Surviving The Darkness (UC,CC,Slash ADULT) AN 2/10

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 21

Post by magikhands »

I can't say my other fics were this lucky. *sigh* I miss my muse :cry:

Chapter 21

Liz sat on the examining table trying to answer the woman’s questions while stalling for more time. They had taken her watch but she knew that the time had to be close and the last thing she wanted was to be caught lying on the table during a physical examination when everything went down. She could see how aggravated Ms. Cantel was getting and there was a sick satisfaction inside of Liz. This woman was cold and unattached with her questions, making Liz wonder how many times she’s done something like this in the past.

Ms. Cantel looked down at her clipboard and was writing when they heard voices outside the door and a soft bump. The woman looked up from her work and listened.

“Is there a problem?” She called out to the soldiers that were standing outside the door waiting for her to finish with the patient.

“No ma’am.” A male voice answered. “It’s taken care of.”

Ms. Cantel turned back to Liz and continued with her notes leaving Liz waiting for the next series of questions.

‘Use your powers and knock her out. It’s time to go.’ A voice whispered inside Liz’s head. She recognized it immediately as the soldier who had warned her earlier about Max and who now stood outside the door.

Without hesitation, Liz reached out with her hand and touched Ms. Cantel’s head with the tips of her fingers. With full concentration, she easily made the older woman slump out of her stool unconscious. She just hoped she didn’t kill the woman because she wasn’t exactly sure how she did it.

Liz jumped off the table and rushed to the door feeling that now was the time to leave this place. She didn’t know what this soldier had to do with all of this and wasn’t sure if she even trusted him but he’d yet to lead her wrong. He knew what he was talking about when he warned her about not letting them take Max first. He was in a very fragile state of mind right now and it would take all of their support to get him back to normal.

Liz nearly barreled into Isabel as she rushed out the door. She was standing with her palm toward the soldier Liz knew would be out there waiting for her. He was standing there with his hands raised in the air in a gesture of surrender with a smirk on his lips.

“Isabel. Let him be.” Liz said as she stopped for a moment and looked at Isabel’s watch.

“Liz.” Isabel breathed out in relief but didn’t take her eyes from the man.

“We don’t have time. Let’s go.”

“What about him? He’s not human.” Isabel asked glancing to Liz.

“He’ll follow us. We’ll need him.” Liz glanced back at the man as she started down the hall. “He can explain later. Right now, we have to get Max and Kyle and get out of here.”

Still weary, Isabel lowered her hand as Liz said and started off after the smaller woman. Without a glance she heard the man catching up to them and falling into step with Liz by her side. Isabel was surprised when Liz allowed him to take her arm as if he were escorting her. Isabel merely shook her head and followed along hoping that Liz knew what she was doing. It was obvious that she knew something about this man.

The threesome met up with Max, Michael, and Kyle in the hall just as they came from the white room. Liz rushed to Max and embraced him then pulled Kyle into their arms.

“Are you ok?” Max pulled back enough to take Liz’s face in his hands. “Did they hurt you?”

“No Max. I’m fine. They didn’t get that far.” She reached up and kissed him softly.

In the distance a boom filled the air and Michael heard Valenti’s command to get out. Bells rang loudly throughout the building signaling a problem.

“That’s our cue.” Michael said as he glared at the man that had approached with Isabel and Liz. “Who is that?”

“We’ll explain later. But for now, he’s coming with us.” Liz said, her tone leaving no arguments from Michael.

Reluctantly, Michael bit his tongue and turned to Kyle to bind his hands behind his back. He did the same for Liz and Max. He knew that those two would have no trouble getting them off, but he was unsure of Kyle because he’d yet to show any signs of his powers developing.

“Let him lead the way.” Liz said indicating the soldier that had so far helped them.

“What?” Isabel asked. She didn’t know who this…person was, but she surely didn’t trust him.

“Liz…” Michael began to argue but she cut him off.

“Just do it Michael. He’s security, they won’t question him.”

Michael and Isabel exchanged glances, neither liking this turn of events. Their eyes narrowed as the soldier drew his weapon and stepped in front of them all. They both decided to keep a close eye on him as he turned and started down the hall.

Liz and Kyle followed behind the soldier while Michael helped Max. Max, only a little groggy, really didn’t need the help but it was mainly for show. Max was supposed to be drugged so Michael’s help only helped their cause. Isabel followed behind them all, her eyes staying on the man that could possibly be leading them to their deaths.

They reached the security door to find chaos on the other side. Their new ‘ally’ passed the screening process and the door slid open.

“Dr. Higgins has ordered our guests be taken to safety on the other side of the base until further notice.” Setters said when the other guard tried to stop him. This did not faze the man. He stood nose to nose with the other man. “Do you want to risk their harm or Dr. Higgins’ wrath?”

The other man shook his head. “Where is Dr. Higgins?”

“He is gathering information but should be along shortly.” Setters answered.

The guard let his eyes go from person to person and they could see the dilemma he was fighting. As if to answer it for him, another boom racked the building, this one sounding closer than the last. The guard nodded and let them pass.

Once they made it further down the hall, Michael pulled out his phone and pushed a series of buttons causing another set of explosions to occur. This allowed them to quicken their pace without being suspicious.

Outside the doors, hot dry air beat them in the face. The soldiers that were stationed there were no longer around and Tess’s vehicle still sat where Michael had parked it. Isabel rushed forward and opened the door for Kyle, Liz, and Max to climb in the back while Michael went around to the driver’s side and started the engine. She watched as Setters went to the back and get in before she got into the driver’s side.

Michael looked in his rear view mirror and glared at the man that was seated behind Max. He didn’t like that he still had a weapon in hand.

“Who the hell is this man and why is he coming with us?”

“Still the same untrusting Rath.” Setters muttered shaking his head but it was loud enough for all to hear.

“Go Michael. We’ll sort it out later.” Max commanded wanting to get as far away as possible. His mind was almost clear but his body was tired from the exertion or breaking down the complex chemicals in his system.

Michael put the vehicle in drive and started toward the entrance of the base. He tried not to draw attention to himself with his speed as several military vehicles rushed past them to the research building they’d just left.

“Royals are flying the coop.” He said into his phone.

When they reached the small guardhouse at the entrance, the guard from earlier was standing outside with radio in hand.

“What the fuck is going on over there?” He demanded. “I can’t get anyone on the line.”

“There was an explosion in the research facility. We were ordered to take the prisoners to their secondary location for safety until everything was cleared out.” Michael said.

Another loud explosion made them all jump. The guard looked in and saw the woman who was with this man earlier tonight sitting in the passenger seat. In the back were two men wearing nothing but scrub pants and a girl with a medical gown on. All three had their hands bound behind their backs. Then there was a soldier, weapon drawn and aimed at the three that he was behind. The man nodded and backed away to wave them through.

As soon as they were clear of the guardhouse Michael lifted his hand and caused Setters’s gun to fly from his hand. “Get that damn gun off of them.” Michael growled.

Liz shrugged when Max looked to her. Using his powers he released the handcuffs and reached back to retrieve the weapon. Setters already had the gun in hand again and held it out to Max. His head was bowed when Max took the gun.

“Majesty.” He said softly when he raised his head.

“It doesn’t matter if he has a gun or not Michael. If he wanted to kill us, he would have done so already.” Liz said as she released her cuffs and worked on Kyle’s.

“How do you know that?” Michael asked.

“He’s an alien.” Liz, Kyle, and Isabel answered simultaneously.

Michael stopped the vehicle abruptly. He turned in his seat and looked back at his passengers. “What?” He looked to Max. “Did you know about this?”

Max shook his head. “Just drive Michael. I’m sure Liz will explain herself and why they think…” He paused and looked back at the man behind them.

“Todd is my Earth name.”

“Why Todd here is an alien.” He continued. He didn’t know why he felt so calm but he was. Maybe it was the residue of the drugs, but he also trusted Liz and knew that she was right. If this man had ill will against them, he would have already done something, not help save them.

Michael took a deep breath and turned back to continue toward their destination. His nerves were on edge and he couldn’t believe that Max was so calm about all of this. But then again, Max had just gone through another traumatic experience so this was probably a cakewalk of a problem to him. At that moment, he heard Valenti’s voice in his ear saying that the building was completely destroyed and that they were heading toward the mine.

“It’s done.” He announced to his passengers.

Max nodded. “Now, let’s hear how it is that you know that Todd here is an alien.” Max said making sure the safety was on the weapon and tucking it into his pants. He wished he had a shirt but that was the least of his worries at the moment.

Liz, Kyle, and Isabel each took a turn telling them about the experience they’d shared with Todd Setters. Max turned and studied the man. He was young, looking to be around 25 years of age. He had blonde hair and bright emerald green eyes. He was a pretty boy probably standing almost as tall as himself and from the fit of his uniform, he was toned.

“Who are you really, Todd? How did you get here? Who sent you? And how do you know about us?”

“Maxwell. How can you be sure that anything he says is the truth?” Michael, the ever skeptic challenged his best friend.

“You are correct to be concerned General.” Todd answered. “However, I am under strict orders to tell you the complete truth to any questions that you may ask. And I am unable to go against direct orders from my King.”

“And that would be?” Isabel asked. She didn’t trust Todd either but she held her own judgment. She was curious about who he was and if he was like them.

“Larek of Soltarus. A neighboring planet to Antar. He was a close friend to you and your family Majesty. And a cousin to your past Queen Ava.”

Michael pulled up to the silver mine and parked the vehicle so they could hide it. He turned in his seat.

“If that is true, then why are you here? Surely you realize that we know very little of our past lives and have no way of getting back to…Antar if we wanted to that is.” As much as he obsessed over information on who he was as he grew up, now that he had Maria in his life, he knew that he’d never want to leave her to go to some planet he didn’t remember.

“I was sent here to help protect the Antarian King and his family.”

“Then where the hell were you when Pierce captured Max? In fact, where were you when they were poking and prodding me?” His anger was evident in Kyle’s voice. If this man was sent here to protect Max, then why didn’t he show himself sooner or help them before all of this could escalate.

“I was unable to reveal myself as long as Nesado was watching over you. Larek knew that he made a deal with Khivar but he didn’t know the specifics. The best we could do was wait for the plot to be made known. I was to stay away unless he tried to take you back to Antar with him. With Nesado around, I was unable to approach you, to warn you without you demanding who I was.”

Todd turned to Kyle. “When I found out Dr. Higgins’ plans, I infiltrated the unit and waited. You, being but the consort to the King, was a means for me to get access to his Majesty.”

Max suddenly grabbed Todd by the throat with a swiftness that surprised everyone. His fingers tightened around his windpipe as he pulled the man’s face close to his.

“Kyle may be my ‘consort’, as you call him, but he’s a part of me and my family. You are never, and I mean NEVER, to put any member of my family in harms way no matter the reason. I don’t care what YOUR King tells you. I will not hesitate to kill you myself if you do that again.” Max threatened through clenched teeth.

The vehicle was silent as they all stared in shock at the usually calm, shy, and docile Max.

“Yes Majesty.” Todd managed to wheeze out through his blocked pipes.

Max abruptly let go of Todd and pushing him back in the process. He was shocked at his own behavior but when he heard the tone that Todd held as he spoke of Kyle, he couldn’t control the anger or protectiveness that flowed through him. He hated the thought that another being had used Kyle in such a way.

Liz reached over and slid her hand into Max’s, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “How did you know that Kyle was Max’s consort Todd?” She asked.

Todd sat up and rubbed at his throat. It would be bruised but he guessed that he deserved it. Inwardly he felt pride for this young man. He was truly King Zan reborn. Sensitive and caring to his people and ever protective over his family. Yet, he was ruthless when all he cared for was in danger.

“King Zan healed him. Gave him life. A connection was made just as he did with his Queen. That was the reason behind Higgins’ research. That connection would draw his Majesty to him. It was rumored that King Zan needed many consorts to appease his appetite but he only connected with those that could be his equal.”

Max looked down with a blush on his cheeks. Liz had told him earlier what Tess had told her on the way to Maria’s. They had both blushed as Liz told him how Zan had many lovers, often more than one at a time. In the end, she thought that it had helped him understand what he was feeling toward Kyle.

“Well, we don’t need another Protector. We just got rid of the last sorry traitor.”

This caught Todd’s attention. “What do you mean you just got rid of him?”

“Nesado is dead. Tess killed him.” Isabel said without emotion. She still couldn’t believe how he’d treated her. Of course that also explains how detached Tess was when she first came to Roswell.

“The others will be here in a few minutes.” Michael announced not giving Todd the opportunity to respond. “We need to get inside.” He opened the door and got out, the others following suit.

Michael went around to where Max was letting Todd out the back. “I don’t trust him Maxwell.” He glared disapproving at Todd. He wanted the other alien to know just how he felt about him.

“Neither do I Michael.” Max looked at Todd and saw that he had bowed his head and not responded to Michael’s words. ‘But he appears to know his place.’ Max thought. “Yes, he helped us escape this time but he’s still got a long way to go before he can earn any sort of trust from us. We’ll just have to keep an eye on him.” Max said following Kyle and Liz who were heading toward the mine. He made sure Todd heard every word letting him know they would not let their guard down around him.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 22

Post by magikhands »

Hi guysImage Just wanted to add a little note here before I post the next chapter. I will be moving within the next two weeks then it will take a couple of weeks to get things settled down. So this may be the last chapter for a bit. I have several chapters handwritten in my notebook and hope to have a little relaxation time to type them out but I don't know how long my net access will be limited (thankfully I have dial up and a laptop, it shouldn't be much but I'll probably have just enough time to keep my email from exploding on me :lol: ) If possible or needed, I'll let my beta Strawbehry Shortcake post some for me. But in advance, thanks for being patient. It's been 18 yrs since I've moved to a new town so there's LOTS to be done. (I'm tired just from thinking of all that I need to do)

Chapter 22

Isabel quickly went to work on camouflaging the SUV after changing it to a different color while the others made their way into the mine. In the horizon, the first hint of dawn showed in the sky. Valenti and the others drove up just as she finished covering the SUV..

“Is everyone ok? How’s Kyle?” He asked getting out of the vehicle

“Physically, he’s well. Why don’t you go on in? Tess and I will take care of this.”

Valenti nodded and rushed to the entrance of the mine.

Alex approached Isabel and surrounded her in a tight embrace. She easily melted into his arms finally feeling safe.

“I’m ok Alex. Everything went well.” She assured him.

“Was it as bad as we imagined?” Alex hated to ask but he felt the need to make sure she talked about it. He didn’t want her to start clamming up like she did after the first time Max was captured. He knew that she still had nightmares from what she’d seen inside of Max’s head so he wanted her to feel free to talk about it with him.

“Probably worse. The man was a psycho. He didn’t see Kyle as a person but a subject. Someone to study, to test, like an object that didn’t have feelings. But he’s gone now and we are still here.”

Alex gave Isabel a quick kiss and smiled. “Yes, we are still here and will be for a long time.”

Tess was helping Maria gather all the equipment from the SUV that they’d used. She looked over to where Isabel and Alex embraced and sighed.

“Now we wait.”

Maria nodded. “Will two days be enough of a wait?”

“I think so. If the military suspects any of us, they will hit Roswell looking for us.”

Alex approached the two girls. “Isabel and I will get this. You two can go on inside and…well, there’s someone in there waiting for you.” Alex smiled at them. They didn’t have to be told twice as they both dropped the things in their arms and rushed inside.

Alex chuckled. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Maria move that fast.”

“Or Tess.” Isabel said. “Life with those six is about to become very interesting.”

“Six?” He’d seen the interaction between Maria, Tess, and Michael but he didn’t understand what Isabel meant by six.

“Max, Kyle, and Liz. Two sets of threesomes in the making.”

“Oh, wow.” Alex said quietly looking to the entrance of the mine. He turned and looked at Isabel. “That’s…different.”

“It’s part of our heritage I’m afraid. From what Michael has told me, it’s common for Antarian Royals to have more than one lover. But I have a feeling that they will become more than just lovers.”


“Yeah. Just watch them in the next few days. It goes deeper. I wouldn’t be surprised if each of the three find a way to bond together.”

“Oh. Yeah. Well…” Alex looked down and scratched at his neck. “You haven’t…well, there isn’t anyone…”

Isabel laughed at Alex’s nervousness and knew what he was trying to ask. “No Alex. There is no one else that I want to be with right now.” She wrapped her arms around Alex. “You’ve always been there from the beginning of all of this. Even when you didn’t know about us, you helped. This is all new to me but I think I love you Alexander Whitman.” Isabel confessed. After the things she’s experienced and seen the past couple of months she realized that life is short. And hiding from people who want to help and be there for you is futile. After watching Kyle, Max, and Liz together, Isabel had vowed to herself to make sure that those she cared for knew it. Starting with Alex.

Alex smiled as his stomach flipped with joy. He’d only dreamed of ever hearing those words from his beautiful Princess. Her words sent a rush of happiness along his nerve endings causing his body to tingle.

“I love you too my Princess.” He responded while capturing her mouth in a deep and passionate kiss.

When they broke apart for some much needed oxygen, “I think we need to get these things taken care of and later….let’s go for a walk.” Isabel suggested.

Alex nodded, his goofy happy smile pasted to his face.


As soon as Valenti walked into the mine his eyes searched frantically for his son. He knew Michael had gotten them out but until he saw Kyle and held him he knew he wouldn’t be able to calm down. He found Kyle pulling on a T-shirt across the room and Max doing the same nearby.

“Kyle.” He breathed out going toward his only child.

Kyle’s head raised just in time to be ambushed by his father’s tight embrace.

“Dad.” Kyle returned the hug.

“Son.” His voice choked as relief filled him. He was hesitant to ever let him go, for fear of him disappearing again. Reluctantly Valenti pulled away letting his eyes gaze up and down Kyle.

“What did they do to you? Did they hurt you?” He tried to pull Kyle’s t-shirt up looking for scars. He could still remember the cut that Pierce had made on Max’s chest.

“Dad…” Kyle pulled his shirt down. “I’m in one piece. I feel like I’ve been used as a pin cushion but I’ll be fine.”

Valenti couldn’t help but pull his son back into another hug. Over Kyle’s shoulder he saw Max come closer.

“Thank you Max. Thank you for saving my son again.” He said as Kyle pulled away and stood between his father and Max.

“I’m sorry about all of this Sheriff. I wish that Kyle didn’t have to go through what he did. If it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t have been in danger.”

Liz came out of one of the many tunnels dressed in her regular clothing and stood next to Max. She wrapped an arm around his waist. Max taking all the blame for how dangerous their lives had become was not a new occurrence. She found all she could do for him was to be there and support him. She could never take the guilt he often burdened himself with. But she knew that she and the others willingly stood by their hybrid friends.

Kyle reached out and gently caressed Max’s roughened cheek. “Don’t Max. I know what you are doing and don’t go there.”

“But…” Max began.

“Kyle’s right.” Liz said.

Max knew that with both Kyle and Liz against him, he’d never win this argument so he shut his mouth and lowered his head.

Kyle turned to his father after he dropped his hand from Max. “When we get settled and rest, you and I need to talk Dad.”

“Kyle…this may not be the right time.” Max said looking concerned and a little frightened as he looked to Valenti.

Kyle rubbed the back of his neck. His entire body felt stiff and tight from all the stress of the past few days. He couldn’t wait to be able to just sit back and relax for a little while.

“It will never be the right time Max. I don’t want to keep any more secrets than I have to. Especially from my father.”

Max briefly closed his eyes and nodded. He felt Liz’s arm tighten around him. He had come to like, trust and respect Valenti in the short time since he found out about them. And it appeared that Valenti returned the sentiments, but Max feared the truth would destroy that new trust. He could only hope for the best and trust in Kyle.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 884
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 23

Post by magikhands »

I'm back! :wink:

Chapter 23

The group rejoiced in their reunion. Everyone glad that their friends made it out alive and as well as expected. It was Maria who noticed and questioned Todd’s appearance, but only after she and Tess received a warm reception from Michael. Liz quickly explained who Todd was and why he was there, omitting the part where he was sent to protect only Max and the other Royals. She didn’t want to anger Max with how he had used Kyle to get to them.

Everyone settled down to rest. They had all been up most of the night so they settled on the sleeping bags that had been brought out earlier. Valenti had put Hanson in charge telling him that he would be unreachable since he would be deep in the forest with the teenagers and no cell phone or radio would reach its depths. He did however bring his police scanner from home and had it turned on along with a small portable radio.

After several hours of monitoring both the radio and scanner, the group let out a sigh of relief for the moment. News reports advised their listeners that the Eagle Rock incident was under investigations and that everything was under control. The military were in contact with the Sheriff’s Office and Valenti was impressed with how well the young man was handling the situation. As far as they could tell, no one was looking for the Pod Squad or any of their relatives. They all had alibis. Everyone thought Kyle was at camp, Liz in Florida, while the others were with the Sheriff on a survival camping trip.

As for any notification Higgins may have sent back to Washington, Alex took care of the emails that were sent about Max and Liz’s capture. Then right before the explosions started, he had inserted a virus into the main frame, corrupting every file in the system, making sure all evidence of Kyle’s stay was erased.

Maria was tired of waiting, tired of pacing. It was eating on her last nerve and her oils no longer helped. She looked around the room and saw that everyone was lying down and resting. The only sounds were the radio and scanner. Deciding that she needed some time alone to think she slipped off into one of the adjoining tunnels with a lantern. The mine was old but the others had checked its stability earlier and she felt confident of her safety in the tunnel she chose.

Maria’s departure was not as unnoticed as she thought. Tess saw her leave and got up to follow. Tess knew they had things that needed to be discussed and what better time than now when they were all stuck together for several days.

Tess found Maria sitting on the floor a ways down the tunnel, her back against the rock wall. The lantern gave off a dim glow around her so Tess could see that her eyes were closed. Tess sat next to Maria.

“Are you ok?” She asked after a few minutes of silence and Maria didn’t acknowledge her presence.

“I don’t know really. So much has happened. Sometimes I wish…” Maria stopped.


“Never mind.” Maria sighed.

“Maria…I know the two of us haven’t been the best of friends or even known each other a long time like you have with Alex and Liz, but you can talk to me…about anything.”

Maria opened her eyes and looked at Tess, studying her and seeing that she was sincere in her words.

“Sometimes I wish I had my boring life back. The one where the only problems I had were what clothes to wear or whether a guy likes me. Normal things. Not rescuing my best friends from a military base or whether or not someone knows your secret.”

Maria’s words cut deep into Tess’s heart. Maria was saying without so many words that she wished she never knew that aliens walked among them. That she wished she hadn’t been drawn into their world of deceit and danger.

Tess refused to let her hurt show and shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve never had a normal life like that so I wouldn’t know anything about those things.”

Despite Tess’s efforts, she couldn’t hide the sadness from her voice. Maria immediately regretted saying what she said.

“Tess…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“It’s ok Maria. I understand how Max, Isabel, Michael, and I have intruded upon your lives and caused you complete chaos. We didn’t mean to cause so much trouble for any of you.” Tess stood to leave. “I’ll just go back and let you have some time alone.”

Tess turned but Maria’s hand clamped down on her wrist.

“Wait. Please. It’s just so confusing right now.” She swallowed and met Tess’s gaze. “I have these feelings I’ve never had before. I mean…when you woke me up the other day, I had the urge to wrap my arms around you and take away the sadness I saw in your eyes. When I listen to you talk about Nesado, I can almost feel the suffering you went through at his hands. But I love Michael. I know I do. I feel it deep into my soul. When I have those feelings for you, I feel like I’m betraying him. How can I love one person so much but want to be with another also?”

Tess kneeled and cradled Maria’s face in her hands. “Do you not think it’s just as difficult for Michael and I? We both love you, yet we have those same feelings for each other. For me to have the memories of Michael and I on Antar? To remember the love we shared?”

“But that’s just it. You and Michael have a history with each other. Those feelings are a part of who you are. Having more than one lover is a normal custom on your planet. I’m 100% human. It’s not like that here.”

Tess’s thumbs lovingly wiped at the tears falling from Maria’s eyes.

“I wouldn’t say you’re 100% human.”

“What?” Maria tried to back away.

“Relax Maria.” Tess said softly calming her. “You’re still human but you’ve been with Michael, right?” Maria nodded. “He now lives inside of you just as a part of you resides in him. The love the two of you share connects you forever, changing you in small subtle ways. It’s an Antarian bond.”

Maria relaxed a little and studied Tess. Her green eyes searching blue.

“What the hell.” Maria muttered as she leaned toward Tess and let their lips brush across one another. Tess opened her lips and allowed Maria control over the action.

Maria closed her eyes and slipped her tongue into Tess’s mouth to explore. Her hands reached up and cupped Tess’s face as the kiss deepened. Tess responded to Maria, her tongue tangling with Maria’s but she still held back. She kept her cravings under control and let her hands continue caressing Maria’s face.

Maria pulled back and opened her eyes slowly. She could see the same desire she felt reflecting back at her.

“Do you really think we can make this work? I mean between the three of us?” Maria whispered.

“I do.” Michael’s voice sounded softly in the tunnel. He stepped out of the shadows and kneeled before Maria and Tess. “I love you Maria. The last month, trying to stay away from you has been hell. I thought I was keeping you safe and out of all this alien chaos but I was only making myself…us miserable. The only relief I had was when I was with Tess…but she’s not you. I care about her,” Michael looked to Tess and an understanding passed between the two hybrids before turning back to Maria. “But it’s you that has my soul Maria. I need you…all of you. There is no way I can go back to being just friends.”

“I agree.” Maria said with tears in her eyes. She released Tess and kissed Michael who eagerly drew her to him.

Michael finally pulled away and locked eyes with Tess. “You understand that it won’t be just the two of us? Tess is part of the deal. I have feelings for her that are growing everyday. Feelings I can’t shut off. I was in love with her in our past life on Antar. That love is still inside of me coming back little by little.”

