Alternate Universe Challenges

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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


This challenge came to me with help from the movie Just like Heaven.

AU All Human...well with the exception of Alex.

A/I,K/T,M/M and M/L

Any rating is fine.

Isabel Evans is trying to prove that she is an adult and can make it out on her own without the assistance of her over protective father,over protective brother(Max) and her over protective cousin/almost brother(Michael).Although as of right now she has a dead end job there is one bright spot in her life.Isabel was able to get her hands on a very nice apartment in a very nice neighborhood.But the apartment comes with a catch.The apartment's former owner is still there unknown to Isabel....for you see he's a ghost.

Alex doesn't know why he didn't let himself move on after his death.Something,even though he doesn't know what,held him here.Now living as a ghost in his old apartment Alex is.....well he's just plan bored! That is until a new tenant moves in.From the start Alex is awe struck and in love with Isabel.He does his best to stay hid and not be seen but of course that won't last long.

I'm going to leave how Alex died up to you to decide.


Liz,Maria and Kyle were Alex's friends and just like the show have a hard time dealing with his death.....Maria especially.Using a spare key Alex gave them Liz and Maria often use it to stop by Alex's apartment in an order to 'be close' to him.Maria is a tad upset that someone else has now moved into the apartment preventing them from doing that.But over time the two girls become friends with Isabel.

When Alex finally makes himself known to Isabel they talk and decided that Max and Liz,Michael and Maria and than Kyle and Tess would be perfect for one another.So the pair work to set them up.I kind of saw Isabel throwing a party and inviting the six over.Unseen by all Alex does something like trip Maria into Michael's arms,dim lights on Kyle/Tess..things like that

I was kind of thinking of a scene where Isabel is in the shower Alex is in the bathroom with his back to her chanting over and over "I shouldn't be in here." Isabel steps out wrapped in a towel after the hot shower.She than runs her hand down a fogged up mirror,she sees Alex in the mirror,gasp but when she turns around no one is there.


When she first moves in there is something of Alex's still in the apartment that Isabel can't bring herself to get rid of.A picture of him,Liz and Maria,an old childhood teddy bear...something that Isabel can't bring herself to throw away.

Liz or Maria tells Isabel a story about Alex where an embarrassing secret of Alex's comes out.Later she uses it on Alex for some good natured fun.

Michael and/or Max catches Isabel secretly talking to Alex.But due to the fact they can't see him they think Isabel is losing it.

Kyle is Maria's step brother and there must be a mention of Amy/Jim.Why? Mostly because I love them together and don't think enough is shown of them

A happy ending all around for all four couples.How you manage that is up too you. :wink:
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


Liz is the daughter of a wealthy business tycoon. She is smart, ambitious and hard working and is determined to take over the company one day. However her father is a traditional type of guy and has made it clear he would much prefer that her younger brother Michael assumes the position when he retires. So Liz has to work extra hard to impress her father. It's made her ruthless, bitchy and cold. She's thrilled when he puts her in charge of their latest takeover. Her role is to develop it and make it successful. First step, building a new plant in the town of Roswell, New Mexico. She's shocked however when instead of being delighted at a company creating jobs and boosting the local economy, the locals are very strongly opposed to the new factory. They don't want it built and will take the company to court to prevent them building in Roswell. Liz can't fail, this is her only chance to prove to her father that she's capable of taking over the family business.

Michael is Liz's younger brother. He has no interest in the family company and as far as he's concerend, Liz is welcome to it. However, under pressure from his father he has agreed to work for them. He is an architect (a compromise, he wanted to study art. His father wanted him to do law or business - they agreed on architecture.), he will be designing and building the new plant. He's determined that he's going to break free from his father so he wants to make sure that Liz suceeds.

Tess is Liz and Michael's younger half sister (the daughter of their father's second wife.) She's not necesarily bad but feels ignored by her father and older siblings (who have always resented her and her mother). So she acts out to get attention - the normal rich brat stuff, sleeping with her teachers, partying, shoplifting. She has finally got her father's attention and he's sending her to Roswell to live with Liz and Michael in the hopes that they'll be a good influence on her.

In attempt to bring the town onside, Liz hires local boy Alex Whitman to be the head of the new plant once it opens. He grew up in Roswell but left to go to college. This is his dream job and the fact that it's in his home town makes it all the sweeter. Now he's shocked to find that everybody thinks he's betraying them by working for Liz.

On the other side:

Max is a lawyer. Although he no longer lives in Roswell he loves the town. He is against the new plant and agrees to return to represent the town in their legal action against the company.

Maria is an envoirnmental campaigner, she will do everything in her power to prevent the company from building their plant and destroying an area of great natural beauty and an important ecological site as well.

Isabel is hugely involved in the community so is the natural leader of the oppostion committee.

Kyle is a cop. On a personal level he's just as angry about the plant as anybody. Professionally however he cannot take sides, even if that means sometimes arresting his freinds, neighbors and family.

The rest is up to you.

Must end CC. There are a couple of other things, pm me if you're interested.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »

All Human AU
Any Rating is fine.
K/T,A/I,M/M and M/L

Tess Harding is the only child of very rich parents.Her parents have given into her every whim her whole life and so she's a tad spoiled.

Her father Edward Harding is a very successful businessman but sadly he cares more for closing multimillion dollar business deals than he does about his daughter.

Tess's mother Kathleen Topolsky-Harding is a good many years younger than her husband.She was nothing more than a trophy bride who is very much aware of that and the fact that the years are slowly catching up with her.She also knows that her marriage was more of money than of love.She also has a bad habit of drinking a little too much wine to pass the many lonely hours she's alone at home while her husband is away doing business.Kathleen loves her daughter but loves her high standing in her social circle maybe a little more.

Tess's life consist of nothing more than shopping during the day and than bouncing from one bar/party to another at night.

But all of that changes when her father tells her that her grandmother(her dad's mom),who the family is estranged from,has suffered a heart attack.In order to stay in good standing and look good to their circle of friends Tess's father tells her that one member of the family has to go and 'look after' her grandmother in her time of need.Of course much to Tess's dismay she is chosen.

Now the whole idea is this.Tess who is used to living in penthouses must stay with an ill family member who lives on on an old farm.Where Tess drives a BMW,she's surrounded by pick up trucks.Where Tess wears the latest in fashion from New York and Paris she's surrounded by people in blue jeans and cowboy hats.

Of course Tess's grandmother is not to thrilled with her being there either.But reluctantly lets her stay.Over time Tess and her grandmother bond and slowly Tess realizes that they're is more to life than money,partying and her social standing.

I was thinking that during his time off Kyle helps out on Tess's grandmother's farm.Tess likes his looks but only sees him as just another hick in town.Kyle sees her as just a spoiled rich city girl and the only thing she'll be good for is too be someone's trophy wife like her mother was.

But slowly over time the two form a bond and fall in love.

Tess wanting to kill a rooster on the farm because it likes to set right by her bedroom window and crow at the crack of dawn.And what the hell is this getting up at the crack of dawn crap anyway?! She's not used to getting up until at least noon!

Tess and Kyle spending time in front of a fire place late one night making smores and/or talking and having fun.Tess has never heard of a smore and is thrilled at first bite

Some type of festival or fair in town that Kyle and Tess go too and have fun.

Tess tries to let her grandmother teach her how to doesn't go to well at first.I see her covered in flour from head to toe and mortified when Kyle sees her like that.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


At the young age of fourteen Liz Parker's life took a dramatic turn.For reasons unknown to her she began seeing strange visions in her mind.These visions brought on sever headaches and nose bleeds.Liz was about to see a doctor for her condition thinking it was a mental problem but was than shocked when one day what she saw in one of her vision actually happened in real life.

It was than that she realized that for reasons unknown to her she was getting flashes of the future.

Already not known as one of the coolest kids in school Liz's low popularity fell even farther down with this new development.She could never be part of the in crowd for she could never be sure when one of her skull splitting visions would strike.So poor Liz had few if any friends in high school.

But the one true friend she did have was her long time childhood friend Alex Whitman.Alex had always been Liz's best friend,the one person always there for her.And for that reason he was the first person she told about her new powers.

Liz's parents were well to do people in the community and traveled in high social circles.Having a strange daughter was something that hurt their public image and was something they did not like.So most of the time they pretended there was nothing wrong with their daughter but slowly began removing themselves from their daughter's life.As of now Liz is just about completly estranged from her parents.

Now after graduating high school Liz is in college hoping to get a new start.But as always she must keep her secret safe.Luckily for her her good friend Alex followed her and now the two go to the same college.

It's at this college that Liz first sees Max Evans, one of the most popular guys on campus.From the start Liz falls in love with Max but knows she can't approach him due to the fact of her secret.So sadly the love struck Liz must gaze at Max from afar (think the reverse of what happened on the show) But one day when Max is close by they brush upon one another and Liz has a vision.Much to her horror she sees a vision of Max being stabbed to death.

