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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:40 pm
by magikhands

I my gaze goes from the flash Michael sets between us to Michael several times before finally staying on the flask. I remember the freedom that I felt those few hours that one sip of alcohol gave me. After all that had happened, wouldn't that be nice? Just to not care? To forget all the burdens that weigh down my shoulders.

Michael's temporary solution was giving me exactly what I asked for. I looked up at him.

"We haven't seen eye to eye in a long time Michael, but we are growing up. We see things differently. We have different roles in life. But I trust you completely with my life." I glanced at the flask. "If I do can you be sure that I will stay here and not cause ... um, well, trouble or risk exposing us?"

I wait for Michael's answer, holding my breath and suddenly filled with hope as the thought of finally kicking back and enjoying myself for once settles over me.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:08 pm
by suicide_eagle_rath


Everyone have a safe day trick or




Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:32 pm
by AntarPrince04
Jim Valenti

I nod my head in understanding as kyle talks to me; its obvious to me that he needs and wants to work this out on his own. It sounds to me as if he's trying to convince himself more than he is me of why he's having odd dreams.

As far as I go, I'm alittle socked that my son is apparently dreaming about Max Evans. Granted, he never actually says what kind of dreams, but I'm far from stupid. It's understandable and even somewhat expected that kyle would have dreams of Max; the boy saved his life and add to that the way it was done and the revealation that comes with that, its a lot.

"I'm sure it's just the bug." I hear him saying. "You better be careful so you don't get it from me, right?"

"Yeah... Sure...." I say, lost in thought. Kyle turns and starts to walk away.

"Kyle..." I say, drawing his attention again. "I'm sure everything will be fine son. There's no need to worry."

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:03 am
by isabelle

I sit in the car, waiting, as Isabel pours her soul out to the stone. The microphone we hid there is working perfectly and I listen in to every word. The bureau had been aware that she and Alex were dating, but nobody there had told me that her feelings were this intense. I'm not sure if this will make it harder to get close to her or if she'll be even more vulnerable to a rebound relationship. I'll just have to stick to the plan and see where it goes.

As she talks, 'though, I start to get an odd feeling. Her emotion seems so real. It makes me want to comfort her. To help her. She seems so human, although I know she's not. I shove those feelings aside because I can't let it interfere with my mission. I have to stay focused. It's just a trick they have -- making themselves seem human. That doesn't make it real. We'll use these imitation emotions to get what we need.

Isabel doesn't actually say good-bye, but I can hear the tone of her voice indicating that the conversation is over for now. I get out of the car and climb a low hill to look over the graveyard. Yes, she's heading towards her house. I get back in the car and start up the engine. I head down the street and make a u-turn when I know I'm far enough so she won't see it -- not that I expect she's watching at all.

In a moment I'm driving down the street, parrellel to her path. I see her on the sidewalk and I slow down, rolling down the window.

"Isabel? Isabel Evans?" I ask, with a note of surprise in my voice, as if I'm not quite sure I recognise her and she was the last person I expected to see. "Do you need a ride?"

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:21 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I am so lost in deep thought that I don‘t even notice a car pulling up beside me. It isn‘t until I hear my name being called that I turn to see a familiar face. "Isabel? Isabel Evans" It’s the cute new teacher at school. He seems rather surprised to see me out on the streets at night all alone. Oh yeah I forget that’s frowned upon. I’ve never really gave such precautions much thought before. After all if anyone can take care of themselves it’s me. I guess that’s one advantage to being a freak.

“Do you need a ride?" He questions with a look of genuine concern. I pretend to ponder over it for a moment. After all I’m supposed to act like just a normal teenage girl without unique abilities and said chick would be a bit apprehensive about hopping into the car of a man she barely knows. Still it’s been a long night and I could sure use the company. With a gentle shrug of my shoulders I think, ‘Why not?’ I flash him that charming Evans smile and open the car door.

Sliding in I remember to be polite. “Thank you, Mr. Ramirez.” I put my seat belt on and then turn to examine his handsome features. “I was just heading home from visiting a friend.” I add feeling the need to explain my actions. “I hope I’m not out of your way.” :wink:

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 1:17 pm
by isabelle

Mr. Rameriz, she says. Hmm. Too soon to ask that she calls me Jesse. We'll work on that. She was visiting a friend. I notice that she neglects to mention that said friend is resting under six feet of dirt but I can't deny that what she said is true.

“I hope I’m not out of your way.”

I shrug. "It's no trouble. I was just running a few errands. I'm happy to help you out," I tell her. I look over, tilting my head to one side. "I'm not really sure where you live. You'll have to give me some directions."

Of course, I know exactly where she lives, but she can't know that. True, as her teacher, I would have address written down somewhere but it would be creepy if I had it memorized.

"I like what you've done with your hair, by the way. It looks great."

Cutting and dying it has changed her look completely. She couldn't have done better if she were trying to disquise herself. Still, I wasn't lying when I said it looked great. Isabel looks great. Is that some alien-thing that she's more beautiful than any woman I've ever met? She'd be beautiful no matter what she was wearing or what her hair looked like.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:47 am
by FaithfulAngel24

He gives a noncommittal shrug (Do men practice that move in the mirror or is it simply a gesture instilled in them at birth?) before assuring me, "It's no trouble. I was just running a few errands. I'm happy to help you out," He seems thoroughly genuine in his explanation, but I find something odd about a guy running errands this late at night. (This coming from the chick who visits a graveyard every time life feels like it’s too much.)

The devastatingly handsome older man turns to me and I can’t help but begin to use the age calculator in my head. I wonder how old he is? 24? 25? 26? I’ve got to be at least warm. There have been a lot of rumors circulating about him. Such as there’s one that he’s dating the Spanish Teacher, Ms. Demarco. I certainly hope not. She’s far too boring for him if you ask me. I imagine Mr. Rameriz would want a woman that could bring a little excitement in his life. You know keep things interesting. Not that my opinion matter any.

I am startled out of my deep thoughts of faculty hook ups when he states, "I'm not really sure where you live. You'll have to give me some directions." Of course. I must look like a total idiot just riding around in his car and taking advantage of his generosity. Still I don’t want to go home quite yet and he looks as if he could use some human interaction himself. Well, scratch the human part and we are both benefiting from the ride.

Before I can spout off directions he tosses a lovely compliment my way. "I like what you've done with your hair, by the way. It looks great." Wow, he really surprised me. Most men don’t notice things such as hair styles. It’s more then likely a genetic flaw in their DNA. I’ll have to be careful with this one. He actually pays attention. “Why Thank you.” I answer feeling rather good about myself. “Turn right up here on the right.” I instruct before turning my gaze back to the mysterious driver.

I hope he doesn’t notice I’m taking us the long way. For some reason I feel intrigued to spend just a little more time with him. “So…How do you like West Roswell High?” I question while examine the way his prominent jaw line frames a strong distinguished chin. He is rather yummy looking. I immediately feel guilty for such lust driven thoughts. Alex hasn’t been gone but for a few months and I’m already checking out other guys?

Not to mention a man that has got to be around eight years older then me. My father would flip. Not to mention the whole he’s my teacher thing. Schools tend to frown on students boffing their instructor. I can’t believe I just thought that. I feel like in some way I am dishonoring Alex’s memory by having such ideas. I shake my head slightly as if to physically remove those images from my brain. :wink:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:36 pm
by isabelle

"All right," I say, turning as Isabel directs me. I keep my face pleasantly neutral although I realize that she's not taking me on the most direct route to her house. I wonder why? Does she suspect anything? No, she can't. How could she possibly know?

“So…How do you like West Roswell High?” she asks. Is she interviewing me?

"I think it's a great school. The people there are really first rate," I tell her. I glance over at her, smiling. "Students and teachers, of course. Although I hear you might not be with us much longer. You're concidering taking early graduation? Most impressive, I must say."

Once she's out of school, there won't be any teacher/student taboo to worry about -- assuming this goes that long. It's intended to be a long term surviellance if needed, depending on how hard it is to get the information we need. It's definately going to take some time to cultivate something of a relationship with Isabel.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:57 pm
by magikhands
Where are you Chris??? :?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 12:01 am
by AntarPrince04
I never got your PM. My email said I recieved one, but when I checked, it wasnt there..


"We haven't seen eye to eye in a long time Michael, but we are growing up. We see things differently. We have different roles in life, " he says. I simply nod, keeping my thoughts to myself. He wants a stress free night and thats what he'll get. Reminding him of what he's trying to forget won't help.

"....But I trust you completely with my life." He steals a grance at the flask and I can see him wavering. "If I do can you be sure that I will stay here and not cause ... um, well, trouble or risk exposing us?"

That thought causes me to pause for a second and actually consider. It's a valid question, one in which I'd be surprised if he didn't ask.

Loathed as I am to admit it, Max is stronger than I am in terms of abilities. Even if that weren't the case, even with the practice I've had, Max still has more control than I do...

"I could always knock you out", I tell him casually. While Max's abilities might be stronger than mine, I've always been physically stronger than him.

Max snorts in amusement at my answer. "You think I wouldn't if I had too," I ask him in a level tone and a passive face. "....Besides, if you hadn't noticed, I sealed the door when I locked it as well."


Not much, but it'll get us moving again. Now it's your turn. I need that Kyle post on Been There...