Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by StormWolfstone »


I swallow nervously as I stand there, it really makes me feel odd with Zan standing in my apartment. "No trouble at all," he begins walking toward me and then stops in front of me. "You ... you look amazing," Zan says and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as he reaches for my hands and holds them in his. I don't know what to think, seeing him standing there and now holding my hands. I find my gaze locking with his in surprise and my heart hammer's even stronger in my chest.

"Even more than usual," Zan adds and I stand there, mesmerized unable to move. What is he thinking? I can't help but wonder just what thoughts are running through his mind. Yet, as his hand raises toward my face and I feel his finger tracing along my chin, I find nearly all my thoughts fading into one. Without a single thought I find myself sighing and closing my eyes, enjoying that simple touch.

"Thank you," I manage to say, though how I was able to even get those words out and hear them over the sound of my heart was beyond me. I can't help but feel as though the party isn't as important as I'd been thinking because at that moment I realized that as long as I had the chance to spend time with Zan, it didn't matter where I was.

After a moment, I opened my eyes and looked up at him, licking my lips with some uncertainty. I didn't know what he was thinking, what he wanted to do. Part of me wondered if he was going to kiss me and the other part was thinking that I'd never be that blessed. "Zan..." My voice came out in a whisper and I found myself lifting my hand to hold his against my cheek while my other was still in his. I wasn't even thinking about the action and when I realized what I'd done I was tempted to retract both hands and step back.

His compliment played over in my mind as I looked into his eyes, knowing that my uncertainty and the question was clear in my expression. A part of me wanted to scream, What is this to you? Just some way to pass time?! While the other part of me just wanted to experience the moment and forget about what it might be. Forget that it might mean nothing to him.
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Post by isabelle »


She's holding me. Holding my hand against her cheek. This feels so amazing. Her skin is so soft. Her hand is so gentle. Not to mention how sweet, and smart, and caring she is. Liz really is a remarkable girl.

"Liz, I --" I start, staring into her eyes. "... I want you to know that I've been wanting to get to know you for such a very long time. But there was Linda and ..." and Max's stupid crush, I add silently. I can't believe I let him stand in the way of this. If he wanted her, he should have done something. It's my chance, now. "... everything."

I don't mean too, but I find myself leaning closer to her. I want to kiss her so badly, but it's too soon. Or at least, I think it is. Rath would be all over her already, but I'm not Rath and Liz isn't one of his bimbos. She's special and wonderful in ways that Linda never could have been. In the end, Linda was a fairly one-dimentional person. Liz is so very much more.

"I'm so glad you agreed to come to the party with me. You're really a fantastic person," I tell her.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He seems to be pondering my question quite thoughtfully, and I am honestly thrilled that he's not just spouting off some rehersed line. You wouldn't believe how often that happens.

"Believe me Maria, that is far from the case. You're not a prize, you're a person." Wow, he didn't even choke on that one. This boy must be different. His warm smile sends shivers dancing across my skin."And if that were the case, there is no competition...I'm the better twin," he jokes and even I have to let out a giggle.

He really seems geninue in his advances, but I'm still a tad weary. Years of being hit on by pricks have stacked the odds against Rath and Michael. I just hope one of them can knock that wall surrounding my heart down so I can feel again.

"I'll be the judge of that." I tease before drawing closer to his body. I can already tell that this is going to be interesting. Ladies and Gentlemen, let the games begin. :wink:
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Liz, I --" Zan begins and I find myself holding my breath, "... I want you to know that I've been wanting to get to know you for such a very long time. But there was Linda and ..." When Zan pauses I take a moment to absorb what he was saying. Was he really meaning what I think he means? "... everything." He finishes what he was saying and I feel so giddy that I would have started jumping up and down if I hadn't made myself think about just how embarrassing that would be.

I notice that he seems to get closer and I swallow, licking my lips as I look at him trying to take in everything he was saying. "I'm so glad you agreed to come to the party with me. You're really a fantastic person."

I can see the sincerity in his eyes and I feel like I'm bursting with joy. Suddenly, I really don't want to move because I'm afraid that something will break whatever spell I'm under. I release the breath I'd been holding and smile as I look at him. Now, I really feel much better about tonight. Much better. "Zan, I'm glad I did too. I..." I can feel myself redden as I glance down a moment, nibbling my lower lip before looking back up at him. He's being straight with me, I should be the same way. "I want to get to know you too. I have for a long time. I just... I didn't think it..."

I sigh, shaking my head, "I never thought you'd want the same." I can't believe I've actually said it aloud to someone other then Michael. Yet, I don't stop there, before I can think to stop myself I hear myself say, "I wouldn't have wanted to go to a party for any other reason." Okay, the heat is probably even brighter on my cheeks now. I can't believe I just said that. I can't believe that I am even having this conversation. I can't believe he's interested in me.

"Umm... do you think... maybe we should... uh... get going?" Even though I've asked the question I don't make a move to head out. Nor have I released the hand against my cheek or the hand within my own.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by madroswellfan »

And then I spot my brother walk off. And I grin victoriously. Oh yes! I win again! Oh yeah! Now where was I! Oh yes Maria. Im so close to moaning as we grind against each other. God she's so incredible. I mean she just pushes all my buttons. I'm in heaven...or possibly hell as this feels so wrong but just so amazing.

I close my eyes for a half second and when I open them...she's stopped.
Whats going on? Why has she stopped....

"Hey, I'm gonna go make sure your brothers alright. I think we kind of freaked him out earlier."

I look at her, stunned. And with that she leaves. I can hear the people around me snickering, but I'm in such a state of shock I don't care. I mean...she just... picked to go dance with my brother over me. So she wants to have us half and half huh? But I don't like sharing. It's like saying whats mine is your and all that touchy feely stuff. Load of bollocks in my opinion.

I growl as I watch her begin to dance with little brother. He's going to pay big for this. Im going to make him pay sooooo badly...
I turn on my heel and head over to the drinks. I pour myself one, but as I bring it to my lips...

"Hey with me?" I hear a blonde bombshell say in a seductive voice. I look round at her. She's....somewhat hot. And normally I would dance with her for five minutes, take her to lover point and be back within the hour.

But for some God damn unknown reason I don't feel like it.
"Buzz off" I mutter as I bring the drink back to my lips.
And then I realise...I don't want to get drunk either.

What the hell! What the hell's wrong with me! Normally I would tell myself to go pick up a chick when Im in this mood, but for some reason...
Nope. Don't want to. What the fuck!

SO, what do I want to do.
Dance with Maria. I look over at her but she's still dancing with little brother. For fuck sakes...

I growl as I go into the middle of the dance floor. Screw this. I tell you what. Screw making out with chicks and drinking....
Ill dance solo. Even though everyone will be looking at me, wondering why Im dancing alone and all the rest of it. Besides, if I dance with someone else Michael has something to crow about. And I wont give him the satisfaction.

I look around for Kyle, but he's not here so...

I start to dance to the music. Its a rather slow song, but hey I don't give a damn. Why should I?!

If little brothers dancing with her, then I'll go solo. Its probably the first time since I was 11 that I danced solo, but hey!
What on earth is up with me!!!
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Post by KarenEvans »


My mouth feels sore after blowing up all those balloons with no help whatsoever.I need a medal for the work I put in.

Instructing Maria's sidekicks to put them hell I am doing anything else I walk out to the dance are where quite a crowd has gathered.

Maria is busy with the Brothers Guerin and Liz is with Zan tonight from what I overheard.Stupid Max!Where is he?Zan is going to take full advantage of this party.

'Stop bothering about Max for once,you idiot.' says the small but mocking voice in my head 'Instead bother about what you will say to Isabel.'

Isabel...I wonder if she's here yet?
Quickly I take a look around but don't spot her.Just like her to make an entrance.I just hope she gets here soon otherwise I am going to be bored to death.
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"I'll be the judge of that." Maria says, laughing teasingly. I just smile at her, and as she moves closer to me, I get that boost of confidence. Maybe I've got a chance with her after all.

I place my arms around her waist and dance along with her, my eyes on her alone. I'm itching to see how Rath is reacting to Maria wanting to dance with me, but I know that doesn't really matter right now. Right now, all that matters is that I'm dancing and actually having a good time. This party is turning out better than I thought.

"You throw a pretty great party," I compliment, making eye contact. Her eyes are this really deep green, something that you only really notice up close. And I've never really been this close to her before.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Michael's warm brown eyes meet mine and I don't know something just clicks. I feel completely at ease in his strong protective arms ,and thats something I rarely ever say about any man."You throw a pretty great party," He compliments and my grin widens significantly. "Thank you. I do sort of have a knack for it." I agree my head downcast while i run my hand up and down his arm. Staring unashamed at his appealing muscle. "It's all about knowing what people really want,and..."

Raising my eyes to meet his I Cock my head to the side as I throw him a mischevious wink. "Giving it to them." With that the song ends and I realize that Steve is motioning for me to come here. "Ah thats the not so pretty side to party planning. The D.J wants me. I need to go advert some disaster." Leaving his embrace I suddenly feel very cold. Hmmm that's not good. "Thanks for the dance. Save me one for later." With that I leave the gorgeous hottie to go deal with what appears to be mechanical issues.

Steve reluctantly explains that some beer got spilled on the wiring and he doesn't know how much longer his equipment will last. I need some other source of music. I know! Scanning the crowd I find who I'm looking for. "Hey Rath! Is Zan here yet? I have a huge problem and I need a favor." :wink:
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Post by madroswellfan »

I dance solo amongst the crowd of people who are dancing with...well people. But I know they all keep taking glances at me. At my moves on the dancefloor...and at the fact Im dancing alone. But why should I care? Im having a good time right...? good as I can when Ria stopped dancing with me to dance with my LITTLE brother. He always spoils everything. I will need to find a good way to pay him back for this. A REALLY good way. As in a way that will make him pay so badly he wont fully recover from it.
Hmm I like the sound of that!

And Ria! She picked my LITTLE brother over me! I idiotic is she!
And yet she has some gooood moves. Bloody good moves. That little body grinding against mine... oh God... if she was here now I would....

"Hey Rath! Is Zan here yet? I have a huge problem and I need a favor."

I swallow, stop dancing and look at her. Hmm....that petite body was so close to mine before...
Play this nice and cool Rath. Ice cool.

I shrug. "Haven't seen him"
And with that I look back down to headbang with the music and start dancing again. Im surprised she hasnt ribbed me for dancing solo but even if she does why should I fucking care.
Im happy.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Haven't seen him." Rath answers with a noncommital shrug. I rub that place between my eyes where the tension headace is starting to appear. "Um.. Okay, well if you see him tell him I'm looking for him." I state before making my way ovre to the bar. Steve's is about to pack up his equipment to take it home for repairs. What am I going to do about music? You can't have a party without tunes. I'm ruined. People are gonna rant and rave about how terribly awful that bash that Maria Deluca threw. Pretty soon they'll be saying Maria Deluca who?

My eyes surveying my surroundings and they come to resk on the bottle of Jack Daniels. "Hello Jack." I mutter to myself as I lift the bottle and pour myself a shot. "You are the only man I can trust." I confide in the bottle as I woof down a couple of shots. I'm feeeling quite better now actually. :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment