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Re: One Song Everyday # 4 - OTH & TGWTDT

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:13 pm
by Helen of Roswell
April wrote:I don't know where I would be in my life, musically, without that show. :lol:

One Tree Hill, it was originally part of the WB, before it turned into the CW, right?

I remember catching the pilot and a few episodes after that, but I never got into it.

I think one of my sisters kept up with it, though, and still watches it.

Which is kind of funny to me, because she's been without a television,
a few years now, ever since she moved into her "shoebox" dorm room,
and no matter how busy she gets, she still manages to find the time to
watch all these shows (some of which I've never heard of) online.

Anyhoo, very mellow song for your mellow mood.

I don't think I've heard any of Damien Jurado's songs before.
Checked out some of them, just now, after I clicked on your
link, and he has a soothing quality to him, which I like.

Thanks, I needed some soothing, right now. :wink:

By the way, if you do plan to watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, there are
two versions: The original one is in Swedish, and the second one is in English.

Even though I like the first one better, both are good, but I do recommend
reading the novel, first. (That is, if you haven’t already.)

I don’t go to the cinema often, but the last time I went it was to see this film with
my sisters, and our mother. None of them had read the novel, prior to that, and so
I gave them a quick overview, while trying to NOT spoil anything. It got a little confusing
for them, trying to keep track of who was who in that grand family tree.

And despite the extreme violence depicted in certain
scenes, my sisters didn’t regret watching it.

But our mother... well... there were some images she rather never
have seen and have as part of her memory. I think I should have
given her more of a heads up with some of those scenes.

You probably already know this, but here’s some forewarning anyway –

Both novel and films deal with very, very heavy subject matter. It is graphic,
and therefore, it is NOT for everyone. But, with that said, I think if you do
check it out, you may have a certain appreciation for it.



Re: One Song Everyday # 4

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:51 am
by April
Well, knowing me, I'd appreciate all that graphic stuff in that movie. :roll:

Helen . . . to be honest, One Tree Hill isn't the most well-written show of all time. It gets a little preachy and unbelievable sometimes, but for some reason, it's still one of my favorite shows of all time. When it wants to be, it's more heartwarming, heartbreaking, and overall emotionally-affecting than almost anything else on TV. It's actually pretty wholesome at the end of the day and sends a lot of positive messages. But it's got a lot of juicy drama, too. ;) Seriously, there is no other show where I can just sit there and watch one episode right after another. Even with Buffy, I can usually hit about 3 episodes before I need some kind of food break or dance break or Internet break. But with One Tree Hill, I've literally had days where I've sat down and watched 11 episodes in a row, only pausing to go to the bathroom. It's REALLY addictive once you get into it. Hell, it's worth a watch just for the music alone, though. I know a lot of people say Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl have the best music on TV, but to me, nothing has greater music than One Tree Hill. In fact, the only show that can even compete on a music-level is probably The Vampire Diaries. And now that One Tree Hill is officially over, I guess I'll say Vampire Diaries has the best music on TV. In my opinion.

Anyway . . . here's another One Tree Hill song. (For any fans, it's from 6x02, the scene where Quentin walks into that gas station. Big fans will know what scene I'm talking about.)

Face Down in the Right Town by Earlimart

In my complete series re-watch, I'm all the way to Season 7 now, so I must get back to that! :D

One Song Everyday - ROUND 24! Singing Witch, Frenzied Dance

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:22 pm
by Helen of Roswell
April wrote:Even with Buffy, I can usually hit about 3 episodes before I need some kind of food break or dance break or Internet break. But with One Tree Hill, I've literally had days where I've sat down and watched 11 episodes in a row, only pausing to go to the bathroom. It's REALLY addictive once you get into it. Hell, it's worth a watch just for the music alone, though.

:lol: That good, huh? Seeing how you went through 5 seasons
in about a month, you must REALLY love this show.

I think I may just check it out for the music. That track by Earlimart,
"Face Down in the Right Town,"... my God... I LOVE IT!!!

Real chill. Real good music. My first time hearing them.

Listened to some other tracks by them, and I think I found
a new music obsession! In fact, I'm listening to some of their
stuff as I'm typing this. I'm really vibing with their music!

So much so, I want to get them on my playlist. (Once I get a new iPod.)

Mine went bust several months back, along with my laptop. My only source
of reliable music was my small stereo, which one of my sisters snatched
back in May. Can't even listen to my CDs. Sisters!

She said she'd bring it back, but I'm still waiting on her to return it. :roll:

So, I've been music deprived for a while now, which is kind of driving me bananas,
but I'm never really home, so... I guess it's okay if she holds on to it a little longer.

I know a lot of people say Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl have the best music on TV, but to me, nothing has greater music than One Tree Hill. In fact, the only show that can even compete on a music-level is probably The Vampire Diaries. And now that One Tree Hill is officially over, I guess I'll say Vampire Diaries has the best music on TV.

Never got in to any of those shows, either. Although I did watch some
Grey's Anatomy with the same sister who watched One Tree Hill.

When we all used to live together, and I was home on nights it was on, she'd
pretty much "kidnap" me, and force me to watch it with her in the bedroom.
She'd actually lock the door to deter me from running off. :lol:

She wanted someone to watch it with, and then talk about
the episode with. Guess which sister... "Patches." :lol:

And another sister watches Gossip Girl, and I have caught some episodes watching it with
her, but I did NOT care much for the characters. Except for Blair and Chuck. They were
the only two who kept my interest. But I did NOT become a regular watcher.

As for The Vampire Diaries, I had read the first book, a long time ago, years before the television
series ever came out, and I remember NOT enjoying it very much and wanting to just give up on it.

But I'm the type of person, once I am a good way through a book (and even if I think
it's awful and I CANNOT stand to read another word), I'm driven by a strange compulsion
to finish it. And then, once I read book one, I took my crazy self to the library to check out
book two. I must have NOT gone through that many chapters of B2 because, I totally gave
up on it and promptly returned it. I do NOT even know what possessed me to even start B2,
but I did and I sure did NOT get far. Years later, it became a tv series, and remembering my
experience with the books I was NOT all that excited, but I was curious and watched the pilot.

Another sister watched it for awhile and I caught chunks of scenes in passing, and it seems
different from the what I remember the books being. I remember being very annoyed with the
character of Elena in the books, but Elena in the series seems tolerable (from the little I've seen).

And I think she was a blonde in the book??

Anyhoo... if you say the music on the show is the best on television, I should give it
an earnest try, too. :wink: One of my sisters has netflix, so I'll see if they have it.

Hey, April, you know what?... this is kind of random, but still relevant to the topic...

You know the girl who plays Bonnie... she sings too.

Last month, I came across some of her MV on youtube.

My sister was in town for a short while and I had use of her laptop for a day. I was just listening
away as I was organizing some things, and clicked on one of the featured videos, and there she
was. I was like... Hey, that's the girl from The Vampire Diaries!

I listened to two tracks ("Put Your Graffiti on Me," and "Heartkiller"), and though there's NOT much
to the lyrics, I had fun dancing to them. I may just regret sharing this, and may cringe with
embarassment after the fact, but when I got to track two, I could NOT stop but press the replay
button. I grabbed the full length mirror one of my sister's left behind, and spent nearly an hour
dancing around... pretending I was in a MV. It took me forever to get ready and out of the house.

I swear, I would never have done that, had I NOT been alone.

Okay, so that's my little confession for the day. I should
end this before I embarass myself some more.

I really didn't have a song to share, but I guess I'll post the one that had me in a dance frenzy. :P

Heartkiller by Kat Graham

Re: One Song Everyday # 4 - ROUND 25! (Pieces Of You)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:40 pm
by Helen of Roswell
My sister returned the stereo, this weekend, and I now have music at home! Woo hoo!

It probably wouldn't have happened, had she NOT called first.

I told her mom's cooking and there would be lots of food, so she better come
over, and to make sure she remembers to bring the boombox with her.

It worked! :lol:

I spent hours happily cleaning, doing laundry, and organizing
things with music in the background. It was great! :mrgreen:

First up, a song done live by the artist, with an orchestra.

The CD version does NOT have the orchestra, but, when I went online,
I came across this and just liked it better. I think this track may be my
favourite, from her first album (Pieces Of You). I like the way she sings it.

I have this theory that if we're told we're bad,

Then that's the only idea that we'll ever have

But maybe if we are surrounded in beauty

One day we will become what we see,

'Cause anyone can start a conflict

It's harder yet to disregard it

I'd rather see the world from another ANGLE

We are everyday ANGELs

Be careful with me, 'cause I'd like to stay that way.

I'm Sensitive by Jewel

One Song Everyday # 4 - ROUND 26! Espanol y Italiano

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:16 pm
by Helen of Roswell
I first heard him sing when he did a duet with Jamelia, and I liked his singing voice.
And then, I heard him sing in Italian, all operatic-like, and I fell in love with his voice!
Some of his tracks I’m so-so about and some I just do NOT like (at all), but then there
are others that stir me deeply. It’s odd.

Anyhoo… the following tracks are the Spanish
and Italian versions of the same song. Enjoy!

Artist: Tiziano Ferro

Country: Italy

Soy la tarantula de Africa

Sonrio pensando feo

Adentro de mi juala de plexiglas

Te defendere de mi, y de mi veneno

Dicen que libre, yo te mate observandote

Pero pagas tu boleto pa mirarme

Y podrias quererme muerto o amarme


Pero el mejor no, no resiste

Cuanto es bonito, cuanto es triste

Olvidarse que el dolor existe, que el dolor existe

Tarantula de Africa (African Tarantula)

Here's the Italian version -

And for those who are interested, a link to the English translation - ... frica.html


One Song Everyday # 4 - TRACKS 27 & 28 (Tiger Suit)

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:48 pm
by Helen of Roswell
Okay, up next is a woman with MASSIVE TALENT! HUGE! (In my opinion)

I love her! I love, love, love her music!

It's changed some over the years (like with any artist, evolution of self and one's
music is inevitable, and, hopefully, eagerly sought after), but there's something
REAL SOLID about HER. And even when the many sides to her peek through in her
songs... she's STILL the same person. And so many of the lyrics to her songs are
honest. It's evident she wrote them after much self-reflection, and world-watching.

She's managed to sift through all the bullshit of life and come out with some gems.

Plus, I think she is just GORGEOUS! And I just don't mean in the looks department, either.
She' s a great example of an empowered woman, and, to me, that's attractive.

There are a handful of artists who's overall musical work I have been
consistently drawn to and pleased with. And she's one of them.

I gladly take myself to the record shop to purchase her albums.

And since I think she's so awesome, and I enjoy so many of her songs, I was
NOT sure which track to post. So I will post two from her Tiger Suit album.

But, honestly, I love every track on there, and I think each one's golden.

And that's rare.

Country: UK

Still A Weirdo by KT Tunstall

I don't always get it right
But a thousand different ways
And I just might

Pay my lip service
Keep it eloquent
Optimistic, but
Never quite elegant

Still a weirdo :wink:

The Entertainer

Sing it like you've never said it before
Mean it, with your wasted heart
Try to believe that there's nothing to stay for

But there's always before and after,
For The Entertainer

One Song Everyday # 4 - TRACKS 29 & 30! (Tiger Suit) cont...

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:26 pm
by Helen of Roswell
Okay, so I'm back. I just love KT's music and it just did NOT seem
right to post only two tracks. So I've returned with two more! :mrgreen:

(I love the candid shots pieced together in the first one.

Fast-paced. Fun. Just plain wild.)

Push That Knot Away by KT Tunstall

With the eyes of a bird, Me
And the nose of a fox, Me
I'm prepared,
But I'm scared

It's coming for me...

Golden Frames

In the forest, in the forest when you hear
Something that scares you
Be aware that it is frightened of you, too


And in the morning, in the morning when you wake
It is a doorway for you to walk through
To become what you may

Re: One Song Everyday # 4

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:56 am
by April
Her music sounds like it belongs back in a different generation . . . back when music was better and more meaningful. :) She's a nice blend of folksy and current.

Of course, there are still a few meaningful songs these days. I'll go with yet another I heard on One Tree Hill.

Holding a Heart by Girl Named Toby

Re: One Song Everyday # 4

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 9:16 am
by CandyliciousLovah
Is this supposed to say what song we're listening to? Because I've got "The Voice Within" by Christina A playing. She's not as good as Carrie Underwood or Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum but she's pretty good.

Re: One Song Everyday # 4 - ROUND 31! Piano Piece

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:53 pm
by Helen of Roswell
Nice track, April ! One Tree Hill really has some good ones. I enjoyed this one too. Thanks! :D

Hey there, CandyliciousLovah. :D From my understanding, you can post any music you like,
whether you're currently listening to it or just one you heard awhile back. Your choice.

It's good to see you here too. Have fun!

This here is a beautiful piece. Soul-soothing.

Country: Italy

Composer: Ludovico Einaudi

Nuvole Bianchi (White Clouds)