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Elizabeth Kivana
Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2001 - Good to see you again.

Chapter 30

A year later, on the anniversary of Liz’s departure, the group gathered it Max’s apartment. Yes, Max had moved out, somewhere around Christmas and only three months later, he celebrated his 18th birthday. It was pretty much the size of Michael’s bit maybe a little more better organised. Anyway, the group gathered about a week later. As everyone arrived and found him or herself a place to sit, Max took a moment to look around the room.

His sister and Rath were now living in Santa Fe where Isabel already began her medicine university. And to add on that, the couple eloped as soon as his sister did turned 18. They did it in Las Vegas but Max insisted on three things. Not in Elvis’s chapel, not in Phoenix and not I shall believe. They did as told and had the group meet them in Santa Fe. It was actually how they decided on that place to live. Isabel had offers from all parts of the country. But Santa Fe won her over.

Maria and Michael were still in Roswell, working in Crashdown. During the summer, Maria was offered a record deal and the two went to New York but she soon realised that she couldn’t do it the way they wanted her. So they came back. Jeff Parker didn’t mind it. He took them back with open arms. They had another year to finish in West Roswell High and with Maria’s strong arm, she was able to keep Michael seated down and head in the books so he will be finishing with all of them.

Alex and Tess. Alex already was accepted to Las Cruses. The two agreed that he would go but Tess would stay. She had no intention of actually going to collage, which surprised the young alien king. But he decided not to get into with their personal life. Michael had already tried doing it and ended up being in a fight with the girl that he considered his baby sister.

Kyle was taking up mechanics lessons along with school and working as something like an apprentice in a garage. Nikki, thanks to Vince, transferred schools here and was working hard to do great so she could go to the school of her choice, in Art. Max knew only so little in it.

Zan and Serena. Zan had no intention of going to school so he spent most of his days, doing nothing in the house because he couldn’t really get a job and be seen during the day when Max was supposed to be in school. The two agreed to tell the Evans’s. But they knew they needed a whole lot then just ‘this is my duplicate, mom and dad’. Serena was, along with school, singing with Jim Valenti’s band.

Speaking of Jim Valenti, everyone’s favourite sheriff got fired last year when the incident with Laurie Dupree happened. Michael learned about his human origins and the sheriff became the ex-sheriff. He didn’t hold it against the kids in any way. Instead, he formed his band.

Then finally, Max. Max, Max, Max. What could be said about the young man? After Liz left, he spent most of his time, in books, work and worrying about everyone. Then there was the constant journal update. He never dated, eve though girls threw themselves at him. One day, during lunch a group of girls gathered around them, wanting Max’s attention. Pam Troy was in front of them all, wanting him all for herself. Serena felt sorry for him so she just got up and kissed him in front of everyone. At first, he was taken by surprise but it seemed like she was telling him with her mind what she was doing so he relaxed. Of course, there was Zan to explain it to later.

“Max, I have to get back and study. Can we hurry this up.” – Isabel rushed her brother back to reality. He looked at her and nodded. –“Alright, thanks for coming, guys. I’m sorry that we drifted in the last few months.”- he paused, thinking for a second. –“Maxwell, ya out of words or what?” – Michael cut in and everyone looked at him.

“Look, guys, it’s been a fucked up year, which we all know. We’ve all been here and we’ve seen it through, kicking their asses so bad that they didn’t know what hit them. And I say, hip hip hooray for us. But we still have another year ahead. She’s gona be back then and I’m sure she’ll expect progress. And not just in schooling and jobs but also in the way we are to each other. This whole drifting apart sucks and she won’t like it, No, she won’t like it all. So how do you suggest we change it?” – Michael looked at Max for the approval of his words and got a nod. He then looked at everyone else.

“He’s right.” – Nikki suddenly spoke, for the first time. But what Max noticed then was that she wasn’t the one speaking. Her eyes were in the colour of the granolith. It had been a year since she felt any kind of connection with it. And suddenly, it was using her to talk. She stood up and looked all of them. –“She has had a hard enough time as it. With all that takes her time. The good and the bad. Mostly, the bad. When she comes home, in the following year, she will want family and the warmth of her friends. Being divided is not good. It will not bring her any kind of peace.”- Max noticed that the others realised that they understood who or what it was now. –“And she will need each and every one of you.” and with that, she was gone, who ever it was that spoke to them. Max could only assumed that it was Liz’s birthmother again.

“We know she’s right. But what do we do about it?” – Alex said as Tess adjusted in his lap, rested her head on his right shoulder. He had his hands wrapped around her stomach. Everyone looked at Max. –“We spend more time together.”- he said simply. –“We talk.”- he looked at each and every face in the room. –“We listen.”- another pause. –“And finally, we respect each other more.”- he concluded. His friends nodded.


so much has happened lately, Liz. On the anniversary of your departure, I call all of them to come. Or most of them. Ava and Vince are on their vacation in Florida now so they didn’t come. Let’s start from the basics. First, Isabel and Rath eloped. No Elvis chapel, no Phoenix and no ‘I shall believe’, no worries. They’re in Santa Fe now and Isabel’s doing great in school. Who would have thought? Medicine! Michael and Maria are back. Maria’s record deal didn’t work. Something about them wanting her to do a different kind of music and she wouldn’t do it. We’re all glad for her because, she doesn’t have to give up her music for them. And she didn’t. So they’re back here, right as they left things. Your dad let them work in the Crash again. Which wasn’t a surprise much, to be honest.

Kyle seems to be doing well in mechanics. I don’t understand why he wants to do it at the same with school but that’s not my business. Vince got Nikki transferred to West Roswell High and she’s doing good in school. I think she’s going to ace the Art dream. You won’t believe Tess! She’s not going to collage! Could you believe that? Alex is already invited to Las Cruces but she’s staying in Roswell. I was going to talk with her but Michael did it already and it was ugly. Ugly with a capital U. So I ran and hide like a good little king. :)

Zan has a pretty non-busy life. He can’t really be out since I’m in school. So it can cause problems. We’re gonna be telling our mom and dad about him soon, Isabel and I. Wish us luck. After the whole thing with Laurie Dupree, wrote you about it before, the sheriff got fired. But he seems all right. He started his own band and Serena’s his singer. From time to time, it gets really creepy. Or at least, that’s what Kyle says. Thank God that Zan doesn’t see them or Valenti would be dead. Speaking of dead people, I should probably mention that Serena kissed me a while back. Easy, girl. It was just a kiss, I swear. A bunch of girls were gathering around me, Pam Troy shot gun so she kissed me to get them off my back. I doubt Pam Troy got the message but what every. It was bad when she told Zan. I don’t think he’s forgiven me yet. On some nights, I lock myself in my place and Zan and Ser go out to be seen. I don’t see how that can work since he has long hair but it seems to be working just fine!

Where was I? Oh right. Like I said Ava and Vince couldn’t make it. They’re in Florida. My dad gave Vince a week off. Wait, did I tell you? Vince got a job as a lawyer. It seems he beat a sure winner, some guy name Jesse Ramirez. Serena commented that it was good that neither Iz nor Lonnie were here since he’s their type. What are they talking about? Anyway, Vince seems to be a great lawyer. My dad thanks me every time he sees me. All I do is smile.

Your mother was here, on the meeting. Or at least I think it was she. One of them took over Nikki to tell us you were coming. To tell us that it’s bad up there. It makes me worry even more. What’s going on up there? I can’t stop to wonder. I miss you. I miss you so much Liz. Sometimes I can’t sleep for hours when I think about you. Other nights I dream just about you. I have a new favourite song. It’s called ‘I don’t wana to miss a thing’ by Aerosmith. It’s appropriate, don’t you think? I love you. Never forget that.

Max closed the black journal and took a deep breath as the music on his headphones finished. ‘I don’t wana miss a thing’ was really is favourite song and he listened to it all the time. It seemed so perfect for him. He rubbed his eyes and put the journal on the night stand next too his bed. Adjusting himself, he lay his bed on the pillow and closed his eyes, drifting to sleep right away.


He walked through a long hallway, unsure where he was going. He seemed to be in the body but he wasn’t in control. He stopped in front of a large mirror, to look at himself. He stared in shock at the image ahead of him. He looked almost like him. Well, he looked much more like Zan because of the longer hair. But then it hit him, it was Zan. Just not the Earth one. He smirked at the sight of him and continued to walk.

He arrived to a huge set of doors and pushed them open, entering something that seem to be like a closed garden. He walked quietly through the trail, like he was lurking. Then suddenly, he was on the ground and laughing so hard. When the creature about him stopped, he looked at it. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. She had the most perfect face, black eyes and beautiful long brown hair. He knew who it was, from deep inside him. He felt himself smile.

“My my, princess, looking more beautiful each time I see you.” – he told her. She blushed. –“You’re just saying that, your highness.”- she said getting up. He sat up first and then got up, dusting himself. He looked back at her, the glass roof let the midnight light come in. From something that seemed to be the moon. And she was glorious like that. –“Ellie, how many times have I told you?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m supposed to call you Zan.” – she interrupted him. He smirked shaking his head. –“Have you ever considered I call you like that as you call me princess?”- she said, getting close to him and resting his hands on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Moving her hands around his neck, he nodded. –“You like i when I call you princess-”- he informed her. She stuck out her lower lip pouting as she looked down for a second before looking back into his eyes. –“You don’t like my pet name for you. I’m hurt, Zannder.”- she said with a sad tone of voice.

He moved to her and kissed her nose gently before moving his lips over hers. He gently brushed her lips with his before he kissed her again, she let him kiss her with his tongue this time. As they parted, she smiled. –“Anything you do, I love, princess. I’m sorry.”- he told her and she giggled.-“What’s so funny?”- he asked suspiciously.

“Don’t ever apologize. It doesn’t work for you.” – she said and continued to giggle. –“Is that so?”- he asked her. She nodded. –“It is.”- he nodded too. –“I see.”- he said and kissed her again. Something about it reminded him of him and Liz but he wasn’t sure what. –“I love you, Ellie.”- Zan said.

The young girl looked at him for a second. She adored him and her eyes didn’t hide it. Finally she smiled. –“I love you too, Z.”- she told him and she kissed him.

[End Dream]

Max woke up and looked around the room. The light by his bed was still on. When she looked at the alarm clock on the table, he realised it was only a half an hour later. And he was wet in sweat. Sitting up, he rested his elbows on his knees and dug his head in his hands, not understanding what this meant. Finally he got up and walked into the kitchen and got himself a glass of water, his mind still thinking about the dream. He wondered if it even was a dream. He finished the glass and walked out of the kitchen and then paused. He had to know if it was real or not. He walked into his bedroom and put on a t-shirt and shoes and took his car keys.

Outside of his apartment, he got into his car and drove to the dupe’s house. As he arrived there, he parked the car and walked to the doors, ringing the doorbell. As soon as he did, he realised he shouldn’t have. It was in the middle of the night. He saw the light come on and then Serena opened the door in her robe. She could barely see. –“This better be good, Maxwell.”- she warned him and let him in. –“I really need to talk to Zan.”- he simply said. She nodded, waved him into the living room, closed the doors and left him there.

By the time he came into the living room, Zan came out, wearing only the pants of his PJ’s. He rubbed his eyes and looked at Max, half-asleep and half angry. –“This better be life and death, Evans.”- Zan warned him. Unlike Serena, Zan was someone to take serious. Max sat down and nodded. –“I had a dream.”- he started.

“WHAT?” – Zan yelled. –“What?”- he hissed, knowing that Serena wanted to sleep. He sat on the armchair across him. –“Ya out of yar fucking mind?”- he hissed again at his dupe.

“Zan, please.” – Max pleaded him. He needed to know. Zan nodded after a few seconds. –“I had a dream tonight but I don’t think it was a dream. I think it was a memory. Of that Zan.”- he whispered. Zan seemed far more awake now. –“What was it?”

“It was in some kind of inner garden.” – he said certain that it was enough information. Zan raised his eyebrow. –“Max, that was our favourite place with Ellie. Ya gonna have to do better then that.”- he told him. Max was surprised but nodded.

“I was Zan. He looked himself in the mirror and then walked in. She crashed into him and tickled him. Then she called him ‘your highness’ and he told her he didn’t like it.” – Max talked, remembering as much as he could. –“She pouted and then he told her he loved her.”- he finished. Zan nodded, remembering. He smirked.

“Oh, yeah, I remember that. She was all surprised once I said it.” – Zan spoke in the first face. –“So, you remember all of that?”- Max asked. Zan nodded slowly. –“We always have. I think Liz knows too, I just never said it. I couldn’t.”- he admitted.

“Why did we, you, he, I don’t know . . . pick Ava?” – Max finally asked. He needed to know. Zan rubbed his eyes and looked away. –“Ava was more powerful then Ellie ever knew.”- he finally started. Max was silent, listening. –“It turned out that they were some kind of long distant relatives. One of her mother’s brothers mated with a slave girl and he was thrown out of da family. Then da kid married some royalty from another planet and you get Ava.”- he paused taking a deep breath. Looking down, he shook his head and put his hands over his head.

Looking back at his dupe, he continued. –“I didn’t know this until Ava, my Ava told me.”- he explained in the middle of the story, referring the Ava in his royal four. Max nodded. –“But she mindwarped me. Da first time I saw her, in the lake, she was beautiful. I won’t deny that. I felt something familiar in her. I know now. She comes from the same line of women as Ellie does. As much as Ellie has dark hair and eyes, Ava had light hair and eyes.”- another pause. –“That day I told Ellie I never wanted to marry any other woman but her. And I didn’t lie. But da next morning . . . da next morning when I woke up, I was in love with Ava. I had no idea how it happened. Part of me still cared about Ellie but it was Ava.” – a pause with a sigh.

Max observed his duplicate. He seemed devastated by the story. It hurt him to but it seemed to effect Zan more. More, because he had to live with it all these years. He moved his hand and put it on Zan’s shoulder. When the more alien king looked at him, he got a nod of gravitate. Zan then talked on. –“Two nights later, I talked to my father and he announced that I’ill marry her. I took her to da glassed garden then-”- he stopped talking like he couldn’t speak anymore. And he couldn’t. Because what he was about to say, was the ultimate truth of what he had done to the woman he loved.

But when he looked at Max, he knew he had to continue. –“I took her there and I kissed her. I’m not sure if even wanted. But it was like, I had to. Ellie seen us that night. Which I didn’t know then. God, I didn’t know so much. And I hurt her so bad.”- he said, shaking his head again.

“We both did.” – Max suddenly said. –“You had to carry the memories and it was worse for you. But it hurts her too. So much. Not knowing what he turned from her.”- he told him, getting his attention. –“Zan, sometimes, when she looks at me, she looks at me and sees that Zan. Mostly in the eyes, she said.”- he informed him. Zan nodded.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Guys, all of you reading, I want to thank but I'd also like to add that feedback is really really wanted!

pandas2001 - Think, dear. What is it that Tess in the show always wanted?

Chapter 31 – Never say Goodbye by Elton John (?)

Max turned to side and hit the alarm clock on the nightstand. He had to get up because he had work in an hour and he had to get ready before he did. Like each day, he got up, took a shower and got dressed and then ate breakfast. He had about half an hour once he had finished all and he thought which day in the week it was. It was Friday. Yesterday night he decided on updating the journal for Liz today. It had been months since he had done it the last time.

He took it from the draw of his desk and sat on on the chair. He took the pen in his hand and then he thought about everything that happened. Finally, he brought the pan to the paper and began to write.

At first, I wanted to write very often but after I while I’ve come to realise that it would be real stupid. a bunch of updates with small news. And like I said, it would be real stupid. Anyway, after my last update, I had a dream. It was about Zan and Ellie. The same night, I went to Zan and he told me that it was a memory. And it was beautiful. Just like you were. And me, I was different. I mean, I could still see myself but something different. It was one of the times in the glass garden, as Zan calls it, when that Zan told Ellie he loved her.

Once he told this I had to know if what happened between them. And he told me. We talked for hours after he told me. About Ellie, Zan and what they were like. I think it was one of the best nights I had in weeks. Before and after. But I might as well write here what he told me. I asked him and he said it. Ava turned out be the granddaughter of one of Ellie’s uncles. The uncle, one of many brother’s your mother had slept with a slave and then the kid married a royalty from Ava’s planet. Then there was Ava. So she was a whole lot more powerful then Ellie believed her to be. She mindwarped him. She mindwarped him into loving her, into kissing her that night in their favorite place. It was a lie. Fake. She took the choice from him. I read your journal and you wrote how Tess did that in the other timeline, when she first came. I couldn’t look at her for days after that. When I finally told her why, she couldn’t look at me. I know Tess isn’t Ava or that Tess but she feels guilty. We all feel guilt for our past lives, no matter how much we get warned that we mustn’t be like that.

Well, to put that aside, three months after our graduation came. It was a great. Expect the fact that a woman was killed behind the Crash, a week before it. To think that Tess, Maria or Nikki (she took your place) could have been out there, I feel pain in my stomach because of it, even now. But no worries, everyone’s safe and sound. Actually, Isabel had a pretty painful month. She gave birth to her son just last week ago. As soon as she saw him, she started yelling about something in the dream. It seemed that only Rath understood what she was talking about. I’m not sure about the baby’s name yet but I’ll add it as soon as I do.

I took a year off to decide what I want to do. But I’m covered. Brody gave me half of the UFO Center. I wanted to pay but he said he’d kill me if I even thought about it. I took his word for it. With his money, I’m sure he could have it done. But did you know he had a daughter? Sydney. That’s her name. You see, this Christmas, I saw a man die as he saved his daughter and after that, his spirit haunted me, until I made some kind of balance. Maria, still good with Brody, told me about Sydney and I visited her in the hospital as she got worse. But once I got there, I couldn’t refuse the other children. I healed all of them. And I almost died. My God, I put all of us in risk for those children. I couldn’t stop. But with my gift, what am I good for if I don’t help others when they need me? I was called The Christmas Miracle. It made me proud even though I didn’t say anything. To most of them.

We finally told our parents. My dad was starting this weird investigation on why we did things and it scared me. But Isabel won and we told them. They met Zan. My mom was a little scared, unlike my dad. He was alright with it. He kept convincing her. But when Zan walked in, she just forgot everything and she hugged him. She was amazing. I was so proud of her. Once we told them about Zan and being not-from-this-earth, we told them the whole story. Then we told them what’s up with you. I think she prays for you. :) You just have to love her. I love you, Liz. I’m right here for you.

He put the pen on the desk, closed the journal and put it in it’s draw, locking it up. He took the key on the necklace and put it around his neck where he kept it whenever he wasn’t in the house. He got up and walked out of the study area, took his car keys in the short hallway and walked out of the apartment, looking it. Leaving the building, he walked to his car and got in, driving to work.

<center>*** </center>

“So what are you saying?” – when Max walked into the dupe house, he found it very busy. Rath and Michael were in the kitchen cooking dinner. Isabel sat on the couch talking to Kyle and laughing at something he said. Zan and Jim were in a deep conversation. Alex sat in front of his laptop working on some new program and explaining it to Nikki. Despite the fact that she was a full fleshed art student, she found programming as a side hobby. She’s even considered moving her artwork to the computer. That’s where Alex came in. Maria and Tess set the table. As usual, Ava and Vince were no where to be seen as Vince always had to work late. And the voice he heard when he walked in belonged to Serena who kept pacing around and laughing into the phone.

“Come on! Get real! El, ya makin’ this up!” – she laughed in the phone. Max walked over to the kitchen counter and sat on one of the stools. Michael looked at Rath. –“I blame Zan for that.”- his second in command told his dupe, who only nodded. They got back to cooking.

Max looked at Alex and Nikki for a second. –“So basicly, this is the basic code. I build it from there?”- Nikki was the one talking. Alex nodded and pointed his laptop to her. She started typing fast into it, pausing for a few seconds and then working again. She finished half a minute later and looked at her mentor. He looked at the screen, grinned and nodded. –“Nikki, this is great.”- he just said.

“Great or not, move it from the table.” – Tess came with more plates. Max heard a bit of a jealousy from her. It surprised him because Tess was not the one for that. –“Yes, hot blond.”- Alex said and closed his laptop, much to Nikki’s disappointment. Tess just smiled and then glared at Nikki. He shook his head off. Tess was not the one to mess with, by far. Nikki stood up and walked ot the couch, sitting next to Kyle, who seemed to busy talking to Isabel.

