposed to say Liz? You lost your virginity to Max. I honestly never thought you would have slept with anybody but your husband. Hell, I even stuck up for you when Max accused you of wanting to sleep with Kivar.” Maria said when she finally found her voice.

“I would never sleep with someone that wasn’t my husband Maria!” I yell jumping from my bed and standing up in front of her.

“Um, hello Liz? You just slept with MAX! Remember Max? The guy you just banged on this…” Maria says and then continues when she points at the bed and jumps off. “EWWW on this bed? GROSS!”

“Maria. I love Max.” I state calmly walking towards my closet and staring at my wedding dress…the dress I’m wearing to marry someone else.

“I know you do sweetie. I also know for a fact that Max loves you. But, what about Kyle? What do you feel about him Liz? Why are you still going to marry him…if you are in love with Max.” Maria says as she comes and stands next to me.

“I can’t break Kyle’s heart Maria; he has done nothing to hurt me. I don’t love him like I love Max and I don’t think I ever will…but I think that over time I can grow to love him…like I love Alex.” I say with a shrug.

“That’s all great Liz. I mean you and Alex have a great relationship…as friends. But people don’t expect you to sleep together. You and Kyle will be married…and like your mother said you are expected to do certain things if you get my drift. Kyle will want children to pass his name and line on…how can that happen if you don’t even sleep with him?” Maria asks me.

“I don’t know Maria! There are new technologies that can help that!” I say turning back towards my bed.

“Ok fine…there are medical resources…but how do you explain that to Kyle? He thinks you love him!”

“I know…but I can’t right now. I’m sorry Maria…but I just need to be alone right now.” I say as I snuggle with my Max pillow and lay down.

“Fine I’ll go but not before saying this. I think you are making a big mistake by marrying Kyle. You may not want to break his heart…but you’re breaking Max’s and your own. If you don’t love him…then why marry him? You told Max you wanted to be happy…I know you better than anyone and I know that Kyle can’t do that for you Liz. There is only one man who can make you truly happy and it isn’t Kyle.” Maria says before closing the door.

I lay there on my bed listening to what Maria said and I know she is right…as soon as the door closed my tears come again.

It’s been 4 days since Max walked out on me, and I’m so confused about what is happening between us. When I try to understand it I confuse myself even more:

Max and I had sex… no that doesn’t even cover it.

Max and I slept together, that still doesn’t express it.

Max and I made love…plain and simple. It was the best experience of my life and Max thinks it didn’t mean anything to me. It meant everything, I saved myself for him.

Kyle came back the next day and I felt guilty for the idea of cheating on him, but I didn’t feel guilt for what I experienced with Max…I don’t think I ever could.

It’s been strange around here. Everyone except the parents, Kyle and Serena know that Max and I made love and they all act very weird around us. Every morning I meet my friends at the palace for breakfast, and every morning is awkward because I have to sit next to my fiancé while trying not to make eye contact with my best friend/lover across the table.

Kyle has been acting very strange too. He’s so touchy lately and I don’t understand why. My only guess could be that he is getting ready for the wedding…but it bugs me. I shouldn’t flinch when my future husband touches me, I didn’t before Max and I slept together…I don’t understand it.

I’m meeting everyone at the palace this morning for breakfast as usual and I am shocked when I open my mansion door to leave when I see Kyle’s parents standing there.

“Lord and Lady Valenti! What are you doing here?” I ask while stepping aside to allow them to enter.

“Liz, what did we tell you? We are going to be family soon. Call us Jim and Kathleen.” Kyle’s dad says and I smile. Kyle’s dad is a sweetheart, we don’t really know each other very well but I trust him so much…he just has vibes around him that project trustworthy.

“Sorry Jim.” I blush. “What are you two doing here?” I repeat my question.

“Well there is something that we wanted to talk to you and Kyle about and we felt it was a good idea to do it in person.” Kathleen states.

“Is everything ok?” I ask starting to get worried.

“No everything is fine; it’s just something that needs to be discussed. Where is Kyle?” Jim asks trying to reassure me.

“Oh, he’s at the palace having breakfast.” I say before I notice the surprised looks on their faces and explain. “My parents didn’t think it was proper for Kyle to stay here with me, so he is staying at the palace. Every morning everyone meets over there for breakfast. My parents are already over there, why don’t you join us?” I ask while walking towards the door. The Valenti’s follow me and we get into the car for the driver to take us to the palace.

I walk into the dinning room and everyone looks up at me. “You’re late sweetie.” Kyle says as he gets up and kisses me on the cheek. I stare at Max over Kyle’s shoulder and watch as he hangs his head.

“Sorry, but I had some unexpected visitors.” I say as I pull away from Kyle and gesture for the Valenti’s to enter. “Everyone this is Lord Jim and Lady Kathleen Valenti, Kyle’s parents.”

“Hello everyone, we have heard so much about you.” Jim says as he bows to the King and Queen and nods a greeting to everyone else.

“Dad what are you doing here?” Kyle asks once he hugs and kisses both his parents. I take my seat and wait for the announcement.

“Well son your mother and I wanted to talk to you and Liz about something.” Jim says and I can tell he is uncomfortable with all the new faces watching him. "Can we talk to you and Liz somewhere private?"

I start to get up when Kyle stops me "No, here is fine dad. These are Liz's friends and they are mine now too. Go ahead."


So these are going to be Liz's in-laws. They seem nice parents would have been better...but I guess that dream is gone. You're probably wondering how I've been doing these last few days and let’s just say...I feel like shit.

Liz chose Kyle over me. I know in the past I've tried to fight for Liz...but that never ended up working out...When I tried to fight for Liz with Kivar...I ended up disgracing I'm going to let Liz go. I don't think I will ever be happy without Liz in my life, but at least I got to be with her at least once in my life. Anytime I feel down I will remember being wrapped in her body and love that one night and I will get through whatever I'm dealing with. I don't think I will ever fall in love or marry anyone unless they are Liz.

" I wanted to this in private but since you insist Kyle...Your mother and I wanted to tell you that your grandfather will not be able to make it to your wedding." Jim finally says.

"What why? Is grandpa ok?" Kyle asks and I can tell he is sincerely worried about his grandfather.

"No he isn't Kyle. He was admitted into the hospital last night. They don't think he has much time left and he can't leave Chadwick." Kathleen explains while she holds her husbands hand. Obviously its Jim's father who is sick. I turn my gaze to Liz and watch as he wraps her arms around Kyle giving him silent support. She will make a great wife.

"I can't get married without grandpa there. Is there anything we can do? We can push the wedding forward! We can get married tomorrow!" Kyle yells and I chock on my water.

"Cough...oh sorry. Water went down the wrong pipe." I explain and I lift my eyes to meet Liz's. She knows I'm lying and I can see it in her knowing look. Tomorrow? That’s so soon...I thought I would have more time with Liz than that.

"Kyle...we can't get married tomorrow. All the guests wouldn't have time to get here, and all the reception and ceremony decorations aren't done. It would be a disaster. I'm sorry, I know how much your grandfather means to you...but I won't get married in a day." Liz says and I feel bad when Kyle hangs his head.

"Don't feel bad Liz. There is no way that my father would be able to make it anyway. The doctors forbid him from leaving Chadwick. There is nothing to do." Jim explains while giving Liz an understanding look. He definitely is a nice guy.

"I can't believe this. This wedding is going to blow now!" Kyle says as he storms out of the door and upstairs. I hear his mother and father scold him and everyone looks at Liz to see how she reacted to his outburst.

TBC: chapter 22 is on the next post...hold on to your butts!!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

Chapter 22

I really don't understand why everyone is staring at me. What Kyle said was true...but I think he meant it a different way than I do. I know this wedding is going to suck because I'm marrying the wrong guy...while Kyle is upset because his grandfather won't be making it.

"Liz sweetie...I'm sure Kyle didn't mean to hurt your feelings...he's just upset--" Kathleen tries to explain but I interrupt her.

"It's Ok Kathleen. I know what Kyle meant. He didn't hurt my feelings." I say with a smile and I nod when Kyle's mother smiles too after being assured that her son's hasty exit didn't affect me.

"Well, now that we are alone...let me introduce you to everyone properly. This is King Philip and Queen Diane of Antar." I say as I formally introduce Max's parents. Jim and Kathleen bow and when the King and Queen nod there heads in greeting, I continue “Next to them are my parents, Lord Jeffery and Lady Nancy Parker.” After everyone acknowledges each other I continue "These two here are the Deluca twins Alex and Maria. They are my best friends. You already know Serena. This guy here is Michael Guerin. This is Princess Isabelle Evans. And lastly Crowned Prince Maxwell of Antar. Michael is his second in command." After all the introductions and nods of acknowledgement I invite the Valenti's to join us for breakfast.

"I am truly sorry to hear about your father Jim." King Philip says.

"Thank you your Majesty. He is truly a great guy and as you can tell he is very special to Kyle." Jim answers.

I finally speak up. "Jim, there anything that we can do? I know how much Kyle wants his grandfather to be at the wedding...that is the main reason we decided to get married to fast, Kyle understood that we didn't have a lot of time."

"Liz honestly, there is nothing you can do except be there for Kyle. He may not say it right now, but I know that he appreciates you just being there for him...and for rushing the wedding as much as you have. You've done all you can." Kathleen says while gently squeezing my hand, I shyly smile and nod.

"You could always have the wedding on Chadwick." I hear in a whispered voice from across the table and I look up at everyone's faces trying to find where it came from. I watch as everyone looks around and then their eyes land on Max. He is sitting there with his head and shoulders down picking at his breakfast.

"What?" I finally ask.

Max slowly raises his head and meets my eyes. "I said you could always have the wedding on Chadwick. If Kyle's grandfather can't leave Chadwick to come to the wedding...bring the wedding to him."

I'm speechless at Max's suggestion. I had thought about that option but didn't think anyone here would agree to it. I quickly glance around the table and watch as everyone turns stunned expressions between Max and me. I'm still trying to comprehend why Max would make that option available when my thoughts are interrupted.

"Oh my god! That’s a great idea! Kyle would be so thrilled to have his grandfather there and we don't even have to worry about him leaving Chadwick! Do you want to do this Liz?" Kathleen asks me but I hardly notice because I'm still caught in a staring contest with Max. I'm silently trying to ask him why he is doing this...Max didn't need to help Kyle and I get together.

"Liz? Sweetie are you ok?" My mother asks when I don't answer Kathleen.

"What? Oh sorry. I kind of blanked out there. Um, I don't know Kathleen. I mean I love the idea...but I don't know if it could be done..." I say and I look to Isabelle for help. " Iz...can all the arrangements be moved to Chadwick?"

"Um, given enough notice...I think it can be arranged. I'd have to go early to get measurements of the hall you would the floor plan...but other than that...I think it would work. Is that what you want Liz?" Isabelle asks me...and I know she isn't just referring to the wedding location. I glance back towards Max and I see the love and assurance in his eyes.

"Yeah. Let’s do it." I say with a small smile towards Jim and Kathleen. "Let’s move the wedding to Chadwick."

"This is so great Liz! You just made Kyle a happy man! I can't believe he found you!" Kathleen says as she jumps up and hugs me. "I'm going to go and tell Kyle! Which is his room?"

After we sent a guard to show Kathleen to Kyle's room Jim turns to me. "Liz, are you sure you want to do this? I mean I know it would mean the world to Kyle...but if you don't want to do don't have to"

"I know Jim. But I want to make Kyle’s my job now." I say with a small smile and I quietly sigh when Jim nods his head.

"Although this option does fix the problem with Kyle's grandfather...I will not however be able to perform the ceremony as we had planned." King Philip says.

"What why not?" I say with a panic. Philip is like a father to me and I agreed to only have him marry didn't feel right if anyone else performed the ceremony.

"I don't have any power on Chadwick Liz. I'm just a visiting King. King Harding of Chadwick will have to perform the ceremony for it to be legal. I'm sorry." Philip says as he gives me an apologetic smile. I nod my head and try to keep the tears from spilling....this wedding is really going to blow now!

"Daddy, isn't there a rule that if you have a signed agreement with the King of the planet, he can give you temporary power? If so, you could perform the wedding if, you get King Harding to approve." Isabelle suggests and I turn back towards the King to see his reaction to this idea.

"Well...I totally forgot about that idea. It might work. I'd have to beg the King since I don't have any unused favors with him...but I think I can arrange it." King Philip says.

"Actually...I think I have a way to make this work. An unused favor that I can get the King to allow dad to perform the ceremony." Max speaks up and I instantly know he is talking about a favor involving Tess and I tense up.

"So basically you’re saying you will blackmail Tess into talking her daddy into helping us?" Isabelle whispers to Max but I hear it and I sigh. I look up and meet Max's eyes before I excuse myself from the table. I tell everyone I am getting my planner that has all the phone numbers we will need to move everything to Chadwick. When I leave I don't notice the pair of amber eyes following my movements or him excusing himself to follow me.


I follow Liz out of the palace and to her mansion. I stay pretty far behind her so she doesn’t even know I’m there. When we reach her house, I follow Liz into her bedroom.

I enter her room and stop. The memories are flooding back to me from our night spent together. I turn my attention to Liz as she is looking through her desk for her planner and I watch as she stills and pulls something out of the drawer. Her body is blocking me so I can’t really see what she has.

“Liz?” I softly call to her. And I watch her stiffen before she turns around to face me. My heart breaks when I finally see her face and I see the tears flowing freely.

“I’m so sorry Max.” Liz says between her sobs and I rush to her side when she slides down and sits on the ground.

“Hey, what going on Liz? Why are you sorry?” I ask as I lift her chin and wipe away her tears even though more come. I’m really worried because I’ve never seen her this bad. She is a mess.

“I’m so sorry for everything I’ve ever done to you.” She says and I try to interrupt her but she continues. “No Max I mean it. I’ve been so worried about you hurting me…that I’ve been hurting you pretty bad huh?”

I don’t respond I look down and take her hand in mine. I sigh as I rub my thumb across the back of her hand. I don’t know what to say to her. If I’m honest I might break her heart completely by answering yes…but if I lie and say no…I’ll hurt her even more because she will know that I’m lying. So I remain quiet.

“How did we get here Max?” Liz asks and I look up to watch her face.

“What do you mean Liz?” I ask.

“How did we get here…apart, lonely, and heart broken? Six months ago I thought we were falling in love…and now I don’t know if I will ever have love like that again. I don't think anyone will love me like you did." She says and I shake my head before responding.

"Do. I do love you Liz, I never stopped and I don't think I ever will." I honestly tell her and I watch as she shakes her head.

"But you don't want too. I mean how could you still love me after everything I've done to you?" Liz asks and I watch as the tears start to flow heavy again.

"Liz sweetie don't cry please? I could never not love’s who I am. And everything you’ve done to me? Liz...that stuff is nothing compared to what I did to you...I should be apologizing to you" I say.

“God we are a pair aren’t we?” Liz says as she slightly smiles and I breath easier because her mood it changing.

“So, can I ask what made you cry in the first place?” I ask her and I watch as she opens her hands and I look down to see my families wedding rings. “Liz…”


“Don’t Max.” I say before he can continue. If I don’t say what I’m feeling…I don’t think I will ever get the chance to again. “I need to say some things to you…and I don’t want you to interrupt. I won’t be able to finish if you interrupt me.” I say and I look into his face. He doesn’t say anything; he is just staring at me. “Max? Do you understand?” Nothing… “Say something….” I plead.

He smirks before commenting. “You told me not to interrupt you.”

I chuckle. “Asshole.” I say but with a smile. “Ok, so…remember the other night…the night we spent together?” I say and I wait until he nods and blushes before I continue. “Well, although you don’t believe me, I just want to tell you that that wasn’t a practice run. Everything I said to you I meant with my whole heart…that night meant everything to me. I know that sometimes my actions don’t connive with what my words are saying…but there will never be another you. You’re my soul mate and I will love for eternity.” I turn to face him and I see the tears in his eyes. I blink mine back waiting for him.

“Are you finished?” He says and I nod for him to continue. “First off, I’m sorry about everything I said to you. I know you meant everything you said, and I meant everything I said also. I was angry and confused that you were still going to marry Kyle after what we shared. I was heartbroken and I took it out on you. You were just as confused about what was going on as I was.” I say with a sigh. “And for the record, that night meant everything to me too.”

“So, where does this leave us now?” I ask him and we wait in silence for what seemed like hours until he whispers his answer.

“I don’t know, Liz. I just don’t know.”

See you thursday or friday...for the "wedding" chapter....bye!
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Wow, just wanted to say that I'm glad you all were honest with your responses to these last 2 chapters...I hope I get the same result with this one...

Sunrise102: I'm glad it wasn't just me that was having problems..thanks for clearing that up. Ouch...I see where you are coming from...wanting Liz to go through with the wedding since she started the whole mess...but ouch. Liz will make the first move...don't worry
Earth2Mama: Sorry, no unexpected party....actually :twisted: Who did you have in mind?
Orphyfets: Yes...poor max
LilMsPridictable: HA HA
behrlyliz: I'm trying to fix it.
g7silvers: Lol, I wanted to show Kyle isn't the rational choice...I'm glad you picked up on that. You are so good!
Emz80m: Lol
obsession: I'm truly not trying to kill you all...I promise.
BehrObsession: Lol...tell me how you really feel. :P
su-lyn: You have to remember...Liz is still young...she hasn't found her own two feet yet.
Sweet Liz: Yes, Life is complicated
Lizza: I'm glad your back!
AppleJacks: Thanks for joining!
FamersAmers: Now would I actually let Kyle and Liz get married? I don't think
General: I might now have explained this in the story...but they are on antar...a royal family. Usually royal families tend to really care what other people think about them. That is why I think Liz is really concerned about what people will think. She hasn't realized that it doens't matter...she still believes she must be the perfect lady in everyone elses eyes.

P.S. Check out my banner...I made it myself!! But the background space picture does not belong to is actually found here... So Just don't think its I hope you like the banner....I'm new to the banner I'm still learning!

So here is the "wedding" :twisted: Chapter...

Ch. 23


Max and I spend another minute or so in my room before we went back to the palace. We talked and figured out where we stood. We love each other, but there is so much pain and history that I think both of us knows we can’t do this anymore. And I’m getting married. I made a commitment to Kyle.

When we got back to the palace, Kyle and I agreed to have the wedding on Chadwick and Max offered to call in his favor with Tess, but I stopped him. I decided to make a call myself…

“Hello?” The servant asked once she picked up the video phone and her face came on the screen.

“Yes, Hi my name is Lady Elizabeth Parker of Antar. I would like to speak to Prince Kivar please.” I say with as much dignity as I can muster.

“I’m sorry, but the Prince in not accepting any calls at this time.” She says.

“Oh, I’m sure if you tell him it’s me he will make an acceptation to that rule.” I say with a smile and I watch the servant getting mad.

“Look, I don’t know who you think you are Lady Parker but--” She tries to say but she stops when someone out of the screen speaks.

“Lady Parker? Why didn’t you tell me she was on the phone?” I hear Kivar comment and I watch the servant’s mouth open and shut trying to find and answer. “You’re excused.”

“Well Lady Parker. It’s good to see you again. You look even more radiant that before, you are positively glowing!” Kivar says with a smile.

“Thank you Prince Kivar, so you aren’t taking any calls?” I say quickly changing the subject.

“I have no idea why she said that…” Kivar says shaking his head.

“I do. She has a crush on you.” I say.

“Poor girl, she is not my type. I’m more into brown haired, doe eyed, Ladies of Antar.” Kivar responds with a smirk, and if I was there I would have slugged him. But instead I drop my nice act and get to business.

“Look Kivar, I’ll get right to the point of my call, I need a favor.” I say and I watch as his eyes flash with interest. I wait for the right words…

“A favor? I’m intrigued, you have my permission for anything you want…anything.” BINGO! You’re mine dirt bag!

“I want you to get your father to give King Philip the power to perform a legal marriage ceremony on Chadwick.” I say with a smug smile. There is no way out now.

“A marriage ceremony? On Chadwick? Who is getting married?”

“I am. To Lord Kyle Valenti and for personal reasons we decided to get married on his home planet instead of mine.” I explain.

“Valenti? You can’t do that. You need permission to inter marry planets! And I sure as hell don’t give my permission for you to marry Kyle!” Kivar yells.

“First off, you don’t own me, I’m not even a legal resident of Chadwick, you are just another jackass Prince to me. Secondly, I have permission. The royal court of Antar has blessed our marriage.” I say and I think I can actually see steam coming off his head.

“Well that’s all fine and dandy, but I don’t give my permission, so you won’t be having it on Chadwick.”

“See that’s where you’re wrong, you just promised me anything I want and if you break that promise, you’ll lose the support of Antar as an ally. I know you’re a smart guy Kivar…Antar is the biggest planet in our galaxy and you don’t want them against you. So I will be looking forward to the contract in a few hours.” I say before I hang up and walk out of the room.


I stand in my room watching all the decorations being packing up into transports to be moved to Chadwick from my window. Liz is getting married in 5 days. My life is ending more and more each day the wedding gets closer.

“Max?” I hear and I turn towards the door to see Alex, Maria, Isabelle, and Michael standing at the door.

“Hey guys what’s up?” I ask as I sit on my bed and watch as they all enter the room nervously. I flash back to when they came in a few weeks ago to tell me Liz was bringing someone home from Chadwick.

“We just wanted to see how you were doing with everything.” Isabelle says as she sits down next to me.

“As well as can be expected I guess. Guys I’m fine, I’m going to be bummed but it will pass.” I say with a shrug.

“What are you talking about Max? It will pass? This is the woman of your dreams man! You’re just going to let her go?” Michael says. “OUCH!! Maria why did you hit me?”

“What Michael was poorly saying is that we want to make sure you understand what you’re giving up…this is Liz Max.” Maria says.

“Guys I know this…really. Look, Liz and I talked, we love each other but we can’t be together. Liz made a commitment to Kyle to marry him. We decided that we can’t be together because of that.” I say and I glance around the room to my friends watching as they all realize that it is over…Liz never breaks a promise.

“Well, than now is a good time to give you this I guess.” Isabelle says when she hands me a piece of paper. I begin to read it and realize it’s the power contract. King Harding is asking for everyone’s signatures from the Antar court to allow the marriage. Mine is the only one needed. Everyone from Chadwick has signed and so have Kyle and Liz. Mine is the deciding vote.

I look up at everyone, they are all sending me pity eyes and I sigh as I get up to grab a pen and then sign the paper. “There…it’s settled. Liz will get married in 5 days to Kyle on Chadwick. Tell me how it goes.” I say as I hand the paper back to Isabelle.

“You’re not going?” Alex asks me.

“Like you guys said, it’s Liz. I can let her do it…but I can’t be there to watch. Besides I’ve seen her dress…I know she will look beautiful.” I say before exiting the room.

Day of the Wedding

I’m sitting here in my room, lying on my bed. Liz is getting married today; glancing at the clock and realize she is probably getting announced as husband and wife right now. Liz left later that day that I talked to everyone in my room. She came to me to say goodbye.

“I just wanted to thank you Max…for signing the contract. You didn’t have to.” Liz says.

“If that was the only way to get you married then yes I did.” I respond with a shrug.

We hugged quickly and she hands me a gift before she left. “Open it on my wedding day ok?” I promised her and she left.

I turn my head and glance at the present and reach for it. I open the box and see a piece of paper folded and I open it.

Dearest Max,
If you listened to me, than this is my wedding day. I can image what you’re feeling, because I’m feeling the same way. I asked you to wait to open this because I didn’t want you to transport them back to me. I can’t use them. I won’t waste them on my marriage, they deserve and mean more than that. Please take care of yourself and be happy. I hope to visit often, but Chadwick will be my new home…I’ll miss you more than you will ever know. I love you Max…never forget that.

I finish the letter and look in the box, nestled neatly at the bottom are my family rings. I pull them out and study them. She didn’t want to use them…I smile because I understand, if she couldn’t marry me…she didn’t want to have a perfect marriage…I would do the same thing if it was me.

I groan when I hear a knock on the door. I place the rings back in the box and refold the letter and place it back also. I get up and head to the door. The servants have been bugging me all day. I think Isabelle asked them too. They keep offering me the weirdest things. I had a servant come in and offer to re-tie my shoes…like I couldn’t do it myself. I wonder what they want to give me now; I’ve already eaten 5 meals today and its 5 p.m.

“No thank you…I don’t want any--” I say as I open the door before I see who is standing in front of me. “Liz.”

“Hey, Max.”

TBC: in a few days!! Lol...enjoy
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon May 02, 2005 11:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Lol, wow how could I stay away any longer with all your begging and pleading to find out what happened! Well, here I am with the next chapter...ready to find out what happened at the wedding? Well here we are! Enjoy! Glad to see some new faces (sort it is the internet) and some lurkers coming out the last few chapters..THANK YOU!!

: Lol, don't worry you will find out!
Orphyfets: Sorry I had 2 leave it there!
Wearydreams2003: I had a fealing that might have happened, I should have left an authors note before I changed it...glad you found me!
Su-lyn: Lol, glad your happy
Janesdilemma: You'll see, Do I do that many cliffies?
Earth2mama: all your questions will get answered!
BehrObsession: Lol, I'm here to give you the chapter
g7Silvers: Lol, sorry had too.
WildSphinx: Thank you for your kind words and welcome!!
Aurorasky: Thank you and welcome! Glad you found me!
Emz80m: You will
Sunrise102: Yes, Wedding POV will come up this chapter
Applejacks: Lol, I'm back
OmegaRam1: Lol, your good
RoswellLuver*16: I am!!
stargrl678: They will turn out for them don't worry!!
taress05: Thank you, the misery is over!!
Liz86000: Welcome!! Thanks for the kind words, lol...sorry...didn't mean to be evil!!

Chapter 24


To say I’m in shock would be an understatement right now. I’m standing here in my doorway staring at Liz. Not a big deal right? Well normally no, but she is supposed to be at her wedding on Chadwick. I take in her attire and I’m even more confused. She is in her wedding dress; she is completely dressed to walk down the aisle. She even has her bouquet in her hands.

“Can…can I come in?” She asks and I slightly nod my head. She smiles weakly and walks past me. I restrain a laugh at her waddling in her oversized dress because I don’t think right now is the time for joking.

“What are you doing here Liz? Why aren’t you on Chadwick…at your wedding reception with your husband?” I say and I don’t hide the resentment in my voice.

“I can’t go to the reception, and I don’t have a husband…because there was no wedding.” She says calmly as she sits on the bed.

“What? What happened? Did something go wrong?” I panic. Why isn’t she freaking out? Her wedding was ruined.

“Relax Max. Nothing bad happened. Kyle and I decided not to get married.” She says with a shrug.

“Why not?” I ask.

“Well, for starters Kyle is in love with someone else…and I--” She stops. I walk up and stand in front of her.

“You what Liz?” I probe after tilting her chin to look me in the eyes. “What about you?”

“I’m pregnant.”


OH GOD! OH GOD! Why hasn’t he said anything? Did he hear me? Should I repeat it?
“Max? Say something.” I plead while wringing my hands in my lap trying to stop them from shaking. I may appear calm on the outside…but inside my stomach is doing somersaults and I don’t think it’s the baby…our baby. Part of Max is inside of me!

The whole transport trip I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m pregnant. I’m carrying Max’s child. If this situation is not handled correctly…it could ruin Max…and Antar for that matter.

“What do you want me to say Liz? I’m still trying to understand that you’re not married…and now you’re pregnant.” Max says once he catches his breath.

I turn my face to him and I reach up to caress his cheek. “Here is the situation: I’m not married, I’m not engaged, I don’t love Kyle, and I’m pregnant.” I explain. After he doesn’t respond I add. “Just in case you’re wondering….the baby is yours.”

“Liz. Not once has that thought come into my mind Ok?” He comments after quickly taking my hands in his when he realizes I thought he wasn’t accepting the baby as his. “I know its mine. I’m sorry if I don’t sound sure…but I’m not. I’m not sure of anything anymore except that we made a child together. I know it’s me and you inside your stomach ok?” He explains and I smile and nod.

“What are we going to do Max? If this gets out it will ruin you, your family, and Antar.” I say as tears are forming in my eyes.

“Your not suggesting we get rid of our child are you?” Max asks and I can tell it took
A lot of power just to ask me that.

“NO! I just…I wanted to know how we are going to handle telling people. Up until 4 hours ago, I was getting married…to another man. No one is going to believe that it’s your child.” I explain.

“I don’t care Liz. Our family and friends and importantly we know that our baby is ours and we created it out of love. The only people who should matter right now are you, our child and me. Stop worrying about what other people will think.” Max says while he caresses my cheek and I nod. Max may not want to think about other people right now…but he has too some time, I know our parents will.

“So, explain to me how this all happened. Not that I mind but why aren’t you married?” He asks me and I smile. I take his hands in mine and place them on my temples as I flash back.


Liz stands in front of a full length mirror. She still can’t believe she is getting married to Kyle today. Everyone was waiting outside for her so that they could start the wedding. Liz took a deep sigh; she just wanted to get through this day. She new Maria, Alex, Isabelle, and Michael would be giving her sympathetic looks at the altar.

Liz was so focused on preparing herself that she didn’t notice Kyle come in. Kyle watched her. He admitted to himself that he was doing the right thing, although Kyle did love Liz he knew he couldn’t do this to her. He had to make this right. “Liz?” He called out to Liz.

“Kyle? What are you doing here?” Liz said as she tried to cover herself. “You aren’t supposed to see the bride before the wedding. It’s bad luck.”

Kyle smirked; if she only knew why he was here…she wouldn’t care. “I came to talk Liz; I think we need to talk.”

“Ok, but um…Kyle its 20 minutes until the wedding; can’t we talk after?” Liz asked as she slipped on her shoes.

“No, Liz this really can’t wait.”

“Ok Kyle…what’s so important that it can’t wait until we are married.” Liz asks as she motioned for Kyle to sit down next to her on the couch in her dressing room.

“I don’t want to get married.” Kyle said as calmly and quickly as he could. He knew they shouldn’t get married, but Liz was a woman and telling her on the day of her wedding that he didn’t want to get married was going to hurt her, no matter if her feelings were not involved.

“I’m sorry; I thought I just heard you say you didn’t want to get married.” Liz asked. She thought her hearing was off because of her nerves.

“That’s right; I don’t want to get married.”

“Ok…as in today, or at all?” Liz asks. She tried to steady her breathing, she was trying to not hyperventilate and pass out. Although she didn’t love Kyle, it still hurt that he was calling of the wedding. She had put so much work into this; she gave up on all her dreams so she could marry Kyle and to have him throw it all away…Liz admitted she was heartbroken.

“I definitely want to get married someday. But I don’t want to do it today…or to you.” Kyle said and he hung his head in shame when he saw the tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Liz, but I don’t love you enough to marry you, and I know that you don’t love me. I tried to make those feelings grow, but I couldn’t do it. At least not for you. I…I fell in love with someone else. I’m so sorry.”

Liz didn’t try to hide or stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks; this hurt more than anything has ever happened to her. “What…what’s wrong with me? I’m not good enough for you?”

“Oh god no Liz! That’s not what I meant; I’m not good enough for you. You deserve so much better than me.” Kyle says as he grabs Liz’s hand and holds it in-between his. He strokes his thumb across Liz’s hand and grazes her engagement ring. “Besides, I know you already belong to someone else, who is so much better for you than I or anyone else in this galaxy will ever be.”

“What are you talking about Kyle?” Liz had to ask. She knew he was talking about Max but she didn’t want to admit that people could tell.

“Liz, don’t play stupid. You know I’m talking about Max. You’re in love with him. And if I’m honest with myself, you’ve never stopped. I know you have feelings for me, I’m not saying you don’t, its just you love him more than you could ever love me…and I’m okay with that. I see the way you two look at each other and there is no way that I can stand in the way of that.” Kyle explains. He looks into Liz’s eyes and he can she that she understands and agrees with him, but it still hurts. He reaches up and wipes away her tears.

“Kyle, if this is all that this is about then you can just stop now. Yes, I admit that I love Max, but I have feelings for you too. I made a promise to marry and love you…I’m not going to break that promise.” Liz responses. She knew Kyle was right…but she didn’t want all this hard work to go to waste.

“But Liz, by marrying me your breaking a promise to Max.” Kyle says.

“What are you talking about Kyle?” Liz questions. She is completely confused, she doesn’t remember promising Max anything…does Kyle know something?

“Remember 2 weeks ago when I left for some business? Well, I wasn’t completely honest with you about where I was.” Kyle comments and glances at Liz for her reaction.

“What are you talking about Kyle? Where were you?” Liz asks. She can’t believe he lied to her.

“I went to see the recluse, I needed some answers and so I went to talk to him.” Kyle comments with a shrug.

“What questions would you have for the recluse Kyle? That’s my business not yours!” Liz couldn’t believe that Kyle would go see the recluse. She felt betrayed that he would go behind her back and do that.

“We were getting married so I wanted to see what I was getting myself into, so I think that it is my business! Sigh…look, I’m sorry Liz but I had questions that needed to be answered before we could get married. I didn’t mean to lie to you, I just…I needed to know something.”

“Well, you obviously got your answers since we aren’t getting married. What did the recluse say to you Kyle?” Liz asks. She couldn’t figure out what could cause Kyle to call off the wedding.

“That doesn’t matter. I need to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the truth ok Liz?” Kyle asks and he continues when Liz nods her agreement. “How long ago did you and Max sleep together?”

“What? I don’t know--” Liz started to say, but at the pointed look Kyle gave her she responded with her head down. “I’m so sorry Kyle. Not for what happened with Max, because I can’t be sorry for that…but for cheating on you. You deserve more than that. I never meant to hurt you.” Liz says while she quietly sobs.

“Its ok Liz, I know you didn’t mean it. I’m not angry. Well, ok, I sort of am…but I have no right too…since I’ve been secretly courting Serena behind your back.”

“Serena? Wow…that is a surprise. So…she is the someone you fell in love with?” Liz questions. She knows she should be angry by Kyle’s admission, or by Serena’s betrayal…but she can’t.

“Yeah. It just sort of happened. Like you said, I’m sorry that I cheated on you…but I’m not sorry that I fell for her…I love her with all my heart.” Kyle admits. “So…how long have you and Max been lovers?” Kyle asks unabashed and chuckles when he sees Liz’s blush.

“We aren’t lovers Kyle, it only happened once…about 2 weeks ago, when you were visiting the recluse apparently. We both did a bit of lying that week didn’t we? Why do you ask?” Liz questioned. Maybe the date had something to do with what the recluse said to Kyle.

“Well, that’s to see long you’ve been pregnant.” Kyle says with a smirk.

“Pr-pregnant? What the hell are you talking about Kyle? I’m not pre-pregnant” Liz explains while shaking her head profusely. She couldn’t be pregnant…could she? How would Kyle know?

“Shit…you didn’t know? Oh God…I thought…Well, I thought you knew. I mean its evident.” Kyle says with wide eyes.

“What do you mean evident? How long have you known?”

“Since the day at the pool…so 2-3 days? I saw the handprint covered by your bikini bottoms when you moved…I seriously thought you knew.”

“Well, obviously not!!” Liz yells while jumping up and stripping off her wedding dress. She doesn’t care that Kyle is sitting next to her…she had to see this herself.

“See, the little hand print right here?” Kyle says once Liz is standing in her undergarments and Kyle could point out the glowing handprint a few inches below her belly button. “How could you not see that?” Kyle smirks.

“WELL I DO NOW!!!” Liz yells as she stares at the tiny handprint that is the evidence of her child’s creation. She was pregnant…with Max’s child. It hit her like a ton of bricks. “OH MY GOD!” Liz yells before passing out.



I remove my hands from Liz’s temples but we don’t break eye contact. Liz just showed me why she wasn’t married and how she found out she was pregnant. I have to admit I’m kind of hurt that Kyle knew before me…but in the end it worked out for the best I suppose.

“Max? Now would be one of those great times for you too say something.” Liz says still not breaking eye contact. I take a deep breath and lift her to a standing position in front of me. I lift my hand and run in down the front of her dress, creating a cut and I push the dress of her shoulders.

“Max what are you--” Liz starts to say but she stops when I break eye contact to stare at her stomach. I pull her panties down a little and I gasp when I see the handprint. I look up and meet Liz’s eyes and I see the tears in hers knowing that they mirror my own eyes.

“Max” Liz whispers when I lean forward and place a sweet, gentle kiss against the handprint on her stomach. I sigh when I feel Liz tunnel her fingers through my hair holding me against her.

TBC: see you in a few!! Don't more really bad angst...we have about 6 chapters left!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: First off Ijust want to say thanks to all of you that left such awesome feedback and secondly....I SURPRISED YOU!!!! I can't believe none of you saw a baby? Wow...that actually surprised me!
Earth2Mama: Thank you! Sorry I have to end it somewhere lol!
su-lyn: Thank you for the Feedback
Kay_b: Thank you
Emz80m: Yea! I surprised you!!
Janesdilemma: Good
Behrlyliz: Ha ha
Behrobsession: I'm glad you like Kyle...I didn't want him to be a bad guy
Aurorasky: I am back!
Taressa05: Lol, no more angst!
Evans3: cried?? I hope it was tears of happiness...cuz if it was you just gave me the greatest compliment a write could receive...thank you!!
g7silvers: I'm glad!
sunrise102: Thank you. Your feedback is so honest I love it. You tell it just like it is...I appreciate that so much, I can tell that you like the fic don't worry.
Applejacks: You will find out soon!!
FamersAmers: Thank you!

Ch. 25


“Thank You.” I whisper once I find my voice minutes later. We are lying on my bed and I have my head against Liz’s stomach. I’m gently caressing her flat belly, amazed that she will soon swell will the growth of our child and I’m in awe that I’m going to be a father.

“For what?” Liz asks while she runs her fingers through my hair. I know we should be doing something productive, but right now all I want to be doing is this right now…spending time together as a family before the world comes back to take her away from me.

“For giving me this precious gift.” I say as I nuzzle the handprint with my nose. “For allowing me to be here with you. God, for not marrying Kyle!”

“Max, if I would have known I was pregnant, there is no way I would have married Kyle…you know that right?” Liz asks and she continues when I nod against her. “That said, I think we should talk about this. Where do we go from here Max? How do we raise our child?”

I lift my head and meet her questioning eyes. “Together. We will do everything together Liz.”

“Max I don--” She tries to say but I cut her off.

“No, Liz. We do this together. We have a long road ahead of us, and if we aren’t a team 100%, we are going to be eaten alive by everyone. I want you to know, that I will always be there for our child…no matter what…I want to be there. I’m going to be there”


I knew Max would say that. There was no doubt in my mind that Max would provide for our child, but that wasn’t want I was asking.

“What about for me? Will you be there for me Max?” I ask and I hate the vulnerability I hear in my own voice. I look down when I feel Max shift and wait as he crawls up my body to lie next to me. I naturally curl into him and I sigh as his arms circle around me. “What about us Max? You and Me?”

“What do you want from us Liz? You know how I feel about you. You know I love you…never doubt that. You’re the one who just broke up a serious relationship.” Max says as he strokes my cheek.

“I love you Max, not Kyle, not that jackass Kivar. You. You’re the father of my child” I can’t help the smile on my face when I say that and I watch as Max’s face brightens up to when I say it also. “I…I want to try.”

“Try what?” Max asks I can tell he is completely confused with my subject change.

“Us. I want to try us.” I say, and I see the shock and concern requester in his eyes before I continue. “I’m not proposing marriage here Max…but I want us to be a couple…a family. And if that goes well, then we can make it official…if you want too”

I’m about to tell Max to forget what I said when he crushes his lips to mine and I’m kissed speechless. When Max pulls back he says between gasped breath “I want that, God I want that too Liz…so much!”

“Good. Because I don’t think I could do this alone.” I say as the tears start to form in my eyes.

“Don’t cry baby, you won’t have too. I’m going to be here no matter what ok?” Max says and he lifts my face up and he kisses me.


I can’t believe it. Not only is Liz pregnant with my child, but we are going to try to be a couple. I sigh into her mouth and just when I’m going to deepen the kiss even more, there is a knock on my bedroom door. I pull away and we both look at the door while I let out a relieved sigh when I realize that I did remember to lock the door and I lean down to kiss Liz again.

“MAXWELL ZANDER EVANS!!! YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW! I MEAN IT!!” I hear my sister yell as she pounds on my bedroom door.

“Fuck” I say as I pull away and look into Liz’s eyes. “Sorry baby, but I think it’s about time reality comes back.”

“I understand” Liz says and I watch as she blinks back tears.

“Hey? What’s wrong?” I ask as I lift her chin to bring her eyes back to mine. “Tell me baby.”

“It’s just…what are we going to tell everyone? Do we tell them we are together? I mean I just ended things with Kyle…if…if you want to keep this a secret I’ll under--” Liz tries to explain but I silence her with a sweet kiss.

“Shhh baby. Everything I just said still stands true ok? We’re together…we’re a family.” I say and I’m about to reiterate it with a kiss when the knocking continues.


“Goddamm it!” I say as I kiss Liz quickly and then get off her. I walk to my dresser pulling out a shirt and pair of boxers and hand them to Liz. “Go change into these in the bathroom while I let the mob in.”

I sigh as Liz gets up and walks towards the bathroom, but not without stopping and giving me a quick but passionate kiss. “I love you Max.” I’m about to respond when the next person starts to bang on the door.

“DUDE SERIOUSLY OPEN THE DOOR!! I’M GETTING BEAT OUT HERE! OUCH!! DAMMIT MARIA!” Michael comments and I laugh. I turn to watch Liz walk into the bathroom and before she closes the door she blows me a kiss.

As I walk towards the door I can hear the bickering going on the other side. Obviously the girls are trying to get Alex to try to get me to open the door. I can hear Alex refusing and Michael talking to himself about the fact that no one is listening to him so he is going to talk to himself. Ladies and Gentlemen I’d like to introduce our friends…the leaders of the idiot mob.

I open the door and I am rushed by our friends. Even though they are in my room they have no stopped bickering amongst themselves. I sigh and finally speak. “Guys…what the hell are you doing here?”

“WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG MAX!!? GOD THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!” Maria yells and I quickly check my ears for blood because she is acting like she is still on the other side of the door.

“Fuck Maria! You don’t have to shout! We aren’t outside anymore. And this isn’t an emergency, Liz is just missing that’s all.” Michael responds with a shrug.

“Guys, Liz--” I try to explain but I’m interrupted.

“Just missing? God Michael! Liz is missing. We don’t know where she is. How is that not an emergency?” Isabelle comments.

“Isabelle, you guys...Liz is fi--” I try again…but alas interrupted.

“I think everyone should just calm down and not freak out! I think Liz is entitled to some alone time. I mean she did just call of her wedding.” Alex states calmly.

I don’t even try to speak this time. I just walk over to my bed and sit down with my chin in my hands as I watch all my friends talking heatedly and waving their arms. I wait patiently until I see the bathroom door opening and I send a knowing glance towards Liz. This is going to be interesting.


While I’m changing in the bathroom I hear them bickering and yelling but I take my time. I change into the clothes that Max gave me since he destroyed my wedding dress and I smile when I pull on the shirt because it smells just like Max. I pull the boxers on and laugh that I have to roll them multiple times to get them to stay up. In a few months I won’t have to roll them because I will be so huge with our baby that the boxers will probably be too small. I smile at the thought because it will be a part of Max growing in me…and it will be worth it.

I decide to open the door and I see Max on his bed. He looks up and smirks at me while he nods his head towards our friends. I turn and watch them yelling and gesturing to each other and I shake my head.

“Liz” I hear Max whisper and I turn towards him. He holds out his hand for me and I join him on the bed. I smile when he kisses me sweetly and then intertwines our fingers.

“Guys?” Max tries to get everyone’s attention. He smirks at me when it doesn’t work. He releases my hands so he can place his fingers in his mouth and let out a long, loud, sharp whistle.

I watch as everyone covers their ears and turns questioning eyes towards Max. I watch as everyone’s eyes find me and they all stand there shocked. I clear my throat before saying “Um…hey guys” I wave my fingers slightly and grab Max’s hand hard for reassurance. I sigh inwardly when he squeezes my hand back.

“Liz?” Maria gasps before launching herself across the room and onto me.

“Hey Maria…um…what’s up?” I say as I look at Max over Maria’s’ shoulder and he just shrugs.


“Ok first…tone it down. Second…please get off Liz. She doesn’t need the extra weight.” Max says while pulling Maria off me. I shoot him a warning glance because he has to watch what he says or Maria will know something is up.

“Maria, I’m sorry. I just had to get out of there. I needed to talk to Max…so I came here.” I explain with a shrug. I watch as Maria sits down next to me and takes my free hand.

“How are you holding up?” She asks while she rubs my hand in hers.

“Surprising good.” I say as I through a glance towards Max and I squeeze his hand which he quickly returns. “I’m okay you guys. Kyle and I talked a lot before I left.”

“I can’t believe that back stabbing bastard! Kyle should be shot for calling off the wedding!” Maria says but I stop her before she can continue.

“Maria, you know better than anyone that I didn’t want to marry Kyle either. Although he brought it up, it was a mutual decision to call of the wedding”

“What happened Liz?” Alex asks as he pulls a chair up and sits in front of me.

“Well, apparently Kyle is in love with someone else…” I know this is going to be bad so I allow the steam to rise.


“WHAT? I CAN”T BELIEVE YOU’RE SO CALM ABOUT THIS LIZ!” The last deluca twin remarks.

“Did he tell you who is was?” Isabelle calmly asks as she comes and sits in Alex’s lap.

“I can be calm about this Alex because I’m not a saint.” I say as I look at Max. “I cheated on Kyle too…so I can’t be mad.” I make sure that Max can see all the love in my eyes that I don’t regret my actions for a second. “And it was Serena.”

“Wait…Serena your friend?” Michael asks and I nod.

“I DON’T BELIEVE IT! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” Maria yells and I grab her arms to keep her from running out of the room. “I KNEW SHE COULDN’T BE TRUSTED!”

“Calm down Maria. Its fine really. I’m happy for them.” I explain.

“How can you be happy for them Liz? This is supposed to be your wedding day, all your dreams were supposed to come true…” Alex asks.

I smile at Alex before turning towards Max and stating. “They did come true.”


I smile and squeeze Liz’s hand in response to her words. If we were alone I would kiss her and tell her how much I love her, but I know right now that would not be a good idea...since our friends are still in the cold here.

“So how long have you been here Liz? Did you leave right away?” Isabelle asks Liz.

“Well, after Kyle and I decided that he would explain to everyone about the wedding, I got on a transport and came straight here.” Liz explains.

“Wait” Alex says before leaning to check the clock on my night stand. “That was more than 6 hours ago…You’ve been here the whole time?”

“Yeah, Liz and I had a lot to talk about.” I say as I look into Liz’s eyes. She blushes and looks down trying to cover it…but Maria notices.

“OH MY GOD! You’re together aren’t you!!?” Maria asks as she jumps from my bed. When Liz and I smile at each other and nod our heads everyone goes berserk.

“I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!” Maria yells and she hugs Liz.

“About time guys!” Michael says as he slaps my shoulder.

“Congratulations!” Alex says as he pulls Maria off of Liz and takes his hugs.

“Wow…this is amazing! I’m happy for you guys…” Isabelle says but she stays away.

“Iz?” I question when I can see she wants to say something else. “What is it?”

“Its nothing” She says while shaking her head. “I’m just…Max she just left Kyle at the altar…don’t be a rebound.”


When Isabelle said I was using Max as a rebound I quietly excused myself from Alex’s arms and tried to get up to leave the room but Max’s hand in mine holds me firm next to him.

“I think you owe Liz an apology Isabelle” Max says his tone stern and commanding.

“Look, I’m sorry ok? I have no doubt that you love each other, but what are other people going to think? Liz, you know I love you and I believe you and Max belong together…but this is happening so fast! Can’t you just wait a few months until this whole marriage thing blows over?” Isabelle asks politely.

I’m completely shocked when Max stands up and confronts his sister. “You don’t know shit about us ok Isabelle? Don’t stand there and judge us and then proceed to yell at my girlfriend! I don’t ever want to hear you talk to Liz like that again do you hear me!?!”

“They same thing could be said to you Max. Just because Isabelle is your sister doesn’t mean I’ll let you treat my girlfriend with disrespect!” Alex says as he stands face to face with Max.

I watch in horror as Max and Alex are about to start throwing punches while Michael tries to stop them. I start to cry and hyperventilate because this is over me. I can’t find my voice so I just grab Maria next to me to signal that I can’t breathe.

“GUYS KNOCK IT OFF! Something is wrong with Liz!” Maria explains and I smile inwardly because I know if they guys listen to anyone it will be Maria.

I watch as Max quickly turns his head at the sound of my name and he rushes towards me. “LIZ? Oh my god baby! What is it? What’s wrong?”

I try to speak but Max stops me. “No its ok, don’t speak…just try to relax and breathe. Here lay back.” Max says as he lays me back on his bed and starts to rub my arms to comfort me.

I start to breathe easier, and I watch as Max’s face relaxes. I reach up and gently rub the worry lines away from his forehead. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten that worked up.”

He leans over me and kisses me gently. “It’s ok. I shouldn’t have said those things to Isabelle, and I shouldn’t have provoked Alex. He was just taking care of his girl like I am.” Max says before he leans to my ear and whispers “it might be girls in my case” He says as he rubs his hand across my stomach.

“OH MY GOD!” I hear and I quickly glance up to see Maria’s eyes almost bugged out of her face. This isn’t going to be good.

TBC.....side note: I've decided (with all your wonderful help!!) to post First Daughter Secrets next....look for the prelude in a week or two....thanks guys!!!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody thanks so much for all your feedback! I'm glad you liked Maria and Alex in that part. You will get more of their reactions in this one plus the parents!!! HA HA HA

taressa05: Yes, Marias reactions was funny and awesome to write.
strawberry88: Thank you!
su-lyn: Lol, I had fun writing that partm I know Max would defend Liz...but would Alex stand up against a prince?
behrlyliz: You will find out!
Michelle17: Thanks
Aurorasky: Thank you
AppleJacks: Maria is definitely a horricane
Earth2Mama: Yup!
Kay_b: Its here!!
Emz80m: I can always count on you Em, to think about the future king crap!
BehrObsession: There are complications..
Sunrise102: Parents will find out now!!
g7silvers: Your right!

So here is the chapter!!

Ch. 26


I feel Liz tense below me and I sit up and she follows suit. I want to tell her to take it easy, but I know right now that won’t be a good idea.

“Are you…you aren’t….Right?” Maria says and I’m shocked because this is the first time in my friendship with Maria that she has been speechless.

“Maria, you might what to throw in a few verbs there so that you actually make sense.” Alex says as he shakes his head at his sister. Usually Alex can read Maria like a book, but times like these…you need more than Twin Sense.

“Yeah I am…” Liz says and I grab her hand to show a unified front.

“You’re what? I don’t get it…” Alex says still confused.

“Oh my god! Alex…don’t you see?” Maria says as she points to Liz and I like that will explain everything.

“See what? Maria…now I’m confused!” Michael joins in the fun. I look at Liz and I see a lot of emotions going through her right now. She is trying not to laugh at the predicament our friends are in, but I can tell she is also nervous…there is no way to tell how this news is going to be taken…especially after how Isabelle acted when we told them we were together.

“Come on! How can you guys not see?” Maria says as she starts hitting Alex and Michael on their arms.

“Ok, not that I want to be hit…but what the hell are you talking about Maria…just tell us!” Isabelle finally adds.

“God you guys are hopeless.” Maria says and she turns her back to them and faces Liz and I. “And you two! How long were you going to keep this a secret?”

“KEEP WHAT A SECRET!” Alex, Michael and Isabelle all shout together.

“Guys calm down…it’s not that big of a deal.” Liz says and I turn to face her.

“Come on Liz! This is the biggest event of a woman’s life!” Maria says.

“OOOHHHH!” Isabelle says and I can tell she understands but she makes no emotional show on her face. I still can’t read her.

“Ok…not why are we still out of the loop?” Alex asks and I can tell he is getting pissed. “Michael and I would like to know what in the hell you crazy people are talking about! Right Michael?” Alex asks and we all turn to see Michael shrug.

“It’s simple really. Alex, Michael….Liz is pregnant” Isabelle says with no inflection in her voice. Just simple words.


I know that Maria is happy for us, Alex will be too, Michael doesn’t really care…but Isabelle is a whole different story. The ice queen is back and her icy gaze is focused on me.

Our friends finally understand where Max and I stand, and I’m sitting in the middle of the bed as everyone except Isabelle exchange hugs and congratulations between Max and me. But I keep my eyes on Isabelle…watching for any sudden movements.

“Is-Isabelle?” I finally say and I watch as our friends turn to face her as she stands back from the group. “Are you ok?”

“So, you guys are together because Liz is pregnant? What about Kyle…does he know?”

“Isabelle!” This time I’m surprised when it’s Alex who reprimands Isabelle. “Don’t talk to Liz that way. Isabelle you have no right to assume that. You know that Max and Liz love each other and belong together. How dare you say that? And why would Kyle need to know? Liz never slept with him. The child is Max’s…your nephew or niece.”

“My…my nephew?” Isabelle whispers.

“Or your niece” Maria states.

“So, Isabelle…how do you feel about that?” Max asks as he squeezes my hand.

“I’m sorry Liz. I shouldn’t have assumed that the pregnancy was why you were together. It was wrong and I apologize for any problems or bad feelings I may have caused you. I hope you can forgive me…this whole day has been a big shock to me…to all of us.” Isabelle explains.

“Its ok Isabelle...I think I understand better than anyone that this day has been weird…believe me. But I forgive you.” I say as I hug her. I’m glad she is ok with this, having Isabelle against you is not a good idea.

“So, how are you going to tell the parents?” Michael asks once we all calm down and the news really sinks in.

“We have no idea. They are going to freak.” Max explains and I just lay my head on his shoulder. I sigh when he instantly wraps his arms around me and places a kiss on my head. I could definitely get used to this!

“Well, I suggest that you get it over with soon, so that mom and dad can help make a decision that won’t screw up Antar’s reputation.” Isabelle adds.


GOD I am about to kick Isabelle’s ass! She apologizes to Liz for making her feel uncomfortable and then in a matter of minutes she does it again. I rub my hands up and down Liz’s back to calm her when I feel her tense about ruining the planets reputation…I could give a flying fuck about what people think if it meant that Liz and our child will be happy.

“Iz…” I worn as I send a stern glance her way. I watch as her eyes widen when she realizes what she just says and I relax because I know she isn’t trying to hurt Liz.

“God, I’m so sorry…I’m just trying to think rationally here and I keep saying the wrong thing don’t I? I’m just going to shut up and sit down.” Isabelle says before sitting on an empty chair in my room.

“Isabelle its ok. It’s not your fault. I think the hormones are getting to me because I’m oversensitive to a lot of things right now. Don’t worry about it.” Liz explains and my heart swells with love for her. She knows that Isabelle doesn’t mean anything by her statements but Liz still wants her opinion anyway…no matter what she says.

“Who do you think we should tell first?” I ask the group and I watch as they all think about it and give their votes.


Ok, I know that we usually vote on issues as a group…but that was one of the stupidest decisions Max has ever made! It was a tie…so he decided to tell both sets of parents together. So I’m sitting in the palace meeting room waiting for the parents to join Max and me.

“Max are you sure you want to do this? I mean we could just wait. Or tell just my parents…or in fact we could tell neither of them and run away-” I try to babble but Max just silences me with a kiss. He has been doing that a lot lately…not that I mind.

“Liz sweetie, calm down ok? It’s going to be fine. My parents love you, yours love me” Max says with a smirk. “They might be mad at first…but this is their grandchild ok? They will love them no matter what.”

“I love you.” I couldn’t help not telling him. His comforting words sent my heart soaring and I love the freedom we have to finally tell each other what we are feeling…it’s great.

“I know you do…but it’s probably not as much as I love you” Max responds before kissing me to prove his point. He runs his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance and I quickly grant it. Just when I’m allowing my tongue to join in the exploration we hear the door open and we break apart.

“Liz, Max…there you are! We’ve been so worried! The guards told us you wanted to meet us here…what’s going on? Liz is everything ok?” The queen asks as she enters the room and comes to sit next to me on the couch. I can tell she is really worried, since they got the same explanation as everyone else at the Chadwick palace which was that we were calling of the wedding…they still don’t know the real reason.

“Mom, why don’t you sit down with everyone else and we can explain everything.” Max says and I send him a quick smile for taking the pressure of me. This is going to be weird.

“LIZ!!” My mom yells as she comes running into the room and pulls me up into a hug. “God sweetie I am so sorry! I knew that jerk wasn’t worth it!”

“Mom…can you please just sit down. Max and I need to talk to you guys about something.” I say as calmly as I can. I feel really bad for making them worry, but I guess I can’t do anything about that.

“What is this all about Maxwell?” The King says once he walks into the room and kisses me on the cheek. “I’m glad your ok sweetie”

“I second that” My father says as he kisses my other cheek before sitting down next to my mother across from us.

“Ok, well first of all...we want to thank you all for you can see Liz is fine and she has been here at the palace all day. When she left Chadwick she came straight here.” Max explains and I quickly add to that.

“I know you all are probably wondering what happened with the wedding and I will explain that, but I want to say I’m sorry first…for all the hard work you all put into the wedding and then to have it fail like that. I feel really bad for that.” I say and I feel Max rub his hand on the small of my back.

“That doesn’t matter Liz, we wanted you to be happy; that’s why we did all that work. Now we want to know that you’re ok.” The Kind responds. He is so concerned that I’m ok, he doesn’t even realize that I might have ruined relations with Chadwick…I hope that is not the case.

“She is fine. That was my first concern when she showed up here. I didn’t understand why she was here but I made sure that she was ok.” Max explains and I watch as our parent’s faces relax knowing that I’m physically safe.


“Why did you come back here Liz? Why didn’t you get married?” Mr. Parker asks. I know he never really liked Kyle, but it was Liz’s choice now he wants to understand why she didn’t go through with it.

“Well, I came back here because I wanted to talk to Max. And I didn’t get married because the bottom line was that I didn’t love Kyle; at least not enough to marry him.” Liz explains and I hold her hand. I feel her squeeze mine and I return it quickly.

“What did Kyle have to say about this?” My father asks. I can tell that although he cares for Liz he wants to make sure that relations will not be destroyed.

“Actually dad, it was Kyle who approached Liz to not get married, so he broke the agreement…relations will be fine.” I explain and I watch my father nod his understanding. That makes life a lot easier for everyone.

“Kyle called off the wedding? But why? He adored you.” Mrs. Parker asks and I don’t blame her. From the outside their relationship looked solid.

“He was actually in love with someone else. He didn’t want to get married because of that. He knew he could never love me the way he loved her so…he asked to call off the wedding.” Liz replied with a shrug. I know it bothers her a little bit that Kyle couldn’t love her…but she knows in the long run that things are working out better.

“He was cheating on you! Philip we can’t let that stand! Antar must do something to make sure Kyle pays for this!” My mother quickly states and I watch my father nod in agreement.

“NO! You can’t! Kyle doesn’t deserve that!” Liz says jumping from the couch. I quickly pull her back down and wrap my arms around her. She doesn’t need the extra stress that will bring her.

“Why not Liz? You’re just going to let that boy disrespect you? I won’t stand for that! As your father I will make him pay for hurting you!” Mr. Parker says and he looks to his wife for confirmation which he quickly receives. The parents are planning on physically harming Kyle and he really doesn’t deserve it.

“Mom, Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Parker. I understand you wanting to make Kyle pay…believe me I do. But you can’t do that. Kyle did nothing wrong.” I try to explain. I don’t this is get too out of hand.

“Didn’t do anything wrong? Max are you blind? He cheated on Liz!” My mother yells and I’m about to respond when I hear a soft voice next to me beat me to it.

“I cheated on Kyle.”

“What was that Liz?” My dad asks and from the tone in his voice I know he heard her, but he wants her to say it again.

“I said I cheated on Kyle.” Liz states after lifting her head and looking my father dead in the eye.


Ever feel like you’re so small that the earth will swallow you whole? I do right now…in fact I think the only thing keeping me from fainting or running is the fact that Max has me wrapped tightly in his arms protecting me from what I know it coming.

“YOU DID WHAT! ELIZABETH PARKER! I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THAT! YOU JUST VALIDATED THE RUMOR ABOUT YOU AND BECAME A SLUT!!!” My father yells at me and before I can ever comprehend what he said Max jumps up and stands face to face with my father.

“Don’t you ever speak to Liz that way again.” Max calmly states to my father.

“I CAN TALK TO MY DAUGHTER ANYWAY I WANT TO MAX! I’M HER GOD DAMM FATHER!!” My dad continues and I’m surprised that Max doesn’t flinch from the volume of his voice. Max just stands there calmly taking it.

“Lord Parker. This is a command; you will not speak to Liz that way again. Do you understand me?” Max says and I’m shocked that he pulled rank on my father.

My father is obviously just as shocked because he stutters before saying. “I understand Prince Max.” I notice that he doesn’t make eye contact with either Max or me as he sits back down.

“I know you’re disappointed in me. I just want to say that I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t cover it…but I am. I truly am. I’m sorry our family reputation is destroyed by this…but I doubt that will happen…no one knows about it…except me, Kyle, my friends and the guy I slept with.” I say.

“Why did this stop the wedding…I mean if you both cheated…you could forgive each other and still have gotten married.” My mom asks. I never realized how much she was pushing for Kyle. I guess she really liked him.

“Because I’m pregnant.”

TBC: Hope you like it!! I know what a horrible place to leave it...but I'll be back soon!! P.S. First Daughter Secrets will be posted as soon as I finish the should be soon!!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Wow...I'm back I want to apologize for leaving it there it was I saw a writer do that once and always wanted to do I used you guys to fulfill my wish. So now I'm here to fulfil yours and supply the next part sooner than I thought soo here you go!! Thanks for the feeback!!

su-lyn: I'm back you can breath now
strawberry88: Ok, since your begged
taressa05: Lol, I thought so. Isabelle does need to shut up!
Orphyfets:Lol, maybe
Earth2Mama: I'm back deep breaths
behrlyliz:Since you groveled
sunrise102: I think the parents just want their kids to make a choice and stick to it
g7silvers: Yup, you got it
Sweetliz: I am back!
BehrObsession:Lol, now there is an idea...RUN MAX RUN!!
Evans3: Yup!!
ShatteredDreamer: I am!
AppleJacks: Ok daddy-o lol
foxychar: I'm back

Ch. 27


I feel like I’m waiting for the death sentence. I know I’ve been acting calm...but that’s just for Liz’s sake. I’m shitting bricks inside! I can’t believe I stood up to Mr. Parker like that. I’ve never pulled rank on anybody…I was actually surprised he allowed it…but I knew I couldn’t let him continue to treat Liz that way.

“Liz…how could you do this?” her mother asks. I feel Liz start shaking in my arms…I knew this was going to be bad…but it’s a lot worse than I thought it would be.

“I’m sorry.” Liz whispers.

“You’re sorry? Do you have any idea what you’ve just done? To us? To Antar? You’ve just doomed us all!” Mr. Parker says and I’m surprised that he could keep his voice so calm after his last display of anger.

“Don’t you think I know that?” Liz yells from my arms. I try to calm her down but so far it isn’t really working. I send a glance to my mother for help.

“That’s enough. Let’s talk about this rationally. There is nothing we can do now, what has happened has happened, we can just accept it and move on ok? The way we react to this news will influence the planet…if we act right this will all blow over…hopefully” My mother adds and I smile inwardly…she was always the peace maker.

“Mom’s right. Let’s move on.” I say towards our parents and then I turn towards Liz. “And you. Take it easy, you don’t need the extra stress on the baby ok?” I say while taking Liz into my arms. I glance over my head and see our parents sharing glances and staring at me. I have a feeling I’m about to be ousted and my part in this situation will be explained.

“Why did you leave Chadwick so quickly Liz? Does Kyle know you’re pregnant? Is that why he didn’t want to get married?” My mother asks Liz.

“I left because I needed to talk to Max. Kyle was actually the first one to know, he was the one who told me I was pregnant.” Liz says with a smile. I know she is thinking about the small hand print on her stomach because my thoughts are on the same thing and a smile is on my face as well.

“Why did you have to talk to Max, Lizzie? Why couldn’t you have come and told us what was going on? Don’t you think we deserved to know the truth too?” Mr. Parker asks and I can tell he is hurt that Liz ran to another man for support instead of turning to him.

“Of course you deserved to know the truth…but I felt that Max needed to know what was going on before anyone else.” Liz explains and I feel her tense and dig her nails into hand; I hold back the grimace as her nails dig in deeper when our parents remain silent.

“Why-why would you need to tell Max first?” Mrs. Parker asks as she glances between Liz and me. I watch as she glances down to our joined hands and she realizes our closeness. I think she understands what’s going on, but she wants us to tell her.

“Well I felt it was important for Max to know he was going to be a father before everyone else did.” Liz states keeping her voice calm.


“Max?” The queen questions to me in disbelief. “What is she talking about?”

“Mom, I’m going to be a father.” Max states calmly before bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing it.

“I don’t understand how could you be the father Max? You and Liz were never together.” The queen comments and I quickly glance towards her. I know this is a shock…but I never thought she was this stupid.

“Mom…Liz and I slept together. I was who she cheated on Kyle with; so that makes me the father of our baby.” Max says while sending me a loving glance.

“No, you two were never a couple…you wouldn’t sleep with someone without dating them…not my son.” The queen says while she shakes her head back and forth trying not to believe what we are telling her.

“Diane…Max and I love each other very much. You’ve all seen this. We made an error in judgment and slept together. But we didn’t need to be a couple to do that. I understand what you’re saying, but I think you really mean that Max and I would never sleep with someone without loving them…and we do. We love each other very much.” I explain.

“What do you know about love Liz? You were going to marry someone you didn’t love. How can you sit there and try to explain to me that you love my son…you haven’t shown it. If you loved Max you would never have been with Kyle in the first place!” She says standing up from her chair and pacing in front of it.

“Mom-” Max tries to cut in but his mother stops him.

“No Max, I’m not done. Do you even know if the baby is really even Max’s? Or are you just placing the responsibility on the guy you know who will take care of you and your bastard child!”

“THAT’S IT! I WILL NOT HAVE YOU TALK TO MY DAUGHTER THAT WAY! If Liz says that Max is the father, than he is. She has given you no reason to doubt her word!” My mother yells as she stands in front of the queen.

“THAT IS ENOUGH! Both of you sit down before I call the guards in to tie you down.” The King commands and as soon as our mothers do he continues. “Now Diane, you owe Liz an apology. You know her and you know that if she says Max is the father then he is the father. I can’t believe you would try to discredit the love that we have all seen and discussed between Liz and Max. Why else would we have betrothed them?”

I watch as all the parents take in what the King has said and I sigh in relief that they seem to be calming down. I finally address the problem that I’ve been worried about. “First I want to make sure that you all realize that Max and I will make the final decision on how this will be dealt with. But I would still like to know what you think we should do. How should we handle this situation?”

“Well, I’m assuming that you two are a couple am I correct?” The King questions and when we both blush and nod he continues with a smile. “I thought so. My opinion is that you two should get engaged and married as soon as possible. Even if you got married in a month, there wouldn’t be a big issue with the timing of the pregnancy since you’ll be married before Liz even starts to show.”

“I agree with the King. Max tainted our daughter for any future suitors so I think it’s natural that he should take the responsibility and make an honest woman out of her.” My mother sneers and I watch as my father glares at her.

“I agree that you two should be together. I don’t know if getting married right away would be such a good idea since you just ended things with Kyle. It might look very suspicious to other people. I think getting married in the end is the best idea…but for now keep things low key but let people know you are serious about each other and maybe hint for a future wedding so that when the baby comes they know you were committed to each other.” My father pipes in and I’m surprised he doesn’t agree with my mom. His family name is at stake here.

“Mom?” Max questions when she doesn’t put in her opinion.

“I’m sorry for what I said Liz. I’m just overwhelmed. I know you and Max love each other…I’ve seen that time and time again over the last 6 months. I just want you two to be happy together. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll support you.”

We thank them all for their honesty and opinions before we excuse ourselves to discuss the choice we have to make. We make our way back towards Max’s room.


Once we left our parents Liz got really quiet. We’ve been sitting on my bed for 10 minutes not speaking or even touching. Every time I’m about to reach out and touch Liz she shifts farther away from me.

“Liz? What are you thinking about? I’m really scared because I don’t know what’s going on with you.”

“I’m sorry.” Liz whispers.

“For what sweetie?” I ask once I turn and sit facing her. I reach out and I let out a deep breath when she doesn’t pull away when I caress her hands in mine.

“For getting you into this mess. Your whole reputation will be shot if this gets out.” She says through her tears.

“Liz you didn’t get me into anything ok? I’m just as responsible as you…if not more since I didn’t use protection either. As for this getting out and ruining my reputation…I don’t care. My concern now is you and our child. What do you want to do Liz?” I ask her as I reach up and wipe her tears away. It hurts me that she is this worked up.

“I don’t know Max, I really have no clue.” Liz says. I wait for her to think and then I see the light turn on in her head and she gets scientific “Well, let’s look at our options”

I chuckle at how fast Liz is to making a list. She has always been that way. She wants to look at every angle before she decided on the path she will take. “Well, like my dad said…we could get married. That way by the time you start to show…we will already be married and people can’t say anything.”

“Max, don’t get me wrong. I want to get married to you, I do. But, it will still look suspicious us getting married so fast after I break up with Kyle. I don’t think getting married right now is the best option….at least for now” Liz explains and she smiles when she says the last part. I have no doubt in my mind that one day…Liz will be my wife and it thrills me.

“Ok, how about we get engaged? People will see we are committed to each other…so when we do tell people you are pregnant, they won’t be as shocked since we have been in a serious committed relationship.” I add. I like this option the best…I want the world to know that Liz and our child are mine. I don’t want Liz to think that I am ashamed of her or our family.

“I like that idea.” Liz says with a sweet smile that causes mine to mirror it.

“Yeah?” I ask.

“Yeah. I want to be your fiancé Max.” Liz says before leaning forward and sealing our lips together.

I sigh as I slip my tongue into her mouth when she easily parts her lips for my exploration. I start to lean us back down onto my bed when Liz stops and places a hand on my chest. “What? What is it Liz?”

“I just…I don’t want to get engaged…right away…like now. Can…can we wait a month so that the wedding drama dies down?” Liz asks while biting her lip from nerves.

“Liz, haven’t you learned that I can’t deny you anything?” I say before gently kissing her. “Besides…this gives me time to find the perfect ring for you!” I say with a smile.

“Max, I don’t need a ring. I don’t need it to know you love me.” Liz quickly explains while shaking her head.

“That’s great Liz…but you’re getting one. What if I said I need it for you to know I love you? And besides without it any guy will think you’re available…and I can’t let that happen!” I joke.

“MAX! Who would want me? I’m going to be as big as a freaking house!” Liz says while motioning with her hands how big she thinks she will be and I can't wait.

"I'll want you for starters.” I quickly say while caressing her cheek “I'll always want you. From the moment I was born I wanted you and until the moment the universe takes my last breath from my lungs...I'll want you. won't be as big as a'll be pregnant...and that’s a beautiful thing." I reassure her.

“I think your just trying to get lucky here mister!” Liz jokes.

“Is it working?” I say with raised eyebrows.


TBC....Sigh, 3 more chapters...I'm really said to see it ending...but then I'll have more time for my other stories!! Thats right, I added two more stories to my Authors check um out!! See you soon!
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 118
Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:46 pm
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey guys..I'm back with the next chapter and I have to say this is one of my was fun to write and I love the storyline and you really get a feel for the love that Max and Liz have for each other...I hope you agree!

behrlyliz: I didn't want the parents to be I let them be rational
FamersAmers: Thank you!
janesdilemma: There might be some slight "drama" but it won't be a cliffy ok? You will see the end of it in the same chapter
ShatteredDreamer: Yeah, I can see Philip being cool about their decisions. LOVIN COMING UP!!
Obsession: Thank, glad you liked the kings thinking
Emz80m: Royalty for some reason feel that how they act will determine how their subjects will. So they really care about what others think...when I personally believe they don't have too...go figure!
Eath2Mama: You will like this chapter!! :insert evil laugh here:
Sunrise102: They are.
BehrObsession: I'm back!!
SweetLiz: Your welcome!!
googi: Thanks!
taressa05: Lol, clean up on aile dani....clean up on aile dani!
g7silvers: Thanks!
foxychar: Thanks
Lizza: Yeah
AppleJacks: Yep

I'm glad to see that you are all sad to see this story ending too...makes me feel good that I'm not alone in the

Chapter 28


The last two weeks have been great. Max and I are officially a couple and I couldn’t be happier. Although people have been talking about how quickly I moved on from Kyle, it didn’t seem that bad since Kyle and Serena were honest with their relationship and are in fact engaged! I still remember last week when I had an unexpected visitor show up at my house:


Liz was sitting on her lounge chair outside her room reading a book. She had a balcony added to her room so that she could sit outside and just be alone. It had been a week to the day since her canceled wedding. All the formalities had been handled like returning gifts and paying for the catering and music. The only thing left was giving Kyle his engagement ring back and Liz was not looking forward to it. Although she felt no remorse for being with Max, she and Kyle had shared a lot of memories and she was nervous to see him. Liz closed her book and closed her eyes trying to get a few moments of peace. She was just drifting off into Max dreamland when she heard a noise behind and turned to see what it was.

“Uh…hi. I thought you would be out here…you seemed to enjoy the one at Chadwick.” The intruder said still standing at the door to the balcony, obviously not sure if their presence was welcome.

“Serena…hey. Yeah I had this built for days like today when you just need to get way from everything else.” Liz said watching Serena closely.

“Oh well, if you wanted to be alone I can go and come back another time…” Serena said while turning to leave, she knew this was a bad idea to come here…she was going to KILL Kyle.

“No its ok. Please…come out and sit down.” Liz said and waited until Serena came and sat in the lounge chair next to hers. “So, what’s up?”

“Liz. I just wanted to apologize to you.” Serena admitted…she just hoped that Liz accepted it.

“For what Serena?” Liz asked honestly.

“I thought…Kyle said…oh god. Now I AM really going to kill him!” Serena said running her hands through her hair furiously.

“Relax…Kyle did tell me about you two. I’m happy for you…I really am. If you and Kyle get married…he will be a good husband. You don’t need to apologize.” Liz reassured Serena by placing her hand on Serena’s forearm in a friendly gesture.


“Of course. You know better than anyone that what Kyle and I had wasn’t love…it wasn’t meant to be.” Liz explained and shrugged her shoulders.

“But I was supposed to be your friend Liz…friends don’t sleep with their friends fiancé! How could you be so forgiving?” Serena questioned. She didn’t understand that Liz could be so compassionate.

“It’s easy. No offense to Kyle…but I think I got something a little better.” Liz said while blushing. In the one week that her and Max had been a couple, they shared more love and passion than Kyle and she did in 5 months.

“Better? Are you and Max…together?” Serena questions and she can’t believe it. She came here to make sure Liz wasn’t miserable, she never even imagined that she would be happy and with Max.

“Yeah we are. I’m assuming Kyle didn’t tell you anything about that huh?”

“No, that little jerk! He said that there were extra circumstances that called of the wedding…but he didn’t explain. He’s been holding out on me! So, if you don’t mind…can an old friend ask for details?” Serena questioned. She still didn’t know if their friendship was ok…she felt weird asking about the details…but she really wanted to know…she was concerned for her friend.

“Well, one of the reasons that we didn’t get married was because Kyle was with you...” Liz said and when she saw Serena’s face fall she quickly reassured her. “But that wasn’t the only reason…don’t feel bad…I was with Max so it evened out.”

“YOU WERE WHAT!! OH MY GOD!! How long was that happening and why didn’t I know?” Serena exclaimed.

“It only happened once….and apparently you were pretty busy with Kyle…so I didn’t have time to let you know.” Liz said while smiling.

“Wow…so was it everything you ever thought it would be?” Serena asks as she got a twinkle in her eyes. Kyle was great and all…but they didn’t have the soul mate thing that Liz and Max had going on.

“More. It was amazing…even though we weren’t together officially…it was like for that small moment in time…there was no one else in the world except us and it wouldn’t have mattered if Kyle would have walked right in the middle…their was no way to stop us.” Liz explained and she sighed when she felt that love again.


“Yeah. Anyway…there was a second reason Kyle and I called off the wedding. I’m pregnant.” Liz said and waited for the outbreak…Serena reminded Liz of Maria in so many ways and one was about to be shown.

“OH MY GOD!! I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!” Serena yelled while reaching over and hugging Liz. “Ok…so why didn’t you tell me this? I mean this is big news girl!”

“Ok, this is actually not my fault. I didn’t know I was even pregnant. Kyle had to point it out for me.”

“K-Kyle? How did he know?” Serena asked and Liz could easily sense the jealousy in her voice.

“Oh Serena…it was nothing like that. I was in my bathing suit and he caught a glimpse of the handprint…that was it. Believe me…you have nothing to worry about. Kyle loves you.” Liz reassured her.

“I know…I just wish it never happened this way you know?”

“I know…but I don’t agree with you. If I could do it all again…I would. I would still reverse the choice…and go through 6 months of hell…if I could still be this happy right now…it was worth it.” Liz says with a smile.

“I know what you mean. So what are you and Max going to do?”

“Well, we are officially a couple…and after the wedding drama dies down…we are getting engaged. I’m so happy Serena…I can’t even explain it. What about you and Kyle?” Liz asks.

“Well that it another reason I came here. Kyle asked me to marry him.” Serena says and Liz is shocked into silence. “Liz? Are you ok?”

“What? OH yeah I’m fine. I’m just surprised…it’s been a week. Not that I mind! It’s” Liz commented and Serena noticed she was looking everywhere but at her.

“Liz…are you ok with this? I mean I know we are ok...but are you ok with Kyle and Me?” Serena wondered while wringing her hands together...this answer was the key to her happiness.

“Serena…you have my blessing.”


I smile when I remembered how relieved Serena was. We stayed for a few minutes talking about the men in our lives when Max showed up. Serena excused herself to leave but I stopped her and asked her to give Kyle his ring back. I was happy to get it over with…I could move on…to Max.

“Baby? Are you in here?” Max’s sweet voice came to me though the room and I smiled.

“Out on the balcony Max.” I called back and turned when I heard him walk out the bedroom door. I slid forward and waited for him to sit down behind me on the lounger before leaning back against his chest. “Hi.”

“Hi yourself.” Max returned before sealing their lips together for a sweet kiss. “What are you doing out here?”

“Just thinking” I said with a sigh.

“Really? Bout what?” Max said while gently rubbing my stomach where our child was growing.

“How we got here. I mean six months ago…we couldn’t stand each other. Then we found out we were betrothed...and then all of a sudden our feelings for each other were ok…but we still weren’t together. Why if we had the opportunity to be together back then did we what until 3 weeks ago?” I ask and I shudder when I feel Max place gently kisses on the side of my neck.

“I don’t know the answers to those questions baby. But I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I think we needed those months apart to realize that we wanted to be together forever. You were only 17 and I just turned 18…forever is a pretty big concept for people our age Liz.” Max answered me.

“And now? How do you feel about forever Max” I say after turning slightly in his arms so that I can see his face.

“I can’t wait for it to start. I want to spend forever and ever with you and our family Liz. I honestly don’t think we were ready for that 6 months ago…now I think we are more than ready.” Max said and I smile and reach up to kiss him. I feel him pull back when I try to deepen the kiss and I asked him what was wrong.

“Nothing…I just. I have something for you.” Max says and I can feel him moving to get something out of his pocket. “Liz…I know we said we would wait…but I don’t want to anymore.” He says and he stills.



I turn her around in my arms so that she is facing me when I hear her say my name. This is it. I take her hands in mine and take a deep breath. “Liz…I love you. More than I could ever imagine loving anyone. You are the whole world to me. It amazes me that even before you were born I picked you as my soul mate. You were my best friend until I turned into that ass.”

“Max, you--” Liz tries to tell me but I silence her and continue.

“I know I can’t take it back…but I just wanted to say I’m sorry for treating you the way I did. You didn’t deserve it and I’m still surprised to this day that you put it up with it.” I say with a smile and I look into her eyes and see the tears forming.

“The time we spent apart was supposed to reverse the choice; we tried…hell you were getting married to someone else. But it obviously didn’t work because we are here, together and excepting a child. Apparently we were meant for each other no matter what we wanted…but it doesn’t matter to me, because I want you Liz. Forever and ever. Make me the happiest man in the universe and be my queen, lover, and wife, by marrying me?”

“Max. I think we are already lovers.” Liz says with a slight blush and I caress her cheek wiping away the tears that have spilled from her eyes. “But the other two? My answer is yes….YES I’LL MARRY YOU!! GOD YES!” Liz yells before launching forward and wrapping her arms around my neck. She hit me with such force that I fell back onto the lounger and it collapsed into its laying position. We laugh at the situation before I turn Liz’s face towards mine.

“Thank you! You’ve given me so much…and I promise you I will work so hard to give you as much in return” I say before kissing her passionately. I finally pull away from Liz’s sweet lips with a frown but it fades when I realize I’ll be able to do that freely for the rest of my life.

“I think this is yours.” I say as I pull out a black velvet box opening it when I hear Liz gasp. “I know it’s nothing like Kyle’s but I saw the setting and modified it for you.”

“Max…Kyle’s ring means nothing to me. This is real. Thank you…it’s beautiful. I love it and I love you.” Liz says before leaning forward and kissing me. When we part I take the ring out of the box and slip it on her finger before kissing it.

“Max” Liz says as she captures my lips in hers. I opened my mouth eagerly when I feel her tongue run along my lip asking for entrance. We kiss passionately before Liz stands up and holds her hand out for me to take. I don’t hesitate and I quickly follow her into her bedroom.

“Well, I know a few weeks ago…I said I know how to please a man…but I’m pretty sure that I forgot…soooo, I think I need to practice. Would you mind being my practice dummy?” Liz asks with a shy smile.

“I think I can manage that.” I say huskily while leading Liz towards her bed. It amazes me that a month ago we created our child on this bed and now we are celebrating our engagement on it. I pick Liz up and deposit her on the middle of the bed like the treasure she is. I pull my shirt off before joining her on the bed.


“Come here.” I say as I open my arms for Max. He comes willingly and we kiss as I run my hands over his sculpted back. Max moves his lips down my neck and a sparkle catches my eye and I glance at my ringed finger rubbing over Max’s muscles. The ring is really beautiful, I can tell Max had it modified and it warms my heart that he did it. The ring is a beautiful platinum setting with a 2 caret oval diamond in the center with 2 smaller princess cut diamonds on each side. I think Max was worried because Kyle’s stone was very big…but I didn’t like it. This fits me better. I always felt weighed down by the weight of Kyle’s ring. This is perfect. I smile when I notice the engraving on the band. They match the symbols of Max’s grandparent’s rings. I can’t wait until we get to use those for good luck!

I turn my attention to the god in my arms and I pull his face back to mine for a kiss. After we kiss for what seems like hours I feel Max move his hands down my chest and play with the hem of my shirt. I pull away from his lips and caress his cheek to bring his eyes back to mine. I smile when he blushes. “Why do I always lose you when you take off my shirt huh?” I joke.

“Get used to it. I have a feeling that I will always be mesmerized by your beautiful body. Forever.” Max says before kissing my gently and lifting my shirt off my body.
Max quickly returns to my mouth before working his way back down to my chest. I sigh as I feel him caress my breasts over my bra but it isn’t enough I want to have his hands on me and I whimper.

“I know baby I know” Max says before me undoes the clasp of my bra and slides it off my body. I moan loudly when Max finally attaches his mouth to my breast and I’m awed at the new sensitivity caused by my pregnancy…if this gets better throughout the pregnancy I’m definitely going to love it!

“Liz…you taste so good.” Max says as he moves towards the other breast and gives it the same treatment. I can only moan and thread my hands through his hair in response.

“Lift your hips baby.” Max says and I open my eyes to realize he is laying over me. I must have zoned out from the pleasure and I quickly oblige his request. Max undoes my jeans and slides them down my body. He returns for my panties but before he lowers them I quickly turn the tables around and flip him over so that I’m straddling his hips. “ did you do that?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know…nope, I have to keep my secrets if I want to keep you interested?” I joke while I run my hands up and down his chest watching the muscles tense under my touch.

“If you always look at me like that, we won’t have a problem with me being interested.” Max response through his moans of pleasure.

“Noted. Now it’s my turn for exploration.” I say before leaning down and placing my first kisses on Max’s chest. I grin against his skin when he moans and groans when I touch him. I begin kissing, and licking my way down his body, memorizing ever dip and valley of his muscles. I stop on the way and pay attention to this nipples like he did mine and then continue my travels down his abs. I get to Max’s belly button and I sneak a glance up at him. I watch as his face contorts in pleasure from my touch and I make a mental picture of him. I glance around and watch as his hands are in fists grabbing onto my bed sheets. Every few moments he lets go and brings his hands up like he is going to touch me, but he stops and grabs the sheets instead. I kiss his belly button and dip my tongue into the hole before reaching for the fly of his pants. I quickly undo Max’s pants and pull them off. I return to my caresses and then I pull his boxers down as well. I’m awed by the evidence of Max’s arousal standing loud and proud and I make a decision.

“Liz!” Max squeaks when I surprise him by kissing the tip of his erection. I look up and meet his eyes. There is so much love in them and I smile. “I love you, but you don’t have to do that.”

“I love you too…and I want to. So lay back and enjoy it.” I say before leaning back down and taking as much of him into my mouth. I quickly find a rhythm that Max seems to like if his moans are any inclination. I feel Max’s hands come up and he starts to caress my hair. I feel him tighten in my mouth and I know he is trying to hold on. “Let go baby…its ok.”

“LIZ!!” Max says before releasing his seed down my throat. I quickly swallow as much as I can and then I lick up anything that I missed. Max grabs my arms and pulls me up his body and rolls us over so he is on top.

“That…was…amazing…” Max says been breaths and I lean up and kiss him. “Now, it’s your turn.”

My body shudders as I feel Max taste my heat. I bit my hand as I feel my release impending, Max senses this too because he fastens his mouth on my sensitive nub and brings me to completion with me screaming his name.


“Wow…” Liz says once she gets her voice back and I smile before kissing her. I can taste myself and Liz and it instantly causes me to go hard again. I place my erection at her entrance and I wait until she opens her eyes again before I enter her.

“Max” Liz sighs and I begin thrusting into her. We create a rhythm and we are soon reaching our climaxes. We both scream each others names as we fall over our peaks.

“Wow.” Liz says once she lays her head on my chest.

“You know…you could use another adjective Liz. Wow might get a little boring after forever.” I joke with her and plant a kiss on her head.

Liz turns her face up to me. “I love you Max, with all my heart.”


TBC....Hope you liked it! See you in a few!!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Wow...thanks everyone for your awesome feedback. I'm glad that you all are loving the Max and Liz lovin' and I'm also glad in a sad way that you all are sad that this is that make sense? Anyway. Sorry I wanted this out earlier today...but I got stuck studying for finals and writing it might seem bad...but its not...ok...last drama for our couple SCOUTS HONOR!!

aurorasky: Thanks
Sweet Liz:Your very welcome
Janesdilemma: Lol thanks
Earth2Mama: Ha Ha! I'm glad you liked it. When I was writing it...I said to myself "self, earth2mama...will love this chapter!!"
su-lyn:sigh...same here
AppleJacks: Thanks
behrlyliz: Lol
taressa05: Lol, do you want a sequel?
g7silves: thanks!
BehrObsession: Thanks
Emz80m: Thanks!!
Obsession: hmmm
sunrise102: Thanks! You are the only person who understood that Liz couldn't yell at Serena for cheating with Kyle...since Liz did it too. I understand that they were friends...but Liz was not a saint.
Lizza: I'm back!

Chapter 29


Well, it’s been a week since Liz and I got engaged…and it’s been great. We told our parents and friends and there was no surprise there. They all knew it was going to happen; it was just a matter of time.

We spent the week basically as much as we could together. We made love repeatedly but most of our time was spend just being together and sharing long, slow kisses in-between professions of love.

I’m standing outside of Liz’s room waiting for her to get ready. My parents are throwing a ball tonight to show the galaxy that Antar is ok. I don’t know how to really explain it…except that it’s like a peace offering…or something…it’s stupid really, but whatever.

“Come on Liz, hurry up or we are going to be late.” I yell to Liz from the other side of the door.

“Max, you can’t rush perfection!” I hear Liz respond and I smile. God, I love this woman. “Ok, I’m ready.”

I look up when I hear her voice. “Liz.” That’s it. That’s all I can say…she is a vision. Perfection doesn’t even come close to covering how she looks. She is wearing a deep blue halter style ball gown and she left her hair down in spirals. I smile because last night she asked me how I prefer she wear her hair and I said I liked it down so that I can run my hands threw it, she obviously took that into consideration and then dressed it up by curling it. I let my eyes drift from her hair down to her stomach and I smile at the little lump on her stomach. No one else can see it except Liz and I, so that just makes it so much more special…because it’s ours alone.

“Do I meet with your approval?” Liz asks with a smirk as she notices me checking her out.

“You definitely meet my approval, and if we weren’t going to be late already...I’d prove to you how much you meet my approval.” I say before closing my arms around her and kissing her passionately. “Let’s go”


The ballroom is beautiful and I honestly feel like the princess that I soon will be. Max makes me feel so cherished. When we first walked in I felt everyone’s eyes on me and I tensed, but Max wouldn’t let them get to me anymore and he whispered soothing words into my ears.

“Dance Beautiful?” Max asks as he comes up and wraps his arms around my waist and gently rubs our child in my womb. He keeps the gesture small and simple, since not many people here know I’m with child.

“I thought you would never ask.” I say as I turn in his arms and allow him to lead me on to the dance floor.

As we dance to the music in each others arms I smile up at him. “It’s the first dance…thank you for dancing it with me.”

“I wouldn’t want to dance it with anyone else.” Max says before kissing me on the forehead. We dance for a few more minutes until the song fades and I feel Max tense in my arms. I look up and I see him looking over my head, I’m about to ask him what’s the matter when I hear a voice behind me.

“Can I cut in?”

“Kyle.” I say as I stare him directly in the eye. I never thought this would be this difficult, in fact I totally forgot that he would be here anyway. I’m sandwiched between my fiancé, father of my child on one side and my ex fiancé on my other side.

“Hey, Liz. I was wondering if I could dance with you. Max do you mind?” Kyle asks finally acknowledging Max’s presence.

“Sure.” Max says coldly before leaning down and kissing me possessively. “I’ll be right over there.” Max says as he points to where our friends are presently sitting.

“Ok.” I say and I smile to reassure him. This could turn out badly. I watch as he walks away, but before he is too far Kyle calls him back.

“No hard feelings?” Kyle says as he holds his hand out for Max to shake and I am speechless. I look between Kyle and Max and I notice Max is just as speechless. He keeps looking down at Kyle’s outstretched hand like it has the plague, but he finally comes to his senses.

“Yeah, No hard feelings.” Max says while placing his hand in Kyle’s. I mouth thank you to Kyle and send a loving glance to Max.

“Take care of her.” Kyle warns.

“I promise.” Max says before leaving us to our dance.

After a few moments of silence I finally can’t stand it. “Well, I guess I could say the same to you couldn’t I?”

“What?” Kyle says as if I pulled him from his thoughts. I glance over to where his vision was and I notice Serena and I roll my eyes.

“I said, I could say no hard feelings to you also can’t I.” I repeat.

“Liz, there is no hard feelings; I honestly don’t think there is reason too. We didn’t love each other; well not like we love our fiancés.” Kyle says with a smirk. “Yeah I know…if that gorgeous ring on your hand is any evidence. When did he ask you?”

“Last week, we were going to wait…to give people time to get used to you and I not together anymore…but we couldn’t. Not anymore.” I explain as I glance at the fore mentioned ring.

“Liz, I know you talked to Serena about our engagement, but I just wanted to tell you personally, that I’m sorry we didn’t wait…but like you said…we couldn’t.”

“I know Kyle, I know.” I say and we smile at each other. We continue dancing and I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

“Well, well well. What do we have here?”

“Kivar.” I say once I turn and see the Chadwick Prince standing with a smirk next to Kyle and I. “What do you want?”

“That’s funny; I thought I heard you two broke up?” Kivar asks.

“We did.” Kyle says.

“Then who gave you that hideous ring Liz? Well it doesn’t matter any way…because I know what you really need…you need a prince like me.” Kivar says but before I can say anything someone beats me to it.

“She already has one.”


I was watching as Kyle and Liz danced and I was surprised to not be angry. After Kyle and I spoke our peace to each other, I knew I had nothing to worry about from him. I knew Liz loved me, I never questioned her. Kyle on the other hand, I didn’t know where he stood and I’m glad I know.

I tense when I see Kivar walking towards Kyle and Liz and I quickly head over as well. I watch as Liz and Kyle seems to get upset by whatever Kivar is saying and it causes my steps to increase. I need to get over there.

I make it over there in time to hear Kivar say “that hideous ring Liz? Well it doesn’t matter any way…because I know what you really need…you need a prince like me.”

“She already has one.” I say before Liz can beat me too it, and I smirk when I watch Kivar turn to address his competition and his eyes widen when he realizes it’s me.

“What did you say?” He asks. Like he didn’t hear me.

“I said Liz already has a prince, and that’s me. So I suggest you back off and leave my fiancé alone.” I say as I reach my hand out for Liz. I smile when Kivar notices when she takes it with out hesitation.

“You can’t be serious about marrying this ass can you Liz?” Kivar asks Liz once she is safely in my arms.

“I can and I am. Kivar, Max and I are happy; you should move on and do the same.” Liz responds.

“I can’t do that Liz. I want you.” Kivars states. “And as you know, I always get my way.”

“Don’t you dare threaten Liz.” I say as I push Liz behind me and stand face to face him Kivar.

“Max, don’t he’s not worth it.” I hear Liz plead from behind me, but I know that if I don’t finish this now, it will never be over.

“Yes, please Max…don’t.” Kivar says while imitating Liz. “What makes what Liz and I do any of your business Max.”

“Because, when you threaten Liz who is my fiancé, it becomes my business and I take it very seriously.” I say.

“You sure do move fast don’t you Liz?” Kivar says and I have to ball my hands at my sides to keep from hitting him.

“Kivar, just leave us alone.” Liz says as she rubs her hands up and down my arms and I start to relax.

“What the hell?” Kivar says with his eyes focused on Liz’s stomach and I quickly glance down to see a faint shimmer in the shape of a hand print on Liz’s stomach. Shit!

“Well, well well…that is evidence of a baby.” Kivar says loudly to get everyone’s attention and I glance at Liz to see her flinch and quickly try to cover the glow, but we both know it’s too late. Everyone knows. “Liz let you hit that before the wedding. I’m surprised. But the real question is, did she let you hit it before or after you gave her the ring. If it was before…then hell the kid might not even be yours…it may be yours Valenti. Congratulations.” Kivar says with a smirk. I look around and notice everyone’s eyes are on us and I turn towards Liz.

“Liz baby, why don’t you go get some fresh air? This isn’t good for the baby.” I say as I rub my hands up and down her arms and I feel her flinch with every caress.

She nods her head slowly before turning around. I watch her head out to the balcony and I motion for Maria to follow her which she does quickly. I turn my attention back to Kivar.

“Listen Kivar, I will tell you this once and once and for all. If I ever hear you spreading rumors about Liz’s virtue, or the authenticity of our relationship or child, I will personally see to your death. It is none of your business, but yes Liz and I created a child. Not Kyle, me. I am the father of the child Liz is carrying and don’t worry, it will be loved more than any child has ever been loved. It won’t have the chance to turn out like you. As for your presence here…I suggest you leave, before I physically throw you out.” I say and watched as Kivar’s shoulders sagged. I knew I had won this war.

“Fine, I’ll go.” Kivar said as he started to walk out of the ball room but he turned when I called him.

“I suggest you explain to your father this whole situation, when he asks why Antar cut all ties to Chadwick.” I say and I smirk when Kivar’s eyes widen and people gasp before he nods his head and he turns to leave.

Now…to find my fiancé…if she still wants me


When Max asked me to leave, I quickly went out to the balcony, I was having a bad flashback from Chadwick when Max told everyone I was sleeping with Kivar. I’m really scared that people are going to think Max is only with me now because of the baby.

“Liz?” Maria asks as she quietly sits down next to me. “How you doing babe?”

“I’m fine, I guess.” I say with a shrug as I stare out into the horizon.

“Liz, you know if Max could change how people found out…you know he would right?” Maria assures me.

“I know he didn’t mean for it to happen like that. But it did. Now I have to live with the consequences. Max will be seen as a normal guy, while I’ll be looked at like a whore. I don’t even what to go into how our child is going to be treated.” I say as I run my hand through my hair.

“Liz, that won’t happen, Max would never let anyone talk bad about you or your child you know that!” Maria says and before I can respond a voice from behind me stops me dead in my tracks.

“She’s right you know, I’d never let anyone hurt you or our child.” I hear before I turn around and stare at Max. “Liz, you mean everything to me. You and our child…are my world. I’m so sorry Liz, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

“I know Max, I know” I say as I caress his cheek. “I love you Max, I know you didn’t mean it…but it happened. Now how are we going to deal with this?”

“What do you mean Liz?” Max asks as he stands next to me and watches my face.

“I mean, how are we going to handle the fact that now everyone knows I’m pregnant? They don’t even know we’re engaged, and when they find out they are going to think--” I try to explain but Max silences me with a kiss. When he pulls back I ask him what that was for.

“Because we are still engaged.” He continues after I look at him strangely. “I didn’t know, if you would still want to be my wife. Especially after what happened on Chadwick.”

“Of course I still want to be your wife Max. I did just get finished saying I love you didn’t I?” I ask and when he smirks at me I continue. “Seriously, what are we going to do. I don’t want our child looked down upon.”

“They won’t be baby, I promise. I won’t let them and I think we should announce our engagement tonight.” Max says as his finger graces my ring. “What do you think?”

“Are you sure Max? Tonight? I mean with everything that just happened with Kivar…don’t you think we should wait.” I ask. I just think everything is happening to fast. I’m glad I’m not married to Kyle, and that I’m finally with Max…but I just want to let all that sink in before the world knows.

“No, I don’t think we should wait Liz. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve been following your lead for the last year and I would just let you go, and I was honestly unhappy. Just this once…allow me to lead you…let me be the future king. Lets do this tonight, I promise nothing with go wrong. Trust me.” Max says as he places a kiss on my forehead.

I take a deep breath before nodding my head and replying. “Ok, Max I’ll trust you. Let’s go this tonight.” Max pulls me into a hug before we enter the banquet hall hand in hand. I tense and Max rubs his thumb on my hand before we make our way through the people standing around staring at us. Max pulls me up the steps to the throne and we let the King know our plans.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you all for coming here to Antar to witness this wonderful night. We invited you here to announce the joyous reunion and engagement of my son Crowned Prince Maxwell Zander Evans to Lady Elizabeth Claudia Parker.” The king announces and I hold a breath waiting for the crowd’s reaction. I almost cry at the silence.

“IT’S ABOUT TIME!!!” Someone, who I think was Michael yells before they start clapping loudly. Pretty soon everyone else joins in and the room is filled with congratulations and praise. I turn to Max he leans down to kiss me.

“I love you Liz. Thank you for trusting me.”

“I love you too Max.”

TBC: more chapter to go before the epi....Its the you all get to see that![/b]
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Addicted Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:46 pm
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: I promied myself I wouldn't cry when I posted this...the last chapter...can you believe it? I can't believe its done! Well...the epi will come in a few I really think you all will like it. And it will answer some baby questions you all have...but I think I may be interested in doing a a month or so...once I get started on all the rest of my fics...I have like 5 in the works! How did I go from writing my first to know writing 5? Crazy! Well its been fun and I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did. You all made it worth the time and effort it took to write and post...thanks for all the wonderful feedback and even to you guys coming out every so often make me smile!

AppleJacks: Thanks for all the feedback!
Emz80m: I agree with you Max needed to step up and Liz needed to let him do it. Thanks for reading and leaving feedback!
Earth2Mama: A double wedding? Now why would I do that? I'm a dreamer baby...except no substitutions!!
BehrObsession: Thanks for the feedback...I'm working on a sequel
Janesdilemma: Liz is good confession..but its a good one
Aurorasky: Thanks!!
FamersAmers: Lol, well here it is!!
Taressa05: Lol, ok just checking. I know about the temper of the texans so I'll let Khivar know he needs to look out for you!
Sunrise102: Lol Thanks.
Obsession: Ok, I'm working on the sequel
g7silvers: Yes she should let Max lead and she should trust him...Liz is learning. Thanks for the feedback
Lizza: Ok...sequel in the works

Chapter 30


Ok, I have to admit...trusting Max was the best idea ever!! I think I finally understand how important it is for me to allow Max to be the King that he will be one day...and trust him. After everyone congratulated us on our engagement...they also congratulated us on our baby! Everyone knows and they aren't saying anything! I'm so surprised...all my fears have been destroyed all because I trusted Max...I can't wait to trust him with the rest of my life.

We decided to get married in a month, so I'm only 2 months along and still able to wear a dress. Max assured me that he would still proudly carry me down the aisle when I was in labor if I wanted to wait...but I told him I'm ready. I don't think I've ever been more ready.

I decided to plan this wedding myself; with Isabelle's help of course but every decision is mine. Max has been all over me to take it easy since the doctors say that I may not be able to carry to term since I'm having twins....that's right twins!! We found out a week after we announced the engagement; apparently the missing child was hiding and wasn't able to make his evidence known. I remember when Max was kissing my stomach one night and he jumped of the bed as if he had seen a ghost. I asked him what was wrong and he pointed out that a second hand just appeared.

"I thought once you were pregnant you couldn't get pregnant again" Max exclaimed as he stared at the glowing palm.

"You can't." I said as I lightly caressed both my children's hands. "Max, I'm having twins...we obviously have a late bloomer here."

We went to the doctor and he confirmed that it was twins even though Max asked if it was a second pregnancy. The doctor assured him that they were simultaneously created and healthy. He also warned me to be careful because of my size, and Max took it literally. I haven't been able to hold a fork. Max feeds much fun as that is, I feel handicapped. Max enjoys it because he says it gives him practice for when he has to feed our babies.

So, back to the wedding. We are obviously having it at Chadwick and the King is performing the ceremony and I couldn't be more thrilled. Everything is going perfect, my flowers are the carnations I wanted, I had a famous designer make my dress to my specifications with hemline two inches past my feet...still enough clearance for my shoes. It will be perfect and I can't wait.


I’m holding Crowned Princess Elizabeth Claudia Evans in my arms as we dance our first dance as husband and wife. That’s right, Liz and I got married. As Liz probably already told you...we got married a month after the engagement was announced because as our nature....we couldn't wait...well I could...Liz didn't want too.

The wedding was beautiful. Liz looked radiant as she walked down the isle to me; she had a designer make her wedding dress like the one she drew years ago. I smiled at her when she lifted her dress a little to alert me to her shoes…her wedding shoes. The ceremony was perfect and we exchanged our vows of love and promises for the future. I had a surprise for Liz, I didn’t let her pick our wedding rings and I asked her to trust me again. When the time came to present our wedding bands Liz almost cried when she realized that we were going to be using my family rings as our own.

“Liz, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. It’s a symbol of the past, present and future that I give you today. These rings have been in my family as a tradition to be present on the wedding day; well we are taking it one step further and using them as our own. I want the perfect life with you Liz, and I pray to the Antarian gods that these rings bring that and so much more. I love you Liz, with all my heart, mind, and soul…for now and forever.” I said as I pushed the ring onto Liz’s finger and kissed it.

“Wow, how can I follow that? I knew I wanted to go first for just that reason!” Liz said with tears in her eyes as our friends and family laughed. We decided on a small wedding, with close family and friends present, the total number barely broke 100 guest and we were more than happy. “Max, as you said I love you and want to give you the perfect life too. We have been through so much, and it touches me that you would bring these important pieces of your family into ours. I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, the past, present and the future. I love you with all my heart, mind, and soul for now and forever.”

We had both the ceremony and reception at the palace but it was kept low key. We filled the halls with Liz’s flower choice and my father naturally performed the ceremony; Liz wouldn’t have had it any other way. Even though I tried to keep her from getting stressed out because of the babies, Liz put her all into this wedding and she explained to me that if she got to marry her dream man, she was going to have the dream wedding.

After spending time with our guests, Liz and I said goodbye and left for our honeymoon. Liz told me she had a surprise for me and she wouldn’t let me know where we were going, no matter how hard I tried to coax it out of her in my own special way.

“Max, keep your hands to your self. You’re not going to get me to tell you until we get there.” Liz says as she pushes my hands away from her body, but she has a smile on her face and I know she will break soon.

“Liz…” I whine with a frown. I know she can’t resist when I use the puppy eyes on her and she finally breaks.

“FINE I’LL TELL YOU! GOD! You are impossible” Liz says and she is about to tell me where we are when the driver announces that we are here. I follow Liz out of the car and notice where we are.

“Demarius Rock? Why are we here Liz?”

“Because there is something I need to tell you.” Liz says as she leads me to the rock that we first had lunch on, so many months ago.

“Why do I feel like I won’t like this news?” I say nervously and I get even more nervous when I hear Liz’s response.

“Because you probably won’t. But I don’t want to start our marriage with this hanging over our heads; I need to get it out.” Liz says and I nod for her to continue. “I wasn’t completely honest with you, when I said that I came straight to you after I left Kyle at Chadwick. I went to see the recluse first.”

“You did what? Liz you know how I feel about that guy! Why would you do that?” I question angrily.

“Because I had a question that I needed answered. Max, remember when I showed you the flashback of my conversation with Kyle?” She says and I nod. “Remember Kyle saying that I promised you something first? Well I went to the recluse and asked him about that. And he gave me this drink to put me to sleep so that my dreams would answer my question.”

“Liz you drank it? You don’t know what it was, something could have happened!” I exclaim I can’t believe she did this.

“Max, obviously nothing happened to me, you even checked me when I came back to Antar remember?” Liz says and I quickly breathe easier knowing that I found nothing wrong. “Anyway, I obviously drank it…and I had a weird dream…of when I was in the womb. When you chose me, and I felt I promised you something, but I couldn’t remember what it was. So when I woke up I asked the recluse about it.” Liz says with a smirk.

“What did the recluse say Liz?” I ask nervously.

“I chose you Max.”

“What? I don’t understand.” I say as I look at her confused.

“The recluse said that when you chose me, you sent out the seal, but for it to be dissolved into the womb and me, I had to choose you back. So, when you were willing to give me up, so that I could be happy, that normally would have reversed the choice. But since I chose you too…I needed to give you up also, and I just couldn’t do it, because I promised you that I would always choose you no matter what. The recluse told Kyle this and he knew I wouldn’t marry him and be happy.” Liz explained.

“So, you choose me too?” I ask still a little confused.

“The recluse said it had to be double reversed, since we both chose each other, and since I couldn’t give you up because I promised I wouldn’t, I couldn’t let you go and I didn’t reverse my choice. I never could.”

“I love you Liz.” I say as I kiss her head softly.

“I love you too Max, I always have I just didn’t know it.” Liz sighs as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“And how do you know now?” I ask as I hold her against my body.

“Because I promised you I would, and a promise is a promise that I will always keep.” Liz swore before she sealed our lips.

The End: Epi in a few days...and then probably a sequel. Also: First Daughter Secrets: I was about to post and then realized it was to close to plagarizm so I decided to revap the whole thing...I have the banner ready to post...and the fist chapter. After finals I will write the next couple and then post....sorry its so late you guys. I didn't want to take the chance of getting banned and then not being about to see you all sad. Ok..well see you in a few!!