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Post by Sternbetrachter »

*shrugs* I'm okay with moving on but I'm not involved in conversations so that is up to the others
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

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Post by madroswellfan »

(OOC: Happy to move on whenever :) )
“It was probably all an act. He’s rich, famous and probably really beautiful. And that just spells trouble if you ask me. You know that hockey player…ugh what’s his name? The one who was arrested for drunk driving…You know, the one with the hair that kinda goes woah…”

Actually I don't have a clue! I don't know anything about whats happening in the celebriry world. I know my clients when I get some slight background info on them before they come in and thats it.

"It doesn’t matter. All I’m saying is that hockey players or footballers or whatever sports they playing these days are all the same. They are still the mindless jocks from high school. Don’t ya think?”

"I don't know...he seemed nice enough. Trust me I've seen lots worse" I tell her. "So where is it were going?" I ask. To be honest...its been so long since I walked down this high street, Im a little lost. I mean...most of these stores weren't here last time I came.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Can everyone please start bringing their conversations to close. I would I like to move on with the role play as soon as possible.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


"I don't know...he seemed nice enough.” Isabel states causing me to roll my eyes. Of course he seemed nice. It was their first meeting. He’s hardly going to show his real nature. “Trust me I've seen lots worse. So where is it were going?"

I shrug. I don’t think that anyone had really decided where we were eating. I know the only thing I had been thinking about was getting out of the apartment.

“Since we towards East 20th Street, I guess we could eat at Gramercy Tavern.” I say causally, deciding that I was in the mood for one of their delicious sandwiches. Although I really should stick with a salad. I mean, not only is it half the price, its also half the fat.

Looking over my shoulder, I grin at Max and Liz before saying, “I think that we are going to head to Gramercy Tavern. Anybody got any problems with that?”

The brunettes shake their heads briefly before continuing with their conversation. Hmm, I wonder what they are talking about. Probably something boring and completely non shopping related. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not obsessed with shopping or anything. I just enjoy talking about it sometimes. Its easy, fun and light.

Turning my attention back to Isabel, I smile to stop the frown that wants to form on my face. Its really odd that I have nothing to say to her. She’s one of my closest friends but I’m coming up with nothing.

Within moments, the four of us arrive at Gramercy Tavern and are quickly led to a table on the far side of the restaurant. I smile at the waiter as he hands me a menu and notice that he has really pretty green eyes. I wish I had green eyes. Blue eyes are blah. Maybe I should get some contact lenses. Ooooh, that would be cool. I could get a different color for every day of the week.

What I really need is a rich boyfriend. There is only so much stuff you can buy on my salary, which sucks completely.

I grin at Isabel and peer over my menu, “Do you think I could order myself a boyfriend? Wouldn't it be so much easier if you could just buy men. I mean, if you didn’t like what you bought you could always return it!”


Can everyone please start bringing their conversations to close. I would I like to move on with the role play as soon as possible.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

I'm sorry I didn't post here.... wasn't getting the notifications. I'm going to try and come up with something... but my muse on this storyline and some of the others I'm in haven't exactly been moving lately... life has taken my muse hostage in some places and in others it runs rampant.
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

sooo .. we jumpin' ahead then? :?:
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Okay, so we are moving on to a new day. :)


God, I hate Mondays. They are so very lame and in turn make me feel very lame. And they make my heart hurt a little when I feel Zan wordlessly roll out of bed at 5.30am and head to the shower. And it gets a little worse when he silently tip toes around the room, trying not to wake me as he gets ready for work. And then the real kicker is when he kisses my forehead and leaves. I hate goodbyes nearly as much as Mondays.

But sometimes he forgets to kiss me goodbye and I hate him a little. Today is one of those Monday when Zan forgot to kiss me goodbye. I think that Mondays turn me into a slightly mental person. And I don’t like that. I don’t like a lot of these feelings that I’ve been experiencing lately. They are confusing and infuriating. I wish I could make them go away. I’ve been trying to ignore them but they keep raising their ugly little heads, making me all snappy and mean.

Padding out of my bedroom, wearing a pair of pj bottoms and Zan’s favorite football jersey, I head to the kitchen. Cornflakes and coffee are what I desperately need to trigger some sunshine and awareness into me. I might even take ET’s advice and phone home. Moaning to my mother about the unfairness of life would no doubt put me in a much better mood. My Mom always knows what to say.

Pushing opening the kitchen door, I head straight to the coffee machine and pour myself a fresh cup before sorting out my cornflakes.
Last edited by ~Ruby~ on Sat Apr 15, 2006 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


I guess I know now why some say that New York makes you go crazy. After all, what other reason than losing my mind can explain that I invited Serena and her friends for dinner, two days after I moved here? I mean, where do I find the right places to get the food, where can I buy napkins, candles and other things I'll need?

Not to forget Seth. While he seems to like the city so far, I can not really put him in front of the tv the whole afternoon while I prepare dinner. Which leads me to the question where I can find a qualified and trust worthy babysitter? Things would be so much easier if Abby was still around.

I could call Serena, or Michael which might be the better choice since Sera is all paranoid about me and Michael not getting along. But then, Sera would be offended because I didn't ask her for help when she offered it, accusing me of not having any faith in her abilities as organizer.

Oh well, it is harder to deal with a cranky female, so I better call Serena. She should be up by now anyway. I hope she is or I'll really have to deal with a cranky female. Grabbing my cell, I hit speed dial and wait for someone to pick up the phone on the other end.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


I nearly jump out of my skin when the phone starts to ring. Damn it is way to early in the morning and I so haven’t had enough coffee to be dealing with people. I hope it isn’t anyone from the club. This weekend has been chaos and I was hoping for a little me time today.

Reaching for a the phone, I feel a smile tug at my lips when I look at the caller id and see that its Alex. I am always happy to talk to my favorite cousin unless of course I’m already a sleep or otherwise occupied with Zan. But since that isn’t the case, I’m very happy that Alex is calling me.

“Alex, hey. Whatcha doing calling me at this time in the morning? Shouldn’t you be baking or something?”
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