If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by isabelle »


"Coward," I smirk at Liz, and then turn to Maria, feeling triumphant. "I guess the deal's off. Liz won't do it."

"Hey! Not so fast!" Maria says. "I'm willing to sing. You gotta wear the antennae."

"But, Liz won't." I repeat.

Maria glares at Liz. "There's gotta be something. If not singing then ..." She puts her hands on her hips concidering it.

"Something public," I insist.

"Public, yeah," Maria agrees. Then a smile crosses her face. "I know. Next time Max Evans comes in here, you have to ask him out. Right there in the middle of the Crashdown."

I grin, knowing my sister wouldn't do something like that, either. "That'll do," I agree.
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Post by Luvya »

"Deal" I say suprising myself and almost everyone at the table. I dont belive this how on earth did I manage to get myself into this one? Wow.
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Post by isabelle »


Deal? She said, 'deal'? How could that be? I turn desparately to my mom and dad. "Would that be okay with you, two? I mean, the singing and all?"

If they'd had an objection they'd have mentioned it before now, but I'm hoping, hoping one of them will take pity on me.

"Sounds like fun," Mom smiles. Gee, thanks, Mom.

"Sure," Dad adds. "Why not?"

Shit. Okay, what do I do now? "All right," I say, trying not to hesitate. "We'll do it at the same time. I'll do the host/cashier gig and wear the antennae for exactly as long as Maria is singing. She stops, I stop."

Maria grins at me, triumphantly and I try not to cringe.

"I'll take a look at the schedule after dinner and see how soon I can make that fit for you, Michael."

"Thanks, Dad," I tell him.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria *~*~

I can't help grinning widely when everything is settled. Mr and Mrs Parker agreed to let us do it and even Liz joined in. I sat back with a smug smile and thought this would turn our just fine.

"What are we playing for Michael?" I ask. After all what fun would it be if there wasn't any reward or punishment for that matter.
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


"Those ARE the stakes, Maria," I say, my eyes widening. "Me in the antennae. That's all you get."
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria *~*~

I pout when I hear that but then I know better than ot push my luck. Hey a girl can try can't she. With a shrug meant to be resigned, I say, "Fine. Whatever. As long as you do it!"
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


I sit with Serena for a little while, my arm around her in a loose hug, but she doesn't seem to have anything more to say.

"Well, you know where to find me, if you need me, okay?" I tell her. "I'm here for you, if there's anything I can do to help. Anything more you'd like to talk about."

Serena nods, mutely, looking at me as I get up to leave the room. I'm not sure what I'm seeing in her eyes. Gratitude? Love? Fear? I have an idea of how scarey it must be for her. Just a taste that I got through those flashes from Liz. But it's still hard to imagine.

I leave the room and start to head down the hall to my room. I still have a little homework to get done tonight. I see Isabel sitting on the stairs and chatting a mile a minute to one of her friends. I give her a wave as I walk past.

"Hey, Max," she says in some break in her conversation. "Kyle called."

"Oh. Okay," I say, inwardly wincing. He did say he'd call. He probably wants to talk about the shooting some more. I wish I knew what to say to him. It seems like a million years ago. So much has happened. Liz. Serena. I feel like I'm walking in an entirely different world than the one I woke up in this morning.
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Post by Luvya »

OOC- Sorry Guys I wont be on as much as I have been in the past and M u can defently be Tess



I'm going to go on a date with Max Evans. As soon as I ask him. Yikes. Why did I agree to this again? Is there some way I find him semi attractive?

"You know Maria's right we should put in a penatly of some sort for who ever doesn't go through with the bet. Something we all have to do" I say with a smile.
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Post by isabelle »


"A penalty?" I choke out, feeling indignant. "What are you talking about? We've all agreed to the bet. If you go through with it so will I. Nobody will be able to back out because we'll do it at the same time. As long as you're singing, I'll be doing the front in the antennae."
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Post by M »

'Bored, Bored, Bored'.

I'm bored' I think as I toss the remote onto the coffee table. Nothing on TV, Isabelle's on the phone so I can't hear about why Serena didn't come over this afternoon, no-one home. I've had dinner.
I'm actually getting desparate enough I might consider doing my homework! It won't take long I'm sure, but it still means I'm sadly near the edge. Not close enough to clean my room or anything, but still. I'm pretty bored.
Sighing I make my way to the hall to get my bookbag. I put it on the dining room table and get out my books. When I'm looking over what have to do for tonight I realise I have an extra copy of the english book for this term. Perplexed I try to think how I could have gotten it. I guess it must have happened when I ran into Alex Whitman this afternoon. We both dropped a load of books and I must have picked up an extra. I would leave it until school, but I'm worried he might need it so I make my way to the kitchen to call him.

'Alex? Hi, its Tess. Are you missing your english book? Only I found an extra and I think its yours. I could bring it to you, or meet you or something' (I'm thinking this will be at least a short relief from the boredom and wait, hoping, for his reply)

Hope this was ok, wasn't totally sure what I was doing. I will post a bio soon
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