-“What else does that book of yours says?”- Max heard Isabel say, almost mocking. –“Laugh if it up, Ice.”- Kyle said, using his old nickname for her. –“But Buddhism has brought me so much peace I needed after Wreck-o-Isabel.” – ‘don’t go there’, Max though as he watched Isabel’s smile turned into a cold glare. –“Rath.”- Max said, looking at Isabel, who seemed ready to explode.

To well, everyone’s relief, her son started crying. She glared at Kyle once more and then got up and walked into Rath’s old bedroom to check on him. Max looked at Michael’s dupe. –“No worries, duke. That kid is like her limp. She gets pissed and ‘e cries.”- he explained and then carried a huge hot bowl to the table. By that time Isabel walked back, carrying her son. Max smiled at his sister and nephew. She caught his look and she walked over to him, handing the baby boy to him. Max lifted him a little higher.

“Hey, kid. I’m your uncle Max. You’re the first of us to be born here. Congrats. You’re gona be meeting your aunt Liz soon, I promise.” – he told her and then he kissed his forehead. Isabel moved to Rath and he wrapped his arms around her waist, as they both watched their son smile to his uncle. –“You have a name for him yet?”- Max then looked at her, bringed the child, closer. The baby rested his head on Max’s shoulder. Isabel shook her head. –“We can’t seem to work on anything.”- She explained and Rath kissed her cheek.

”Well, that was weird.” – Serena said joining them as she hung up. –“What is?”- The Alien King asked her. –“Eleanor. She and Kal are . . . it’s a really really long strong, Max.”- She then just said and left. She really didn’t feel like talking about it. –“What was that about?”- Maria said as she helped Tess set the table.

As they finished, Isabel took her son form Max and Rath brough his laying geer, as they called it and put it on the sitting area of the window to be close to them. Everyone but Ava and Vic joined them. –“Vic working late again?”- Isabel asked Nikki, who nodded. –“Yeah, yar dad makin’ ‘im work his ass off.”- She explained. –“And Ava?”- Tess asked. Nikki just shrugged.

The phone rang. –“Max, can ya?”- Nikkia asked Max since he was the closest. He nodded, got up and took the phone. –“Yeah?”- He answered. - ”Which one is it?” – A rough male voice came from the other side. Kal. –”Max.” – He answered without any questions. Kal was always grumpy around him and he never pushed. –“Listen, kid. I don’t have have forever. Lizzie has a suggestion for your sister’s kid.” – He told him. Max was slightly strucked by the information. He turned to his friends and family. –“You talked to Liz?”- He asked then. Serena got up and walked over to him in an instant. He struck out his index finger as a gesture for her to wait. She nod. -”Just shut up and listen, kid. Remember this. Antarius. From Antar. Get it?” - He asked him then quickly added. -”That’s all. Bye.” – And the line went dead before Max could ask a single thing.

Everyone seemed to be expecting. He hung up and put the phone down. –“He said he talked to her.”- He informed them then looked at Isabel. –“Has an idea for your son. Antarius.”- She told him. His sister raised an eyebrow. Look to Rath. He had a grin on his face.


To say at least, Isabel was not pleased that Liz was giving her advice, all way from Antar to say at least. Max heard her argue with Rath in her room. He didn’t really question it. He just went home.


Well that was the lunch. Isabel didn’t take you suggestion well even though I thought it was alright. Kal had his usual behavior. Same old Kal. Oh, Tess was jeleous at Nikki, the way she and Alex worked on. It was funny, to be honest. Seeing her jeleous. I miss you, Liz. I cant’ wait for you to come home, so we can be happy.

Love, Max.
Last edited by Elizabeth Kivana on Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Location: Granolith Chamber

Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2001 - Yep, she always wants power. I can make Tess good in the story but she'd realy evil deep depp down for me. I cannot help it.
For Isabel and Liz, I'm gona need to work with it. I don't think it's Liz. I think it's Iz.

NOTICE: Alright, guys, this is not an update, not really. I was going to post this chapter today when I realized I had already posted with chapter 31. Chapter 33 coming tomorrow.

Chapter 32 – ‘The Show must go on’ from Moulin Rouge

Heavy breathing. Nightmares. When Max woke up that night, he couldn’t tell for sure if it was a dream or was reality. He had seen Liz in dreams. She cried and begged and called out his name and bleaded. He didn’t know to her. He wanted to help her but he could. He couldn’t do a single thing. Sigh. He turned to his side it was 3 am.

He heard silent vibrations on his nightstand. His cellphone. As he picked it up, he saw the number. Isabel. He picked up and answered. –“Isabel?”- He asked. It was not normal for his sister just to call at this house. –”Max?”- Isabel sounded surprised to hear his voice. –“What’s wrong, Iz?”

”I had a nightmare.” – She confessed. Not the same? He wondered then. –“About Liz. She was in pain. And she called my name.”- He said instead of her. -”Actually, she called my name in the dream. “ – She told him then. So they had dreamed the same thing, with different names. What did it mean. And then he remembered. Today was the day she was to return. –“Is it a message? She’s coming back today.”- He thought out loud. -”Is she?” – Isabel questioned.

“What are you saying, Isabel?” – He asked her surprised by her question. -”Max, we haven’t heard about her in forever. And Kal doesn’t call. Larek hasn’t been taking over Brody. I don’t what to say or thing anymore.” - She did not lie. She was honest ot her brother. She had doubts about Liz. And if she was coming back.

”I’ll talk to you later.” – He said and hung up. He threw the phone to his bed and turned to his back, holding his breath. He exhailed then and closed his eyes. He saw her again. He opened his eyes right away. He could not bare to see her. It was so painful. And what did it all mean? Was she coming back?


It was already past midnight, same day. Kal hadn’t called and Zan and Rath took turns in patroling the granolith. Nothing. Not a sound, message. Anything. Just the dream Isabel and Max, but nobody else shared. It was weird. And it began to scare the friends. Then the door bell rang. Michael got up and answered it. Brody.

“Hello. Michael, isn’t it?”- He asked, as if he didn’t know. Maybe he didn’t. Max came in the front. –“Brody?”- He question and got a shake of head. –“No, it’s Larek.”- He answered simply. –“Where’s Liz?”- He asked then as Michael stepped aside. Brody or Larek didn’t move from his place. –“I can asure you, Kivana is quite alright, and so is Elizabeth.”

There isn't much I haven't shared
With you along the road
And through it all there'd always be
Tomorrow's episode
Suddenly that isn't true
There's another avenue
Beckoning, the great divide
Ask no questions, take no side
Who's to say who's right or wrong
Whose course is braver run
Will ever be, ask one

“Why would you say it twice?” – Nikki and Serena came in the front. But it was Nikki that asked then. They were soon joined by the rest of them. –“Larek, my love?”- A soft voice came from the back. Max’s heart almost choked. He knew the voice. It wasn’t Liz but he knew it. Kivana Ellie. Larek moved to the side revealing her. Tall, slim with long brown hair, big brown eyes. She came to him and he took her hand. She looked at them with a soft gaze then smiled. –“Patience, Maxwell, please. She has had a hard trip and a very hard nine years. She’s home, with parents. Sleeping.”- She told him, softly.

What is done has been done for the best
Though the mist in my eyes might suggest
Just a little confusion about what I'll lose
But if I started over I know I would choose
The same joy the same sadness each step of the way
That fought me and tought me that friends never say
Never say goodbye

”Ya mean to say ya ain’t one?” – Rath came, hand in hand with Isabel, who held her son. Kivana Eli smiled looking at the child. –“He is beatiful, Isabella. What is his name?”- She asked the mother. –“My name is Isabel. And his name . . . ”- She looked at Rath then at Ellie. –“Is Phillip Metpar Evans.”- She told her. Ellie smiled. There was pride in her smile. –“May I hold the little angel?” – She asked happily. Isabel nodded and gave her the child. Ellie looked at the baby as she held him. –“You will soon have a little cousin, Phillip. He’s going to beautiful. And one day, you’re going to have a lots and lots of cousins.”- She told her with a smile.

Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye

“What do you mean?” – Maria but in. Ellie looked at her. –“Larek and I are having a son.”- She explaiend then looked at the man she loved. Zan and Max were instantly hit with an old flarmmy jeleousy. Their best friend in their life and the woman they loved. –“Well, we must be going.”- Ellie practicly woke then up from the dream.

Never say goodbye

She gave the baby back to Isabel with a soft loving smile and gently waved at him. –“Why so soon?”- Nikki asked. –“We must visit Kal and Eleanor. We have seen them in a very long time.”- She told her. –“And then we must back because baby will grow with acceleration here. And I cannot give here. Antar is not different to much but the baby would not live them right.”- She told then paused and looked at all of them.

Suddenly that isn't true
There's another avenue
Beckoning, the great divide
I would choose

“I want you to know that I proud of each and every one of you. And I love you, all of you. You were great friends, boyfriends, lovers, siblings.” – Her eyes roamed from each and every face. –“I shall never forget you. The war has ended now. My brother and Velonda have passed way into another world. I can only hope they will happy there. Elizabeth will be well, when she recovered from the nightmare she went through on Antar. She will need the help of each and every one of you. But know this. Just because I above, does not mean I do not watch over you. I will miss you. But I know where I belong and I will not take was isn’t mine. This is yours and live to the fullest.”

The same joy the same sadness each step of the way
That fought me and taught me that friends never say

She told them with a smirk then moved to Serena, hugged her. She moved to Nikki, hugged her. She moved to Isabel and kissed her cheek then the baby’s forehead. Rath hugged her. Zan did the same and kissed her cheeck. Tess and Ava parted with her with a nod. She winked at them both. She hugged Vince, then Alex and Kyle. Finally, she came to Max. She paused looking at him.

Never say goodbye
Never say goodbye

“Thank you, Max. For loving Elizabeth. For loving me in the last life. I know the truth. What she had done to you and I never you never stopped loving me, at least not with your will. You will always be a great part of my life.” – She looked at him as a tear came down her cheek. –“Lizzie needs you right now. Give all you can and love her to the end. You will happy. And blessed.”- She said with a wink then hugged him. The hug was long and then she kissed his cheek.

Never say goodbye

There it was a Goodbye. A goodbye from Ellie to all oof them. She’d love them, she’d remember them but it was not her home. It was not her time. It was Liz’s time. The poor girl had done her deal, payed a price for something she had not done and now she had the right.

Never say goodbye

Max watched them as Ellie and Larek locked hands and then they were gone. They just dissapeared. It was almost magic.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Hey, guys, I know it's been forever but my comp, it was never fixed and all my stuff are in the hald drive that my genious brother isn't sure how to put back in. I had to re-do this chapter but no worries, it's finally done.

Chapter 33

The bedroom of the only Parker child was intact. Nancy nor Jeff wanted to change it. Perhaps to hide from the truth they hated so much: Lizzie was growing up. Just as Liz had left it, the bed was in the middle, her table on the left, all the pictures and such on the shells. All was it was, perhaps the fact that the bed was made. And when she left, Max was sleeping in it.

But what was different from the last two years was the fact that Liz Parker was now sleeping in her own bed. After nine long years. Nine years she hated so bad. In the middle of the bed, covered with the red blanket. Her brown hair lay gently on the pillow with her head. But there was a small difference there. Liz's hair wasn't long anymore. It wasn't nice. It seemed cut at home, and perhaps in anger. True, it was. Anger. Hate. Fear. It was all put in one as Liz Parker cut down inch by inch, up on Antar. Why? Because she didn't want to look at Liz in the mirror. She didn't want to see the same human who grew up on Antar. Really, she wasn't human. But who was she? Her planet, it didn't exist. Her parents, they were dead. Her brother, he was killed. She had no family. But sleeping the bed she missed for so long, brought a clear, beautiful sleep. No nightmares, no fear. But peace. And only peace.

The sleeping beauty turned to the other side with a smile on her face. She didn't care about the world right now. Nor the time. She just wanted to sleep, in the blissful silence, without stress. Without fear. Without constant duty. Soon, she would wake and once again remember the hell of Antar the nine years have brought her. But there was something nice. It was what made her smile in her sleep, without even knowing it. A child grew inside her. Larek's child. A beautiful little baby that she loved already. Under the blanket, she reached over her stomach. But in her sleep, she didn't notice there wasn't anything or anyone inside. She was just Liz Parker. Despite who she was in the last life, she was a bit stronger then Max, Isabel, Tess or Michael now. She wasn't as half as strong as Kivana Eli. But right now, the dreams protected her from that. It was all she could count on at the moment.


A beautiful tall woman, wearing black pants and a black top, high healed shoes, with her beautiful long brown hair falling down her shoulders, walked through the hallway, back and forward. Her company, also an handsome man, was getting a bit irritated by it, so, as she passed him, she grabbed her arm, getting her attention. She looked at him and saw a warm smile. She smiled back then sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright." - He swore to her. But how could he make such a promise?

"You promise?" - She needed proof. She loved him, she did. But after everything in life, who could blame her? Everything that she was in the past and what she could have become in the future made her the woman she was today.

He kissed her forehead. -"I swear, Kivana."- He told her. She smiled and took his hand into hers. It was all she needed it. It didn't matter if maybe it was not true. Or if he didn't know truly, it was all that mattered to her right now.

They didn't say another word for a long while. What was it that troubled this woman? And this man? What could possibly trouble the queen of an entire system and his future husband? How could an average person know that? Their mind was a mystery, even to each other. As Larek worried about Kivana and their unborn child, Kivana was worried about Liz. She had been there with her, on Antar, and she went through all that Liz went through, maybe even more. But, Kivana Eli was strong. She had been through so much more. She could take it. She had her unborn baby and her love. And peace. She had defeated all her enemies and she was getting ready for a nice, loving, calming life. But with Liz on her mind, it just wasn't easy.


The laugh of Jeff Parker could be heard through the swing back doors. Max and Tess sat in their usual booth as Maria and Serena were just finishing with work, as so was Michael, in the kitchen. Zan was arriving any minute. And they were expecting everyone else too. With the arrival of Kivana Eli, they were now aware of Liz's comeback and they were waiting for her. Waiting for her impatient. Especially Max. Well, maybe even Serena and Maria. But Max was the most worried about her, waiting for her.

Finally, the laugher stopped. And so did all the sounds from the kitchen. Max looked at the kitchen window expecting Michael there but he didn't find him.

His second command was in fact in the backroom with the Parkers. Yes, the Parkers. Liz had woken up a few hours ago. Nancy and Jeff explained it to be trip exhaustion. And they didn't ask anything. Liz was greatful for it. Now, she was sitting down, on the couch, between then. They were ecstatic about her being home. And she was happy too. Michael, even though not blood related, was now often considered a member of the family.

Done, with her parents, she finally looked up at him. Her eyes moved to him first. She looked dark and new to Michael at that point. Then she lifted her head, looking at him. There was something royal about her. No one else had that. Michael had never seen it, in this lifetime. But he knew it.

"Mom, dad." - Liz called to her parents as she broke eye contact with Michael.

"Yeah, hunny?" - Her father said.

"I should go see my friends now, father." - She told him, for the first time using 'father'. Jeff Parker blinked, in slight shock and surprised then nodded. He looked at his wife who then joined him. They both stood up and so did Liz. With a kiss on her forehead and her cheeks, the two went upstairs leaving Liz alone with Michael. She looked at him. It was just he and she now. She assumed that the others were out there. One at a time, she knew that. She took a step forward towards him.

"Hello, Michael."


"It's been a long time."

"Yeah, I know."

"How have you been?"

The dialog was easy. Simple, with almost no emotions. Michael thought he was the master of it. He was wrong. In front of him stood a new Liz. And he wasn't sure if he liked her or not.

"Good, I guess."

"That's good."

"Yeah . . . You?"

"I'm good."

She was good? It was a lie. She didn't know how she was. But having said it too much in the last years, it had become a routine. A routine she didn't even believe anymore. He nodded. That was easy. Stonewall seemed easily convinced which made Liz suspicious.

"Everyone is waiting."

"I know."

"You gonna see them now?"

"That is what I said. And lying would be bad for my reputation."

"Your what?"

"You heard me."

Her reputation? Ah, yes. Liz had been in the court world too long that reputation had become one of the most important things to her. She learned soon enough what mattered when you were a queen and she had to live by it. So it came as no surprise when it actually came a part of her. Somewhere along the line, she had become what she pretended to be.

She slowly, and gracefully, walked past him and to the swing doors then pushed them open. Stepping into the dining area, she looked around. Max, Zan, Serena, Tess, Maria, Nikki, Alex, Ava and Isabel sat at the table. Rath walked from the bar to the table, then stopped in his tracks, seeing her. Michael walked behind her, then sat in the booth behind the gang as the table was full.

Everyone looked at her and she raised her head looking at them. After nine years, Liz didn't really have a different way of acting.

"Liz!!!" - Nikki and Serena pushed through the others and ran to Liz. They hugged her and she didn't move. It didn't seem to effect her. At all. They looked at her then back at the rest. They were confused.

"Hello, everyone." - She told them as she walked to bar stool and leaned on it. Rath sat across Michael and everyone had their eyes on her. -"How have you been?"- She asked them dipolomaticly.

"We've been good. And you?" - Alex bought it. -"I'm good. Thank you."- Spoken like a true lady. Or rather a queen visited by one of her lords. And Alex was the lord. If Liz didn't keep too much to appearances, she would have laughed about it. Alex as a lord. Interesting to think about but funny, never the less.

Max got out from the table then stopped looking at her. She seemed serious. More mature. Different. All in once. -"Hi."- He told her, simply. In the very Max too-shy tradition. She watched him for a second then nodded her head to him as a response.

"You seem to have all grown." - She noticed, looking at them. She remembered then about Isabel's baby. After all, this baby was a royalty, somehow. She looked at Max's sister. -"I know it's a bit late. But, congratulations, Isabel. On being a mom."- She told her, adding a smile to her face for the first time.

Isabel smiled the stood up. Liz did the same and they hugged. Right then, it hit her. For the first time in a long time.

Lonnie. She walked through the hallway of the palace. She had a sad face. A flash to two making love. Lonnie and her brother. Back to Lonnie. She gently touched her stomach and smiled. Everything turned black.

Pulling away from Isabel, she had tears. Tears of sadness. How could she not? Hugging the duplicate of Lonnie, Liz learned her brother and Lonnie had made love and she died pregnant with his child. Pregnant with his . . . by the laws of the granolith, Lonnie, or rather Velondra, was now part of the true royalty. She smiled then, moving and sitting down back on the stool.

"Liz, what's wrong?" - Max cut it.

"Iz, ya have a flash?" - Same but harder voice. Zan.

Liz looked at Zan, without even looking Max. Her smiled faded and she nodded, answering his question.

"Lonnie. She didn't die. Not really. She's with my family." - Everyone was confused by the words. She and Zan kept making eye contact. -"Your sister and my brother made love and she died pregnant with his child."- She explained.

A grin formed of Zan's face. He understood. Unlike some of them, he was so much more involved in these things, as Max noticed. And so where Rath and Ava. Even Serena understood, which surprised him.

"You hear that?!" - Zan looked at Ava then at Rath before looking back at Liz, who smiled.

"A good soul always finds love." - Ava declaired. Liz nodded to that.

"What's the point of love or the baby if she died right after?" - Maria stood up, not following. Those that understood, looked at her.

"The point is, Maria," - It was Liz that would explain. -"We're gods. We don't die. And neither do those caring children of our men. Velondra and Khivar and their children, their spirit is at essence of the granolith, waiting for me return the natural order."

"Natural order?" - That was Isabel.

"Bring back the sixth planet." - Now that surprised everyone, even those that understood the part about Lonnie and the baby.
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »


pandas2001 - Yep. After all, I said I would. Didn't I?
katydid - Hi. Yeah, 6th . . . mentioned it before, so best if we make it official now. :D
Sahar_ansari40 - It has a while before end but I'll do my best. Promise.

New chapter, everyone. Hope you like.

Chapter 34

After the revelation by Liz, a week passed. Everyone but Zan, Ava, Rath, Nikki and Serena wanted to find out what Liz meant by her words. Vince was too busy working his ass to be around but Liz was pretty sure that either Ava or Nikki explained what was going on to him.

Most of her friends didn't bother her much, which was good for Liz. She refused to answer any of their questions about the subject, always saying that she would do it when she was ready. And she wasn't ready yet.

But Max was different. He was persistent, constantly wanting to talk to her, leaving her notes and calling her. It seemed a little bit like stalking to someone else but Liz knew he was doing it because he loved her. But she just wasn't ready to open up to him. Around her parents, she kept a cheerful face, always mentioning some cool details from the boarding school. She combed her hair forever before she went to bed and she often made odd phone calls, refusing to share her personal things with her friends.

It was clear. Liz came back from Antar as a completely different person. And it often scared her friends. Liz could see it in their eyes but she said nothing.


It was Satuday. No school. That was good because most her subjects, she shared with friends. Which meant to them that they could ask question. It meant to her another boring hour of explaining that she wasn't ready to answer. Max never asked question at school. He would just stare at her for hours. And it was pretty scary. Even for Liz, at whom Max stared a lot through the years.

The smallest of small town girls and a queen of a far away planet sat on her bed, with her back turned to her window. Wearing black pants and a light blue blouse. And barefoot. She combed her short hair over and over thinking about the world she came back into. In two years, so much had changed. Hadn't she said that she would be a molecular biologist? Hasn't she once said she enjoyed the smell of chemicals in a lab? Where was that Elizabeth Parker gone? Why didn't she have needs for that? Why couldn't she just be that girl. Small town girl. Want nothing too much, need only one man.

That was just it. Liz Parker felt wasted. She felt ruined by a monster from Antar. She felt unworthy of Max. And Max was the centre of her world. She had loved him even before she was born in this life. She loved him from the first moment she entered that chamber on Antar, and she was only four years old.

She smiled remembering. She was a princess in every aspect. And despite her sharp comments to both Velondra and Zander, she loved him so much. And that love did not die, even after a life.

He thoughts were suddenly interrupted. Looking behind her, she stopped combing her hair. At the window, kneeling, she saw non-other then Max Evans. Who else would be coming there? Nobody but him. She put the brush on the nightstand by the bed the tip toed to the window and opened it.

"Max, what are you doing here?"

"Hi, Liz. I missed you." - He said with his sweet and begging eyes.

"Hi." - She apologised.

"What are you doing today?" - He asked her in a rapid tone. She smiled.

"I'm . . . a . . ." - She stopped then looked at his expecting eyes. -"What am I doing today, Max?"

He smiled right away. -"I thought you'd like to spend the day with me?"- he asked.

"Max . . ."

"Liz, please. Just as friends, I swear." - He swore. Could he keep it? Could hold off?

"Alright. You swore." - She nodded a few times, looking down the looked at him. -"Give me a minute."- She asked. He nodded.

Leaving him there, she walked to the closet and pulled out a pair of shoes and socks from the bottom then put them on quickly. Taking her jacket from the end of the bed, she walked over to him and climbed out the window. He seemed surprised.

"So, where are we going?" - She wondered as they were down the ladders.

"It's a surprise." - And boy did she hate surprises.


Max had his jeep waiting at the end of the alley. He had opened the doors for her and then they drove out of town. He took her to the pod chamber. As the reached the end, he stopped the car and opened the doors for her. What a gentleman.

Now, they stood in the middle of the pod chamber. As beautiful as it always was. Liz couldn't keep her eyes from the granolith and it's beauty. It was just so beautiful, shinning brighter then ever before. More purple. It was beautiful. And Max kept looking at her. It bugged her a bit but she barely noticed it. The granolith was taking over.

It was party why she had to move from the granolith. In this state, she was less protected and more drawn to it. It was too powerful for her alone.

"Liz?" - His voice brought her back. His voice always brought her back. She looked at him. -"Are you okay?"- He was worried about her. She nodded.

"Yeah. It's just so beautiful. And powerful." - She answered him. She then turned her focus to him, noticing what he was doing. He was sitting down, in Indian style and holding a black book. Not just any black book. Liz recognised her journal in his hand. Everything about her was in that journal. Oh, how she missed it.

She walked over to him then sat in the same way right next to him. She looked at it. It was just so . . . inviting. She looked at him and then at the journal. She smiled. -"My journal."

Looking up at him, she noticed that he was smiling. Why? Sure, maybe she had a face of a child seeing her present for the first time. But it was her life. This last, and before last. Everything. She put her entire soul inside and she was proud of it.

"I kept it for you. And updated." - He told her. And she smiled more. She was grateful.

"Thanks." - She told him then, without thinking, put her hand over his and over the closed diary, absorbing the new information. He was confused. She could feel his hand under hers. And she was sure he could feel the energy too.

She smiled. She could see the words in her head. Each and every one of them. Max was a good writer. She had never really noticed that before. And a very good one.

She kept reading it through her mind, line by line, going through the entries, with no order. At times she smiled, then giggled, the made a confused face, the smiled again. And then, her face froze. When something blew up to his side, Max looked at it and saw Tess's pod blown up. He looked at Liz, her eyes were completely black.

"Liz?" - He said pulling her hand from her then cupping her face with both hands. -"Liz, talk to me."- He begged her.

She blinked then looked at him. He could see her eyes slowly return to normal. -"She took him away. She's always evil. Always."- She said as a tear fell down her cheek. -"Who?"- He asked her, not following.

"Ava." - She said disgusted. He realized what she meant. She must have seen the entry about Ava mindwarping Zan on Antar. -"It was the past. She's good now. I swear."- He tried to convince her.

"No. She's betrayed us on Antar and she's betrayed us on Earth. She will do it again. Nobody changes. She'll betray us again, Max."

With those words, he could only stare at her. He had read about what Tess had done to them. But still, he had grown up with Tess. She was his little sister. He just couldn't believe it. And yet, Liz's words sang in his head. 'Nobody changes. She'll betray us again.'
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Elizabeth Kivana
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2001 - What ever would I do without you? You're always here, and posting. I just wish others would post as well.

As I said, things are messed up. This part is posted because I'm sick. It was done a few hours back and ready for posting but I had floppy issues since I don't write it on this computer, and the other one doesn't have a connection. I hope you like it. And I hope you don't like it. You'll see what I mean.

Chapter 35

Max had Liz's words on his mind all week. When ever Tess was around, he'd look at her strangely. When would ask him about it, he would just say he was worried about Liz and didn't get much sleep. But how many times could he use that? She would start to question sooner or letter. He had to do something. He had to make sure they were all safe.

He had to make sure Tess wouldn't hurt them. But he also had to make sure he wouldn't hurt because she was his sister. And Liz could be wrong.

She was just Liz now. Kivana Eli was somewhere unknown and her own person. Liz was more human now, just like he, Isabel, Tess and Michael were. He couldn't just go accusing Tess without any proof. Especially since she knows what her past life did. She would instantly think the worst, guilty or not.

Around lunch hour, Max entered the Crashdown and noticed Tess sitting at their usual seating. Isabel was there, her son next to her, and Maria too. Michael was at his working space and Ava and Serena were working. Ava working? Well, that was new.

But she wasn't here. She wasn't with the girls, she wasn't working and she wasn't counter. He came over to the table and nodded to the girls but Isabel could see his questioned face she nodded up right away and got a smile as thanks.

Max nodded to Serena and Ava then to Michael as he entered the back then hurried upstairs. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were out of town, Michael and Maria were talking about it yesterday and since it was Liz involved, he paid attention.

When he arrived to the doors, he heard laughers. It made him think, especially since one of them was male. And very much like his own. When he pushed the doors closer, he had something to see. On her bed, laid Liz, with Zan over her. They were both fully clothes and she was laughing like crazy because he was tickling her but he seemed very close to her, for Max's taste.

"Max." - suddenly Liz said, like she had felt him. Zan quickly got off of the bed. -"Catch ya later, people."- Max thought he heard him say and then Zan was out of the room.

Liz sat on the bed in an Indian style and watched Max, waiting for him to speak. But he didn't. He just kept staring at her.

"So . . . every day you talk and talk and talk and now you're suddenly speechless?" - Liz ended up being the first one to talk, after all. - "What was that?" - he just asked.

"That?" - she asked, casually pointing at the doors then looked back at him. -"A nice conversation and some friendly tickling so my mood gets better. So it sucked like a half an hour ago when he showed up. But I'd say I'm better."- She said with a shrug. -"Alright, so he may have overdone it. Maria is the rambling one, not me." - she smiled then lay on the bed.

She looked at him as she rested her head on the pillow and turned a bit towards him. -"Come on, Max, what's on your mind?"- she asked then tapped the empty half of the bed. He joined her a few seconds.

<center>*** </center>

When she opened her eyes a again, she was wrapped in Max's arms, naked and under he covers. She looked around then noticed a clock on her desk, it was 1 am. They had slept through the entire afternoon. After, clearly, having sex. Looking at him, she smiled then suddenly remembered the terrible memories. She wiggled herself out of his arms and ran into the bathroom and threw up.

It was what woke Max up. He got up, and followed her into the bathroom, found her sitting next to the toilet, naked. She looked up at him, her short brown hair, to her shoulders, still a bit wet of the sweat, -"We shouldn't have done this, Max."- She told him then rose to the sink and began brushing her teeth. He just kept looking at her, not understanding what she meant.

A few minutes later he took off. Liz just heard the window shut from the outside. Alien mojo. Definetly. She spit out the water then closed the pipe and came back to bed. She knew she probably hurt him with her words but she knew she right and she knew what she was talking about. They shouldn't have done it. There was just too much pain in her life. Too many bad memories she couldn't forget yet.

With those unhappy thoughts, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The wedding was bad, by far. If there were love, it would have been beautiful. In the entire crowd that was there, Liz noticed only face. Larek's. He seemed heart-broken and she couldn't help him. It hurt her so much. Larek was her friend and friends were always there for each other.

But once the ceremony was over, she couldn't think about him. She had bigger problems. As soon as the ceremony and the party after was over. She moved to retire in her bedchamber but Margon grabbed her hand. -"Let go!"- she hissed quietly, not wanting to make a scene. But he didn't listen. Instead, he pushed through the crowd holding her hand and through the back doors of the throne room. He walked through the hallway, she behind him. She hit his hand several times and when that didn't work, she bit it. "Ahhh!" - she heard him say and then the next thing she knew, he moved his other hand under her legs and he picked her up.

She began to wave her legs. -"Let me go, Margon!!"- she yelled at him as they finally reached the royal suite, that once belonged to Zan's parents. He kicked the doors open and he let her in, closing and then locking them behind him. She looked at him, and began walking backwards, scared.

He followed her slowly, just waiting for a chance to grab her. She could see it in his eyes. -"You can't fight it, my love. We're married."- he told her coldly and then licked his lips. She looked away disgusted. If things were different and he was not so evil, perhaps, someone could consider him attractive. But there was no 'if'. He was evil. And he was ready to hurt her. -"That doesn't mean anything. You tricked me into this!"- she answered her back, holding the tears.

He laughed. -"Now now, my wife. I was just clever. But it doesn't matter now. We're in this until death!"- he said and jumped for her. She wanted to run away but he knocked her to the ground, holding her legs, and slowly moving up. For a second, he let her right leg go and she kicked him in order to brake free.

Just as she started getting up on her feet, he grabbed her by her back and pulled her on the ground again. She hit him with her hands as he turned her around. She forgot everything else right now, just the desire to survive and not be touched by him. He kept pulling her on the bed. And he did it. Once on the bed, he got on top of her as she screamed for him to let her go.

He began moving her dress and unbuttoning his pants.

When Liz woke up, she was covered in cold sweat. She breathed very hard and tried to find some balance. But she couldn't. The memories were deep. The memories were to painful. She woke up then because it was when she blacked out when it really happened. Or maybe she didn't. Maybe Kivana Eli took over with her even knowing it.


Next morning, Liz didn't dare to leave her bedroom. Everything reminded her of Antar, of Margon, of the terrible time she spent there. Blinded by fear and pain, she couldn't help herself by finding happy memories in her mind. It was as if there was non. But she knew there was. But she couldn't find anything.

Finally, around lunch time, she came down. Serena and Maria were working with Jose. Michael, Max, Zan, Ava and Tess were sitting at their usual table. When Zan saw her, he waved her over and she only smiled to him because her eyes landed to Max then and she couldn't help but remember what she told him the night before. Just like it was on his mind, at the very same time.
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

pandas2001 - On Antar. And that's all I'm gonna tell you right now. You'll have to see what happens on. And don't you worry a thing. Now . . . here's the new chapter. Or rather first part of it. Hold on to your chair, Pandas.

Chapter 36 - Part 1

Sigh. That nightmare from the other night was still on her mind. It was still very very strong. But the next week, she wouldn't have time to think about it.

It was Sunday and all her friends wanted to spend the day in the park. She was their friend so she was invited too. But she didn't have a good time. Instead, she just sat on a bench and watched her friends have fun. She watched her friends until a voice told her to look at a boy. He looked like he was eight years old. He was playing with his ball. It fell over to Liz and she took it into his hands. As he came over, she smiled.

"Here you go." - She told him with a smile and extended her left hand, holding the ball. He walked over to her and reached his hand to touch it. As his hand touched her finger, there was a flash.

~The boy played with the ball. At one point, he hit the ball too hard and it fell on the road. He ran to it. In the middle of the road, he took the ball in the hand but then he heard the horn. Looking to his left, he saw the car speeding towards him, trying to stop but it was too late. It hits him, slamming his windshield then continued driving another 100 feet. It slammed into two other cars and then three more slammed into the back of it. There was smoke and glass everywhere.~

Liz jumped a bit and saw the boy spooked. She smiled. "I'm okay." - she lied to him with her fake smile and he went away to continue to play with his ball. Slowly, and shaking, she stood up, looking at the boy. She knew her visions came true and she couldn't allow it. She couldn't let that boy die. It didn't matter who he was. It didn't matter what he did now or in fifthly years. He was a human being. And his life needed to be saved.

Max stopped suddenly and saw her. Saw her standing and looking at the boy. He didn't know she had a vision. He didn't know what she saw. Slowly, he talked towards her.

But her eyes were on the boy. And his ball. He brain worked rapidly to try to figure to stop what was about to happen. It wasn't just about the boy. Other lives would be in great loss and pain if it happened. She had to stop the ball. She had to stop it from happened. But she couldn't just come and stop the boy from playing.

And then it happened. The boy hit the ball harder. Then harder and finally, he hit the hardest. The ball didn't come back to him but moved quickly to the street. The boy ran after it. She watched him for a split second then ran after him. - "No! Stop!!" - she yelled after him. She could see him standing in the middle of the street and holding the ball. Then there was the horn of the car and he looked to his left. Liz reached his side then and pushed him to the edge of the street.

But she didn't think on time what was to happen to her. She looked at the car seconds before the impact. She saw the driver's face. Her father. Her own human father. Before anything else could be done, the car hit her. It moved for another 100 feet. Then it hit two other cars parked and three cars slammed into the back of his car. Just like her vision.

Max stood there. Staring at the cars. And where Liz's body should be. But he couldn't see it. He couldn't see her body now. And it was driving him crazy. He kept expecting her to rise unharmed and smile to him. But she didn't. She didn't come to him. She didn't rise. She just lay there.

Their friends saw what happened and ran to Max. They all stopped there, staring. Zan looked at Max then took a step forward. Rath followed him, and so did Ava. The Roswell group looked at them. They didn't understand what they would do. Michael wanted to do something, Isabel and Tess too. But they grew up hiding. They were afraid. Zan, Rath and Ava weren't.

They took several more steps towards the crash before Serena gave Isabel's son to her and joined them. She was Zan's queen and part of the royal four. Ava may have not been part of them legally, but she had the power. She had the will. Just for a bit, she would take her spot again. For Liz. For their queen. Their real queen.

Zan raised his hand and aimed to the first of the three cars. It flew in the air and then behind at the clearing with no people. Rath followed his move and got rid of the second of the three cars. Then Ava got rid of the third car. The four continued to walk to the cars. They know that if Liz was between the cars, they couldn't move the main car. As they reached the main car, they looked inside and were surprised. Mr. Parker. His head leaned back and bloody. He was dead. Dead. Serena reached her hand inside, and touched the blood before Zan pulled her hand out. - "You can't save him. He's dead. Your soul would only travel inside of him. He would eventually become him." - He explained, whispering and she pulled her hand away. But she did lean her head inside and kissed his forehead. - "Thank you. For everything, Mr. Parker." - she said and smiled.

Then the four moved slowly. Step by step. Prepared for the horror. It wasn't an easy impact. They all heard it. So they were scared of they would see. The four aliens had exposed themselves for all the people in the park. They were aware of it, somewhere inside their minds. But saving Liz was far more important then anything else right now. And it wasn't just about them. It was about her mother as well. She had lost her husband today. And she might even loose her daughter. They didn't want that to her. Especially Serena who was close to the Parkers. Very close.

The aliens that remained away, watched and waited. Isabel held her son in her hands and kept looking at her brother. She was concerned for him. But she also didn't want to see what ever happened inside. Maria kept shaking, as she stood on her own. Michael didn't notice it at first but when he did, he looked to his right and saw her. She just kept staring at it. He moved in front of her and wrapped his arms around her and she just cracked. She couldn't even stand on her two feet, she just collapsed on the street. Michael kneeled down, holding her in his arms, letting her cry it out.

Nikki looked at them, and looked at Kyle. She wanted him to hug her. She wanted him to tell her that everything would be alright. But he loved Liz. Just as much as she loved Liz. She wrapped her arms around him. And he hugged her back.

Tess. Tess kept looking at the four aliens that went to save Liz and then everyone around her. But she was surprised because she didn't feel plain. She didn't feel sadness. She had emotions for her friend and it scared her. And now, she was scared too. Scared of who she might be. Max told her once about her past life about the other Tess and she swore she wasn't like them. But now, it scared her. It scared her to be that Tess. And it scared her to loose her friends. Wasn't that that Tess's fear? To loose the very little friends she had. When really she didn't have them. She didn't have friends. Oh, how she needed Alex near her right now.

With all that was going on, somewhere in the distance stood a young couple. Larry was the man's name and he kept looking at this entire thing. His wife, his new wife stood him, with the same surprise and with the same desire to know. They were newlyweds and came to Roswell for their honeymoon, because they both loved aliens. But they had no idea that they would really meet them.

~"Hi. You're here to see aliens, aren't you" - a brunette woman in the diner told them. They nodded. -"You know any?"- they asked her. - "As a matter of fact . . ." - she looked around then pulled out a photo. -". . . my grandmother took this picture before the army came."- she whispered.

"Does anyone know about this?" - Larry asked her. -"Me and my grandma, and now you."- She told them. -"I can count on you, right?"- They nodded happily. -"You can keep the picture if you want." She told them with a smile and left them.

Just an hour ago, they had been sitting in the Crashdown café and talking to a young girl. And now, they were here, seeing this for their own eyes. And they didn't even that the girl between the cars was the very one that played the trick on them.

Zan went first, followed by Rath. The two made that path believing that it was better if they saw it first. But that was just them trying to protect Ava and Serena. But it's what they did. They slowly moved towards the windshield then over through the hood, not seeing anything. Finally, they came to the top, only to be surprised by what they saw. Serena moved to the front and when she saw what they saw, turned her heard towards his chest and hid her head from what she saw.

To be Continued . . .
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Natalie36 - Welcome to the feedback world of tWotW. I'm Liz. And pacience. You'll see what happens next.
pandas2001 - Hey, this fan fiction has to work. My aliens aren't perfect, especially when they all get commands from a single woman. Liz Parker. I'm gonna need to fix that soon.

Chill, people. I'm trying to hurry this but since this is my last day at bed rest unless I get worse, which doesn't seem to be happening, you'll just have to be pacience and I will be coming back. That I promise you.

Chater 36 - Part 2

But she didn't think on time what was to happen to her. She looked at the car seconds before the impact. She saw the driver's face. Her father. Her own human father. Before anything else could be done, the car hit her. It moved for another 100 feet. Then it hit two other cars parked and three cars slammed into the back of his car. Just like her vision.
With all that was going on, somewhere in the distance stood a young couple. Larry was the man's name and he kept looking at this entire thing. His wife, his new wife stood him, with the same surprise and with the same desire to know. They were newlyweds and came to Roswell for their honeymoon, because they both loved aliens. But they had no idea that they would really meet them.

Just an hour ago, they had been sitting in the Crashdown café and talking to a young girl. And now, they were here, seeing this for their own eyes. And they didn't even that the girl between the cars was the very one that played the trick on them.

Zan went first, followed by Rath. The two made that path believing that it was better if they saw it first. But that was just them trying to protect Ava and Serena. But it's what they did. They slowly moved towards the windshield then over through the hood, not seeing anything. Finally, they came to the top, only to be surprised by what they saw. Serena moved to the front and when she saw what they saw, turned her heard towards his chest and hid her head from what she saw.

Serena looked away from Zan then back again. Ava pushed through, ready for something scary but no. A peace of hair. That's what they found. A highlight. Rath reached in and took it. It was Liz's size. But the fact that Liz wasn't there scared all of them. Where was she? Where could she be?

Holding the highlight, Rath turned back, and so did the other three. They came back to their own and Zan looked at Max. He had a guilty face. Because he didn't bring her back to him. And it just didn't seem fair. Where was Liz? What happened to her?


Where was Liz? Lying on the road, with fire around her. She barely got on her feet as soon as she, she remembered this place. She remembered the vision she once had. The vision of destruction. A vision where she was the enemy. She took one step at a time and before she knew it, she found herself near the pod chamber. And then, Max, Isabel and Michael in front of her. No, Tess was there this time. She looked at them and before she knew it, they ran after her. She ran back, but seemed to be going further into the rocks. Finally, she was corned. Max raised her hand as her, and so did the three. - "Why did you come back? "- He asked be bitter. She shook her head, in fear. She didn't understand it. What was going on? What was happening?

"Max?" - She whispered his name the name then heard a rock next to her blow up. She jumped scared then looked at the four of them and Tess stepped out. -"You will address King Zander as his majesty, whore! "- she hissed at her.

"Tess?" - she barely said and then remember her own words that Tess would betray them again. Did she? Would she? Nothing made sense.

"I am your queen, slave." - slave. Was she on Earth? Was that Tess? She couldn't be looking at Ava. No, impossible. And it made sense. She remembered another world where Tess Max away from her. When they had a baby. And when he with Tess, he was Zan. But the cruel Zan that Liz never knew in her past life. She just kept shaking her head. Over and over again, not believing not, trusting her eyes, her ears.

And then she closed them and she started shaking because it was cold. And when she opened them again, she found herself in the pod chamber. When she tried to move, she couldn't, she was tied up. She tried to move but couldn't. She tried and tried but couldn't. -"I wouldn't try that if I were you."- Isabel ordered her. She looked her way. -"Isabel, please. What is going on? I don't understand what's happening."- She said at tears started going down her cheeks.

Isabel looked around then kneeled next to her. -"You really don't remember?"- Liz shook her head. -"Tess did something to Max. She made him like Zan or something. And he's controlling all of us."- she whispered sadly. -"No. What about Zan and Rath and Serena and Nikki? And Alex and Maria?"- Liz questioned.

"Alex died in the car accident. Max killed Maria and Kyle. He claimed that they made us too human." - she explained then paused. -"Who are Serena and Nikki?"- She then said.

Who are Serena and Nikki? Who are Serena and Nikki? Who are Serena and Nikki? The question kept reating in her head until something else was processed in her brain. -"Did you say Alex died in a car accident?"- she suddenly asked. Isabel nodded. -"You went on this huge crusade for aliens. Don't you remember any of this?"- Isabel questioned and got a negative answer from Liz. -"It destroyed the group. Max called a meeting and you didn't show up. If you did, you would have died too."- she kept explaining.

"What happened, Isabel?" - she asked then, remembering Max's question. -"You joined Khivar and Nicholas when you realised what Max did."- She told her. Joined the skins. No. That didn't sound right. Unless . . . -"Isabel, who am I?"- That surprised Isabel the most. -"Who am I really?"- Liz asked again.

"You're Liz Parker. The girl my brother saved." - Human girl. Human. No. No. She couldn't be human. she couldn't be human. It just wasn't possible that everything was a lie. No. No. -"Liz, it's been 8 years since Alex's death. You lost your mind after that. Your parents had you committed for six years."- Eight years. Was that why that boy was eight years old? Was that why her father had a big six on his car? Liz felt like she loosing her mind. One moment, she was saving a life, and the next, she was human girl whose love of her life wanted to kill her.

And then something else came to her. Alex died in a car accident. She remembered that world. And it was Tess that killed him. Or maybe, maybe she explained it like that to her brain. Because she wanted Tess to be blamed. But no, everything made sense like that. Max was becoming a monster, and he trusted only Tess. It was Tess. And she would tell. She had to tell them.

"Isabel." - she called her friend before she could go. Isabel looked at her. -"I don't go crazy because of no reason."- she whispered. It got Isabel's attention. -"It went crazy because I realised the truth. It was wrong to say that Alex died because of you. He died because of me."- Izzy shook her head. She couldn't bare for her friend to blame herself. -"No, listen to me. He died because I told him about you."- You the aliens. -"I let him into this world. And now he's dead. And not by aliens. Not be skins. Not by Khivar. By an alien. One alien we let into our group."- The more she talked, the more her voice sounded bitter. -"Tess."- Isabel finished before Liz could. And so the little brunette, nodded.

Tess. The answer to everything. When she heard the doors open, Isabel rose from her kneeling position, only to see her brother enter with Tess and Michael. Her brother had longer hair, much like Michael. But Michael was always with his hair to his shoulders, but Max letting his hair was outlaw style. And Tess had incredibly long hair. Like a fairy tale. It was why Isabel cut her hair, and dyed it darker.

"Why isn't she dead yet, Velondra?" - Max hissed at her. -"Because she had something to tell me."- Isabel answered back. It wasn't something she normally did. But Isabel loved Alex and Tess took him away from her just as they were getting close. Now, she was pissed. And made Isabel Evans angry and lived to talk about it. -"I see."- Max sounded amused. -"And did our little jail brake have to say for herself, my dear sister?"- he sounded patronising. Liz kept looking from her kneeling position. If either of the aliens looked at her now, they would be terribly scared, no matter the fact that she was human here. Or was she? It was just their words.

"She told me the reason why she went mad in the first place." - "Alex's death." - Max answered her coldly. Isabel shook her head. -"No. Revelation of Alex's killer."- Isabel answered him. But before she finished, he shook Liz a look. It was cold but it was curious. And it looked disgusting on him. The more he looked at her, the more she got angry. And the more angry, she got, the more strong she got.

Suddenly, all four aliens looked to the side and so did she. The granolith began pulsing. It pulsed just like heart. And that was the answer. She was always Kivana Eli. No matter what world she was in. She was herself. The four aliens looked at her, and her look changed for angry to secretive and devious. -"Scared much?"- she said. -"Who's doing that?"- Tess hissed.

"I am, queen of rags." - she told her with a certain glow around her. She ran the show now. Tess moved to her and Michael stopped her. -"How did you do that?"- He asked Liz then. She looked up at her right hand and the lock broke. The aliens took a step back and she looked at her left hand and the lock broke. She stook up then and looked at them.

"Tess." - everyone looked at Tess then at her. -"My reason of self-destruction. She's the killer." - she said and pointed at her. She channeled all her powers and Tess got glued to the wall. -"It's my fault then he died. I let him in. But I never let you in."- she said looking at Tess. And then without a single word, she turned and walked to the pod, kneeled and went through. She left the aliens looking after her and not understanding.

She, on the other hand, entered the granolith chamber. It kept pulsing with her heart. And as she touched it, she felt the beauty the world. She felt her mother's hand reached towards her. She saw Lonnie reaching her hand towards too. And Khivar smiled, holding his son. Everybody was calling her. But death was the exit yet. She had so much to do.


When she opened her eyes again, she found herself on the flour, with smoke and glass around her. She tried to move but the pain was sooo strong. She couldn't move. -"Ahh."- she couldn't stop her scream. And she heard quick steps through the glass. Just second later, she was in someone's strong arms and hearing a whisper that everything would be alright. -"Shhh, baby. Ya'll be aight. I promise."- Zan. Her protector forever.
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Yes, it's finally up. A day late but it's here. I finally decided, the hell with the fear it's not going right. This one is pretty good for me, still have to hear what you have to say. But here it is . . .

Chapter 37

Two days later, she opened her eyes. Then, she didn't know it was two days but she was told that. She lay in her bed and when she moved, she felt just a bit of pain. As she opened her eyes, each and every one of her friends were there, and her mother was sitting on her bed, wearing black. She looked at her and her mother took her hand. And as soon she did, Liz started crying. Nancy hugged her daughter, hugged her strong and let her cry it out. All her friends stood there, non-of them moved. It was difficult for Liz. Non of them pretended to know what it was like for her but they were there for her. And she knew that.

When Nancy pulled back, she looked at Max who was leaned on Liz's desk. When he saw the look, he sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Liz instead of her mother. Nancy padded him on his shoulder as a thank you, smiled and got up, going out. She left Liz with her friends. She had two days of crying and now, it was Liz's turn.

When Nancy left the room, Serena, Nikki, Maria and Ava got on the bed and all four kissed Liz's head. Zan hugged Liz for a second before he returned her to Max. Isabel and Michael touched her hand and then everybody just sat on the bed, grieving with Liz.


She spent the entire next week in bed. There wasn't a moment in that time when she was alone. At least one person was there. Finally, when Serena, Zan and Max were in, Serena nudged Zan to leave Max with Liz and he nodded. He got what she was saying and they left them. Neither Max nor Liz realised they left. They just sat on bed, in silence. Max watching her and she not looking at anything particularly.

"I saw another world." - she whispered finally. Liz hadn't spoken a word in all the time she was awake. Max blinked, looking at her and she returned the gaze, for the first time. -"I switched to that old world for a while."- she tried explaining but Max didn't seem to be following. -"A world where Alex died and you were becoming a jerk because of Tess."- she explained, not raising her voice for a second. He was starting to understand.

"And what happened?" - he asked her, in the same voice level as hers. -"You killed Maria and Kyle because you claimed they made you too human. I fled to Khivar and Nicolas. As a human."- she explained. The last part, she barely said. She couldn't know for sure if that Liz knew the truth or not.

"No. That can't be truth." - Max kept saying. Liz knew it was because of him killing and she leaned forward and cupped his face with both of her hands. -"It's true, Max. I'm sorry. It's just that, the influence she had on you. Tess made you a different Zan. A Zan I always hated. The Zan Ava made on Antar."- she apologized as she spoke. He could hear it in her voice, every second of every word. And he just kept staring at her. And staring. And staring. And that's how the rest of the afternoon was spent.


It was the middle of night. Kyle, Serena and Nikki were the ones looking after Liz. And they were all asleep. Serena slept on Liz's bed, on the left, while Liz had the right. Nikki and Kyle slept in the armchair, in each other's arms. Non of the three noticed when Liz got up and walked into the bathroom. She locked the doors when she closed them and came to the mirror.

It had been a week since she was on her feet. But it had been years since she looked herself in the mirror and saw herself. But tonight, she had stayed awake, thinking about the past and about the future. And about her thoughts. Her thoughts surprised her the most. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she could see the accident. She could see the other world. She could see Khivar, Lonnie and her mother calling her to the other side. But she remembered then that when she came back to this world, it was Zan that saved her, that carried her. And in his arms, she felt safe. And in his arms, she felt like home. And then it made sense. Everything made sense. Home. Her brain was lying to her. It told her that was Zan was home. But her heart screamed the truth. Max was home. Max was everything.

Liz blinked before her image and she could see Kivana looking back at her. Slowly, she touched the mirror, in the shape of her past life's face. And as she blinked again, she saw herself again. Liz Parker. The smallest of small town girls. And she had long hair. Long brown hair, gently curling at the end. And it made her smile because the hell was over and victory was there. Lizzie was back. She was home.


Max opened his eyes as he heard a knock on the window. In the past, it was always Michael. But now, others have found that entering very nice. He propped on his elbows and looked to the side, it was 3 am. A little tooo early for his taste. He got up and walked to the window and as he moved the curtains, he had a surprise before his eyes.

The girl of his dreams stood on his window, like in a dream. Her beautiful long hair graced her shoulders and her big brown eyes smiled at him. Just that look made him fall love with her, all over again. Step by step. In an instant.

He opened the window for her and reached his hand. He remembered then that she never took his hand, not in this or the other life. But as slowly began to pull back, she caught it and smiled. As she climbed in, for the first time, she didn't fall. As they stood in the distance of a few inches, she touched his face. And smiled. Wider then before.

"Liz, it's a little late." - he told her finally, not happy with himself for braking the moment. But she put her index finger over his lips. -"Shhh."- she just indicated before she kissed him. The kiss was long and it was open.

~Max got hit by flashes of their first night together. Then flashes hit him from Antar, all the good and the bad. Then the sight turned black.

"I hid from you for so long scared that I wasn't worthy of you anymore. But see it differently now. You're the only home my heart will ever know. If I take that away from me, if I take you away from me, then my life has no meaning, nor has it ever."

Liz's beautiful face appeared and behind her, like traveling through the stars. "You are the king, Max. You are my king as I am your queen. I cannot rule without you nor could ever. Our love is forever. Through all lives and through all deaths." And then she smiled.

Once everything that she wanted him to know came to him, Liz broke the kiss slowly and looked into his eyes, wondering how he was taking it. He kept kissing her face. Her cheeks, her forehead then he looked at her. -"I had no idea."- he apologized.

"Max, don't apologize for what you didn't' cause. And, it's over now. I want to put it behind us." - she begged him. She wanted to forget all the bad, remember all the good and be happy. And she could be happy only with the man of her dreams.

They kept looking at each other for a couple more moments then they kissed. The kissed turned into a little more as Max wrapped his arms around her and lifted her and she wrapped her feet around his back. They kept kissing as he took them to his bed. They would make love tonight. But it would be nothing like the one a couple of days ago. This one would have them both fully committed. And fully honest.

Max unzipped her jacket and she sat up so she could take it off then he threw it across the desk chair. Perfect hit. Then he took over the sweater she was wearing, as she lifted her hands up to help him. Without the sweater, she was wearing only her white bra and jeans, on which she was sitting on. He reached to unzip her pants but she was faster as she grabbed a hold of his tee shirt and took it off above his hand then threw it off the bed.

Max began to kiss her neck as he unzipped her pants, and then she pulled his shorts down. He looked at her one more time to make sure she was really ready for it and she was. She was more then ready.
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Post by Elizabeth Kivana »

Update! Um, it kind of turned out being really short. I didn't really plan it. But I kind of got an obsession for cliffhangers lately. Oh, well, here you go. Promise the next one is really long.

Chapter 38

It had been two months after that beautiful night that Liz came back to them. The real Liz. She and Max were still in seventh heaven, just like it had always been, him mooning around for her, she smiling whenever she had the chance. She took over her father's business of managing the Crashdown café when her mother couldn't. Her mother still did her duties around the diner but with a lot less spirit then when Jeff was around. And then one day, she just didn't come to work. Liz found her upstairs, doing the laundry. When she asked her what was wrong, she told her that her heart wasn't in it as much as it was before. And she just wasn't happy anymore. It just wasn't her life anymore. So Liz took the job that her father did and the job her mother once did. And it made her complete.

Until one day, she just fainted at work. Maria used her smelly oils to get her conscious and Nancy insisted she go see the doctor. Liz didn't agree with it because she had a great big secret and she was worried it could be seen in the doctor's office. Isabel, who was studying to be a doctor, promised she would be all right and that she would go with her. So the two went and everything was normal. Well, everything except one thing. Liz was two months pregnant. That made sense in way because when she was giving herself to Max and opening her heart to him. So that's how one of their race could become pregnant.
It was two hours since Liz and Isabel went and everyone was getting worried, Max being the most worried among them. When the car parked, he froze, looking at them. Isabel and Liz walked in with Isabel's hand over Liz's shoulder. Both had a great big smile on their faces. And it made all their friends go crazy with curiosity.

"What happened?" - Serena stickled her head out, impatient. Liz walked slowly over to Max and dug her head into his chest and wrapped her hands around him, under his hands, so he wrapped his over hers. -"We got the most amazing news ever."- she said out loud and Isabel couldn't help smiling.

Looking up at Max, Liz had a wide smile too. -"What happened?"- Max whispered. All this waiting was killing him. -"You're going to be a father, Max."- she told him with a smile. Max stared at her for a while. -"A . . . a father?"- he finally smoke then caught her right and lifted her in the air and started turning her around. -"We're going to be a family now, Liz."- he kept saying until he suddenly stopped. He stopped because Nancy Parker was at the swinging doors, watching them. He let Liz go and she looked at her mother. -"Mom?"- she called out her name, not sure how she would react. -"Congratulations, sweetie."- she finally said and burst into tears. -"You're not mad?"- Liz looked surprised and Nancy shook her head.

"I know you're a very smart girl. And if you believe you're ready, I know you are." - she said and walked forward and Liz walked towards her. They met half way and hugged.


My name is Liz Parker and I finally understand what it means to open your heart. It's not a saying, it's a doing. Your heart isn't really open until you open it yourself. And when you do, the most amazing things can happen to you. I kept my heart closed and I was in pain each day. But then I opened it and I saw the world differently. I saw myself differently. And I was given the most beautiful gift of all. I'm three months pregnant. There's another six to go. And I look forward to it. When Tess was pregnant in the other life, it took her a month. But it will take nine months because I made choice when I learned I was pregnant. Maybe even before.

So, that's the part we always have to remember. To keep our hearts open because if we don't, we'll never understand love. And we'll never understand us. My name is Liz Parker and I always keep my heart open.

The next six months passed like a dream. There wasn't any complications with the baby. Liz kept managing the diner until she was eight months pregnant and during that time, she kept explaining how to do it to Serena and Michael. Michael ended up doing it. After eight months, Max didn't allow her to do any work any more. The two didn't marry because Liz didn't want to do it yet. She had some closure to do before that part of her life began. She had to finish it and she would. After the baby was born. She would have a baby girl, she knew that already. And she had a name for her, just like promised Kivana, she would. But she didn't tell Max or anyone about it. It was her little choice and her little surprise. But she did have wish. Her daughter would not be banned from her powers. She would be taught how to use them and she would learn right from wrong. And her daughter would be a good person.

"Did you remember to put the taxes count?" - Liz insisted, looking at Michael. He glared at the pregnant girlfriend of his best friend and looked back at the papers. -"Michael, I may be pregnant but I'm still the queen and I'm still powerful. So answer the question."- she insisted, yet again.

Michael stood up and walked through the swinging doors. -"Michael, don't walk away from me!"- she hissed after him. He walked over to the counter where Max was sitting. -"Get her out of my work!"- he hissed at him with rage. Michael was not a patient man and he could only take so much. But Liz was a pregnant woman and it was always said not to mess with a pregnant woman. Clearly, Michael didn't get that memo.

Max looked at Michael then at Liz. He really didn't want to piss the love of his life by taking Michael's side but then again, he really didn't want to get into a fight with his best friend. The doubt lived until he felt someone rest their arm on his shoulder. He looked to the side and saw Isabel. She then looked at Rath who got up and pulled Michael outside. -"Don't worry, little brother. Rath will have a talk with him about pregnant aliens."- they were in public and in the past, it would be a problem. But now, the diner was completely empty expect for the gang so there wasn't much fear. Liz smiled glad and joined Max while everyone else watched outside as Rath kept yelling at Michael.

Men had so much more to learn, all the women knew it. Just non of them said it, not wanting to start a fight with their men. But it was pretty clear too.

Suddenly Liz felt pain in her stomach and she looked at Max. It was too soon for the baby to come out and she was scared for it. She was seriously scared for it. Max caught her look. -"It can't be time."- he told her and everyone heard. -"You don't set the rules, Max."- Isabel said and started pushing him out. -"Let's take her upstairs."- she ordered.

"Nikki, get hot water. Serena, towels, lots of them. Kyle, make sure Mrs. Parker doesn't come in." - Isabel was entered the Nazy mode. Rath glanced inside and Isabel gestured him to come in. Both went inside. -"Michael, look after the diner with Ava. Rath, take care of Phillip."- she ordered. Both men were confused. -"Liz is going to have a baby now."- as soon as that was out, panic followed right after.
Last edited by Elizabeth Kivana on Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.