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Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 127 - 7/1/10

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:27 pm
by Eva
“Jeez, if I’d known that was all it would take to settle her down I’d have bought a set of those things months ago,” Adam joked. “I might just take ya up on that.”
Brilliant! Little kids and shiny jewellery: always a success! And this time combined with a guy like Michael: it's no wonder he got her quiet.

The way the whole family met was really sweet. It all happened in a natural way and it's like the puzzle finally fell in the right place. Like they really belong to each other.

Alex and Isabel were also very sweet together. It remembered me to my first visit when I was pregnant. And it was, just like with Isabel and Alex, very overwhelming to hear our kid for the first time

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 127 - 7/1/10

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:58 pm
by kay_b
Awww, that was such a nice family meeting. I'm sure everyone will have a blast when things are underway (surprises, the game, birthday party). Can't wait to see the next part.

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 127 - 7/1/10

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:52 pm
by rosyrosy2882
I just loveee Maria and Michael (: i dont think im ever gonna get enough of them!
I loved how Brooke just walked up to them on th beach :lol: Brooke and Michael have such a funny relationship. They are either at each others neck or goofing around like bro & sis. (:

YAY! i'm so happy that Bren's and Michael's dad -and fam- came! i was so excited for this(: I knew that they were gonna hit it off with their half brothers and sisters! they are like the perfect older brothers. And i loved how the baby girl...Antonia, fell in love with Michael's dog tags. I think they are sexy on a man, dont you think? :wink: so it makes sense why Antonia likes them. Plus for a girl her age all kinds of shiny things are pretty amazing!

"We were thinkin’ that Bren could take Nicole and the three youngest out to the beach house and Shane, Callie, an’ Dad could ride with me… does that work for you guys?” Nicole saw the surprise on Adam’s face when Michael called him ‘Dad’ and she realized right away that the younger man hadn’t realized what he had said."
yay! now its natural for Michael to say 'dad' :) aww this makes me feel all bubbly inside!

As for Alex and Isabel, i can only imagine how beautiful it is to hear the sound of your baby's heartbeat. That must have been a very special moment for the lovely couple. I cant wait until the day Alex and Iz become parents! They are gonna be amazing at it(: and i have a feeling it will be a baby boy,
and it would be so funny if they put Hector as the baby's middle name :lol: it would be such an Alex thing to do right? :roll:

Amazing as always :D

Cant wait for the parrrtayy!!!

Part 128

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:58 am
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend: Thanks! The family is blending rather well so far… let’s see what happens when we start mixing it up…

Bren knew he’d never calm Michael down the way Maria can.

Amy is on her way!

Cardinal: Ah, Brooke just needs to really see her brothers with their new family around so she can see first-hand that she’s not in danger of losing them.

begonia9508: Oh, there’s sure to be lots of stuff going on with this bunch!

Well, like he said… those dog tags… the girls just love ‘em!

Earth2Mama: He did!

Might just get around to Maria’s reaction in this next part.

Well, 6:44am… no explanation necessary! ;)

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

sarammlover: Aww, thanks! Looks like they’ve got a really good start on being happy. Now let’s see when we throw the rest of the family in the mix! Alex does come across as a bit overbearing at times, but he’s just trying to do the best he can for his family… he’s still learning too, lol. Don’t worry though, if he gets outta hand, we’re sure Isabel will rein him in. :)

mary mary: Love the warm and fuzzies! Sunday’s here!

Eva: Yes, they do! Kids just love Michael and looks like his baby sister isn’t gonna be any different than the rest of them.

Things are finally coming together for this group… now let’s introduce them to the rest of the family.

That’s gotta be an awesome, powerful moment, to hear that little heartbeat!

kay_b: Oh, there’s a lot to come with the evening ahead of our gang!

rosyrosy2882: Thanks! Yeah, we’re not gonna get enough of ‘em either. Which is good… that’d sure make it hard to write, lol. Brooke and Michael have a great relationship.

The family arriving was a pretty big moment for all of them and the guys are definitely a hit with their younger brothers and sisters. Dog tags on a guy are hard to resist… and a guy like Michael? Yeah, resistance is futile, lol! Yup, Antonia definitely likes the shiny things.

It came out so naturally and Michael never even realized he said it.

Yeah, that’s gotta be an amazing thing for an expectant parent! And for Alex and Isabel to be able to share it as a couple… yeah, gotta be special. Think it’s a boy, huh? Ya just never know. Hector for the middle name? Lol, we’ll see what Isabel says about that.


Party is getting closer!

Part 128 – Two Families Becoming One

Michael was waiting impatiently at the gate while the passengers slowly deplaned and filed out of the corridor. His dad, brother and sister were sitting in the hard plastic chairs lined up along the large plate-glass windows facing the tarmac. His head snapped up when he heard his name being called and within seconds he was enveloped in a warm hug by Maria’s mom and without thinking about it his own arms came around her and he returned the embrace.

“Michael, it’s so good to see you again,” Amy said as she released him and stepped back.

“You too, Ms. DeLuca.”

She smacked his shoulder lightly. “Amy, Michael, call me Amy.” She gave him a smile and held a small gift bag out to him. “I don’t want to hear how you don’t want anything… just take it and say thank you.” She winked. “Just be glad I didn’t wrap it and make you open it in front of a roomful of people.”

He reached into the bag, half-afraid of what he would find there. His fingers wrapped around what felt like fabric and he lifted it out, nodding when she took the bag from him. He shook it out and his jaw nearly hit the ground. It was a Metallica tour tee shirt featuring the release of his favorite album. But it wasn’t just a tee shirt… it was an autographed tee shirt.

“Oh, wow, this’s… this’s cool.” Michael shifted his grip on the shirt when the neckline kept falling forward and when he flipped it back he noticed the key hanging from the tag. “Um… this’s a key…?”

“Remember when I told you that you would always be welcome in my home?”

“This… your… I don’t…” She had given him a key to her own home. She trusted him that much.

She patted his cheek when she saw that he was feeling overwhelmed. “I’m glad you like it, sweetie.” She changed the subject to take the heat off of him. “So, are we still flying under the radar?”

He nodded and grinned when she backed off of the gift. “Looks like we’ve managed to pull it off; Maria doesn’t have a clue what we’re doin’.”

“Perfect.” She motioned for him to hand her the shirt in exchange for the bag and she folded it up and placed it inside. “Um, Michael, do you know where Sean is?”

“Sean? Uh, he’s either over at his place or he’s at the beach house with Bren. Why?”

“Well… I ran into his mother at the airport. She’s not far behind me.”

“So, his old man’s a no-show?”

“You know what’s going on?” she asked carefully.

“Uh-huh, he’s kinda messed up about it.”

“I’m sure he is, poor boy.”

Michael glanced over at his family. “Well, I guess we’ll have to be creative about seating arrangements.”

“Oh, no, no, that’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about – “

“Michael, buddy, happy birthday!”

He turned, ready to glare at the owner of the voice, but he couldn’t stop the grin when Tony slapped him on the back. “I don’t recall Maria mentionin’ you flyin’ in for New Years’,” he remarked dryly.

“Rumor has it you have a birthday comin’ up in a matter of hours and since I figure it’s only a matter of time before you’re my cuz-in-law I thought I’d fly in an’ show my support. Besides,” he said and nudged Michael, “you have no idea what my girls can get up to when they’re puttin’ a birthday party together.” He grinned. “Nervous?”

“Well, I wasn’t until now,” Michael growled.

“Tony, why don’t you go find the rental counter and collect the car,” Amy suggested when she saw the look on Michael’s face. Although she was intrigued by the little fact that it was the thought of his impending birthday party rather than marriage to her daughter that had him looking so freaked out.

“Hell, I’m just messin’ with him, Aunt Amy.”

“And now you’re going to get the car,” she insisted. “Sherry will be joining us soon and I’d appreciate it if she didn’t have to walk across the entire airport while we’re waiting for you.”

Michael snorted when Tony hurried to grab his bag and head for the counter. “Yeah, don’t give me anymore shit about bein’ bossed around by a DeLuca woman, Vinson.” He grinned and shrugged when Amy looked at him. “I mean that in the nicest possible way.”


“So, wanna meet my dad while we’re waitin’?”

