Alternate Universe Challenges

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Post by nibbles2 »


How about a Dancing with the stars Roswell special.

Some of the cast are professional dancers, some are struggling celebrities (- actors/actressess/models/retired sportspeople) who have agreed to take part to gain exposure and boost or restart their career.

* One couple who have been paired together fall in love.
* One couple are professional dancing partners and must cope with jealousy as they watch their other half get up close and personal with an attractive celebrity. It's not helped by constant newpaper sepculation of a romance between the celebs and the dancers.
* One dancer starts out hating the whole experience and only doing it because they have no choice but ends up learning to love dance and reaches the final.

How will everybody cope with the pressure of the competition, the constant press speculation and the demands of getting close to a new person?

Who wins is up to you.
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Post by killjoy »


Ok this is a M/L and K/T story challenge mostly.You can bring in M/M and A/I if you want too.

All Human

Any rating is fine.

Kyle Valenti and Liz Parker are a couple,old high school sweethearts.They believe themselves to be in love with one another and have a nice...but also a boring...relationship.Although they are some what happy with one another each has a nagging feeling that something is missing in their relationship.Now neither will ever say anything to the other on it due to they don't wish to hurt the other's feeling.

Max and Tess have been dating for years.The Evans and the Harding family have been friends for years.Both sets of parents pushed their children at one another almost at the start of their dating age.Max and Tess are in the same boat as Kyle and Liz...they think they're happy but due to the fact neither has seen what else is out there has nothing to compare their relationship with.

Now fate throws a curve ball at the two pairs.Something...a bad blizzard..a missed flight..something strands Tess with Kyle and later Max with Liz.The now mixed up couples are miles apart from one another.

Now with a new partner the new couples learn that maybe what they thought was love in their life was all a mistake.And the one they're with now maybe their real soulmate.
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Post by nibbles2 »

#216 taken by SpiritedPulcino

Max, Michael, Kyle and Alex are brothers. Their mother, Diane Evans, was widowed at a young age so they are very close to her. She adores them and only wants the very best for them.

The problems is that none of the girls they date ever come close to being ‘the best.’ Diane has driven away every single girl that has dared attempt to date on of her boys. And because the boys love her, they never stand up to her.

Can Liz, Maria, Tess and Isabel ever measure up?

Some possible scenarios:

• One son is dating a girl in secret and is too scared to tell Diane about her because he knows that Diane will hate her.
• One son wants to date a particular girl but has asked his friend to pretend to be dating him and act really horribly so that when he ‘breaks up’ with the 2nd girl, Diane will be delighted that he’s now dating the 1st girl. (Maybe he ends up falling for the 2nd girl.)
• Diane is desperate for one of her sons to date a particular girl because in her eyes this girl is perfect. But of course, no matter how hard she tries to set them up with this girl, the harder the guys try to get out of it. (She can be a Pam Troy type of she can be one of our girls.)
• One son dated a girl for a while before Diane drove her away, he’s never got over her and now she’s back in town. It’s clear she still has feelings for the son but doesn’t want to risk the wrath of Diane again.
• One son is dating a girl who Diane hates and is desperate to break up but no matter what she does, the girl is sticking around. And seems to enjoy winding Diane up.

And/Or anything you can think of yourself.

Must end CC.
Last edited by nibbles2 on Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zanity »

#217 AU w/o Aliens

Since the dawn of time Earth has been separated into two worlds. The physical world where humans dwell and the ethereal world where the shadows dwell.

The two world are linked, there has always been a shadow for every human. Where humans deal in science, shadows deal in magic.

Long ago there were human wizards but most of them were like modern magicians: using science to simulate magic. But there were a special few whose shadows had made a deal with them allowing them a measure of shadow magic.

The shadows have always known about the physical realm but the ethereal realm has been cloaked in secrecy.

In very early history one particularly evil and powerful shadow cast a spell that separated him form his human and allowed him to take physical form. He used his shadow powers to rape and/or seduce many women. The children born from these encounters were the wraith.

The wraith were powerful beings that ruled for a generation. The had free rein in both the ethereal realm and the physical realm. They had access to both science and magic. But they could not breed amongst them selves.

The wraith that breed with humans produced vampires. The wraith the bread with shadows produced ghosts. Vampires were essentially human, except they had no shadow or reflection(reflections are essentially just shadows with more definition because of the surface they're displayed on), they had access to some shadow magic and a taste for blood. Ghosts were essentially shadows with no human, access to some science and a taste for stolen breath.

Vampires could only mate with humans or other vampires. A vampire could have casual sex with many but they could only mate with one. If the mate with a human the human is converted into a vampire.

Ghosts could only mate with shadows or other ghosts. A ghost could have casual sex with many but they could only mate with one. If the mate with a human the shadow is converted into a ghost.

A few centuries ago a Vampire and a Ghost fell in love and sought help to be able to mate. The Spell that was cast allowed them too. The Vampire's mating conversion tried to convert the Ghost and the Ghosts mating conversion tried to convert the Vampire.

What happened was they both turned into Shadow Walkers. Shadow Walkers are like the wraith. They are of both worlds and can't mate with each other. However Shadow Walkers can mate with humans, vampires, ghosts, or shadows. Shadow Walkers are immune to being converted, and they convert those they mate with.

Max and Isabel Evans are born Shadow Walkers, their father was born a Shadow Walker and their mother was converted from a vampire. Michael Guerin and Tess Harding are also Shadow Walkers. They are all friends and live in the human world.

Liz Parker is the human girl Max is in love with. They go to school together. Max watches her from the shadows using his ability to travel in the ethereal ream to stay hidden. He wants nothing more than to mate with her but he knows to do that he must strip her of her humanity and convert her. He doesn't want to do that so he loves her from afar.

Liz Parker has a crush on Max but is convinced Max is out of her league, until one day she's walking home and she's attacked. The attacker is human and tries to rape her but Max leaps out of the ether and uses shadow magic to destroy him.

When Liz starts asking questions about what happened he is honest with her. That's how Liz learns of all this. Now that Liz knows Max is not out of her league she starts pursuing him. But Max is still hesitant.

In the process Liz trying to convince Max that they belong together her friends Maria, Alex, and Kyle start becoming involved with Max's friends.

Ending must be CC All
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Post by Tears_of_Mercury »


AU, can be either with or without aliens, depending on what the author wants. ML and MM are the main couples.

Summary: Liz Parker is convinced that at twenty-six she's found the love of her life, and with plans to share an apartment with the boyfriend that's constantly dropping hints about proposing, she decides that it's time to take care of some unfinished business and take the final step toward closure: selling the wedding dress she bought years ago for the wedding she was supposed to share with another man.

Michael Guerin is a hardworking cook at a local restaurant who has just proposed to his high school sweetheart Maria DeLuca. Unfortunately, money isn't exactly growing on trees between the two of them, and Maria has spent the last few weeks growing increasingly discouraged in her hunt for an affordable estimation of her dream dress. So when Michael sees the classified add in the paper that pictures a dress exactly like the one Maria has been holding up as the holy grail, he immediately takes notice. Luck seems to be on his side when he reads on and finds out that the dress is Maria's size and is being sold for almost seventy percent below market value. After calling Liz Parker up and getting her address, he immediately sets off to Santa Fe with the intention of buying the dress, enlisting the help of best friend Max Evans.

When the two men get to Liz's place, however, they come upon her newly minted fiancee -- with another woman. Michael immediately sets out to collect the dress and inform Liz of her boyfriend's infidelity, while Max is determined that the two of them mind their own business and just get the dress and leave. Neither of them are prepared for Max falling in love with Liz on sight. The two men make it their mission to keep up with Maria's plans for her own wedding while trying to put a halt to Liz Parker's.

- May have any/all of the other Roswell characters and couples, but must focus mainly and evenly on Michael, Maria, Max and Liz.
- Must explain the relationship that Liz originally bought the wedding dress for.
- I'd love some backstory that goes into depth, but please keep the angst to a minimum!
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Post by Zanity »

#219 AU w/ Aliens -- Taken by Luzser1800

Challenge Text Moved To: ... 71#p694471
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Post by killjoy »


All Human

K/T story with ...M/L,M/M and A/I

Tess is living off on her own in the big city.She is shocked when she gets an invite to a wedding in the mail.Although she and her old high school sweetheart Max Evans parted on good terms she's very reluctant to go to his wedding.Mostly because at the moment she's not dating anyone and dosen't want to go to the wedding looking like a dateless loser.

