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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:55 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next. Thank god Michael talked to Carrie about her and Alexandra's gifts. Oh no someone has Elizabeth.Wow a lot of terrible things are going on with Max, Isabel, Jim and kids. Hopefully Grace, Jake and Elizabeth will not get into trouble. Understandable about Maria and Kyle worrying about Jake. Wow like sleeping beauty Grace woke Jake up. Wonder what Max, Isabel, Jim, Elizabeth will do when they see Jake awake? Will everyone be happy? What will Michael do when he finds out? What will Maria do when she finds out Jake is awake? Where is Elizabeth? Who took Elizabeth? Who will find Elizabeth? Will Elizabeth be safe or in danger? Who will save Elizabeth? Will Beth, Keith, Serena, Michael find out who has Elizabeth? What will Beth, Keith, Serena, Michael do to find and save Elizabeth?

L-J-L 76

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:33 pm
by RoswellFan68
Great part. I liked that Grace's kiss woke Jake. The way I read the chapter Belle was the one calling for her mother. I believe Alexandra is on her way to the airport for a trip to Roswell.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 1:37 pm
by begonia9508
Wow! Really great part! Even if guys like Tommy could be a real danger for them, if she still shows her powers... I understand the Anger at Tommy who really merited what she did to him! :twisted:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:04 pm
by roswell4life
Just a kiss to heal the wounded!!! Loving this!!! If only we can get Beth and the gang on a plane to follow Alex to Roswell!!! :D Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 4:53 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Looks like Jake is going to be ok. Now just what is Alex up to? Is she on her way to Roswell?

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 42 - Updated - 2/28/2018

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:21 pm
by keepsmiling7
Looking for a new update!

Reunion - Chapter 43 - 3/03/2018

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:55 pm
by Parker1947
“I had to get you to wake up somehow,” Grace smiled as she came back to the bedside with hope in her eyes as Jake looked more lifelike now, with his eyes open. “Welcome back.”

“So, it was just a way to wake me up?” Jake asked as he could still feel the impact of the kiss and the power of it as it made him come into the land of consciousness as he looked up and could see the strain on Grace’s face. “How long have I been out?”

“Several hours,” Grace said softly trying to ignore the implications of the kiss. “I heard stories of my mother doing to same thing with my Dad when they were teenagers, so I tried it out to see if I could get you to wake you up since you weren’t waking up any other way.

“Oh,” Jake face fell at the implication that it was only a ploy to get him to wake up and he didn’t know how to feel about that, so he looked around to see where he was located. “Where am I?”

“My house,” Grace smiled. “My dad’s bedroom as we had to take you somewhere, and with your parents out of town, my place was the only possibility.”

“I guess my parents have been told?” Jake asked as he leaned back, feeling the pain of his injuries.

“My Dad is talking to your mother right now. He and Aunt Isabel are trying to get a hold of your father but apparently, he’s in a middle of a troubling phase of his case and it might take a while for him to call back.”

“Knowing him, probably,” Jake nodded. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“It’s my fault,” Grace began.

“I don’t believe that,” Jake said with a smile.

“It was Jake, I am sorry. If it weren’t for me than you wouldn’t have been hurt and you wouldn’t be in this bed,” she sighed.

“Tell me,” Jake asked.

“Do you remember anything?” Grace asked as concern filled her face. “How is your head?”

“Sore,” Jake said honestly. “I guess it’s like I have a massive hangover.”

“I guess you know that feeling,” Grace laughed. “Dad might have to do some healing given we couldn’t take you to a hospital.”

“Why not. I am human and it’s not like with you guys” he asked.

“That would be on Elizabeth as she’s the one decided on those actions as you were pretty banged up and I wasn’t in the sanest shape mentally.”

“Oh, god what did Elizabeth do?” Jake asked as he imagined the worst and none of the ideas going through his mind was tame when it involved his hyper younger sister.

“She only did it to help,” Grace offered up as a defense for her friend. “Do you remember you were fighting in the park?”

“I was in the park?” Jake asked as he searched his memory and a flash came to him. “Yes, I were there along with me, Elizabeth and Tommy Ellis, weren’t you?”

“Yes,” Grace admitted.

“Tommy and I were fighting?” Jake asked as memories of the fight flashed through his brain.

“Yes,” Grace nodded.

“There was a gun?” a memory popped into his mind and he recognized it. “Tommy had a gun?”

“Yes,” Grace nodded.

“What happened?” Jake asked. “I don’t remember anything else. It was just that Tommy was spewing garbage about you and I refused to take it anymore and it got heated.”

