Dormroom Diaries (CC, ADULT) Kyle Needed (NOTE ADDED)

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Post by StormWolfstone »

Yes, he would have gotten the scholarship before hand... however, it is their freshman year (all of them except for Isabel who started early)... just Kyle was in an earlier semester by choice.... Liz could have been as well.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Thats all for today"
I sigh as I start to pick up my books and put them in my bag. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of itl... Its just its tiring. Ive only been here two weeks after all. I start to make my way out of the room and down the hall, heading for my room. I wonder what Isabel's up to today. I haven't seen her in a while. Or Michael for that matter. I'm even kind of missing Tess, who I havent seen in a week. I never ever thought I would be saying that sentance, but when she accepted that I didn't believe in destiny and I got to know her....well shes actually kinda nice.

Besides, now I don't have to worry about Tess....I can think about other things. And for the last week my minds pretty much been on one thing. The girl down my hall. Liz Parker. Her walk, her smile.... shes...amazing. But I don't have the guts to go and say anything to her. Sure I introduced myself to her when we met each other in the hall...but since then we just kinda say hi and then I dash into my room before I embarress myself any further.

I exit the building and cross the grass over towards the rooms. Maybe she'll be there, and I might be able to say more than one word to her...
Yeah right. Keep dreaming Maxwell. But never know. But then again its not like I can get close to her. I can never get close to anyone. Thats why I don't date. Because when I have to stop seeing them, they and I will get hurt. So theres no point. Im meant to be alone.

I just cant help wishing I could be with Liz Parker, the perfect girl from down the hall. I sigh as I enter the dorm room building and turn the corner into my hall.
Last edited by madroswellfan on Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by littleroswell »

Ok, guys, I'll post something tonight for Liz.
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Post by littleroswell »

Ok, I hope this isn't too long. I just got on a roll and couldn't seem to stop! LOL!


~ Liz ~

I sit in the small coffee shop, reading from one of the books assigned to me in my Lit. class, but I can’t seem to concentrate on what I’m reading. Looking up and out the window in front of me, I watch people passing by and the other goings on. My head swims when I think about how much and how quickly my life has changed in the past year. One year ago, I had my whole life planned out. I was going to Harvard to study science, molecular biology to be exact, I was going to graduate from school and hopefully, if Kyle ever asked me, I was going to marry my boyfriend of 5 years. At least it will be 5 years soon.

Then I ended up with mono because I accidentally mixed up my glass of punch at a party Kyle dragged me to and ended up drinking from one of the biggest skanks in all of New York. I had missed a lot of school and while I had caught up and still ended up graduating as Valedictorian, I botched up the interview to get into Harvard because the medication and the mono were making me loopy. I don’t remember much of the interview but I think that’s due to selective amnesia, you know the kind where your mind purposely blocks out memories as a protection.

See the thing is that when I opened the letter from Harvard that said, “Thank you so much for applying for our school. We’re sorry to have to say…” I didn’t feel that my world was over. My parents were tripping all over themselves to console me and tell me that it was Harvard’s loss, etc. That’s when I realized that even though I love science, that the plans to go to Harvard and study molecular biology were actually my parents’ plans. It was like a wake up call for me. All of my life my parents had hovered over me and made plans for me and sheltered me and I had always appreciated them, but now I was ready for something new…something for me…to make my own decisions about my future. That’s why when they suggested I stay at home and go to NYU with Maria, I balked and called Kyle in a panic.

That’s when Kyle helped to change my life. He suggested that I transfer to RU to be with him. When I didn’t say anything at first, he thought I was thinking of a way to refuse and started begging, pleading, laying on guilt trips, anything to convince me to come ‘keep him company and get an education’. My silence, however, was due to shock that this was exactly what I wanted to do. My parents were not happy but after several fights and crying sessions, discussions and silent treatments, they helped pack me up and ship me off to school on the other side of the country.

Now I’m at a loss because I feel so lonely. Why that should be, I don’t know. I mean I love this place; it’s so different from New York, and I love school. I have Kyle and Alex and Maria will be coming here soon but…but what? Maybe it’s the fact that Kyle seems to be pulling away from me. We’re still friends and get along and all but, things are different somehow. Maybe I just need to make some new friends here.

Sighing, I realize that I’m never going to be able to concentrate here. Deciding to try studying in my dorm room, I pack up my things, throw away my trash and head for my car. My mind drifts over the few people I’ve met since I’ve been here and I can’t help the funny feeling that comes over me as I think about the dark haired guy with the awesome eyes that’s just a couple of rooms down from me. Sighing again I tell myself that he obviously isn’t interested in even being friends with me since every time I try to strike up a conversation with him, he mumbles a quick sentence and practically runs from me. Shaking my head, I decide to call Kyle to see if he wants to skip class today and hang out.
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Post by aliensister »

Im soo seconding that bump...come on guys this is gonna be such a great story, please dont let it fall to the wayside( i think thats the word..) *hugs*

hugs mel
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Post by StormWolfstone »


With my mind elsewhere, I sigh and close my eyes a moment longer then I should have when suddenly I'm feeling someone collide with me and I hear a very soft, "ooph!" Opening my eyes, my hands instantly come up to help steady the girl before I notice that it's her. It's Tess. The very girl I'd been thinking about, or at least one of them.

"Uh.. hey Tess.. Sorry about.. umm that... I wasn't watching where I was going." I say, feeling like such an idiot. Here I am knocking into the girl I'd had several thoughts about since I'd first seen her. I find myself staring down into her eyes and feeling as I often did, lost in the depths of her lovely eyes. "Are you okay?"

God, what a dumb ass I must seem to be? She's probably thinking I'm a 'typical' jock. My cell phone begins to ring in my pocket and I sigh, removing it from where it rested and checked it though one of my hands remained on Tess' shoulder to make certain that she was alright.

When I saw that it was Liz, I answered, "Hey, Liz... how's it going?" Okay, so now what am I supposed to do?
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"Uh.. hey Tess.. Sorry about.. umm that... I wasn't watching where I was going."Looking up Im pulled straight into Kyle's gorgeous eyes,I gulp as I notice his arms around me still, He stopped me from falling, he's so sweet. "Are you okay?" He asks with such a genuine tone that I have to believe he actually cares.

Kyle's phone starts to ring and he answers it but leaves his hand on my shoulder, which is tingling from the feel of his hand. Isabel and I have this style to dating. We go out for casual dates but we never commit and I kind of like it that way, no one wanting to know all my secrets, secrets I can never tell anyone. So why does this guy, who I dont even know make me want to spill everything to him.

"Hey, Liz... how's it going?"Theres my reason as to why I can't get involved, men can't be trusted not with the secrets that I have to keep or anything....but I don't know Im feeling so conflicted!, this is crazy I don't even know him.
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Post by littleroswell »

~ Liz ~

”Hey, Liz, how’s it going?”

I thought that hearing Kyle’s voice would help bring me up out of this funk I seem to be in at least a little but it doesn’t…especially when I notice that his tone is somewhat distracted.

‘Get a grip,’ I tell myself. ‘Of course he’s distracted; he’s probably waiting for his class to start.’ Aloud, I force a smile on my face and say, “Hey, Kyle! I was just calling to ask if there was any way you might want to skip class today and hang out. We haven’t spent a lot of time together lately, at least not where we could actually talk you know. So what do you say? We could spend the whole day together since I don’t have any classes today.”

Technically, I should be checking my two online classes for any new assignments or announcements but I really just don’t feel like it today. Besides, one of them is a basic computer skills class and I am ahead in that, thanks to all the lessons Alex had given me over the years.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

I found someone that would like Michael on a permanent basis. Thanks for Temping littleroswell. Before this person takes him over, are you okay with this or had you decided to keep him???
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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