Now Liz has never tried to stop one of her visions from happening.She always saw them as fate and something she couldn't stop or change.But this time she was going to do every thing and anything she could to make sure this vision NEVER comes true.

So Liz gets the help of her old friend Alex and her new college friends Kyle and Maria to help her.Between the four of them they should be able to find out what in Max's life will lead to his death.And do what ever it takes to stop it from happening.

Is the type of friend everyone wants.Loyal trustworthy....Alex is the best.He was the first person and for a long time the only person Liz ever told about her secret.Alex made it his duty to help keep Liz and her secret save.Much to the dismay of his parents Alex turned down all the Ivy League offers he got for college and followed Liz off to school.So as of right now he's almost as bad estranged from his parents as Liz is with hers.Now when Liz comes to them begging for their help in saving Max's life he's the first to offer his help.

First met Liz back on their first day of freshmen year(what year they're in now is up to you).They were roommates in a dorm and they're first meeting didn't start off very well.Where Liz was quiet,shy and tried not to be order not to draw attention to herself....Maria was the complete opposite.Hyper,loud and in your face Maria was at first sure she wouldn't like her new dormmate.But after walking in on Liz mid-vision Maria was let in on Liz's secret.Soon she had new respect for Liz and the two become fast friends.Maria is a townie meaning she's from the town where the college is located.Even though she is Maria wanted to explore the whole 'college lifestyle' so she lives in the dorms with Liz.

Is Maria's stepbrother.Kyle was once a great star on the football field during high school.But after blowing out his knee his senior year all the colleges who were promising him the stars suddenly wouldn't return his calls.Unable to pay for both kids to go to school Jim and Amy talked it over with Kyle and the young man decided to let his sister have the school money.Bitting the bullet Kyle decided to go into the family business and is now a police officer on Jim's force.At first when he found out LIz's secret...totally by accident...he didn't believe it.Kyle's a cop he has to have proof before he can believe in something.But when one of Liz's visions leads them(the police) to a missing child Kyle becomes a believer.He now sees Liz as a sister and like Alex made a vow to protect her and her secret.

Max Evans is living the good life,he knows it and he's enjoying it.He's a young,handsome man having fun while going to college.His looks combined with his all around nice guy ways has earned him many of friends.Max is friends with everyone...including that weird girl Liz Parker.Yes Max has noticed her...he can't help it she is rather pretty.He's even tried talking to her.But the poor girl is so shy she almost looks like she's wanting to flee everytime he comes near her.And ever since that day they accidently bumped into one another in the halls things has only gotten worse.

Is Max's roommate in the frat house and his best friend.Michael is the wild child who makes the guys in the movie Animal House all look tame.But there is two sides to Michael that many don't see.Most only see the tough outside that Michael would rather show.Not many see the artist side of Michael that he tries to keep hidden.Which is why many are shocked when they find out Michael is at school for an art degree.

Max's twin sister who is going to college with him.Isabel was the Ice Princess at her high school and is quickly on her way to being the same thing while at college.Isabel has a rep for dating only upperclassmen.She's in all the right the best sorority nothing is too good for Isabel Evans.But she finds none of that means anything to her when she learns that her brother's life is in danger.

Isabel's best friend and sorority sister.Tess comes from a very rich family and has been known to have a cold put off attitude.But that comes from having grown up with cold parents who rarely showed her any love.She's also Max's on again off again girlfriend.Currently the two are in an off again phase with no hard feelings between the two.Much like Isabel,Tess is seen as one of the school's elite.But when push comes to shove Tess will fight for her friends and protect them.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by killjoy »


AU With Aliens
K/I,M/M and M/L.

Ok this is an Incrowder fic.Everything follows the show's run all the way up to the last episode.

While on the run from the government after graduation the gang is contact by Larek/Bordy.He tells them that the rebellion against Khivar is underway and they are needed back on Antar.

Kyle,Maria and Liz refuse to be left behind so they go with the Pod Squad back to Antar.How they get back is up too you.

The rebellion is bloody and dangerous.While on a mission Kyle is taken prisoner by Khivar's forces and is brought in front of Khivar.After some beating up and torture Khivar is just about ready to kill Kyle but stops at the last second when an idea hits him.

It seems that Khivar has become a good study of Earth Mostly of it's past.And the one few things Khivar has found good in the Earth was during the Roman times.For you see Khivar has found a liking for spectacle gladiatorial games.He has had a large arena built where his forces train slaves and prisoner's of the state to fight to the death.These matches are huge spectacle events shown all over the planet not to mention all the nearby plants.

