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Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:20 am
by Roswelllostcause
Very good! Hurry back!

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:22 pm
by L-J-L 76
A great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I like how Liz was with Max. I can't believe Liz stapped Max. Sounds like Michael to go to his room. Sounds like Liz is acting like herself again. Will Liz remember her past? What will Liz do when she remembers? Will Max be happy Liz remembers or not? What will Max and Michael do when Liz remembers? Will Liz leave or stay? Will Michael be able to handle what Liz will do? Will Max, Liz and Michael sit down? Will Liz return to her life? Will Liz stay with Max? Will Michael stay or leave? Will Max and Liz have a happy life together? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Will Max and Liz get married? Sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and Michael.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:11 pm
by keepsmiling7
WOW Carrie.........can't believe they are now connected they well should be if Michael will leave them alone.
Maybe he meant well at first, but that just left Max in an impossible situation.
I can't wait to see where we go now, and thanks for the wonderful update.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:37 pm
by HypnotiqBlueEyes
Wow!!! The new update was amazing! Seems like everything is finally coming back to Liz. Wonder how she will handle everything!?! Please hurry back with more soon!


Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:19 am
by begonia9508
Hey Carrie, amazing part!

In fact, the fact that she cuts him with glass put in motion her memories... It won't be easy for him to mind-warp her, now...

Thanks and waiting impatiently for more - EVE :mrgreen:

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:20 pm
by L-J-L 76
Carrie please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. So please please please please post more really really really really soon?

L-J-L 76

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:48 pm
by sarammlover
OMG Carrie....this is very dark and so incredibly well written. I wanted to keep reading and reading. You mentioned Liz had married a military man....anyone connected to the original massacre team. That was awful by the way. WOW! SUch great emotion in this. I can't wait for more!

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 3 6/7/14

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:21 am
by dreambeliever
Oh Carrie your writing never ceases to amaze me. It's only the beginning and yet by the end of the first chapter I was tearing up. I could feel the emotions from Max. It's a wonderful start to what seems to be a truly angsty and satisfying story. I bow to thee....I truly can't wait for the next post.

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 8/26/1

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:08 pm
by jake17
L-J-L 76 x2

I'm so sorry for the long absence, was spending as much time as I could with my daughter before she goes back to school, will be writing often again, thank you so much for the amazing feedback.

Chapter four

“I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.”

by Ian McEwan

Looking down at her as she slept peacefully, her wild dark hair fanned around her tear stained face, he felt as if powerful claws clenched his heart, ripping it from his chest with all logic and reason along with it.

Hands shoved restlessly in the front pockets of his jeans as he remembered the nights that he would sit outside her window and watch her sleep so long ago.

She never knew, it was a secret he kept to himself their entire time together because he was too embarrassed to tell her how much he needed her, how he always needed her.

He was ashamed to admit that he would run from his parent’s house in the middle of the night whenever the world seemed so heavy on his shoulders and he felt so suffocated he could barely breathe.

All those years before the day of the shooting just hiding in the shadows on her balcony watching hypnotized by her beauty, her innocence, the kindness of her soul that he felt so strongly.

She would never know the calmness he brought him, how in the night when the world was asleep she made him feel safe, just knowing she was there, that she existed amongst the constant worry, and fear that wore on his heart making him feel so alone.

He’d never imagine that she would someday be in his arms, whispering words of love, drowning in her kisses, getting lost in the wonder and amazement of everything that was her.

But love doesn’t play fair, no one tells you how high the stakes are, how it could all end in the blink of an eye.

How it graciously invites you into a secret, wondrous world just meant for the two of you, all the while keeping the insidious secret that it will never let you go, not even when you beg and plead for mercy, not even when the pain of loss is so great you wish nothing but the sweet release of death.

He knew this as tears filled his warm amber eyes, as his heart swelled with the pain of endless lost years and torturous nights without her.

Max knew unequivocally that the love he felt for her would never waver, or fade, that time itself was no match for its rule.

He was powerless against it as if standing on the edge of the ocean attempting to hold back the waves as they crashed ashore.

It was hopeless to even try.

He knew this now more than ever.

Ripped out of his thoughts by a gentle grip to his shoulders Max turned to find Michael standing duffle bag over his shoulder ready to go.

“You had to do it Max, you know you did the right thing.”

Nodding Max choked back his emotions as he edged away from Michael.

The lights lining the walls flickered as his heart began to pound racing with adrenaline.

“We have to leave now so I can get her back in her apartment by daybreak, you’re going to have to help me carry her down the mountain, I can take it from there.”

Michael whispered stepping closer towards her until he was halted by Max’s arm across his chest.

Even through the darkened room Michael could see the determination fixed in his brother’s intense eyes.

“What happened Max?”

Searching for words that he knew would make no sense Max shook his head.

“Just go, I’ll take it from here.”

Forcefully grabbing Max’s arm Michael shoved him up the stairs into the kitchen practically throwing him against the wall.

“You didn’t do it, what the hell are you thinking Max?!

Max stared blankly at the floor, his chest breathlessly rising and falling, lost, knowing nothing, understanding nothing except one absolute truth, he couldn’t let her go.

“She knows something, the wound on my chest, she saw that it was healed, she was remembering.”

Fisting his hair in frustration Michael paced the floor glaring at Max in a rage.

“You’re not making any sense! That was all the reason to do it, the more she remembers the harder it will be to wipe her memory clean! What the hell are you thinking! This is dangerous now; you’re hurting her doing this you realize that right?”

Keeping his eyes fixed to the floor Max didn’t respond, his thoughts, his heart was tied up in her.

Fisting Max’s shirt Michael forced him to look at him, his teeth clenched in frustration.

“This is selfish, this is not you! You’re going to get the both of you killed.”

Backing up Michael slung his duffle bag more securely over his shoulder.

“I can’t be a part of this, I won’t… I’m sorry Max but you’re on your own now.”

Max flinched as the door slammed behind Michael watching out the window as he ran over the clearing disappearing into the woods.

Practically falling down into the kitchen chair Max numbly reached for the recorder pressing play as he rested the device to his forehead.


`~~~ Dr. Dexton this is embarrassing.

~~~~ Liz, please I am your doctor, you are in a safe place, anything at all that you can remember will help us reveal the person that is blocked in these dreams you are experiencing.

~~~~ O-Okay, it’s just that some of the dreams I have are… well intimate, intensely intimate.

~~~~ It’s perfectly natural to have dreams of a… sexual nature Liz, please proceed, you are making remarkable progress.

~~~~ See, that's just the point, it’s so much more than that. I’ve been married, I’m no virgin that’s no secret but with him… with this man it’s different. It’s like he knows me… everything about me, he touches me in a way that is so passionate. It’s beyond sex, it’s like he knows me in a way that is so... personal.

~~~ Can you expand on that feeling Liz… please I know this is difficult but this may give us more indication to what is happening to you.

~~~ Everything is heightened, the feeling of his lips on my skin, his breath in my ear, his body moving in sync with mine. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s like magic, the way he makes me… feel. The … places he brings me. I know this sounds crazy but sometimes I just lay in bed at night praying he’ll come to me, that he’ll take me away from all of … this. It's beautiful there, with him, he's ... beautiful.


Turning over onto her back Liz licks her dry lips feeling strangely rested until the her reality comes rushing over her.

Charging out of bed she circles the small room ready for a fight until her eyes focus on a pile of clothes and a towel resting on a chair in the corner of the room.

Placed over the clothes is a carefully folded note.

There is a shower to the right of the bedroom, you will find everything you need inside the bathroom. Please leave your clothes on the chair and I will return them to you clean. Lunch will be waiting for you upstairs when you’re finished. Please do this, you will feel better, when you’re done we will talk.

Infuriated Liz immediately ran up the stairs and pounded on the locked door yelling for Max fruitlessly.

Emotionally and physically exhausted with two days in the same clothes, filthy from the hike up the mountain, not to mention starving, Liz reluctantly stumbled back down the stairs still in a daze from his powers.

After a long hot shower Liz stood dripping with the towel around her staring down at the white tee shirt and blue sweat pants that were obviously Max’s sitting on the bed.

Running the comb provided by him through her hair she neatly folded her dirty clothes as asked and got dressed.

At this point she knew the only chance she had at escaping was to get up stairs, to find a phone or some kind of weapon.

Barefoot she lightly knocked on the door. “Max, I’m finished.”

Within a few seconds she heard the door unlock and footsteps fade away from the door.

Carefully she inched the door open to find Max at the counter preparing their meals.

His voice was quiet and calm, familiar in a strange way unlike the two days she had spent with him it seemed to sooth her.

“Please have a seat Liz, you must be starving.”

Edging slowly she sat down taking notice for the first time how different he looked from her memory of him from school.

He was a man now, his hair thick and long to his shoulders, with a five o’clock shadow cast across a strong intense jaw.

His body was obviously built, with toned strong muscles formed beneath his shirt, he was definitely a far cry from the shy, introverted, fumbling teenager that she remembered.

Clearing her throat her voice still hoarse from her long hours of induced sleep she wanted to see if he would give her the answers he promised.

“So, you said in your note that we could talk.”

Hesitating for a moment he glanced over his shoulder towards her before cutting her turkey sandwich in half.

Silently he placed two sandwiches on the table with two glasses of ice tea, a pile of napkins and a bottle of tabasco sauce.

Looking down at her shaky hands he pointed to her meal.

“Please, your trembling, you need to eat. I promise then we’ll talk.”

Sighing heavily she glanced at the door then all around the room for an escape but her stomach and her dizzy head had won the battle.

Against the voice screaming in her head to throw the plate at him she reached for half of the sandwich and took a small bite and before she knew it her dish was clean.

Max however didn’t touch his food, he just watched her, taking her in, completely entranced by her clean make up free beautiful face and her wet black hair combed back leaving wet pools of water on his tee shirt where the ends met on her chest.

Butterflies swarmed his stomach, every muscle tensed in her presence; it was as if the more he was close to her the less control he had in hiding his feelings.

“Why aren’t you eating?”

Stoically he sat soaking in every word she spoke to him.

Softly he looked down at his food and pushed it away. “I guess I’m just not hungry.”

Wiping her mouth with a napkin she pushed her chair away from the table before finishing off her glass of ice tea.

“Ok, I’ve showered, and eaten. I’ve done everything you’ve asked; now tell me why I’m being held captive here.”

The tone of her voice was hard and confident. He was impressed by the strong, obviously independent woman she had become. He was impressed by everything about her.

Nodding he cleared the table and placed the recorder between them.

“The psychiatrist, Dr. Dexton, the man that’s been treating you isn’t who you think he is.”

Shaking her head she folded her arms across her chest angrily. “How do you know about him? How did you get these tapes?”

Shrugging his shoulders Max looked down at the recorder finding it impossible to gaze into her wide captivating eyes.

“It doesn’t matter how I know, what matters is that you believe me. I know to do this you need proof, so here it is.”

Sitting back Max dug his nails into his thighs as her soft voice drifted from the recorder speaking of him, of him loving her.


`~~~ Dr. Dexton this is embarrassing.

~~~~ Liz, please I am your doctor, you are in a safe place, anything at all that you can remember will help us reveal the person that is blocked in these dreams you have.

~~~~ O- Okay, it’s just that some of the dreams I have are… well intimate, exceptionally intimate.

~~~~ It’s perfectly natural to have dreams of a… sexual nature Liz, please proceed you are making remarkable progress.

~~~~ See, that just the point, it’s so much more than that. I’ve been married, I’m no virgin that’s no secret but with him… with this man it’s different. It’s like he knows me… everything about me, he touches me in a way that is so passionate. It’s beyond sex, it’s like he knows me in a way that is so... personal.

~~~ Can you expand on that feeling Liz… please I know this is difficult but this may give us more indication to what is happening to you.

~~~ Everything is heightened, the feeling of his lips on my skin, his breath in my ear, his body moving in sync with mine. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s like magic, the way he makes me… feel. The … places he brings me. I know this sounds crazy but sometimes I just lay in bed at night praying he’ll come to me, that he’ll take me away from all of … this.

Infuriated Liz nervously reached for the tabasco sauce still on the table and slammed it down.

“This doesn’t prove anything! This is private, you have no business – “

Stopping the recorder he gently touched her wrist taking the bottle that she was pounding into the table out of hand to prevent her from hurting herself.

“Please there’s more, he talks to you for a little while longer and then you leave, but there’s more on the tape. Please Liz, just listen."


~~~ Liz, when you are having these … intimate moments in your dreams, can you see his face at all? Anything, the color of his hair, eyes, or his build, height… even the sound of his voice, is there anything familiar about him?

~~~ I’m sorry Dr. Dexton, I know your trying your best, and I know you believe somehow that these are suppressed memories I’m having but, I can’t see him at all, which leads me to believe that this is just something my subconscious has made up to deal with my divorce and the anniversary of the high school shooting. In fact the more sessions I have with you the more I believe that all this isn’t real, it just doesn’t make any sense, no man in this or world or any other is capable of being that way. That kind of love just doesn't exist.

~~~ What do you mean this world or … any other?

~~~ What?

~~~ You just said, no man in this world or any other. This is the second time you’ve referenced this person coming from another world.

~~~ I don’t know what I’m saying and I’m sorry but I’m not taking that prescription you are filling out right now, I have to go. I’ll see you next week.

~~~ Liz please wait….


Pausing the recorder Max points to the device as he looks intensity into her eyes, doing his best to hold his feelings back knowing how devastating this will be.

“Ok Liz, you’re out of the room now.”

Pressing play he can feel her pulse racing now as his hand gently rests on her palm his fingertips grazing her wrist tenderly.

It’s then that he sees her begin to stare at the bottle of tabasco sauce almost hypnotically.


~~~ Subject wrestling with the truth, it’s only a matter of time before she remembers. When we have it on tape we can place her in the institution and find out everything she knows. I will diagnosis her with schizophrenia, suffering from hallucinations, manic behavior concluding that she is a possible harm to herself and others. There we can administer a medium of drugs including sodium pentothal to get the entire truth of what she knows, even if it is buried in her subconscious. Until then continue with the surveillance of her apartment, and employment, we can’t let her out of our sight.


Tears welled up quickly but she stayed frozen, her eyes locked on the hot sauce on the table.

“Liz? Liz are you ok? “

Her long dark eye lashes fluttered as she suddenly remembered the night before, the disappearance of his wound, the sound of his voice, her own words on the recorder.

Her voice cracked as she let out a raspy whisper speaking with an uncertainty and fear of the impossible, of what couldn’t be.

“Max… who are you?”

Re: The Intimacy of Strangers (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 4 8/26/14

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:54 pm
by zaneri1
Great story as always - I'm really enjoying it