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Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:53 am
by Get Over It
Tess was half and half, sometimes the evil side winning just a little bit more. She didn't have to do what she did, but yet she did. You can't blame it on Nasedo because he wasn't there. She decided to follow with the plan, and she killed Alex all be herself. Sure, it was Nasedo's plan first, but she still carried though even without him there to enforce it.

Tess had to realize that Nasedo's treatment of her wasn't acceptable when she came to Roswell. Michael, Isabel, and Max were this close knit family along with the humans. She surely saw how the Evans and the Parkers treated their children. I know she did with Kyle and Jim.

And she had her escape when Nasedo was killed. She no longer had to live with her tormentor. Jim and Kyle loved Tess. Jim thought of her as his daughter even. Yet, she betrayed them to go to some planet she has only known in memoires. That seems a bit harsh to me. Not only did she want to go there but take the king's heir and have Max, Michael, and Isabel executed.

Max may not have been the most considerate person to Tess in the beginning. But he also became a lot nicer to her after EOTW. Still, she wants to send him to his death even though she loved him so much :roll: . I don't know about you, but when I love someone the least thing I want to do is have them die, or send them to their death. You don't kill people you love, I'm sorry. Especially if you wait your whole life to be with them.

I'm not unsympathetic towards Tess nor do I hate her. I actually like when she is portrayed as someone without evil motives and plots to kill. And it is true that Tess was an interesting character that had potential. I would have been emotionally scared too if I went though what Nasedo surely put her though. I do feel sorry for her having to life with a monster.

In my opinion, she was half and half.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:21 pm
by harroc83
Alright lets put my 2 cents.
Tess I believe she went crazy after the prom I'm sorry, She knew what she was doing. i hate when people make excuses. Imagine if Alex was your friend or your family and this girl that you was supposed to trust killed him. Don't give me the crap about her being miguided. You would all want her to burn in hell. Look she couldn't just ask Alex to decode the book for her, Alex love doing stuff like that. He would have enjoyed it in fact. NO she had to fuck fry his mind please. Then this supposed love she had for Max, she would willing turn him over to kivar, did people forget that. I feel you on the whole Nasedo thing. But I know alot of people who were raised with loony parents. Shit most people now are raised with looney parents. No excuse. why didn't they come out crazy. Tess was manipulating them from the begining. Give them all weird sex dreams, that's a nice way to say welcome to the fam. TO tell you the truth I thought Nasedo was more human. I honestly didn't beleive that Nasedo told her to do half the bull shit she did. It wouldn't make sense. What would be the point. The heir to the throne would be a threat to Kivar. So why in the world would Kivar of all people make a deal with Nasedo to bring back the heir. PLease. Me not liking Tess's charcter had little to do with Max and Liz, Max and Liz fucked theirselves over. Tess was character that fucked everyone else to get what she wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if she messed with Zan's mind when they were back on Antar. Tess could have been a great chacter the writers made me hate her. She was a killing mindwarping machine. Michael got it wrong Max wasn't the robot Tess was.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:59 pm
by FSU/MSW-94
harroc83 wrote:Alright lets put my 2 cents.
Tess I believe she went crazy after the prom I'm sorry, She knew what she was doing. i hate when people make excuses. Imagine if Alex was your friend or your family and this girl that you was supposed to trust killed him. Don't give me the crap about her being miguided. You would all want her to burn in hell. Look she couldn't just ask Alex to decode the book for her, Alex love doing stuff like that. He would have enjoyed it in fact. NO she had to fuck fry his mind please. Then this supposed love she had for Max, she would willing turn him over to kivar, did people forget that. I feel you on the whole Nasedo thing. But I know alot of people who were raised with loony parents. Shit most people now are raised with looney parents. No excuse. why didn't they come out crazy. Tess was manipulating them from the begining. Give them all weird sex dreams, that's a nice way to say welcome to the fam. TO tell you the truth I thought Nasedo was more human. I honestly didn't beleive that Nasedo told her to do half the bull shit she did. It wouldn't make sense. What would be the point. The heir to the throne would be a threat to Kivar. So why in the world would Kivar of all people make a deal with Nasedo to bring back the heir. PLease. Me not liking Tess's charcter had little to do with Max and Liz, Max and Liz fucked theirselves over. Tess was character that fucked everyone else to get what she wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if she messed with Zan's mind when they were back on Antar. Tess could have been a great chacter the writers made me hate her. She was a killing mindwarping machine. Michael got it wrong Max wasn't the robot Tess was.
Amen sister! ITA 8)

