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Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:33 pm
by killjoy
I don't shave my face every day due to I get razor burn real bad.SO the other day I noticed what looked like some thing on my chin.So I went to wipe it off and it didn't go away! I took a closer look and it hit me.....gray hairs! :shock: :shock:

I have gray hairs on my chin....I'm not that old am I?! Well I guess the bright side is that I can shave these off and they're not on my head.....yet.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 4:39 pm
by SidneyAce
Actually i heard that if you take one white hair off, two grow back. It's a fact. It happened to my sister when she turned 30, i think. So i think it would be best to dye your hair or something.

Having white hair is not a big deal. Some guys look better with white hair. :roll: I'm not helping, am i? Well, the thing is getting white hair has nothing to do with age a lot of the times. Sometimes it has to do with stress and otehr factors so take it easy. Or at least try. :wink:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:02 pm
by juliecollard87
SidneyAce wrote:Actually i heard that if you take one white hair off, two grow back.
This actually not true but it is still a bad habbit to pluck out hair it can damage the roots. My husband who is 27 noticed gray hairs in his bread recently so you are not alone Killjoy.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:44 pm
by SidneyAce
juliecollard87 wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:Actually i heard that if you take one white hair off, two grow back.
This actually not true but it is still a bad habbit to pluck out hair it can damage the roots. My husband who is 27 noticed gray hairs in his bread recently so you are not alone Killjoy.
My sister said it was not true and plucked a hair out, the next thing she knew more white hairs grew back in the same spot. :roll: My other sister also had one white hair but she didn't pluck it and she doesn't have any more white hair.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 3:04 pm
by nibbles2
SidneyAce wrote:Actually i heard that if you take one white hair off, two grow back. It's a fact.:
That's a total myth. More grey hair grows back because at a certain age you simply start going grey. In fact if you keep pulling hair out, it stops growing altogether and you go bald.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:34 pm
by killjoy
nibbles2 wrote:
SidneyAce wrote:Actually i heard that if you take one white hair off, two grow back. It's a fact.:
In fact if you keep pulling hair out, it stops growing altogether and you go bald.
I need to tell my coworker about this one...might help him with his hair on his ears :lol: :lol:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:10 pm
by Sundae

NOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

They suspended the Men's Final US OPEN AGAIN! Because of stupid stupid stupid stupid rain! was already postponed from yesterday. And I just got home in time to catch the second set and now it's suspended. :cry: If this continues...I'm not going to be able to watch it live when it picks up again since it's probably going to be in the middle of the day when us normal people work and have lives. :x

At least Nadal caught up in the second set. There's some comfort in that thought at least.

I couldn't believe yesterday's game of Federer and Djokovich. I thought for sure that Federer would pull it out in the end but nope.

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:38 pm
by killjoy
Sundae wrote:NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

NOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

They suspended the Men's Final US OPEN AGAIN! Because of stupid stupid stupid stupid rain! was already postponed from yesterday. And I just got home in time to catch the second set and now it's suspended. :cry: If this continues...I'm not going to be able to watch it live when it picks up again since it's probably going to be in the middle of the day when us normal people work and have lives. :x

At least Nadal caught up in the second set. There's some comfort in that thought at least.

I couldn't believe yesterday's game of Federer and Djokovich. I thought for sure that Federer would pull it out in the end but nope.
I used to watch tennis.......but than Anna Kournikova retired :cry:

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 9:57 pm
by Sundae
killjoy wrote:I used to watch tennis.......but than Anna Kournikova retired :cry:
Ahh...Kournikova sucked and her retirement was like a total "wtf?" - she was like what, barely legal before she retired? :lol:

You should start back up again...there are some hot chicks that are still good. Sharapova, Ivanovic to name a few. Ivanovic is unpredictable at best, but still pretty hot and this is coming from a girl, lol.

Well in other news! I'm happy tonight. Nadal won!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: All is right in my world. :D

Re: The Official "Complain About Life" Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:13 pm
by killjoy
How is this for irony :shock: Proof that all things happen for a reason

Someone I know was in a real bad car wreck.His whole side of the car was crushed in on him.His skull was fractured and was going to have to be operated on to fix it.

Everyone was all upset and doing the 'why did this happen' stuff........but.....when the doctors were in there working on his skull they found a brain tumor.According to the docs this thing was in a place that would have been very dangerous later down the road if it had gotten bigger.But due to the fact they found it now while it was small they removed it very easy and all is fine.

So had he not had the bad car wreck forcing him to have brain surgery the doctors might not have found the tumor untill it was too late to do anything about it.