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Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:10 am
by Lorastar
I just spent the better part of my day watching my season 1 DVD's, the ones with Tess, so I freely admitt that for me, the most unlikable character was Tess Harding. Or Nacedo. I hated the smirky way he talked and tilted his head. If I were Liz, there would be no way I would stay for dinner. And why did she call Max instead of Maria when she was there? I don't understand it.

Anywho. Tess was horrible from the start. For instance, I totally disliked the way she butted into everyone's conversations, assuming she was welcome. Like when she interrupted Alex and Isabel, then Michael and Max. She couldn't see a good thing for what it was worth, but instead kept trying to acquire the love of the one person who would never love her. As a mom, she had no regards for her future child. She got pregnant to use the kid as a barginning chip. That says a lot about her personality.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 4:31 pm
by Roslover39
Coccy wrote:Tess

I dislike her from the start when she interrupted Alex when he was talking to Isabell in "crazy" till the 4aaab episode :|
She has no character for me, it's only a doll that writers used:
- to prove Max and Liz love (and only for this reason my dreamer heart thank her cuz M&l need an obstacle to prove their true love ;) )
- to give us the murderer of Alex
- to make Max's "akino" that we find in the books. (the akino thing is better, it's evident that writers made her and not the great Melissa Metz)

She's boring, passive, disillutional, crazy, insate, stupid!
She's so stupid for words and Max makes her more stupid.
when she's alone without him she's good..really, I love her when she's with Kyle! but when Max comes.. OMG.. save me please. _-_
and the destiny thing and the accord with kivar sucks!

She's too boring.. always on Max like glue...a mussell (in italy we call her in this way), the stalking woman..a persecution!
"Maxxxx it's destinyyyyy destinyyyy destinyyyyyyy..... you are the kinggggg.... I'm your wifeee"

please give her a poison so that she doesn't suffer more! _-_

if she was his wife in the past...well it's not so difficult to believe why they all died ^^°°

Passive girl.
I hate her, she's what I would *never* be.
She used to manipulate people to obtain what she wanted from the beginning!
She have no life..nothing true..only lies. Her life is a lie.
It's hilarious that in "tess lies and videotape" she has been forced to "help" (with the mindwarps) Max to have the "erotic" dreams when he was awake, dreams that he was supposed to have spontaneously like Michael and Isabell (when he sleep)... poor her...

and you remember in departure when she says to Max "why you don't love me like you love her?" after she says that she wants to deliver him to Kivar.. she's crazy or what? O__o

Misunderstood... some people used to say...
please give me a break! _-_
(I appreciate people that like her for what she is unlike who want to create his own canon with her as a saint)

you choice what you *want* to be. Period.
and the excuse "it's only writers fault" is silly! I watch roswell not writers life :|
If you think so, you can't see tv shows, you can't see nothing cuz all the characters are the result of someone's mind, it's normal. ^^°°°°
Tess the enemy bitch *is* the canon

and for me.. the worst enemy ever made. :?

I like more Kivar, Nicolas(hilarious :lol: )..even Nacedo and Pierce but Tess is simply an insignificant woman.

sorry for my two cents and my english ^^"
I totally agree Coccy :)

Being a hard-core dreamer, anyone that comes between Max

and Liz I'm gonna hate. To add insult to injury I find that Tess didn't

chase behind Max because he was hot for him (which I totally

understood, but not like) but no, she was just carrying out a master

plan to get pregnant by him and get him, Michael and Isabel to go to

Antar and get killed. Now what redeeming qualities could this girl

possibly have :?:

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:43 pm
by Lady_vixen
For me it was Maria. It seemed like nothing could please her. Michael was never good enough and all his attempts to be who she wanted fell short in her eyes. That boy got no points for effort. She was too busy comparing him and Max to realize that Michael had qualitys that Max lacked.

My 2 cents. Spend it where you please.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:43 pm
by desdimona
MAX definetely Max. I don't know why there are a lot of people still defending him he was so spoiled. He boink Tess and people said it's because he has no one. For Pete sake michael has no one growing up. he lives with a violent guy noone was with him most of the time but still he manage to be loyal to Maria and twarted the advances of Courtney and he ended being risponsibwithout making anyone pregnant.
Michael never treated Maria like a doormat and make her hold up a store.
Please Liz is to good for Max. She made some decision but all those decision has a good intentions and they were not done intentionally.

Max always manage to break Liz's heart. he's controlling, selfish and
sometimes exibit some insensitivity towards other's feeling.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:26 pm
by SweetnSpicy
Sorry but I am going to ust complain about why I hate Max and Liz!
Max- He says that he doesn't want to be king but he acts like it all the time. whatever he says goes, is pretty much the way he lives. He was never nice to Michael or Isabel and he controled them to much. Before he knew he was King he was always telling them what to do and never let them do anything by themselves or keep a little secret!Like in S2 when Max found out about Vilandra and how Isabel had lied to him, I don't what the F**k his problem was but she didnot do anything!!He was making her appologize for NOTHING!And when he would make up those nasty rumors if she left Roswell..that is just cruel and heartless!!He tells Michael to thinkl before he acts and stop being so self-centered but if anything risked the live of little Liz than he would tell the world his alien secret!

Liz- Too annoying!Too perfect!I hate and hate how they would just stare at each other and gaze!!BLEGH! As much as I love Maria and Alex she had no right telling them the alien secret!Not her secret to tell! She was so mean to Sean and using him!I felt so bad!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:13 pm
by rie482
I loved them all... I really did. No matter what they said, no matter what they did... I loved them. I think the only one that got under my skin was phillip in season 3... but that was because he was being the controlling and nosey parent... a role I hate.

Oh and grant... Izzy had to be with Alex. Full stop.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:30 am
by Maxssoulmate
I LOVED max, liz, maria, alex, michael, isabel and kyle

HATED WITH A PASSION tess, and nasado.

the parents just down right pissed me off (minus nancy.even though they redeems themselves they still pissed me off to no end. they were okay just some of the stuff that they did is what got me)

nickolas was funny but he was still the bad guy so not him soo much.

and jesse i just didnt care for him.

larry aka asshole/crazy person. thats all im gonna say bout him.

and you gotta love milton even though he was a bit of a nut. and brody was good too.

hubble well lets just say that i would of shot him.

and billy never should of came back, i liked my candy just the way it was.

the old dude that got max killed in s3 defently didnt like him along with that wife.

and grant was way to old for isabel, but he was okay, well at least until he went psycho cause of an alien and tried to kill everyone.

the special unit i could seriously do some damage with just my mouth.

and finally sean, you see with sean when it comes to hating him or disliking him, its only when hes with liz. i'm a dreamer at heart no matter what kinda shit hit the fan and sean and liz defently an ick factor for me and put a crimp in my dreamer couple.

i didnt intend for this to be soo long, but now that i'm done with my rant i a feeling much better now. :lol: :D

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:38 am
by Djinn
Tess = Super bitch on meth

Yep yep.

Has absolutley NO redeaming qualities WHATSOEVER, 'nough said.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:39 am
by Anna-Liisa
I loved Tess, but I hated Liz.

I can't stand her, especially when she's with Max. Yes, I know "There wouldn't be Roswell without Max and Liz". Well, I just don't like Liz. She's everywhere and she always knows what to do... (okay, not always, but almost). And I can't see why Max loved her. She hurt him in so many ways. (Well, Max slept with Tess, but I was happy about that... even if I ship K/T).

But that's just me and my opinion. Don't get offended.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 7:35 am
by LovinGuerin2Much
Lady_vixen wrote:
For me it was Maria. It seemed like nothing could please her. Michael was never good enough and all his attempts to be who she wanted fell short in her eyes. That boy got no points for effort. She was too busy comparing him and Max to realize that Michael had qualitys that Max lacked.
I totally agree!