Amy glanced at him in surprise. “Sure.”

Michael motioned to the side where his family was sitting. “Um, Sean’s mom... she was on your flight?”

“Yeah, I met her at the airport when we were both checking in.”

“Cool, she’ll see us then ‘cause they’re right over here.” He took a few steps, making sure they stayed in sight of the gate. “Hey, Dad, got someone I want you to meet.”

Adam smiled when he called him ‘Dad’ for the second time without really thinking about it and he got up of his seat.

Shane and Callie exchanged a look when no one invited them over and they took the initiative to follow Dad just in case they were missing out on anything of interest.

“So, Amy, this’s my dad, Adam.” He glanced at the older man. “This’s Maria’s mom, Amy.”

Adam smiled and held his hand out. “It’s nice to meet you. Your daughter’s a great girl, and between you an’ me, I think the knuckleheads keep each other in line.”

Amy laughed. “You’ve figured that out too, huh? Nice to meet you.”

He nodded and then introduced his kids, glancing up when Michael cleared his throat.

“You want me to go grab your bags, Amy? That way you can wait for Sean’s mom and we’ll already have that done?”

Tony snorted from behind him. “Runnin’ does no good with the DeLuca women,” he said as he joined them, pushing a luggage cart piled high with two bags and a large trunk.

“Jeez, are ya plannin’ to move here or somethin’?”

Tony just grinned and acted surprised. “Michael, I thought you’d never ask!”

“Oh, Sherry, there you are,” Amy called when she saw Sean’s mother at the gate. “Over here,” she waved.

“Guess you know about the Sean situation?” Tony asked Michael quietly.

He nodded. “Um-hmm. So, this’s my dad Adam, and these two here are Shane and Callie,” Michael introduced them. “This’s Tony, Maria’s cousin.”

“Damn, dude, your family’s got a strong gene pool,” Tony said as he shook hands with the other man. “I’d know you were related without an introduction.” He glanced at Michael. “Just for the record, Maria’s side of the family has strong genes too.”

“Uh-huh, you for example or what?” Michael shook his head and turned when Sherry and Amy joined them. “Hi, Mrs. Harrison.”

Sherry shook the hand the younger man extended. “Michael... yes, Amy’s had some very nice things to say about you.”

“Uh-huh,” he glanced at Amy doubtfully. “Alright, well, let’s go then. We’re already expected for lunch.”

“Um, Amy was just saying that Sean might be at your house?”

Michael shook his head, feeling bad for the timid woman. “Well, it’s not my house exactly, but chances are good that he’s there with Bren.”

“Ah, his friend Brendan... yes, he’s very fond of him. I’d like to meet him.”

Michael nodded, hoping she didn’t think Bren was Sean’s boyfriend or something. “So, we’ll get your...” he glanced at the luggage, “stuff loaded in your car and you can follow us out to the beach house.”

“Cool,” Tony said. “Any chance you’re gonna let me drive your car, cousin-in-law?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m not drivin’ whatever granny-mobile you rented,” Michael snorted. “And no, you can’t drive my car... ever.”

“Ah, c’mon, Guerin, we’re practically family now.” Tony grinned and started to walk in direction of the exit.

“Doesn’t mean you can get behind the wheel of the Charger. Trust me, it’s too much car for you.”

“Didn’t ya mention you had let Maria drive?” Tony teased.

“I said YOU couldn’t handle it,” Michael tossed back.


“What’re you planning for today? I’ll bet there’ll be some parties here on campus you’ll wanna go to, huh?” Jeff asked his daughter, glad that they were able to talk to each other again.

“We’re gonna head over to a beach house here pretty soon. The other girls and my friends are already there,” Max said. “One of my friend’s has family coming in, and well, his family is pretty big, so we needed a larger place for them to stay.

“Then there’s the football game at 6pm,” Liz explained. “Max is gonna play as well as Michael and Kyle. We’ll all go over there and decide after the game where we’re gonna go then. Probably over to one of the parties on campus. Oh, and there’s one at the beach right after the game.”

Jeff nodded. “You’re pretty busy then. I think I’m gonna go back to my hotel and if ya want, we can meet tomorrow whenever ya get up.”

“You can come with us, Dad,” Liz suggested. She couldn’t stand the thought that he would spend the whole day and night alone.

Max nodded when Jeff seemed to be unsure if his presence was really wanted. “Yeah, Michael’s family is there, Brendan’s fiancé’s mom... you won’t be the only...” he grinned, “ya know... old man there.”

Jeff smiled when they both encouraged him to join them for the day. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. It’ll be nice to hang out together. And there’ll be a lot of people at the house,” Liz told him.

“Well, that’s the best offer I’ve had today.” He nodded. “Lead the way.”

“Hey, Max, I’m gonna call Sean and ask him to join us, okay?”

Max nodded as he walked over to the counter to pick up his keys. “Sounds good, darlin’.”

Jeff and Max waited at the door while Liz walked around the apartment collecting her things and talking to Sean on the phone. It took her a few minutes before she finally hung up and joined the two men again. “We can pick him up at his apartment.”

“Are we supposed to pick anything up for the party?” Max asked as they walked down to the Jeep.

“No, I talked to Maria earlier and she said they had everything arranged.”

“Cool. Any idea what they’re makin’ for lunch?” He glanced back at her dad. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”

“No clue, but we’ll find out soon enough. The twins are already at the airport to pick their dad up so it won’t be long.”

Max nodded and unlocked the Jeep. “This has turned out to be quite the event, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah, I hope they have enough food, considering how much you guys can eat.”

He grinned and turned to look at her, lowering his voice as her dad climbed into the vehicle. “Gotta keep my strength up, darlin’. Seein’ as how you like to give me a workout every chance you get.” He winked at her and ducked when she smacked his arm.

“Ya better shut up unless ya wanna take a break in your workout program tonight.”

He took her hand and helped her into the Jeep as he chuckled. “And on that note, we’d better get goin’.”


Brendan pulled into the gravel driveway and parked behind Alex’s truck and he glanced at the kids in the backseat. Brian had been full of questions on the way over, Antonia had fallen asleep pretty fast, and Tyler was still chewing on his shirttail. He turned his head when someone knocked on his window and he smiled at his fiancé, motioning for her to back up so he could open his door.

Nicole stepped out of the car, thankful to be out of any type of moving vehicle for a while. It didn’t matter how short or long the trip was, travelling with five children was exhausting! She supervised as the kids got out of the car, not wanting to intrude on Brendan’s conversation with the girl in his arms. Something that Brian obviously had no problem with, she thought with a mental eyeroll when the boy walked up to his older brother and barged right in.

“Hey, Bren, do we gotta wait for ya or can we go inside?”

Brendan glanced over his shoulder at Nicole, getting her approval before answering his younger brother. “Nah, go on. Not sure who all’s here yet, but you met Maria, right?”


“Well, just holler for her and she’ll come out an’ show you around the place.”

“Oh, don’t – “ Nicole started and winced when Brian ran up to the front door, hollering at the top of his lungs. “He takes things very literally.”

“It’s okay,” he said, shaking his head. “Maria’s cool with it.”

“Good Lord, you’re as bad as your father,” the woman said, shaking her head as she tugged Tyler’s shirt out of his mouth for the umpteenth time that day. “You’re gonna suck the color right off of that shirt.”

“Hey, bud, remember all that good food we were talkin’ about?”

Tyler’s ears practically stood up at the mention of food and he hurried around the car to join Brendan. He ducked his head bashfully when he was picked up and he found himself facing someone he didn’t know.

“This’s my fiancé Karen.”

“Wha’s a fin… fan…” he looked at his brother. “Fancy?”

Brendan chuckled. “Fiancé, and that means we’re gonna get married one day soon.”

The little boy wrinkled his nose. “Does that mean you guys kiss an’ stuff?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s kinda what it means,” Brendan agreed, trying to keep a straight face.


Karen smiled at the boys’ conversation and she turned to point at the front of the house. “Why don’t the two of you go on inside and do a taste test on those ribs for me,” she suggested. She moved to join Nicole as she stepped back away from the car with Antonia in her arms. “She looks exhausted.”

“The change in routine has not made her the most pleasant child to be around,” Nicole said with a smile.

