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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Ask you some questions? Wow... now I get to play the shrink....yippee" He says sarcastically, looking bored out of my mind. Well, I've come to discover that this method works, or at least it did during my training period.

" are the biggies..One, What is with the chanting and how do I get out of it. Two, What are you going to do to keep my sister away, and three and most importantly...we arent going to be made to do family sessions are we? Cos in the movies they do and I swear if you try and bring my parents or Isabel into the same room as me..."

"Well," I start, putting my pen behind my ear. "I just got here, so I don't know anything about the chanting. And, I'm working out a plan to keep your sister away, don't worry. Also, no there aren't any family sessions. Happy with the answers?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"I just got here, so I don't know anything about the chanting. And, I'm working out a plan to keep your sister away, don't worry. Also, no there aren't any family sessions. Happy with the answers?"

"The last one yes, the other two, no not really. I hear shrinks like honesty right? Well at least the last one I went to did."

Cant believe I mentioned Dr Frieman. Idiot. I quickly changed the subject. "Well your plan had better be good thats all I can say. Can I also ask...why on Earth would you want to come and work here of all places? I mean you could go out and have fun!"
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"The last one yes, the other two, no not really. I hear shrinks like honesty right? Well at least the last one I went to did." He says, and I perk up. He went to another shrink? No wonder he isn't open to my ideas. He probably had a bad doctor.

"Well your plan had better be good thats all I can say. Can I also ask...why on Earth would you want to come and work here of all places? I mean you could go out and have fun!" He says, making it sound like I chose to drive a garbage truck or something.

"To be honest? They are paying me a huge amount of money, and I'll get recognition," I tell him, figuring that's the truth.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"To be honest? They are paying me a huge amount of money, and I'll get recognition,"

I roll my eyes. "Im sorry but why would you want recognition in something like this? Of all the jobs in the world, you get to listen to some people moan about how terrible there lifes are, or be made to listen to people who dont even need your help like me! No amount of money on earth would get me doing that!" I say

I keep looking as I scruffily write in my book. Well this is certainly not a technique Dr Frieman used...but then again, I never paid attention to that pillock. Especially since Mommy and Daddy literally made me go. One time Dad had to actually force me into the room and lock the door. Stupid STUPID parents!!!
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


"Im sorry but why would you want recognition in something like this? Of all the jobs in the world, you get to listen to some people moan about how terrible there lifes are, or be made to listen to people who dont even need your help like me! No amount of money on earth would get me doing that!" He says, sounding irritated, and I get the urge to ask who his last doctor was, but supress it.

"It's actually not as bad as it sounds, and it's a better doctoral job than surgeon, because there's less stress." I tell him, naming one of the reasons I picked the field.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"It's actually not as bad as it sounds, and it's a better doctoral job than surgeon, because there's less stress."

I shiver at the thought. Ergh. Why would ANYONE want to be a doctor? I mean one, you'd have to be good at
Secondly, long hours and no fun...yuck.
And thirdly, and most importantly... your playing God with peoples lives. I mean yeah....this guy doesnt literally takes lifes...but he tells you how to lead them.

And what if you dont want advice? Why should he be stuck helping me when I dont need help? And why should I have to listen?
And I have always hated doctors. On the few occasions my aqquaintances...or bar mates....end up in hospital they give me these looks. Those looks they give you...the ones that say you are a low life, and a drunk.

As if they know me. They dont. No one does. So screw em all I say.

"All doctors are idiots. No offence, but Ive never met a doctor who is any shape or form good to both there patients and themselves"
Like that Liz doctor. She clearly doesnt look after herself. She needs someone to show her the way...

"And shrinks like you...there either awful and charge too much... or there famous" and charge too much. Plus its a load of physco babble anyway"
Thats why my parents went with Frieman. Cos supposedly he was "the best". And it wasnt as if money was that much of a problem to them.

Post by POM »


I heard Michael calling him...but I wasn't ready to let him go just yet..."Well, we could start outside?" I told him as I pulled him outside and we walked by the lake--and I couldn't believe that I was walking next to thee 'Kyle Valenti', it seemed unreal to me.

"so, what brings you here Kyle?" I smirked at him--as I continued to walk down the path walkway.

Post by POM »

OCC: Mel, did you post for Jesse?
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Post by madroswellfan »

POM wrote:Serena:

"Jesse your so big..." I moan out as he enters me...and I meet his thrust.

"You've been so so bad Serena. You'll have to be punished" I smirked at him...and replied, "That's not all I've been",in a coy voice.

I began to meet his thrusts--but I always had a thing for Fast and rough thrusts, It always drove me even harder.

"Fuck me...HARDER...God Jesse..." I breathed out.

Seriously what was this man doing to me... "God...YES...YES...YES!!" as the estasy bursted out of me.
I moan as I feel my self reach my peak. I let the feeling envelope me, amazed at the pleasure.

When I feel semi-normal I move away and put my garments of clothing back on.

"Well I think your doing rather well Miss...Harding" I say as I reach for her name. "This was a good session. You can see yourself out" I say not looking at her.

Post by POM »


That's've got to be kidding me! Well what did I expect--he's a man. Well here's were I up the play.

"Well, that was some short comings--but I'm sure it's not your fault Mr. Ramirez." I smirk as I walk around his office putting on my clothes. I feel something for him, but I can't really put my finger on it now.

I put everything on except for my white lace thong--and I walk up to him and tuck it into the jacket pocket.

"Here it's to remember me by, just incase you ever want a random fuck--you know where I'm at." I whispered into his ear and kissed him on the cheek.

Before I walked out of the room, I turned to him.

"Oh, and by the way...My name isn't Harding... It's Twilight, Serena Twilight--Later Sexy." I winked and walked out of the office.
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