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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:51 pm
by madroswellfan
"This whole situation has got me really frustrated." she says with a smirk....hmm.....theres that sexy Maria back again...and bloody hells shes great!

"Maybe later we could work them out together?"
I grin. Oh yeah. Little brother is no match for the Rathmeister. I just need to push Maria a little more and we'll be back where we were before....hmm... that little body so close to mine... That kiss.... Oh fucking hell Im good!

"I think that can be arranged" I whisper huskily as I lick my lips. Oh can be more than arranged! I check her out obviously. Oh definitely can...

"What exactly did you have in mind?" I ask. "I mean....I can think of many ways....styles....positions...." I say with a little wink.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:11 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"I think that can be arranged" he assures me with a look that thrills me to no end. Licking his lips he looks me up and down and I feel like the sexiest woman in the room. He's quite the talented man. I'd like to see exactly how skilled he is. The all areas.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" He inquires excitedly, "I mean....I can think of many ways....styles....positions...."

Wow, the boy sure knows how to turn it on. "I'm feeling rather adventurous." I grin running my hand up and down his bare arm.

"Maybe we could go down to the dam later for a lil' swimming trip." I suggest with a naughty smile. "Clothes optional." :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:08 pm
by StormWolfstone

"I missed you," Zan says with a grin and I can't help but smile as his hand takes mine. "I'm really looking forward to this. I can't believe I waited so long to ask you," We move off to the door which he opens and once we're in the hallway I can't help but think that I've walked into some alternate reality. I mean, he did say he's looking forward to our date, right? What could he possibly see in me. I'm not anything like Linda, who I used to envy when Zan was with her. Seeing them together had always made me feel like a fool.

"You are so amazing in so many ways..." Amazing? Me? Plain Liz Parker who is now seen as a nobody in social circles? Zan thinks I'm amazing? He's the one that is amazing. When he releases my hand, I can't help but feel the loss even as I start locking the door and place my keys back in my purse. Once I'm ready, I turn to Zan and place my hand in his.

"I'm glad you asked me, Zan. I really am." I tell him softly, I want to ask him why he thinks I'm amazing and what he means. I want to learn so much more about him. "I look forward to spending this time with you, Zan." As we walk down the hall I hear the loud television from one of my neighbor's apartments and smile, knowing that it was one of the hard of hearing gentleman.

Reaching the main door, I smile at Zan as I ask, "So, what are we going to do? I'll let you decide because, I'm looking forward to simply spending time with you no matter what we do." Oh my... I can't believe I actually said that out loud. I feel so embarrassed and find myself looking down at the ground as I felt the nervousness building inside of me. I don't want to sound like an idiot. I don't want to ruin any of this.

I feel lucky that the gossip mill hasn't ended up running into me just yet, I don't want my date to start off with her jabbering away as we exit the building and end up stopping at the car. I can't help but think about how it feels to just be walking hand in hand with him. He's so handsome and sweet. His comment on missing me still had me smiling. If he felt that way when I'd been out of the room barely a minute I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel if we were a couple. Wait... we're going on a date... does that make us a couple?

I've been out of the scene so long and even then I couldn't completely understand the relationship protocol's.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:52 pm
by isabelle

She slips her hand into mine and it feels so wonderful there. I don't ever want to let go of her. We walk down towards the front of the building and I barely notice anything or anyone we might pass. All I know is Liz Parker, and her wonderful soft small hand in mine.

"Well, seeing as you're all dressed up, why don't we go to Hannihans? You can wow all the guys in town with your moves on the dance floor." It's one of the nicest clubs in town and there's a four-star restaurant attached so we can get a full meal if she's hungry after spending the evening on her feet. And a lovely coffee bar just down the block if she wants a less formal meal...

Oh. yeah. On her feet. Maybe she doesn't want to be dancing? I guess we can start with eating so she'll be able to rest. I just hope I'm dressed well enough. I wasn't really prepared for a nice date-night. Hanging out at the Crash with my friends, I'm perfect, but I don't want to embarrass her...

"Unless you'd rather not be dancing? I know you've been on your feet all day," I allow. I don't want her to think I haven't noticed. "We can go to eat or a movie, if you'd prefer. Are you hungry?" I know she had a break in the middle of her shift, but that might not really mean that she isn't hungry.

I open the passenger door of my car so she can get in, while I wait for her response.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:21 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooc: Karen, just saw your comment, thanks. :D

"It's all about knowing what people really want,and...Giving it to them." Maria says, flashing me this sexy smirk. God, this girl is so hot. She's got this way of twisting perfectly innocent words around, until they are...far from innocent. If you know what I mean. Not to mention she's running her hand slowly up my arm in a way that could quite possibly drive me crazy.

I'm just about to come up with some witty reply when the DJ signals her. "Ah thats the not so pretty side to party planning. The D.J wants me. I need to go advert some disaster. Thanks for the dance. Save me one for later," She says rather quickly, before dashing off to attend to the problem. Damn, just when it was starting to get interesting.

"I might have to hold you to that," I call after her, grinning as I wander off to get myself another drink.

Standing at the counter, I glance around again. There are a lot of people here. Speaking of people, where is Liz? She was supposed to swing by, or at least that's what she told me. Being a best friend has got to count for something.

I notice Alex standing alone nearby and I head over in his direction. "Hey Alex, you haven't seen Liz have you?" I ask, trying to find out where she's gone to.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:29 am
by KarenEvans

Looking around at the dancing couples and the guys drinking at the bar it strikes me that I am the odd one out in this crowd.

None of my friends are here...unless you'd call some of my more idiotic team mates friends.I had exchanged pleasantries with them but that was it.

A quick glance at my watch confirms that I have been here 45 minutes and have basically been alone the whole time.

"This sucks." I mutter under my breath "might as well go home.If Isabel is always this late then I might as well give up now."

I decide to call Max,my last resort,dialling his cell number but as it starts ringing Michael comes over to me,so I cancel the call and send a message instead 'get to the Crashdown NOW.Alex.'

Hey Alex,you haven't seen Liz have you?" he asks looking around hoping to spot her in the crowd

"Oh hey Michael...nope sorry,can't say I have.But I did hear that she'd be here with Zan." I inform him with a disapproving look

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:22 am
by isabelle
OOC -- What happened to Isabel and Tess? Weren't they coming to the party?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:39 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-well dreamer393 who was playing Isabel has quit rpg-ing and we are in need of a Tess as well.I guess I'll have Alex give Max a call.

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 7:53 pm
by bluebballjumper
I can do isabel if u all want me to. Jus let me kno. Or I could do Tess. Either one is fine with me.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:37 am
by maougha

It’s quiet... too quiet. What happened down there? Frankly I’m afraid to go look but I suppose I have to right? Turning off the tv I get up phone in hand just in case I have to call 911 or something I make my way down stairs. I walk out from the back room to find every one standing around talking and looking a little bored. Well this is new,

I scan the room looking for Maria spotting her at the bar with Rath. I make my way over to them glancing around at the “party.” if this is what Maria calls the best party Roswell has ever seen I’d hate to see the worst.

“Het, Maria.” I say walking up beside the two. “Great party you got going here. So where’s Zan with his band? Or that D. J?”