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Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:37 pm
by roswell4life
Now all that needs to happen is for Beth/Liz and the whole gang to cross paths while in Roswell!!!! Can't wait!! I wonder if Liz's memories will coming rushing back upon seeing Max or if he will have to "help" her remember her previous life!!!! :D

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 49 - Updated - 3/18/2018

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:38 pm
by L-J-L 76
Please please come back really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen when Beth/ Liz and Carrie get to Roswell.

L-J-L 76

Reunion - Chapter 50 - 3/21/2018

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:30 pm
by Parker1947
“You did quite a number of yourself son,” Michael said as he got a first glance at his eldest son as the kids came running to greet their father. Belle had been the first one to run down and jump into her father’s arms and give him a big fate hug, which Michael took with relish. Elizabeth smiled as she came to greet her father. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Michael said as he saw Jake wheel himself to the front of the house. Thankfully for him that his father’s return had interrupted any serious discussion his mother wanted to have about Grace.

“Dad!” Jake smiled.

“At least you are in one piece,” Michael commented.

“Barely,” Maria muttered, just barely she thought to herself. She might have given approval to whatever Jake wanted to explore with Grace but still she didn’t like the idea of it getting so intense and she could see the telltale signs that it was from her own experience with Michael and witnessing Max and Liz first hand and she didn’t like the sense of the emotional toll it was taking on both her son and Grace.

“I just have to adjust, and I am master at that” Jake said confidently. “But hopefully I’ll be on my feet sooner than later.”

“So, what else has happened around here?” Michael asked as they went into the kitchen while Maria finished preparing dinner.

“It’s so long and complicated that it’s better to be left to another time, maybe after dinner” Maria sighed. “Dinner is on the table,” she said. “Jake, can you handle the table?”

“I think I can manage it,” Jake nodded.

“Dinner is served,” Maria said, and Michael wondered why Maria and Jake were brushing off something. They were being too quick to move onto dinner, even if it was done.

As everyone sat down or in the case of Jake wheeled to table Michael took the lay of the land and started to enquire about the kids. The kids spoke of the usual school fun. Elizabeth talked about her band that she had formed the year before and tried to talk around the events of the night before while Jake just sat there and ate and didn’t really talk. Maria was tense Michael could feel. Like something was brewing...

How is Grace?” Michael asked Jake.

Jake eyes went wide and glanced at his mother and Maria just looked down and didn’t talk and Michael could sense something was up. “What?”

“Grace is fine,” Jake said.

“What?” Michael asked again, and this time looked at Elizabeth who just shrugged his shoulders.

“I have no idea. Grace is fine as far as I know. Last night was emotional for her of course but she was back at school today like nothing was wrong.”

“Ah last night so we’re going to have to have a long talk about that after dinner.”

“I can’t wait,” Elizabeth grumbled and continued eating her dinner as Colin and Liam didn’t know what was going on. They only knew that Jake injured himself in an accident that caused both parents to come home and shortened their stay at their grandparents not that they cared as they were happy to be at home. Although they sensed something was up but unlike Elizabeth who tended to be nosy about things that weren’t her business, well, the boys just let it flow off their backs.


At the same time, Kyle was arriving home and was greeted by an enthusiastic Isabel and their three kids. Thrilled to be private atmosphere of his own home and away from hotel life even if that had been only been a few days in the end and now he had his wife in his arms and he was hugging his children who were thrilled to see their father.

“Hey,” Kyle said as the kids all went to their rooms to finish up their homework or other activities while Isabel waited for the take out she had called to be delivered. She hadn’t had the time to make dinner and, so she decided to settle on take out and called in the order just before Kyle had called to say he was close to home.

“Hey,” Isabel smiled as they settled in the living room. “I hope you’re in the mood for Chinese.”

“Perfect,” Kyle said.

“So how was the trip?” Isabel asked

“Tiring,” Kyle warily smiled as the walked into the living room. “I don’t know how Michael can do this kind of work every single case, every day of the year. It’s exhausting to even do one.”

“I am sure,” Isabel smiled. “So, you were needed?”

“I was needed,” Kyle muttered as there was a doorbell ring and Isabel went expecting it to be the takeout order for dinner but came back with someone completely different. “Dad, what are you doing her here?”

“Welcome home son,” Jim smiled. “Sorry if I am raining on the welcome party between you two.”

“We only waiting for dinner to be delivered,” Isabel smiled. “You’re not an interruption and welcome anytime.”

“I appreciate that,” Jim said.

“I heard of the commotion last night. I am sorry if it puts you in a dicey place at work,” Kyle asked knowing full well the furor Jim’s actions with Max and Isabel back in high school had put his father in a terrible place before he was able to gain his position back with the department and the town.

“So far, it’s been fine as we’ve been able to keep Grace out it, and most of all Jake. Tommy is the only recognized victim of last night’s mayhem.

“So, Elizabeth’s story is holding?” Isabel asked.

“At this point although I don’t know if the Ellis family will question her story of a branch just happening to fall as they were talking...and she gets missed completely.”

“Do you think her ammunition helps?” Isabel asked.

“What ammunition?” Kyle asked only knowing the bare bones of the story and not all the details of the events of the prior night.

“Tommy had a gun that he had pointed at Jake which is why Grace did what she did although she was working on her mission before she saw the gun, and the actions were motion before she could stop them at witnessing the gun.”

“What on earth” Kyle asked.

“Yeah,” Isabel muttered. “Anyways, after the boys were injured. Elizabeth in her wisdom decided she needed to move Jake and then she took the gun!”

“She took the gun?” Kyle asked. “Is she crazy?”

“She was in family survival mode and worried about her brother if he were to be fingered in the situation given his age and his recent actions with Grace, you know, crossing state lines. She was fearful for her brother and decided to act without really thinking of the consequences she might unleash as a result. She was thinking of it as blackmail material!” Isabel muttered.

“She’s Michael down to a tee, isn’t she?” Kyle asked.

“Unfortunately, she has that tendency these days,” Jim muttered. “Fortunately for now her story it is holding thankfully but we won’t know for sure until Tommy’s prognosis is more defined.”

“He’s a monster,” Isabel muttered.

“I know,” Jim said. “Grace is going to face some tough delicious when it comes to Tommy.”

“Well if Tommy wakes up and says Jake was there. Elizabeth can deny it and there is no evidence to support he was there,” Kyle asked hopefully.

“What happens if he witnessed Grace use her powers?” Isabel asked. “You mean by tough choices is if he does say she was there or did something to him. She can use what he did to her on New Year’s Eve.”

“He’s going to deny it,” Jim said. “It’s her vs. him, and even with the news of the pregnancy...he’s going to say it wasn’t his. That she was with someone else, likely Jake, and tried to pin on it to escape parental disappointment. Or that she went away and got rid of it.”

“And Grace being an alien human hybrid won’t make it any easier,” Isabel sighed. “Even if her human genetics have more of a hold than her alien ones given her human parentage.”

“Nope,” Jim acknowledged. “So, it’s going to cause tough choices... and that could be only the start of her difficulties in the coming days and months.”

“Why?” Isabel asked.

“I also came to talk to Kyle about his trip with Michael,” Jim admitted.

“Do you want me to go?” Isabel asked warily because she knew this was treading on the subject that they have been trying to keep from her for days now. “I can check on the kids while you talk?”

“No, you can stay. Max and Grace both know now?”

“They do?” Kyle asked. “How in the heck did that happen?”

“Your runaway.”

“Alexandra!” Kyle asked as he sighed. “She made it here, didn’t she, and she caused havoc.”

“She did but I did manage to intercede and pick her up at the bus station and took her back to the station and of course even there she managed to make my job difficult.”

“How did that happen?”

“Wait, who is this Alexandra. I am confused. Should I know her,” Isabel asked her husband and father-in-law as she stepped into the conversation.

“No, but you will” Kyle muttered. “She’s one of the daughters of the case I was helping Michael investigate.”

“Who is this Alexandra?” Isabel asked again.

“Alexandra Evans. She lives in Madison, Connecticut and the daughter of a single mother who is also a doctor out of New Haven. The mother’s name is Beth Evans....” Jim said quietly prepared for the monstrous response both of them would get from his daughter-in-law as he wanted to step slowly but also knew he had to rip the band aid off the revelation. “And I am sorry about this sweetheart, but we believe that this Beth Evans really is Liz. Liz is alive.”

“What the h&ll!” Isabel screamed in high pitched wail, high enough for them to hear footsteps running upstairs and see Kylie come running and stay on the stairs as she looked down on her mother, father and grandfather. “Kylie it’s alright. You can go back to your room, and tell the others that everything is fine.” she said up to her daughter. “Your grandfather was telling me some news that shocked me.”

“I guess,” Kylie asked tentatively as she looked at both of her parents and grandfather with a hard second look but then turned and vanished back to her room.

“What the heck,” Isabel said more quietly as she turned to face her husband and father-in-law. “Liz is dead.”

“We don’t think so honey,” Kyle said. “I met this Beth Evans. She looks exactly like who Liz would be today.”

“I don’t get it!” Isabel weakly asked. “She died in a car accident and there was a body that Max had to identify once he was unable to save her with his powers.”

“Only through dental records were we able to make the identification as the remains were too charred,” Jim reminded Isabel. “I wish I didn’t have to lay this on you but it’s the truth.”

“It’s impossible. Someone is playing a trick on you.”

“Isabel,” Kyle said softly, and he took her hand. “It’s true.”

“No..... No....” she said as she looked into his eyes. “I was there when my brother buried the love of his life, and it almost destroyed him so no I can’t believe that this could actually happen,” she cried and ran out of the room and up the stairs while leaving Kyle and his father to look at each other.

“I wish I had better news for her. How did Max take it?” Kyle asked with a deep sigh as he wished he could take his wife in his arms and be there for her as she dealt with this...he hated that he was further along in this grief process, and in processing of the fact Liz didn’t actually die.

“Well, just about as bad as Isabel just then,” Jim admitted.

“I hate this!” Kyle moaned.

“I know son and how I wish it was a hoax, but it just isn’t, and we have to face it because Alexandra is so uncanny to how Liz was as a teenager that it’s scary,” Jim admitted.

“Grace was always a ringer for her mother especially at the age she is now, but the moment I saw Alexandra, I saw Max and Liz and especially Liz,” Kyle admitted. “Her twin sister is pretty damn close that it’s scary to look at them and remember back to us as teenagers.”

“I guess we’ll going to have to face it. Because before I left the office I received word that Beth is flying out tonight to be with her daughter, and she’s bringing her other daughter as well, so this is going to blow up explosively as early as tomorrow.”

“I better go up and discuss this with Isabel!” Kyle sighed as he walked his father to the front door.

“We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Tell Amy hello for me,” Kyle smiled as he saw his father walk to his car as he closed the front door, and took in a deep sigh and walked upstairs and knocked on his bedroom door. “Dad’s left, and I’m coming in.”

There was no silence.

“I am coming in anyways,” Kyle said quietly as he opened the door and walked in and found his wife crying on the bed. “Hey”

“It’s can’t be true, it can’t!”

“It is, sweetheart, because Liz is alive.”

“I don’t get it, but why?” Isabel asked.

“We haven’t reached our final definitive conclusion yet and therefore it could be someone else entirely, but Michael is currently working under the belief that very well could Khivar’s ultimate plan of pain against Max.”

“No... please no....Isabel screamed. “Please don’t tell me that, not that.”


“Dad, are you okay?” Grace asked a short time later as she walked into the living room upon walking into the house. She had needed time to think to herself after leaving Jake, and decided to take a drive and knew her father would be anxious to know she was safe, so she came home otherwise she might have stayed away until she came to grips with her new world order, and her feelings for Jake which were so confusing to her...

She worried for her father. She knew how much her mother’s memory stayed with her father and to grapple with the fact she might still be alive had to eat at home. It had only been the two of them for nearly fourteen years. “Dad!” she asked quietly

“Come in Grace,” Max smiled as relief showed on his face. “I was worried.”

“I am fine,” Grace sighed. “I just needed some time. Once I had seen Jake, and left, I felt the need to get some fresh air. I went out by the caves.”

“You did?” Max asked.

“I needed to make sense of a lot of things in my life and the fresh air was a bonus,” Grace admitted. “I am sorry if I worried you.”

“Given recent events I worry.”

“I am sorry again,” Grace said as she walked closer to her father. “I love you Dad. Thank you for being there for me, no matter what I do, and put you through.”

“You’re my daughter. I will always love you, and that has no expiry date.”

“Is it true?”

“About Mom?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Grace asked.

“I really don’t know honey. I would love to tell you that this is all an elaborate hoax by one of my earlier enemies, but I can’t.”

“She’s alive, isn’t she?” Grace asked.

“It’s possible,” Max admitted as he hugged his daughter. “All I can say is its possible.”


“We are thirty minutes from touching down,” Beth said as she sat across from Carrie who had jumped on the opportunity to fly in a private plane and rushed her packing if it meant they could get to their destination earlier than expected and they had gotten a personal drive by Serena to the airplane. Serena had cried when saying goodbye because she didn’t know if she would be getting the same woman back when she came back to Connecticut. She had this sense that Beth’s life forever will be changed by going back to Roswell to discover her roots, and past.

Beth was apprehensive as she boarded the flight, but Carrie was jumping for joy. She was determined to see her sister and experience the same experiences her sister was having and that meant finding out who they were, and from where.

“I can’t wait,” Carrie smiled.

“I just want you to be careful with how you set your expectations of this visit. There is no telling what we’ll discover.”

“I know,” Carrie acknowledged. “I just want to see Alexandra, and to know.”

“I wish I had the same sense of expectation as you,” Beth said as she saw the joy in her daughter, the childish wonder what she would experience, and she figure she set this up by keeping the girls so isolated to new experiences during their lives.

“Mom, I know this opens up a whole new world for you and you’re not ready for it. But regardless what we find out, you do know that Alex and I think the world of you and we love you forever and you did the best job you could with us. This isn’t about trying to trade up because you were a lousy parent you aren’t, we love you and you did a wonderful with us it’s just we need to know.”

“I know you do,” Beth smiled as she hugged her daughter. “As much as I fear it, I know I need to know also...”

“Maybe you also have a mother and father who misses you.”

“Maybe,” Beth said as she sighed at the unknown. “I wish I knew.”


Jeff Parker was closing up the Crashdown for the night when he was walking to his car to be able to go and pick up his wife at a friend’s home she had gone to visit, and he had promise to stop by at the end of the night’s shift when she saw a person walking across the street and he could swear it was his...


“Liz,” he whispered and then adjusted his eyes and saw that it was a mere teenager walking along with an older woman.

“God Jeff, you’re losing it.”

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:50 pm
by keepsmiling7
Michael's return was made with great excitement.....
And Kyle had a nice homecoming, until he had to admit to Isabel the truth.
Serena can't imagine what Beth is about to go through in Roswell.
Poor Jeff......he thought he saw Liz........but instead the next best thing. What a joy he will soon celebrate.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 2:03 pm
by Roswelllostcause
No you are not Jeff. Your daughter will be coming home very soon.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:11 pm
by L-J-L 76
Jeff your not going crazy. Your daughter has come home. Can't wait for Jim and everyone to see Beth/ Liz and Carrie.

L-J-L 76

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:17 pm
by RoswellFan68
Great Part. Is someone going to tell Jeff and Nancy what is going on. Alex could suggest they all (Beth and Carrie) go to the Crashdown for breakfast. Jeff and Nancy could be in for a shock.

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:36 am
by L-J-L 76
Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out who will see Beth and Carrie first? And will Max and others go and see Beth/ Liz? What will happen when Beth/Liz and Carrie meet Max and others?

L-J-L 76

Re: Reunion (CC, Mature) Couples: L/M, M/M, I/K - Chapter 50 - Updated - 3/21/2018

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:20 am
by begonia9508
What's a cliffhanger! I guess Jeff just meet one of his grandaughters...

Anyway, I love the way the Story Progress; Little by Little, I am discovering and guessing what the future could be and more - who was behind this hoax!
There will be some payback I hope... People can Play witht he lives of others... Thanks I enjoy every bit of the Story! EVE :mrgreen:

Reunion - Chapter 51 - 3/24/2018

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 11:05 am
by Parker1947
“What’s going on with Jake and Grace” Michael asked as he stood in his bedroom with his wife. Jake was watching television with Elizabeth in his den bedroom. The other kids were doing homework or in the case of Belle watching a movie in her room before bedtime.

“Do you really want to know?” Maria asked.

“Oh god,” Michael warily asked. “Although you’re not setting the room on fire, so I guess that is progress.”

“It is progress because of the last twenty-four hours has made me want to go far way and stay there if not for my love for our kids. I never imagined the scare my mother went through with me, when I met you, then when I heard our son was in danger and this time it was far worse than anything we have experienced before so I figure he’s grown up enough to handle his own love life.”

“So, you think they are starting something?” Michael asked.

“I think they are confused and given what is going on in the last twenty-four hours and it has magnified everything above anything else they have experienced and it’s going to take awhile for either to get handle of it. And I suspect one or both will want to run from it before they decide to throw wind to their feelings, and go to wherever it leads.”

“Why?” Michael asked as he put his clothes away and turned to his wife. “I suspect Jake is pretty certain of his feelings.”

“But not enough to really go for it and given running is exactly what Grace’s parents both did before they figured out they wanted each other, regardless of the fallout, and you sort of did the same thing with me back in the beginning. I suspect history will repeat in our children.”

“Let’s hope it’s not a complete rerun,” Michael muttered.

“I know,” Maria smiled, and Michael felt lift from the smile after days of tension with wife over his secrecy of his case.

“You know I wish I hadn’t had to leave you to deal with all this on your own.” Michael sighed.

“It’s our children and that is easy compared to what we adults will have to deal with in the coming days,” Maria reasoned. “Max and Grace know!”

“What?” Michael asked.

“You know....” Maria smiled. “It broke today. I don’t know all the details, but Grace found out and came right to find out son, and tell him.”

“Oh god, how bad is it?”

“I haven’t personally talked to Max since he discovered the truth, but I suspect it is alien dethcon 5.”

“I can’t even imagine,” Michael sighed. “I have got to admit it shocked the daylight out of Kyle and me to show up at that house and see Liz’s face after all these years later. If not for the memory loss you would think it was Liz.”

“How is she doing with all this?”

“Overwhelmed,” Michael admitted. “It’s anguish for her to actually accept that the past is now and to face it. She’s lived for almost fourteen years under a cloud, and that cloud is lifting, and she doesn’t know how to face it even if she’s herself a doctor.”

“She’s a doctor?” Maria asked as her eyes shot to her husband’s face.

Yeah, all the similarities between Beth’s current life and Liz’s is pretty remarkable” Michael sighed. “She dedicated her career to helping children.”

Maria sighed.

“I know,” Michael admitted. “And it doesn’t help that she has to raise her two daughters on her own.”

“What are you talking about?” Maria asked as she whipped around on Michael. “I know of potentially one child, but not the full details. Now there are two?”

“You don’t know?” Michael asked, shocked that his wife didn’t know about the twins. “I would have thought Jim would have told you?” he sighed. “Yeah, Beth Evans gave birth to twin girls five months after the crash that nearly caused her to lose her life.”

“Twins?” Maria meekly asked. “If she’s Liz that means...”

“Max has two more children and Maria the names of her daughters are Alexandra and Caroline.”

“Alex....” Maria asked in stunned silence.

“Yes!” Michael nodded and walked towards his wife and took her into his arms. “I know, I know.”

“Why Michael why,” Maria cried into the safety of his arms as all of them became more and more real with every revelation. “This is so unfair.”

“I know!”


“We have to tell Grandma and Grandpa Parker,” Grace said as she sat talking to her father in the kitchen of their home. “They have to know,” she said as she took a deep breath and contemplated what this news meant. “We have to warn them.”

“I plan to go see them in the morning,” Max said as the knowledge that his in-laws needed to know. “Sweetheart, it’s unfair for them to be kept in the dark so because I don’t have a client until later in the morning I figure that I’ll head over after you head to school.”

“I should be there,” Grace offered.

“You need to be in school,” Max said. “I know you’re going through a lot right now, but it is the best thing right now to focus on what you can control and let those that you can’t control rest for now. I can handle Grandma and Grandpa, and this really more of an adult conversation anyways.”

“Seeing Grandma and Grandpa is better than being in school,” Grace muttered.

“You can see them during your lunch break or after your classes,” Max smiled. “I am sorry for this on top of everything else.”

“Life sucks,” Grace groaned.

“I know,” Max nodded in agreement. “How is Jake?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Grace said as she got up from the table. “I need to call Sue about a matter with school, and I need to do some homework.”

“Are you hungry?” Max asked, wondering why Grace didn’t want to talk about Jake. “We have pizza in the fridge.”

“Not right now Dad as I don’t feel like I have an appetite,” Grace admitted. “I’ll get something later.”

“Okay sweetheart,” Max nodded as his daughter left the kitchen and sighing at all the unanswered questions and the newest revelations that could mean the world that they knew would be long gone.”

Feeling like the need to do something to distract himself so he went down to his home office and went to work on some legal matters when the phone rang.

“Hello, this is Max!”

“Max!” Maria asked.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Max asked as she could sense some tension in his friend. “Is Michael home yet?”

“Yes, a little while ago. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and talk for a little bit. Grace can come, or you can come alone.”

“Sure,” Max nodded. “Is everything alright?”

“Michael wanted to see you. We’re about the realm out the kids for their actions, and were curious if you were available to come and talk in the aftermath of that discussion.”

“Sure, and anyways Grace could use some privacy, she’s starting to feel overwhelmed” Max said. “I’ll be over in forty-five minutes or so, okay?”



Upstairs Grace was trying to work on a paper for an upcoming class and she couldn’t concentrate as all she could think about was whether her mother could be alive, and could she have another sibling out there, and secondly about Jake and their rash impulses and she couldn’t help but think they were ruining a great friendship. She needed distance, she needed time to think.

“Grace,” Max asked knocking on her bedroom door.

“Yes,” she said warily.

“Maria called, and she and Michael want to talk to me for a few minutes. I am heading over now, and I don’t know how long I’ll be there be. Call me if you need anything.”

“Sure,” Grace sighed. “Say hello to them for me,” she said not sure she liked the idea of her father heading over to Jake’s home even if it was to talk to Maria and Michael and the likely topic was her mother as opposed to their children.

“I love you,” Max said.

“I love you too Dad,” Grace said as she heard him walk away, and down the stairs and moment later the front door closed, and the car start up.

“I need to get out of here,” Grace muttered. She grabbed her keys and her purse and was out of the house herself minutes later and heading for no destination in particular...


“Where is the gun?” Michael asked his daughter who was sitting on the couch beside her brother in the den. Once the movie was finished Michael and Maria came in to have a long talk with their children about their actions the night before.

“Grace has it,” Elizabeth said sheepish.

“You left the gun at Grace’s house when she’s the chief suspect if this goes against you guys,” Maria asked aghast at her daughter’s decision and Jake wasn’t too thrilled either to know even if the gun only ties Tommy to the night, not them.

“She has a safe in her bedroom. It’s behind a poster and not easily seen and anyways I was there last night, and I couldn’t very well take it to school today and it hadn’t seen wise to leave it here alone when I came to pick up my stuff with Aunt Isabel. So, I figure it was safe.”

“I understand you were worried but what you did was very serious,” Michael tried.

“Dad wouldn’t you have done something similar if you had to clean up something when you were our age. I wanted to help Jake. True I wasn’t thinking, and probably was rash with what I did. But given Grace was so out of it with grief over what she did, well, I only had minutes to decide before everything went to hell. So, it was the price I had to pay.”

“Michael, it’s true, we would have done something very similar and probably did” Maria thought back to the time of the Agent Pierce debacle, and how much Michael had to put on his shoulders to deal with his ensuing actions.

“That doesn’t mean I want to see it replayed with my children,” Michael grumbled. “Jake, I believe you when you said the fight just happened and that you didn’t ask for it and was only protecting Grace but Elizabeth what you did was very impulsive and maybe next time you think about it before you act.”

“Dad I can’t promise if our family isn’t in danger I won’t do something similar,” Elizabeth said stubbornly. “Grace was in no condition to help, and I had to act, and I was protecting Jake because we all know Tommy would go after Jake, and still might if he wakes up. So, we need at least some ammunition to help the situation.”

“Damn it,” Michael muttered as there was a doorbell ring and Maria went to answer it and he figured it was going to be Max coming by to talk. “Look given what I did in my youth I can’t really come down hard on you, but I don’t want those sins to repeat in you guys. I want you and the others to be as normal, carefree as possible and I don’t want the mayhem that followed your mother and I, Max and Liz and others to be revisited on you.”

“This was an unprecedented action,” Jake said to justify their actions. “And I am not crying over my injury because I’ll take the pain and inconvenience if it means Grace is safe and Tommy was a menace who hurt her, and was doing it again with his words. Elizabeth was there, what he was saying about Grace was sickening and vomiting inducing. She has to deal with the burden the rest of her life. We didn’t ask for last night to happen. Yes, I shouldn’t have engaged with him, and I should have grabbed Elizabeth and Grace and gotten out of that park, but his words about Grace had to be defended.”

“It was sickening Dad,” Elizabeth confirmed. “We were pleading for them to stop, but it escalated, and it went by all in a flash and then it was all finished. If I had thought of it, and Jake and Grace weren’t there I might have done something I would have regretted for not the chaos it would have brought but for what I actually might have done to the asshole. Getting Jake out of there and limiting his liability is minor compared to what I could have done.”

“Oh, I know it,” Michael said sighing over the simple truth of what his daughter could have done given fighting and the violence that came from it, was all Jake had the capacity to do given he was human and completely normal. But his daughter brought something else to the party and that was frightening for Michael to witness in his teenage daughter.

“What Grace did was minor compared to what I would have done!” Elizabeth warned again for effect and Michael sighed and he could only shake his head with fear of where this might go.

“I hope we don’t have to find out,” Max said as he came into the den and heard Elizabeth’s final words. “Michael, Elizabeth, Jake.”

“Hello Uncle Max,” Elizabeth smiled as she got up to hug her honorary uncle. “Grace didn’t want to come?”

“I didn’t ask, as she needed some peace and quiet,” Max said looking at Jake who muttered something inaudible to himself. “How’s the wheelchair?”

“It’s been pretty easy adjustment so far,” Jake said as he wanted to get away from any discussion of Grace. “I am going for something to drink,” he said. “Elizabeth, I need your help.”

“Sure thing,” Elizabeth smiled as she sensed the need for a diversion and plus she was also thirsty and felt the need to do some snooping into her brother’s love life.

Once the kids were gone, Michael looked at Maria who looked forlorn. “You’re right!”

“I know,” Maria asked.

“What?” Max asked.

“Grace and Jake, things have gotten complicated,” Maria admitted with a look of dread.

“Yeah, I know,” Max sighed at the thought of his daughter’s love life. He knew Liz was even younger when they got together but it seems different when it was you, and not your teenage daughter and a family friend who you had seen grow up from a baby. The kids might be all a big happy family, albeit not blood related, but still romance can complicate it fast especially when you know the other family so well.

“How?” Maria asked. “I doubt Grace has confided in you.”

“They kissed.”

“How would you know that?” Michael asked.

“It is how she got him to wake up last night after he was unconscious for a lengthy time. I was surprised that he woke up so soon as I expected he would sleep at least to this morning and then I heard them talking about it earlier today. So, I gather it’s gotten even more serious in the mean time.”

“Oh wow, she pulled a Liz,” Maria muttered in almost awe as she thought back to when Liz did it to Max back in senior year when Max basically died in a sacrifice to save Liz’s life and she then brought him back with a simple kiss. “Yeah, it’s gotten a hell of a lot more complicated and from the looks of it, they are both running from the emotions of whatever has transpired.”

“Which is what we don’t need,” Max muttered. “Especially if my wife is alive so is she Michael, is Liz alive?”

“I am afraid so Maxwell,” Michael sighed as he used his pet name for Max.

“Hell!” Max muttered as he started to let those words sink in as he began to confront the many emotions and what it would mean for him and for his family, and yet he wasn’t ready to really deal with it yet as he sighed as he let flashes of his wife, the one who he knew at age 24 and the mother to Grace run through his mind as he was forced to confront and acknowledge the present, and the future. “What am I going to do?”