“I used my powers?” Grace admitted.

“Grace, you didn’t. That is a big no, no in this family. That is completely stupid...why did you do it?” Jake asked.

“It was because of the fight. I couldn’t handle it, and I needed to stop it, somehow. I just didn’t expect my actions to have the response it would have, and I am sorry in advance.”

“I don’t blame you,” Jake said softly as he looked into her eyes. “No matter what you did, I don’t blame you.”

“I used my powers to bring down a branch. I anticipated it hitting Tommy, but then I saw the gun and bam, both of you went down, it hit harder than I anticipated and then the gun went off, and got you.”

“It hit my leg?” Jake asked as felt the sensation of the hit and then he saw the tears come to Grace’s eyes and could tell they were too easily occurring which meant she had been beating herself up since the incident, and it was a response to everything. “It’s sore as hell”

“Yes,” Grace nodded.

“I don’t blame you Grace. I shouldn’t have let Tommy get to me and the gun well I remember how it shocked me too. You couldn’t have imagined her would have it or that he would threaten me with its use.”

“I should have been more careful,” Grace insisted. “You’re in this bed because of me.”

“I am not dead and therefore you should stop blaming yourself. I am just a little banged up. If I was fighting with Tommy than what happened to that asshole?”

“They did take him to the hospital,” Grace admitted. “He’s still unconscious. They don’t know if he will wake up.”

“Perfect” Jake smiled. “That would just make my day.”

“Jake!” Grace complained. “If he doesn’t, it’s my fault.”

“Given what he did to you, I wouldn’t be crying for him at his funeral” Jake admitted as the memory of Tommy’s taunts came to him, and how angry he had been.

“I am not either,” Grace admitted. “But he could die, and if he does, it’s on me.”

“Let’s go there when we have to,” Jake said. “Did the cops find the gun and if they did then they have Tommy’s fingerprints not mine. So that might be a saving grace.”

“They didn’t see the gun.”

“And why the hell not?” Jake asked as he tried to get stock of the story he was given so far of the accident. “I know my grandfather’s department and they are not that incompetent.”

“Elizabeth took it,” Grace admitted.

“What the hell!” Jake almost screamed with the alarm he felt for his sister.

“She was afraid that Tommy would finger you as the reason for the fight, and she went into family preservation mode and she got you out of the sight of the paramedics and cop. Only your grandfather knows you have been hurt, and that you’re here.”

“God, damn it Elizabeth,” Jake muttered.

“She forgot about the gun, and then when she did. She took it. She figures we can use it as a threat if Tommy does wake up.”

“That is smart and that is the sister I know and love.” Jake smiled with beaming glow on his face.

“Jacob, you shouldn’t be encouraging that kind of behaviour,” Grace said with a frown at how proud Jake was of his sister. “The last thing I want is for any of you to be hurt by my actions.”

“Well too bad because I am going to use it to protect you, if I have to.”

“Jesus Jake!”

“Don’t Jake me,” Jake smiled all innocently. “Go tell your father I am awake. Isn’t it late. Where is my sister by the way? I figured she would already be in here?”

“Aunt Isabel took her to pick up some clothes and books because she’s sleeping over here tonight and will head for school from here, because your mother probably won’t be home until tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Jake said accepting that and then took a good look at his grief-stricken friend. “Hey, Grace will you stop blaming yourself.

“I’ll always blame myself but at least you’re awake so I am feeling better about it,” Grace admitted.

“Good,” Jake smiled as Grace got up to head to find her father.

“Get some rest, and I’ll be back soon,” Grace smiled as she headed for the door and when she turned back and decided to open a hornet’s nest. “And....Jake”

“What?” Jake asked.

“I meant that kiss. It wasn’t only a ploy to wake you up” she whispered, and Jake’s eyes opened wide, and she then left the room. “It meant something to me.”

“Oh hell,” he whispered to himself.


Downstairs Max was still reassuring a wild Maria. Isabel was still gone with Elizabeth and checking the lock it was well past midnight, and they all needed to be in bed. “I promise you that I’ll let you know when I know something.”

“He’s my baby and he’s hurt. I am not there,” Maria cried. “I need to know he’s going to be alright. I need to see him.”

“Your baby is going to be alright. He’s upstairs, and I promise you that I will make sure he stays in one piece, okay and you trust me, right?” he asked. “I suggest that you go to sleep, or try and distract yourself and pack up so that you can get going first thing, but we don’t need a distraught you on the road, tonight with Belle in the backseat.”

“Grr,” Maria groaned as she prepared to disconnect the connection when she heard footsteps and stayed on.

