The Power of Love (CC,M/M,M/L,TEEN) Complete pg.11 - 9/17

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Thanks for the feedback guys! :D

Timelord31 - Tess is ticked off but her cronies haven't yet realized that they can reverse the whole 'disabled powers' thing. Fortunately, Tess doesn't know how they did it. As for later on...well that remains to be seen. :wink:

rosbuffyangelfanatl - Ava and Kyle's relationship is certainly getting off to a slow start but they're getting there. We'll get to see more of their budding romance soon.

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 25: Closing Ranks

From the moment Tess ran out of the Deluca house, the group knew that they would have to come up with a good strategy for keeping everyone safe. No one could be left alone anymore and the parents were of particular concern. They didn’t have any powers to fight against Lonnie and Rath.

“We need a plan. We can’t just leave here like nothing happened. Tess is probably on her way to Hondo right now…She’ll lead Lonnie and Rath right to us.” Max said.

“I’m not too sure about that Max. She just lost her powers and that means they’ll have to change their plans now. I don’t think we’ll be seeing them tonight.” Jim pointed out.

Philip Evans chimed in. “That may be Jim, but I agree with Max. We need to come up with a plan because we know they’ll come to Roswell eventually. Probably sooner, rather than later.”

“Well we can’t all just stay here in Maria’s house forever, so I say we split up. We make sure every house is covered by someone with powers.” Michael said. Then his eyes lit up with curiosity and he turned to Ava. “Hey, I just thought of something…what are your powers anyway?”

Ava looked startled. “You don’t know? Obviously you know about the mindwarp, but don’t you know about the rest?”

Alex gulped loudly and asked, “The rest? As in more than one other power?” It had never occurred to them that Tess was stronger than she’d let on. Perhaps she hadn’t really known her full potential. The others hadn’t so maybe Tess didn’t either.

Ava blushed, a deep scarlet hue obscuring her fair skin. “I have a few powers…well that is, I think we all have a few. We probably have barely begun to tap into our powers, I suppose.” The anxious looks on the faces of those around her prodded her to elaborate.

“I won’t use the mindwarp unless it is absolutely necessary. I guess you could say it’s my last line of defense. It just doesn’t feel right to manipulate people that way.” She looked away from the others in shame. She had always hated that power. It enabled you to basically override a person’s free will and turn them into a puppet. She absolutely wouldn’t use that power unless there was no other option.

“Ava honey, we know that you wouldn’t hurt us. You’re not Tess…we know that.” Amy assured her. “Now why don’t you tell us about your other powers?”

Ava took a deep breath before starting. “OK…I can create fire too. Sort of like a hybrid flamethrower I guess. I’m not that good at it yet though.” Ava let out a nervous chuckle. “I can heal…just small stuff like cuts though. I think I can do this thing with light too…like block it or bend it somehow. I only did it once, when I was younger. This homeless guy was poking around our tunnel in New York and I don’t think he realized I was there. I didn’t want him to see me so I hid further down the tunnel. There was this weird moment where everything got kind of blurry and dark…then he walked right past me and didn’t even see me. It was like I created a giant shadow around myself or something. The thing is though, I don’t know if I did what I thought I did or if I just warped him and didn’t realize it.” Ava shrugged helplessly.

Maria suddenly realized her mouth was hanging wide open. “Um…OK, wow. So I think we’d be safe to say that Ava doesn’t need any protecting.” Her comment was met with nervous laughter.

“Alright…I guess we need to decide who is needed where for the time being. Liz and Alex, no offense but I really think we need someone who has had more experience with their powers to stay at each of your houses. We can’t take any chances right now.” Max paused in thought but before he had a chance to formulate a game plan, Alex cut in.

“I’m not offended Max. Actually, thank you for thinking that my family is important enough to warrant extra protection.” Alex flashed Max a warm grin before continuing. “On that note, I have a suggestion. We have three people here with major offensive powers…blasting, throwing fire, etcetera, and one person that can shield. We should probably pair up the most vulnerable with the people who have strongest powers.” At his idea, the rest of the group nodded in unison.

Jim added his two cents before Max could respond. “I agree with Alex, but I have one more suggestion to make. If we try to spread ourselves too thin, I think it’ll put us at a disadvantage.” He turned to Amy and asked, “Will you come stay with Kyle and I until this blows over? If we bring both of our households together, one of the kids will be free to help out somewhere else.” Jim explained.

“I think that’s a good idea Jim, but I think you guys should stay here. Tess has been staying at your place for months and I assume she has a key, right?” Off Jim’s nod, Amy continued. “So why don’t you guys set up camp in my spare bedroom instead then?”

“Alright then, we have Jim, Kyle, Amy and Maria staying here then. What about everyone else?” Max asked.

Jeff decided to add his two cents now. “Actually, here’s what I was thinking…Since Jim has a gun, he won’t need quite so much…extra firepower, so to speak. I think we should have Ava stay here at Amy’s, Max and Isabel can stay at home with their parents, Michael can stay with the Whitmans and then Maria can stay with us. Would that work for everyone?” He asked.

The others quietly nodded. Amy and Maria weren’t thrilled about being separated, but they knew that it was probably going to be a very temporary arrangement, so they agreed. Ava promised Maria that she would protect Amy with everything she had if necessary. Michael was not thrilled about staying at the Whitman house because he really didn’t know them very well but he did have to admit that it was a little better than the thought of being alone right now.

The group broke up for the night and Maria and Michael both gathered a few belongings to take over to their temporary homes. Jim and Kyle ran home just long enough to grab a few necessities and then they headed directly back to Amy’s house. Kyle was secretly looking forward to staying with Ava but again he wished the opportunity hadn’t come with so many strings attached. Her double had nearly killed him just hours earlier and would most likely show up with Lonnie and Rath within the next few days to finish the job. He didn’t want to get caught unaware because he was too busy thinking about spending time with Ava, but he was just too intrigued by her to put her out of his mind completely.

As the pod squad and crew were settling down for the night in their respective houses, Tess was pulling up to a seedy little motel in Hondo. She walked up to one of the filthy doors and started pounding frantically. When Lonnie cracked the door open, Tess caught a glimpse of Rath standing in the background with his hand up in a defensive stance. Lonnie rolled her eyes when she realized it was Tess and opened the door further to let the girl in.

“It’s late, yo. Why you here?” Lonnie asked.

“It didn’t work! They broke through the mindwarp. Somehow they broke through the damn warp and turned on me. They knocked me out and disabled my powers!”

“Whatcha mean ‘disabled’?” Rath growled. He didn’t like the thought that someone had found a way to turn off their powers. He hadn’t even realized that was possible.

“I mean I woke up on the floor with no powers! Do I have to spell it out for you?” Tess snarled. In her anxious state, her fear of Rath was forgotten.

“Chill out, both a’ ya!” Lonnie snapped. “Tell me everything…”

For nearly five minutes straight, Tess chattered on about the events that led up to her current powerless status. Lonnie and Rath were livid that she’d let the situation get so out of control.

“What was you thinkin?! Why’d you go back ov’a to dat chic’s pad anyway?” Rath yelled.

“I was thinking that it was weird how they all left Michael’s apartment separately but ended up together again at Maria’s. I was thinking that I’d better find out what was going on. I was thinking that I’m tired of doing all the work by myself while you two just sit around your motel with your feet up!” Tess shouted back at him.

Rath growled. “You betta’ check youself Queenie because you aint got no powers to defend youself now…”

Lonnie had, had enough of the childish bickering. “Both yous shut up! Gimme a minute to think…”

After a long silent moment, Lonnie’s eyes narrowed into evil little slits and she laid out her new plan. “Don’t worry bout a thing, yo. Rath and I got this one covered.” As she spoke, the other two slowly developed confident smirks. They liked her plan…they liked it a lot.

“As soon as they drop their guard, we’ll get rid of our dupes an’ those humans won’t be able to do a thing to stop us…” Lonnie finished.
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 26: The Calm Before the Storm

Each of the displaced teens was adjusting to life in their temporary homes fairly well. Michael was horribly uncomfortable in the Whitman house for the first few days. He’d never had a home life the way Alex did so he had no idea how to act in that house. Thankfully, Gloria and Charles’ laid-back nature made things a little easier and Michael finally relaxed a bit.

Maria didn’t have much adjusting to do when she relocated to the Parkers’. She and Liz had, had sleepovers and girl’s nights in that Crashdown apartment for as long as Maria could remember. They spent a good deal of time chattering about Michael and Max and what it would be like to marry an alien. The only difference from their normal sleepover routine was the fact that now, the girls slept in shifts so that they could keep an eye out for alien intruders.

Ava had very little adjusting to do with the new housing arrangement either since she had been able to remain at Amy’s house. She had moved her things into Maria’s room so that Jim and Kyle could share the guest bedroom. The Deluca household also had a shift sleeping arrangement and Ava’s shift ended when Kyle’s began. One night during her shift, she was in the kitchen dousing a cup of hot cocoa with Tabasco when Kyle wandered in. He had been having trouble sleeping and thought he’d go out and chat with Ava for a bit to pass the time. Ava was surprised to feel a little flutter of excitement in her stomach as he approached. They spent that shift, and much of the rest of the week as well, getting to know each other. The innocent flirting going on between the two didn’t go unnoticed by Jim and he was thrilled to see both kids getting the chance to do something so ‘normal’.

The pod squad and crew attended school as usual that week and tried to pretend everything was normal. In reality, they were all on high alert, waiting for Lonnie and Rath to appear for a showdown. By now they would know their plan had been foiled and the pod squad was sure that would send them over the edge.

The plan was for the group to stick together. Ava went to school in Tess’ place and they agreed to stay in groups of two or more at all times. All of the teens agreed to keep their cell phones on at all times in case of emergencies.

Michael had been in a very dark mood lately. First of all, he’d been forced to use their ‘flu’ code phrase nearly every hour on the hour as the teens moved from class to class. Secondly, he hated the emergency plan they had come up with but was forced to admit it was necessary. He knew that only someone who could produce a sizeable blast would be able to defend the others against Rath.

In the event of an attack, they agreed to call Michael on his cell for backup. If they couldn’t reach Michael, they would contact Maria. He absolutely hated the thought of Maria facing off against Rath or Lonnie. Her blasts were amazing but for all he knew, Rath’s could be just as strong. He didn’t like the thought of her being put in a situation where she might have to choose to kill or be killed. It wasn’t supposed to be like this for her.

After school they all rushed out to the parking lot, jumped in their cars and headed for the Crashdown. Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz rode in the Jeep, while Maria, Ava, Kyle and Alex went in the Jetta. Everyday ended this way. The teens would gather at the restaurant and then go home later in pairs.

The whole group was sitting at the Crashdown early in the week when it became apparent that their new housing arrangements might prove beneficial for a few of them. Maria, Liz, Isabel and Ava were sitting in a booth and the guys had pulled a table over to join them. While the guys were engaged in inane chatter about hockey, Maria decided to take the opportunity to put Ava on the spot.

“So girlfriend…it looks like you and Kyle are getting pretty chummy. Any special reason for that?” Maria asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Ava tried to hide her intense blushing behind her hair. “Not really…we’re just getting to know each other. You know, as friends.”

Isabel joined in on the teasing. “Oh please! You might be able to get the Amy and Jim to believe that but there’s no way we’re falling for it. Now tell us what’s really going on.” She said with a smirk.

Ava stammered, “I have no idea what you’re talking about…” She broke off when she caught Kyle staring at her from the other side of the table. Her stomach fluttered with excitement. The rest of the girls looked over and noticed Kyle’s thinly veiled attempt at catching Ava’s attention. Thankfully the guys were too engrossed in their manly sports talk to realize what was going on.

Knowing her excuses were now blown, she amended her last statement with a whisper. “Well maybe he’s cute…in a cornball, jock kind of way.” She added with a smile and then changed the subject to shift the attention away from herself.

“So how are things going with you and Max, Liz?”

“Well…slowly, I guess. With everything going on, we haven’t really had any time to ourselves. When we are together, at school or here, it’s like he’s afraid to drop his guard. I think he’s afraid that Lonnie and Rath will show up and he’ll be unprepared.” Liz sighed wistfully.

Maria nodded, a fiendish look in her eyes. “That’s understandable. I mean, he just doesn’t want to get caught with his pants down, so to speak. Because I’m sure you’d hate to see that happen, wouldn’t you?” She asked devilishly.

While Liz was busy blushing over the image Maria had conjured up in her head, Isabel gasped. “Do not answer that Liz. I mean it! Do you have any idea how many years of therapy I’ll need after that lovely little mental image?!”

While the girls sat back giggling in their booth, the guys feigned an in depth discussion of sports.

“Look at them…giggling away over there. I bet they think we don’t know they’re talking about us right now.” Kyle said.

Alex smirked. “See, all those years you guys teased me for my honorary girlfriend status is going to come back to haunt you. I know all their tricks…so therefore I know how to beat them at their own game.” Alex flashed a toothy grin before elaborating. “If they think we’re talking about sports, they’ll tune us out and then we can say whatever we want with them none the wiser.”

“Dude…you’re suggesting we sit here giggling like a couple school girls just because they won’t catch on? Um…doesn’t anyone else here see the problem with that?” Michael looked around incredulously.

“Actually Michael, you seriously underestimate the power of gossip. For example, Ava is your sister, is she not?” Off Michael’s stiff nod, Alex continued. “So are you telling me you aren’t the least bit curious what’s going on between her and Kyle?”

Michael’s eyes flashed with protective fury. “Valenti? Why would she have anything going on with Valenti?” He growled.

Kyle looked over at Ava at the mention of her name and managed to catch her eye for a second. He felt a jolt of excitement pass through him at the sight of her baby blues. He was suddenly afraid she’d overheard their conversation so he struggled to cover.

“So, did you catch that hockey game the other night Michael?” He asked loud enough for the girls to hear.

“What?! Of course I saw the game…” Michael looked around, confused by the change of subject. Then he remembered Alex’s words of wisdom from earlier. He made some random comment about hockey and then leaned forward and whispered, “What’s going on between you and my sister?”

Kyle didn’t much care for Michael’s new protective side so he simply leaned forward and said, “None of your business man. I’m not taking advantage of the new living arrangements and that’s all you need to know.”

As Michael glared over at Kyle, Maria picked up on his tense vibes. “Chill out Spaceboy…whatever it is, just chill. Causing a scene in the restaurant isn’t exactly a good idea, now is it?” She called out across the table.

Michael’s ferocious glare settled into an irritated scowl. The rest of the guys at the table laughed at the spectacle.

“Uh, correct me if I’m wrong Michael, but just a minute ago you were ready to take Alex’s man card away from him for suggesting we ‘giggle like school girls’ yet two seconds ago you took a direct order from your girlfriend without a fight. I’m not sure which one of you I should be more worried about…” Max teased.

“No need for idle threats Evans…everyone knows your man card should’ve been pulled long ago. You make regular guys like us look bad, you know that? What, with the way you’re always bringing Liz flowers for no reason and all that. You’re ruining things for all of mankind dude.” Kyle quipped.

Soon the guys were exchanging barbs freely, all under the guise of a serious sports discussion. It was hard to tell which group was having more fun, the girls or the guys. Things were ‘normal’ for that one moment in time and they were all taking full advantage of it.

Coming in Chapter 27: You-know-what seriously hits the fan. When the danger they've been waiting for comes along in a way no one was prepared for, the podsters and crew will have to work together like never before to make things right.
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Grace52373 - Lonnie and Rath's plan is about to come to a disastrous end... :twisted:
joshz_girl wrote:Then they should have no problem confronting Lonnie and Rath as a group and kicking their sorry asses back to kingdom come!
Thank you so much for all the compliments, joshz_girl! You have no idea how right you are about what's to come...kingdom come, nice choice of words there. :wink:

Timelord31 - It's funny that you mention the FBI...this story originally had two different endings and I wasn't sure which one I liked better. One involved the FBI and the other strictly involved the aliens. You managed to nail both endings all in one post! :D

rosebard - Thanks! I really hope you like this next's a biggie. :)

imnotlc - Thank you! I hope you find this update to be even better than the last... :)
D2Tymes wrote:I’d hate to be the one who had to face a furious Michael.
Me too! There might just be one guttersnipe in this story that isn't quite as smart as we are though... :twisted:
I'm thrilled you like the Candy. I actually started writing this fic because I was going through Candy withdrawl. :wink:

rosbuffyangelfanatl - I'm so glad you liked the last few fluffy chapters. I wasn't sure about including them but now I'm glad I did. :D

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 27: The Showdown

At the end of the week, the teens were getting ready to leave school when they realized something was amiss. There was an envelope pushed under the windshield wipers of Max’s Jeep and upon closer inspection, they found one under the wipers of Maria’s Jetta too.

The two teens cautiously opened the envelopes. The group let out a collective gasp when they saw the contents. There were pictures of their parents in each one. The parents were clearly bound and gagged and it looked like a few of them had been badly beaten too.

A hastily scrawled note in Max’s envelope informed him that he, Michael, Ava and Isabel were to head out to the pod chamber alone…or their parents would be killed.

Everyone knew this was the handy work of Lonnie and Rath. They had gone straight for the jugular by threatening to kill the pod squad’s loved ones. If they brought their human counterparts along, the parents would be killed. They were momentarily too stunned to speak.

Maria violently ripped a bottle of cedar oil out of her purse and began sniffing. Isabel just stood there, shaking with a combination of fear and anger. Kyle balled up his fists in instant fury. Tess and her goons had gone too far now.

“What do we do Max?!” Liz clutched at his arm in fear.

“I don’t know…I just…” He was too shaken to even formulate a plan. He looked wildly around the group and then his eyes settled on Michael.

“What do you think Michael?” Michael’s head shot up at Max’s question. Now that they were all looking to him for an answer, he suddenly felt claustrophobic. ‘This must be what it’s like for Max,’ he thought.

“They’re out by the pod chamber. Our turf. That could work to our advantage…” Michael trailed off in thought as he began to formulate a plan.

“It’s pretty rugged out there. They might not see us coming right away, but up by the pod chamber they’ll be on high ground. They’ll see us approach…they’ll know if we bring the rest of you along.” Michael’s commentary was cut off by an angry rant from Liz.

“Those are our parents out there too. Don’t you dare say that we should stay behind Michael. I will not just sit here with my fingers crossed while you go out and try to play hero!” Liz abruptly stopped her tirade when she saw a smirk appear on Michael’s face.

Michael wasn’t thrilled about being yelled at by Liz but he had to give the girl credit. Apparently they had something in common after all. They were both ready to fight ferociously to protect their loved ones. Those people might not be his parents, but they’d shown him more kindness than Hank ever had. He would make sure they all got out of this alive.

“We can’t all fit in the Jeep but if we take both cars up the main road, it’ll be too obvious that we’re not alone. Rath can block Ava’s mindwarps, so we can’t count on her to cover your presence either. We’ll have to come at them from opposite sides.” Michael looked around at the group to make sure everyone was following the plan so far.

“Max, Isabel, Ava and I will take the main road out there. That’s where they’ll be watching for us anyway. The rest of you take the long way and hike up from behind the pod chamber. No one makes a move until I say though. Got it?” When the others nodded, he added one last command.

“If I say run, you run. I mean it. No matter what happens…if I tell you to run…” Michael trailed off, letting the gravity of the situation sink in.

The teens left, with the podsters taking Max’s Jeep and the humans taking Maria’s Jetta. Max drove slowly, giving the others time to circle around and approach the pod chamber from the other side. He hated that the others were in danger now. It was weighing heavily on his heart all throughout the long drive to the chamber.

When they arrived, they couldn’t see any sign of the parents or the evil trio. The podsters cautiously approached the pod chamber and Max engaged the handprint to open the door. The parents were all gathered in the center of the chamber, bound tightly and scattered about the floor. Lonnie was standing guard over them on one side and Rath was on the other.

An eager Lonnie immediately greeted them. “Bout time yo! I was beginnin’ to think you’s was gonna jus’ leave em’ out here. Where’s your little friends?” Lonnie’s brow quirked up in question.

“Your note said to come alone. We’re here. Now let them go.” Max used his most authoritative voice, hoping to intimidate Lonnie. He glared over at Tess who was standing safely behind Rath. He couldn't believe he'd ever had sympathy for that coward.

Rath let out a cruel laugh and leaned down to stroke Amy’s hair. “Not part of the plan. You’s gonna help us work the Granilith, or the humans here won’t live to see the light of day.” He punctuated his threat with a feral grin.

Amy’s fear was almost palpable and it fueled a white-hot anger in Michael. “Do not touch her again.” He growled. When he saw Rath grab a fistful of Amy's hair, his eyes turned black as coal. Tess backed up against the far wall in fear.

“You gonna stop me, Duke?” Rath growled back ferociously.

The tension in the room increased exponentially the longer Michael and Rath stared each other down. No one wanted to see what would happen if the two intimidating men faced off, yet no one was willing to get in their way either. Even Lonnie took a step back, an expression of alarm clearly etched across her face. Arcs of white lightning began dancing off both men’s bodies and the whole group could feel a weird sort of electrical charge in the air.

People’s hair began to stand on end from the violent energy flowing freely from both men. Just then, Michael realized he could feel Maria nearby. He was only distracted for a split second, but that was long enough for Rath to squeeze in a quick blast.

Max threw up his shield but he hadn’t been quick enough. Michael was hit square in the chest with the thunderous blast. Max’s shield formed around them just as Michael hit the floor, bleeding freely from a pair of badly broken ribs.

From their training sessions, Max knew that his shield would only hold up to another three or four direct hits like that before it started to falter. The parents watched up from the floor in a combination of awe and panic. Even in his injured state, Michael managed to fire off a few monstrous blasts from his position on the floor. His blasts served to keep Rath and Lonnie from getting any closer to the parents.

Outside the pod chamber, the rest of the crew had managed to arrive undetected. They were filled with a sense of foreboding when they realized the entrance was closed. What if they couldn’t open the door?

“I can feel Michael in there! Something’s wrong though…they’re panicking. We have to find a way in!” Maria looked at the others frantically.

“Michael said to stay put until he gave us the word. Even if we can get that door open, what if we just make everything worse?” Kyle was none too thrilled at the idea of rushing blindly in there.

Alex turned to Liz. “You have to find out what’s going on.” Liz nodded in understanding and started concentrating on Max with all her might. Their old connection flared to life immediately and Liz was mentally thrown into the midst of the standoff going on inside. She watched for a moment, unseen by the others and then broke the connection.

“Rath is attacking them. Max’s shield is up but I don’t know how long it’ll hold. Michael’s hurt. I don’t know if they can combine their powers if one of them is hurt…we have to go in there.” Liz glanced around at the others, noting their affirmative nods.

Alex stepped forward and waved his hand over the rock, desperately hoping to see that familiar glowing handprint. He prayed that his new powers would also allow him to open the pod chamber door. The silver handprint suddenly appeared and they stood at attention as the door scraped open.

“I thought you said you was alone?!” Lonnie yelled. Everyone turned toward the entrance and saw Alex, Kyle, Liz and Maria emerge.

Max’s expression turned stricken when he realized he couldn’t shield all eight of them. If let his shield fall for even a second, Rath would surely strike a fatal blow. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t just leave them standing there, completely exposed.

Liz closed her eyes and held her hand out as she’d seen Max do so many times before. She concentrated with all her might and was elated when a shimmering green shield began to bubble to life around herself and her friends. Alex took her hand, hoping it would help and much to his relief, the shield glowed even more vibrantly.

Her eyes snapped open and she turned to Maria. “If we can get close enough to the others, you should be able to join with them and create the four-square. Your powers are the same as Michael’s…it’s the only way.”

The four humans slowly started edging closer to the pod squad. Rath resumed blasting and was now joined by Lonnie as well. In the heat of battle, they had both forgotten about the parents completely. Both shields were taking a beating and they were beginning to flicker.

Michael struggled to get up and help his friends. Lonnie was blasting away relentlessly at Liz’s shield and he knew that it would soon give out. He aimed at Lonnie and fired off a massive blast through Max’s faltering shield. She was thrown through the air and landed in a heap in the far corner of the chamber.

The human crew saw that Max, Michael, Isabel and Ava were joining hands. They knew they were trying to create that foursquare unit they’d all read about in the translation. Michael was badly injured though and it didn’t look like it was working. His breathing was coming out in pained rasps and he could barely hold himself steady long enough to join hands with the others.

Maria took a chance and ran straight toward the pod squad, exposing herself in an effort to join them before both shields fell. In the background, she heard her mother scream in anguish but she couldn’t stop now. She couldn’t let things end this way. Just as Max’s shield collapsed, she dove forward and grabbed Michael’s hand. Isabel grasped onto her other hand and Ava quickly clutched Max’s.

Then, it was as if things started happening in slow motion. Liz’s shield fell and she, Kyle and Alex bolted forward to join their friends. Rath was still firing off blasts and one of them caught Kyle in the leg. His legs shot out from under him and he would have fallen, had it not been for Alex. The self-proclaimed dodge ball pro managed to sidestep a blast and stop Kyle’s fall all in one fluid movement. He nearly dragged Kyle over to the rest of their friends. As they joined hands with the others, a blinding purple light spiraled outward, knocking Rath and Tess off their feet. They landed unceremoniously in the same corner Lonnie occupied.

Before the group even had a chance to react, a strange swirling mass appeared behind the evil trio. The brilliant white light twisted forward, growing larger with each passing second. Lonnie, Rath and Tess began to hover in the air, a bizarre glow surrounding them. They were pulled into the light and then as quickly as it had appeared, the swirling mass blinked out of existence. The traitors were gone and no one knew what had happened.

After hastily untying their parents, Max started healing the injured. Amy Deluca had put up quite a fight when the evil trio captured her so they had forcefully subdued her, breaking her arm badly in the process.

Phillip, Jeff and Jim had rushed the trio at one point in an attempt to take them out before their kids could arrive and be ambushed. Jim no longer had his gun, so the three adult men hadn't stood a chance. Jeff had been blasted so hard by Rath that the fillings in his teeth actually melted. It was like being struck by lightning.

The sheer force necessary to heal everyone was overwhelming Max. Liz quickly rushed to his side, hoping he would be able to use some of her power, as she had been able to do with Alex. It worked and soon the parents were in top form again.

They briefly discussed what had happened but they were all too shell shocked at the moment to put much effort into figuring everything out. It was decided that they would go back to town and try to contact Larek, through Brody. They were hoping that he would be able to explain what the strange vortex had been and where exactly it had sent the evil trio.

Coming in Chapter 28: A meeting with Larek results in some very startling revelations, and they will find out exactly where the evil trio ended up.
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Thank you Grace52373, Timelord31 and Mt Gazer for the great reviews! :D Sorry to make you wait so long for this chapter. We took a much needed little mini-vacation...just got back today. :)

Mt Gazer - I would be honored to add you to my FB list. :wink: I'm glad to hear that you think I'm succeeding at sticking to the character's canon portrayal. That was something I really wanted to be able to do with this fic. Thanks!

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 28: The Aftermath

When the group arrived back at the Crashdown on that fateful evening, they were greeted by Brody. He rushed out of the UFO Center as soon as he saw Max’s Jeep pull up.

“Max! Michael! We must speak in private…It’s urgent!” Brody was looking even more tousled than normal. He had a wild, frantic look about him.

Since he had addressed both Max and Michael, the group was fairly certain that it was not actually Brody standing before them. It had to be Larek because Brody would have no reason to speak with Michael.

“Come on in. Whatever it is, you can say it in front of our families. There are no secrets here…” Max led Larek in to the dining room. The whole group stared at him warily as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Larek surveyed the disheveled group in the restaurant. As his eyes caught sight of Isabel and Ava he took a deep shuddering breath.

“I was told that you were captured at the palace!” Off everyone’s confused looks he elaborated. “The Royal Antarean palace. My intelligence officials informed me that Vilandra, Ava and Rath were captured in the royal courtyard today.”

“Oh my God…It sent them to Antar?!” Isabel’s outburst served to confuse Larek even further.

The group spent the next thirty minutes bringing Larek up to speed on recent events. Although he had remained quite stoic in the beginning while the story unfurled, he did seem unsettled when they mentioned Nasedo and his version of ‘destiny’.

“Who is this Nasedo you speak of? Your mothers handpicked the protectors to be sent to Earth with you. Their Antarean names were Kal and Dendra. It would not have been possible for either one of them to lie to you…they were preprogrammed to be completely loyal. Kira and Rayna will be most upset…”

“Kira and Rayna? Who are they?” Michael interrupted with his usual impatience.

“You really don’t remember anything do you?" Larek fixed Michael with a look of pure sadness. "Rayna is your mother. Kira is their mother.” Larek pointed to Max and Isabel.

“Do you mean to tell me their parents are still alive?!” Phillip Evans was feeling rather uncomfortable at the idea of Max and Isabel having other parents out there somewhere.

“Both mothers survived the war and have remained hidden, political refugees if you will, on my home planet. Our families have been friends and allies for generations so of course they are welcome on my planet for as long as they choose to stay.” The entire group was left dumbstruck at that revelation. They never dreamed that their families would be alive after such a long time. Larek saw the group’s confusion and thought it would be wise to explain further.

“The average live expectancy in our star system is equivalent to two hundred and sixty Earth years. Our atmosphere and technology are ideal for such extreme longevity. Kira and Rayna are still young by our standards, as are you.” Larek saw shock register on their faces.

“I don’t have much longer in this body. Before I leave, I must know…If it was not you that Kivar captured, who was it?”

Max told him about the dupes and the incident earlier at the pod chamber with the strange vortex that appeared when the teens joined. Larek’s eyes widened in surprise.

“The prophecy is true then. We weren’t sure…that ancient prophecy was so vague.” Larek shook his head as if to clear it and then addressed the group.

“I must leave this body now but I will brief Kira and Rayna and return to you soon.” With that, Larek quickly returned Brody’s body to the UFO Center before releasing his hold on the innocent man.

After Larek’s hasty exit, the group began mulling over the implications of everything they had learned. The pod squad was unusually subdued. They were feeling guilty for everything their human friends and families had been subjected to earlier. Now that things were starting to quiet down, the full force of the guilt started bearing down on them.

Jeff had noticed the stricken look on Max’s face every time he looked at Liz tonight. He could tell the boy was berating himself for putting her in danger. Perhaps it was time he and Max had a long overdue man-to-man talk.

Jeff decided to fire up the grill and fix a little something for dinner. They had all missed dinner and he suspected everyone could use something to eat after their ordeal. He poked his head out of the kitchen and asked Max to come give him a hand.

Max shuffled nervously into the kitchen, knowing that Mr. Parker really just wanted to have words with him. After what happened today, he wouldn’t blame Jeff if he never allowed Liz near him again. ‘If only I had stayed away from her in the first place’, he thought. It wasn’t supposed to be like this for her.

“Today was a real awakening for me Max.” Max looked away from Jeff nervously.

“When my daughter walked into that chamber tonight, I was terrified for her.” Jeff took a good look at Max before continuing. “I saw your face Max. I know you were going to drop your shield to protect her. I don’t know if anyone else saw it, but I did. Tonight I watched a man make the decision to sacrifice himself to save my daughter.”

Max just silently nodded at Jeff. He didn’t know what to say. It was his fault Liz was involved in any of this to begin with and the guilt was breaking his heart.

“The thing is Max, people make their own choices. It’s called free will. Tess and her goons decided to betray you and there is nothing you could have done to change that. Liz made the choice to fall in love with you and become part of your world. There’s nothing I can do about that either.” Jeff paused, struggling to find the right words.

“The way I see it, you have one more choice to make tonight, Max. You can choose to love my daughter and give her a long happy life, or you can keep your distance…leaving her when she needs you most. Like I said, it’s your decision…” Max looked up at Jeff in shock. Had Liz’s father really just given his blessing?

Out in the dining room, the others were chattering excitedly about the details Larek had just revealed. The Delucas, the Valentis, Michael and Ava were sitting in a booth trying to make sense of all that had happened.

“I can’t believe your mother is still alive! You guys have family out there somewhere…” Maria chattered excitedly. She looked back and forth between Michael and Ava, noticing their blatant lack of enthusiasm.

“Why didn’t they come with though? Kira and Rayna I mean…How could a mother send her children off to some foreign planet alone?!” Michael was obviously torn about the news.

“I bet they wanted to come. I’m sure they did. They were the last surviving members of your royal houses though…they were probably needed more out there. They needed to make sure you had something left to come home to. It sounds like they went to a lot of trouble choosing your protectors. I’m sure they thought they were doing what was right…” Amy tried to reassure them.

“Well they obviously didn’t think it through very well because Ava ended up living in a sewer with a bunch of monsters and I ended up with Hank.” Michael snapped.

“They didn’t know Michael…they never knew about the others. They thought they were saving us.” Ava said quietly. “Just wait until Larek comes back…maybe he’ll bring a message from our mother.” She finished hopefully.

Michael’s eyes brightened. “Maybe…” He said tentatively.

Jim decided that now would be a good time for a slight change of subject. “I want to thank you for what you did today Michael. You did good son…you did real good.”

Michael turned, with a shocked expression on his face. “I nearly got everyone killed today. I should’ve taken out Lonnie and Rath the second we stepped into that chamber…I just…I couldn’t.”

“You wouldn’t you mean. You aren’t a murderer Michael. That’s what sets you apart from them. They had no qualms about killing everyone in that room except for maybe Max…and that was only because they needed him to work the Granilith.” Jim was suddenly cut off by Amy.

“Don’t ever let me hear you berate yourself that way again Michael Guerin. You saved my life today. I will never forget that.” Amy broke off when Maria and Kyle gasped.

“What do you mean he saved your life mom?” Maria asked. She, Kyle, Alex and Liz had been outside the chamber when Rath threatened Amy. They hadn’t heard that part of the story yet.

“Rath was going to kill us all if Max didn’t help them use the Granilith. I think he meant to start with me. Michael stopped him.” Amy beamed over at Michael as finished explaining.

Maria looked at Michael with such an expression of pride that he immediately blushed and looked away. “My hero!” She yelled, smothering him in a hug.

“You’re calling me the hero?! You’re the one that ran out into the open and saved all our butts…we are going to have a little talk about later, by the way.” Michael directed a stern glance at Maria before continuing.

“When I saw you running…they could have…you could’ve been…and when your mom screamed I thought for sure…” Michael couldn’t find the words to express how thankful he was that she was all right so he just pulled her into a massive hug instead. He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, oblivious to the fact that the others were still sitting there watching them.

“Um, can we move past the mush and get to the part where Michael saved Amy’s life? I think I missed that part…” Kyle said, smirking when Michael shot a glare his way.

“I didn’t really do anything…” He paused when Amy shot him an exasperated glance. “Well…Rath scared her. I just kind of persuaded him to back away…” He muttered.

“Oh pish posh! Let me tell you guys what really happened.” Amy launched into the tale, telling Maria and Kyle every detail. “His eyes went all black and he took on Rath all by himself! There was this lightning stuff all over him and the air started to crackle…” Amy told the whole story with her hands flailing about as only a Deluca can do.

Meanwhile, Isabel and her parents were sitting over by the Whitman family. They were all trying to digest the information they’d just received. The day had been overwhelming, to say the least.

“I can’t believe we sent them to Antar. Kivar has them now. I was so relieved that they were gone but now…I’m torn between being worried that he’ll kill them and being worried that they’ll join him.” Isabel confessed.

“Honey, you couldn’t have known what was going to happen. They would’ve killed us all and you guys saved us. You did the best you could.” Dianne tried to reassure her.

Charles gave Isabel and Alex a small smile. “I think that it’s good thing that you guys aren’t celebrating their situation with Kivar. That is one of the things that sets you apart from them. If roles were reversed, they wouldn’t have given a second thought to you guys. It’s only natural that you worry about the consequences of everything that happened today.”

Philip nodded in agreement. “I was very proud of you guys today…all of you. You were faced with an impossible situation and you worked together to bring everyone home safe. I know that you’re worried about what happened to the others on Antar but there’s nothing you can do about that now. Their current situation is a direct result of their heinous acts here on Earth. You guys can’t feel guilty about choices other people made.”

Alex was so wiped out from the earlier altercation with the evil trio that he was barely able to focus on their parent’s message. He understood what they were trying to say but he hardly even had the energy left to nod in response. He put his arm around Isabel and leaned back against the booth in exhaustion.

Dianne noticed how tired the teens were. She quickly surveyed the rest of the people in the room and realized that everyone was seemed to be in the same shape as Alex and Isabel. They all desperately needed a good night’s sleep. She saw Max over in the corner talking to Liz and rose to tell him that it was time to leave.

“Liz, when I saw you guys walk into that chamber, my heart broke in two. Michael was down, my shield was taking a beating…I thought…I was…” Max trailed off, at a loss for how to explain how terrified he’d been.

“I know Max, I know. We had to go in there though. We knew the risks. I used our connection to see what was going on before we even tried the door.” Liz said, hoping to reassure him.

Max looked over at her startled. “You knew…you knew and you went in there anyway.” He was floored by the revelation. “You didn’t even know if you could produce a shield. You could’ve been killed Liz!”

“My parents and my best friends were trapped in there! Of course I went in!” Liz realized her outburst was going to catch the attention of the others so she took a deep breath and continued more quietly.

“I lied to you Max. That day I told you I didn’t want to die for you…I lied. If you had been killed today, my heart would have died with you. I can’t just stand idly by when my friends and family are in danger. I’m not made that way. You should know that by now and if you can’t handle that then we’re going to have a problem.”

At that very moment, Jeff’s words echoed through Max’s mind. He knew that it was time to make a decision. Liz knew the dangers of being involved with him but she didn’t care. He couldn’t go through life only honoring their relationship half-way. He couldn’t keep her in his life and still expect to shield her from all the danger at the same time. It just wouldn’t work that way.

“You are so amazing Liz Parker, do you know that? I have a confession of my own I guess. In the pod chamber, I was going to drop my shield to protect you.” When Liz began protesting, Max hushed her with a finger on her lips.

“Just let me finish. I couldn’t just stand there, hiding behind my own shield, when you four were completely exposed. I just couldn’t…I’m not made that way either. I love you Liz, and I want us to have a long, happy life together. I think there are probably some things that we both could’ve done differently but I also think that none of those things are strong enough to break us…unless we let them. I have no intention of doing that, do you?” Max asked, searching her face for an answer.

“Oh Max! I was so sure you were going to give me another one of those awful ‘take a step back’ speeches again. You’ve been so distant since we left the pod chamber I thought…I…” She threw her arms around him and drowned him in a searing kiss.

Dianne Evans had just witnessed a moment between her son and his love that she knew she would cherish forever. A quiet sniffling nearby alerted her to the fact that Nancy Parker had also witnessed the moment. As the teen’s kiss lingered, Dianne became uncomfortable so she subtly cleared her throat hoping to get their attention.

Max and Liz broke apart and immediately blushed when they realized both their mothers were openly staring at them. Max gave Liz another hug and followed his mother back over to their table. It was time to leave and most of the families were saying their goodbyes, vowing to meet up again in the next few days.
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Timelord31 - At the risk of ruining the mystery here, I will tell you that the podsquad will not be going back to Antar...yet.

imnotlc - Thanks for the awesome feedback! :D

Grace52373 - I'm so glad you didn't think Max and Isabel were being overly whiny in that last chapter. I love the nicknames you guys come up with here. Skank squad...It's perfect! :D

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 29: A Touch of Normal

The teens were able to spend the rest of that weekend catching up on some much-needed rest. They had pushed their collective powers to the limit and many of them were feeling the strain. It was a time of quiet reflection that weekend because they all knew that they would have to go back to school on Monday like nothing had ever happened. It was vital if they wanted to continue ‘hiding in plain sight’.

On Sunday afternoon, Amy Deluca decided to host a small, low-key dinner at her house. Michael, Kyle and Jim had all been invited over and the menu was deliberately kept simple for the affair. She too was still reeling from the events with the evil trio.

“Mom! What do I do if the sauce starts squirting out of the pan?” Maria shouted. Cooking really wasn’t her number one talent.

What?!” Amy passed the place settings she was holding off to Ava and ran into the kitchen. “Honey, you have to stir the sauce.” She said in exasperation.

“You just said to watch it. You specifically told me to watch the sauce. If you wanted me to stir it, why didn’t you say so?” Maria asked in frustration. How am I ever going to learn to cook if no one ever tells me these things, she asked herself. One little kitchen fire and everyone just writes you off as hopeless. Maria sighed indignantly.

“It sounds like there’s someone at the door. Why don’t you go let the guys in and I’ll take over here?” Her mother said. Now was not the time for a battle of wills between the two Deluca women and she knew it.

Maria bounced over and greeted the guys at the door. Jim and Kyle sauntered in and made themselves at home. Michael hung back in the doorway uncomfortably. He looked around nervously and shuffled his feet a bit.

“Are you actually going to come in Spaceboy?” Maria asked with a sarcastic smirk. “I’m not bringing your plate out here so you might as well at least try to get a bit closer to the dining room.” She added.

Michael scowled. “I’m not good at all this family stuff. You already know how this is going to go. I’ll probably say the wrong thing at the worst time but if I’m lucky, your mom won’t hear because she’ll be too distracted by a belch I couldn’t manage to cover up. Oh, and then if I’m really lucky she won’t even notice the belch because she’ll be focusing on the way I chew with my mouth open.” Michael confessed, all in one breath.

Maria giggled. “You do know that you’re babbling right? If you don’t stop, Kyle will probably hear and you know he’ll never let you live it down. You wouldn’t want him to think I’m rubbing off on you, would you?” She added with a wink. Michael’s scowl deepened.

Maria tugged him into the house. “Now get your butt in here and have dinner with us. My mother knows what you’re like Michael…if you suddenly developed perfect manners she’d probably think you’re a shapeshifter wearing a Michael suit. You’ll be fine…I promise.”

They all sat down together and managed to have a semi-civilized dinner. Aside from the fact that Kyle kept shooting Ava sly little smiles and Michael kept glaring at Kyle in response, dinner was fairly uneventful. They even managed to discuss the events out at the pod chamber with a minimum amount of fuss.

“So you guys knew what was going on before you opened the door?” Jim asked, intrigued.

“Yup. Liz did her thing and took a look-see first. Kyle here didn’t want to go in at first but after Liz told us what was going on, we knew we had to get in there.” Maria said.

Kyle scowled indignantly. “Hey! Michael told us not to make a move until he gave the word. I just didn’t want to go rushing in there and screw up his plans!” He defended himself. He gulped when Michael fixed him with an intense stare.

“Thanks Valenti.” Michael said. “We’ve never been great friends or anything but you trusted me. Thank you for that.” Michael had never been a man of many words but his message was very clear. He respected Kyle’s desire to be cautious and stick to the original plan. He didn’t see Kyle’s initial hesitation as cowardice. Michael was very aware that Kyle had joined the rest of them in battle, even though he had no powers of his own to defend himself.

“Wow. So…um.” Kyle was momentarily dumbstruck by Michael’s comment. “Go me!” He raised his fists in the air as though he was cheering on his favorite sports team. It brought laughter to the rest of the table.

“So who would’ve thought Alex would actually be able to use his dodgeball skills in real life?” Maria joked. The maneuver Alex had used to dodge Rath’s blasts, while grabbing an injured Kyle had been quite clever.

“What do you mean?” Ava asked. She had been turned the other way, keeping an eye on Lonnie and Rath when Kyle had been caught in the leg by one of Rath’s blasts. She missed Alex’s fancy footwork.

Maria launched into a short history of Alex, Dodgeball King and then retold the event from the pod chamber. Ava was horrified to realize how close Kyle had been to death, again, at the hands of one of her own people. Her dark mood lifted when he subtly reached under the table and took her hand, in reassurance. It was as if he knew just what she was thinking.

Over at the Evans residence, Alex was just sitting down to dinner with his girlfriend’s family. Philip and Dianne decided that it was he was long overdue for an invitation to family dinner over at their house. Isabel had been invited to his house dozens of times and they were ashamed that they hadn’t gotten around to inviting Alex over earlier.

“So tell me about your interests Alex. Do you have any hobbies outside of alien espionage?” Philip asked.

Alex chuckled. “Well, I enjoy music. A couple of friends and I started up this garage band last year. We’re not that good but it’s a lot of fun anyway. Maria wrote a couple of songs for us last summer too.” He said.

Dianne’s eyes brightened. “Really? That’s fascinating!” She was so busy being impressed by Alex’s hobbies; she didn’t notice Max spitting some of her homemade casserole into his napkin. She was a great mother but a positively awful cook.

“So how long have you two known each other?” Philip asked, gesturing to Alex and Isabel.

“Dad! Tell me you didn’t invite Alex over here just to play twenty questions.” Isabel exclaimed in embarrassment. Max tried to hide an amused grin, and another mouthful of casserole, in his napkin.

Alex smiled reassuringly over at Isabel. “It’s OK Iz. I don’t mind.” He turned and addressed Mr. Evans. “I think I noticed Isabel long before she noticed me. In the third grade, she was the first girl that managed to achieve non-cootie status in my eyes.” He said with a smirk.

“That’s not true at all Alex! We might not have become friends until later but I knew exactly who you were, even back then. You were the boy who stuck up for my brother in gym class on our first day of school. The boys were picking on him so you told the teacher on them…and got a rather painful looking shiner for it after school if I remember correctly.” Her eyes began to tear up as memories flooded her mind.

“You were the boy who used to ‘accidentally’ forget to throw out his unopened granola bars and juice boxes at lunch everyday…they were always left conveniently right where Michael could find them. His own foster father wouldn’t make sure he got fed but you did. You were the boy who punched Eddie Simms, a goon twice your size, right in the eye for teasing Maria about the day her father left. Even in elementary school, you were always trying to help people. I always knew who you were Alex Whitman.”

There wasn’t a dry eye left at the table after Isabel ended her heartfelt declaration. Even Max was moved by his sister’s confession. Alex was stunned to realize that she had noticed him all those years ago. Her Ice Queen act had always kept her innermost feelings hidden back then. Alex suddenly felt so humbled to be loved by this gorgeous young woman in front of him. Humbled, because he truly was her first love.

Coming in Chapter 30: Larek returns. He brings with him many answers, a few warnings and an apology...oh yeah, and a small army. 8)
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

sam25_2003 - Thank you very much! :D I hoped this fic would have a few happy tearjerker moments. We didn't get nearly enough of the happy ones while the show was still on the air.

Grace52373 - Many applause to you guys, my readers, too. Glad to hear you liked the chapter. :D

imnotlc - I thought it was time for Isabel to shed her rock hard exterior a bit. I'm glad you liked it!

Timelord31 - Hello! Hope you like the next chapter. :)

Ti88 - I saw you mentioned my fic over at Majik's in the 'What are you reading' discussion. Thanks a bunch! :D I'm thrilled you liked that last chapter.

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 30: The Truth

It was nearly a week before Larek was able to return. Mr. Parker saw Brody strolling into the Crashdown just before closing and personally went to take the man’s order. When he approached, order pad in hand, Brody ordered the “Royal Antar Special” and Jeff knew without a doubt that it was Larek standing before him. Jeff nodded, walked over to the restaurant door, and put up the ‘closed’ sign.

After a few phone calls, the rest of the group started filing into the restaurant. Michael nearly broke the glass in the door when he came rushing in. He just knew that Larek would be able to answer some of the questions that hadn’t been covered in the translation of the Book. The lights briefly flickered from all the nervous energy Michael was trying to repress.

Larek addressed the group as soon as the last of them had arrived. “Thank you for coming so quickly. I had more time to prepare this body so we should be able to clear up a lot tonight.”

“I have briefed your mothers on the situation here. It was their wish that I clarify some details that your translation did not include. There is a lot of information to discuss so if you would allow me to speak without interruptions first, we should have time for questions after I’m done.” The group nodded so Larek quickly began.

“From the very beginning, Kivar would not agree to negotiations with Zan. There was a deep-seated animosity between the two men that prevented any hope of compromise. He would however, agree to participate in discussions with Vilandra. As you know, Vilandra was a highly respected diplomat in the Alpha system. It was well known that Kivar was quite fond of her and she hoped to use that fondness to garner peace between Antar and Eros. We believe that he had no intention of allowing peace though.” Larek paused to look over at Isabel sadly.

“Kivar manipulated Vilandra’s goodwill and led her to believe that he was willing to concede to some of the Royal Empire’s requests. On the day you were all killed, he was at the Royal Palace in conference with Vilandra. We believe he wanted to keep her in his presence for two reasons. One, so that she would not be injured in the upcoming battle and two, so that the Royal Four would not be able to join together and defeat him. This is why your unit was incomplete on that day. Vilandra never betrayed your people. It was Kivar who betrayed and murdered your people.” He stopped speaking for a moment, out of respect, when Isabel began quietly crying. He knew he had just taken an enormous weight off the Princess’ shoulders.

“All four of you were killed on that day. As you know, your royal seer demanded your bodies be collected so that your essences may be preserved. A large transport ship managed to slip away in the midst of the fighting. On that ship was a small group of Antar’s finest scientists, your mothers and a seer bearing your essences and genetic materials. They arrived safely on my planet, Saria, and were immediately granted political refuge. You were recreated on my planet, by a group of Sarian and Antarean scientists. As you know, they sent you here to Earth so that you may grow and mature as far away from Kivar’s influence as possible.” Larek paused, taking a drink of the Tabasco laden cherry cola Jeff Parker had brought to him. Unfortunately, his human host’s taste buds did not appreciate the concoction so he quickly put the glass down and continued.

“We were able to obtain biological samples from four humans that had a very specific genetic mutation. This mutation was necessary to bind the human and Antarean DNA. This selection process took nearly three Earth months and then it took another month to create viable clones. We now believe that the lab was infiltrated by one of Kivar’s spies during the cloning process. We believe the imposters you spoke of, ‘the dupes’, were created by Kivar. These very same individuals are now residing in the Royal Palace with him, no doubt revealing everything they know about you.” Despite the shocked outcry from the parents, Larek continued on, trying to finish relaying the most vital details from Kira and Rayna.

“If any one of the imposters knew the hidden location of the Granilith, it will be imperative that you move it immediately. The ‘skins’ you spoke of must have been Kivar’s men. The radiation from Earth’s sun would be toxic to the people of Eros so they would be forced to don protective suits. It is likely that your ship crashed with another ship sent from Eros containing the imposters. At the summit, we assumed that Nicholas had taken a host body just as the rest of us had. We did not realize that Kivar had actually sent him to Earth. He and his soldiers will surely die here unless they find the Granilith.”

“You must not allow them to locate the Granilith. Kira programmed the Granilith to reactivate on August first in the year 2008, as indicated by Earth’s Gregorian calendar system. On that day, the Granilith will transport anyone in its immediate presence to an undisclosed location chosen by Kira. If Kivar’s men get to the Granilith first, not only will they possess the strongest source of power in the known universe, but they will also be transported directly to the Queen Mother of Antar.”

Jeff Parker couldn’t keep quiet any longer. This man had just calmly told them that the kids’ greatest enemy now had access to their very whereabouts. His assassins were still here on Earth and there was a great possibility that he would soon send reinforcements. After all that, Larek had the audacity to be concerned about the Granilith?!

“You’re telling me that this Kivar guy knows all about us now? He already murdered the Royal Four once…what’s stopping him from trying it again now that he knows exactly where they are?” Jeff asked urgently.

“I have taken the liberty of sending a small group of my best soldiers here to assist you in protecting yourselves. They have been given orders to contact Michael immediately upon their arrival. Following Antarean tradition, they will obey any orders given by either Michael or Maria. In the event of their Commanders’ absence, they will obey direct orders from Max and Liz.” He looked around, confused as to why the group looked so surprised.

“They’ll follow Maria and Liz’s command? I don’t understand.” Charles Whitman said.

“Maria has the Royal Seal of the House of Rathemere. She is Michael’s chosen mate. Michael is rightfully still the Master Commander of Antar and as his mate, Maria, is therefore of equal status. Liz has the Royal Seal of the House of Zandros and as Max’s chosen mate, she the rightful Queen of Antar.” Larek explained.

A collective gasp sounded around the room. The gravity of it all was like a cold splash of water in the face. Even though the translation had eluded to the possibility, they never really admitted to themselves that things could play out this way.

“Where is this seal? I don’t see anything…” Amy asked impatiently.

“It is imprinted on their essences…or as you say on Earth, on their souls. It isn’t visible but I can sense it. My men and most likely Kivar’s men will be able to sense it as well. That is probably how Nasedo found you. He could sense the Royal Seals. I believe he worked for Kivar. That would explain why he led you astray with so much misinformation.” Larek said.

“Will we ever remember our past life? We’ve all had brief flashes of things that could have been from our past lives but we never knew if they were real or just mindwarps from Tess.” Isabel said.

“In theory, you will not remember your past lives in the way that you mean. You will not be able to recall the events of their lives as though they were your own. You share the much of the same DNA and the same essences, but your life experiences are all different. You may receive flashes of events from the past, however we believe those flashes will be very superficial. In other words, your flashes may be compared to the act of remembering a story you were once told. You did not live the events per se, but on some level you are aware that they occurred.” Larek struggled to explain the consequences of their cloning.

Michael finally broke his silence. “Are we like them? I mean do you see any similarities between us and…our former selves?” He struggled to find the right words to explain his peculiar question.

“In many ways, yes, you are. In you Michael, I see the same fierce protectiveness that I knew in Commander Rath. He took the needs and the safety of his people very seriously. He was one of the single most loyal men I’ve ever known. He was known to show a fair bit of temper when the welfare of his people was threatened. I do believe that is where I see the strongest similarities in you, Michael. The most striking difference I have seen thus far is the fact that you have allowed yourself to find love. Rath did not. He and Vilandra were betrothed but those who knew them well, knew that they were more like siblings than mates.” Larek explained carefully.

“We knew each other well, didn’t we? You and I, I mean.” Michael asked.

Larek smiled sadly. “Yes…yes we did,” was his only response. It was obvious that Larek was struggling to reconcile the presence of the young man in front of him with the memories he had of his friend Commander Rath. He turned and addressed Ava.

“Ava, I do believe that you possess some of the very same qualities that made you so beloved to your people in your last lifetime. Lady Ava shared her brother’s passion for the safety and needs of the people. Truth, justice and compassion were some of her primary concerns and as such, she strived to ensure fairness and equality in all of her judiciary duties. I sense that same passion in you Ava. I do believe you are stronger, in a sense, than your former self though. You have a certain wariness or pain in your heart now...” Larek said. He then turned and looked at Isabel.

“I see so very much of Vilandra in you Isabel. You display the same regal presence as Vilandra did. She had a way of commanding the attention of an entire room without so much as uttering a word. Her main concerns were the happiness and well being of her people. She excelled at diplomacy and was well known throughout the system for her humanitarian efforts to improve the quality of life for all its citizens. You do seem to be a bit more hesitant in your actions in this lifetime though. Your loyalty to your loved ones is the same but your confidence in yourself seems to have been wounded somewhere along the way.” Larek commented gently. Lastly, he addressed Max.

“Max, in you I see as many similarities as I see differences. Like your sister, your confidence seems to have wavered. King Zan was a fierce negotiator and was not easily intimidated. He too excelled at diplomacy and strived to ensure the freedom and prosperity of the entire system. He was particularly convinced that order and control were necessary to guarantee the success of the Royal Empire in directing interplanetary affairs. He was a fair, albeit mildly stubborn, man.” Larek decided it was best to stop there and let Max draw his own conclusions. The young man had been remarkably hard for him to read and he had recently come to the conclusion that he may have misunderstood Max and his intentions when they had first met in New York.

“At the summit, why did you tell me that you hated to see history repeat itself?” Max had been wondering about that ever since Larek had said it.

“The animosity between you and Kivar prevented either of you from making an honest attempt at negotiations. Neither of you was willing to give up any concessions to the other. You did not wish to give up control to him and he did not wish to be controlled. At the peace summit, I did not yet have the full details of Kivar’s treachery on Earth, so outwardly it appeared to be just another round of you two butting heads. I apologize Max. I did not have enough information and made a rash judgment.” At Larek’s apology, Max nodded in acceptance.

Jim decided now would be a good time to ask a question of his own. “Let me see if I understand the traditional Antarean hierarchy. In matters of defense, Michael and Maria call the shots. If neither of them were available, then Max and Liz would take the helm. If they weren’t available, then Ava and her mate would be the next contact…and then after her, Isabel and her mate would take over. In diplomatic matters, it would go Max and Liz, then Michael and Maria, then Isabel and then Ava. Do I have that right?” Jim, ever the detective, wanted to make sure he had a clear view of the group’s dynamics.

Larek answered, “That is correct. I do need to mention that Alex also bears the Seal of the House of Zandros. Isabel and Alex would be considered of equal status in the Alpha system.” He hesitated to mention the tentative connection he sensed between Ava and the human named Kyle. Because Kyle had yet to bear the Seal of Rathemere, he assumed it would be more prudent to remain silent about their connection.

Isabel gasped, her eyes wide as saucers. “Oh Alex, I’m sorry! You’re marked now. They’ll be after you too…”

“Iz, we knew something like this might happen. I have absolutely no regrets. I wouldn’t change a thing. You know that.” Alex reached over and put his arm around her protectively. Larek noted the way the human, Alex, was so accepting of the new role thrust upon him. He could sense that the boy was not complying out of lust for power, but out of love for his mate. Larek respected that highly.

“These soldiers you sent…can we ask them to respect commands from others?” Ava quietly asked. She had noticed how quiet Kyle had gotten once Larek explained the hierarchy. She didn’t want him to feel like he was the only unprotected member of the group.

“Yes, I suppose you could but I would advise against it. It isn’t wise to complicate the chain of command.” Larek paused and then amended his prior remark a bit. “They will be mindful of your friend’s position within the group, I assure you.” He pointed directly over at Kyle, hoping that she would understand his subtle acknowledgement of her relationship with the human. Ava nodded shyly at Larek’s explanation.

“Just how many soldiers are we talking about in this ‘small group’?” Sheriff was still trying to get a bearing on the group’s security.

“At this time, I was only able to spare twenty. Our intelligence suggests that Kivar cannot afford to spare more than twenty or thirty of his men for a mission to Earth. As you know, our star system is in an active state of warfare and Kivar needs as many men as he can get to defend his position on Antar.”

“How long will it take for your soldiers to arrive here? How will we know if they’re your men or Kivar’s?” Jim asked.

“They should arrive here and make first contact with you in ten Earth days. They will reveal their identity to you by coming to the restaurant in small groups and ordering the ‘Royal Antar Special’ just as I did tonight. They will be studying Earth history and customs on their journey here. They are all aware that subtlety is of the utmost importance and their actions will not call any undue attention to your families.” Larek assured them.

"Won't they stand out anyway? The Book said the Antarean DNA was mixed with human to make them...well know, enhance their physique. Will these soldiers look...human?" Gloria struggled to find a subtle way to ask her question.

Larek smiled in amusement. "Yes, they will. Aside from the shape shifters, most citizens of the Alpha system are humanoid in appearance. We are smaller in stature, meaning we are shorter and more slendar, however our facial features are indistinguishable from humans. Large stocky forms were no longer necessary for our survival and therefore ceased through evolution." Larek suddenly realized that he’d been using his host body’s resources for far too long.

“I must leave now. To stay any longer would be risking permanent physical damage to this host. I will contact you again soon.” And with that, he rushed back over to the UFO Center to leave Brody in peace. Tomorrow, Brody would wake up at his desk feeling like he had the mother of all hangovers.

A/N: We've almost reached the end of this story. The sequal is already partly written and will follow the gang's adventures in college. It will show the gang adjusting to their new 'royal destiny'. I don't want to give the whole thing away but a few little tidbits won't hurt...let's see here...Early on the soldiers will help the gang hone their powers and the light show will be HUGE. There will be less angst in the romance department. Someone will propose at Christmastime. The evil trio were NOT executed by Kivar... :twisted:
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

jbfan - Thank you! I'm so excited that you're planning on following the sequel too. :D

Grace52373 - Hello! You know, you've been following this story almost since the first day I posted it...thank you for that. I'm glad I could keep some of my fellow Roswell fans entertained. :D

imnotlc - Thanks! :) You guys sure do know how to make a gal feel appreciated.

aurorasky - Thank you for all the compliments! I'm glad you like my little spin on what could have happened instead of the bummer Season 2 and 3 they handed us.

Timelord31 - I'm so glad you liked that last part. I hope you like the rest! :D

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Chapter 31: Now What?

In the ten days between Larek’s visit and the arrival of the soldiers, the gang met several times in an effort to reconcile the new information they’d received with the new responsibilities they would be faced with. Michael and Maria were both overwhelmed at the thought that these twenty alien soldiers would be looking to them for direction. Would these soldiers really want to take orders from a bunch of teenagers? And further, was it even reasonable for the teens to be in command of a small army in the first place? Finally during a meeting with both parents and teens after-hours at the Crashdown, the group managed to come to an agreement on what their new roles would entail.

“This is nuts you guys. I mean, we’re just teenagers. We’re still in high school for heavens sakes! What do we know about running a planet or commanding soldiers?” Maria pointed out to the group.

“I don’t know that you have to worry about all that yet. You’re thinking too far ahead. Right now, all we need to be concerned with is watching out for Kivar’s men. The soldiers will be here to help us with that.” Jim said.

“Yeah but still…they’re going to get here and then what? We just ‘order’ them to watch our backs while we go on with life as though nothing’s changed?” Maria insisted.

Alex nodded in agreement. “Where are we going to put these guys when they get here? We can’t just sneak twenty strangers into Roswell in the middle of the night and expect people not to notice.”

Kyle added his two cents. “Are they even going to want to take orders from a bunch of clueless teenagers anyway? I mean…what are we going to tell them? We don’t know if the bad guys are even here yet and we certainly don’t know what they look like. So what, we just tell them ‘go flush out the bad guys’ and then leave it at that? That’s not going to cut it.” He said.

Jim shook his head. “No, of course not. When they get here, they’ll report directly to Michael and Maria. At that time I think it would be wise for all of us to meet so that we can hammer out the pertinent details like where they’re going to stay, what they’re going to do for money, etcetera. They might even have some of that covered already but we won’t know until they get here. We’ll get everything sorted out…we always do.” He explained gently.

Liz piped up. “Before we go any further here, I think we need to decide how active a role we all want to play in this situation. I mean we’ve never really even talked about whether or not we all want to be leaders. If we do this, we can’t just do it halfway. Either we’re in or we’re out.” She said.

The others looked around hesitantly. It was true. They never had decided if they were going to accept their roles as leaders of the Royal Empire. Perhaps it would be possible for them to abdicate their positions and assign or elect others in their place. It was a possibility that none of them had voiced yet because things had just been thrust upon them so quickly.

Surprisingly, Michael was the first to speak up. “I don’t think that I can just walk away from this. These people are counting on us to make things right and I think we can do it. I don’t know exactly how, but I think we can.” He said.

“We’d have a lot to learn though. We don’t know anything about our people, their culture, the Alpha system…any of it. We won’t be of any use to them if we’re here, issuing vague orders that have no basis on their reality.” Max pointed out.

Ava sat up straighter and said, “I agree with Michael. Politicians here on Earth aren’t just born leaders…their leadership is fostered through decades of learning. There’s no reason we can’t learn about Antarean politics and culture. I bet Larek can help us with all that…the soldiers too even.” She said, nodding with enthusiasm.

Isabel frowned for a second. “OK, assuming that we can learn enough about the Royal Empire from here…you’re still forgetting the most important part. If we do this, at some point we’ll have to go back to Antar. All of us. Are you ready to leave the only planet you’ve ever known? It isn’t like we’re talking about moving to another state here…we’d be moving to the other side of the galaxy, or further even. We don’t even know where Antar really is for heavens sakes!”

Jeff Parker saw how distraught the kids were getting. He decided that maybe it was time to put things into perspective a bit, both for their peace of mind as well as his own.

“Let me ask you guys a question. Hypothetically, if you knew that you would be able to come back home, would you be willing to go to Antar?” He asked. There was total silence as each teen considered his question. When they all slowly nodded yes, he continued.

“OK. Again, hypothetically, if you were able to bring your families to Antar with you, would you be willing to go?” The teens considered the question for a split second and then nodded affirmatively. He asked one more question.

“If you had to relocate to Antar permanently but were still able to communicate regularly with your families on Earth, would you go?” This time the teens seemed more hesitant to answer the question. Jeff realized that the real source of their anxiety was the thought of leaving their families behind.

“Here’s what I think…maybe it’ll help. I think that you can’t decide if you’re going to accept your roles as leaders because you’re afraid it’ll take you away from your families and everything you’ve ever known. I also think that if that was no longer a concern, you’d be able to make a more objective decision about what you want to do.” He paused to gather his thoughts for a moment. The teens stared at him in stunned silence. None of them had ever pictured Jeff Parker would be the voice of reason in this situation. Until recently, he hadn’t exactly been known for his open mind.

Jeff continued. “I suspect that if you were called to Antar, permanently even, you would still be able to come back here to visit. You opened a portal to Antar from the pod chamber here on Earth, so who’s to say that you couldn’t do the same from Antar? Also, these soldiers are making the trip from Saria to here in roughly ten days. Again, who’s to say that you couldn’t do the same? So assuming that interplanetary travel wasn’t an issue…would you be willing to accept the responsibilities of leading the Royal Empire?” He finished, asking the million-dollar question.

Liz was the first to respond. “If I knew that we could learn enough about the Alpha system to be of any use to them then yes, I would.” She said emphatically. The others began nodding in agreement.

“Just to clear things up here…are we saying that we’re going to do this? Is everyone absolutely sure about this? We can’t possibly make things worse than Kivar has but if we’re going to step up to the plate then we have to do it right. They don’t need a bunch of kids play-acting…they need real leaders. Do you think we have it in us to be those leaders?” Max asked. Deep down he did think they could do it but he was scared. This was a decision that each person had to make on their own, not one that he could make for them.

Michael jumped in. “I think we will have what it takes. In time. The Granilith’s set to power up in 2008. I think by that time we will be ready. For now, all we need to concentrate on is staying away from Kivar’s guys. I say we contact Larek and find out how we’re going to learn about Antar and then we spend the next seven years catching up.”

Maria smiled. “We could have like our own little ‘alien study group’.” She said with a nervous giggle.

“So step one is, we try to contact Larek about learning everything pertaining to the Royal Empire. Step two is meeting with the soldiers and coming up with a game plan for them. If those two things go well then we’re on the right track, agreed?” Max asked.

The others nodded hesitantly. The thought of trying to fill the shoes of the great leaders before them was intimidating to say the least. For many of them, the toughest decision of the day was usually along the lines of what to wear to school. All of this new responsibility carried very serious consequences with it. They would have to become experts in…well, in pretty much everything. They would have to learn about diplomacy, economics, interstellar trade, military tactics, etcetera. There would be no room for error anymore; not when an entire star system was hanging in the balance.

They decided that there was no time like the present in regards to contacting Larek so they all filed out of the Crashdown and crossed the street in the direction of the UFO Center. It was after hours but Max knew that Brody would still be there, toiling over some new information he found on the Internet or some such thing. The plan was for them to go in there under the guise of wanting a tour, but while Max kept Brody distracted, the rest of the group would try mentally calling out to Larek. The Book had said to ‘call Saria for help if they ever needed it’ and since they couldn’t very well use a phone for the task they could only assume it meant that they’d have to do it mentally.

“Brody? Are you here?” Max called out.

Brody came rushing out from his office and was surprised to be greeted with the sight of an entire crowd of people in his Center. He looked around in confusion and then turned to Max.

“Well hello Max. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Brody asked. He shot a shy little smile over to Maria but abruptly turned away when he noticed Michael’s angry scowl.

“We were having a little family get together tonight and our parents mentioned that they’d never been in here since you remodeled the place. I thought it might be fun to give them a quick tour…if that’s alright with you, that is.” Max answered.

Brody beamed proudly. “Oh, of course! Please, help yourselves then. You know the drill Max…the restricted areas are off limits, but feel free to peruse the rest of the collection at your leisure. Just do me a favor and lock up on your…” Brody abruptly trailed off and dropped to the floor.

He opened his eyes and looked around at the group before him. When he next spoke to the group, they all realized that they had succeeded in contacting Larek. “We must keep this meeting brief. I didn’t have enough time to prepare this body properly and the longer I’m here, the more we risk physical harm to this host.”

Isabel stepped forward and addressed Larek quickly. “Larek, we were wondering if there was any way you could help us learn more about the Alpha system. We need to know anything and everything. We can’t possibly be decent leaders if we don’t know anything about our people or their homelands.”

Larek nodded quickly. “Yes, I believe that would be a very wise decision. I will send word to the ships en route to your planet immediately. Our historical documents are preserved in a format similar to what you would call digital encryption. The ships are equipped with information receivers that can be used to convert these documents into a useable digital format for your convenience. I will begin the process immediately.”

Max smiled in relief. “Thank you Larek. We really appreciate all the help you’ve given us.”

Larek smiled in return. “It is my pleasure Max. I cannot express the relief I feel knowing that the Royal Empire will soon be lead by the houses of Zandros and Rathemere once again. Your houses have become a symbol of hope and unity to the people of the Alpha system and I truly feel that the only hope for peace lie in your return to power. As the King of Saria, I have done what I can to foster unity between the planets but I do not have the same influence over the people you once had…or that you still have. It has been so long since our system has seen peace…” Larek paused sadly. “I regret that I must leave this host now. Please do not hesitate to contact me in this manner again if you require more assistance.”

The group let out a collective sigh of relief. The teens all felt the pull of their responsibilities toward the alien nations that were looking to them for help. They didn’t truly know how they were going to unite an entire war torn star system but people considered them to be some kind of mythical symbol of peace so they had to at least try to help. The information Larek was sending should go a long way toward helping them fulfill their destiny.

A/N: There's one last chapter to this story (an epilogue really.) I plan to start posting the sequel right away. There's no reason to leave everyone hanging, right? :wink:
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 96
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 12:54 am

Post by pooklette »

Thank you to:


Thank you so much for all the great FB you've given. I had a blast writing this story and I hope you had a blast reading it. Thanks to all my faithful lurkers too. This is the final chapter of Power of Love. The sequel is coming soon...I hope you like it! :D

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.


The arrival of Larek’s soldiers went largely unnoticed by the general public, thanks to the stealth capabilities of their highly advanced alien ships. The ships were virtually invisible to all known human technology and they could not be detected with the naked eye. All the worrying the teens had done over getting the soldiers settled into Roswell had been for nothing. They wouldn’t need any special housing or money, at least for now, because they were capable of teleporting to and from their hidden ships. This skill, disappearing and reappearing elsewhere in the blink of an eye, enabled them to reside in the barracks on their ships for the time being.

The soldiers made their presence known to the pod squad and friends over a period of two days and quickly established ‘human’ identities that would help them blend in with society. Aside from the fact that they were all very small of stature, none of them taller than 5’5” in fact, they appeared completely human. Many of them had unusual coloring, such ‘Connor’ who had pale blonde hair and even paler icy blue eyes, but their looks were not so unusual that they would attract suspicion. Their short, slim stature actually made them look younger which was very beneficial considering the majority of the time that they were actually exposed to the public, they would be seen with young adults. If they were seen with the podsquad and crew, they would just look like some of the teens’ random classmates or friends.

As promised, the soldiers brought with them massive amounts of information on the Alpha system. They presented the information to the teens in the form of small diskettes that looked remarkably like tiny CDs. Alex was able to work with a soldier by the human name of Brayden to modify the CD-ROM drives in a few of the families’ computers so that they could read the tiny diskettes. Thankfully, Larek had apparently seen to it that the information was translated into English before it was encoded on the diskettes so that helped to simplify things a lot. The gang managed to slip in some ‘alien study time’ between all of their regular high school studies and had a special meeting each Saturday night to discuss what they learned so far.

The teens had a private meeting, just after the soldiers arrived and agreed that they would never order these soldiers to do anything that they, themselves, wouldn’t be willing to do. Ava had a private talk with Michael and Maria, asking them to make sure the soldiers didn’t treat Kyle like an outsider just because he didn’t have a Seal. She didn’t think that such a request would violate their pact since she was really only trying to clarify Kyle’s position in the group. Michael and Maria agreed and notified the soldiers that Kyle, as well as all of the parents, were to be shown the utmost respect. They both felt awkward ‘ordering’ this group of men and women to do their bidding but surprisingly the soldiers seemed to expect them to do so.

The teens had relocated the Granilith to a large subterranean chamber out near Pullman Ranch just before the soldiers arrived on Earth. After nearly a full week of practice, they were able to join their powers and teleport the entire contents of the original pod chamber to the new location. Poor Amy nearly had an aneurysm when she found out the teens had spent days out in the desert moving her Jetta from place to place exercising their collective powers for the task. They had yet to reveal the actual location of the new Granilith chamber to any of the soldiers. Both the Book and Larek had been so adamant that its location be kept a secret that they didn’t feel comfortable revealing its hiding place to anyone outside their group yet.

The pod squad and crew were able to finish out the school year without any threats from Kivar. They had yet to encounter any more of the Earthbound skins either. They knew Kivar would be sending men to find them eventually. Jim had warned the teens that he was probably just waiting for them to become complacent and then he’d choose to make his move. For this reason, the group continued their Sunday night practice sessions and pushed their powers to the limit each week. They knew if they wanted to prevail against Kivar’s forces, they’d have to be in top form. For the time being, they continued to practice alone, out at the quarry. They weren’t quite ready to have the soldiers witness their fledgling powers.

Aside from the practice sessions at the quarry, everywhere the gang went Larek’s soldiers followed close behind. Each member of the group had assigned guards and the soldiers took their jobs very seriously. Half the soldiers pulled ‘guard duty’ and the other half spent most of the summer scouting the immediate area for skins or enemy forces. This routine had been established at the very first official meeting with the soldiers. Michael had given the arrangement a lot of thought before they arrived and when he suggested his plan to the group, they had all agreed it would be the best way to handle things for now.

As it turned out, many of the soldiers Larek had sent them were originally Antarean soldiers who were covertly recruited by Kira and Rayna to and join forces with Saria. Michael was shocked to find that these men were actually honored to serve under his authority again. For them, it was like a new source of hope. Maria was floored by the way they all seemed to adore her from the moment they set foot on Earth. She had been worried that they might consider her ‘unworthy’ of their Commander’s love because she was human. Actually, it seemed to be quite to the contrary…They seemed to revere her because of their Commander’s love for her.

The only notable alien crisis after the arrival of the soldiers was the kidnapping and subsequent rescue of Laurie Dupree, which was made possible by a vivid series of flashes Isabel received. She turned out to be the granddaughter of Michael’s DNA donor. The gang was forced to tell her their secret, and thankfully she had accepted both Michael and Ava as family soon thereafter. Jim had almost lost his job during the Laurie crisis, but surprisingly he managed to come out of the incident unscathed once again. Dillan, Kyle’s royal guardian, played a large part in helping Jim keep his job through some creative editing of the official reports.

The teens decided that it would be best if they all stayed close to home for college. They applied to Las Cruces for the following fall and amazingly all of them, even Michael, got accepted. They graduated from Roswell High on the first Friday in June, all of them feeling like they were beginning an exciting new phase in their lives.

At the big graduation party Jeff and Nancy held at the Crashdown, Liz and Max were caught in a heavy lip lock in the back room. Jeff’s first instinct was to break them apart and send Liz to her room, but he stopped and reminded himself that they were adults now and would be heading off to college together in the fall anyway. Old habits die hard it seems.

Michael had given up the lease on his apartment and moved into the Deluca residence, at the insistence of Amy. She badgered him for over a month until he relented. She pointed out that it was only a temporary arrangement that would allow him to save up money for college. In reality, she really did want to help him get ahead financially but she also wanted to give him a semi-normal family life before he ventured out on his own next fall. It was something he and his sister Ava never had. Aside from the fact that he was living with his girlfriend, a fact that he enjoyed to the fullest, it really was like belonging to a genuine family. He and Maria bickered as always, but they were more in love than ever. Amy was forced to chase him out of her daughter’s room with a rolled up newspaper on more than one occasion.

Isabel had become a regular participant in the family night festivities at the Whitman household and her relationship with Alex was getting stronger by the day. His parents were very accepting of his new ‘Antarean Diplomat’ status, a fact that Isabel was very thankful for. Both sets of parents were thrilled that their kids had quite obviously found love.

Ava still lived with the Delucas but she had been able to impersonate Tess for the rest of the school year and was thrilled to receive her diploma with the rest of the gang. She had never been able to go to a formal school before but unbeknownst to Lonnie and Rath, she had spent quite a bit of time at the public library in New York educating herself. Because of that early preparation, she was able to keep up with her newly adopted high school studies in Roswell. It stung a bit that her diploma had Tess’ name on it but she kept reminding herself that she earned it no matter what name was on it. She and Kyle had quite the budding romance going. They were still a bit unsure of themselves, but anyone could see that they were falling in love.

All in all, the group was doing well. They were all looking forward to college next fall. Isabel, true to her prediction, was planning on studying Political Science and Alex, self-proclaimed computer geek, decided to major in Computer Engineering with a minor in Robotics. Max couldn’t seem to find one program that would fit his interests and needs so he opted to pursue an Interdisciplinary Degree, based on a mixture of Economics and Sociology. Liz was excited to begin her Molecular Biology program and her parents were thrilled. Kyle surprised everyone by deciding to major in Mechanical Engineering. He said he wanted to introduce high-performance sports cars to the people of Antar. No one was really sure if he was kidding about that or not. Ava intended to pursue a degree in Criminal Justice. She had this almost instinctual need to protect the innocent so she decided to make a career out of it. Maria’s plans shocked the group. She was planning on moving away from the music industry completely, claiming that even if she did get a recording contract they would probably try to change her music into something indistinguishable anyway. She’d actually enjoyed the detective work she and Michael had done over the past year and decided to turn it into a career by joining Ava in the Criminal Justice program. Michael, of course, hadn’t picked a major yet. He was starting off with a heavy load of history classes in the fall. He said if he was supposed to be some great leader, he’d better learn as much history as possible because the only way to fix the future is to learn the mistakes of the past.

The parents quietly noted that their children’s chosen majors reflected all of the necessary avenues they would have to cover if and when they were called to defend Antar. They would need diplomats like Isabel; scientists like Liz, Alex and Kyle; criminalists like Ava and Maria; and creative thinkers like Michael and Max. They weren’t even sure if the teens had realized what they were doing when they chose their paths but it certainly appeared that this group would have what it takes to see it through. Little did their parents know, the fight would come sooner than they’d anticipated…


A/N: Here's a little teaser for the sequel to this story:

Title: The Power of Eight

Rating: Teen

Summary: Our beloved podsters and crew are in college now, struggling to blend in with the crowd while their true calling looms constantly overhead. Together with their royal guardians and their families, they will see exactly what happens when history repeats itself. Future Max changed a lot, but some things might just be inevitable...
The Royal Four reign once more...
Now Eight where once there were Four...

The Power of Love
The Power of Eight
The Power of the People