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:28 pm
by Raychelxluscious
harroc83 wrote:Alright lets put my 2 cents.
Tess I believe she went crazy after the prom I'm sorry, She knew what she was doing. i hate when people make excuses. Imagine if Alex was your friend or your family and this girl that you was supposed to trust killed him. Don't give me the crap about her being miguided. You would all want her to burn in hell. Look she couldn't just ask Alex to decode the book for her, Alex love doing stuff like that. He would have enjoyed it in fact. NO she had to fuck fry his mind please.
Agreed. I do believe that Tess most definitely should have asked that of Alex. She chose to take that path, and because of that she made a terrible mistake.
Then this supposed love she had for Max, she would willing turn him over to kivar, did people forget that. I feel you on the whole Nasedo thing. But I know alot of people who were raised with loony parents. Shit most people now are raised with looney parents. No excuse. why didn't they come out crazy. Tess was manipulating them from the begining. Give them all weird sex dreams, that's a nice way to say welcome to the fam.
Was it ever proven that the "sex" dreams were from Tess? Because, I'm sorry, but I don't believe it was Tess manipulating them (or mindwarping them, whatever). Simply because I can't recall it ever being said.

I always thought it was that whole alien, biological way for them to recognize each other and their "destinys". I admit, at first, I thought it was a little sketchy that it all started once Tess arrived, but it makes sense, to me at least, that they subconsciously recognized her and they were trying to express it through dreams.

-lol- I'm not sure if I explained that well. :roll: At any rate, I don't believe it was Tess "creating" the dreams for them. There was no tapping from them (which, I admit, could be *another* mistake on the writers' part), so I can't really think it was Tess's doing. Y'all are welcome to your own opinions. I respect what you think; I'm just expressing what I think.

TO tell you the truth I thought Nasedo was more human. I honestly didn't beleive that Nasedo told her to do half the bull shit she did. It wouldn't make sense. What would be the point. The heir to the throne would be a threat to Kivar. So why in the world would Kivar of all people make a deal with Nasedo to bring back the heir. PLease. Me not liking Tess's charcter had little to do with Max and Liz, Max and Liz fucked theirselves over. Tess was character that fucked everyone else to get what she wanted. I wouldn't be surprised if she messed with Zan's mind when they were back on Antar. Tess could have been a great chacter the writers made me hate her. She was a killing mindwarping machine. Michael got it wrong Max wasn't the robot Tess was.
I've always believed that Tess's actions (to a certain extent) were prompted by Naesado. The only reason I think this is because, unfortunately, we were never given a glimpse into Tess's life when she came out of the pod and how she was raised with Naesado. We got a smidget of stories from the other three, but very little from Tess.

I never believed Naesado was "more" human in any way, shape, or form. Honestly, he gave me the creeps. I completely believe that Tess was "misguided" due to the way she was raised by Naesado.

However, after his death, after she was brought in by the Valenti's, Tess was given a clean slate. She could have chosen any path she wanted to, and, for a while, it seemed like she was going down the "human" path. (I've always been interested in Tess's character, right from the beginning. The like didn't grow until later.) I was excited to see what would happen to her while under Jim Valenti's wing, and I was hoping for good things.

But alas, she chose ultimately chose to take a different route. And that road led to the demise of one of the most beloved characters. She wasn't misguided then. She chose that route, and she suffered the consequences.

Tess didn't have to go along with Naesado's deal, but she did. And that's a shame. I think it was the writer's trying - quite lamely, might I add - to remedy the "Colin" situation. :roll: But that's just me.

Anyway...=] That's my opinion. Like I mentioned, I respect all of yours. Just stating.


Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:46 am
by Anniepoo98
Personally I feel that Tess was more misguided than evil. Evil doesn't care about others, and despite her many, many mistakes, Tess did care about others. She had a bond with Kyle and Jim, she was beginning to have on with Max... so, yeah, I believe she cared.

As for killing Alex, I have never thought that was her intention. Not that it's any excuse for what happened and covering it up was way wrong... but in the memory flashback Kyle had in "Departure", Tess was trying to heal Alex... at least that was my take. She didn't mean to kill him.

Also, I think after Nasedo died, Tess might have decided to forget his bargian with Kivar, and wanted to leave a normal life with the others. Then came "Max in the City". I just have a deep down feeling that something happened there they we all were missing. That whole mindrape/mindwarp clashing was a rouse. Maybe they indimdated her into sticking with the plan... so she moved forward with it then. But there was something amiss there.

In any case, this is my humble opinion. Do with it what you will. Just remember to play nice.


Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:02 am
by killjoy
I love Tess and I think the writers did her wrong.And I do think that the reason she pushed the destiny thing so hard was the fact that during her whole childhood Nesado drummed it in her head.

Now having said that I don't buy the fact of using the back ground you grew up in as an excuse for your crimes.Tess knew what she was doing was wrong.She admitted that much when she told Max she wished she hadn't killed Alex.Plus we can't forget the fact that she knew about Nesado's deal with Khivar.

But in the end I don't blame Tess I blame the writers.They did a piss poor job on a what could have been...well in my belief what was a great character.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:43 am
by Calinia
Raychelxluscious wrote:Was it ever proven that the "sex" dreams were from Tess? Because, I'm sorry, but I don't believe it was Tess manipulating them (or mindwarping them, whatever). Simply because I can't recall it ever being said.

I always thought it was that whole alien, biological way for them to recognize each other and their "destinys". I admit, at first, I thought it was a little sketchy that it all started once Tess arrived, but it makes sense, to me at least, that they subconsciously recognized her and they were trying to express it through dreams.

-lol- I'm not sure if I explained that well. :roll: At any rate, I don't believe it was Tess "creating" the dreams for them. There was no tapping from them (which, I admit, could be *another* mistake on the writers' part), so I can't really think it was Tess's doing.
That's exactly what I think. While Max claimed that Tess was doing something to him before they kissed in the rain, he couldn't really know that. It's natural for him to assume that these feelings coming out of the blue were her making, but that doesn't mean it's true.

I always thought that it wasn't her doing anything but merely his programmed reaction to her. It makes sense that they were made to be attracted to each other because of Destiny and that they were made to recognize each other in case they got seperated (which they did). It also made sense that the four-square being complete triggered the dreams.
I think it was the writer's trying - quite lamely, might I add - to remedy the "Colin" situation. :roll: But that's just me.
I totally agree with this. The writers needed a quick solution and came up with the biggest piece of crap in the history of TV, ruining Tess' character (and in my opinion, the whole show).

The thing with Tess is, I think she was neither evil nor misguided. She was simply written in the most crappy way imagineable. Her character development made absolutely no sense. First she's this maybe-threat, then she moves in with the Valentis and becomes pretty likeable - up to here everything is fine if you ask me - suddenly she's a killer who is willing to get all the others killed as well, then she's suddenly a martyr. Please!

The writers turned her into a character that wasn't in the least believable because none of her actions made since. She became a vehicle for their very strange plot ideas, a means to an end. A flat character that was more or less part of th scenery, like a chair you need if one of the characters needs to sit down. End of S2 and S3 Tess don't affect me in the least. I don't love her or hate her. She's just there. Kind of like the chairs and tables at the Crashdown, only that those make a bit more sense.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:08 am
by killjoy
Michael and Isabel's dreams I don't believe was Tess doing.But Future Max? I believe that was a Tess mind warp all the way.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 9:57 am
by Calinia
killjoy wrote:But Future Max? I believe that was a Tess mind warp all the way.
That's a theoretical possibility (and an interesting one at that), but canon contradicts it. We saw Future Max and Future Liz in the pod chamber in the year two thousand something after all, that at least was real.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:01 pm
by killjoy
:lol: Ok you might be right on that,since I refuse to watch season three.I might have missed a lot there :lol: