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Chapter 30

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:52 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 30

The coronation the following day was a lot like Max would picture in some fairy tale. He was garbed in royal robes the color of deep purple and trimmed in gold as was Alex. Zan, Ava, and Boone wore similar robes but they were trimmed silver. Serena, Kate, Jack, and Sawyer wore traditional clothing consisting of loose pants and tunic, all of bright colors.

They stood on a platform type balcony above the gathered people. Larek and his wife stood beside Max and Alex while Rajan and several guards stood further behind them. Max didn’t like having Rajan at his back but he couldn’t protest without reason. The actually ceremony was brief with Larek presiding over it. Max couldn’t stop the weight on his shoulders becoming heavier as his crown was placed on his head.

Ava and Zan were introduced and welcomed with a cheer. Then Boone was brought forward. Though the people cheered Max could hear that it was more forced. He took hold of Boone’s hand in support for himself and his lover. Ava, standing next to Max, took his hand then used her other to grab Zan’s. Once the four were connected by touch a shining silver light radiated around them making the crowd gasp in awe. Such a sight had not been seen since the original Zan had been crowned and stood with Rath, Ava, and Vilondra on this very platform. This proved to the people of Antar that the Royal Four were back in power on Antar. They did not see the disapproving look coming from behind.

Serena, Kate, Jack, and Sawyer stepped forward and swore their allegiance to Antar and to the King. They bowed on one knee to show their servitude to Max in respect. Larek had quickly gone over all that would happen the night before so everyone would understand their positions and what was expected of them.

As Max looked out over the people…his people, he could feel their discord. Many didn’t like the fact that humans were there. They felt anger and dislike for those Max brought with him…along with ill feelings toward him and the other hybrids.

“I don’t understand.” Max said loudly, his voice sounding across the air so that even the farthest person in the back could hear him. This got the people’s attention and the voices settled and faces turned to him.

“You wanted the blood of your precious Zan back on the throne, did you not?” Max looked out. “Yet you stand there and I can see that there are those out there that would rather I not stand here. I feel from some of you that I am not fit to take the throne.”

His words drew gasps from the crowd as many realized that he had the ‘sight’, but many still doubted.

“You don’t like that I have human blood running through my veins. You don’t like that I brought a human as my Consort, or even that I brought humans to live among us. My son, the heir to the throne of Antar, has human blood...and you fear it. You feel as if he…we are inferior. I see it in your faces…I hear it in your thoughts.” There were murmurs of voices throughout the crowd, people both agreeing and disagreeing.

“You may not like it, but it was your scientists who created me, in turn creating my son for he is of the blood of the original Queen Ava and myself. It were these same scientists who sent eight of us to Earth so that we may be safe and grow until the time came for us to return to you and free you from harm and destruction. It was my mother, your Queen Mother, who gave you hope. Who sacrificed her own life to make sure we were sent to safety.”

Max stepped forward closer to the railing and looked out at the people, his hands braced on the cool stone.

“You think you know about humans. You think that they are weak, that they are not intelligent. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not true. Yes, they can be ignorant, but that’s not stupidity. And no, they don’t have the abilities that we do, but they have other weapons which they can protect their loved ones…or kill their enemies.

“My sister and I were raised by humans. Two beings that loved us unconditionally as we loved them. We also trusted our lives and gave our hearts to humans who loved us back for who we are…what we are.”

He paused in his speech feeling a shift in emotions among the people, but there were still those that doubted.

“You think that humans killed my sister and my General, the reason they are not standing by my side. Or that their duplicates are not standing by Zan and Ava’s side.”

His fingers curled around the stone and gripped it tight.

“It was not humans that killed my family. They did not kill the only parents we knew. They did not kill my wife or my lover along with others I cared deeply for. No, it was Khivar that killed them…and it was I who ended his killing spree. It was I that took his life. I, who took back the crown of Antar to make it a safe place once more. I, who brought my son here, to be raised from which he was born and is his home. I, who will try to bring peace and happiness back to the land.

“We are not weak because we are half human. These humans I bring with me, my family, are not weak. Do not be like the many we left behind. Do not make my son grow up where he feels unsafe or unwanted. If I wanted that, we would have stayed on Earth.”

Max stood straighter and his grip loosened as emotions of the crowd shifted more as the people realized that their discord came from fear.

“I am not Khivar, nor will I be like the Zan you remember, but I will try to bring Antar back to its glory. But I can only do that with your support.”

A great cheer rose from the crowd and Max knew that he truly touched most of the people, but he knew there were still many out there that didn’t want him on the throne. Larek had told him as much.

“Damn it man. If this was a presidential race, I’d vote for you.” Zan said softly as he stood next to Max.

Max gave him quick smirk. “Do you think it would be completely rude if I vomited right here?”

Zan chuckled and realized how much Max hated speaking in front of crowds and how hard this had been for him. “Just hold it back a few minutes longer and you can ralph all you want.”


After Larek finished a few other minor details of the coronation, he led Max and the others to the throne room where they would have a type of receiving line welcoming them back to Antar. Jack, Sawyer, and Kate opted to return to their rooms for the time while Serena stayed near Zan and Ava gladly watched over Alex.

It seemed to have taken hours as people floated through the room to pay their respects to their new King and the crowned Prince and Max couldn’t stop the sigh of relief when the crowd finally whittled to a few. He looked over at Ava who held his very sleepy son.

“Ava, it looks like we are about done here. Would you mind taking him to his room and laying him down?”

Ava gave him a smile. “I had forgotten what a boring chore this all was.” She stood and shifted Alex so his head rested on her shoulder. “I think I’ll stay with him and lay down for a while if you don’t mind.”

“It would be appreciated.”

“Did you want me to help?” Serena offered stepping away from Zan.

“No. Stay and enjoy some time with Zan if you can.” Ava said turning and carrying the young child out with a guard following.

Max looked to Larek. “Are we done yet?” He knew he sounded like a child but he was tired. He had to concentrate really hard to block all the emotions that rushed over him every time someone came near. He remembered how Kyle would leave for a few hours to find solitude, usually in the woods or in the desert where few, if any humans were. Max suddenly realized why Kyle had hated crowded places once he had received his powers. It took a lot to ignore what assaulted him. His head was starting to ache from it all.

“Just about, Majesty.” Larek said tightly as he looked to the door and his body straightened. Max saw the change in the man and knew it wasn’t good sign. He completely forgot to argue about Larek calling him Majesty.

Max turned to see where Larek gazed and watched a woman glide across the floor, her eyes locked with his. He could only focus on her eyes, black as midnight and streaks of silver streaming from the pupils. He could hear the swoosh of her flowing dress deep red in color but couldn’t tear his eyes to really look at it. Once she reached the platform that the throne resided, she kneeled before Max and lowered her head, only then breaking the eye contact.

“Majesty.” It was just one word but her voice was like a pleasing song to the ear.

“Larek?” It took Max much effort to say the name as he stared down at the kneeling figure. He felt unease radiating from Boone but he was unable to tear his eyes away to give his lover comfort. This woman’s presence screamed for his attention, drawing his focus only on her. Max didn’t like it. He felt compelled to watch her, to give him his attention…to be near her.

“Who is she?” Zan asked but he too watched the woman and didn’t turn toward Larek, entranced by this woman’s presence as Max. Neither Zan nor Max saw Serena and Boone exchange looks of concern at the way the men were acting toward her.

Larek sighed. “This is Keyanta. She is to be your bride.”


Chapter 31

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:30 pm
by magikhands
Hope I got all the mistakes, forgive me if I didn't :oops:

Chapter 31

“Excuse me…could you repeat that?” Serena asked Larek. She saw how both Max and Zan were reacting to this woman though whatever was causing it appeared to affect Max more Zan. Her heart lurched in pain as she watched her love stare at another woman. She knew how Max shared his life with both his wife Liz and his lover Kyle. Was that to be Zan’s fate in life? Would she have to share him with another? Who was this woman? And why were they so entranced by her.

Larek stepped down but Serena noticed that Dartyn hung back. She looked at the woman who was still kneeling with dislike.

“Keyanta is betrothed to the King of Antar. As the eight clones were made, another was created for this purpose.”

“What purpose?” Boone finally spoke up as he fought the lump in his throat. Max was the King and this woman kneeling before them was to be his bride? He felt his chest constrict with pain, his heart tearing.

“Zan married Ava for political reasons, but they were very close, they cared for each other. But Keyanta is needed for blood. She is pure Southern Antar. They are a dying race, none are as pure as Keyanta. While all Antarians were once strong in their abilities, time and the mixing of different beings into the blood has weakened that strength. At first, the Southern Antarians were the only ones not to cross-breed. They stayed within their own kind but over time because of that they have nearly faded and have mixed with others to survive.”

“So they made her like they did us.” Zan said still looking at the dark haired woman who had not looked up or said a word.

“Similar, yes. Once she matured into womanhood, Zan was to take her as a second wife and provide Antar with stronger blood tie to Antar. The elders wanted to strengthen their future and their standing with their allies who saw that Antarians were weakening.”

“I’m surprised that they didn’t just keep making more like her and rebuild that way.” Serena huffed, not able to help the strange anger she felt. This was not her world, yet she didn’t like where this conversation was going.

“They were going to use their King as a sperm bank?” Boone asked angrily. He had a feeling that this plan was still intact now that both Max and Zan were alive and well.

Larek’s brows drew together in confusion at Boone’s words. “I don’t…”

“They were going to use the original Zan to produce children with this woman. Then what? Sell them off like cattle?” Serena’s voice held the same anger as Boone’s. It didn’t matter that they were only humans, to her it was a form of slavery.

“Only the elders knew that answer.” Larek answered shaking his head. “I’m merely telling you what I know. I was not privileged to all their intentions.”

“Did he…the other Zan, did he know about her?” Zan finally turned and looked at Larek. He was troubled by this information. He glanced over at Max who had stayed silent so far.

“Yes he knew.” Larek looked down. “And he was willing to do what was needed for his people.” His words were soft.

“You didn’t approve?” Serena asked seeing the man’s discomfort and softening a little toward him.

“No, I did not. I told Zan this but he could only see how it would better the people.”

“And now Max is to pick up where Zan left off.” Boone snarled.

“It appears so.” Larek answered sadly.

“What else are you not telling us Larek?” Max finally spoke but he did not look at his friend. He could feel that Larek was hiding something else. Something he didn’t want to tell them.

Larek hesitated. Max tore his eyes from the woman and turned to Larek. His eyes had darkened, nearly black and he felt his power rising within him. Michael’s impatience was trying to break through but Max kept it in check.

“Keyanta is Khivar’s sister. He was Southern Antar. They used his DNA for her. It was he who cared and raised her.”

Max blinked at Larek as the words sunk in. His face paled. Boone reached out to touch his arm but he pulled away.

“No.” He said then ran from the room.

Boone started after him but Zan stopped him. “Let me.” He said, his voice soft. Boone wanted to protest but the look in Zan’s eyes was one of understanding. Zan was the only one who could come close to understanding what Max was feeling. Reluctantly Boone stepped back and nodded, his heart aching for his lover.


Max knew Zan would find him. He didn’t know how, only that he would. Zan said nothing to him or about the rubble of rock that lay nearby as he came and stood next to him. Both looked out over the city. They stood there in silence for several minutes, each with their own thoughts about the city below.

“I killed her brother.” Max said breaking the silence.

“He was going to kill you.”

“The contract to her is binding. Unbreakable.”

Zan looked at Max. “You can’t be sure. You aren’t Zan. I’m not Zan. We are only half of him.”

“Yes, but I carry his seal. The seal that binds the contract.” Max laid his head in his hands. “I feel it. I weaken to its call. And I know you feel the pull too though your seal is not active.”

“I’m sure there’s a way out of it.” Zan tried to assure his friend. He didn’t agree with Max about feeling the pull to the woman, but he was right. Zan felt it but obviously not as much as he. Of course he didn’t want to be in Max’s place either. He had heard the anger in Serena’s voice and seen the sorrow in Boone’s eyes.

Max looked up and shook his head in defeat. “I don’t want a wife. I have…had one. Liz was my life. I loved her. Even now, she has a piece of my heart, just as Kyle does, and Boone. I have no more to give. I can’t give any more of myself away.”

“If there isn’t a way out of this Max…” He didn’t really know what to say. “No one is saying anything about love.” He sighed knowing that there was no way out of this and that if Max died he would have to step up and do as the royal seal beckoned.

“They are talking about sex and reproduction. They have made it so that I’m a damn sperm bank. That is why I wouldn’t get with Tess when she and Nesado first found us. I didn’t love her and I didn’t believe she was my destiny.”

“But you slept with her anyway.” Zan said softly thinking of his nephew. Alex was the product of Max and Tess sleeping together once. He knew Max didn’t love Tess yet they had sex.

Max grabbed Zan by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. Zan put his hands on Max’s wrists and held on tight. Their eyes locked, amber hues turning black as their powers raised in their body, their skin tingling with the energy, but Zan didn’t fight back. He restrained his instincts to attack Max. He allowed his King his moment of anger, but watched him carefully knowing he would do what was needed to make sure it didn’t go too far.

“I’m sorry Max. I wish there was something I could do, something I could say to help you but I’m not that way. I don’t sugar-coat shit. I tell it like it is. You slept with Tess when you didn’t love her and produced a child.” Zan’s words were steady but his tone soft.

Max loosened his grip on Zan and hung his head in shame. “I betrayed them. Liz and Kyle both by doing that. I knew it was wrong, but…” Max released Zan and stepped away.

“You don’t really regret it, do you?” Zan asked. “That’s what is bothering you the most, isn’t it? You don’t regret having sex with Tess. And you are scared that you will not regret having sex with Keyanta and hurting Boone in the process.”

“When you look at Alex what do you see?” Max ignored Zan’s insight.

“A smart boy who will grow to be a good, strong man. One who will be a powerful leader if led in the right direction.”

Max nodded. “When I look at my son I see one of the few things I did right in my life. How can I regret making my son? Yes, I hurt many people doing by being with Tess, but at that time…” He hung his head reliving the pain of that night, of seeing Liz and Kyle in bed together, of feeling betrayed and all alone. “Liz… she never got pregnant. Neither did Maria or Isabel. We don’t even know if we can reproduce with humans.”

Zan’s face reflected thoughtfulness at Max’s words. Would he and Serena never know the joy of children of their own? And what about Ava? He pushed the thought away for another time to ponder.

“I was the only one to produce a child. Rather Tess and I. We are both hybrids. This…woman is a hybrid like us, only a little different. I can feel it radiating off of her, but I don’t know if we can even create life. What if we can’t? What if I do what I have to do and lose Boone for nothing?”

“Boone loves you. He will stand by you.”

“I don’t know if I can stand losing him.” Max looked up at the sky and thought about Earth and the loss he’d suffered there.

“You won’t. What you two have, it’s strong. He won’t let go without a fight, just as you won’t let him go so easily.”

Max looked to Zan and shook his head. “This is so fucked.”

Zan chuckled. “Max Evans…I believe I just heard you curse.”

Max laughed. “Yeah, I think I did.” He sobered and sighed. “What am I going to do? I hate the thought of having to marry someone I don’t love…or even know. On top of it, she was raised by Khivar. My enemy. The one who killed my family and I in turn killed him. How in the world does anyone expect us to get past all the emotional baggage to have sex. And how does Boone fit into this? Liz and Kyle had a relationship with each other before I came along. It was easy for them to accept each other.”

“It will all work out. You will all have an adjustment to go through and he’ll be there by you every step of the way.”

“And what? Watch as I fuck some woman? I can’t.”

“You must.” Larek’s voice sounded as he approached. “The original Zan always came here when he needed to think or needed peace. He said it calmed his soul to look out over his land, to be closer to the heaven.” He paused and looked at the sight of the city below. “You have no choice Max. The seal will make you fulfill the contract and produce heirs.”

“I already have an heir.” Max growled.

“How can you be so sure that Max has no choice? Can the seal really do that?”

Larek nodded. “I’m afraid that was how the elders made her. She calls to the seal of the King. Whoever bears it will be unable to deny the urge to procreate with her.”

“So my free will has been stolen from me? Why the hell didn’t you tell us about this sooner?”

“I didn’t think this would be an issue. Keyanta has been missing for some time, since Khivar’s take on the throne. He took her away and everyone thought that she was dead, that he’d killed her because she was created only to be with the one who bears the seal. He had Antar but never the seal.”

“I don’t need more children. Alex will rule when he is of age. If I need a wife or another child I can take Ava.”

“But what if something befalls him? What if an enemy strikes and takes his life? The original Zan’s father made that mistake. He only had Zan and Vilondra. With their death the bloodline died until you were created. As for Ava…she has feeling for another. The Queen cannot have another lover unless it is her husband’s consort. Would you take that from her? Make her loyal only to you and Keyanta.”

Max sighed and rubbed at his temples. “My head feels like it’s about to explode. Set a room up for her but I will not see her until tomorrow. I can’t deal with it anymore tonight. Will you tell Boone that I have returned to our room.” Zan nodded and with an assuring pat on the shoulder he left to deliver the message and sooth Serena.

“I shall walk with you.” Larek said walking with Max leaving the rooftop. He felt eyes upon them but couldn’t see where anyone stood. He knew Khivar still had followers in their ranks and they would do what they could to rid Antar of the new Royal Four. It worried him that Keyanta had shown herself this day. She carried Khivar’s blood. If she were to have a child with Max, their enemy may try to eliminate Alex to put the other on the throne. He would have to keep his guard up and speak with Zan about this matter.


Chapter 32

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:38 am
by magikhands
Ok, I basically suck with keeping up with things as of late. My writing is behind as is my reading....sorry guys. It's summer now and hope that I get a chance to do plenty of writing (if my muse allows it :roll: ) so don't give up on my so fast. I will keep going until this story is finished (even if it takes me foreve :wink: :wink: )

Chapter 32

Ava woke next to Alex. The sun had set and her stomach rumbled with hunger. With all the earlier excitement and business she’d not had much of an appetite. Ava looked at the boy lying next to her. He was an angel. At times it was strange looking at him, knowing that he resembled her, yet she had not given birth to him. But that didn’t cause her to love him any less. Protecting Alex had been such a part of her life that she couldn’t stand the thought of ever being out of his life. She knew he was special the first time she laid eyes on him. She also knew that she would die protecting him from harm as would Zan and Serena.

Ava sighed and gently rose from the bed. It had been a long day on them all, especially one as young as Alex. He would probably sleep through the night and wake early in the morning ravished with hunger. Before leaving the room, she rearranged the covers over him. Outside in the hall, Ava sealed the door so that only she, Zan, Serena, or Max could enter. For the time being, it was the best safeguard that had for him when he was alone.

Ava made her way away from the living quarters in search of food. Earlier, she had changed into a comfortable pair of jeans and sweatshirt and was glad for it as cool air rushed the halls. She wandered around, trying to remember where everything was but it was so large and was having trouble.

A noise sounded not far from her. It was a click of a door drawing her attention to the left. With caution, one hand ready to strike she slowly opened the door. Peering in, she bit back the gasp of wonder at the room. It wasn’t over large like some of the other rooms throughout the palace, but it was about the size of bottom level of the house she had lived in with Zan and Serena. The ceiling was made of glass showing the star filled sky. All around was a variety of plants, flowers and trees, the smell of rich soil reaching her nose. Flowers blossomed of all colors and sizes. None were any that she recognized but they were all beautiful. She stepped in, her awe not clouding why she had opened the door in the first place.

Silently, she made her way through the plants and flowers until she came to the far side of the room. The entire wall was glass like the ceiling looking out to a large lake. The sight was enchanting but Ava’s focus was on the man standing there, his back to her.

“I figured you’d had your fill of jungles.” Her voice filled with humor as she moved to stand next to him.

Jack sighed and gave a chuckle. “You would think.” He turned and gave Ava a smile. “I guess being on that island has changed me more than I thought.” He looked around the room. “The plants and tress, they have a soothing effect on me.”

Ava nodded but she wasn’t looking around the room, only at Jack as silence fell between them. Taking a deep breath Ava broke it.

“She likes you, but she’ll never love you like you want…or deserve.”

Jack was silent for several moments as if pondering her words. Without looking at her he spoke. “I know.”

Ava studied his profile with curiosity. She had long ago broken out of the shell of the shy, timid girl. She boldly stood up to people now, said whatever came to mind. “You had family to go back to. A practice. Your life. If you knew, then why did you come with us? Why give up what you had?”

Jack turned to her, his expression unreadable. “You and Max assumed that I came here to be with Kate. That I gave everything up for a chance to be with her.”

Ava didn’t respond to his statement. When they first arrived on the island she had seen the way Jack looked at Kate. She had felt the sexual tension between them. She had tried to ignore the pain that sliced through her at that time. Learned to not ‘see’ what was happening.

Jack continued looking at her and watched as she met his gaze unwavering. “I’ll admit. I felt something for Kate. From the first time I saw her I knew that she was different than any other woman I’d met. But…” He lifted a hand and used a finger to trace her jaw. He felt her tremor under his touch. “She is nothing compared to you.”

Ava’s mouth fell open and inhaled breath sharply. She was speechless for several seconds, her mind shocked at what she heard.

“Jack…you…you don’t even know me.” She finally forced out, past the lump lodged in her throat. Dare she hope? Dare she allow a man into her life? The only man she ever truly trusted was Zan…and now Max.

Jack’s eyes lowered to her lips while his thumb continued caressing her jaw. “You think I left a life I wanted back on Earth. You think that I liked it, but I didn’t. The only family I have left is my mother who is very independent. My work…well, let’s just say others put me on a pedestal that I didn’t deserve or even like. The plane crashing on that island changed my life. Meeting you…I feel complete.”

Ava shook her head. “Jack…I…” She didn’t know what to say. When she first met Jack she was attracted to him. She could feel the compassion and light that was inside of him. But they were coming back to Antar and she had seen how he was around Kate. Even when he decided to come with them, she didn’t get her hopes up, reminding herself of all of her faults.

“You are right. I don’t know much about you and you don’t know much about me. But I think that can change if you will allow it.” His head bent, his lips brushing softly across hers. “I want to know all about Ava.” He gave her a smile. “I’m not asking for a marriage…we can start easy with friendship.” He straightened and let his hand drop from her face. “I don’t even know your last name.”

Ava’s mind tried to keep up with his words. She felt her cheeks flush and she adverted her eyes away from him. The confidence that she strove hard to gain the last few years seeped away, leaving her feel vulnerable. She was unsure of herself, suddenly conscious as the degrading words Lonnie had beat into her came to surface.

She felt his hand on her chin and lifting it so he could see her. “You are beautiful Ava. And I can see the kindness in your eyes. I’ve seen the way you are with Alex and the others. You are good.”

“My life…it was…”

“I don’t care what you did in the past. Only what you are now.”

“You aren’t scared of me? Of what I can do? My powers?”

“I’ll admit that at times I’m scared that you and the others can do what you do. But it is a part of you and I know you would never hurt anyone without reason.”

Ava smiled and felt a lightness to her soul. She was beginning to understand how Zan felt about Serena and how hard it was to give in to his human side. To let someone in.

“I don’t have one.” She said with a small smile.

Jack looked at her confused.

“A last name. I don’t have one. Neither does Zan. We…never had parents. We grew up in the sewers of New York City.”

Jack smiled and brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek as if he couldn’t help but touch her. “I’m sure you had an interesting life.”

Ava returned his smile. How could she not when he looked like that. “At times. Maybe one day I’ll tell you about it.”

“One day.” Jack said letting his hand fall down to take hers and lead her over to a bench nearby. Together they sat surrounded by plants and looked up at the foreign sky.


Boone entered the room he shared with Max. It was dark but he knew his lover was here. He could feel his presence with every nerve of his body. With a wave of his hand, he started a fire in the fireplace, the light allowing him to see where Max sat huddled in the corner. Boone couldn’t stop the thought of how young and childlike he looked, reminding him of the time Max first appeared out of the Granolith.

Boone slowly moved across the room and knelt in front of Max. He wanted to reach out and take him in his arms, to sooth all the hurt but he hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he could help Max this time, or even how to help.

“Max.” He called softly trying to get his attention.

Max raised his head and looked at Boone who saw the deep sorrow in him, his eyes blank of emotion. “I’m sorry.” His voice was as flat and dull as his eyes.

“Max.” Boone reached out and took one of Max’s hands in his trying to bring Max back.

“I didn’t want this for us. My control…” He stopped and closed his eyes as if in pain. “I can’t help it. I can’t stop it.”

“Stop what?” Boone asked gently though he knew what Max was speaking of.

“It was hard enough when I had to tell Liz about Kyle and me. She accepted me because she loved me and adored Kyle. She was great. Her patience and acceptance of my love for him was incredible. But I never wanted to go through that again. Never in my life.”

“Max, we’ll work this out.” Boone tried to comfort him but Max shook off his touch.

“You don’t understand Boone. I don’t have a choice in this. I can’t say no. Though my brain fights it, I know my body will go to her. That’s the way we were made. She was made for me, made so we could produce children to strengthen Antar.”

Boone lowered his head. He’d known it when Max’s reaction had been so intense to the woman. He had hoped that there was some way around it, but he knew Max. He knew that he would fight it tooth and nail. He knew that Max loved him, and only him. That Max wouldn’t do anything intentional to hurt him if he could help it. Boone let out a sigh of defeat.

“You have to do what is best for Antar. You are King.”

Max took Boone’s face in his palms and met his eyes. “I love you Boone. I will always love you, no matter my duty. I refuse to let you go. This woman, she may draw my body to her, but it will always belong to you. I will share my bed only with you.”

Boone felt Max’s love and allowed the tears to gather in his eyes. He could sense that Max was sincere in his words and believed him.

“But promise something.” Max’s tone was low and somber.

“Anything Max.”

“You have got to help protect Alex. I can’t stop this thing happening with Keyanta. I will be forced to marry her as the contract stated. But if children are produced, it puts Alex in grave danger. I know I have enemies out there. They would like nothing better than to have an heir of Khivar’s blood on the throne but that is Alex’s privilege. They will go after him and I can’t be with him 24/7.”

Boone leaned forward making Max release his hold on him. His lips brushed across his lover’s. “With my life.” He swore as his hands gripped Max’s shoulders to stop them from trembling. It scared him to think that someone would harm sweet Alex just so another child could have the throne. It was like something out of medieval times, the things you read in history books or fairy tales. He never expected to actually live in a situation like that.

“Let me love you Max.” Boone said laying kisses along Max’s neck, nipping it here and there. He felt Max’s body tremble beneath his touch. “Let me take you away from this for a short time. Let me give you pleasure and peace.”

Max looked at Boone and nodded. ‘My anchor. My light.’ He whispered in Boone’s mind while his lips claimed Boone’s.


Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 2:20 pm
by magikhands
Oh wow! :shock: Thanks guys for the votes. I hadn't expected it. I'm glad that you are enjoying this fic. Guess I really need to get back on the saddle now and finish it :)


Chapter 33

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 8:11 pm
by magikhands
Ok, I finally dragged this chapter out and finished it. Sorry about it taking so long and forgive any grammical errors.

Chapter 33

Max rose when he felt Alex wake, carefully untwining his body from Boone’s. He’d slept little, some in part to loving Boone through the dark hours but after exhaustion took Boone, Max lay awake, his mind wandering over his past and what was to come in the future. With one last look at his lover, he left the room and retrieved his son. True joy radiated in his heart when he saw Alex’s sleepy face and the bright smile that lit his face upon seeing his father. Together, they washed their faces, brushed their teeth and made their way down to the dining area to eat breakfast. They laughed as Alex’s stomach loudly grumbled about its lack of food.

Zan and Serena already sat with Jack and Ava. From their looks at him, Max knew that Zan had filled all three of them in about Keyanta. As soon as Alex and Max sat, a servant was placing dishes of food in front of them. Max poked and pushed the food on his plate around while Alex eagerly dug in. Soon Alex was talking excitedly with Zan, Ava, and Jack. Max could feel Serena’s eyes on him. He knew what she was feeling but he didn’t want to worry his son so he waited.

A servant approached to take away the empty dishes. Max whispered something in his ear then watched the servant leave to do his bidding. He turned his attention back to Alex and saw that he’d finished his meal while Max had yet to take more than a bite.

“Ava, would you mind taking Alex for a little while. I recall Larek saying something about having a surprise for him today.”

“But Daddy, I wanted to be with you.” Alex’s smile disappeared and pouted like only a five year old could.

Max felt his heart breaking as he felt his son’s disappointment. “Unfortunately Daddy has some business to take care of, but how about a compromise? You go with Ava…” Max glanced at the man sitting next to Ava and smiled. “And Jack. Go see what Larek has for you, then after lunch and a quick nap, you and I will spend the afternoon together. Just me and you.”

Alex eyed his father for a moment in thought, as if he was searching for some untruth. A smile slowly formed. “Alright Daddy. After nap. Then it’s you and me.”

Alex hopped down form his seat and went to Jack, taking his hand and pulled him up. “Come on Unca Jack. ‘Arek has a surprise for me.”

Max snickered at the man’s surprised expression. He looked at Ava unsure. “Uncle?” He asked quietly as he stood, Alex still tugging on his arm.

Ava laughed quietly rising from her chair. “If Alex calls you uncle, you are part of his family.”

Max watched the three leave before turning to Serena, amusement gone. “I know your concerns Serena. But don’t worry. I won’t let this responsibility fall to Zan. After tonight he will not feel the attraction to Keyanta. It will be repressed again, locked away as before.”

Serena shook her head. “Zan’s not my only concern.”

Max sighed. “I know, but I can handle this. It’s not the first time I’ve been stuck in a triangle relationship. Boone loves me and together we can get through this.”

“But Max, haven’t you had to sacrifice enough?” Serena asked looking up at him, sincerity of her words cutting through to his heart.

“Apparently not.” Max said so softly that she barely heard him as he turned to the doors that opened and watched at Keyanta made her way to them.

Max studied the women that he would join with that night. The woman he would have sex with after a bonding ceremony. Her dark hair was long and as black as midnight. She wore it down, its length falling down her back, the ends brushing her lower back. Her skin looked as if it were kissed by the sun, the golden hue seeming to accent her clothing. She wore a dress of black that fell flowingly to her ankles. The neckline dipped low making a point at the bottom of her sternum yet her breasts were firm and filled the material amply. On the right side of the dress was a slit that ended at her hip showing her long trim leg with every step.

Max felt the desire flame within him as she came closer. He stood from his chair and noticed out of the side of his vision that Zan had done the same. He could feel Zan’s desire for the woman along with Serena’s discomfort with his behavior. There was little he could do about it until he joined with Keyanta with the exception of keeping Zan away from her until them.

“You summoned for me Majesty?” Keyanta voice sounded in the quiet hall when she stopped in front of Max. Her head was bowed in respect. She did not look to Max or the others in the room.

“Zan, we’ll meet at lunch and start screening the guards.” Max said but his gaze was on Serena. He wanted to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be ok, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Not until he was sure and not until he joined with Keyanta.

Max turned and held his arm out to Keyanta. “Let’s go for a walk.”

Keyanta looked at him, her head barely lifting, and her expression one of surprise. Hesitantly she took his arm then walked with him as he led her out of the room. Max felt her uncertainty and astonishment at his actions. He was sure that he would continue on this course for her.

He took her out of the Palace to the gardens. A couple of guards tried to follow them but he stopped them and told them to wait. He sensed that they wanted to argue but honestly, he was not yet comfortable relying on them for safety. Max was confident enough that he could protect himself and Keyanta if anyone was stupid enough to attack. Though Max knew they wouldn’t attack the two of them. He knew his enemies wanted an heir of Khivar’s on the throne.

Pushing those thoughts out of his mind, Max stopped by a bench on the pathway through the garden. It was shaded and the fragrance of flowers filled the air. He had Keyanta sit before sitting next to her. He watched as she sat, back straight and head bowed while her hands were clasped in her lap. She reminded him of the women of the past, in the time when women were seen and not heard.

“Tell me something about yourself Keyanta.” Max broke the silence.

Keyanta looked up at him but as if remembering a lesson learned long ago she quickly ducked her head back down. “Sire?”

Max sighed. She wasn’t going to make this easy for him. He reached out and d his hand under her chin and lifted it until her head was lifted but still her eyes were adverted from him as if she wasn’t allowed to look at him.

“First off, I like for the person I’m speaking with to look at me.” He said gently, his voice drawing her eyes to him. He ignored the heat from her skin soaking into him and making the desire his body had for her flame. “Please don’t bow your head or look away from me.” He said looking into her eyes. They were the most unusual he’d ever seen, and so mesmerizing if one looked at them for too long of a time.

“And secondly, my name is Max. Maxwell Evans. Not Sire or Majesty.”

Keyanta’s brows drew together in confusion. Her mouth opened to speak but she promptly closed it.

“What?” He urged her to speak and lowered his hand from her chin.

She shook her head in bewilderment and looked around. “I don’t understand.” Her voice was soft, almost hushed, as if she may get in trouble for speaking her mind. “I was taught…”

“I was born and raised on Earth Keyanta. You must know that?” She nodded before he continued. “I was not Royalty there. My sister and I hid who we were from the parents who raised us. We tried to be as normal as possible, never drawing attention to ourselves. Or at least that’s what we tried to do. Our marriage has been prearranged and I will do my duty and uphold that commitment. Where I came from those were almost non-existent. So, if I’m to join my life to yours this evening then I would like to know what I can about you. And I will have you not treat me like something untouchable. I am just a normal man trying to make the best out of the life that has been handed to him.”

Max shifted on the bench turning his body to her and laying one thigh in the space between them. “So tell me something about yourself. Where were you born? Did you have parents? Who raised you? Things like that.”

Keyanta looked at Max for several moments as if she were trying to decide what to make of him.

“I do not know where I was born, but I was raised by the priest in the Shalgon village. It is a small village deep in the forests of South Antar.”

Max nodded understanding her behavior but he sensed that she was unhappy with how she was raised. He gave her a smile in attempt to comfort her.

“Because of the reason for our joining, I’m curious as to what kind of abilities you have.”

She lowered her head and looked at her hands that were clasped tightly together in her lap. Before she could start speaking again, Max used his hand to gently lift her chin so that he could look at her face.

“It’s bad enough I have people calling me Majesty and bowing. I want to see your face when you speak. You are beautiful and those around you should be able to see it.”

“But Sire, you are King. It would be disrespect if they didn’t address you as your status deems fit.”

Max sighed. “I know. But those that are close to me need not do it when we are in the public’s eye.”

Keyanta tilted her head and looked curiously at him. “You are a strange one.”

Max laughed, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, I’ve been told that on more than one occasion. Now, back to subject. What sort of abilities do you possess?”

Keyanta looked at him and returned a smile. He knew he was finally getting her to relax. “I can shift molecular structures as you can along with what you term telekinesis. While I was young, I had to be kept separate of the males of the village until I had better control of my powers.”

“Why was that?” He asked even as thoughts of Michael’s battle with control entered his head. He often had to fix what Michael shattered.

This time she did not lower her head, but her cheeks tinted pink. “It seems that when I was going through puberty I had the power to allure males. The priest who raised me couldn’t even come near me for nearly three months. Only the females of the village could tend help me.”

Max’s brow rose in interest. “That is interesting. Do you still possess that particular ability or did it fade once that time passed?”

“I still have it, but I do not like to use it. It is quite a powerful power and uses a lot of my energy. Also, once I start the seduction, I usually can’t stop it until it nearly drains me.”

Max understood her dilemma and wondered if she had that ability because of her genetic condition to attract Zan or himself. “I see the problem in that. Anything else?”

Keyanta nodded. “I can teleport from one place to another.”

Max’s eyes widened, finding that her abilities were very interesting and different than those he was accustomed to. “Can you take others with you?”

“Yes, if they are touching me. But the more I take, the more draining it is.” She sat a moment as if in thought. “What about you, Sire? What is it that you can do?”

“I thought that you would know more of me.”

She shook her head. “I know only what I’ve been told. That you have returned from Earth with the heir from a joining of you and the Ava of your pods. That you also bring your duplicate and the Ava of his pods, along with humans, one being your consort. They say that your abilities are different than the original Zan. I know little details except from what I have seen.”

“Well they are correct. I have my son Alex who will replace me when he comes of age. I will be honest with you Keyanta. I would not have returned if it weren’t for him and the destiny he has to fulfill. Zan is my second. He answers to no one but myself. And until we are joined, I would request that you stay your distance from him. From what I am told, once you and I are bound then the genetic reaction that you are causing in both of us will cease.”

Keyanta nodded. “As you wish.”

“As for the humans, they are friends. And yes, Boone is my lover and part of the Royal Four. Just because I am joining with you, he will not be kicked out of my bed.” He looked into her strange black eyes. “He is not to be disrespected in any way or treated as less than his status.”

“Of course.” She met his gaze. Max sensed truth behind her words but also concern for her place in his life. He didn’t know how to comfort her because he was unsure of her role in his life yet. It was a situation that only time would sort. “And what of Ava? She was the wife of the original Zan.”

“Ava is a dear friend. We have no romantic relationship nor will we ever.” Max looked out at the garden around them. The plants were beautiful and the sweet smell of blooms engulfing them. He pondered as to how much to tell her about his powers. He knew there were those who didn’t want him or Alex on the throne and are willing to kill to get their way. The less people that knew the truth about his abilities, the safer they would be, right? But Max knew that was not always the case. If attempts to their lives were to start happening, then the truth of his powers would come out. Already they know that he is more than the original Zan. But could he trust Keyanta? Once she bore children from him, what will stop her from killing Alex and putting her own child on the throne? One of Khivar’s blood? But what if she was but a pawn like he was? Someone had created her for a purpose, just like himself.

Max took a deep breath and took the risk. They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right?

“I have a mixture of abilities. I was born with the ability to heal. That was how my wife Liz learned of our existence. I healed her from a fatal wound. I also did the same with my lover Kyle. They each gained abilities through those healings and we formed a connection. I later learned that I could do shielding as my powers grew, as did my ability to communicate and touch them all with my mind. Through the connections we made with each other, we could use telepathy. But when they all died the Granolith mixed their essences into me. I gained the abilities of my sister to dreamwalk, of my best friend to blast the shit out of things, of my lover to feel the emotions of others, and the abilities of my wife with premonitions.”

Keyanta stared wide-eyed at him. She shook her head as if in disbelief. “There has never been one to carry that many specialized abilities. Two the most, but more than that…” she stopped and looked down.

“What do you mean Keyanta?”

She looked up and hesitated. “There were stories from my youth that I overheard. I never really believed them. I thought that they were stories made up to scare children, to keep them from trying to gain more power than they could handle.” She looked down again and her fingers twisted together tightly. “Most Antarians carry the normal ability to manipulate structures and even telekinesis along with one specialty. Only those from strong bloodlines could achieve two specialties. But it was said that those who created me continued their experiments. They wanted to create a being that could contain more that two specialties. None of their subjects lived.”

Max was surprised by this information. He had thought that making hybrids was achievement enough, but it seemed as if they got a little too greedy and wanted to play god more than they should.

“Well then, I guess we better keep my abilities as quiet as possible, huh?”

Keyanta looked up at him a little surprised at his reaction. He didn’t know what she expected but what else could he do or say. All of that was in the past. Those scientists were dead from what he understood. And Max knew better than anyone that you can’t dwell in the past…only look toward the future and make the best out of the present.

“I can trust you, can’t I Keyanta?” He asked meeting her eyes. “Tonight you and I will be joined together. I will be bringing you to my bed, a thing I don’t do easily. You will become a part of my family. Can I trust you with my secrets? Can I trust you with my family?”

Keyanta’s mouth opened then closed before opening again. “Yes, Sire. You can trust me.”

Max felt truth in her words and he felt a little better. If there was some ulterior motive she had in mind, he couldn’t detect it. That didn’t mean he would completely let his guard down, but it made him feel easier about the task that lay ahead.

“Please, it’s Max.”

Her cheeks flushed again. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you Keyanta.” Max smiled at her.

“For what, Sire.” She asked a little confused.

Max thought about correcting her again but let is pass. He will have time to break her of that habit. “For telling me about yourself and for telling me the truth.”

“You are welcome… Max.”

Max stood and held out his arm like a gentleman. “I will escort you to your room. I need to meet Zan for lunch and there are preparations that must be done before the night’s ceremony.”

Keyanta took his arm and stood. Together they walked back toward the palace. Once he saw Keyanta to her room, Max made a mental note to talk to Larek about what she had told him about those experiments. But first, they had to deal with getting loyal guards and getting this bonding business out of the way. Max was finding that his life here on Antar could be more dangerous than the one he lived on Earth.


Chapter 34

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:44 am
by magikhands
:shock: I know...are you amazed? I finally finished this last part.

Chapter 34

Max met Zan in the throne room where they ate lunch and discussed how to go about building their own special guard. With Larek’s help, it was arranged that several mid-classed guards appeared before Zan and Max so that they were interviewed. These guards were not high up in the Royal guard to draw Rajan’s attention to their absence. They were looking for members of the guard that held no loyalties to Rajan or a connection to Khivar. With Max’s empath ability, he was able to read their true intentions concerning the specific questions Zan asked.

They found a diamond in the rough. Garrick. He was young by Antarian standards, only a trainee when Khivar forced his way to the throne. He was as tall as Rajan with hair as white as snow. His eyes were the traditional black, void of white.

Garrick’s father was one of the soldiers that died protecting Zan from Khivar. Garrick held great loyalty to the throne of Antar but even more so to the true ruler of his home world. Max sensed great power within the Antarian that were not yet unlocked. This one held all the usual abilities that were required of a Royal Guard but the power that Max sensed had to do with teleportation. A very rare ability to hold. One Max would like to see released.

Out of the ten guards interviewed, Max found six that would be useful. Three men and three women. All quite powerful in their own sense but because of their descendant’s loyalty to Zan, they were lower in the Class scale. They also held no connection to Khivar or Rajan’s inner circle.

Zan was pleased with the outcome and immediately made Garrick his lieutenant of the King’s Special Guard that he himself would lead. Max was the only one who could override a direct order by Zan. A system that hopefully guaranteed more security from those still loyal to Khivar and his teachings.

Once they decided on the beginnings of the King’s Special Guard, Max left it up to Zan to inform Rajan that those six guards were now reassigned. A job that Zan was none too happy to do. Max had an appointment to keep.

Max found Alex with Selena and Kate out in the garden. Kate was going over the basics of tracking with him. On the island, Alex had been so interested in the animals and the way she could track, he made Kate promise to show him how to do it. It seemed she was living up to her promise to the boy.

“Hey Kate. How are things going? Are you settling in?” Max asked but his eyes were on his son looking carefully at some tracks in the dirt just under a bush.

Kate smiled. “Yes, thank you.” Her smile faded, growing serious. “It seems that Sawyer and I are best fitted for positions in the Guard.”

“I’m sure you both have…skills that can be shared.” Max said carefully. He couldn’t read their minds, but he could sense their emotions and the Granolith had gladly shared what it knew of the three humans that came with them.

Sawyer was a con man but he was intelligent and filled with street smarts. It was not his fault that he’d had a rough childhood. Sawyer often reminded Max of Michael. Wanting everyone around to think the worst of him, that he was some tough-shit man, but inside, he had a heart that was near bursting with emotions.

Kate, she was at the wrong place at the wrong time along with making some wrong decisions. But she to had intelligence and skill. Max could sense the hunter in her and was sure that her experience would benefit all that she shared it with.

Max turned to Alex. “Ready to go Alex.”

Crawling out from under the bush, Alex stood and smiled at his father. Dirt was smeared across his clothing and a trail of it ran down his right cheek. Max couldn’t stop the smile tugging at his lips.

“Where are we going?” He asked, his eyes bright with excitement.

“First off, let’s get you straightened out.” With a quick wave of his hand, Alex’s clothing was cleared of any dirt.

“That comes in handy.” Kate said with a brow raised. She was still amazed with the abilities that everyone around her had.

Serena laughed. “At times. Come on Kate. I have a feeling that Sawyer is up to no good. Probably leading Ava down a path I really don’t want to have to explain to Zan.”

Kate chuckled. “It might do him some good to get his ass kicked…or is it blasted?”

Max watched Kate and Serena walk back toward the Palace.

“So where are we going Daddy?”

Hearing the word Daddy was never tiring to Max and it brought a joyful skip to his heart every time he heard it. He still thought it a miracle to have his son back in his life. To be alive and here back on Antar. Surreal at times.

“I was thinking of going to the place where I saw your mother for the first time.”

Alex’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Max nodded and took his son’s hand. “That was in my other life, when my name was Zan. Before Khivar took over, before they created your Uncle Zan and I and sent us to Earth.”

Max led the way out of the gardens, Garrick tailing them, doing his duty to protect his King and prince but not getting in the way. Smart man.

Max took Alex to Dimaras Rock, surprising himself that he could still remember the way. He didn’t stop until they stood on the cliff. Looking down, they could clearly see the water beneath them. Crimson red. The color of blood.

“A long time ago, Larek and I were swimming below. I looked up and that was the first time I saw your Mother. During that lifetime, she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I fell in love with her.” Max said staring at the crimson water remembering his past life. It had been a long time since he’d thought of his life as Zan. But he could clearly see the images that he’d seen that day so long ago when he healed Brody. The day that he realized that the original Zan had indeed loved his Queen very much.

“Her name was Ava and it was Larek that introduced us at a party. We married shortly after that.”

Alex looked up at Max. “Mama Liz is pretty too.”

Max smiled and looked at his son. “Yes. Liz was very pretty and I loved her very much.” Max’s smile faded. “Alex. I have something to tell you.”

Alex looked away, his gaze going to the strange colored water. Max was amazed at how grown up his child could act. It sometimes made it hard to think of him as only six years old. Alex had gone through a lot already in his life, being different had stolen some of his childhood and that tore at Max’s heart. Wasn’t that way he gave Alex up to begin with? He wanted his son a chance at a normal life. One without all the alien chaos?

“I saw Mama Liz last night.”

This surprised Max. Alex had not dreamed of her or the others in quite some time. It was strange that she came to Alex in his dreams but never his. He felt cheated. She was his wife, damnit! Why had the fates cursed him to lose those he loved so dearly? He had lost his sister and best friend twice. His wife once, but they both lived now but he didn’t feel that same love. He’d lost Liz and Kyle. Now his greatest fear was losing Boone, Alex, and the rest of his family. Would it never end?

Max pushed those dark thoughts away and sat down next to Alex. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and finally managed to speak.

“What did Mama Liz say Alex?”

“She said that she misses you.”

Max’s eyes teared. He blinked rapidly not wanting to cry. He was done crying. He had said his good-byes. He’d moved on. But knowing that she missed him probably as much as he missed her tugged at his heart.

“I miss her too.” He said softly.

“That’s what I tol’ her. She said that she knew and that she and Unca Kyle watch over you.”

Max closed his eyes and allowed a tear to slip down his cheek, but he smiled as joy flew through his heart knowing that his lovers were there with him always. Just like they said they would be.

“And that I’m getting sisters. Mama Liz said that I had to be a big boy and watch over them. To keep them safe like you and Unca Zan do.”

Max’s eyes snapped open and he looked at Alex. “She said that? Sisters?”

Alex nodded, his face full of innocence. “Is that true? Am I getting sisters?”

Max rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “I’m not sure about the sister thing, but if Liz says so, I’ve never known her to be wrong.”

Alex crinkled his nose. “Girls are icky.”

Max laughed. “Yeah, at your age I thought the same. Well except for your Aunt Isabel. She was my best friend.” His smile was gentle as he remembered that time of his life. Before they found Michael. Before he saw Liz. He and Isabel clung to each other and learned everything their parents taught them together. Isabel had always been the more outgoing of the two and was quite overbearing and protective of him. Now it was his turn to be overbearing and protective.

“But I wanted to talk to you about something that is going to happen tonight. There is this woman. Keyanta. I will be marrying her tonight. She will be my Queen.”

Alex stared up at his father. “And my mother?”

Max shook his head. “No. You have a mother. She’s on Earth with your brother. You’ve had your Earth mother also and Serena to raise you. You’ve also had Liz in your life as well as Aunt Ava. You have plenty of mother figures in your life. She will not replace any of them. But I would like you to be friends.”

“Is she nice?”

“Yes, she is.”

“And she’s gonna give me sisters?”

Max shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know about that yet. I guess we will have to see.”

“What about Unca Boone? He’s staying, right?” Worry darkened Alex’s eyes.

“Of course Boone is staying. I love him and will be spending the rest of our lives together.”

“How come you are marrying Keyanta instead of Unca Boone?”

Max sighed. He should have known that question was coming but he wasn’t sure how to answer it.

“Boone will always be a part of our family Alex. He is a part of my power to Antar, just as Zan and Ava are. Me marrying Keyanta will never change that. But I have to do this in order to keep a promise that was made a long time ago. Can you understand that?”

Alex slowly nodded as his mind absorbed the information Max was giving him. “I think so. But if she gives me sisters, can I help name one?”

Max laughed. “I don’t see why not.”

Alex smiled and hugged Max. “Can I meet her?”

“When we got back I’ll introduce you.”


The two sat there in silence for several minutes. Max’s arm was wrapped around his son’s shoulders holding him close. He watched the red water ripple with the wind and silently thanked the powers-that-be for all the love that his life has held.

A clearing of the throat shook Max out of his thoughts. “Um, Majesty. I believe it’s time to start back.” Garrick said sounded as if he didn’t want to interrupt.

“You are right. Come on Alex. I’ll introduce you to Keyanta.”


Chapter 35

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:32 pm
by magikhands
Chapter 35

Alex’s introduction to Keyanta went well. The small boy soon had Keyanta laughing at his adventurous stories. It was easy to see that he had Keyanta wrapped around his little finger in no time at all. Nothing unusual for Alex.

The Joining Ceremony was larger than what Max anticipated. He thought only the highest officials would be in attendance. How wrong he was. Nearly all of Antar had come to see their King join with their new Queen.

The ceremony was conducted by the High Priest, Galum. An elderly man whose voice was scratchy yet boisterous. As Max repeated his vows, the words not too different than the traditional Earth wedding vows, he couldn’t stop remembering the day he and Liz tied the knot. It was a small chapel with only Maria, Isabel, Kyle, and Michael in attendance. They were on the run from the government, but Michael and Kyle had made sure that they had the perfect wedding and wedding night.

Wedding night. The thought now made Max nervous. He could barely sit still during the reception. A grand party in honor of their King and to meet their new Queen.

“Max.” Boone caught his attention when the well wishers had finally stopped coming by. “Are you ok? You are blocking me.” His voice was whispered, not wanting Keyanta to hear him.

“I’m sorry Boone.” Max reached out and took his lover’s hand. He may be married to Keyanta, but it was no secret that Boone was his heart. “Believe it or not, I’m feeling nervous and I didn’t want to slam you with it.”

Boone squeezed his hand and forced a smile to his lips. Max knew that Boone was just as nervous as he was. Despite his protests Max knew that Boone was filled with uncertainty and doubt. But Max didn’t know how to sooth it for he was feeling the same. It wasn’t his love for Boone that was uncertain, but their future and the impact Keyanta would have in their lives.

“It is time.” Larek approached them.

“Even the wedding night is scheduled.” Max sighed.

“Go make some babies then get your ass back in our bed.” Boone reached over and kissed Max. It wasn’t a simple peck on the lips, but a full blown tongue tangling kiss filled with passion and lust. Images of Boone’s body covering his, filling him flashed through his head. Max felt his body hardening in response and craving the touch of his lover.

Max moaned when Boone pulled away. “Damn.”

Boone smiled and winked. “Just keep that in mind.”

“How can I forget it?”

Larek cleared his throat.

“I know. I know.” Max rose and took Keyanta’s hand. Together they moved down the diesis followed by Boone, Larek, Zan, Serena and the others. The High Priest took the lead of the procession and led them through the halls until they came to the door of Keyanta’s room.

“May Yahni, the god of fertility, bless our King and Queen on this night. May your seed be virile and your womb fruitful.” The High Priest said as he placed his hands on Max and Keyanta’s heads. Max felt a flush of warmth in his body and knew that the priest was endowing them with some of his energy.

Together Max and Keyanta entered her room and closed the door to the procession. He stood there suddenly feeling very nervous. He barely knew her yet they were now joined and expected to have sex and make babies. Of course his body was vibrating, his nerves tingling, and cock already hardening to the nearness of her body. And he thought living in hiding on Earth had been tough.

“I’m sorry.” Keyanta lowered her head and walked across the room to the window that looked out over the gardens that they’d walked in earlier that day.

“What are you apologizing for?” He asked confused at her reaction.

“Causing your unhappiness.” She said softly.

Max shook his head, but before he could verbally deny it she continued, still looking out into the darkness.

“I saw the way you looked at Boone. I saw his expression too. I may not have your ability of empathy but your expressions told me everything I needed to know. Your body may want me, respond to me, but you will never look at me as you looked at him.”

“You don’t know that Keyanta.” Max protested. He started toward her but forced himself to stop. Now that they were alone, the closer he got to her, the more he hardened and ached to be inside of her. “When I lost Liz and Kyle, I never thought I could ever love again. I could not bare the loss and wished for death. Then Boone came into my life. He reminded me that Liz and Kyle had sacrificed so I could live. So my son could live without fear of being hunted. Boon showed me that I could love again.”

He ran his hands through his hair and sighed fighting the urge to take her in his arms. “You are right. I want you…need you physically. I’ll admit that it’s taking a lot of self-control to not drag you to that bed, and I won’t be able to fight it much longer. But we have time to get to know one another. We have time to find a place for each other in our lives. I know that this is harsh to say, but I may never come to love you, but I want us to be friends. I want you to have a place in my life. In the life of those that I view as family. I want you to become family.”

Keyanta slowly turned and looked at him. Max could feel the hope that surged through her.

“I’ve never really had a family before. I grew up isolated. Other’s looked upon me as reverend. Somewhat of a savior.”

“I know the feeling.” He took a step closer. “It won’t be easy, but I think we can make it work.”

She nodded. “I’d like to try.”

“Great.” He said the same time as he closed the final distance between them. His arms dragged her to him as he claimed her mouth. He moaned when his body smoldered for her. His mind was telling him that this was too quick, to slow down, but his body had control. He listened to his body.

Max picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed. Gently he laid her down upon the mattress. He had to admit that she was beautiful. Her long dark hair splayed out around her head like a halo. Her black eyes sparkled, the sliver streaks sparking with desire. Her breath came out as pants and her face flushed.

His finger lightly caressed her cheeks. “Have you ever…”

Her eyes looked away and her flush deepened. “No.”

Max suppressed the frustrated groan. The way his body was heating by the moment along with the ache to claim her he felt his common sense seeping away. Her first time should be slow and gentle, not quick and rough just to please his hunger.

He backed away and slowly started stripping from the ceremonial Joining clothing. The tunic top was white trimmed in gold. On his chest was the Royal Crest, the same symbol that was encoded in him with the whirlwind symbol entwined with it. The matching white pants were snug and hugged his muscles. He wore knee high white boots. Then to complete the outfit, a ceremonial gold crown. He had felt like “Prince Charming” out of the fairy tale stories when he put on the outfit.

Keyanta’s eyes watched every moment Max made, every piece of clothing removed, in fascination.

Max had hoped that stepping away from her would sooth the hunger, but it only served to inflame it. Clenching his teeth, he approached the bed. No time in his life had he ever felt like this. He hated the loss of control and could only hope that this engineered desire calmed once they were fully joined.

He sat beside Keyanta and with a trembling hand, Max began untying the ribbon that held the top of her white flowing dress closed. He avoided her eyes, his gaze keeping track of the movements of his hands. It didn’t take long to free her breasts. They were firm and perky and fit in the palm of his hand. He started kneading the flesh and reveled in the heat coursing through his body.

Impatient to see the rest of her, Max dissolved her dress. She gasped and he chuckled.

“Have you never played with your powers?”

Keyanta shook her head. “I was taught that you did not ‘play’ with your abilities.”

“What fun is that?” He asked as he took a swollen nipple in his mouth. There was a time when he’d lectured Isabel and Michael about misusing their abilities for play. But they were in hiding on Earth. He no longer had those restrictions and was learning to take full advantage of it.

Keyanta shivered and moaned as Max began devouring her body with kiss, licks, and nips. He moved as slow as he could manage, ever mindful to make this first experience the most pleasure she’d ever received.

Shifting his body, Max kneeled between her legs. He gently pushed her legs further apart as he bent and kissed her woman folds.

“Max!” She squealed.

He moaned in pleasure as her sweetness flooded into his mouth. She was already wet with his first lick. Her body ripe and ready so quickly for him.

Keyanta climaxed quickly and lay limp in the aftermath of orgasm. Max slid up her body and kissed her lips tenderly. He shifted his hips until he was nestled between her thighs.

“Are you ready?” He asked, his voice strained, his control slipping.

Drowsily Keyanta nodded. Max could feel her relaxed state, the best way to cope with the discomfort of losing ones virginity.

As easy as he could, Max slid into her body while distracting her with kisses and suckling. Her tremble vibrated through his body. He was ever aware of her emotions as he broke through her maiden barrier.

Keyanta’s body stiffened and stilled once Max was fully in.

“Relax Keyanta.” He whispered as he eased the discomfort with his healing power.

He watched as she took a deep breath before feeling her body doing just as he coaxed her to. His body trembled as he struggled for control. It was hanging by a thread. He pushed the guilt away and let his body do what it was designed to do.

Max was amazed that once he let his control go, he was able to be gentle toward her and started moving in and out of her wonderful body slowly, gradually building speed and allowing her to adjust to him.

She moaned beneath him, urging him to continue as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He bent his head and took her mouth, swallowing her moans of pleasures. Within moments they climaxed together, Max pushing deep with one last stroke and shooting his seed deep within her body.

“Thank you Max.” Keyanta whispered against his neck, breathless.

“For what?”

“For making my first time memorable.”

He felt her timidity of speaking of the subject of sex and how she felt. “It was my pleasure.”

Max rolled off of her and drew her into his arms. It felt odd, having never held her this way before, but he was not about to leave her alone. Not tonight. Not on the night of their Joining. According to the ceremony, they were now one. For better or worse.

He sighed and kissed the top of her head, hoping that it wasn’t for worse.
