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Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 5:00 am
by Applebylicious
Every good thing must come to an end...

~ an old proverb~


(Max POV)

“Hey, Max!”

I look up to see the person who was rude enough to interrupt me from my latest conquest, a double cheeseburger with extra onion.

A gorgeous brunette makes her way towards me, shapely hips swaying back and forth as she rounds several picnic tables and kids loitering on the lawn.

As she appears by my side, she flashes me a sweetly seductive smile, to which I grin lazily back.

“What brings you by, Liz?” I drawl, in that voice that I know drives her wild.

She flutters her lashes at me, her soft brown eyes filled with secret amusement at our game.

“I heard if I wanted a good time, you could help me,” she breathes, and my body is immediately hard and aching. “You are Max Evans, the school player?”

I sigh and lean my elbows back against the table, cocking my eyebrows. “Sorry babe,” I say in a regretful voice. “As hot as you are, this player is retired.”

She licks her lips slowly, and my eyes follow the trail, focusing intently on the lush swipe of her tongue. She laughs softly, as if knowing exactly what I’m imagining that tongue doing. “Well… that’s a shame.”

I look up, my gaze burning into her. “Hmm… maybe just this once,” I murmur, yanking her arm and pulling her into my lap. She laughs, and her fingers slide into my hair, nails raking pleasantly against my scalp.

“You are so easy,” she teases, seconds before our lips meet. I groan as she playfully nips my lip, then pulls back. “I really came to see you for a reason,” she admits, moving to sit next to me.

I tighten my grip, not allowing her to scoot away from me. “I’ve heard that one before,” I purr, nuzzling her neck as she sighs.

“Max, people are watching,” she giggles, and I make a show of releasing her. “And I really did come for a reason. I just got a call from Alex-“

I straighten, eyes lighting and my heart beating rapidly. “Is it time?”

An excited smile curves her own lips. “Isabel’s water just broke. They’re on the way to the hospital now. I have to call Maria and Serena and we’re supposed to meet them there.”

I stare at her, mouth hanging open as I realize that my sister is in labor. That I’m about to become an uncle. “Oh, my God… I’m not ready.”

“Oh, Max!” she laughs, watching me curiously. “Don’t start this again.”

“No, no,” I mumble, standing and raking my hand through my hair. “I haven’t even finished putting together the crib yet!”

“Zan and Michael did,” she reminds me.

“Well, I haven’t finished reading that What to Expect When You’re Expecting book,” I counter, pacing the ground next to her.

“Alex did,” she sighs, leaning her head on her hand as if prepared to stay awhile.

“And what about the kid’s college fund?” I pull at the hair at my temples. She just stares at me. “Okay, so that one isn’t really my concern.”

“Baby, just calm down,” she pulls at my arm, and I full numbly into the seat next to her. “Everything’s going to be fine. Your mom and Dad are there to help if things get rough, until Alex and Izzy get married after graduation.”

“Yeah…” I say, then my eyes open wide. “Oh, my God! Why are we just standing here! Stop distracting me, woman! My sister is having a baby!”

With that, I drag her across the lawn.


(Liz POV)

“Is she supposed to look like that?”

I roll my eyes goodnaturedly at Zan’s worried voice, and exchange an amused glance with Diane.

“Yes, it’s completely normal for a newborn to have distorted features from delivery,” a patient nurse explains to the four males surrounding the heating incubator, where Sophia Fontaine Evans wriggles, her pink skin shiny and new.

“It looks like someone bit her,” Michael’s eyes narrow. “What the hell did that?”

“They’re called ‘stork bites’,” the nurse hides a smile as the men all lean forward to see more closely. “Once again, just a casualty of delivery. They’ll fade in a few weeks.”

“She’s so little,” Max whispers, and my heart melts at the warmth in his voice. Then he says, “She isn’t going to be a crazy giant like her mother, that’s for sure.”

“Max Evans, I’m not so tired I couldn’t get up from this bed and kick your ass,” Isabel says in an extremely fatigued voice from across the room.

He looks over his shoulder and grins sheepishly. “She’s beautiful, Iz. Just like her momma.”

A smile lights her face, and she holds her hand out. Max walks over and brushes a sweaty strand of hair away from her forehead. “How you doing, sweetheart?” he says in a low voice, worry shining from his eyes. “That was a long one.”

“How would you know?” Isabel laughs, but squeezes his hand. “I’m fine, Max. But I’m really feeling tired. Why don’t you see if you can convince everyone to go out and eat, and then come back later?”

He looks doubtful, but I walk over and place my hand on his arm, sending Isabel a wink. “Come on, Uncle Max. There’s a McDonald’s across the street. Let’s let Isabel get some sleep and recooperate.”

He throws an arm around me, bringing me up close against him. “Okay… but we’ll be back,” he says, turning to go inform the rest of the gang about our plans.

“Liz, just a minute,” Isabel says before I can turn around. Her expression is odd, and she nibbles her lip before speaking, making me extremely curious about whatever is about to be said. “I… I have a favor to ask you. And you can completely say no, I just…”

She takes a deep breath. “Alex and I were hoping you’d be Sophia’s godmother.”

My mouth falls open. “M… me?” I glance around the room. “But… why?”

“Because I trust you. Alex trusts you,” her gaze flicks across the room, and a soft smile lifts her lips. “My brothers trust you.”

Tears fill my eyes, and I quickly blink them away. “Of course I will, Isabel. Thank you.”

We stare at each other, then burst out laughing as we realize how close we both are to breaking out in sappy tears.

Later on, I tell Max about his sister’s offer and he smiles at me, playing with my hair as we lie in my bed in the guest cottage.

“You would be a wonderful mother,” he murmurs, sliding a leg over me as he uses his arms to hold himself over me. His eyes burn into mine. “An incredibly sexy, gorgeous mother.”

“Don’t get any crazy ideas,” I warn him teasingly, as he begins to nibble on my collarbone, working his way down. “I have no plans for any of that until I finish college, and maybe even a few years after that.”

He rumbles from beneath the blankets, where his mouth is working sensual magic on my lower belly. “Is that right?”

I suck in a breath, my legs widening of their own accord as his fingers trace a circle high on my thigh. “Y… yes,” I moan, reaching down to bury my fingers in his hair as he lightly draws his tongue across my slit.

“Hmm…” he hums, and I almost scream as he slides his tongue deep. “That’s interesting…”

“Max… please, I need you,” I’m reduced to thrashing as he holds me firmly against the mattress, teasing me past the brink of control. “Please!

He slides up my body, kissing me roughly before positioning himself at my slick entrance. He brushes the tangled hair from my face, and traces my lip. “You won’t mind if we practice making those babies for awhile, would you?”

His eyes are glowing mischieviously, and I laugh as he probes with his erection. “Do your worst, Mr. Evans.”

He captures my lips, and slides himself into me as deeply as possible.


(Max POV)

“Life is good,” I murmur, lounging lazily in a chaise as Zan and Michael sprawl in the chairs next to me.

“Oh yeah,” Zan groans, reaching up to scratch his bare chest. He sighs, and I detect the type of satisfied laziness that comes only from a bout of aerobic excersise. A grin lights my face as I recall his visit to Serena’s new apartment earlier that day.

I turn to look at Michael. “Dad said they let Nick go on probation.”

He grunts, swatting at a fly. “He has to spend six months in juvie for possession,” he answers. “Can’t say I’m sorry to see him getting what’s coming to him. Daddy can’t bail him out of that one.”

I just shake my head. Maybe Michael didn’t want to see Nicholas go down for attempted murder, but there’s no love lost between the two.

“Did you guys hear about Tess?” Zan asks suddenly. “She got diagnosed with severe nymphomania and drug-induced depression. Dad said she’s over at Hargrove.”

I raise a brow. “A mental institute. That’s creepy. But hey, she does need help. Jesus, all the stuff they found after the memorial… makes my skin crawl.”

“All those men and women,” Zan shivers. “That is one dirty whore.”

His simple words make me snort. “Well said.”

“I can’t believe Isabel’s getting married,” Michael says a few minutes later. “Christ… and to Alex Whitman.”

“He turned out to be a cool kid,” Zan says, and I nod.

“Yeah, and he’s completely crazy about Izzy. He’ll be good for her and Sophia.”

Zan cracks a grin at me. “So when are you popping the question to the delectable Miss Parker? Come on… you aren’t holding out on us, are ya Maxie?”

I turn to look out over the pool, a smile lighting my features. “That, boys, you’ll just have to wait and see.”


Author's Note: Thank you all for reading, to those who started way back last year when this was first being posted, to those who bumped while I was gone, and to those who stuck around! :D I appreciate and adored all of your feedback. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 7:28 pm
by Applebylicious
Hey guys!

Just stopping by to let you all know... there won't be a sequel. :( So sorry, but I felt like this was an appropriate place to leave it, and anything more would just be overkill.

If you need to know, Max and Liz eventually got married and had three kids, two boys and a girl, and Max became the typical overprotective daddy. :D

Alex, Isabel and Sophia lived happily ever after, as well, and Sophia indeed grew to be as tall as her "gigantic momma."

Michael and Maria are living together, but Michael plans to pop the question whenever he can get Maria to stop babbling about the new babies that have been added to the group.

And of course, Zan and Serena... these two stayed in Roswell, and Zan and his family grew as tight knit as possible. Zan plays uncle to the passle of kids and insists on living in sin for a few more years before getting married, just to keep him feeling young and wild.

Er... anyway, hope that helps? :lol: LOL, I am SUCH a dork. Bye now!

