Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by OrangeSky »

killjoy wrote:137#AU No aliens

M/L,A/I,M/M and K/T

Any rating but as they say naughty is better.

Burrow,Alaska.A small speck town just shy of the Artic circle.Hardly big enough to earn a dot on a map Burrow was first founded back in the Alaskan Gold Rush Days,Sadly the town is not known as a major spot of interest,even in Alaska!And that's how many of the residents there like it.

Max Evans-Was once a promising up and coming doctor practicing in New York City.But a personal tragedy (I'll let you decided what that tragedy was)...made Max rethink his life.So much to his sister and parents dismay Max moved to Burrow to become it's only town doctor.Max loves the small town feeling he gets working in Burrow.Knows every patient by name and even makes house calls

Michael Gurien-The towns mechanic and all around fix it guy.When it comes to machinery if it can break Michael can fix it.Owns and runs the only garage/gas station in town.Michael is a loner and not to mention an ex-con (maybe it was something dumb he did in his youth or maybe he took the rap for someone's up to you) So Michael likes the peaceful tone of Burrow where he knows everyone and people mind their own damn business.

Alex Whitman-Was once a pilot in the US Airforce.But was medically discharged after a bad plane crash.Alex is the town's only pilot.It's his job to fly people and supplies into and out of town seeing how Burrow is to remote for most long distance car travel.Alex is haunted by his Airforce crash seeing how it killed some of his crew and left him scarred physically and mentally.(Where those scars are on his body is up too you also.)

Kyle Valenti-Is the law in Burrow.Took over as chief of police upon his dad's retirement.He loves his small home town and proud of his families heritage as law enforcement officers.Kyle's mom grew to hate the isolation of the town and so soon divorced her husband.She begged her than ten year old son to leave with her.But Kyle idolized his dad and so refused.All the years later Kyle's mother sent him letters,Christmas and birthday cards to him but Kyle refused to read or even open any of them.So soon they stopped and Kyle lost all contact with his mother.

There you go.That's all you get....except for the fact that all four guys are great friends.So what happens next? How and why do the ladies come to Burrow? It's all up to you!
Hey KJ...can I take this even if I'm not planning on starting it until sometime in the future? And by future I mean distant future. :lol: Still...I like this premise. I think I may be able to do something with it.
Dean: Damn cops.
Sam: They were just doing their job.
Dean: No, they were doing our job, only they don't know it so they suck at it.
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Post by killjoy »

Taken by Fehrbaby

163 We're Family Challenge

All human

Any rating is fine

This is a K/T story but A/I,M/M and M/L can be and should be in it.

Tess Harding

When she agreed to be a surrogate mother for her twin sister the last thing Tess had excepted was for Ava and her husband to get killed in a car wreck.

The grieving was bad enough but add in being eight months pregnant well it's not pretty.

But hope comes to Tess in the form of her Knight In Shining Armor,Kyle Valenti

Showing up when ever she need him.Rubbing her aching feet and back.Making sure she eats properly.And just being there for her when she misses her sister.

Soon Tess starts to look forward to Kyle's visits

Kyle Valenti

Kyle still can't believe his best friend is dead.He and Zan went back years and had been best friends since almost birth.When he got word of the wreck that took his friend and his friends wife,Kyle took it upon himself to make sure his friend's child would be ok.

But the shock came when after more time he spent with the child's birth mother Kyle soon found it wasn't just the baby he was starting to look after and care about.


Isabel throws a baby shower,in her typical Christmas Nazi way.She makes it coed much to Michael's disgust.And of course Maria MAKES him go.

This line is used to Kyle when it's noticed how well he's taking care of Tess.Anyone can say it

" know most men run from commitment but not you.No,you've embraced one that's not even yours."

In her last month Tess getting emotional and upset about her size.And of course poor Kyle doesn't know what to do or say.
Last edited by killjoy on Thu Jul 19, 2007 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by killjoy »


AU with aliens

Any Rating is fine but naughty is better.

K/T,A/I,M/M and M/L.

This one is simple and easy.Just change around one character that was in an ep with a certain short blonde alien one. :D

How about instead of Kyle and Alex that got trapped in the cave it was Kyle and Tess that was stuck there?

What would happen if they really thought they were about to die there?

What truths and unspoken things would come out?

Would she really be like a sister to Kyle? Would all she really want is destiny? I don't think so!
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Post by nibbles2 »


Challenge sort of based on the life of Princes William and Harry.

Max is first in line for the throne, his brother Michael is second. (It can be of England, Imaginaryland or Antar.) They are the most eligible bachelors on the planet. Not only are they princes but they are rich and handsome.

Max is shy and quiet and hates all the attention he gets. He craves anonymity and normality but knows that he’ll never get them. He does his best to stay out of the limelight. He doesn’t attend parties or go out with friends because it attracts too much attention. He barely even talks to girls anymore because if he so much as says hello to a girl, her face is in every newspaper and everybody wonders if she’ll be his queen. As the oldest he will one day be king and although he accepts his destiny and his duty he wishes to live his own life until then. He is supposed to study law, political science, international relations and history. However instead of attending a college close to the palace where all the heirs have traditionally attended he has instead chosen to attend a small but prestigious college in a distant corner of his kingdom. There he meets Liz Parker, a local girl who attends the college. She’s from a decent hard working, middle class family. She’s not rich, she’s not poor. Max falls for her at once but is afraid that if he approaches her she’ll be hounded by the press and shunned by his family because she’s not from the right ‘stock’. Although they are not going to arrange a marriage for Max, his family to have a say in who he marries and want her to come from an aristocratic background.

Liz too is shy and hates attention. She knows from reading the papers and watching TV the intense scrutiny that the royal family and potential friends come under and that’s the last thing she wants. She’s also very conscious that she’s not ‘suitable’ marriage material. She tries her hardest not to fall for Max but just can’t help herself.

Michael on the other hand loves being a prince. He’s a party hard playboy who takes full advantage of his position and reputation. The papers are full of kiss and tell stories of his exploits. As the second son his duty is to join the army and to one day take command of the forces. Despite his natural skill at it, he doesn’t take the army seriously and has only joined it so that his father won’t cut his allowance. To try and teach him a lesson his father has Michael stationed in a small worn torn country where their troops are on a peace keeping and humanitarian mission. There he meets Maria, the daughter of a wealthy philanthropist. She is there as a volunteer aid worker. She’s very anti-monarchy and Michael stands for every reason why she thinks monarchy should be done away with.

Isabel is the princes cousin. They’re very close and they often go to her for advice. She went to school with Maria and they are good friends. They both have similar interest in charity work. Isabel thinks that both Liz and Maria are perfect for her cousins and is determined to help them land the girls.

Must end CC.
Last edited by nibbles2 on Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by killjoy »



In this story there are a few things different.

Michael Parker is the oldest child to Jeff and Nancy Parker and big brother to Liz.

Michael,Max,Kyle and Tess are five years older than the rest of the bunch (Liz,Maria,Alex and Isabel)

Michael,Max and Kyle have been best friends since just about kindergarten.

Ok here goes......Jim and Amy are getting married.The invitations have went out and now it's time for the big event.People and couples who haven't seen each other in years run into each other during the time before,during and after the wedding.This leads to feelings being discovered,falling into lust,dealing with this and it's consequences and later falling into love

MAX EVANS(24 years old) AND LIZ PARKER(19 years old)

Max Evans is in trouble.He showed up for the wedding of the guy who's like a second father to him.But he has also found out that he has the hots for his best friends kid sister.This has to be a violation of the best friend code at his highest.But god help him when he left five years ago 'Little Liz Parker' didn't look like the gorgeous bombshell she is now.Max want's to ask Liz out...wants to see where a relationship might go...wants to...hell Max just wants her period! But what will Michael think about this.Will it ruin their friendship or will Michael just kill him.

Liz has had the biggest crush on her brother's best friend as far back as she can remember.But sadly Max has only ever saw her as Michael's kid sis.But now at nineteen Liz is no longer the little science nerd with glass that she once was.Now she's a full grown woman and she's going to do her best to make Max realize that.

MICHAEL PARKER(24 years old) AND MARIA DELUCIA(19 years old)
Michael is in a little bit of shock.It's been sometime since he last saw his little sis best friend..a very long time.And back than Maria was nothing more than a skinny flat chested kid with a big mouth who always seemed to irritate the hell out of him.Along with Liz,she would follow him and his friends around bugging the crap out of them.But boy how time changes things.As far as Michael is concerned Maria has grown up and out very nicely.But there is no way he can make a move on his little sis best friend is there? I mean even if she is legal there's got to be something wrong with this.

Maria can't help it.There has always been something about Michael Parker,her best friends older brother,that gets her hot and bothered.But poor Maria doesn't know if the getting hot is because she's mad or for other reasons.Years ago she and Michael never saw eye to eye,never liked each other and used to argue all the time.But now for Maria the arguing is bringing on all kinds of new feelings that she's wanting to explore.

KYLE VALENTI(24 years old) AND TESS HARDING(24 years old)

How in the hell is Kyle going to explain this to Max? I mean yeah he(Max) and Tess have been over for a few years but still she used to be the girlfriend of one of his best friends.And 'thou shall not date your best friend's ex' is one of the highest guy rules there is.But sadly Kyle couldn't help it.When he and Tess ran into each other while at college they had started dating.One thing lead to another and now they're a couple,a secret couple though.They're going to have to keep things a secret while back home for the wedding.Just as long as Kyle can find a way to tell Max about him and Tess.

Tess is going to scream! For god sakes she and Max haven't dated in years.Not only that but they broke up on good terms and are still good friends.Tess wants to tell everyone that she and Kyle love each other but her stupid lamptrimming boyfriend won't let her because of some stupid guy rules.Well she'll just have to make Kyle see that in the end she's right,he's wrong and before the wedding is done everyone will know about them.

ALEX WHITMAN(19 years old) AND ISABEL EVANS(19 years old)

Alex can't figure out what in the hell is up with his best friend.Isabel has been aloof from him ever since they got the invites to Jim and Amy's wedding.She asked him were they going to do their normal 'best friend' date.But when Alex told Isabel no thanks he already had a date,a girl he met at his new job, Isabel suddenly got very cold around him.What the hell is up with her?

Isabel is furious who the hell is this new girl in her best friend's life.Alex is her best friend since birth,her rock to lean on....her,well her everything.Isabel has always been very territorial when it came to her best friend one Alex Whitman.But what Isabel didn't know was that those extra hardened territorial feelings she's been having of late is actually jealousy seeing how she's fallen in love with her best friend.Now she's just got to make Alex see it and also see that she's better for him then some tramp he met at work.

So now can all these couples get everything straightened out and end up happily ever after?
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Post by Alien_Friend »


AU- with aliens

I’ve been watching a lot of season 3 lately and this idea came to me:

• Basic premise is that Max was raised by Kal Langley and Tess was raised by Nasedo and they both never grew up in Roswell.
• It was Michael and Isabel that the Evans found on the desert that night and raised as their own.
• Basically were looking at more emotionally stable Michael but he’s still Michael.
• Isabel and Michael blended in and kept their secrete between the two of them until they started having relationships and unexplained events began to happen.

If you remember the season 3 episode 5 “Control” when Kal told Max after he forced him to shape shift something he hadn’t done in years, he told him that he never changed and he’s just as selfish as he was before as Zan. Basically painting him out to this really mean guy when he was Zan back on Antar and his only advice to Max was to embrace his human side and just be with his family and friends. So I was thinking Kal takes Max to raise him to make sure he doesn’t turn into this Zan that he was back on Antar and instead into this really kind caring individual that embraces his human side.

Kal does educate him though on alien heritage and also trains him and prepares him to deal with skins and all their other enemies. He sends him to school makes him have this really extravagant rich kid kind of life because he’s still big Hollywood director and has all the money and things. But Max being Max as it is Max’s nature (I think at least) he still doesn’t feel complete and wants more. Wants to meet his family. Even though he surrounded by people and things he still feels lonely and likes his quiet times. He knows of Michael and Isabel and knows about the Evans and how they took them in. Kal doesn’t hide that he knows where they are and knows how they are doing.

On Max’s 16th birthday Kal tells him ok sure we can go to Roswell and meet your family. At that time Michael and Isabel are trying to figure out who they and might be getting into a little trouble and Kal wants to put a stop to that. I’m thinking Michael and Liz start to get close and Liz begins to have flashes that lead them into finding out about River Dog or some variation of the 285 South quest.

Tess and Nasedo side of things, you decide if they have the same kind of relationship as they did on the show and whether or not she’s evil or not. But Kal should know they are out there maybe tells Max and maybe this destiny thing is not what was on the show but different you come up with it.

Maybe if Tess comes to Roswell talking about the whole destiny thing Max would know the real story and see right through her.

• Start out UC in the beginning but end CC
• the couples will go like this at first:

- Michael/Liz
- Maria /Kyle
- before it switches to CC dabble with Max/Maria a bit

• Alex and Isabel would be like the constant couple through out

• It will end with:

- Maria/Michael
- Max/Liz
- Alex/Isabel
- Kyle / ... (your choice)
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Post by killjoy »


COUPLES-K/T,If you want the others in there than go for it.
AU ALL HUMAN OR AU WITH ALIENS (I'll let you make the call)

Kyle Valenti has no problem getting a problem with that what so ever.But sadly what his problem is is that only a few months after getting one they ALL break up with him!Why? Well they all seem to say the samething.That he's not sensitive enough,not romantic enough.Well Kyle is sick of it!

He's going to get his best friend Tess to help him out.Tess is a girl and so there for Kyle is going to get her to teach him what all women want in a man.Of course over time Kyle starts to think instead of going out to find another woman he might like to use what Tess is teaching him on her.

Tess Harding is dumbstruck.Her best friend has actually came to her and ask her to teach him to be romantic.Tess knows this is a big task for when it comes to romance Kyle is as thick as a concrete wall.But over time Tess slowly teaches Kyle how to woo and romance a girl.And over that time when Tess starts to think of Kyle using what she's taught him on some other woman....well she starts to get really jealous!

Must haves

Kyle either getting slapped or a drink poured on his head for something insensitive he said to a woman.

When Kyle goes out on his first date as a 'new' guy Tess is jealous.

An uncomfortable scene where Tess teaches Kyle romantic ball room dancing.Uncomfortable because the two of them are touching and pressed against one another :wink:
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Post by FrenchDreamer »


I hope no one already ask for something like this, if yes, i apologies in advance.
M/L AU- Without Aliens Rating: Adult (for violence, talks and sexual content) Dark and Angst ( but not too much :lol:)
Happy end assurance.
I made a Banner for it, if it inspires someone...
The tittle can be change :)
Sets in a big city

A little boy who is autistic was found by the police all alone in street. After making some DNA test, they discover that the kid belongs to Ana Evans (you can choose another name) . But when they arrived at the little boy's apartment, all they found is Ana's body, lying in her blood murdered wildly by someone. The next day, Max received a call from the police telling him that his sister was killed and that he's the only family left for the little kid.
_ Max is really upset about the news
_The police doesn't put a lot of effort in searching evidence.
_ Frustrated, Max decides to break in the police station one night but Liz, who was working, finds him.
_ When she realizes her partners are not searching on purpose, she starts looking in Ana's files.
_ She decides to call Max and together, even if they don't seems to like it, they begin looking for evidence.
In the meantime, they develop feelings toward each other and their argument become more...passionate.
Little do they know, that Tom is next on the list...

Max and Liz must know each other from High School and act like cats and dogs, the never date in the past but that doesn't mean they never thought of it. They must be in their mid-twenties.
Liz is in the police and keep her focus on her job and nothing else.
Max is the cool guy (a bit bad boy) who takes life as it comes and doesn't mash his words. Particularity: Max's parents died in a car accident when he was only 17 and since then he always took care of his little sister as well as her son particularly when the father died.
Special Character: Tom (you can choose another name :) ), Max's nephew,is 8-years-old. He's autistic since his father's death when he was 4. Behind his autistic appearance, he's a very smart boy.

Sorry for my English which must be catastrophic :oops: :?. If someone is interested, don't hesitate to pm me, i can compromise on somethings :D.
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Post by LizNdAlec4eva »


AU no aliens.

-Liz, Maria, Isabel and Kyle all live in New York City and attend a school of arts in the Bronx. They arent rich and they dont have fancy cars, houses or clothes. But they love life and know how to have fun.
-Max, Alex, Micheal and Tess all live in L.A and attend also attend a school of arts in a posh side of town. They are rich, have really big houses, fancy cars and think they are it.
-The L.A group and their school start up a programme with the New York school to help raise money for the New York school.
-The L.A group and another few stundents (also their parents) get to go to NY to see how different that school is from their fancy school.
-They arrive to see the the NY school is really different, no uniforms, grafitti etc.
-Tess acts like a snob and puts down the dance class as all they do is break dance, they turn around when they hear Liz defending her class (Iz, Ria and Kyle are all beside her) so Liz then goes up to her class they get into place and they show off with Liz is the spotlight singing and dancing.
-The L.A group go out with the NY group and they show the L.A group how to have fun.
-In the end its M/L M/M T/K A/I

-Liz ~ DANCER ~ has a tattoo in lower back, on both wrists, on back of neck and on lower stomach. She has blonde in her hair and has a belly and tongue piercing. She wear sexy clothes and leather kinda like in the movie Honey.
-Maira ~ SINGER ~ has tattoo on arm and top of breast. Has black under her hair and has an eyebrow piercing. She wears lots of leather.
-Iz ~ DANCER ~ has tattoo on back and shoulder. Has brown hair and a nose piercing. Wears the same clothes Ria
-Kyle ~ DJ ~ has tattoo on arm and calve. Has blonde highlights and an ear piercing. Wears normal clothes.

-Max ~ JOCK ~ No tats or piercings.
-Micheal ~ ARTIST ~ Same as Max.
-Alex ~ COMPUTER ANALIST (sp) ~ Same as above.
-Tess ~ BALLERINA ~ Bitch and thinks shes it, wants Max and gets what she wants.

Someone please take this.

My Numb3rs xo fic. Coming Soon!
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Post by killjoy »


K/T with A/I,M/M,M/L and Jim/Amy

Ten years ago Tess Harding was in a tight spot.Stuck in the middle of college with tons of student loans building up,no job and with no good plans for the future things were not looking good for her.So when she found out she was pregnant she did what she thought was best for her child.When the little girl was born Tess gave her up for adoption.

Now years later my how things have changed.Tess is a very successful business woman with the power that comes with it.But sadly she has no family except a father she never sees.So when she's home alone Tess often thinks of the little girl she gave up those many years ago.Where is she? What is her name now? is she happy?

After much time looking and through records Tess finds that her daughter was adopted by a couple named Kyle and Serena Valenti and taken to their home in Roswell,New Mexico.

Tess goes there with only the intentions of seeing her daughter from a distance and to make sure she's happy.But by fluke Tess runs into her and soon finds that she can't stay away from her.Not to mention the more she's around her daughter's adoptive father the more she wants to be around him too.

Ever since the death of his wife Kyle hasn't been much in the mood for dating.But when he meets the new woman in town,Tess,the old urges picks up.He also can't help but to notice how well his daughter and Tess get along.A big bonus for a dad on the look out for a date.But no matter how much fun he and Tess start to have his cop radar is still telling him that Tess is hiding something.


Jim and Amy are married.This makes Maria the aunt to Kyle's daughter.She's the girls favorite aunt and Maria loves her to death and is VERY protective of her.Isabel and Liz are also her 'aunts'

Max,Alex and Michael are her 'uncles' With Michael being her favorite because she has Mr. Tough Guy wrapped around her finger.

Serena wasn't able to have kids so that's why they adopted.Serena could have died from whatever you would want her to have from.

Just when things start to look good for Kyle and Tess someone in the group,other than Kyle,stumbles upon the fact Tess is actually the girls birth mother.That's when the stuff hits the fan and Kyle feels like he was lied too the whole time.
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