Maria nodded and looked to Tess. “I completely understand. It’s really hard to resist those blue eyes and how they draw you into their icy depth only to find that they are filled with warmth.”

Tess blushed at Maria’s compliment and lowered her head. Michael reached out and lifted Tess’s head.

“Your eyes are beautiful, along with the rest of you.” He said and watched her blush deepen.

“Thank you. Before coming to Roswell, I never thought I’d ever have a family. I’d only dreamed of what it would be like to have someone care about me and concerned about my feelings. But you guys…all of you have accepted me and are caring about me.”

“I understand that dream.” Michael said taking Tess into his arms and looking over to Maria.

“We really are quite the trio. The three of us, in our own ways, have wanted a family to call our own all of our lives and now not only do we have each other, we have the others also.”

“Yes, we do.” Michael agreed as Maria came into his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

Maria pulled away and looked up at Michael with a serious expression. “If you think this little…reconciliation has solved the problems between you and me, you are seriously wrong. We still have a lot to discuss.”

Michael chuckled. “I know.” He bent his head and drew her into a passionate kiss.

Tess watched the two completely fascinated. She’d seen them embrace before but nothing like right now when they are finally fully open to each other. They were a beautiful couple, their bodies and complexions often blending perfectly together. Tess pushed away the doubts of how she would fit with them with her porcelain skin and bright blonde hair. Instead, she took the opportunity to be bold as she reached out and began stroking Maria’s arm while she leaned closer in and kissed on Michael’s neck. This was the first time Maria would see her have any type of intimate contact with him but it worried her little. Michael moaned into Maria’s mouth and Tess felt them both shiver.

Michael finally pulled away from Maria but only to turn and lock his lips to Tess’s. Dazed from Michael’s kiss, Maria watched her love release her so that he could gather Tess closer to him. She sat mesmerized by them, aware for the first time of how good they looked together. She liked that there was no resentment or jealousy toward either of them as there was before when she had that flash from Michael. She realized that acceptance for who and what Michael and Tess were had also changed her perspective on their relationship.

Maria decided that it was her turn to be bold as the sight of Tess and Michael making out made the juices between her legs heat. She leaned toward the smaller girl and let her lips brush along Tess’s neck. Goosebumps lifted on the softness beckoning for more. Maria let her lips brush her neck again, this time letting her tongue flick lightly on her skin tasting Tess’s sweetness mixed with the saltiness of her sweat. Maria’s tongue vibrated from Tess’s groan, encouraging her more.

Maria’s lips lowered, her fingers pulling the straps of her top down until Tess’s breasts were bared and Maria’s hands were cupping them. Michael laid his hands softly on top of hers and guided her fingers in the gentle squeeze.

Tess pulled away from Michael’s mouth and let her head fall back gasping. The feel of Michael’s body pressed to her front while Maria was against her back was exciting as they worked together exploring her body. Tess opened her eyes letting one hand bury in Michael’s hair while the other wound behind her to pull Maria closer. She watched with half closed lids as Michael’s hands stayed on top of Maria’s and together they undressed her.

“I want to watch you with her.” Maria said eyeing Tess’s now nude body. Her voice was husky from desire.

“Now?” Michael asked, his voice just as heavy with desire.

Maria nodded and brushed a finger over one of Tess’s erect nipple.

Michael released Tess and rose long enough to shed his clothing. He kneeled down and reached out to caress Maria’s face.

“You are wearing too many clothes Pixie.” Michael whispered as if his voice would break the spell they were under.

“Join us.” Tess’s eyes pleaded.

Maria shed her clothing so the three were embraced skin against skin. They caressed and fondled each other, Michael and Maria learning what Tess liked by her sighs and moans. When Tess could no longer hold out she turned on her hands and knees facing Maria. Her head dipped down as her tongue lapped at the folds between Maria’s thighs.

“Oohhh…yesssss.” Maria groaned. She let her head fall back and closed her eyes while her legs spread wider. Since Tess had told her how she felt that night in the park Maria had let her mind linger on thoughts of her. About how soft Tess’s lips were, how her kiss felt, and how her body felt pressed against her own.

Maria forced her eyes open and looked to Michael. He was beside them watching, his eyes hungrily grazing over their nude bodies.

“Take her Michael.”

His eyes met Maria’s. He saw her desire and longing. She truly wanted to try and make this relationship work. She expressed her feelings by her eyes and how they glittered in excitement and yearning.

“She’s a virgin.” He said softly.

Maria nodded and let out a moan, her eyes rolling back in pleasure as Tess sucked on her clit.

“I know.” Her breath was coming out as pants. “I want to watch your first time together.”

Tess’s ass shifted as she spread her legs a little wider so her stance on her knees was more stable. Michael crawled up between her legs and glided his hand over her ass. He heard her sigh as she continued working on Maria.

“Do it.” Maria demanded biting her lip. She was close to coming but she wanted to wait for her lovers. She wanted them all to climax together but if Michael took much longer she was afraid she’d have no more control of her desires.

Michael reached down and pressed a finger into Tess’s tightness. She was hot and nearly dripping with her juices. He let his fingers linger there gently stretching her and getting her ready for him. Tess eagerly began moving on his fingers showing her approval and readiness.

Michael withdrew his hand and placed his tip at her opening. With great care, he slid into Tess until he reached her virgin barrier. Slowly he pumped in and out as far as he could. He felt her begin to relax around him while she moaned into Maria’s pussy.

“Fuck…Michael!” Maria grounded out through clenched teeth. Maria realized that it must be an alien instinct that told them how to have sex. Michael was a virgin when they were first together and he knew from the beginning what to do and how to please her. Now Tess was showing the same skills.

“Please…” Tess begged lifting her face from between Maria’s legs.

Michael placed one hand on Tess’s lower back while the other clung to her hip. He drew back then plunged hard and deep into Tess breaking the proof of her virginity. Tess cried out while Maria gently brushed the hair from her face and soothed her.

As Michael stilled his movement, waiting for Tess to relax before continuing. He closed his eyes and let his body absorb her tightness that surrounded him.

‘Rath.’ She cried out as he penetrated her again and again. Her cries of pleasure sounded inside his head and soul. His heart swelled as he felt her love flow through their bond. They climaxed together then lay with their bodies entwined together.

‘Forever.’ Rath said aloud, his word echoing off the walls of the room.

‘Forever.’ Ava repeated.

Michael opened his eyes and found Tess looking over her shoulder at him, her eyes wide with awe. He looked to Maria and saw that she had the same expression as Tess and he knew they’d both seen the memory he’d just had somehow.

Without a word he began to slowly move within Tess. She moaned and dropped her head back down, her tongue busily gliding over Maria’s clit. Soon Maria cried out in pleasure followed by Tess and Michael.

Tess moved to one side of Maria while Michael moved to the other. Together the two aliens embraced their human lover. Each felt…different inside. Their emotions were riding on a new high. Michael, always the pessimist, felt renewed more positive. Tess, always worried about what the others thought, felt free of those worries. Her emotions were flowing much more free within her. And Maria, impulsive and prone to panic, felt relieved, no longer fearing what Michael was hiding or what Tess’s motivation was.

“Forever.” Michael said.

“Forever.” Tess and Maria’s voices echoed off the walls, all barriers built inside crumbling down.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 24

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 24

When everyone settled, Kyle looked to his father. Jim nodded indicating that he was ready to hear what his son had to say.

“Did you want me to come with you?” Max asked, his hand on Kyle’s thigh.

“No. This…I have to tell him.” He turned his head to Max and gave a smile. “Thanks. But you can stay here and see what kind of information you can get out of him.” He motioned his head toward Todd who sat several feet away by himself.

“We will.” Liz said leaning over and kissing Kyle on the cheek.

Kyle looked over to Todd again. Their eyes met and Kyle’s eyebrow arched.

“Watch over our girl.” Kyle said to Max getting up. “He’s got a thing for her.” He said it loud enough for Todd to hear and watched as Todd diverted his eyes away.

“What? Todd?” Max asked. His eyes went back and forth between Todd and Kyle.

Liz chuckled. “Don’t worry guys. I’ve got as many guys as I can handle…for now.”

Max and Kyle both looked sharply to her with her last words. Liz gave a laugh. “Kidding guys. Kyle, quit playing with your newfound powers and go talk to your Dad.”

Kyle gave her a kiss. “Ha ha.” He said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Together they watched Kyle and Jim disappear down a darkened tunnel.

“Powers? When did he get powers? I thought…” Max asked feeling very confused.

“Relax Max. He’s just beginning to develop them. I think he can sense other people’s thoughts or feelings, an empath.”

Max gathered Liz into his arms, happy that he could freely embrace her.

“Where have I been? How come you knew and I didn’t? I thought we were linked.”

“We are. I think it’s just that Kyle and I are alike, having been changed by you. It appears that we are more in sync right now as we both are just developing our abilities. He was able to connect with your dreams through me. At least that’s my theory.” Liz shrugged her shoulders at her last sentence.

“As long as he keeps his hands to himself, I’ll be fine and won’t have Michael kill him.” Max snuggled his face into her neck.

Liz’s body trembled with the shiver that ran through her. She chuckled before looking to where Todd sat silent.

“I’m sure Todd would appreciate that.”


Jim followed Kyle as he went down one of the tunnels. They didn’t go far before Kyle stopped and leaned against the wall. Jim leaned on the wall across from him, his arms crossed and one foot propped on the rock behind him.

“They told you why they took me, right?” Kyle asked, not sure where to start. He really didn’t know how much his father knew about the situation.

“They thought Max changed you when he healed you. It still baffles me how they found out about it. I mean, we were the only ones in the UFO Center at the time.”

“They somehow got their hands on a security tape from that night. It showed everything.”

Jim ran his hands over his face. “I’m sorry son. I should have thought Milton had cameras somewhere around.”

Kyle shrugged. “It’s ok Dad. A lot happened that night. I’m still in awe about what happened.”

Jim nodded but still silently berated himself for the simple mistake that caused the government to go after his son.

“Don’t Dad. It’s in the past and we can’t change it.” Kyle sighed as his father’s feelings washed over him. He hadn’t realized what was happening until Todd’s desire hit him when he was about to leave Max and Liz. He was also surprised how well he was adjusting to it. He guessed that he’d mentally prepared himself for some sort of powers so it made it easier to handle. Of course he’s also finding that it’s a power that he couldn’t control yet as it came and went as it pleased. He briefly wondered what other things he could do.

Jim looked at his son confused. “Kyle, did you…just…?”

“I didn’t read your mind. I just felt your emotions. It’s strange, as if someone else is crawling under my skin and filling my mind with these feelings.”

“Max really did change you.” It was more of a statement than a question.

Kyle nodded. “When he healed me, he…I don’t know, but he made a connection with my mind and somehow put a piece of himself inside of me. That connection was how he and Liz knew where I was.”

“They mentioned that.”

Kyle pushed off the wall and began to pace. His father was taking the news that he was gaining powers well but he was unsure about his father’s reaction when he explains his relationship with the King alien and his human Queen.

“You know about my feelings for Liz.”

Jim nodded. Kyle has pined over Liz for the last three years. He’d been proud when Kyle finally got the nerve to finally ask Liz out. He liked Liz. She was a good girl and a good influence on Kyle. Her parents were known and fair people. He’d seen the hurt in Kyle when they broke up and was saddened to find him with heartache.

“I love her Dad. I’ve known it for a while now, but when we were together before…I always felt something was off, missing really. Then after Max healed her, she was dragged into the alien chaos with you hot on their tails. I think her knowing what Max was and you chasing after the truth pushed her further from me and closer to him.”

“Son.” Jim interrupted. “I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to mess things up for you.”

Kyle shook his head. “You didn’t. They would have gotten together no matter what.” He chuckled before continuing. “The whole seeing into each other’s soul was quite sickening to watch, but despite their connection, no matter how strong it is, their relationship just didn’t quite take off like it should. I would watch the misery on Max’s face as he watched Liz try to avoid him, as he tried to distance himself from her. It made me happy knowing that I wasn’t the only one miserable.”

“I didn’t raise you to be malicious Kyle.” Jim’s said sternly.

“I know but I couldn’t help it. That was until I spent a night with Max. My view of him changed that night. “

Kyle paused and ran a hand through his hair. “I love Liz. And she loves me in return.”

“But Kyle…” Jim started to speak. He’s seen Max and Liz together. Liz was head over heels over Max and he for her. Max risked his own sanity to go back to the white room with her to get Kyle out. He didn’t want Kyle to be disillusioned.

“Dad, I feel her love inside of me. It’s for me. She’s had it for a long time but…where things get tricky is that we both also love a third person.”

Jim’s expression turned to confusion. He shook his head. “Kyle please. You are losing me. I don’t understand. You and Liz broke up. I’ve watched her with Max…”

“I know. Their affection is sickening but it grows on you after awhile. Especially when you are a part of it.” Kyle paused and watched his father’s confusion deepen. He took a deep breath seeing that he’d have to explain it all and not just skirt around the issue hoping his father would catch on.

“Max and Liz are happy and in love, yes. But they felt something’s not quite right just like it was when Liz and I were together. Dad, Liz and I both love Max, and he loves us.”

Kyle watched Jim’s face go from confusion to comprehension as his words slowly sank in. Silence settled over the two Valenti men.

“So. You are telling me that you’re…” Jim paused as if he couldn’t find the right words to use.

“Bi-sexual it seems.”

Jim was speechless. He didn’t know what to say. He never dreamed he’d be standing in the middle of an old mine as his son confessed that he was bi-sexual. That he loved an engineered hybrid alien who somehow changed him by healing him from a fatal wound along with the girl who’d been changed by the same alien. His son was in a triangle love affair and he was just a teenager.

“This all started between the three of us a long time ago Dad. Liz and I have always been drawn to each other and to Max, but we fought what we didn’t understand. Max healing us only sealed it.”

When Jim still didn’t say anything Kyle hung his head and turned away. “I’m sorry. I never meant to disappoint you.”

Kyle’s words stung Jim, the tone breaking his heart. He quickly realized what his stunned silence was saying to his son.

“No Kyle. I’m not disappointed in you. As long as you be yourself I could never be disappointed in you.”

Jim pushed off the wall and embraced Kyle. He blinked the tears back that were gathering in his eyes. He can’t ever imagining being ashamed or disappointed in Kyle. His son has been his world since Michelle died. Yes, the past year has been rough on their relationship but Jim has learned his lesson.

“A parent only wishes their child to be happy and be the best person they can be. All of this…it’s tough to take in all at once. I mean, we just retrieved you from the government who wanted to study you because of an alien healing you.” Jim pulled back from Kyle so he could look his son in the eyes.

“I love you Kyle. I’ve raised you to be a good man. If this…relationship is something you feel is right, then I won’t stop you. I love you unconditionally and you are my son so I’ll be there to support you.”

“Really?” Kyle asked a little disbelieving at how his father was taking all of this. It took being locked up in a white room alone for a few days for it all to sink in thoroughly for himself.

“I saw how Max has been watching over you since you got here. I saw how determined he was to go back in and get you. There’s something there and I think…” Jim paused a moment never dreaming he’d ever have this discussion with Kyle. “You, Liz, and Max should give it a try if you feel you must.”

Kyle embraced Jim. “Thank you Dad.” Tears filled his eyes, his own emotions covering any he may be picking up from his father.

When the two men stepped away Jim put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “You realize that this relationship will not be simple. I’m still learning that nothing is ever simple when dealing with aliens.”

“We know Dad. But I’m sure we’ll figure something out. We want to be together, need to really. I can’t describe the feelings that are churning inside of me.”

“I trust you Son. But remember that Roswell is a small town. And you are the Sheriff’s son. People watch you, look out to see what you do. It’s not like you are just coming out of the closet announcing that you are gay. You are entering in a relationship with a male and female already together. Threesomes are not all the rage here.”

Kyle nodded. “It’s going to take us some time to figure out how to make this work but I wanted to be up front with you. I don’t want us to keep secrets from each other any more. This past year I’ve felt so distanced from you and I didn’t like it. You are in this as much as I am and I want it like that.”

“Me too.”

Together Jim and Kyle walked back to the main cavern. Kyle went and sat next to Liz and wrapped an arm around her. He gave Todd a cold glare as he pulled Liz closer to him.

“Max. A word please.” Jim said from behind the small group.

Max’s heart thundered in his chest. He recognized Valenti’s tone. It was the one he used when he stopped teenagers speeding and lectured them. He looked over to Kyle who shrugged his shoulder but his blue eyes told him that all was alright. That made Max feel only a little better.

Max stood and went to where Jim was waiting out of the other’s hearing.

“Yes sir?” Max asked politely, remembering his upbringing. His parents had always taught him to be courteous to his elders.

Jim’s eyes briefly glanced to where Kyle sat with Liz before he looked back to Max. He sighed not really sure where to start. He stood before an alien hybrid King who’d saved his son’s life and now they are apparently in love with each other.

“Kyle and I had a long talk. He told me everything.”

Max’s eyes met with Jim’s, not looking down. He may be unsure of a lot of things in this life but his feelings were clear-cut and he knew that he might have to fight to keep Kyle. He refused to show any sign of backing down. Kyle was his…no one was going to tell him he couldn’t be with Kyle.

“This is all too strange to swallow all at once but I have to. I have no other choice. I love my son Max. I would die for him.” Jim paused and looked into Max’s eyes. “But you know about that, don’t you? You know what it’s like to love someone with all of your soul that you’d die to protect them.”

“I do.” Max answered. He didn’t need to go into detail. He’d done it several times in the past year, starting by saving Liz’s life.

“I can no longer run his life. He’s practically a man, free to make his own decisions. He says he loves you….and Liz. I will support him. All of you. But Max, I expect you to protect him, to watch over him when I can’t and to give him the love he deserves.”

“I will sir.” Max’s voice was low but full of determination. He was King though not on this planet. He still had those who looked up to him, who depended on him. He would not let them down.

Jim nodded and patted Max’s shoulder. “I know you will.” He turned and walked over to the scanner to listen leaving Max standing where he was.

Max let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagged, and his knees weakened. He felt Kyle approach.

“Not so bad, now was it?” He whispered close to his ear.

A tremble ran through Max’s body at Kyle’s low husky tone. His hands ached to turn and strip Kyle of his clothing, to touch Kyle everywhere, to feel the soft skin of his body. Max closed his eyes trying to banish the thoughts but inside his mind he could see their bodies pressed together, hands and mouths tangling together.

“Nice thought.” Kyle murmured, his breath grazing Max’s ear.

Max’s eyes popped open as he stifled a moan. “It’s not nice to play like that.”

Kyle gave a low chuckle. “Let’s just say I’m finding out how to get back at you for all the times you beat me at sports Evans. I now know that you used your powers to do so.”

“Two can play at that game.” Max said with humor.

Kyle gasped as sensations rushed his body that made his dick go hard almost instantly. The image that ran through his head was one of Max pounding hard and fast into his body while Liz lay under him sucking his dick.

“Shit Evans.”

It was Max’s turn to laugh as he turned around. “Remember Kyle, I’ve had these powers a lot longer than you. You may be getting in over your head when you challenge me.”

Kyle returned a smile. “I’m already in over my head. But I’m sure you’ll help me catch up pretty quickly with some…private lessons?”

Max laughed again and shook his head. “I’m sure you’ll be a quick study.” His eyes went to where Liz and Todd still sat. Isabel and Alex had joined them.

“Come on. Let’s go make sure Todd doesn’t sweet talk our girl.” He wrapped his arm around Kyle’s shoulder and led him back to the group.

Behind them Jim watched the two boys and couldn’t help the smile forming on his lips. He could see Kyle was happy.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 25

Post by magikhands »

Ok, now that I've finished one of my fics, I can concentrate on this one a little more *crossing fingers* Sorry it's taken so long :oops:

Chapter 25

The next morning, Valenti took Tess and Alex out with him into Frasier Woods. They roamed the area where they were to be camping. When they came across other people camping Tess mindwarped them, having them see Valenti with a group of kids camping. This allowed Valenti and the others an alibi if the government came poking around.

Maria and Isabel went outside to clean all the equipment out of the Sheriff’s vehicle while Michael was stuck babysitting Todd when Max, Kyle, and Liz decided to explore one of the tunnels.

Michael sat against the wall and huffed, silently wishing he’d taken Isabel up on the offer to help. He glared at Todd, still not liking the alien.

Todd looked up from the book he’d had in one of his pockets.. A smirk formed on his lips while a brow arched up. This aroused a growl from Michael. Todd laughed then turned back to his book.

“Why are you really here?” Michael asked.

“I’ve already told you. Larek sent me to keep the Royal Four safe. Since activating the communicators your enemies know your whereabouts.” Todd said without looking up.

When Michael said nothing Todd finally glanced up and saw Michael’s disbelieving look. Todd let out a sigh and shook his head. “Same ol’ Rath.”

“And what would you know about what I was like?”

“I knew you…or should I say Rath.”

Michael scoffed. “You are what? Twenty-five?”

“Demetrians, like Antarians, age different than humans. I’m a lot older than I look. In fact, when I was fresh out of the academy Larek sent me to Antar to be trained under Rath. All I know was because of you.”

“Wow.” Michael looked down at his hands. He never in all his life dreamed he was an important figure. But then he found out Max was King, he Max’s second, making him a General. That had blown him away and he still hadn’t dealt with the idea fully. Now, Todd was telling him that Rath had been important enough that leaders from different planets sent their soldiers to be trained by him.

“Yeah. I’m here to protect you, so get used to it.”

Michael looked up sharply at Todd’s arrogant tone. “We don’t need your attitude.” Michael’s eyes narrowed. “You’ll still need to earn our trust so don’t get cocky just because you have information that we don’t. I’m still Max’s Second.”

Todd turned his attention back to his book. “Of course Sir.”

Michael crossed his arms over his chest and scowled at Todd though his thoughts were running wild with questions he itched to ask. But for now, he held his tongue. He didn’t like Todd’s arrogance. Maybe as time goes by he would get his answers from Todd.

Meanwhile in a tunnel off the main cavern, Kyle had Max pushed against the wall. His mouth covered Max’s as their tongues finally tangled. They both groaned as the heat from each other’s bodies warmed the air around them. Kyle’s hands quickly brushed through Max’s thick hair, loving how silky it felt. Max’s hands cupped Kyle’s face, his thumbs stroking Kyle’s cheeks.

Liz took a step away and leaned against the wall, the sight of her two guys finally together mesmerized her. She didn’t make a sound, only watched. But that wasn’t entirely true. Inside her body, as Max and Kyle touched each other, she felt the caresses all over her body. It was a strange sensation but she thoroughly enjoyed it, her own desires rising as wetness gathered between her thighs.

Kyle soon had the bottom of Max’s t-shirt and swept it from his body. He paused a moment and looked at Max’s torso. A trembling hand reached out and tenderly touched Max’s firm pecs. With the lightest touch, Kyle allowed his fingers to slide over the shape of it, around every curve, down Max’s chest, and over the ripples of muscle of his abs. The skin was soft, smooth, yet the muscles so solid beneath it.

Kyle couldn’t believe that this was finally happening. He’d waited so long to touch Max as a lover. What they had done in their connection had been great, but to actually touch Max, to feel his heat next to him, to have the freedom to do as he wished, that was true paradise.

“Kyle.” Max hissed through clenched teeth. Kyle’s touch was driving him wild, but he could feel that this was a special moment for Kyle so he held as still as possible.

Kyle looked up from his hand into Max’s pools of amber. “I need you Max. I need it for real.”

Kyle’s fingers managed to undo Max’s pants without fumble. He slid the zipper down and pulled the material apart. Max’s stiff length fell out, pointing straight at the object of his desire. His eyes gazed upon the thick flesh, twitching at Kyle’s attention, begging for a touch.

Kyle felt Max’s hands lifting his own shirt off his body then falling back to Kyle’s hips. Max’s eyes gazed over his lover, looking at the firm chest and arms, knowing that his legs would be just as firm. Kyle had an athlete’s body, firm and defined in all the right places.

“I never thought I’d…” Max started but paused as he lifted his hand and actually felt Kyle’s smooth skin beneath his touch.

“Me either.” Kyle hissed.

With haste they shed their clothing and stood facing one another. Kyle kneeled, eye level to Max’s thick length. With a slightly trembling hand, Kyle reached out and grasped it lightly. It was warm, the skin soft in his palm, and he could feel Max’s pulse beating against his skin. Other than their time in ‘dreamland’ Kyle had never touched another guy’s dick. It felt foreign, yet familiar.

Kyle leaned in closer and let his tongue flick out over Max’s tip. It jumped in response and Max gasped. Kyle liked it and did it again, but this time, he let his tongue slide slowly over the tip, letting Max’s taste fully register on his taste buds.

“Kyle…please.” Max pleaded.

Kyle knew what Max wanted. He could feel his lover’s emotions swirling around in him like his own. Kyle opened his mouth and let Max slide deep within his moist mouth. He clamped his lips around Max’s stiffness and gave a little suck. This brought a groan from Max. Kyle pulled back, until just the tip was in his mouth and let his tongue swirl around the thick head. Max thrust his hips forward, pushing it demandingly back into Kyle’s mouth.

Kyle took his time, savoring every taste and feel of his lover. He palmed Max’s balls, feeling them draw up. He knew Max was close so he backed off, letting Max slip from his mouth.

Max growled in displeasure at Kyle’s absence. He looked down and watched Kyle smirk up at him.

“Not yet.” Kyle said turning to Liz who had slid down the wall. “Liz, are you ok?”

Kyle could see Liz’s face was flushed, her breath harsh. It reminded him of how she looked right before she climaxed.

Liz nodded but couldn’t manage to find her voice. As she watched Kyle and Max together, her body became heated, feeling their every touch on each other as if they were touching her. She couldn’t explain why this was happening but she wasn’t about to stop it.

Max moved and kneeled before her. He cupped her face in his palms. He knew she was as close to climax as he was.

“Will you join us?” He asked.

Liz shook her head. “I think I already have.” She finally found her voice. “I feel every touch, every lick. It’s incredible.”

“Our connection?” Max asked amazed at what she was saying.

“I think so.”

Max backed away and turned his attention back to Kyle. “Well, let’s not keep our lady waiting.” He gave a small smile and took hold of Kyle’s long, hard dick. Max slowly began stroking Kyle while his mouth nipped at Kyle’s neck.

“I want you in me Max.”

Max lifted his head. “Are you sure?” He didn’t want to push Kyle. They’d had sex in the dream plane but in real life…neither had ever done this before.

Kyle nodded. “Since I held you in my arms, back in the…” He stopped, not wanting to remind them all of the white room. “Max, I want to feel you in me. I want your cum to fill my body.”

Max’s mouth crashed down on Kyle’s in response to his words. Hearing them come from Kyle had sent his need higher, soaring through the roof. His kiss was rough and demanding. Max pulled Kyle closer, bringing a low growl from Liz.

Both guys went to their knees, embracing one another. Max reluctantly let go as Kyle lay on his back. He knew he could turn around but he wanted to see Max’s face when he came. He wanted to see every expression pass over his lover’s face. Kyle spread his legs as Max situated himself between them.

Max placed his thickness right at Kyle’s opening. His hands gently rubbed Kyle’s thighs. He could feel how rigid Kyle’s body had become.

“Relax Kyle.” Max soothed.

Kyle nodded and let out a breath forcing his body to relax as Max pushed within his body.

Max wanted to take his time. Wanted to savor the feel of his lover. But as Kyle’s tightness enveloped him, his hunger raged beyond control. He tried his best to be gentle on Kyle as he thrust in and out of his lover’s body.

Too soon Max felt his orgasm coming. Knowing Kyle was just as close, he reached out and grasped Kyle’s cock and began pumping it to the rhythm of his thrusts. Max glanced over at Liz, as her moaning grew louder. She was just sitting there, not touching herself, yet her body was writhering as her own passion was teetering close to the edge.

Max couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked as her hips rotated, her fingers clutched tight into fists, and her head thrown back in ecstasy. The sight of her mixed with the feel of Kyle’s tightness and lust threw Max over the edge at the same time Kyle let his orgasm go. They both cried out in pleasure with Liz’s cries joining their’s as she too climaxed.

Max collapsed on Kyle with a whimper, echoed by Liz’s. Kyle grunted as Max’s weight fell on him but he didn’t mind.

“Wow.” Liz finally caught her breath. “This connection thing…it’s wild.”

“Yeah, it is.” Kyle said rolling to his side and embracing Max close to him. “I have to wonder if this will happen every time…”

“I hope not.” Max chuckled. “What’s going to happen if we are in school or… well, with our parents.”

“Yeah, that is true. I guess we’ll have to be careful.” Liz sighed.

“Definitely.” Kyle agreed but smiled.


After spending three days in the mines, Valenti made the decision that it was safe to return to town. The Military was still swarming Eagle Rock but after only a couple of inquiries in Roswell, they stayed away. Since all the kids had alibis, no one suspected them so they cautiously went back into town, taking extra days to stay to themselves as much as possible while Valenti kept an ear out and assisted anyway he could when he was called upon by the government.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 26

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 26

One Month Later...

Isabel looked around the darkness that surrounded her. A cool breeze flowed smoothly over her skin. She looked down and found that she was dressed in only a flowing, sheer, white gown. The air swirled around her breasts, making her nipples stiffen. The gown brushed across them sending a shiver down her spine.

“Hello?” She spoke and her voice echoed in the darkness.

Isabel turned in a circle scared to move, unable to see more than a step away from her. She felt a rush of fear; her hands trembled as panic seeped into her system. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tried to calm the storm of fear from claiming her body.

“Wake up Isabel. Wake up.” She told herself trying to wake from the disturbing dream.

Isabel’s panic welled up and was about to burst when she felt a set of invisible hands slide down her arms. She shivered at the odd, yet calming sensations.

“Alex.” She sighed thinking her lover had somehow joined her. But as the caress continued she realized it wasn’t Alex but another. One that was somewhat familiar. Before her mind could wrap itself around who it was invading her dream, she felt another set of hands glide up her stomach and cup her breasts. Isabel couldn’t stop the groan that emerged. The hands started skillfully caressing her body until all she could do was throw her head back, close her eyes, and submit to the pleasure.

“Vilondra.” A voice whispered near her ear.

Isabel’s eyes snapped open, her body going rigid.

“Who are you?” She forced from her clogged throat.

“You’re ours Vilondra. You will belong to no other.” A second voice echoed.

Isabel shook her head. “No.” Her panic returned. This wasn’t a normal dream. Someone, two mysterious someones, had invaded her mind and made her feel things she’d never quite felt before. This was wrong. She loved Alex. She knew deep down in her heart that Alex was the one for her. He was funny, caring, and he loved her for her.

“No!” She screamed…

…And bolted up in her bed. Her body was covered in sweat, her breath ragged. She could still feel the remnants of the ghostly hands on her body, the sensations they created still shaking through her. Knowing that she’d be unable to go back to sleep she got out of bed and quietly made her way down to the kitchen, careful not to wake her parents.

She was surprised to find the light already on and her brother sitting at the table. Isabel took a glass from the drainer, opened the fridge, and filled it with juice before taking the chair across from Max.

“Another nightmare?” She asked looking down at the rim of her glass.

“Yeah.” Max swirled the juice in his glass.

“I thought they were getting better.”

“Usually. I have good and bad days. Between Kyle’s nightmares merging with mine it gets pretty…gruesome. But we can usually draw Liz in and she helps calm them a lot.”

“But not tonight?” Isabel asked meeting his gaze.

Max shook his head. “No. Tonight was all mine.” He looked away, back into his glass that is nearly empty.

Isabel sat back and studied her brother. She knew his moods and could read them pretty well. His sleep had been disturbing and even if she hadn’t known, she would have seen that this was one of his bad days.

“I’m surprised you aren’t with Liz tonight. Aren’t her parents out of town until Tuesday? That’s four days without parental involvement on her side. I thought you’d surely take advantage of that.”

“It’s Kyle’s night with her.”

Isabel could sense that it was driving Max crazy not to reach out through the connection he has with his lovers and join them. It still amazed her how well the two groups of threesomes had worked things out.

“How do you stand it?” Isabel asked.


“Sharing Liz like that? Or even sharing Kyle? Doesn’t it get complicated? I know the three of you have this entire system worked out but don’t you sometimes just want Liz to yourself like before Kyle entered the picture?”

Max looked at his sister. She had easily accepted his relationship with Kyle and Liz just as she’d done with Michael’s relationship with Tess and Maria. But he knew she couldn’t truly understand it, or how it felt to be in love with two people. To have feelings that demanded to be with both your loves.

“We are flexible. As you know, our hybrid status makes things unpredictable. Then there’s the fact that both Liz and Kyle have developed powers. We adjust. We love each other, so we compromise. And the thing that makes our relationship work is that we give each other one on one time. It’s not always the three of us. Liz and Kyle have taken the time to explore their feelings for one another, just as Kyle and I have done so. It works for us.”

Isabel nodded though he could see she still didn’t fully understand. He rubbed the back of his neck and wondered if this attraction to more than one person only occurred in Antarian males. Isabel and Alex had built their relationship and became lovers, though Max really didn’t want to know about that. But she had not had any other attraction other than Alex. Whether she became attracted to another human would be seen. At least she didn’t go goo-goo over Todd.

“What about you? Why are you up?”

Isabel finished her juice. She shrugged her shoulders as if it were nothing. “Bad dream.”

Guilt suddenly flooded Max. He knew she occasionally had bad dreams from what she’d seen inside his mind when Pierce had captured him. “Izzy…I’m so…”

“It’s not that.” She said seeing the relief on his face. “This was one that has nothing to do with you Max.”

“Did you want to talk about it?” He asked still concerned.

Isabel shook her head. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

“Ok, but please, if you have that dream again, will you tell me?”

She nodded. She and Max had gotten even closer since the white room incidents. She realized that life could be short and because of who they are, their life could be shorter than others.

Max got up and put both their glasses in the sink.

“Come on.” Max jerked his head to the right.

Without question Isabel followed Max out into the living room then out the French doors to the backyard. Isabel had grabbed the blanket from the couch and spread it out on the dew dampened grass. They lay side by side looking up at the sky.

“I can’t believe school starts in a few days away.” Isabel sighed.

“You think this year we’ll be able to miss less school?”

Isabel chuckled. “I hope so. I’d really like to actually enjoy some of my classes.”

Max laughed. “Maybe.”

They stared up at the sky for the next hour talking softly about things of the past before going back to bed. They let the good times of the past drift over them, not shadowed by the cruel realities of the real world. For a short time, they didn’t have to be concerned that they were different; that those they were close to could suffer for knowing them. They were normal siblings enjoying some quiet time together.


The summer was over. Roswell had two days left before school started once again. Two days of freedom. Freedom from teachers, homework, and the thought of the future. A small, intimate group of teenagers met at the CrashDown Cafe, trying to take pleasure in these last two days.

Sheriff Valenti made sure all was well for the eight teenagers when they returned from their ‘camping trip’. The government didn’t stick around Roswell but for a few days after they kept finding dead ends. Valenti was questioned concerning his son’s whereabouts but that was it. The teenagers had airtight alibis.

Valenti made Tess move in with him and Kyle, despite Michael’s protests. Even after Tess was emancipated due to her ‘father’s’ disappearance Valenti insisted she stay with them.

“I have one hybrid on his own…I don’t need two, yet,” was his reasoning.

Max suggested that Michael get a bigger apartment and have Todd as his roommate. Michael hated the idea, still not trusting the new alien and argued every point he could think of not to have Todd around. But Max pointed out that they needed to keep him close, to make sure he was who he said he was. Besides, the others all had parents to deal with, they couldn’t just bring home a twenty-something year old to live.

Todd assisted Alex in setting him up with a new identity. Come to find out, the name he used for the military was false and that person ‘died’ in the explosion of the base. Alex set Todd up as a cousin to Michael. Michael grumbled that fact but allowed it. He remembered the saying: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Until Todd proved otherwise, Michael would take the duty of his watchdog.

The two trios of teens found it quite a challenge when working out the appearances of their relationships. Max and Liz were known as a couple around town. Kyle and Liz kept a strong friendship outside of closed doors as did Max and Kyle, which surprised many of Kyle’s jock friends. The three grab what opportunities they could. Liz and Max’s parents quickly got used to the extra teens hanging about.

It was easier for Michael, Tess, and Maria. For outward appearances, Michael and Maria was a steady couple while Tess was close to them. The only parent they had to hide the truth from was Maria’s. But Amy was out of town often or conveniently dating Valenti. Amy had hired Tess to watch the store during her times away.

Liz walked into the café from the backroom and sat on Max’s lap. Kyle was next to him in the booth. Liz leaned over and kissed Max on the lips.

“Hey.” She pulled away and smiled. What others didn’t see was that her hand had snaked across Max’s lap and cupped Kyle’s crotch. He jumped in surprise then smiled at her.

Tess, sitting across them, rolled her eyes.

“Oh, come on.” Isabel huffed. “You’ve been sitting here all goo-goo eyes over Michael and Maria.”

A blush colored Tess’s cheeks, her eyes quickly downcast. The others laughed.

“Point taken.” Tess said joining in.

Maria pulled up a chair and plopped down with a heavy sigh. “So…what are we doing for our last weekend of summer?” She asked looking around, her antennas bobbing around. The Café had finally calmed down from the dinner rush.

Kyle shrugged. “No idea. I just hate the idea of having to be trapped for six hours a day…again.”

“It’s not that bad.” Liz chimed in, her voice filled with excitement. “Think of all the new things we are going to learn this year. They put me in advanced science.”

Maria groaned and hung her head. “Ten months of her cheer. How can we take it?”

Alex walked up behind them laughing. He draped his arm around Isabel’s shoulder. “The same way we’ve done since Kindergarten.”

“Order up.” Michael’s voice boomed from the kitchen window. He leaned out with eyebrow raised.

Maria sighed and got up to retrieve it. Once she got to the window she gave him a smile. She reached out and caressed his cheek, his features softening.

“Whatcha want to do tonight Spaceboy?” She cooed.

Michael’s eyes went to Maria’s cleavage. She could see the desire flare in his eyes.

“Ok” She strung out the word. “Put it on a leash for a night. We are spending this weekend with our friends.”

Michael growled and drew away. “You decide Babe.”

“Alright but don’t complain when we do something you don’t like.” She took the platters and turned away.

“My parents are still away. Why don’t we just hang out here? Maybe watch some movies? A big slumber party?” Liz volunteered.

They all agreed. Isabel and Alex went to tell their parents while Maria and Kyle called theirs to let them know of their plans. Max and Liz left to get the movies. They all planned to meet back at the Crash before closing.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 27

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 27

Maria switched the sign at the door to closed and locked it. She sighed as she turned and leaned against it. Liz, Max, Todd, and Tess were sitting in the back booth waiting for her and Michael to finish up. Isabel and Alex entered from the back room having just arrived through the backdoor. It had been a busier day than she’d thought it would be and she was tired.

“Hey Parker.” Michael said coming out from the kitchen. “Can I borrow your shower before we do this movie night thing? I’d hate to sit through hours of chick flicks smelling like grease. That last order is in the window, it’s ready for pick up.”

Liz looked at her watch and saw that it was five minutes after closing. “Sure. Go on up.”

Maria watched Michael go through the swinging door and caught the backward glance he gave her.

“Uh, Liz…you mind if I wash up too? I mean, I feel all yucky and I know I smell like food too.” Maria took a couple of steps toward the backroom. “When the customer comes, all you have to do is collect the money for her order.

“Of course Maria. I’ll take care of it.” Liz bit back her smile knowing that it wasn’t the smell of food that was bothering her. She knew that it was the thought of Michael nude in the shower.

Maria didn’t have to be offered twice. She was gone in the blink of an eye. Liz turned to Tess who was sitting across from her. She was fidgety and her eyes were glued to the door leading to the backdoor.

Liz rolled her eyes. “Just go.” She told Tess who was up faster than she could blink. “Don’t destroy my bathroom.” Liz called after Tess shaking her head and laughing.

“That doesn’t bother you?” Isabel asked. “I mean, it’s your bedroom and bathroom they will be…um…”

Everyone knew that Isabel was not one to talk much about sex, especially when it concerned either Max or Michael. To her, Michael was as much of a brother as Max was.

“Trust me,” Max chuckled. “It’s better up there than here in the kitchen. Those three have the hardest time keeping their hands off each other.”

“Don’t I know it.” Todd sighed leaning his head back against the wall. He lived with Michael and it was like Grand Central Station sometimes.

“Speaking of threesomes…” Alex looked around. “Where’s your third?”

“He’s on his way. Valenti asked him for a little help down at the station.” Max said pulling Liz closer to him.

“Is everything ok?” Isabel asked. “Is it about a case?” She knew that Valenti had Kyle sit in occasionally and watch some interviews. With his heightened sense of empathy Kyle could sometimes tell if the suspect was lying. He was better than a lie detector.

Max shook his head. “Kyle is helping him move furniture.”

“Oh.” Isabel said sounding a bit disappointed. She’d been hanging out and helping her father in his office so she was getting more and more interested in that aspect of law.

A knock sounded on the front door making everyone turn that way. Liz stood and saw Kyle standing there. He pushed open the door after she unlocked it.

“Kyle, why didn’t you just use your…” Liz started then stopped when a blonde woman followed him in.

“I, um, left my key at home.” He lied glad she didn’t get to the power part. “This is Laurie Dupree. She’s picking up a to-go order.”

“Oh, yeah.” Liz shook away the bumble she almost made. “I’m Liz Parker. My parents own this place.” Liz remembered her manners and shook the woman’s hand. She looked to be in her early twenties, blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, and bright friendly blue eyes.

When Liz turned she saw that Max had stood also. She quickly made introductions as she went to retrieve Laurie’s food and ring her up.

“You’re new in town, aren’t you?” Isabel asked looking up at the woman. As she looked into the woman’s blue eyes, she felt a spark of electricity rush through her body. She bit back the gasp the sensation caused. Her hand clasped Alex’s tighter.

Laurie nodded. “Yes. I’ve only been here for two weeks. I moved here from Arizona.”

“Really? What brought you to Roswell?” Max asked curious of this newcomer. “If you don’t mind me asking that is?”

Laurie smiled. “Not at all. Everyone has been so nice here.” She pulled some bills out of her pocket and began counting them out for her dinners. “My Grandfather died a few years ago, and I found some of his belongings recently. He had journals of his…um travels. He spoke of Roswell often and described it beautifully. He also mentioned the possibility of a family member around this area. So I thought it was time to start anew. To step out from under my Aunt and Uncle’s hold on me and try my hand at the world.”

“And how is it going so far?” Liz asked intrigued by her.

“Pretty good so far. I’m trying a new business venture. In fact it opens tomorrow night.”

“What is that?” Isabel suddenly felt very interested in this woman. As she spoke, Isabel couldn’t seem to look away from her, her eyes switching from Laurie’s lips to her eyes.

“It’s a dance club at the end of the street. ‘The Alien Abyss’.”

“Really? That is great. We have been in such need of something like that around here.” Liz beamed as she returned Laurie’s change.

“I’m hoping to keep it a clean and safe place where sixteen and up can go and enjoy themselves.”

“That may be a challenge around here.” Kyle said. “The last club closed down because of the drugs that kept finding its way into it.”

“I know.” Laurie shook her head. “I’ve got almost a full staff and they seem to be great people. I’m hoping to avoid that scene all together. I hate drugs and everything that goes with it. All it causes is trouble.”

“I can’t agree more.” Todd said finally speaking up. “And which positions do you have currently open?”

“I didn’t like the applicants I got for bartender. They were either underage or shady looking. I’ve also got a spot for another bouncer or two, and maybe a door person. I haven’t decided yet.”

Todd stepped up to her. “I’m in search of a job Ms. Dupree. Maybe I can step in to fill one of those positions.”

Laurie looked him up and down. “You’re over 21?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Oh, and polite too. Can you mix drinks?”

“I’d done a little bartending a few years ago. I’m sure it’s like riding a bicycle. You never completely forget how to do it.”

Laurie smiled. “All right. Come by in the morning. We’ll fill out the forms and get you on the schedule.”

“Thank you. My roommate will be extremely happy to hear that.” Todd smiled sweetly at her.

Laurie turned back to Kyle. She looked at his built arms and strong stature. “How about you? Looking for a job?”

“Me? Oh, I’m only 16.” Kyle said feeling a little flustered. He knew she wasn’t hitting on him but still, he could feel her eyes surveying his body.

“I’m asking if you want a job.” Laurie clarified herself.

“Oh, well…” He looked over at Liz and Max. They both had jobs to keep them busy. He had decided not to go for football this coming year due to his control of his powers. He was finding that he had more strength, and until he could control them, he didn’t want anyone hurt by them. His lovers silently communicated their encouragement knowing that he needed something to fill the void sports would leave in his life. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

“We can start you off at the door. You know, making sure the wrong people don’t make themselves at home there. You can also help with security. How’s that?”

Kyle smiled at her. “That would be great. When do I start?”

“Tomorrow night. Just come by in the afternoon and we’ll go over a few things.”


“No, thank you.” Laurie said taking her bag of food. “Oh, and why don’t you all come tomorrow night. You can be my special guests and tell me what you think of it.”

“That would be great Laurie.” Max said nodding. “Thanks. But we have three other friends who would love to come also.”

“Bring who you want. The VIP section holds ten people.”

Laurie said her goodnights and left the small group.

“Bye…” Alex said softly after she’d already left the building.

Isabel turned to him. “Did you…?”

Alex nodded. “She…” He started but his voice got stuck in his throat and he had to clear it. “It was strange. I felt all sorts of…”

“Tingles? Isabel asked.

Alex nodded. “You?”

It was Isabel’s turn to nod. “All over.”

Max raised an eyebrow at his sister and friend. “You know when…”

“No. It can’t be.” Isabel interrupted him not wanting to think about her relationship with Alex expanding and getting complicated.

“Of course not.” Alex agreed.

“She’s hiding something though.” Kyle said, his voice soft and thoughtful.

“I sensed something about her also.” Todd admitted.

“That’s why you two accepted the jobs?” Liz asked.

“Partly.” They both said together making the others laugh. Todd was on the verge of fitting in with the group despite the ‘age’ difference.

“We’ll wait and see what happens. But until then…let’s enjoy our last weekend of freedom.”

Max went behind the bar and started gathering glasses so Liz could make them all shakes before heading upstairs to watch the movies they’d gotten earlier. Maria, Tess, and Michael came into the diner, all three with smiles.

Michael sat down on at chair near Todd. Maria went around the bar to help Liz and Max while Tess sat on Michael’s lap.

“Much better Liz. Thanks.”

“I’m sure.” Liz chuckled but gave Max a heated look. It had been two days since she’d been with Max and she had some thoughts of her own about a shower a little later that night.

“So…what did we miss?” Tess asked looking around at her friends.

“I have a job.” Todd and Kyle both announced.

“Ok, guys. Getting freaky.” Isabel commented trying to push the feelings she’d had toward Laurie deep into her mind. She’d ponder them later. Right now, it was time to be a normal teenager.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 28

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 28

“Ohhh..Yes…” she moaned. “Right there…harder Alex.”

“Isabel.” He growled pushing deeper within his lover.

“Izzy, have you…” The door to the bathroom opened and Max stuck his head into Isabel’s room

Without flinching, Isabel raised her hand and the door slammed. If Max had been any slower it would have closed upon his neck but he had quickly ducked back into the bathroom.

“What was that all about?” Kyle asked coming in from Max’s room, his clothing shed as he started the shower.

Max rubbed a spot on his head where the door had made its mark. “You really don’t want to know.” He said in a disgusting voice. The last thing he wanted to see was his sister having sex. Max shivered and calmed the nausea in his stomach before joining his lover in the shower.

“Alex.” Isabel whimpered as her lover slowed his pace. Her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist so he could not withdraw. She wanted him in her, deep, filling her.

“Shhh…” Alex soothed his lover, sweeping the hair from her face. He looked down and smiled at her beauty. All knew that Isabel Evans was a goddess, many had tried to win her heart, but to see her in the throws of passion; her eyes bright with lustful gleams, her breasts, firm and full, heaving with breath, was beyond any man’s imagination. The greatest part of this all was that it was he, Alex Whitman, who made her this way. His touch, his kiss, his cock.

“I need you.” Isabel reached up and pulled him down into a deep passionate kiss, nearly knocking the breath from him. “Now.” Her voice was soft but demanding.

“As you wish,” he whispered as his pace quickened. He knew he’d teased and coaxed her body near oblivion long enough, and that he was just as close to climax as she was. Thrusting deep and hard, just the way she liked it, Alex brought them both to orgasm, crying out as the pleasure rushed over their bodies.

“Was that…?” Alex asked after he was able to catch his breath.

Isabel chuckled. “Yeah. I think we gave him a show he would rather forget.”

“I don’t know. I was sure enjoying it.” He snuggled into her neck.

“Ummm…yeah, but remind me to melt the lock when you come over. It could have been Liz or Kyle.”

“Then we’ll just ask them to join us.” Alex joked and laughed but Isabel was silent. He raised his head and looked at her now sober expression. “Is…what is wrong? It was just a joke.”

Isabel shook her head. “I’m sorry Alex. It just hit me wrong.”

“You’ve been acting…I don’t know,” Alex shifted so that he was lying on his side, his head propped on his hand. “Distracted since yesterday. Did something happen?”

Isabel sighed. She wasn’t going to tell Alex about the dream. She was hoping it was just a one time thing, like her powers going a little weird but after meeting Laurie last night. Now she wasn’t so sure.

“I had a dream yesterday. It was…strange. I couldn’t see anyone but the people in it felt familiar. Like I should know them. There were these invisible hands and well…they just seemed to know me.” She shook her head pushing the feelings she’d experienced further back into her mind. “Then when Laurie came into the Crash, I felt…”

“Yeah…drawn to her.” Alex didn’t like the sound of this dream but he knew that now was not the time to discuss it. He knew how Isabel was. She liked to try and work through things herself before voicing them.

Isabel nodded. “I know you were joking when you mentioned Liz or Kyle, but I like it with just you and I. I see how complicated Max and Michael’s lives have become, I don’t want that.”

“Neither do I.” Alex smoothed back more of her hair. “But what if that is the way things are meant to be with your kind. I mean, Liz told me about what Tess remembers of your past lives. You all had more than one lover, it was the way things were.”

“Yes but I don’t want that here. We don’t live on Antar. We are not Royalty.” Isabel sat up feeling very frustrated. “I never believed in the destiny Tess and Nesado tried to cram down our throats. Yes, Vilondra loved Rath, and even Ava…but Isabel Evans doesn’t. I only love one Alex Whitman. Why can’t it just be that simple.”

Alex sat up and moved to sit behind her. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close. He was glad that she didn’t resist.

“I love you too.” He kissed the side of her neck. “But I love you for you, who and what you are. If I have to endure sharing you with another, so be it.”

“You wouldn’t only be sharing me Alex. You would be a part of it. I can understand Liz and Kyle being linked to Max but look at Maria. She’s 100% human but she’s involved with two alien hybrids. It’s just not her sharing Michael with Tess. It’s her being with Tess also. I don’t want to pull you into something like that.”

“It’s ok Isabel. Just calm down.” Alex soothed her, rubbing his hand on her back. He could feel her fear and unease. “Let’s not talk about this right now. What we felt last night could have been…anything. Who knows, maybe you are just pms-ing and it’s leaking through the bond we’ve developed. But know this, I’m here for you no matter what. As you can see, I don’t scare easily.”

Isabel turned and smiled at her lover and friend. “Thank you Alex.”

“Anytime.” He looked at his watch. “Now, what do you say we…um, see how we can spend the next hour before it’s time for me to skidaddle home.”