Seeing how all the combatants are Antarians or other alien life forms,Khivar thinks Kyle,the lowly human, wouldn't stand a chance in the games.So he sentences Kyle to the games and what he hopes is a fast painful execution.

But what Khivar didn't expect was that one of the other combatants would take Kyle under his wing.Teach Kyle all his tricks,how to be the best gladiator of them all and survive.

And soon that's what Kyle does.Much to Khivar's disgust Kyle wins match after match.He soon gathers a huge fan following.Not just amongst the people loyal to the royal family but even amongst some of the troops and populace loyal to Khivar.Kyle is given a gladiator name that the crowd chants over and over after everyone of Kyle's wins.

But what about Isabel and the others? They are horrified by having to watch Kyle's matches while in hiding.Should they take a chance and try to save him? The gladiator games is one of the most fortified and well defended areas of Khivar's territory.It would near to impossible.

But try telling that to a distraught Isabel who is in love with Kyle and can not take another second of having to watch Kyle's matches in order to see if he survives.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by Zanity »


Ok What if Two of the pods hatched really early.

What if the King and Queens pods hatched a generation earlier and they were each adopted by different families and instead of being named Max and Tess they were named Philip Evans and Diane <choose her maiden name>.

Philip and Diane always knew they were different growing up... they came up with the same types of rules and theories that the shows pod squad came up with. The fell in love, got married, and Max is their biological child, born the usual way.

When Max is about 6 they are driving home as a family and find Isabel on the side of the road. All three of them instantly recognize her as one of them and they adopt her. So Isabel is raised as Max's sister even though she's really Philip's sister.

Michael hatches later than Isabel and is found by someone else. Max and Isabel recognize him as one of them when they meet at school.

Max and Liz have been best friends/childhood sweethearts since pre-school. They are dating but Liz doesn't know the truth about Max's alien ancestory until she gets shot and he heals her. At that point none of the aliens have any clue of their true origin or destinies.

When Nasedo comes to town to tell them, Philip is the king, Diane the queen, Max the Crown Prince, Isabel is Philip's sister and Michael is his second in command. The true "Royal Four" and "Foursquare" is supposed to be Philip, Diane, Isabel, Michael; but because of the age differences their powers don't work together properly. So the must form a new foursquare with Max, Liz (changes do to a combination of the healing and her relationship with Max), Isabel, and Michael.

You can decide how the story goes from there.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by nibbles2 »


Max and Liz are former high school sweet hearts. Everybody thought they would end up together but when the time came to chose their colleges, Liz chose Harvard and Max chose Stanford. They planned to have a long distance relationship but as these things usually do, it fell apart. Now, five years later they are not on speaking terms with each other.

Max's sister Isabel and Liz's best friend Alex are getting married. Max is best man for Alex, Liz is Isabel's bridesmaid. They have to go and they have to be civil. Unfortunately, neither is willing to make the first move. Through a mix up, both believe that the other is seeing somebody new who will be their date to the wedding so they both arrange to bring friends who will pose as their dates/partner. Liz brings Michael, Max brings Maria. Cue lots of staring contests, trying to make each other jealous and fighting.

There are a couple of other details which I won't reveal here, pm me if you're interested.

Must end CC.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

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AU with Aliens.

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

All four members of the Pod Squad and their four human counterparts are inside the Granolith trying to see if they can figure out the very advanced alien technology.During the testing someone gives the wrong command,pushes the wrong button...something.

There is a blinding white flash of light that knocks everyone down.When the four hybrids come too they are shocked to find that Alex,Kyle,Maria and Liz have all been turned back into five year olds!

Now not only do Max,Isabel,Tess and Michael have to figure out how to turn the humans back to their previous age but they have to do so while trying to keep an eye on four rambunctious five year olds.

Each Pod Squader is paired off with their human turned kid to look after.Which means.......Max has Liz,Isabel has Alex,Tess has Kyle and Michael has Maria.

KYLE-Is the mischievous one.The one always getting into something,always trying to sneak another cookie the one always breaking something.


"Oh god not again," Tess moaned after hearing the loud crash coming from the other room "KYLE! What did you break this time?!"

"It wasn't me!"

MARIA-Is the stubborn one.The one to cross her arms,stomp her foot and yell "NO!" all the time.Michael is about to pull his hair out.For he can't get Maria to do anything.The other three hybrids can't help but to snicker and wonder which one is the bigger child Maria or Michael!

