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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 10:53 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Make sure to make yourself comfortable here. I don't mind giving up my bunk for you. My quarters on Dark Blast is more than comfortable." Michael replies and I look at him with a smile. He's always been family. Always. Nothing would ever change that.

"You are home, Izzy," I look over at my brother as he puts his hand over mine, "For as long as you like." I squeeze my brother's hand lightly and nod, glad that I really am with them.

"I'd like to stay, but I don't want to keep the two of you from having your space. So, eventually, I'm going to work with finding my own place." I finish eating finally and glance at both men, my brothers, my home. "I should let you men have some time to discuss things. I'll clean up and then go rest. I need to find something out... do a small walk..." I had decided that I was going to find out whatever I could about why I felt so much of a connection and wanted to protect Tess.


I barely contain the smirk as I watch Kyle seem to choke on his food. I was so going to enjoy this, but more then that, I wanted to know I'd really have a chance. "I'm sorry," he stammers, "I just swallowed it wrong."

I have to look away in order to keep myself from laughing. I'd only done this sort of thing a couple times, but never in the way I was now. "Here, have a drink of water," Maria offers him a glass and I don't look up to see if he takes it. I'm too busy thinking about just how nice it was to see him a bit off kilter.

"So...," I vaguely hear Maria begin, "Is there anything-else we should know about this town?"

The conversation completely takes a different turn but I admit my focus isn't on that, instead I'm actually beginning to tire of being inside and wanted to go outside. So, without warning I stood as I spoke, "Excuse me, I need to get some air."

Placing my dishes in the wash basin to soak, I head out the back door to stand on the porch, enjoying the night air.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 2:32 pm
by isabelle

"You okay then?" I ask Kyle, as he seems to have recovered his breath. "Maybe I could trouble you to get another pail of water for the washing up?"


Isabel wants to move out 'eventually.' That's probably a good plan but right now I want her near by as much as possible. I do miss seeing her. I'll just hope that 'eventually' takes a long while. Afterall, Michael and I are bound to be taking sail again before long. It might be good to have someone to occupy the house while we're away.

Isabel excuses herself and talks about taking a 'walk.' I raise an eyebrow at that for I have a feeling her walk will have naught to do with stretching her legs.

"A walk, ye say?" I ask. "Anyone in particular?"

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:40 pm
by magikhands

I watch as Tess excuses herself and steps outside. What just happened? Did I really see those images in my mind of Tess and me? No, it's not possible. Just my imagination taking flight.

"You okay then?" Maria asks bringing me back to my surroundings. "Maybe I could trouble you to get another pail of water for the washing up?"

I nod slowly. "Yes, of course. I can do that." I say pushing away from the table. I grab the bucket and head out the door.

As I walk toward the pump I see movement out of the corner of my eyes. Turning my attention to the movement I can see the bright blonde of Tess's hair.

"Are you well Tess?" I ask softly. I knew that Tess came from a family of privlage. She wasn't used to this type of surroundings. Or at least I didn't think so.


"A walk, ye say?" Max asks Isabel. "Anyone in particular?"

My brows draw together in confusion. "What do you mean 'anyone in particular'?" I turn my glare to Isabel. She was like a sister to me and I am very protective of those that are family. The thought of some male thinking that Isabel is free...well, I won't have it.

"Isabel, I don't think it's safe for you to be roaming around after dark." I offer a bit gruffly.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:51 pm
by StormWolfstone
ooc: Tess did help with the dinner... as much as she was able to.



Stepping outside, I simply allowed myself to enjoy the night air, losing myself in thoughts about how things were really going to be changing for me. About how much my life was going to be different. "Are you well Tess?" I hear from behind me, Kyle speaking softly.

I turn, giving him a smile as I nod, "Yes. I just needed some air. I guess... I needed to think about how I'll fit in." I moved to lean against the wall and simply relaxed, "I was more comfortable on the ship with Isabel, or talking with you then I am in there right now." I admit, pointing toward the cottage.

Alex was being nice allowing us to stay there, but I feel as though I'm far away again. As though I'm missing something, but the recognition I'd had with Isabel and the sense of comfort I'd felt when we were around her brother and Michael, I felt... complete in a way.

Sighing I shake my head, "I guess I'm a little scared. Not that I haven't done some work before, because in the America's, we did work. But... it's different now. I rebelled against the title I held many times, now the title I had means nothing and it's strange."

Deciding to change the subject, I smile, "I hope you'll be visiting me whenever you can, Kyle. I enjoy being around you."

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 8:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

"A walk, ye say?" My brother asks and I can't keep from smiling slightly. "Anyone in particular?"

I note instantly a glare from Michael, "What do you mean 'anyone in particular'?" Obviously, he's going into protective mode, but his next words, the gruff sound that proves it without a doubt is music to my ears.
"Isabel, I don't think it's safe for you to be roaming around after dark."

"Michael, do you honestly think I'm a fool enough to risk dangers at night?" I ask, giving him a smile as I reach over to put my hand over his. "I'm not going to be physically walking." I lift a brow, wondering if he'll realize what I mean before turning to look at Max, "As to whom it is, that my dear brother is my own secret."

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:30 pm
by isabelle
ooc -- I know Tess helped some. I thought it was okay for Maria to feel differently seeing as she did more of the work and she still sees Tess as a priviledged person. Tess is walking out on the cleanup as if she were. I'm not saying that Maria was right, it was just her impression. But I'll take it out. *sigh*


From Michael's response, I'm guessing he didn't get the same sense of 'walk' that I did, but I could have been wrong -- except that Isabel's response confirms that she's planning on visiting somebody's dream.

"As to whom it is, that my dear brother is my own secret." she says coyly. That causes me to raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" I ask in surprise. She's hiding something? "Here I imagined that you were going to check up on mother since you'd said she was ill."

I want to ask who it could be, but Isabel's already said that she won't tell. She'd mentioned no boy of interested to her at home. I know she had no fondness for the man father would have had her marry. Did she think to inflict him with nightmares?

It couldn't be someone from the ship, could it? I think back to her behavior as we walked in from the port. Surely she would have asked me if she'd had a question about our men. Or is she planning to investigate one of the ladies? Not Liz, I hope, but if I ask her not to it will reveal too much.

"I trust you'll tell us if you learn something that we should know," I say. Please don't let it be Liz that she's walking...

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:41 am
by magikhands

"I guess I'm a little scared. Not that I haven't done some work before, because in the America's, we did work. But... it's different now. I rebelled against the title I held many times, now the title I had means nothing and it's strange."

I nodded in agreement. He knew what it meant to have a title and prestige. His father was a commander in the British Royal Army. He had the status and wealth all of his life. Now he was nothing but a deck hand and around complete strangers. People who were watching him like a hawk.

As if the moment passed, she smiled. "I hope you'll be visiting me whenever you can, Kyle. I enjoy being around you."

I return the smile. How could I not when I look upon her bright and beautiful face. "Of course I will. When Captain Max doesn't have me working that is." My smile fades and my eyes shift to the darkness that surrounds us. I hope that is all he has planned for me, I can't help thinking. I know none of them really trust me...with the exception of the women, but I've made up my mind to prove to them that I am trustworthy. I left home to make my own way in life and nothing will stop me.

Shaking the heaviness from my heart, I force the smile back on my lips and turn my attention back to Tess.

"I'm sure we will all be fine here."


"Michael, do you honestly think I'm a fool enough to risk dangers at night?" Isabel reaches over and lays her hand on mine. "I'm not going to be physically walking."

Sudden understanding slams into my head. Of course she's not going walking...but walking. It's been too long since I've been around her I realize. I forgot about the dreamwalking that she can do.

She and Max carry on their conversation but I too wonder who she's going to walk. That curiosity brings my mind to Maria. She's filled with such fiery determination. What I wouldn't give to take a peek into her dreams.

"I trust you'll tell us if you learn something that we should know," Max says.

"Of course she will." I say eyeing her.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:11 pm
by StormWolfstone

“Well, of course I’ll check up on mother, but afterwards I have my own ideas.” I comment in reply to my brother’s curiosity and can’t keep from chuckling.

"I trust you'll tell us if you learn something that we should know," Max comments and I simply nod, smiling at him.

"Of course she will." Michael adds, the expression on his face has me wanting to laugh outright.

“Of course I will,” I respond with a smile before deciding to ask something that might seem odd. “When I introduced Tess, did she seem… I don’t know… somehow familiar?” I wanted their take on her, wanted to know if I was the only one that had felt a sort of connection to her. I know she and I were around Michael more then we were Max, but still, there’s always the chance that they both realized it. Then again, it could well be in my mind.


"Of course I will. When Captain Max doesn't have me working that is." Kyle assures me and I’m pleased. I watch him glance around and can see the concern shadowing his features. I certainly have every intention of seeing to it that I made certain that he wouldn’t be harmed. I was certain that Isabel would speak for him just as much as I do and I really am looking forward to getting to know him much better. There’s just something about him that seems to draw my attention and interest despite the fact that I’d once told myself I never wanted to let myself get close to a man.

"I'm sure we will all be fine here." He says, turning back to me with a smile.

“I certainly hope so. I feel as though around Isabel and you, I can do almost anything. You are not like other men I’ve known, Kyle.” I tell him honestly, “Though I’ve known you for such a short time, I feel as though I know without a single doubt that I could trust you with anything.” While I was looking at him, I decided to try again with the image and doing my best to be certain that I didn’t reveal that I was doing anything, I simply smiled at him while concentrating.

Tess leans against the railing, licking her lips slowly as Kyle’s lips descend upon hers. Her arms lift to wrap around his neck, drawing him closer. The gentle kiss lasts several moments, deepening slowly before a soft moan slips through her lips.

Though, I sent the image I suddenly found myself swallowing slightly at the thought of just what it would feel like and slowly licked my lips before turning my head to look out at the night. What would he think if I ever told him of my strange gifts? I realized that I was being a fool leading myself to believe that something more then friendship could be possible and turned back to look at Kyle again, “I’m sorry… am I keeping you from something?”

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:36 pm
by magikhands
Hi there everyone. Image

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that I’m going to have to resign from my character(s). Several of my original stories have been contracted through e-book publishing companies. This is a great opportunity to get my work out into the world and known as I make my way toward fulfilling my dream of being a published writer. Though the publisher does promoting, a successful author does much of the promoting themselves.

This is why I have to give up rpg-ing.Image There are only a certain amount of hours in a day and I’m finding I can’t fit everything I want to into those hours *sigh* I’m saddened by this decision, but it is a necessity.Image

I want to thank StormWolf, Isabel, AnnaLisa, and Antarprince (just to name a few) and all the others who have given me the opportunity to play in this world for a time.Image I’ve made some good friends and have learned a lot about this aspect of writing. I’m not completely leaving the Roswell world though. I’ve still got two ongoing fics that I’ve promised to finish and I try to do some reading when I get a chance.

Again, thank you for your time and friendship. This is not goodbye, but see you around

Chris…aka magikhands

Oh, and if you’d like to see my upcoming publications, release dates, contests, and news about what I’ve been up to, stop by my site The World of Rayne and my blog Erotic Times. I've even got a free read I'll be starting soon.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 5:40 pm
by StormWolfstone
I'll miss you Chris!

We'll be casting Kyle and Michael... unless others don't think we should continue this?