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Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:55 am
by madroswellfan
"Oh my God, You have got to be kidding me, Please tell me, I didn't miss Christmas sneaking up on me, Becuase if so, then none of you bitches get any presents...."

I roll my eyes at her. Well at least she doesn't get on my nrves as much as Max and Isabel...but then again...she does tend to drink A LOT.
"Okay, I don't care if these people are certifiable,"

She's going in there?!
I look at Max and Isabel. "Please tell me we don't actually have to go in there right? She's kidding? Your kidding? We're all going to go somewhere which isnt decorated for christmas in June....right?!" I say desperately.

I hear a bell jingle and I look up to see a blonde walk in. She goes down and sits down in one of my sections booths. As I walk over to her I hear her suddenly say
"What the fuck"

Wow...okay...whats with that? No need for swearing...clearly shes in a bad mood...Join the club I think as I walk over to her trying to put on a smile.

"Hi, welcome to the Crashdown...can I get you a drink of anything?" I ask politely. I look up from my order pad to see her with her head back. O....k....
Whats with her? This girl is STRANGE.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:14 am
by Zansgirl

I hear the bell jingle and happen to look out the small window. I see a girl I've never seen before walk in. She says something I can't hear, but hell I knew what she said, because in my life, I've said it quite a bit.

I watch as Liz walks over to her and now I'm a little scared. I walk out of the kitchen and meet Jeff behind the counter. We both give each other a look. If this girl slipped, we would be explaining a lot to Liz and that broke my heart, because then....tomorrow....she wouldn't remember any of it.

Jeff and I shared another look, then he nodded telling me it was alright. I went back into the kitchen and started up another order, still keeping my eyes on Liz and the blonde.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:19 pm
by DestinyAwaits

This was like a nightmare. They didn't have anything to drink stiffer than this. Not to mention everything had corny little alien names.

"I like the whole Christmas thing, you have going on here," I comment to her, as I look over the menu, desperately hoping I just missed the beer and liqour. And my comment is both sarcastic since it's the middle of June and sincere since it's the first time all day I've been remotely comfortable.

I sigh when I realize that they really just don't have any. "I'll ahve an alien blast," I finally order. "And some Saturn Rings....I'm waiting for a few friends..."

I don't feel the need to explain any further. Usually I'm pretty talkative, but not when I'm like this. I'm barely tolerable when I feel like this.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:50 pm
by KarenEvans

Tess walks in to the Crashdown Cafe without us,while we continue to stand on the curb looking at the place before Michael pipes up again,"Please tell me we don't actually have to go in there right? She's kidding? Your kidding? We're all going to go somewhere which isnt decorated for christmas in June....right?!"

I swat him across his head,"Oh for heaven's sake stop being such a baby Michael,it's not like we have another choice right now unless you want to go restaurant hunting.Frankly I'm too hungry to care about the weird theme and decoration as long as the prices are reasonable and the food edible...I say we go in."

With that I march right in to the place and go sit in the booth Tess has picked out,seating myself across from her,"What looks good?" I ask her since she had already looked at the menu

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:12 pm
by madroswellfan
Isabel swats me and I turn to glare at her.
"Oh for heaven's sake stop being such a baby Michael,it's not like we have another choice right now unless you want to go restaurant hunting.Frankly I'm too hungry to care about the weird theme and decoration as long as the prices are reasonable and the food edible...I say we go in."

I sigh as I watch her cross the street. I turn to look at Max. "You know what...Roswell bites" I say annoyed, before turning on my heel and striding over the street and into the restraunt. As soon as Im inside I immediately hear the cheesy christmas music. I groan before sitting down with the girls. "My God its like some kind of... grotto. The land which time forgot...."

I look up at the waitress beside me. "Coke and fries" I say immediately before turning back to the girls. "I cant believe this place..." I grumble.

"I like the whole Christmas thing, you have going on here,"
Eh? What does she mean by that? I raise an eyebrow at her, but shes too busy looking at the menu to notice.
"I'll have an alien blast, And some Saturn Rings....I'm waiting for a few friends..."

"No problem, Ill come back when there here..." I say as I quickly scribble down her order. But before I can move away another blonde, but taller than the one in my booth comes in and sits down.

"What looks good?"
Im about to start my 'Welcome to the Crashdown' speech when the bell above the door tinkles again and a man wearing a huge frown comes in, groaning.

"My God its like some kind of... grotto. The land which time forgot...."
Whoa...someones not in the christmas spirit...what on earth is with everyone today?

He looks me at and states "Coke and fries" before turning away as if hes dismissing me. How utterly rude!
"I cant believe this place..."

I roll my eyes. "Well someones not in the christmas spirit" I mutter to myself"

"Well someones not in the christmas spirit" I look back at the waitres...hasn't she left yet?
"Excuse me?" I state raising my eyebrows.

"Excuse me?"
"Er...nothing" I mutter. I look at the taller blonde. "Can I get you anything miss?" I ask. "Is this all your party now?" I add.
I can't wait to get away from this lot...what a bunch of strange people...well...the taller blonde hasnt said anything yet, but between the strange christmas comments and the moody dude...
Im glad I havent seen these people before. Hopefully there tourists and they will go away soon! I dont want moody people at the crash at christmas!

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:41 pm
by Fehr'sBear

As I'm washing a table, I notice three newcomers walk in, two blondes and one guy who looks like he could care less if the world ended. Oh, great. Hopefully they aren't gonna cause problems.

I watch for a distance, and see the guy giving Liz attitude, so I walk over, hoping to evade any mention of the fact that it's summer and there are Christmas things everywhere.

"Hey, Liz, I've got this table, the Smiths' want to see you anyways," I tell her, ushering her in the other direction. She gives me a look I recognize as her annoyed face, but I just smile motion at her to go see them.

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:31 pm
by DestinyAwaits

I look up at smile slightly as Isabel sits down across from me. She asks me what looks good and I shrug, still trying to decipher what everything is. "They've all got alien names..." I comment,"I think I'm gonna get the Will Smith burger..." If I'm even reading this thing right. Either way, I'm getting a burger.

And then Michael comes stomring in, and his complete lack of happiness almost makes me giggle. As he orders and makes a grumpy comment to Liz I say to him. "Oh, come on, Michael, don't be so's really not all that bad."

But I ahve to raise an eyebrow and hold back my chuckles when the waitress makes a comment about Micahel not being in the christmas spirit. One, its not Christmas. And two, it's Michael. Micahel's not into being spirited, period...or at least not about holidays, anyway. he's a pretty good partier.

And then before I can answer the waitress, a new one walks up. My brow creases, this town is kinda weird. "Are you sure you want to go to school here?" I ask Isabel. I mean, you know what they say, you live ina town long enough and you start to buy into their crap. Does she wanna know what's actually going on with the Christmas in July, weird waitress swapping thing? I'm not sure I do.

I glance up at the waitress. "I think it was, an alien blast, a coke, saturn rings, and fries," I tell her, trying to rememebr everybody's order, knowing Micahel was more than ready for everyone that wasn't me, Isabel, and Max to leave him alone,"Izzy, you want anything, or are you gonna wait for Max?"

And I'm not entirely sure if Micahel's really keen on any of us right now, being stuck in Roswell, and now this Crashdown place.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:12 am
by KarenEvans

Michael follows me and he spouts off his order to the petite little waitress who looks pretty surprised by his dismissive attitude after he gives her his order...I wish he wouldn't behave like a bear with a swollen head all the time

"Well someones not in the christmas spirit",she mutters and Michael immediately spins around,"Excuse me."
'Oh no!' I groan inwardly
We haven't been in this town for an hour and he's already stepping on people's toes.
Luckily she walks off instead of staying to argue,however another waitress comes to take our order,"Hey, Liz, I've got this table, the Smiths' want to see you anyways."

Tess gives her Michael's and her order before looking at me,"Izzy, you want anything, or are you gonna wait for Max?"
"No I'll order now." I say and look up at the waitress "I'll have a Will Smith burger and an orange soda,please." I smile at her as I hand the menu back to her

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 3:28 am
by madroswellfan
Maria comes up behind me and says
"Hey, Liz, I've got this table, the Smiths' want to see you anyways,"
What? Well why cant she deal with the Smiths'? This is my table. She quickly ushers me off. I give her an annoyed look, and what does she do?

Oh I am sooo hopping mad now! Im not even going to ask if Maria can come with me this afternoon to the beach now, because frankly, I don't want her to!
I quickly sort out the Smith', (all they wanted was a coffee refill...and Maria couldn't do that because...?) and then storm in the back and go into the kitchen.
"What is with everyone today!!!" I fume at Kyle. "I mean first the song, and now Maria's pushing me off my table?! Why won't anyone tell me what the hell's going on!!"
Kyle remains silent.

"FINE!" I yell annoyed. The people near the hatch window go silent at me yelling, but I couldn't care less at this point.
"Im taking my break!" I announce to Kyle. "Tell Dad Ive gone to look at the other Christmas lights!" I say before striding out of the kitchen and out the back door. I walk determinedly down the back alley and arrive out on the mainstreet to see the pretty lights....

There are no other all.
They were all up yesterday...
What the hell!!!
I look around completely bewildered. What on earth is going on to my little perfect Christmas!!!

"Need two waitresses now to serve us huh?" I mutter darkly. This is ridiculous! What a kooky, mad, INSANE idea to have Christmas things up in June!

At that moment a new song comes on that I recognise as "We wish you a merry christmas and I groan. This is plain madness! Absolutely crazy!
I ignore the waitress and turn to the girls, "Any minute now I bet a guy in a santa costumes gonna come through that door and demand we sit on his knee!!!"

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:08 pm
by DestinyAwaits

I laugh softly at the idea of Michael sitting on santa's knee, now, or when he was little. It just doesn't seem to fit.

"Depending on what santa looked like underneath his costume...I might not mind sitting in his lap," I tease Michael. It'll probably jsut embarrass Isabel and rile up Michael. But Michael can be fun sometimes when he's acting all squirrelly.