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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:35 pm
by Beautiful86
I just think that the writers really didn't want a job anymore. :D Seriously though. I mean, think about the third season story lines. Khivar comes to the planet, but for two episodes and then disappears. I think Rath and Lonnie dropped off the face of the planet while Nicholas decided he wanted to be the poser child for Nike. I mean, all of their loose ends were left loose.

All of the destiny stuff was for nothing. Because, in the end, they just run away and live their lives like that anyway. Liz became a jellyfish, Maria turned into a child, and Max looked into a mirror and said, hey! I look good. :oops:

If you seriously watch season one and then watch season three, they were BEGGING for the show to be cancelled. Seriously.

Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 7:06 pm
by trulov
Beautiful 86

SOOO agree with you about the what Max said to Liz in Busted about not having any way home now. He should have been begging her forgiveness!!

Also, some people aren't going to like this, but I wasn't crazy about Max line in the proposal in Graduation when he said "You're pure and true and that seems like the most important things right now" or something to that effect. Something about it just rubbed me the wrong way. that and the fact that he didn't say "I love you"

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:46 pm
by RoswellScripter
Smac wrote:Another one from Season 2.
When Max and Michael were discussing Max having sex with Tess.
Michaeld said 'So you had'
And Max said "
Hot alien sex"
yea i swear max was mindwarped..
along with the "not like i love you" and uggh just all of s.3

Kyle really was the golden boy. i wanted liz to fall in love w/ him haha..yea i didn't end up being that kind of shipper but uggh...s3 enfuriated me

and yea "Max: It's not that simple. Liz, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Isabel, michael, and I, we've lost our only way home. There's no way back. You're the only -- you're my only reason. I want to be with you. " that line sucked ass too because it did seem like he was settling..

the only good thing about max's proposal was "we'll take those 12 days and live 12 lifetimes" other than that i wud have dumped his ass..

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:34 pm
by Beautiful86
LMAO RoswellScripter!! :D

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:40 pm
by RoswellFan1947
I don't know why but I don't like when Maria says to Liz " True love awaits" in Blind Date. It's probably because Max is her true love but I dunno. I also hate when max says " hot alien sex" in the second just bothers me but I don't know why.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:38 pm
by fetch
Smac wrote:I turned the channel on the spot. If I had watched anymore right then I think I would have jumped through the T.V. and choked him. I did want to choke J/K or whomever was responsible for that line. I thought certainly he didn't think anyone would want to hear that. Also when Max said the 'after effects' lasted about an hour. I thought he was mind warped for sure then.Stuff almost made me stop watching the show for good after that. I mean if Liz heard about that would she always be afraid she couldn't measure up? And I never heard Michael and Maria talking about the hour long O. So was it just a Max and Tess thing or what? Wouldn't Maria have discussed her sex with Michael with Liz and told her about the hour long O if it was true? Geez! :roll:

Probably because Tess and Max were both aliens, while Maria was human....
Liz wasn't there. Michael asked, Max told.

ISABEL: What are they doing to him? What if he’s already dead?
LIZ: No, no, Isabel you can’t even talk like that because, you know, Max is too smart to let something like that happen.

Right, Max is smarter than the FBI :roll:

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:06 pm
by RoswellFan1947
I was watching my dvd's last night and I came along to another line that bothered me.

When Maria says " God, it's just so Roswellian" In the Morning After

Alex: "I like the way you look in red."
Isabel: "I know." In Heatwave

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:34 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
Probably because Tess and Max were both aliens, while Maria was human....
Liz wasn't there. Michael asked, Max told.
I think people don't like it cause they didn't want them having 'hot alien sex' anyways, and I think that if there's at least one alien there it constitutes as that (for M&M). And is sounded like he was bragging, which I hated.
Right, Max is smarter than the FBI
Well, they had avoided them for 10-11 years already hadn't they?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:16 am
by girl afraid
I hated the 'hot alien sex' line too, it seems unlike Max to phrase it in such a way.

As for M & M, Maria didn't say much about it but Michael did say in Control - "Well, knowing what I know about alien sex, he's gonna have major questions after the honeymoon." And Jesse commented on it being different as well.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:50 am
by fetch
maxandliz4ever1357 wrote: Well, they had avoided them for 10-11 years already hadn't they?
Not really, the problem only began when Max healed Liz.