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Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 7:24 am
by madroswellfan
"Your just trying to do your job, and I have to thank you for giving it a try."

He grins at me, sits down and hold his hand out to me. "Yeah, definitely I'll do it your way."

I shake his hand firmly. " does she actually know you exist and have you ever spoken to her?"

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:11 pm
by madroswellfan
"Yeah, like I said I've seen her in the elevator a bunch of times, I don't know if she exactly remembers my name, but she always seems to recognize me."

In other words she is just being polite. If this guy wants a chance in HELL he needs me.

I take another sip of my cocktail and look over at the girl in the black dress. She is stunning. Her blonde hair is so shiny.... I'm very tempted to send cocktails to her... but I think that will have to wait... at least until I've spoken to Michael here some more.

"Ok Michael, what would you say are YOUR best attributes. What would you use to pick up other women?"

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:50 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

I wait anxiously for her witty reply. I am not disappointed. "Oh I see... that’s the way you want to play it is it?" Chuckling to myself I get up and go into the kitchen fixing me a glass of cherry coke. When I return she has posted more. "Well... 'that fluff' is what got me through some horrible times when you men muck us women around." Sounds a tad bitter. Classifying all men into one category. I guarantee that I don’t fit into any subject she can come up with. I’m a contradiction in terms.

"Plus, those books have taught me so much about how to get a man ." I raise an eyebrow. She learned about romance from the pining and brooding of the characters of Jane Austin. Someone should teach her that love can be fun. Maybe I could be the man for the job. "And what has your thriller books taught you? To be aware of supernatural powers? Ooh look behind you! A psycho with a knife!!!" I smile despite myself. The girls good. That’s undeniable.

I place my fingertips over the black keys and enjoy their rapid succession as they type out my reply. “Thrillers are exciting! You can be a snazzy detective about to crack a influential case or a victim of a horrendous crime who rises up out of the ashes to conquer his fears and make the injustice right.” Pausing for a moment in thought I tap my finger across my lips.

“It must be a guy thing. We want action and adventure. I could never be satisfied with love that was unrequited and heartbreaking or the slow easiness of destined love. I believe love is hard and difficult ,but you make it work not because you have to but because you want will all your being to do whatever it takes to make the other person happy.”

Do I sound like a total sap? I can’t help. Helping others find a sense of belonging is my business. :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:01 pm
by madroswellfan
“Thrillers are exciting! You can be a snazzy detective about to crack a influential case or a victim of a horrendous crime who rises up out of the ashes to conquer his fears and make the injustice right.”
I can't help but roll my eyes. Guys! All the same!

“It must be a guy thing. We want action and adventure. I could never be satisfied with love that was unrequited and heartbreaking or the slow easiness of destined love. I believe love is hard and difficult ,but you make it work not because you have to but because you want will all your being to do whatever it takes to make the other person happy.”

Wow... God... that made my whole body tingle.
"Very smooth ;)" I reply grinning at my laptop screen. God... so adorable... Ok focus on flirting back.

"Well then I apologise as classing you as one of those guys who hurt women... Your clearly one of those guys who are over sensitive... not that thats not attractive ;)" I bite my lip thoughtfully, pondering what to type now.

"I personally love a sensitive guy... but I prefer guys who are sensitive...and make my toes curl. You know... someone who can make you feel so special but OH so good."

Was that too flirty? Man is it hot in here... I mean even in my silk slip nightie... still so hot. Oh wait... no... thats what I'm imagining moon doggie as being.

"You know what I mean? ;)"

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:52 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

My six ft. seven African American body guard named Bob teeters over my petite five ft five frame quite easily. “The place is secure Ms. Deluca.” He informs with a professional tone. He’s always on duty even when I insist that he attempt to have a good time. “I’ve told you time and time again to call me Maria.” I state with a good natured smile. His eyes dance with friendly joy but he replies, “Yes, Ms. Deluca.”

Shaking my head at his audacity I walk through the ropes into the trendy new club that just opened up the good side of town. My gold stilettos have small diamonds embedded along the heel which cause the strobe lights to reflect off them in a vision of eye pleasing splendor. My champagne colored Vera Wang dress clings to my curves quite exquisitely. Running a hand through my blonde curls I try to ease the nervousness rising up in the pit of my stomach. I always get a little freaked before making a public appearance ,and that‘s what this is.

My publicist informed me that I need to get out and relate with the people. In all honesty I’d rather just stay home with my dogs, a movie and some beer. Not here sipping a Cosmopolitan and hoping my puppies Rock and Roll are being well cared for. I give Bob the nod so he knows that I’m going to the bar. On my way there I catch a glimpse of a familar blonde. "Tess?" :wink:

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:09 am
by FaithfulAngel24

"Very smooth " She types in response. Yep, that’s a throw back of the job. I’m just naturally charming. Smirking cockily I feel rather good about myself. Smugness does not look good on me. She really knocks me for a loop when she continues by writing,"Well then I apologize as classing you as one of those guys who hurt women... Your clearly one of those guys who are over sensitive... not that that’s not attractive”

Over sensitive? Is that what I am? Well, I listen to women’s problems, consol them, and help fix them by escorting them to whatever event they feel embarrassed abut going to alone. Yep, It’s official. The brothers are going to take away my ‘Player Boy’ card. "I personally love a sensitive guy... but I prefer guys who are sensitive...and make my toes curl. You know... someone who can make you feel so special but OH so good." Damn. I’d like to Make her feel good. The air conditioner must have got cut off because suddenly it’s stifling in here.

"You know what I mean? " She questions and I can’t help but nod at the screen. “Yeah I know exactly how you feel. I want a woman who wants to push me down on the bed and have her wicked way with me ,but then still respect me enough to carry on a decent conversation with me in the morning ;)I tease easily. “In all honesty I have studied the male/female dynamic in my profession for the past five years and the sexes are vastly different.

In order for a man to successfully woe a woman he must look a certain way, act a certain way, do the correct thing at the appropriate time. There’s so many determining factors that it’s almost impossible to configure what she wants and needs and what you can possibly offer. Do you wanna know how a woman wins over a man?”
I pause for a moment letting the suspense build up. Not able to stand it any longer I conclude with an honest , “She shows up.”

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:30 am
by madroswellfan
Oh God it was too flirty....
I sigh when I get a ding telling me he's replied.
“Yeah I know exactly how you feel. I want a woman who wants to push me down on the bed and have her wicked way with me ,but then still respect me enough to carry on a decent conversation with me in the morning ”

Oh God... I would so push him down on a bed right now... Hmm....

“In all honesty I have studied the male/female dynamic in my profession for the past five years and the sexes are vastly different. In order for a man to successfully woe a woman he must look a certain way, act a certain way, do the correct thing at the appropriate time. There’s so many determining factors that it’s almost impossible to configure what she wants and needs and what you can possibly offer. Do you wanna know how a woman wins over a man?”

He's getting a little personal now... but I'm intrigued what he's going to say.

“She shows up.”
I immediately respond with a "LOL!" as I start to have a fit of giggles. God... so funny...

I try to let my giggles subside as I decide what to type back. "You know you got a little personal there... thats against the rules.... bad boy. ;)"

I swallow as I type, "Infact its soo flaunting the rules you should really be punished and do some sort of forfeit... but I have no idea how that would work on here... uh..."

I smile as I quickly add, "Perhaps you should read Pride and Prejudice as a punishment and then I'll test you on it... I would suggest something a little more... suitable the punishment but without knowing who you are or what you look like I guess I'll have to do without."

What happened to my witty, slightly posh sounding, emailing self. Man this guy brings out a side of me I didn't know I had... I must stop this rigt now...

Maybe a few more minutes..
Ok hours..

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:07 pm
by madroswellfan
"I don't know, what do you mean by best attributes? Features or characteristics, I'm not sure what you mean."

Okay... trying my best to keep calm. "Well what would you do to pick up women? What's special about you that you would use to get a woman?" I explain, wondering if I could get a normal girl to like him, LET ALONE Maria DeLuca...

Who has entered the bar... and gone to talk with the blonde I was checking out earlier....
Immediately a plan is forming of how to get the two of them talking... but first I have to get to know this guy... see what makes him tick.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:24 pm
by madroswellfan
"I don't really know what I would do to pick up women, but I suppose whats special about me is that I'm not just an accountant I like to paint on my time off."

Oh God.

Please DO NOT tell me he's one of those guys who watches paint dry. Oh hell... is this guy for real? I look around wondering if I've been exposed and this is also some expose for some paper... but I don't see anyone looking at us, so I guess/hope not.

I look back at Michael.

"Ok Michael..." I say trying to bite back some harsh words about growing a pair, "...First thing we have to do? Get you some personality."

I look around and spot a girl very close by at the bar.
"Ok, see the brunette with the Vodka and Orange? Go up to her and try to flirt. I'm throwing you in at the deep end because... well you need to. So just do it." I state. I see his horrified face and say, "Michael you agreed to do this my way... so go already."

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:35 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"LOL!" Pops up on the screen and I’m thrilled that have given her a laugh. "You know you got a little personal there... That’s against the rules.... bad boy. " Did I break one of the regulations? Opps. It was well worth it though just to see her refer to me as a bad boy. "In fact its soo flaunting the rules you should really be punished and do some sort of forfeit... but I have no idea how that would work on here... uh..." She wants to punish me? Sound like a great time.

"Perhaps you should read Pride and Prejudice as a punishment and then I'll test you on it... I would suggest something a little more... suitable the punishment but without knowing who you are or what you look like I guess I'll have to do without." She wants me to read a chick book? That was soo not what I had in mind. However I am slightly intrigued. “You are right.” I agree readily. “I should be reprimanded for my naughty ways ,and I think your just the woman to do it.”

I tease good naturedly. “Pride and Prejudice huh?” I mull over the idea for a moment. “Alright. You’re on.” I type in happily. “But if I do this… you’ll have to do something for me.” I grin at the limitless possibilities.


Tess’s bright blue eyes light up in recognition. "Maria," Her warm smile widens as she makes her way to my side. "How are you? Did you just get here?" She inquires with a friendly tone. I nod glad to see a familiar face. “I’m great. Yeah, I just came through the door actually. What are you up to? On assignment?” I question sweetly. “I loved the piece you did on me a couple of months back. I’ve never had an interview to go that smoothly before.” I admit honestly.

She made me feel really comfortable and didn’t dig into my past looking for skeletons. Tess is the only person in the media that I truly trust with my reputation. :wink: