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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 5:07 pm
by bluebballjumper

Before I get a chance to tell this guy off, Alex jumps in, "We were talking Bailey.She doesn't want to talk to you.Now buzz off." I'm sure my jaw has dropped a foot so I bring my hand up to check. Did Alex really just stand up for me? Not that I really need it, but it's nice to see this side of him.

"Sorry, dude. Didn't realize she was taken," Bailey says as he lifts his hands to seem innocent and walks away.

I realize my hand is still by my face so I casually act like I'm fixing my hair. "Umm...thanks, Alex. That was really..." Heroic? Manly? Really hot and an incredible turn on? "...nice of you."

The heat in the crashdown must have turned on because all of the sudden I feel really hot and am afraid I might start to break a sweat. I really need to get over this little infatuation or whatever I have with Alex before I make a fool of myself and totally ruin my image. Nonetheless I can't help but look at the way his muscles are quite apparent under his shirt. This is bad. This is really REALLY bad.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 1:10 pm
by KarenEvans

The music just got louder so I have to lean closer to Isabel to hear what she's saying after Bailey took off in the opposite direction
"Umm...thanks, Alex. That was really...nice of you."

Waving it off casually as nothing...yeah right I was shaking in my shoes...I smile at her "No problem...any decent guy would have told Bailey to back off.He shouldn't have spoken to you that way."

Checking my watch it strikes me that Max isn't here yet...why oh why am I thinking of Max at a time like this?

" you want to dance?" I ask her hesitantly

How is it that I always manage to be so damn confident around her in my dreama and in reality I am reduced to a quivering mass of jello???
She is probably going to laugh in my face.Isabel Evans,being asked to dance by Alex Whitman...that would be a good joke for the rest of the school to hear on Monday morning.

Absent mindedly I rub my palms against my legs since they are feeling clammy...and I wait for her reply.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:26 pm
by bluebballjumper

"No problem...any decent guy would have told Bailey to back off.He shouldn't have spoken to you that way."

I don't know what it is, but there's just something about Alex that is really soothing and calm. Maybe it's the way he acts like I'm the only person in the room without having a hidden agenda.

" you want to dance?" I can tell Alex is somewhat nervous, but even that is kind of refreshing. I know it's really bad that when he asks me the first thing I think about is what others will think, but as much as I want to dance with him, I still can't help but wonder.

"Actually, Alex..." Before I can decline his request, I'm caught off guard how cute and attractive he is when he's nervous, "...I was thinking we could go somewhere a little more private. You know, to talk."

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:02 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Well, seeing as you're all dressed up, why don't we go to Hannihans? You can wow all the guys in town with your moves on the dance floor." Zan suggests and I can't keep from smiling. Me, wow the guys? I doubt that. Still, it's been a long time since I've entered the club and the idea of dancing with Zan happens to appeal to me a great deal.

"Unless you'd rather not be dancing? I know you've been on your feet all day," he comments and I feel my smile brighten at the obvious thoughtfullness. "We can go to eat or a movie, if you'd prefer. Are you hungry?" Zan's perfect, simply perfect. He's so wonderful. He opens the car door and I slide in with a smile while I look at him.

"I am a little hungry but dancing sounds great. I look forward to dancing with you. Hannihans sounds great to me." I tell him and when he closes the door, I wait for him, watching him walk around the car to the drivers side. When he got in and settled, looking my way I couldn't help but smile. He's so great.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:41 am
by KarenEvans

I am so nervous I think I will breka out in to a pool of sweat any second now if she doesn't hurry up and give me an answer.She doesn't seem all that thrilled at the prospect of dancing with me.Just when I think she is about to decline she surprises me...

"Actually Alex..I was thinking we could go somewhere a little more private. You know, to talk." she says in her usual confident tone

I try and hide my surprise "Oh...yeah,okay sure.Where do you want to go?" I ask,at a loss for words for probably the first time in my life,well actually I am always at a loss for words in front of Isabel,so I am not counting those occasions

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:47 pm
by bluebballjumper

As Alex asks me where I want to go, the first thing I think of is a place we both know quite well.

"Wanna go to the pool?" I wait for a response for a few seconds while he doesn't answer. Finally I turn around. Grabbing his hand "casually", I start to walk across the floor towards the door. It takes all of my energy to ignore the electric charge that just overtook my fingers and made its way up my arm

"Come on," I say in a somewhat annoyed tone. Of course I'm really practically jumping out of my skin in excitement and anticipation. I then realize I'm practically dragging Alex, so I let go of his hand and try to slow down a little.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:13 pm
by KarenEvans

"Wanna go to the pool?" she asks and beofre I can answer she grabs hold of my hand and practically starts pulling me across the floor towards the exit

Whoa...what just happened here?????I am being man-handled by Isabel Evans.Actually that's a very funny thought...I don't mind being man-handled by her at all.

Pool...which pool for heaven's sake?Surely she can't mean the school pool!!!We'd be a load of trouble.Suddenly she drops my hand as we approach the door.

I look at her inquiringly "Which pool are we talking about here?'Coz if you mean the school pool...we'd be in trouble so I can only assume you mean your's or mine." I say grinning at her

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:03 pm
by bluebballjumper

I finally take a chance to look at Alex's face which is full of bewilderment and curiosity. "Which pool are we talking about here?'Coz if you mean the school pool...we'd be in trouble so I can only assume you mean your's or mine." I can't help but have a little chuckle at his statement.

"It's okay, Alex. Don't freak out or anything. The coach gave me keys so the team and I can practice there whenever we want," I now flash a teasing smile, "I hope you're not too disappointed."

When Alex still doesn't respond, (most likely because of his seemingly shocked state) I add, "Look we don't have to go there if you don't want to. We could do something else...or nothing, if that's what you would prefer," My face holds a slight frown, hoping that he doesn't choose the latter.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:56 am
by KarenEvans

"Look we don't have to go there if you don't want to. We could do something else...or nothing, if that's what you would prefer." she says not very enthusiastically

She probably thinks I've been struck down with temporary dumbness.
'Snap out of it Whitman...the shocked expression on your face isn't all that alluring,in case you didn't you.' says the sarcastic voice somewhere in my head

Shaking my head I hasten to reply "No no...if you have the keys then...sure we can go there.Lead the way." I say holding my arm out indicating for her to exit the Crashdown first

I am going swimming,I AM GOING SWIMMING *ALL ALONE* with Isabel Whitman...oops!!Did I just think Isabel Whitman...I meant Isabel Evans.

'It's just a date you dork...that too not even an official one!' says the voice again 'She isn't marrying you.'

I can't help but grin right now.This is my lucky night.

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:41 am
by isabelle

"I am a little hungry but dancing sounds great. I look forward to dancing with you. Hannihans sounds great to me," Liz says as I close the car door for her.

"Wow. That'll be great," I can't help but say as Liz agrees to go dancing with me. I come around to the driver's door, hitting myself mentally and biting my lip. I sounded like some sort of dork! I just can't help it. She's so great and now I'm going out on a real date with her. I've liked her for such a long time and always kept my distance because of Max. I turned my attention to so many others, but now I'm actually going out with her! She's agreed to it. This will be terriffic. ... assuming I don't screw it up.

I manage to pull it together as I climb into the driver's seat. I flash her a warm smile. After starting up the car, I reach across the seat and squeeze her hand. "Let's go," I say, un-necessarily. I turn on the radio and start driving down the road. "This station okay for you? I got some CDs in the center console if you wanna do that instead," I suggest. I actually cut a CD of my own band in there. I wonder if Liz ever listened to the one I gave her last week...