“Tell me about it. Caela’s the same way; she fussed on the flight out here and then almost the whole way home.” She grinned. “People just do not understand how perfectly blessed the sound of silence can be.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “No, and with five kids, let me tell you… I’ve just about given up on ever hearing the sound of silence again.”

“Alright, I’m missin’ a Guerin boy,” Maria said as she stepped out on the porch and shaded her eyes from the sun. “I can’t seem to get a straight answer from Brendan and I’m not sure if his ears are turnin’ red because he’s tryin’ to tell a lie or if it’s because he just got into that jalapeno sauce.”

Karen rolled her eyes. Brendan was lying about something. “That man couldn’t tell a lie if his life depended on it,” she said to Nicole.

“Ah, well, there are times when that’s a good thing,” she said with a laugh. “Shane was quite taken with Michael’s car, Maria. The boys are probably taking the long way just so your boyfriend can show off what it can do on the open road. You know how boys are with their toys.” She shook her head. “You should hear Adam and Shane going on and on about that car they’re restoring.”

Maria groaned. “Oh, I know! Let them get into a debate over cars and you could parade around naked in front of them and they wouldn’t notice.” She grinned and shrugged. “Well, alright, in Michael’s defense, he would definitely notice that.”

Nicole snorted. “I was about to say…”

“C’mon inside so you can put her down and you can have a seat and relax for a little while,” Karen said as she led the way inside.

“That sounds like heaven,” Nicole admitted, looking at the half-asleep girl in her arms.

“Liz just called,” Isabel called when she saw Maria step inside. “She and Max are on their way.” She smiled at the woman behind her friend and she crossed the room to hold her hand out. “You must be Nicole. I’m Isabel Whitman.”

“Nice to meet you. If I remember correctly you’re the one who’s about to make this family a little bit bigger soon.”

Isabel smiled. “That would be me.” She hooked her thumb over her shoulder when Alex came out of the kitchen with a bag of Cheetos. “And it would be his fault.”

“Huh?” He looked puzzled, not knowing what was his fault.

“Alex, come over here and meet Nicole.”

He brushed his hands against his jeans and shrugged when Isabel sighed in exasperation at the cheesy grains stuck to the material now.

“Hi, Alex,” Nicole said and shook his hand.

“Oh, Nicole, ya wanna put your little girl down? We’ve got another small bed in the room where Caela is sleeping right now.”

Alex glanced at the front door. “Where’s Michael?”

Isabel elbowed him when he spoke without waiting for Nicole to respond to Maria’s question.

“Um, sorry?” Damn, what had he done wrong this time?

“Michael will be here soon,” Maria told him and turned to Nicole again. “I’ll show ya where the room is.”

Karen excused herself to go and find Brendan and Tyler.

Alex glanced down when someone poked him and his right eyebrow quirked at the boy standing there. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, Maria was sayin’ that I could go out on the back deck through those doors over there,” Brian pointed at the deck doors in the living room, “but there’s some stupid girl blockin’ the doors from outside.”

“Better watch who you’re callin’ stupid, shrimp,” Brooke bit out as she passed him.

Alex sighed. “Brooke...”

“What? I was out there first.”

“And we talked about this before we came over here.”

“Yeah,” Brian jumped in, “I’m the guest and you can’t be rude to guests.”

Brooke just rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you go play in the street?”

“Oh, my God, Brooke, would you cut it out?”

Brian just grinned at the taunt. “That’s the best you can come up with?” He snorted. “Please, my sister’s got better stuff.”

Alex fell silent when he realized the two of them were just baiting each other, feeling each other out and setting boundaries, and he let it go, turning and walking back into the kitchen.


Brendan was out on the beach, carrying Tyler in his arms since the boy was wearing sneakers and getting sand in your shoes was never fun. “Ever been to the ocean, little man?”

Tyler shook his head and his grip on Brendan’s collar tightened when he saw all the water in front of them.

“Too much water, huh? It can be scary, I know.”

“We got a pool,” the little boy offered. “But it’s not big like that.”

“I think the girls put up a little kids pool over there,” he pointed to the back deck. “Will that work?”

“I want more of that stuff we was eatin’.”

