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Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:12 pm
by madroswellfan
"I don't know Alex. And I don't have any clue how to figure it out. Maybe we should call someone else?"
I raise an eyebrow at she feeling ok... thats not like her...

"Why are you so freaked out right now? And take that ridiculous thing off..."
Immediately I start stripping. The apron comes off, followed by the blue main body of the outfit...leaving me in my boxers.

I gasp before grabbing my trousers and jamming them on. Thank GOD I hadn't been in anything embarrasing. Fortunitely, just boxers. Ok if I had to strip down in front of anyone it would have been Liz. Not because of... yeah... just because shes the least likely person to laugh at me. Maria would get the giggles no doubt.

"Freaked out Liz! Yeah Im freaked out! Ive been serving customers and doing there bidding for no reason! I think Im allowed to freak!" I tell her.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 5:29 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
OOC: Sorry it's so short


"Are you trying to hit on me Alex?" I ask him teasingly as he stips down to his boxers,"Because that's a little forward..."

I roll my eyes as he continues to freak out. "Alex, just breath," I tell him calmly,"Relax. Everything will be alright."

And once he seems to have control of himself I say to him,"So earlier you mentioned wanting to show me something?"

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:52 pm
by Fehr'sBear
ooc: still waiting on a Maria post!!!! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:57 pm
by madroswellfan
ooc: Fehr, Im afraid Faith is having a few comp problems atm!

"Are you trying to hit on me Alex?" I can't help but roll my eyes at her. Women...
"Because that's a little forward..." Humph...

"Alex, just breath," she says trying to make me feel calm. "Relax. Everything will be alright." Alright?! How is this alright?! I try to calm down but.... come off it... I just publically humilated myself!

"So earlier you mentioned wanting to show me something?"
I sigh. "Yeah... on the counter... The Whits made a new CD." I say with a small smile. "I would go out and show you but... I might end up doing a dance on the tabletop!"

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 3:30 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

I laugh softly at Alex's antics. Do a dance on a table top? This is Alex for crying out loud. Not very likely.

"Alright, scaredy cat," I tease him lightly,"I'll go get it..."

I walk out into the cafe and grab the cd, coming back into the break room.

"Should we go upstairs and listen to it?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow. WOndering what's going on with him. He's so skiddish.

And something's not right with me either, but I can't quite put my finger on what. Oh well, I'll figure it out later, right? Or I'll just feel better later.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:31 pm
by StormWolfstone

"There has to be some sort of rational explanation..." Max begins and inwardly I can't stop from wanting to laugh.

"Nicholas... it has to be Nicholas..." Yes, I'm rather certain it is good ole Nicky... and I intend to find him and enjoy the fact that I'm the real me again. No more sick little gooy two shoes...

I simply nod, forcing myself to remain apparently calm rather then letting my frustration at his goodness reach me. He's taking his invisibility thing too well. "We all need to stick together... get everyone together and stay together. We need to figure this out... there has to be a logical explanation... who has he affected? Why is he doing it? There must be a reason."

"I'm sure we can figure this all out and get him out of here... we did it before... we..." I hear a sudden thud and again am forced to make myself keep from laughing.

I note some blood and inwardly feel some satisfaction at what is going on. I want to get back home to Khivar and I'll do what I have to in order to do so, but I'll have some fun in the meantime. "What the hell?! Why do people keep doing that?!"

"Maybe it's because no one can see you, Max." I say, not caring that I sound distant. "Let's just get to the others and we'll go from there." I can't wait to see what's happening with the others. I might have a good reward for Nicky... a very good reward for him.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:32 pm
by Fehr'sBear
bumping, still waiting on a Maria post. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 4:16 am
by FaithfulAngel24
OOC: Sorry for all the waiting. I hope this works. If not just let me know and I'll give it a tweak.


Love Bites. So have you every really cared about someone to the point where you would do just about anything for them and then they break your heart into a million gazillion pieces all for some bleached blonde tramp who more then likely has VD? No? Oh well then I guess that was just me. Me...Bitter? Maybe.

Biting my bottom lip harshly I suppress the urge to outwardly sob. I have wasted too many tears on that jerk as it is. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me all pink and puffy. Stealing a quick peek in the mirror I realize that only a blind man wouldn’t be able to tell that I was up all night crying. Damn that Michael Guerin! I thought what we had was special. Apparently that was not the case.

I still can’t believe that all of those tender caresses and meaningful looks were false. I should have known that even his kisses were lying. I straighten up my miserably wrinkled uniform and then and there I make myself a solemn vow. I will never speak to Spaceboy again.

I am just about to exit my room when I happen to glance out my window and see the aforementioned waving his arms frantically like a mad man. His lips are moving but there is no sound coming out. What kind of sick game is he playing? He looks absolutely terrified so I go over to the window and raise it up so that he can enter. Don’t get me wrong I still loathe him with every fiber of my being but he appears to be scared and even my shattered heart can’t turn him away in this condition.

I open my mouth to ask him what’s wrong yet nothing comes out. What the hell! I try desperately in vain to produce some kind of noise but alas nothing. What's wrong with me? I glare at the intruder and make it apparent that his mere presence annoys me. Shaking my head I mouth ‘This is all your fault.’ In case he can’t read lips I reach up and smack him on the back of the head. That’ll teach him.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:33 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Maria pushes open the window and I barrel inside, before she can say a word. Breathing heavily, I start to explain how a guy attacked me, but she cuts me off with a smack to the head and mouthes the words 'It's all your fault.' What, so she has no voice now?

"Did you lose your voice?" I start, and she doesn't respond, so I keep on going. "I was coming over here to explain the whole Courteny thing to you, and some guy attacked me, so can I please hide here for a bit?"

Waiting for her response, I take a seat on the bed, and finally notice her eyes in the dim light of her bedroom. They're all she's been crying. Oh, god, it's worse than I thought. She's crying over me? We really need to talk.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:56 am
by FaithfulAngel24

My handsome if not poorly groomed ex looks startled at the revelation as he inquires, "Did you lose your voice?" I cock my head to the side and flash him my best Duh look.

He continues to ramble on and yet I still hear absolutely nothing. I am shroud in complete silence. My lip reading is a tad rusty to say the least so I only get about every other word.


Well I can pretty much guess what that means, She put it on him like a pop tart and now he realizes that syphilis is indeed not cool. What am I supposed to do about it? I try to suppress the overwhelming urge to smack him again. He’s simply not worth it.

Michael takes a seat on my bed and the sight of his commanding presence on my fluffy purple comforter. He looks so out of place and yet at the same time like he belongs nowhere else. I fear my resistance will never be distance enough. I attempt speech once more but to my dismay not a word is uttered. What is happening to me?

I am scared to death and the one person that I want to run to is the same one who broke my spirit less than twenty-four hours ago. I need to be strong but there’s something about that concerned expression he wears that forces my defenses to crumble to ashes. The irony of this situation is definitely not lost on me. Michael and I have always had trouble communicating verbally. This is simply a physical manifestation of an underlying dilemma.

Letting out a frustrated breath I glance around the room frantically for some sort of answer to our current problem. Aha! I take the dry erase board of my wall and begin to frantically erase the Sheryl Crow lyrics. Grabbing the fuchsia magic marker of my desk I begin to scribble out a message.

’Apparently I have lost my voice…One joke and I swear you’ll be walking away from this with a limp,’ I threaten while underlining the last sentence several times.

‘I can’t hear anything either.’ It is then that I realize the magnitude of these events. What if I am never able to yell at Space boy again? Worse yet what if I never hear the rugged sound of his voice again. That idea alone devastates me.

Despite my every present animosity towards him I sit down on the bed and lean my head on his shoulder. I have to touch him. When syllables are too much for us we can always express a thought through the simplest caress. My need to connect with him comes just as natural as breathing. I rub away the words on the board and instead write ‘What are we going to do?’ :D