Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by bluebballjumper »


"No no...if you have the keys then...sure we can go there.Lead the way." As Alex says this my excitement level jumps quite a few levels. He holds his hand out to indicate that we can leave, so I go ahead and walk out.

"You know it's only a twenty minute walk if you want to go by foot." I say. I then stand there just staring at Alex, about 10 feet from the Crashdown entrance. His eyes are beautiful and intriguing and the way his hair is blowing in the wind looks perfect, like it was planned. The sweetest expression is on his face and I can't help but think about what it would be like to kiss him. Are Alex's lips as soft and gentle as they look? I unconsciously lean forward before I realize what I'm doing.

"Oh, did you say what you wanted to do?"
Maria: If you buy a girl shampoo at least don't get her the generic kind.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Once outside we stop for a moment to decide on our mode of transportation,"You know it's only a twenty minute walk if you want to go by foot.",Isabel suggests

For a brief moment I thought she was leaning in to kiss me...'yeah right Whitman,dream on.'...well it looked like that at any rate.

Pointing to the parking lot I show her my mum's car "I brought my mother car's so we can drive there...I don't really feel like walking right now." I say a little nervously

Can't blame me for having butterflies in my stomach.This is the longest I have ever spent alone with Isabel.Part of me wants to keep talking but another part is scared that I will bore her with my chatter.

Placing my hand ever so slightly on the small of her back I usher her forward...where did I get the courage to do that?
"Come on...the car will get us there faster."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

Repost (Didn't want it to get lost

Rarh smiles and I almost swoon. Yes, you heard me. I ,Maria Deluca, went all girly over a guy. I swear that cocky grin is gonna be the end of me. "Sounds good...of course it will be freezing late at night so I might have to huddle against you for warmth...thats ok right?" He questions with a suggestive expression. How does he get his eyebrows to do that? "I can't stand the cold..." He runs his tongue over his lips in such a way that I find it increasingly hard to concentrate.

He leans forward with a look of pure seduction. "I like things hot...and body heat seems sensible don't you think?" I nod in agreement ,but before I am able to retort some witty responce Kyle approaches.“Hey, Maria.” I give him a warm smile as he ontinues, “Great party you got going here. So where’s Zan with his band? Or that D. J?” Maybe Kyle cn help us out. "Well, some clumsy guy spilled his beer all over Steve's equipment ,and so he's having to pack up his goods and go home."

I sigh dramatically beforre continuing with my rant. "Zan, my used to be best friend, has yet to make an appearance." Turning to Rath I admonish, "Remind me to give Zan a good lashing when ever he shows." Back to Kyle I express my ongoing concern, "So now the only form of music we have is the karaoke machine." Kyle shoots me a devilish look to which I begin to panic. "I am not singing." i reveal while Rath looks on confused at my seriousness.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Wow. That'll be great," Zan replies as he gets into the car and I can’t help but smile. I lean back in the seat as I think about how wonderful this night is turning out to be and sigh, closing my eyes a moment even as I nibble at my bottom lip nervously. I really hope I don’t do anything that will make him regret asking me out tonight.

I open my eyes as he starts up the car and turn to see him smiling at me even as he reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. Okay, I have truly entered another world, either that or I’m dreaming. Whatever it is, I don’t want it to stop. "Let's go," he says and reaches for the radio. "This station okay for you? I got some CDs in the center console if you wanna do that instead," he suggests and I listen to what’s on the radio for a moment before reaching into the center console and looking through his selection.

With a smile, I pull out the copy of his band’s music and hold the CD up as I say, “I kind of prefer listening to this.” I give him a smile as I look at him and carefully remove the CD from its case. I’ve listened to the copy he gave me in my car on a regular basis, simply because it was something that allowed me to dream about possibilities I’d never thought would come true.

Carefully, I place the CD into the player and wait for the first song to start playing as I glance at the road. My gaze doesn’t stray from looking at him for too long and as the song plays I find myself wording out parts I’d memorized since I’d been listening to certain ones repetitively. I hope he doesn’t see me as being stupid or one of those girls who is all about being a follower simply because he’s a musician.

“Thank you for giving me a copy of this, Zan. I really enjoy listening to it.” I tell him, relaxing in the seat even more as my hand seeks out his, holding it loosely so as to be sure that if he needed to use both hands he could without feeling like I was hindering him. I really enjoy the light contact and I’m hoping he can’t see just how nervous I am even though I can’t seem to stop from nibbling on my lower lip as I often do.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by isabelle »


My music! She picked the CD for my band. For a moment, I wonder if she's just humoring me, but the way she talks makes me think she really does listen to it. She really does like it. A warm feeling spreads through me as she slides the CD into the player and then slips her hand into mine.

"I'm so glad you like it," I say. I squeeze her gently, a smile winning its way across my face. This is going to be the best night ever.

We listen in happy silence for a few minutes more before I pull into the parking lot for the club. "Wait a moment." I flash another warm smile in her direction before getting out of the car. Coming around to her side, I open the door for her and offer her a hand. I know she doesn't need help to get out of a car, but it just feels right to do it this way.

She stands and I wrap one arm around her waist as I shut the door behind her. We stand here in the dark parking lot for a moment as I gaze into her beautiful eyes. I lean in a little closer, wanting to much to kiss her. Would she like that or would it ruin the date? I really want this to work...

"Did I tell you how glad I am that you're going out with me?" I ask, my voice playful but sincere.
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Post by maougha »


"Well, some clumsy guy spilled his beer all over Steve's equipment ,and so he's having to pack up his goods and go home." Maria sighs a little over the top but hey it’s Maria what do you expect? Subtle? "Zan, my used to be best friend, has yet to make an appearance. Remind me to give Zan a good lashing when ever he shows.” she says to Rath then turning back to me she continues. "So now the only form of music we have is the karaoke machine."

I look at her like she’s lost it or something. “You can sing! Come off it Maria!” I shake my head. “You’ll knock em dead and Zan well regret missing this since he’s always trying to get you to sing.”

Maria begins to panic which is strange really since she likes to be the center of attention all the other times. "I am not singing."

Seriously drama queen much? “Well then I guess your party to end all parties is just going to well end.” I sigh dramatically my self. Hey you don’t live with Maria with out learning a few things your self you know. “If only a girl with a back bone would step up to the plate and sing. But where could we find such a person?” I smile at Maria. “Got anyone in mind?” grinning as an idea comes to me I say. “Rath wouldn’t you like to see Maria sing?” hopefully to guy well get the hint and help me out here!
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"I'm so glad you like it," Zan says, his hand squeezing mine gently and I see the smile cross his face, feeling joy over the fact that he was smiling because of me.

After a few minutes, listening to his music I can't help but feel comfortable even as we drive up to the club and as he stops the car, shutting down the engine I'm about to reach for the handle when he says, "Wait a moment."

I look at him and see him smile again before he climbs out of the car and walks around the car. When he reached the passengers side, he opened the door and I couldn't help but smile. Reaching out my hand to place it in the one he offers, I let him assist me in getting out of the car, feeling overwhelmed by the romantic gesture.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I can't help but feel good about it. He shuts the door behind me but honestly I'm not concerned about moving. My eyes meet his and I vaguely note that he's moving closer even as I find myself leaning into him. My eyes drop to his lips a moment before lifting back up to his eyes.

Without thinking, I find my tongue darting out across my lips as I wonder whether he wants to kiss me the way I want to kiss him. "Did I tell you how glad I am that you're going out with me?" He says and I can see the seriousness even as I heard the teasing in his voice.

"I..." I find myself starting slowly, "I'd say that you've said that in a way." I smile, leaning even closer and before I know what I'm going to say I hear my voice coming out in a near whisper, "I'm glad that I'm with you tonight, Zan."

Oh lord, I want to kiss him so badly. I want to remain here in his arms. "I've wanted this chance..." I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and lower my head, looking down which makes my eyes settle on his chest which is simply enhanced by his shirt which didn't make things any easier. I don't think I'm even coming close to thinking straight.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


My meanie of a step brother is enjoying my diliema entirely too much. In fact I do believe I am going to have to get him back for this later. Of all people, he knows I don't sing in public. The shower head and the steering wheel are the only things I grace with the privilage of hearing my solo peformances. “Well then I guess your party to end all parties is just going to well end.” He sighs over dramatically in a gesture I have perfected down to an art ,and that's when I realize I'm being played.

“If only a girl with a back bone would step up to the plate and sing. But where could we find such a person?” He flashes me as a smile and I can tell he's challenging me. He thinks that I'm to scared. That I won't do it. Well... he's right. There ain't no way in hell I'm getting up there! “Got anyone in mind?” He questions and I am about to suggest he get up there and do a lil' diddy himself. Perhaps something by George Michael. You know since they have so much in common. However he beats me to the punch, “Rath wouldn’t you like to see Maria sing?”

That's it! I'm not gonna allow Kyle to win. I am stronger than my fear. With a flip up the hair I waltz right over to the karaoke machine and turn it on. Several people have gathered around intrigued as to what I'm doing. Trying to ignore them I set up the system and hit play when I find the perfect song choice. When I turn around it doesn't go beyond my notice that there's a rather abundant crowd before me and I curse under my breath. The beat starts up hard and strong the way I like it so I begin to move my hips slightly with the pulsating beat.

Taking a deep breath the last thought that enters my mind before I commit social suicide is 'Well, here goes everything!'

"Midnight gettin' uptight Where are you
You said you'd meet me now it's quarter to two
I know I'm hangin' but I'm still wantin' you"

Okay, this isn't so bad. If I can just not throw up I may be able to get through the entire song. Maybe.

"Hey Jack It's a fact they're talkin' in town
I turn my back and you're messin' around
I'm not really jealous don't like lookin' like a clown"

I'm actually kind of getting into it. The audience is even singing along and some couples are dancing. This isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. No one has yelled 'Boo!' or threw tomatos. Course the peformance is still young. You never know.

"I think of you ev'ry night and day
You took my heart then you took my pride away

I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why
I hate myself for loving you!"

Wow, this feels really amazing. Every one's really digging the song and all the girls are staring at me like they want to be me while all the guys (my crazy ,evil, twisted, and peverse step brother excluded) are giving me steamy glances like they wanna...

"Daylight spent the night without you
But I've been dreamin' 'bout the lovin' you do
I won't be as angry 'bout the hell you put me through"

Standing up here I command the crowd's moves I feel so... powerful. They'll be lucky if they can pry this little plastic microphone away from me. I think that when I die they should have it bronzed and it should be buried with me. Okay, so this last part was a slight over kill. :lol:

"I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you, that's why
I hate myself for loving you"

Running my hand through my hair I belt it out like tomorrow will never come. This is the life I was born to lead. My body sways sensually with the music and I find myself just letting go ,and truly feeling the music.

"I hate myself for loving you
Can't break free from the things that you do
I wanna walk but I run back to you that's why
I hate myself for loving you"

The song ends and I recieve a standing ovation from the gracious group of my peers. Making my way back to Rath and Kyle I give them both a wink, "Well boys, what did you think?" :wink:

OOC: The song is "I Hate Myself for Loving You" By: Joan Jett & the Black Hearts!
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Post by madroswellfan »

“Well then I guess your party to end all parties is just going to well end. If only a girl with a back bone would step up to the plate and sing. But where could we find such a person? Got anyone in mind? Rath wouldn’t you like to see Maria sing?”
I look between the two of them. I don't want to get involved.

And with that she takes off towards the kareoke machine. Is this wise? Cos if she sounds awful her status could plummit... I watch her nervously. Part of me wants to go up there and stop her...the other part is...well....intregued. And Kyle surely wouldn't suggest her going up there unless she was good...right?

And then she starts singing. I have to try very hard not to let my mouth drop open as I hear her sweet voice. Holy hell the girl is good. She looks nervous to begin with, but as the song progresses she starts to really get into the song. She's swaying and...God theres no way Michael is getting his hands on her. This girl is all woman and all mine.

When the song draws to a close the audience go wild. She struts over and gives a wink to Kyle and I.
"Well boys, what did you think?"

I grin "I have to say Ria that was incredible. The girls wanted to be you...and I'm sure you don't want to know what dirty thoughts the guys were having."

Kyle throws me a look and I lean in to whisper to her "You were hot as hell baby"
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Post by madroswellfan »

Suddenly my phone beeps again. I sigh as I pick it up. I almost drop it when I read it.
'No it's not you dumbass...get here quickly,party on,Liz with Zan.' with Zan?!?!?!

I jump off the bed and before I know what Im doing Im yanking a black shirt over my head, grabbing my wallet and keys and dashing downstairs.
"Max?" Mom calls out.
"Ill be back later!" I yell out as I quickly dash out of the house closing the door behind me. I don't even know what I think Im going to do about Zan and Liz...but I know I need to get there NOW.
Does Liz like Zan? I swear that if thats whats happening I might as well kill myself right now. I can't stand there and watch them be together.

I can't understand Zan. I mean....he knows how much I like her. Clearly he just doesn't care.

I floor the jeep and zoom towards the crashdown. God please don't let him have kissed her. I don't know what I'll do if he has...
God why didn't Alex tell me earlier!!!

I zoom through a red light, immediately feeling awful about it, but no ones around and I can't think straight right now. All I can think about is how Im gonna be sick if my brother has...

I zoom down to near the Crashdown when I see Alex and my sister out in the parking lot. I screech the jeep to a halt and dash over to them. "What's going on? Where is he! Im going to kill him...." I clench my fists. Im never an angry person unless something I love is going to be hurt....