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Post by Zansgirl »

Can someone plz temp fa Max while POMs away? :(
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


She seems a tad surprised still, yet it's a happy surprise, not one of horror. Which is probably what I would see, if she really knew why Max, Isabel, and I slept during the day.

"As you wish sir." She says, and I practically expect her to curtsy. Well, at least our maids don't lack formality. She holds out her glass, and I fill it halfway with the wine, before pouring my own.

"If I may ask, It is not yet dawn. What has you in such good spirits?" I look up at her question, and it's finally clear that I am acting different today. Well, the books have been good before, but not this good.

"Yes you may ask, and as for our question, we are doing well with the finances," I tell her proudly, taking a sip of my wine. "And I've had a productive night."
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


His smile widens into a full out grin and it is impossible not to notice how devilshly handsome he is. I don't know how to explain it, but there's just something about him. An almost other wordly quailty that attracts me to him. There's a glint in his eyes that assures me that he knows things I can't even begin to grasp. I'd like him to instruct me in those aspects. I'm pretty sure I could also teach him some things he couldn't learn in any books.

Whoa, that is way too foreward. I need to concentrate on respecting his position as the master of the house and my boss. Still thats difficult to acknowledge when I find that my body feels tingly all over just from his heated gaze. Come on Deluca. Get it together. He's just being nice. "Yes you may ask, and as for our question, we are doing well with the finances," That's wonderful. I am over joyed to hear that our home is prospering. "And I've had a productive night."

I nod politely and then state. "It thrills me to learn that the business is doing well. Ever since Liz and I came here to live your family has been very kind to us. I've come to see the plantation as my second home. I'm proud that it is doing so well." Taking a small sip of the wine I find it to be much to my liking. Such an exqusite flavor. "This is a fine year. It must be aged 50 years at least." I acknowledge with a confident flair. If there's one thing I appreciate it's a fine wine.
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Fehr'sBear »


Maria nods politely, and for a minute it seems as though she really is glad the business is doing well. I suppose she should be though, because her pay depends on it. "It thrills me to learn that the business is doing well. Ever since Liz and I came here to live your family has been very kind to us. I've come to see the plantation as my second home. I'm proud that it is doing so well." I listen in amazement as this young woman shows such an interest in the fortune of the plantation that even Isabel hasn't shown before. Then, I stay silent as she tastes the wine and provides a good critique of that as well. "This is a fine year. It must be aged 50 years at least."

It makes me wonder why she is a maid, when she could have so much potential, and confidence. I mean, sure, women aren't able to advance highly in any male dominant career, but she would make a good wife, or perhaps good confidant. It's a pity that she has to spend her time cooking and cleaning for us. Now I feel slightly better about offering her a chance to be herself, or as much herself as she will act around me.

"Tell me, Maria, where did you come to know so much about wine, and to care so much about toe fortune of your workplace?" I ask, actually curious. Most amids that we've had would reather die than share an opinion with me, let alone actually take an invitation to drink a glass of wine. They're too timed for my taste. But this girl, Maria, she seems different. Full of spirit, and enjoyable. It's a refreshing change.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


He actually seems impressed at my curiocity over the business. Well, I guess it is rather unique that I would care about that sort of thing. Most women my age don't bother themselves with such responsibilities.
"Tell me, Maria, where did you come to know so much about wine, and to care so much about the fortune of your workplace?" He questions with a spark on interest that leaves me obliged to answer.

"Well, my father had quite an impressive collection. He had a wine cellar that housed his passion. All different years imported from several countries. It was more than just a hobby to him. It was his life." I haven't spoke of my Father in such a long time. It feels good to get it out. "As a child my mother used to scold him for raising me like he did ,but her concern was justified seeing as how she had a very difficult time during child birth.

She was no longer able to bare my father a son so he taught me all the things a heir should know. I was educated in arthemitic, literature, and several different languages including French and a lil' Spanish."
I smile happily remembering my privilaged childhood. "Although my independent and sometimes... stubburn streek got me into a little trouble. The boys would tease me because I didn't sit lady like and play with doll. I was wallowing in the dirt and climbing in trees with the rest of them."

My smile fades as I remember the event that stole my family away from me. "When I was 15 a neighboring business associate of my father was a very lonely man and saw that I was of marrying age and asked for my hand." I shudder at the disturbing thought. "I being rebelious refused to accept. I had this silly view on love and marriage and how thay are supposed to be linked." I hang my head in shame. "My father told me that he needed to know that I would be safe and that I would marry my bethrothed or... he and the family would disown me."

Taking a deep breath I raise my eyes to meet his in defiance. I will not be ashamed of my decision. If given the choice to do it again I wouldn't change a thing. "The night before my forced wedding I crawled out of my window and never looked back. I was determined to make it on my own." Taking a sip of my wine I smile at the memory. "That's when I met Liz. She was a runaway like me. For different reasons obviously but we shared a common sense of loss.

As you know men in business don't take women seriously. That's why I work as a maid. I earn an honest person's work, I'm good at what I do."
I don't want him to think I'm not grateful. "I am very thankful for this job. It gave Liz and I a place to lay our head down at night." :wink:
Love is not finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Looking for a little magic? Practical Enchantment
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Post by Zansgirl »

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Post by POM »

[occ: Sorry...I'm here]


A dreamless sleep was comfortably known...but the moment I awoke--it was when my lovley chamber maid entered to room. But I could only get away with watching her if I pretended to be asleep, and that's what I did.

She moved gracefully around the room--carefully liting the oil lamp,and the fireplace as well.

Her moving around the room made me want to groan, just because of her movements. But I bit my lip to hold it in--but as she fell onto my bed, shd did scare me...and I thought something was wrong. without thinking...I jumped out of the bed look at her, and only then did I notice that I was stark naked. Even then did it take a few minutes to register that as well--but I grabbed a pillow to cover myself up.

"Miss Elizabeth...is everything alright?" I asked once I fianlly did find my voice.
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Post by Zansgirl »


Master Maxwell jumped up out of the bed and I couldn't help, but notice that he was naked. My eyes widened and it was hard to look away from his beautiful body, but I found my movement and looked across the room. As I got up he got himself a pillow and covered himself up and asked me, "Miss Elizabeth...is everything alright?"

I nodded my head, yes, "Yes, sir. It was just a rat." I say grabbing a pair of slacks and handing them to him, trying to keep my eyes off him, but finding myself looking at him from the corner of my eye, "I am deeply sorry, Sir." I say looking straight ahead, now.
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Post by POM »


"Don't be sorry, I should be sorry--" I moved her hair behind her ear and motioned her to look at me. "Don't ever be sorry for something that was out of your control." I whispered to her, and felt shivers going throughout my body as I continued to touch her.

But it was several minutes before I pulled away and grabbed my trousers from her hand, and carefully put them on so the pillow wouldn't slip from my grasp.

"What time is it miss Elizabeth?" I asked as I moved around her looking for a shirt to wear.
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Post by Zansgirl »


His touch was cold, yet warm and he made me shiver. I closed my eyes as he talked in whisper and continued to touch me, then he pulled away and put on his slacks, which made me open my eyes.

"What time is it miss Elizabeth?" He asks me as he looks around. I go over and pick up a shirt that laid of the chair in the corner and handed it to him.

"It is morning, sir. About seven or so."I tell him, looking at the ground.
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