"Maria sweetie could you please just eat your broccoli?"


"Why not it's good for you and it tastes real good two." Michael pleaded "So come on want you just try one of them for your dear old buddy Michael?"


"SON OF A....."

"Michael!!!!" came three shouts.

ALEX-Is the quiet shy one.Always has his nose stuck in a book and a tad too timid to do anything.Isabel is always trying to get him to come out of his shell but at the same time is struck by just how sweet young Alex is.But even if he's five years old,Alex is still smitten with Isabel.

Isabel turned to find Alex standing close by her feet while holding something in his hand "Hey hon what is that you got there?"

"I colored a picture for you Ms. Isabel." Alex held the paper up for Isabel to take.

"Ohhh that is so sweet!" Isabel knelt down and enveloped the little boy into a hug.

LIZ-The child who ask question after question after question.Even as a five year old Liz still has her scientific curiosity.

"Why do leaves change colors?"

"Uhhh well you see...." Max started to explain but was cut off by Liz asking another question.

"Why do birds fly south for the winter?"

"Huh...what...I thought we were talking about leaves here?"


Five year old Kyle trying to find a way to get his hands on more cookies and doing so without getting caught.Plus he cons one of the other kids in joining him in his cookie caper.

Tess and Michael,who are about to pull their hair out,beg Isabel and Max to swap kids with them for awhile.Max and Isabel pleased to have the two most mannered of the bunch always say "No"

The kids have no memory of being older or knowing the 'adults' when they first see them.
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

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AU without Aliens

Any Rating is fine.

M/L and K/T mainly....if you can bring in A/I and M/M than go ahead

Liz Parker is the daughter of the current President of the United States....Jeff Parker

Tess Harding is the daughter of the current Vice President of the United States....Ed Harding.

The two eighteen year old girls are best friends and spend ALL their free time together.

Life as the First Child and the Second In Command's Daughter is often time very boring and dull.They can't go anywhere or do anything without a herd of Secret Service agents surrounding them and dogging their every move.And forget about trying to pick up any cute guys!

But all of that changes when two new Secret Service Agents are assigned to their detail.

Max Evans is out to make a name for himself.As most agents he'd rather be guarding 'The Man' aka The President but knows he has to work his way up the chain of command.But still he's not to thrilled with getting stuck looking out for the President's kid.That is until he meets Liz Parker.From their first meeting Liz is struck dumb by her new handsome bodyguard.Liz does everything she can to get Max around her and to notice her.Even though he does notice her Max does his best to be professional at his job...whick means NO touching the President's daughter and keeping his mind on the job... but the more time he spends alone with Liz the more he finds himself slipping and wanting her.

Kyle Valenti comes from a long line of law enforcement officers.But he's the first one to become a Secret Service Agent.Kyle is deep into his Buddhist beliefs.He is one to normally stay calm in all situations.The one you can count on to always keep a level head when things go bad.But Tess Harding is slowly testing his strong Buddhist beliefs and getting on his last nerve.The girl never listens to him and he is constantly chasing after her from one party spot to another in order to protect her.Tess sees Kyle as a boring stick in the mud....a very hot stick in the mud mind you...but still a stick in the mud.The two bicker constantly but as one says where there is smoke there is fire.And so soon Tess and Kyle will be all over one another and on fire.

Serena is the agent in charge of the girls saftey.She's there for times when the girls go where guys can not follow....bathrooms,changing rooms...She is older than Kyle and Max and looks out for them.So she's the one who is shocked and than tries to cover for the guys when their relationship with the girls take off and start to heat up.

But what happens when the Press or whomever finds out about the new couples and everything hits the fan?
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Re: Alternate Universe Challenges

Post by tequathisy »


A different take on the Summer of '47.

Roswell, New Mexico, 1947. An unknown object crashes to earth in the desert outside of town.

What if instead of being in Pods, Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess are fully grown alien hybrids? After they crash, they are badly injured but manage to make it away from their craft before the Army arrives on the scene.

Alex is a soldier in the army sent to help with the clean up and cover up.
Kyle is the local sheriff who knows that something isn't right with what the Army is telling him.
Liz is a scientist on the base (working on nuclear bombs perhaps who is brought in to learn). She is assigned to the team to examine the wreckage.
Maria is a jounalist who smells a story and will stop at nothing to get to the truth.

Somehow, these four people become involved with the aliens and must help them avoid capture by the army.

Must be CC. PM me for more details.
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