“Hmmm…I might have an idea or two.” She said as she shifted in his arms and began kissing on his neck.


Liz, Tess, Maria, Isabel, and Alex walked from the parking lot toward the club. From the looks of the line for the front door, The Alien Abyss was having a great opening.

“This is so great.” Maria said excitedly. “I hope Laurie can make this work. It would be nice to have a new place to hang out.”

“Definitely.” Liz said smiling and actually looking forward to this night.

As they walked past the line they could hear several grumbles about why they were cutting in line.

“Oh, no! This has got to be a cruel joke.” Rob Steven’s voice rang out over the rest. Isabel stopped and looked over to him.

“Please tell me that you lost a bet and got stuck going out with Whitman.” He chuckled.

Alex had stopped with Isabel since she was holding his hand. He opened his mouth to say something to the jock but Isabel beat him to it.

“Excuse me?” Isabel stepped toward Rob.

“Well why else would Isabel Evans be seen with geeky Whitman?”

Isabel’s expression went cold. She wasn’t known as the ‘Ice Princess’ for a reason. She had dated many of these guys but they never got close. They never got to know the real Isabel, the one that Alex knew.

“Have you ever thought that I would like the company of someone who can talk about other things than oneself?”

“Yeah right. Like Whitman can carry a conversation with you. He’s totally out of his league.” Rob laughed, as did his friends that were with him, one of them Pam Troy, the school slut who’d latched onto Rob for the week.

Anger boiled inside of Isabel and she could feel her energy building. She’d like nothing more than to blast these jock-heads who thought they were better than everyone else. She now wondered what it was that she saw in this group of people. When Rob took a step toward Alex, Isabel’s instincts to protect what was hers took over. She moved closer to Alex and raised her hand slightly, ready to let them know that no one messed with that which was hers.

“It’s ok Isabel.” Alex said softly and squeezing her hand. He could feel the tingling of her energy rushing around her body and he could sense her anger. “I learned long ago that it’s not worth it.”

Alex’s voice was like ice over a burn, soothing and cooling to her boiling emotions.

“Maybe you should look a little closer and see what Alex has that you don’t.” Isabel said to Rob in a controlled frigid voice.

“Yeah, what’s that?” He smirked. He was in the in-crowd because his mother had money. He was an all-around jock who had what everyone else wanted. What could this geek have that he didn’t?

“Me.” Isabel turned and started walking away but not before she watched his smile fall into a frown. She pulled Alex with her who merely smirked and shrugged his shoulders at the open mouthed group of popular kids. Isabel was correct. Rob had tried for years to get into her pants, to have her be one of those girls that fell over their own feet just to be in his presence. She never went for it. Isabel Evans was too independent for that.

“You really want to get me hurt, don’t you?” Alex said when he turned forward. “It’s not nice to play around with that group.”

“Don’t worry. You’ve got me to protect you.” Isabel smiled.

“Yeah, that all I need, a girl fighting my battles.” Alex muttered but Isabel heard him.

“I’m sorry Alex. I couldn’t help it. I hate the way they look down at people and well…the way they talk about you.”

“I know, it’s ok.” He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Rob was still watching them. “He’s been bullying me since elementary school. I’m used to it. Just promise me that Max will heal me when Rob beats the crap out of me.”

Isabel’s expression sobered. “Trust me…he won’t get that chance. Besides, you’ve Kyle on your side now.” Her tone lightened as they came up to where Kyle was standing by the door. He was gapping at what Liz was wearing. Neither could help but laugh as they heard him speak.

“Max let you out of the house like that?” Kyle was standing with his arms crossed over his chest wearing a pair of jeans and a black, tight fitting t-shirt that said ‘Security’ on the left top in yellow letters. They all knew that the back said the same except with the lettering larger.

“Kyle. It’s no big deal.” Liz argued.

Kyle thought it was as he took in her leather mini skirt and skimpy, red tank top. She showed more skin than she covered.

“Max doesn’t know. He didn’t see you, did he?” Kyle’s voice was low, almost a growl.

“Kyle…don’t make a scene. It’s ok.” Liz leaned closer to him. “Besides, I’m only going home with you and Max. That should ease your mind.”

“It would ease my mind if brainy Parker would put more clothing on in public.” Kyle grumbled.

“She’ll be fine.” Tess patted her housemate’s shoulder. “Todd is inside and Max will be here soon and we’ll all make sure no one gropes her.”

Kyle didn’t like it but he had no choice. He made a mental note though to get with Max on this issue.

“Fine.” He said just as Laurie walked out of the club. She smiled and greeted everyone.

“I thought there were going to be seven of you?” She asked as she looked at the girls and Alex. Her eyes had caught that of Isabel and Alex’s but she intentionally forced herself to look at Liz.

“Michael and Max had to close. They will be along shortly.” Maria offered their hostess. “I’m Maria and this is Tess.” She said smiling since she’d not met Laurie the night before but knew who she was the minute she stepped out.

“It’s nice to meet you. Come on, I’ll show you to the VIP section.” Laurie turned and led the way.

The club was dark with spotlights and colored lights flashing all around. The music was booming bringing a packed dance floor to life with movement. Over by at the bar, they could all see Todd’s blonde hair as he worked. He’d checked in on everyone before reporting to work so they all knew he wore jeans and a black t-shirt similar to Kyle’s except his sported the club’s logo on the front and back.

“Wow. This place is great.” Maria looked around the place in awe. The décor fit in with the club’s name as big, black-eyed aliens looked down from various places around the club. The furniture scattered around was upholstered to resemble a futuristic land that was only seen in old sci-fi flicks.

“Thanks.” Laurie smiled as she led her guests up a few stairs to a platform that served as the VIP section. It was big enough to hold 10 to 15 people. Perfect for small gatherings or parties. This was mainly a young adult club, the target age being 16 to 25 years of age.

There were already a couple of pitchers of soda and glasses waiting for them along with some chips and a few other munchies. In the middle of it all was a bottle of Tabasco sauce.

Alex looked amused as he picked up the bottle. “And who was it that put this here?” Though Kyle and Liz seemed to be gravitating toward the sweet and spicy tastes of their favorite hybrids, Alex and Maria were still quite normal in their taste buds.

“Oh, is there a problem? Todd said that…well it was his idea. I’m sorry if…” Laurie’s smile faded as concern crossed her features. She didn’t want to insult her new friends.

Isabel chuckled as she picked the bottle from Alex’s hand. “Don’t worry. It’s perfect. Todd was right. Alex…he just doesn’t care for some of our tastes.”

“Oh, ok.” Laurie looked at them a little uncertain that things were alright. “Well, go dance and enjoy yourselves. I’ll check back in later.”

“Thanks Laurie.” Liz offered her a comforting smile. She hoped that Alex’s little attempt at a joke didn’t run her off. She liked Laurie and got good vibes from her.

Laurie gave a little wave as she turned and went off into the mass of people that were in the club.

“Play nice Alex. We don’t want to run her off.” Liz gave her friend a little punch in the shoulder.

“Sorry. I guess I’m just a little nervous.” He glanced at Isabel knowing that those strange feelings were back again. He knew she felt them too. “You know how I get.”

“It’s all good.” Maria said giving Alex a quick hug. “Now, let’s get out there and boogie the night away.” She laughed as she took hold of his hand and practically dragged him out onto the dance floor. Liz, Tess, and Isabel were right behind her.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 29

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 29

“Maxwell!” Michael called down the stairs of the UFO Center.

“Just a minute.” Max calls back as the lights begin shutting down. Soon he comes walking up the stairs and meets up with Michael who decided to stay at the entrance. No matter how many times Michael comes here, it still gives him a little bit of the creeps.

“Wanna walk?” Michael asked as Max locked up. “The club is just down the street.”

Max agreed and they start walking.

“So, how’s it going with your two ladies? We’ve all been so busy, I haven’t even had time to talk with you.”

Michael sighed but Max saw slight grin on his lips. “They are high maintenance. Always needing attention.”

“But you love it.” Max laughed knowing that growing up Michael had little attention except from himself and Isabel.

“Yeah…I do.” Michael answered begrudgingly soft. He easily led the way through the waiting line, both he and Max ignoring the grumbling protests around them.

“Hey!” Rob, who was now near the entrance, shouted drawing more attention to Max and Michael. “What’s up with them?

Kyle stepped near Rob and took a wide stance, his arms crossed over his chest. Rob was a teammate but they were never really friends. Kyle thought him to be too full of himself, even to pre-alien Kyle.

“They happen to be special guests this evening. And if you keep harassing and insulting my friends and the other patrons, I will be forced to turn you away like a street rat Stevens.”

Rob raised his head in arrogance. “You can’t do that.”

Kyle raised a brow in challenge. “No? Did you not read the sign?” Kyle jerked his head to the wall by the door. It read, “We have the right to refuse service to any consumer”. Written underneath the large lettering was the state statute number. “And see this?” Kyle pointed to the word security on his shirt. “It’s all I need to enforce it.”

Rob eyed Kyle with anger. Rarely did anyone disagree with him, especially in front of his band of followers. Kyle has always been one of the few. Since Junior High, Kyle Valenti had been a thorn in his side, his only competitor.

“Who needs this place anyway?” He took hold of Pam’s hand and started walking away.

“Rob,” she whined.

He looked back at his little band of followers. They were looking around and several were looking toward the club’s entrance.

“Well? You gonna stay here and let these losers tell you what to do or you gonna go with me and we’ll make our own action.”

Reluctance in the group was evident but they slowly followed him. Pam could be heard all the way back down the street whining to Rob.

“And good riddance to you.” Kyle mumbled turning back to Max and Michael.

“Damn Valenti. All that testosterone even turned me on.” Michael joked as he patted Kyle’s shoulder.

Kyle laughed. “Scowling brut is not my type. However…you’ve got two gorgeous girls in there that I’m sure are getting plenty of attention from other guys who would gladly take your place.”

Michael’s face lost its laughter and he quickly entered the club, scowl in place.

“You really shouldn’t have done that.” Max laughed. It was driving him crazy that he couldn’t touch Kyle.

Kyle shrugged. “It allowed me to tell you this.” Kyle leaned in and started whispering what he wanted to do to Max later that evening.

Max’s cheeks heated as images bombarded his mind. Everything Kyle said was being projected into his head. Max felt his groin begin to twitch and threatened to harden. It was only with great control could he keep his cock from standing at attention.

“You really are evil.” Max hissed.

Kyle smirked. “Oh, and wait till you see what our innocent little Parker is wearing. You will be blushing for a different reason.”

“What? What’s she wearing?” Max asked but Kyle was merely pushing him toward the door. He wanted to see Max’s face when he saw Liz but he had a job to do. Kyle had learned to open his connection by now and waited anxiously for his lover’s reaction to Liz’s attire.

The flashing lights and loud music bombarded Max’s senses when he first entered. It took him a moment to get his bearings. He saw Michael standing on the edge of the dance floor not too far from the entrance. His scowl had been replaced by a small smirk and dusted with lust. Since he wasn’t bashing any heads, Max assumed Tess and Maria were behaving. Max made his way over to Michael, his eyes still searching out Liz.
“Hey, have you seen Liz?” Max asked, his eyes roaming the crowded room.

“Oh, yeah.” Michael grinned but didn’t take his eyes from the dance floor.

“And?” Max was getting annoyed with Michael.

Michael lifted his hand and pointed to the middle of the dance floor. Max followed his friend’s gaze and felt his mouth drop open in disbelief. In the middle of the floor he found his lover, only she was sandwiched between Maria and Tess, their bodies sliding provocatively together keeping pace with the beat of the music. And Liz…she was wearing a skimpy tank top and a leather mini skirt that left little to the imagination. The small group had caught the attention of most of the male patrons who were hooting and hollering, encouraging them on.

“What the hell?” Max managed to find his voice.

“Damn Maxwell. Your lovers are doing a job on me tonight.” Michael chuckled and looked at his shocked friend.

Max glanced down at Michael’s crotch and saw that it was standing at attention. “This time, it’s more of your girls doing that to you. Who, might I add, are a bad influence on Liz.”

Michael laughed. “I don’t think bad is the right word.”

Max punched Michael on the arm and started making his way through the crowded floor. Lust jumped through his veins as Liz’s rhythm called to him. Her firm stomach peeked through further from her shirt when she raised her arms enticing him. Possessive need ripped through Max as he neared her, seeing all the eyes on her. He wanted to lash out at every male in the club, barking out that she was his.

Max reached Liz and grabbed her arm before pulling her from the two girls’ bodies. She gave no resistance or showed surprise from his appearance. He didn’t notice that Michael, the one who detested dancing, had slipped between his lovers taking Liz’s place. This was one opportunity that he wouldn’t lose.

Max passed Todd, giving him a glare like it was his fault. Todd met his stare with one of indifference as he watched the boy king drag his queen off down a small darkened hall. Max opened a door and pushed Liz inside. He melted the lock and knob once it was closed behind him. He turned, not to find a shocked, argumentive Liz, but one that held a mischievous smirk and hands on her hips.

“What the hell were you thinking wearing that?” Max demanded. He was desperately trying to control the anger and desire roaring through his body. To think that all those guys out there were ogling her, thinking impure thoughts of the things they’d like to do with what was his.

“That I look good.” Liz challenged him. She knew exactly how Max would react to her clothing and he was doing just as she wanted him to.

“They could practically see…everything.” Max’s eyes grazed hungrily over her slim form.

“Not everything.” Liz purred. Her fingers grabbed the hem of her shirt and she slowly lifted it above her head.

Max growled, unable to form words as his desire exploded. He pushed Liz against the door; one hand holding her hands and shirt above her head while the other began fondling a breast. His lips lowered to hers, the kiss harsh and demanding. His hips pinned her to the door and he felt his hardness pressing against her stomach.

“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” Max asked breathlessly when he finally pulled away for air.

“You don’t like how I spiced things up?” Liz raised a brow.

“Putting on Tabasco sauce is adding spice. This…this is cruel teasing.” He said nipping at her neck.

Liz laid her head back and sighed. “It’s not teasing if you get the prize.”

Max grunted his response as he slid both hands down her sides, his powers keeping her arms high above her head. His mouth lowered until he reached an erect nipple, begging for his attention. She gasped, all teasing gone, when he sucked it between his lips letting his tongue swirl circles around the sensitive nub. His hands slid lower until they pushed at her barely there skirt.

It was his turn to gasp when he found her wearing no panties. He raised his head and met her eyes. “You are a really bad girl.” He hid his smile as he swept swiftly down on her other breast making her response a moan of longing. While his mouth tortured her nipple Max slid two fingers into her slippery passage.

“Max!” Liz hissed as her core tightened around his fingers.

Max lifted his head and looked at her with a serious expression but his eyes were dark with his desire. He barely controlled his body from trembling with need while suppressing the urge to take her right then.

“Don’t you think some punishment is in line for wearing clothing like that out in public and driving me and everyone else wild with want?”

Liz was panting. Her body was hot and filled with a primal need, one that only Max could sooth. She’d lost interest in games the minute he started sucking on her nipples. She threw her head back against the door while thrusting her hips forward toward Max burying his fingers deeper. Her words of pleading came out only as grunts and whimpers as he moved his fingers.

“It’s a shame Kyle’s not here to help me with your punishment.” Max murmured against her neck.

The tremble of his voice on her skin sent a whole new sensation rushing her body making the hair on her neck stand and a shiver run down her spine. Her mind was suddenly filled with images of Max and Kyle touching and caressing her body. Driving her toward orgasm over and over but never allowing her the pleasure of release.

Max watched satisfied at her pleasure tortured expression but he could no longer hold back, he had to have her, the time for games were over. He reached down and managed to undo his pants with trembling fingers. He silently sighed in relief as the pressure was taken from his cock.

Using both hands, Max slid them over her waist until they were at her thighs. He lifted them and she automatically wrapped them around his waist. With one smooth thrust he slipped deep in her body. He groaned and pressed his body closer to her. He held his position for several moments to calm his body’s excitement.

He opened his eyes. He hadn’t even realized they’d closed in delight. He swept away sweat dampened hair from her brow and gazed into her beautiful eyes. They were so captivating and full of love…for him. Max Evans, and alien hybrid, a supposed King who only wanted a normal life. Instead he got two soul mates and more love than anyone could comprehend.

Letting his body take over, Max started stroking in and out of her body. He lowered his head and took hold of her lips. Their tongues matched the rhythm of their hips and soon they were climaxing together, their bodies shuddering with great relief.

“Never…ever…dress like that again.” Max said breathless.

Liz nodded then groaned at the loss of him as he slid from her body. He stood there a moment and gazed at her body; her breasts bared and lifted by the position of her arms, and her skirt pushed to her waist, exposing her luscious folds, along with the calf high boots that matched the bunched skirt.

“I like you like this.” Max grinned, his eyes heating again.

“Max.” Liz whined pulling on her arms. She liked how hungrily he looked her over but her arms were getting sore and she had juices sliding down her legs.

Max sighed. “Fine but you really must allow Kyle to see you in such a state.” He waved a hand and his hold on her was gone.

“Who says he hasn’t before?” Liz smiled before turning her attention to righting her clothing.

Max shook his head but smiled. It appears that Liz has found amusement in surprising him and keeping him on his toes. He did his alien mojo on both of them, cleaning their bodies and making their appearance tidy. In the process of fixing Liz’s clothing he lengthened the skirt a little along with the shirt. Feeling a little better about her appearance, he fixed the lock and doorknob and they left the small closet.

Liz led Max to the VIP section where there others were waiting for them, including Kyle who looked none too happy. He wrapped his arm around Liz’s shoulder but leaned over to Max.

“Don’t you EVER do that to me again while I’m working.” He growled. “I don’t appreciate having to take care of myself in the employee bathroom.”

Max shrugged his shoulders. He was unfazed by Kyle’s threat since he and Liz did it to him while he was working. “Blame it on her. She’s the one who dressed so…provocative.”

Kyle sighed then an idea came to life. “I think I have a way we can pay her back.” He whispered to Max with a twinkle in his eye. “We just have to wait until she works.”

Max got the jest of his idea and laughed agreeing with his other lover.

“What are you two conspiring about?” Liz asked knowing those looks. When they said nothing she knew she was in trouble.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 30

Post by magikhands »

This is short, I know...and leaving it that way I am...I'm just a little evil :P Sorry about that :wink:

Chapter 30

The group was having a good time as the music vibrated around them. Kyle was still on break while Todd managed to make his way over from the bar to bring them more sodas. They sat looking out over the dance floor at all those who had come to the opening. It was a definite success for their new friend.

Laurie, seeing that Todd and Kyle were with their friends, made her way across the room to say hi. She had hoped that Max and the last friend had made it. What she wasn’t admitting to herself was that she wanted to see Isabel and Alex. It was a strange feeling that she’d pondered most of the night before. Then every time she thought of seeing them again today, her stomach would tighten in anticipation. Laurie told herself it was just her nerves with the opening and all…but since Isabel and Alex made their appearance tonight, she wasn’t so sure. She found her eyes seeking them out, seeing where they were, what they were doing.

Laurie smiled as she stepped into the VIP section. Her guests seem to be having a good time. They were laughing and talking…normal teenage activities. Maria, the blonde she’d met earlier was sitting on someone’s lap and in full make out mode. Laurie tried to ignore them and turned to Max.

“Glad you made it.” She said.

“I wouldn’t have missed it.” Max smiled at her. “Thanks for inviting us.”

“It’s my pleasure. I also want to thank Todd and Kyle for all the help. I would have really been short handed tonight if not for them.”

“It’s our pleasure.” Todd said smiling at Laurie. He liked her. He could sense a variety of vibes from her. She was hiding something but he could tell that she was a caring sort of person. But then again…who doesn’t have at least one secret in their past?

“Michael. Maria.” Tess snapped. “Quit being rude to our host,” she chided her lovers.

The couple broke apart and Maria had the decency to blush. “Oh, sorry about that.”

“It’s ok.” Laurie started but her words fell silent as she got her first look at Maria’s boyfriend. Her mouth hung open and her face turned pale.

“Laurie?” Max asked seeing the sudden change.

Laurie shook her head. “No…it’s not possible. You’re…no, you’re dead.” Her voice hitched in a sob.

Michael looked around confused. Did he miss something?

Laurie turned and rushed away.

“Uh, what just happened?” Maria asked just as confused as the others. She hoped she hadn’t done anything wrong. She looked around the club and found many other couples doing exactly as she was.

“I don’t know.” Liz said. “Maybe we should go and find out.”

“I will do it.” Todd volunteered. “Kyle, you go back to the door. You guys stay here.” He looked to Michael and narrowed his eyes. “She was fine until she saw your mug.”

“Yeah, well that’s not the first time someone ran when they saw him.” Alex tried to lighten the mood with a joke but it failed miserably. “Sorry.” He muttered. Isabel reached out and rubbed his neck letting him know it was ok, but her eyes were staring in the direction Laurie had gone.

Michael’s eyes widened. “What did I do?”

“I don’t know but I’m going to find out.” Todd turned and followed Laurie. He found her in her office. The door was locked but that was no problem with his powers. He knocked before turning the knob. “Laurie?”

He eased his way in and closed the door behind him. “Laurie…” He found her sitting on the couch, her legs drawn up to her chest while her head rested on her knees. He sat next to her unsure of what to really do. Though he’d been on Earth for several years, he still had trouble dealing with the emotional outbursts of humans. Solarians handled emotions differently, often seen as a weakness. But being around Maria has taught him to be patient.

“What is the matter? What happened?” He asked concerned for his new friend.

Laurie raised her head. Her eyes were red and tears fell from them. “I must be going crazy. Surely what they say is now true.”

“I don’t understand. Who says you’re crazy.”

Laurie shook her head. “I’m not crazy. I saw him.” She looked up at Todd. “I really saw him.”

“Laurie, please. Tell me what is going on.”

She let out a breath. “The guy…the one with Maria. Who is he?”

Todd looked at his friend with concern. “Her boyfriend Michael. We told you about him. Do you know him?”

Laurie got up, wrapping her arms around herself, and paced the small office. “My parents died when I was very young. I don’t really remember much about them. But my grandfather…he raised me. He made his home mine. Gave me everything I needed. Told me bedtime stories.” She stopped her pacing and looked at Todd.

“Do you know what those stories were about?” She asked.

Todd shook his head, completely baffled by the woman.

“Aliens.” She looked Todd in the eye. “He told me stories of how aliens came to Earth searching for new beings. Much like we’ve done. But as I grew older, the tales got scarier. He told of how they came and took people. How they experimented on people.”

“That doesn’t sound like very good bedtime stories for a young girl.”

Laurie started her pacing. “No, they weren’t now that I look back. But I loved hearing my grandfather talk. His voice, scratchy and hoarse most of the time. I could listen to him speak for hours. I loved the stories he made up. Or at least that’s what I thought they were.

“Our summers were spent traveling around the world to different places. I learned all about the stars and space from him. As I got a little older, he took trips without me more and more often. When he was home he’d spend a lot time down in the bunker that he’d had built. He’d lock himself away for hours at a time. I didn’t know what he was doing but one day when I was about twelve, my aunt and uncle came. They brought a doctor who took my grandfather away. Later that night, I heard them talking. They said that my grandfather was crazy. I found out later that he claimed to have been abducted years ago by aliens.”

Laurie looked at Todd. She couldn’t believe that she was telling a near stranger her life story. But once she had started she found that she couldn’t stop. She found herself trusting in Todd.

“When I was sixteen I found his journals. That was what he was doing in the bunker. He was writing. There were a dozen of them, filled with pictures and entries. As I read through it, everything kept going back to Roswell and the crash of ’47. At first I found that his ramblings were crazy and erratic. But the more I read, the more something hit home deep in me.”

She took a deep breath then sat back down on the couch. “My aunt and uncle…they tried to have me committed when I was 18. They tired to say I was crazy, that it ran in our blood. But luckily, a friend of my parents found out before it was too late and pulled some strings. He also found out that my ‘loving attentive relatives’ were stealing from my inheritance.

“With a good lawyer, I made them a deal. I gave them the house in Arizona along with a little chuck of money if they would leave me be. Never to contact me again. They agreed instead of taking the jail time. That’s how I ended up here.”

Todd shook his head. He still didn’t know what this had to do with Michael. Why she freaked when she saw him. It was known, though never admitted, that species often abducted other species to study them. The hybrids were living proof of some of those experiments. That’s when it knocked him on the head. All the pieces fell together. But he had to be sure.

“And Michael..?”

Laurie went to her desk and picked up a picture from it. He took it from her hand and saw the black and white photograph. The man in it was the spitting image of Michael.

“That is…was… my grandfather. Charles Dupree.”

Todd handed the picture back to Laurie. “Do you trust me?”

Laurie looked up at him, into his deep green eyes. She barely new the man but something inside told her she could…with her life. She’d learned long ago to trust in her instincts. It was those instincts that brought her to Roswell.

“Will you explain how this can be happening?” She asked before answering his question.

Todd nodded. “I will but first this is something I must share with the others.”

“The others?”

“Max, Liz…the group.” He answered matter of factly. He couldn’t tell her yet that Max and Liz were a King and Queen. That he must report back to them before taking action. Though he was a Solarian, he was under Antarian’s rule, his assignment to protect the Royals.

“But why would they need…”

“You’ll understand when we explain. But first I must take care of them”

Laurie nodded though she was still confused by it all. She looked at her watch; it was late but still hours before her two o’clock closing. But at least most of the reporters had left.

“I’m going to stay in here for a bit. Get freshened up before heading back out.” Todd stood. “Tell Glen to cover for you as long as needed. Tell him you’re doing something for me.”

“All right.” Todd started for the door. He stopped and turned to her. She had her head in her hands. “By the end of the night, I promise that you’ll know the truth.”

Laurie looked up at him and believed his words. She watched him leave then turned and stared at the picture of her grandfather.

“Is this what you’ve been searching for? Have I found it?” She reached out and ran her finger over the picture.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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