“Dad,” Grace asked as she came downstairs to the dark house. She wasn’t sure where her father would be if the lights weren’t on.

“In here,” Max smiled from the kitchen.

“Oh,” Grace nodded as she came forward. “Jake is awake?”

“He is,” Maria screamed through the connection of the computer screen. “How is he and tell me everything?”

“How is he?” Max asked for his own sake as he prayed all would be okay for both Jake and Grace.

“He’s acting like the same old Jake,” Grace smiled softly. “He does remember everything about the fight and therefore I don’t see any indications of any impairment. He says he has a headache and his leg is sore. But other than that, he seems fine.”

“Great,” Max smiled. “Why did he wake up?”

“I have my ways of persuading him,” Grace said as she smiled her first genuine smile towards her father since the whole incident happened as she remembered the kiss and how fireworks felt like they were going to explode.

“Ok” Max nodded. “I will go up and make sure his injuries are still stable. Maria, I’ll check in with you first thing in the morning before you head back on the road, okay? You can talk to Grace if you want.”

“Thank you for everything you have done Max,” Maria said softly as Max exited the room.

“Aunt Maria,” Grace said a bit warily not sure what her father may have told her Aunt.

“I don’t blame you Grace,” Maria smiled to reassure her god-daughter. “And I am sure my son doesn’t, either.”

“He says he doesn’t,” Grace admitted.

“That is wonderful” Maria said. “Now, tell me, how is my son?”

“Awake, and that is progress compared to how he was a half hour ago,” Grace admitted. “It doesn’t seem like he has lingering complications, but we won’t know until tomorrow. The only bad thing about not seeing a doctor is I don’t know about any concussions.”

“Your dad will probably help with that,” Maria assured her goddaughter. “He has a good sense of where people are medically.”

“I know,” Grace smiled.

“When my daughter gets there, tell her that she and I will be talking tomorrow and that we’ll be having a long talk about what actions she committed and the danger she put herself in.”

“Just a warning, Jake seems to be on Elizabeth’s side!”

“I am sure he is,” Maria sighed. “I just bet that he is a big supporter of his sister’s conduct.”

Grace laughed.

“I love you sweetheart, good night,” Maria smiled. “I am signing off. Please tell your father again my immense thanks for everything he’s done for my children tonight.”

“I will,” Grace nodded as she signed off with her godmother, and went upstairs where Jake was still being examined by her father. So, she went into her bedroom, and got ready for bed. She was beyond tired, but the kiss kept playing on a loop. Even though the other participant was unconscious, it had more spark than anything she encountered with Tommy Ellis before the incident, and then that night on her date with Dominic.

“Oh god, what am I going to do, now?” she whispered to herself as she looked at herself in her mirror.


It was after 3 a.m. by the time Kyle got to Beth’s home in Madison. After his long discussion with his wife, he made it to the airport. But it long time to get any sense of where Alexandra was up to, and finally he got word and then it was back to the house in Madison where Michael was still hold up.

“Where is my daughter?” Beth asked as he walked into the house. Carrie was long gone to bed, and Keith had gone home to the kids, so it was just Serena giving her best friend moral support.

“There is a record of a plane ticket to El Paso, Texas.” Kyle said quietly. “There was a last flight of the night that she managed to get on before I could get to the airport.”

“Oh god,” Beth cried. “Why did she have to do this?”

“Beth, we think she might be headed to El Paso and then plans to take a bus to her final destination.”

“And that is, where?” Beth asked.

“Most likely Roswell!” Kyle said quietly, and Beth gasped at the realization. “Oh god, she’s heading for answers, isn’t she?” Beth asked.

“Yes, but I really don’t think she planned it. It was a spur of a moment decision and a very rash decision.”

“If she’s headed there, what do I do now?” Beth asked. “I can’t handle much more of this. You two came to my town and completely screwed up my life,” she shouted before running from the room and Serena after her.

“She’s not too wrong, we probably did,” Kyle muttered to Michael once the room was empty.

“This is a hell of a situation we find ourselves in,” Michael asked as he tried to rack his brain for an answer. “What did we say to Alexandra to make her take this kind of measure?”

“We told her that her biological father was like her,” Kyle reminded his friend. “Alexandra like any young teenager wants to know they aren’t alone and she couldn’t help herself. And with her powers, that makes her impossible to stop from doing something rash,” Kyle muttered. “If Carrie had been with her, we would have two missing teenagers and who knows what they would have done with the power of two.”

“Damn it,” Michael muttered himself. “Beth hates us!”

“No, she doesn’t. She’s a frantic mother who doesn’t know what we know, and that scares her, and her daughter is missing. It’s very overwhelming for her,” Kyle sighed.

“It is,” Michael nodded.

“But right now, we have bigger problems on our hands,” Kyle said quietly. “You’ve been ignoring your calls from back home, haven’t you?”

“Sure, especially since things here with Alexandra got more complicated, why?” Michael asked.

“Well my wife called,” Kyle admitted. “Isabel, Max well they have been trying to get a hold of you.”

“Why?” Michael asked as his eyes shot up. “Can’t Maria can handle everything there, or Max.”

“Because Maria isn’t readily available, and it does strictly involve your family, and they needed you to be aware, so you can make your own decisions.”

“Oh god. What is it, now?” Michael asked.

“It’s Jake!”

“I knew it. What has he done now?” Michael asked his friend warily. “He hasn’t skipped town again, has he?”

“No. It’s worse.”

“What could be worse than that?” Michael asked as he imagined the worst “Is he in jail for killing Tommy?”

“Close on the Tommy front at least. There was a fight tonight in the park between Jake and Tommy, and it got brutal. Elizabeth and Grace were there, and Grace was who they were fighting about, and one thing led to another and he’s been hurt,” Kyle said in a rush.

“How hurt?” Michael said with immediate focus on Kyle. “How serious is it?”

“911 were called. Tommy is in the hospital. Elizabeth prevented them from finding out Jake was there, and Max took him back to his house. Elizabeth is also there, she’s spending the night. There was a gun. Jake was hit in the leg. But it’s not life threatening,” Kyle reassured Michael.

“Holy hell...,” Michael said. “If 911 were called, then the Sheriff’s department was not long after, right?” Michael asked as he went into his soldier mode as well as concerned father mode. “Was Jim able to control the situation?”

“He was but at personal cost in the long run,” Kyle admitted. “If it’s ever discovered there is more to this story than a simple story that Elizabeth crafted, or if Grace or Jake come into the story but for now Elizabeth’s quick thinking stands so they are both being kept out of it and with Tommy’s unconscious at the hospital, the true story isn’t out yet. The concern isn’t if Tommy wakes up and fingers Jake because they believe they have that covered, it’s something else...”

“Then what is that something else or why would Grace come into the story?” Michael asked fearful for the answer and he wasn’t sure he was proud or not of his daughter for keeping his son out of trouble with the authorities or not. As they have discovered during their times is that the cover up is always more dangerous than the original crime.

“It’s with Grace. She used her powers, and in the confusion Jake was hurt.”



Upstairs, Beth was trying to calm herself down, so she could get some sleep and deal with her daughter in the morning or at least in a few hours but she couldn’t, so she was pacing the hallway thinking of her beautiful little girl out there in the real world, alone. Checking in on the one child still at home, she was reassured that Carrie was asleep in her bed.

She had sent Serena home to be with her husband and children and they would reconnect after sunlight. Taking deep breaths, she continued pacing and was near the stairs when she overheard a conversation from downstairs... Kyle and Michael were still there, standing guard. Serena had gone out the back way because her car was back there.

She could hear the words, she used her powers, and, in the confusion, Jake was hurt.


“What the heck,” Beth thought but figured she was dreaming and went into her bedroom and tried to fall asleep without much luck.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 43 - Updated - 3/03/2018

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:21 pm
by keepsmiling7
This is a real mess now.......and everyone seems to be aware of Grace's use of powers.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 43 - Updated - 3/03/2018

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:48 am
by L-J-L 76
Thank god for Jake waking up. That was a great way to wake someone up. Just like Liz and Max did. So Jake know what is going on. So glad that Grace admit the kiss. Wow Michael is taking the news good about Jake, Grace and Tommy. So Elizabeth is going to go to Roswell to find her father. But how she is going to find him though. poor Beth she is taking everything bad. She has one daughter with her and the other is gone. Hopefully with everything going on Beth will start talking about what she dreams and what they could mean. Hopefully Beth's dreams will help her find Elizabeth and the father of the daughters. Is Elizabeth really going to Roswell? Will Michael and Kyle be there when Liz wakes up screaming? Will Michael, Kyle help Beth find Elizabeth? Will Beth find out where Elizabeth is going? Will Beth and Carrie go get Elizabeth? What will happen when Beth, Carrie, Elizabeth are all in Roswell?

L-J-L 76

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 43 - Updated - 3/03/2018

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:03 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jake is going to be ok. Alexandra is in deep trouble when her mother gets her hands on her. Oh and Beth/Liz is going to have to face the past she can't remember. But that last part might be a good thing.