Having been turned down by everyone she knows Tess is forced to go to her last resort to find a date

Kyle lives across the hall from Tess and the two have never really gotten along.Nothing major it's just their lifestyles have never meshed.Kyle is a major man's man while Tess is always preaching Women's Rights.Kyle loves sports while Tess likes a night at the opera.So they don't have a lot in common.

So Kyle is a tad shocked when Tess ask him to go with her back to her home for the weekend to attend a wedding.

Of course over the weekend and the wedding the two find they have a lot more between them than they realize and fall for each other.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


Starts off Kyle/Liz....but will change as the story goes on.But must end M/L,K/T,A/I and M/M.

Max,Michael and Kyle have been best friends ever since the three met on their first day of first grade.The trio have been inseparable for years even though the three encompass many different groups of high school life.

Kyle is the jock...captain of every team,state champion quarterback and all that stuff.

Michael is the school's bad boy.The rocker who drives the motorcycle to school.The boy all parents don't want their daughter dating.

Max is the brain of the group,the smart one.Top of his class in all honor class stuff.

Nothing has ever come between the three friends.......well that is until now.

Max has broken the most major guy rule....Thou shall not fall in love with your best friend's girlfriend.And that is exactly what Max has done.Max has fallen head over heels for Kyle's girlfriend one Liz Parker.

How did it happen you ask? Well it went like this.

Max and Liz are cast as the main stars of the school's new play.There is much heated passion in the play not to mention a very nice kissing love scene.During the many nights of practicing Max slowly starts to fall in love with Liz.He knows he betraying his friend and it does eat at him.But the taste of Liz's lips and the feel of her body on his during their practicing soon over rides his thoughts.

Now Liz on the other hand cares for Kyle even 'loves' him a tad but she's not IN love with him.As much as Kyle is a loveable dork he can be a tad immature.A focused and brainy person like Liz needs more than that.So during her rehearsal practices with Max she slowly starts to see that just maybe Max is the perfect guy for her.


No evil,back stabbing Tess in the story.How she ends up with Kyle in the end is up to you.

When everything comes out and the s*&t hits the fan Max and Kyle get into a fight.There's no winner and both get their share of black eyes and split lips.

Michael being torn over trying not to take sides and having to be stuck in the middle of the argument.

Liz glad that she's with Max but feeling bad she hurt Kyle.

At the start of the story Alex and Isabel are the most stable happy couple out of all of them.But when the truth comes out Isabel takes Max's side,of course,but is shocked when Alex sides with Kyle.This starts a spiff between the two.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


All Human AU.

Any rating is fine...naughty would be better though.

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Tess,Liz,Isabel and Maria work for a woman's magazine company.A high scale magazine company or a new struggling one is up to you to decide.

Anyway the girls all get the same assignment to work on a big article together.They are to go out on the dating scene,wade through the normal jerks and losers until they find their idea of the perfect guy.They than are supposed to come back and write about their experience.The combined articles are to be published to show the difference in dating taste,show dating do and don'ts and things like that.

But just how many of the jerks and losers will the ladies have to wade through until they find Mr.Right? Are they willing to let Mr. Right go after finding him? And how will Mr. Right feel when he finds out he's been the subject of a magazine article this whole time?


Some very bad pick up lines when the girls are on the dating scene.

One of the guys...I see Alex or Max...wanting to do something very 'undate' like after meeting one of the girls.Something very untraditional when it comes to dating but still fun.

One of the girls has a very unusual pet.

Something or someone from the Loony Tunes must be mentioned in this story by one of the main eight.Which would be Max,Liz,Tess,Kyle,Alex,Isabel,Michael or Maria.(Don't look at me like that I just felt like putting this one in here. :lol: )

Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by dreamer19 »

taken by me.
Last edited by dreamer19 on Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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