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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Quick question, where would one find the elders?
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Post by M »

thanks guys! I'll get a post up as soon as i can...
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Post by StormWolfstone »

More then likely the elders would be found in a state head facility near the palace so they were easily accessible without being up the King's rear too much. lol.

Glad to have you with us M

and Magikhands.... love knowing ya wanted Michael :D
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by M »

Hope this is ok...


I can't help being concerned at Kyle's swift decision to allow these strangers to come to our aid. Not only because it might all be a trap, but because it involves putting ourselves in anothers hands. Ever since the most recent wars we have allowed ourselves less trust, less naivete.

Maria, as usual, rambles on somewhat, although she makes a good point about the Matai. It would be significant if they received the same message.

I see Kyles worry, although it seems deeper then the present issue at hand.

I move forward and clasp his hand, squeezing lightly and giving him a reassuring smile.

"Kyle, why don't you tell us about it? What did they say? What do they want? Is it safe"

I speak in a low, even tone, aware that Kyle is already a little on edge and doesn't need emotions from me to deal with too.


I'm bounding down the corridor, trying to make up for being the LAST on in the palace to hear anything, ever! Its not my fault that games of logic and strategy are so compelling! Its easy to be caught up and not hear announcements, or alarms, or buzzars going off in your pocket at full vibration the nasty voice in my head reminds me. This makes me cringe again and as I come to a corner I go sliding into the wall on the other side and careening back and forth in an effort to regain my balance and maintain both my forward direction and velocity. I skid slightly and just manage to avoid a servant, watering a high pot of flowers and dodge just as the can overturns and splashes water everywhere.
"Sorry! My bad! I'll be back to clean it up just as soon as I can! Thanks Mary, you're a doll! I toss back over my shoulder and I know without looking that she is shaking her head in that side to side motion she has which is part disgust and part amusement. She has been giving me that look since as long as I can remember, she probably gave me that look when i was in diapers. I can imagine her look at finding me anything less the completely toilet trained, and it isn't pretty, I assure you.

I arrive in front of Kyle's door. Straightening and running a hand down my front and over my hair to make sure that everything is more or less in place. I try to tame my forelock, but give it up for lost and raise a hand to knock. Not waiting for Percy to have a chance to answer I just opn it and stick my head in, confident of both Kyle's presents and a warm reception.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »

So I wasn't sure how much the elders would actually know about Lythar so this part is kinda left hanging at the end.


"Go tell them that we will be having a visitor. Find anything we have in our databanks then let me know what you find. I'll be looking over these files they sent. If things don't match, I'll know they are lying to us." Max sighs with a nod.

As I rise from the table and two guards immediately come forward, ready to protect me from all dangers. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I’ve never been able to get use to the constant presence of my bodyguards, especially in the palace. It seems almost ridiculous to be guarded in my own home. It makes me miss the simpler days of being a Marquis’s daughter.

"I'll also contact King Kyle and make sure he got the message." I hear Max say as I begin to leave the room. "With the recent problems with Khivar, I want to be careful."

As I enter the hallway, I begin to wonder if this new visitor is somehow linked to Khivar. Tales of Khivar’s cruelty have been passed by word of mouth throughout the kingdom. I know that Max must have more details on Khivar but he has deemed them unfit for a ladies’ eyes. I can only begin to imagine the brutality that Khivar has yielded. He is notorious for the way he killed his whole family on the day of his coronation. Already he is the stuff of nightmares. I have heard mothers use his name to threaten their children to behave properly and a chill runs down my spine just at the thought of him.

I quicken my pace. The faster I reach the elders, the faster that we will know what we are up against and also the quicker I will be able to return to the palace. I wouldn’t put it pass Max to try and attend the meeting without me.

“Your Highness, the Elders are expecting you.” A servant states when I finally arrive at the elders’ headquarters as he bows to me. “If you would please follow me, I will announce you.”

I nod and follow him to the great hall where the elders hold court. Brushing my hands over my clothes, I wait nervously. I was bought up to respect and fear the power of the elders. I’m also fearfully of what I’m about to find out from them.

“Announcing her royal highness, Queen Tess of Matai.”

I walk into the hall with my head held high, a guard on each side of me. I may not be overjoyed in my marriage but I am proud to be the Queen of Matai. I love my people. I want nothing but the best for them and that is why I feel that it is so important to go into this meeting with our eyes opened.

“My Lord Elders,” I nod my head respectfully to them. “I come on behalf of the King and our people. We have been contacted by Princess Raelena of Lythar on behalf of their Queen. They wish for a meeting to take place between them, the King of Natori and our royals.”

They nod but only one speaks, “Yes, we know all about the proposed meeting. We trust that his Highness has agreed for the meeting to take place. Lythar’s technology is far more advanced than our own. Lythar would be a good ally for Matai to have.”

“But is this not all so sudden?” I ask, trying to sound as respectful as possible. It is never a good idea to anger the Elders. “Khivar…”

“Is nothing to do with Lythar or her people.” The elder states, silencing me by raising his hand. “And if it is Khivar you are worried about my Queen then an alliance with Lythar would be a far better way to protect your people then anything else.”

I nod, relieved. “King Max wishes to know everything about the Lytharians. We wish to go to this meeting as prepared as possible. I would like any information that you have concerning their royals, their people and the planet. It is important that nothing is left out.”

The Elders murmur between themselves for a moment before the one that had been speaking rises and walks towards me. “Come my Queen. I will tell you all that we know.”
Last edited by ~Ruby~ on Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


It took nearly two hours before word reached us from Antar, by which time both myself and Rax were on the bridge discussing the way things they needed to do. "My brother, we must also remember to contact each other with any updates on how the proceedings are going. If you should so desire it, I can..." A sound of an incoming transmission sounded and I turned, nodding to the communications ensign.

"It is our pleasure to relay a message from King Max of Matai. He has agreed to meet with the representative of the Lythar people but only with the condition that the rep only be escorted by one guard. We are of the hopes that this will be acceptable." I glanced over at Raxar and couldn't help but think that there was no way I would allow my brother to go to the surface with only one guard.

"We will give you our decision upon that once we have conferred. Please understand that as royals of another culture, to allow one's Prince to enter unfamiliar territory with only one guard is a rather difficult thing to ask. Thus, let us confer before we accept those terms." I replied and nodded for the communication to be ended before looking at Rax, let us first find out if the Natori King also has such terms before we determine for certain which kingdom we approach. I do not wish to face Danai if harm comes to you because of terms set that do not consider your safety."

"Rae... I am fully capable of caring for myself. Besides, you know as well as I that Lax will not allow anything to happen to me. You trained him yourself and know he is capable of aiding me." Rax replies and I still can not help but feel a bit tense with such a thought. I prayed that the Natori King did not make such a demand as that. Though, I was prepared to also confer with Danai if that was the case. If both kings chose that path, I would not allow Rax to go without first recieving the word from our Queen.

"I know you can care for yourself, brother. I am concerned because both of us could be overpowered if we aren't careful. One guard... I would feel better if I were going with you rather then both of us being split up on this matter." I tell my brother and then sit down, waiting to recieve word from Natori so I can better determine the situation.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

ooc: because of the fact that I am the only one with true Lythar knowledge, I figured I'd NPC an elder.

~Elder Torin~

As the others discuss things with me, it is decided that we will give the information we do have on Lythar from a long ago contact that was made. “Come my Queen. I will tell you all that we know.” I stand and walk toward her. I am one of the only female members on the elders counsel. I was also the only one around when the contact was made. Glancing back at the others I simply nod before speaking again to our Queen. "It was nearly eighty years ago. A ship crashed not far from where I was growing up. On it, was a couple. Despite wounds they had, they seemed to be living, healing themselves when my father and I found them."

I led the way to my private study as I continued to speak, "The couple, named Colt and Mara, were traveling when a ship fired upon theirs and they barely managed to guide they vessel to an area where they couldn't cause damage to homes. Their leader, the still current queen, had sent them on a scientific expedition. They were determined to make it home, to get away from here before they died. They looked much like we do, but in truth they had differences." I explained as we entered the study and I pulled up one of the cubes that held everything from back then.

Switching the cube on, I showed her the couple. Both were standing together with raven hair and their ears pointed. Turning on a specific file, the couples speech came through.

"My wife and I come from a world several weeks travel from yours, we were not meant to make contact with anyone in this sector as we traveled. We were simply surveying and making notes for later use. Despite the healing our bodies have done, our lives are shortened. We have to make it home to Lythar, but we need to use your communications port in order to send for someone that can bring us home. We don't want to be caught up in this war your planet is in the midst of."

"What sort of people are you?" A young girls voice asked in the recording.

"Our people are of peace, we enjoy life and yet we often have to fight those that would try and take things from our world. We have societies of warriors and of those connected to magic. Our Queen rules in such a way that we are nearly as equal as she is. We have priestess's that help to calm all negativity from our minds. The best thing we have is our technology." The man was speaking again.

"Yes, we have things for defense and protection, personal and planetary. Please, Torin... you and your father have been kind letting us remain, but our life span is limited due to the damage we recieved during our crash. We have children we'd like to see again." The woman spoke.

"My father will see what he can do, but I don't quite understand. You both seem so young and healthy, how can you be certain you are dying?" Torin asked.

"Our people have long life spans. I'm nearly four hundred years old but thanks to a gift of our people, I would be able to live much longer, but the gift that gave me that life has been damaged. My husband and I will be lucky if we have more then five weeks to live." Mara replied again.

The image shimmered and shut down. "This was all I have, it was damaged not long after. Mara and Colt didn't manage to make it offland, my father was unable to get aid and we couldn't have let them become common knowledge. Before they left, they showed me what made them have such long lives." I explained and reached into my shirt, removing the gem that hung on a chain around my neck. "It's worthless now, but this was from them."
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by StormWolfstone »

Waiting on a Kyle here and will be working on Isabel asap.... as well as continuing Trevor and doing Khivar.....
A List of All My Fics

My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by Anna-Liisa »

Sorry, sorry. I haven't been feeling all that well. Storm, I'm going to be posting for CG soon ASAP. I'll probably work on a Kyle well as a Travis one.
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Post by ~Ruby~ »


I watch the display on the cube thoughtfully, feeling slightly more at ease about the situation although the new information provokes more questions to form. How is it possible for them to live to be over 400 years old? Their magic as well as their technology seems so much greater then anything I’ve ever seen or heard of before.

"This was all I have, it was damaged not long after. Mara and Colt didn't manage to make it offland, my father was unable to get aid and we couldn't have let them become common knowledge. Before they left, they showed me what made them have such long lives." Elder Torin explained as she reached into her shirt and took out a gem that hung on a chain around her neck. “It's worthless now, but this was from them."

I study the gem briefly, amazed that it once held so much power. Its looks like countless other gems that I have in my jewellery boxes back at the palace and yet this one gem was able to extend life. It really is quite amazing. I wonder what Lythar is like. It sounds almost too good to be true and its people are quite beautiful with their raven hair and pointed ears.

Absentmindedly, I reach up and finger my blonde curls and wonder what it would be like to be dark-haired and beautiful. Lytharians seem to be quite a extraordinary race and I can’t help but wonder what we have to offer them.

“Lythar sounds like a utopia.” I murmur, looking back up at Elder Torin. “What do we have to offer them? Their technology is superior to ours and they have discovered a way to prolong their lives. They bring a lot more to the table then us but there must be something that they need from us otherwise this meeting wouldn‘t be taking place.” I sigh as I look out of the study window at the people going about their daily lives. “I know that this alliance would be a great thing for Matai but apart of me worries that something will go wrong and I don’t want to put our people at risk.”
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