Brendan chuckled. The boy was just like him. “You’ll get more soon.”


Brendan shook his head and smiled. “Soon.”

“Why not now?”

“Because your... our dad isn’t here yet.”

“How come?”

“They had to stay a little longer at the airport.”

“Oh.” He tugged on Brendan’s collar and pointed at something on the ground. “Wha’s that?”

“Oh, hey, look at that,” Brendan knelt down and sat the boy on his knee. “It’s a turtle.”

“Does it bite?” Tyler asked as he poked the hard shell with his forefinger.

“No, I don’t think so. It’s too little.”

Tyler laughed quietly when the turtle pulled its head back into its shell to hide.

Brendan watched his little brother and smiled. He already loved the little boy with all his heart.

He tried to shake the turtle and he frowned when Brendan’s grip didn’t allow him to move it. “Is it scared?” he asked, looking up at his brother.

“Yeah, when he creeps into his shell like that, then he’s scared.”

“Aww... is he scared of us?”

“Yeah, we’re so much bigger than him.”

“Where’s his mommy an’ daddy?” Tyler looked around on the beach.

“I don’t know, buddy.”

Tyler’s lower lip trembled. “But, he’ll be sad if he can’t find his way home.”

Brendan gestured around at the beach. “This is his home, little guy. I’ll bet he’s happy here.”

“Where’s his friends?”

“Maybe they’re out swimmin’.”

Tyler brought the hem of his shirt up and started chewing on it again. “Can we keep him?” he mumbled around the fabric.

Brendan chuckled. “No, we can’t keep him. He doesn’t want to go away from here. You don’t wanna be taken from home either, right?”

He thought about that for a moment. “Huh-uh...”

“Hey, you two,” Karen greeted them after she had watched them for a while.

Tyler waved. “We founded a turtle.”

Karen crouched down next to them. “He’s hidin’, huh?”

“Uh-huh... ‘cause we’re bigger.”

“Yeah. A lot bigger,” she chuckled.

“Bren said he wants to stay here... but... he’s all alone.”

“Oh, no, he’s not alone. There’re a lot of turtles around here.”

Tyler frowned as he looked around. “Where?”

“They probably hide from the giants like you,” she teased and tickled the boy.

He giggled and squirmed around. “No fair!”

Brendan glanced at the street that could be seen past the house when he heard the motor of a car. “Sounds like they’re here.”

Tyler clapped his hands and dropped down to stand on his own two feet. “C’mon, Bren, Daddy’s here!”

“Yeah, I’m comin’,” Brendan straightened up again and took the boy’s hand. “Let’s go.”

“Um, Bren?” Karen called, amused.


“Were you gonna keep the turtle?” she asked, motioning to the turtle he was still holding.

“Um... no.” He set it back on the beach.

She nodded. “Thanks.” She just had a feeling their daughter was going to be picking up so many of her daddy’s habits.

Maria shoved the mashed potatoes in the oven to keep them warm when she heard Michael’s car stop in the driveway. She smiled to herself, glad he was back again. The front door burst open and Shane and Callie barreled inside before she had the chance to reach the door. “Well, hello there!” she said, surprised.

“Hi, Maria, right?” Shane asked. “Michael’s car is sooooo cool.”

“Hey, Maria,” Michael called as he stepped up on the porch. “I got a lotta stuff... you wanna give me a hand?”

Maria exchanged a look with Isabel and Karen as she rolled her eyes. “A houseful of guys and who does he call to come help him carry crap in?”

“Maria, you wanna c’mon? I don’t have all day here.”

She heaved a put-upon sigh and walked outside. “Michael, you do know that I have been slaving over a hot stove all morning preparing food that…” Her mouth dropped open when he moved to the side and she saw her mom standing there. “Mom!” She ran down the steps and threw herself into her mom’s arms, hugging her tightly. “I thought you couldn’t make it? I mean, I’m glad you did, but… what happened?”

Michael glanced to the side when a hand settled on his shoulder and he shrugged when his dad smiled at him.

“That’s a nice thing ya did for them.”

“Hey, gimme some love, Cuz!” Tony hollered as he came up behind Maria.

“Tony!” Maria exclaimed as she turned around and hugged him. “You’re here, too!”

“Isabel, get on out here, girl!” He turned around when gravel crunched beneath tires and the passengers’ side door was opening before the Jeep had come to a complete stop. He grinned when Liz jumped out and ran around the cars to throw herself in his arms and hug him just as Isabel ran down the driveway. “How’re my girls doin’?” he asked as he hugged them tightly.

Tony regretted his question as soon as all three girls started to tell him about the latest news and he couldn’t understand anything. “Whoa... I think I need a beer first.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “There isn’t that much beer in the fridge,” he muttered.

Tony ignored him. “Hey, I’m missin’ two of my girls... where’re Tess an’ Brooke?”

“Brooke’s busy givin’ our younger siblings a rundown of who the boss is,” Brendan said as he came out with Tyler.

“And Tess is meeting Kyle’s parents right now. They’ll be here after lunch,” Isabel told him.

“No, no, no, that’s unacceptable.” Tony bounded across the yard and up the steps. “Brooke, c’mere an’ gimme some love!”

Maria turned her head to look at Amy and hugged her again. “I’m so glad you’re here Mom.” She ran and jumped Michael when he started pulling bags out of the truck.

He caught her and kissed her. “Ya happy?” he asked unnecessarily.

She nodded. “I am more than happy.”

“Then that’s all that matters.”

“Okay.” She waited until he had put her down again. “How long have ya known she was coming?”

“What makes you think I knew anything?”

“You didn’t?” she asked, puzzled.

“Didn’t say that, just wondered why you automatically assumed I knew she was comin’.”

“Because I know you’d do somethin’ like that.”

“Actually your mom did it, I just picked her up.”

“Well, either way, I love you both.”

He grinned. “She kinda gave me a present.”


He shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, ya know... just kinda didn’t make a big deal of it. She was really cool about it.”

“What was it?”

“Autographed Metallica tee shirt... and um... a key to the house.” He looked at her. “That’s okay, right?”

Maria smiled. "Of course it’s okay.”

“Cool. It felt kinda good, ya know? Bein’ accepted like that.”

“Mom?” Sean asked, not believing it when he climbed out of the Jeep and recognized his mother.

Sherry swallowed hard and turned to look at her only son. “Sean,” she whispered tearfully.

“What....?” he stuttered.

Michael turned around and motioned for everyone to follow them inside when he realized that Sean and his mom needed a few moments.

“I couldn’t let you go another day thinking that I didn’t love you anymore because of this... this...” she choked and shrugged. “I don’t really understand it, Sean, but I don’t want to lose you.”

“Me neither,” he admitted and hugged her tightly.

“Forgive me for letting you leave like that at Christmastime,” she begged as she clutched at him.

He nodded. “I know it was a shock for you, but I’m glad you’re here.” He didn’t ask about his dad, knowing that he wouldn’t be there anyway

“I didn’t know if I should call first. I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me.”

“No, don’t think that, Mom.”

“I love you so much, Sean.”

“I love you too, Mom. Let’s go inside, okay?”

Sherry looked around, realizing for the first time that the others had left them alone.

“The plan is to spend the afternoon here and then go to the guys’ football game.”

“Will I meet your friend... Brendan?”

He pointed to the house. “He should already be here.”

“Your friends, they know about you being...” she struggled with the words, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

He nodded. “Yeah, they all know.”

“Oh, that’s good. And, Sean, if I say something wrong...”

He shook his head. “It’s all good, Mom, come on.”

“Okay, sweetie.” Sherry was relieved that he was being so understanding. She took his arm and walked up to the front door with him.


Nicole was just coming downstairs again, hugging Adam, when he entered the house. “I was finally able to put her to sleep for a bit.”

Alex stood back away from the roomful of people, his gaze riveted on the man who had just entered. He had spent time with this man and he couldn’t remember it. He glanced to the side when a hand settled on his arm and he forced a smile for Isabel.

“Weird for you to see him, huh?”

“I thought maybe there’d be some kinda recognition or somethin’ when I saw him, but...” he shook his head. “There’s nothin’, Iz. Other than the fact that he bears a remarkable resemblance to the twins, there isn’t an ounce of recognition.”

“You were too young, Alex.”

“Yeah, but, there’re other things I can remember from when I was that age... why can’t I remember him?”

“We don’t know how often you really saw him.”

“Often enough,” Adam said, overhearing their conversation and joining them. “But the mind’s a funny thing. Alex, I know you don’t remember me, but it’s good to see you again, boy.”

“Well, I guess it’s good to see you again, too,” Alex said. “Although it doesn’t exactly feel like a reunion to me.”

“Don’t worry about it and don’t try to force the memories.” He grinned. “I remember you and it looks like you’ve grown into a fine young man. Your brothers speak very highly of you.”

He waved him off. “Just in public.”

Adam chuckled and shook his head. “They look up to you, don’t ever doubt that.”

“Alex, the girls and I are gonna finish getting lunch together, okay?” She kissed him before disappearing into the kitchen with the others.

“Tony,” someone suddenly yelled.

He turned around and smiled when he saw Brooke storming towards him. “Ah, there’s my girl. Where were ya hidin’?”

“I’m smarter than a 13-year-old,” she huffed indignantly.

He hugged her. “Damn girl, you’re even more beautiful than the last time I saw you.”

Brooke grinned and hugged him back, his teasing sweet-talk calming her mood. “How do you not have a girlfriend?”

“Ah, c’mon, I’m too much man for just one woman,” he teased.

“What you are is full of shit,” Brooke muttered.

“Mmmm, she said a bad word,” Tyler whispered loudly.

Michael groaned. “Adam, meet our little brat, Brooke.”

Brooke moved further back, taking shelter under Tony’s arm as he held her against his side. “What’s up?” she mumbled.

“Hey, Brooke,” Adam greeted her with an encouraging smile.

“I’ve gotta help finish getting lunch ready,” she said and ducked back into the kitchen.

“She’s still trying to get used to all of this,” Michael said, apologizing.

“Nah, no need to apologize for that, son. She just needs some time to adjust.”

“Okay, everyone out on the back deck,” Maria called as she joined them again. “Lunch is almost ready.”

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 8:32 am
by Earth2Mama
The mother and child reunions were sweet. So happy for maria and sean.

Loved michael's birthday present from amy. He sure did as well.

Oh Brooke! I hope she stops the brat behavior soon.

Great update ladies!

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:14 pm
by mary mary
Earth2Mama said:
The mother and child reunions were sweet. So happy for maria and sean.

Loved michael's birthday present from amy. He sure did as well.

Oh Brooke! I hope she stops the brat behavior soon.
And as usual, my sentiments exactly!

I loved the turtle scene...just too cute.

And now...come on Thursday! Probably too soon for the ball game but I hope they win and no one gets hurt. With all of this family they'll probably take up 1/4 of the stadium. :lol:


Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:46 pm
by sarammlover
I love that Jeff and Sherry have both opted to pull their heads out of their asses and reconcile with their children. better late than never I guess. I am glad everyone is so accepting of Adam and his family, even if its going to take Brooke a little longer, I imagine she will come through. Loved Amy's gift to michael....she was in love with him the moment she met him, which I love! Great update ladies. happy 4th!!! Hugs, Sara

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:45 pm
by Natalie36
wonderful part. hopefully brooke will get over her fears

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 10:38 pm
by Alien_Friend
I love the chaos! So many great things happening. I wonder if their mom will show up too.

It worked out great having Amy surprise Maria and even Tony was there. I wasn't expecting him. And Sean's mom too. That was awesome.

Loved the moment between Amy and Michael.

Good to see Brooke warming up to some parts of her new family.

Terrific stuff!!

Eagerly awaiting Thursday.

Re: Double Trouble (CC, AU, Adult) - Part 128 - 7/4/10

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:13 am
by Cardinal
Wonderful set of reunions. :D

That's gotta be one huge meal though. No one table will sit that many people. Not at that house anyway.

It was so touching to see Sean and his mother. He's the person who most needs to know he has someone in his corner. Sure, Liz and the gang all like him, but knowing that a family member cares is so much more important. I just hope his mom doesn't think Brendan is Sean's boyfriend. :roll: