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The Prettiest Thing (M/L, MATURE) Chapter 29, 12/28, Page 9

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:54 am
by DreamerLaure
This next part’s a little more Mature than usual :)
I also borrowed lines from ‘Sexual Healing.’
Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas!

Chapter 29

“Where are we going, Max?” she cried with a laugh as they ran alongside the thick row of trees surrounding the park.

“Liz, where’s your sense of adventure?” he teased.

“I have one,” she said between breaths, “but in most of my adventures, I’m not running with my Knight in Shining Armor towards nowhere.”

Max stopped suddenly mid stride, and she stumbled into him. He leaned in and swept his lips over hers.

He looked deeply into her eyes as he asked, “What makes you think I’m not taking you somewhere really special for our three month anniversary?”

She looked behind him at the street corner they were nearing and scrunched her nose in earnest.

“We’re in the middle of nowhere, Max,” she pointed out. His words hit her just then and she searched his face for any sign he wasn’t serious. Liz blinked and demanded, “Our three month what?”

“Three month anniversary,” Max said calmly. “You know, those special days couples celebrate on to cherish how long they’ve been together.”

“We haven’t been together for three months,” she said slowly even as she started to consider the wild possibility that they could have been. When Max raised one of his eyebrows, she asked with a shy, incredulous smile, “Has it really been three months?”

“Well, we would have been together for six months almost two weeks ago if we hadn’t broken up after Valentine’s Day,” Max said mournfully.

Looking back, Liz realized that she was actually thankful that every step in their relationship had been carefully won. It had been the right thing for them to do, to take a break after he told her about his alien heritage so that they could become closer. Before she learned the truth, she felt like there was a huge glass wall between them.

“Max…” she started to say nervously, feeling guilty for the hurt that was shining in his eyes right now.

Max stroked her cheek with one finger and told her, “But I’m not sorry that we took a break because it meant I could try to win your heart as myself...not as part of myself. I can’t tell you how free I felt around you once I told you the truth.”

Liz hadn’t realized how much she needed him to say those words until he had. She sighed gratefully as he gathered her body to his and held her close.

“And now,” Max continued in a playful tone he whispered into her neck, “We have been together for three months and it’s been the most incredible, heartfelt, genuine three months of my life.”

“Genuine?” she repeated dazedly as she pressed her face deeper into his t-shirt.

“I’ve never felt this real and truthful with anyone…” Max admitted gruffly as he clarified his feelings.

“I’ve never been this honest with anyone in my life before, Liz.” Max bent his head and skimmed her tank top straps aside so he could press three languid kisses on one of her shoulder blades.

Liz shivered and turned her face up to his. “Am I an awful girlfriend because I didn’t remember?”

Max met her eyes and shook his head. He kissed the corner of her mouth when he saw her irresistible pout. “Absolutely not,” he told her.

“It just means I get a “get out of jail free” card sometime in the distant future.”

Liz rolled her eyes.

“Absolutely not, Max.”

She couldn’t help squealing when in response he yanked her arm and started running again. As they neared the end of the street though, Max suddenly changed direction, and lead her away to the right, heading straight towards the thick copse of trees and away from the prying eyes of any of the occupants in the houses across the street from the park.

They finally stopped running and she took advantage of the reprieve to press her hands on her knees and take in a large refreshing breath. As she straightened back up, her mouth fell open when seemingly of their own accord, the two large fir trees before them wavered and their branches swept up towards the sky, parting to make a path for them.

This was what it was like being with Max, she scolded herself. Every moment was amazing and always managed to steal her breath away entirely, and after “almost” six months of being with him and knowing him so closely for almost a year, he never failed to do so.

“You never cease to amaze me,” she murmured as she stepped closer to him. Her soft body brushed against his before she slid into his arms.

“Come on, we have to go,” Max warned reluctantly as the bare skin of her arms tickled his own. He was itching to pull her close to him and let his fingers wander over her skin until she was aware of exactly how much she was driving him crazy right now…but the night was still young.

He looped his fingers around hers more securely and quickly led her into the park by way of their secret entrance.

Once they moved out of the thicket of oak and fir trees that bordered the edge of the park, they neared a small clearing where the grass was flat and low. In the dark, Liz could make out the familiar shapes of playground architecture twenty feet in front of them and she smiled faintly, realizing at once that this was going to hands down win their most unusual date ever.

There was one more lone tree in front of them that had a tire swing attached to one of its thick, stoop branches. Max reached up with his free hand and took something down. Liz eagerly craned her neck and rose up onto her tiptoes so she could look over his shoulder at what his mystery item was.

She caught a glimpse of the old-fashioned blue lantern he held in his hands, which looked as if it had weathered quite a bit of time outside for many, many years. Its appearance was so questionable that she was curious to know where he had gotten it from and how he’d known to find it there. She asked him as much and he murmured something about a magician never revealing his tricks.

When he opened the lantern’s door, Liz clapped her fingers over her mouth and giggled as he made a flame flicker and waver under his palm. The lantern had a soft, shimmering, blue light that was as magical as the night was promising to be.

Max’s hand found hers again and as he led her further into the park, she was confused yet transfixed by the way the lantern light seemed to be spreading out across the grass in front of them.

It seemed that each step they took towards the playground itself made the lantern’s light spread out even further. Her attention was still riveted to the light on the grass around them even when they stopped in front of a slide.

She glanced at Max’s outstretched palm and realized that he had made the lantern rise up above them like this. He was controlling everything from the way it had levitated away from his hold to the way it was shaking in the air…or was he? Had he lost control over this new power, overestimating precisely how much of a handle he had on it?

The lantern began twirling and spinning in the air, and the glass was expanding quickly now, threatening to bulge out of the frame.

Liz buried her face in his chest, and waited…but instead of hearing the horrible, telltale crack of glass breaking, she heard a soft pop in the air before something silky and soft brushed against her arm, and something else that was just as soft skated down her arm.

Liz pulled back from him and bravely looked up. She gasped at the sight of the cascading, blue-tinted white rose petals that were tumbling down over them.

What was even more amazing was that whatever light the lantern had was still as present and real as the air they were breathing. She knew that if she thought about this moment ten years from now, she would remember believing in that instant that the grass below their feet was blue and that she was wearing a sky blue skirt instead of a white denim one.


Her voice was wavering as she stepped away from him and the shower of falling petals followed her.

“What’s going on?”

“Do you like it?” he asked shyly as he came closer to her.

She met Max’s soft brown eyes and nodded wordlessly.

It seemed all Max wanted was her approval, and she just wished she could tell him that he always, always had it. She opened her mouth with every intention of saying just that to the amazing boy standing before when he quickly pressed his thumb over her mouth and her words got caught in her throat.

“I’ve been practicing this all summer,” Max murmured.

“And the light trick?” Liz asked coyly.

“How did you come up with that one?”

“The desire to make it real made any limits disappear,” he muttered as his gaze softened as he followed a petal that landed in her hair and lingered.

“And a fair amount of practice at not losing control,” Max added dryly with a forced chuckle. As he was no longer facing her, he missed the mischievous grin that settled on her lips.

When he turned back to her, any vestiges of it were gone and she was looking at him with so much admiration and love in her eyes that it made his heart skip a couple of beats.

Max leaned forward, pretending he was confiding confidential information. “Tonight, rose petals are going to follow you everywhere you go.”

“I love it, Max,” Liz said honestly. “It’s…well, it’s breathtaking,” she added. She reached out for his hand and asked shyly, “What’s next?”

He looked down and watched as her small, smooth hand disappeared inside of his grip. They slowly walked towards the playground set ahead of them hand in hand, and like he promised, the shower of white rose petals moved through the air along with them.

Max found the neon yellow ladder he designated as a marker earlier that afternoon and led her to the fake pirate ship. The playground of course was designed for small children, so even though the pirate ship had a ladder, its floor was low and all but four feet off the ground. He touched one of the poles that kept the structure up and focused on rearranging the molecules so they expanded and stretched, and the pirate ship had risen a couple of inches and Liz was still grinning.

Now they could walk under it easily without crouching at all. Liz stepped forward and as she did, the unassembled lantern followed her overhead and filled the crawl space with light. Her eyes found the picnic basket and blanket easily, and she turned to face him.

“So this is what you were doing while I was stranded at the mall?”

“Nope, I only set this up an hour ago,” he confessed.

She knit her eyebrows together and frowned; if that was the case, she still had a few questions about where he’d been while she was at the mall. Her eyes were drawn to his magical hands as he crouched down at the entrance and opened his hands over something on the ground. Though the crawl space around where she was standing was filled with the lantern light he promised would follow her all night, the entire space wasn’t lit, and she couldn’t see what he was doing. She watched as he stretch his hands out and lit almost two dozen candles at once.

As he came towards her, his face flickered in the lights that danced across his face. She reached out and cupped his cheek as his arms found the curve of her back and he gathered her small body to his.

“Are you speechless?” he asked huskily before he pressed his lips to her forehead and his mouth hovered by her cheeks. She shivered as his warm breath tickled her skin with each breath he drew in.

“No, no…I-I-I’m not,” she stuttered shakily.

Liz shook her head from side to side, hoping for clarity. Clearing her throat, she clarified, “No, I mean yes…I am. You’ve robbed me of speech, Max Evans,” she told him.

Max buried his face into her sweet smelling hair as they held each other. The moment he held her, he knew he wouldn’t want to let go, but it seemed she was hungry after all because her stomach rumbled loudly.

“I want to…” she started, looking up into his eyes apologetically, and Max whispered, “I know.”

“But this is so perfect,” she laughed wryly, “that I think my stomach has had other plans since the moment I saw the basket.”

“Then let’s eat,” he said as he gestured for her to sit. Liz sat down and hugged her knees to her chest while she watched him walk over to the basket and bring it to her. Even the simplest things this man did made her weak in the knees, she acknowledged silently, watching every muscle that was visible to her hungry eyes flex and shift, from the ones in his arms to the ones in his calves.

Max opened the basket and she was thrilled when she saw that he’d brought lasagna, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, garlic bread and angel food cake for dessert. He served her everything but the cake and bread first on a plate and warmed the plate with his hands before giving it to her.

While he did the same for his share, she reached into the basket for the garlic bread and cut pieces for them. As Liz was putting it back, her fingers brushed against a glass bottle. Curiosity got the better of her and she took it out to get a better look at it. It was a brand new bottle of sparkling apple cider and she jabbed him playfully.

“You always think of everything.”

She giggled as he popped the cork on the bottle and poured some into her wine glass. He poured some for himself and then he pulled out a tablecloth from the basket and spread it over the top so they had an unofficial table for the night. Her first sip of cider was almost as divine as the first bite of lasagna and she told him as much, which naturally prompted her adorable, shy, alien boyfriend to blush.

An hour later, the sound of his heart beating steadily filled her right ear and he was lazily stroking her arm with his index finger as he told her about the stars. Liz was lying down in his arms, her head was on his chest and his legs bracketed hers, and above them was the most wonderful sight she’d ever seen.

After they finished eating, he’d made eye contact with her and raised his hand parallel to the floor of the ship above them.

When she looked up, she shouted happily, “Wow, Max!” and fell into his open arms. Now there was nothing between them and the gorgeous, starry sky because he’d made the floor of the ship directly above them disappear.

She turned in his arms so that the front of her body was pressed against his, and she smiled up at him as she confessed, “This is just incredible, Max.”

In response, he kissed the top of her head and wrapped her in his arms even more snugly.

“I have something for you,” Max said a few moments later as he reached for something in his pocket.

Liz rolled off his body and watched with lazy eyes as he took out a small red pouch and dropped it into her open palm. She tugged the drawstring and then she turned it over so a necklace could fall into her hands.

It was a beautiful, unusual necklace with a black pendant on a silver chain. The pendant had glowing, silver iridescent dots spaced evenly in the shape of an M. Her gaze collided with his, and he watched happily as her entire face brightened and she sported a smile a mile wide. Liz fingered the M reverently, and she noticed how in the starlight, the chain glittered in a way silver never did.

“Max…is this white gold?” she asked softly.

“The chain’s been in my family for years,” Max said as he pressed his finger to her velvety cheek.

“So I had to do some restoration,” he joked lightly.

“All of the women in my family have owned it at one point in their lives.”

“My sister Isabel wore it from her fourteenth birthday until last year, when she gave it back to my Mom, and when I told my Mom that I wanted to get you something, she said she wanted you to have it, too,” Max said simply.

Liz placed the necklace in his hand, scooted closer to Max, and held her hair up off her neck so he could slip the necklace around her neck.

Then she placed her fists on his chest and looked at the way the dots were spaced on the pendant carefully. On a whim, she rotated it and pressed her thumb over half of the M.

“It looks really familiar, Max,” she said as she lifted the pendant and showed him the V she’d found in the design.

Max smiled wryly. “That V shape is one of my favorite things we learned about in Astronomy. It’s one of the red giants out in the Whirlwind Galaxy, and although they’ve taken pictures of that area several times, only three out of ten instances does it actually show up.”

“Red giant…isn’t that a star that’s in its last stages of its life cycle?” Liz asked hesitantly as she remembered some of what they’d learned in their tenth grade Astronomy class.

Max always sat on the other side of the room, she thought. If anyone had come up to her fifteen year old self and told her that one day she’d be lying under the stars in Max Evans’ arms, she would have…well, she would have wrote them off as crazy. Things like that had never been on the horizon for her younger self.

“Yeah, Mr. Seligman said that it doesn’t always show up because the light from a red giant is weak…so weak we usually can’t pick it up with our telescopes.”

Liz settled her head onto his chest and closed her fist around the pendant as she matched her breathing to his. She was thinking about how a couple of the times they’d kissed, she’d gotten flashes and imagined that she’d been flying through space. As best as she could remember, a really similar V shaped red giant star had played a prominent role in her flashes.

Had her mind latched onto the saying “seeing stars” and associated kissing Max Evans with the red giants and other stars she’d learned about? Or was it possible that she was receiving a flash from Max of something deep inside of him?

What he said next was perfectly in sync with what she’d been thinking; it seemed his mind had wandered to the same place hers had.

“Ever since we learned about it, I’ve had this feeling that this is somehow related to who I am. It’s felt familiar to me since the moment I laid eyes on it.”

Max looked up at her to see Liz staring back at him with a gentle, encouraging gaze. He flushed and said quietly, “I know it sounds weird…”

She shook her head and said insistently, “It doesn’t, Max. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to know where you came from, and holding on to something that’s a clue.”

“I think it’s really sweet that besides giving me your initial, you’ve also given me a symbol that’s really special to you.”

Max couldn’t stop smiling as she leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. The more she thought about this red giant V star pattern though, the more confused she became though. They rarely discussed flashes and seeing things, another reason why she had no reasonable explanation for why she was able to receive flashes from Max or how they were initiated in the first place. One thing she was certain of was that she had definitely seen this V pattern in a flash while they were kissing.

“Hey, I have a question…”

Max looked at her expectantly.

“It’s something I’ve been wondering about, and the more I think about it, the more I’m curious if it’s because I don’t want it to happen or if it’s something that only used to happen and stopped all of a sudden…”

“What is it, Liz? You know you can ask me anything.”

She paused and sighed, “Do you still get flashes when we kiss?”

Max frowned as he mulled over her question.

“Yes…” he said slowly. “I got a few yesterday when you woke me up. Did you get some, too?”

She nodded, closed her eyes, and nervously bit her lip. Max waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts.

“It always feels like I’m on a roller coaster,” she murmured. “We start sliding up the tracks to the top of the hill, and that’s where everything’s safe and predictable and happy. When things heat up, we start going over the hill, and that’s when the flashes start rushing at me.”

Liz looked up at him with a lazy, seductive smile. “The best part about it is that I get to feel what you feel when you see me. I just wish I knew how it worked,” she said as she pouted haughtily at him.

“It seems to always happen whenever things get really intense between us,” he said slowly, thinking back to how he’d also received flashes when he realized he was falling hard for her and also the first time they made love.

“Did you know you’re the only person I’ve ever had flashes with?” Max asked. “Besides Michael and Isabel, of course,” he added, “But that doesn’t really count because it’s not the same. It doesn’t even come close to the way I feel when it happens with you.”

Liz’s eyes softened at his wonderful admission and she snuggled deeper into his body. She found his hand and kissed his knuckles, and closed her eyes for a second. “This…connection we have, Max…” Liz sighed before she met his gaze again. “It’s the most powerful thing I’ve ever known. I’ve never been as connected to anyone as I am with you.”

“And I’ve never loved anything as much as I love you. I think that’s why our connection, our bond is so strong and true and pure,” Max said, pouring all the love he felt for her into a gaze that was so yearning and searching that Liz shivered.

“You know what I want to do tonight?”

“What?” he asked her back.

“Tonight, I want to be as close to you as possible…”

Max’s eyebrows knitted together even as he nodded. Her bold admission was catching him a bit off guard, though he’d be hard pressed to ever say that he didn’t love it whenever she wanted to seduce him.

“I reserved a hotel room at the Doubletree Hotel for us tonight,” he told her as he tightened his grasp around her waist.

At her questioning frown, he begrudgingly admitted, “We’re more than a little close to school.”

The Doubletree Hotel was a nice, grand hotel in Chicago, and it was much nicer than anywhere they’d stayed during their road trips to and from Roswell. Max had dropped her off at a mall in a small, suburban town outside of Chicago, and then he’d driven into the city to reserve a room at the Doubletree. Then he stopped at their favorite off campus restaurant to pick up their dinner, drove back to set up their picnic right after the park closed, and came back to the mall to pick her up.

Max figured that it’d be a perfect treat for their three-month anniversary for them to spend the night in a spectacular hotel room on the last night of their road trip. He’d been surprised how easily his Dad had agreed to the charge when he called and asked if it’d be okay if the balance for his emergency credit card bill was a little bit higher than usual that month.

Max was wholeheartedly expecting Liz to chew him out for not telling her before where they were when he noticed how her eyes darkened and her small pink tongue darted out of her mouth to skim over her lips.

She suddenly bounded out of his arms and pulled him to his feet in a matter of seconds. “Whoa,” he murmured as Liz smiled at him seductively and scooted closer.

“Tonight, I want to get flashes…I want you to give me flashes, and I want to give you flashes,” she clarified before she rose up onto her toes and nibbled his earlobe for a few seconds.

Soon Max was clutching her shoulders and her back and then he was sliding one of his hands under the edge of her shirt.

“I want to explore our connection to its fullest,” she whispered huskily as she closed her mouth over his earlobe.

When she pulled away and his haze broke, Max scratched his eyebrow and tried to look everywhere but at Liz yet he was all too aware of her expectant gaze.

“Okay, that can be arranged,” were the words he finally managed to string together shakily.

* * * * *
Max cleared his throat softly as he fumbled with the simple task of pushing the access card into the door lock for the fourth time in the past minute. He glanced to his right at Liz, who was leaning one shoulder on the wall, and she raised one eyebrow at him.

His smile was forced and tense as he explained, “I haven’t worked one of these in a long time.”

She nodded her head slowly and her gaze slid down to his hands before she resumed their heated staring match. “It’d probably help if you turned the card so you can’t see the strip,” she offered helpfully.

Max glanced down too and flushed when he saw that he was indeed holding the card in the wrong direction. “Right,” he agreed. He turned it over, swiped it again, and was rewarded with the click of the door unlocking and a steadily flashing green light.

Max followed her inside and the first thing he did was put down their bag while she found one of the light switches and flicked it on. Max turned his back to her when he closed their room door firmly, and he took a few seconds to bring his heartbeat back to normal and inhale deeply before he turned around.

Liz was sitting on the queen size bed, and she was so petite that her feet barely skimmed the ground. She coyly flicked her finger at him, signaling to come closer. “I don’t bite,” she said with a smile as he hesitated. “Unless you want me to,” she added.

Max narrowed his eyes and smirked, “That’s false, Liz.” She widened her eyes when he broke out in a short run, closed the distance between them in an instant and landed on top of her.

“Max!” she squealed as he buried his face in her neck and playfully nipped her. She pushed his chest with her palms as hard as she could, and giggled helplessly when her actions had no effect and he wouldn’t relent. His fingers slid between the waistband of her denim skirt and the edge of her tank top and sought out her bare skin. In no time she was laughing and writhing as his fingers danced across her stomach. “Come on, Max!” she said between laughs.

“You bite more than I do,” he reminded her with a challenging glint in his eyes as he lifted his weight off of her.

“You’re heavy,” she complained, choosing to ignore what he’d said. She wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of agreeing with what he’d just said.

Max chuckled as he said, “And you’re as light as a feather…”

Liz didn’t see it coming when he slid his arm under her stomach and suddenly scooped her off the bed. He pulled her body to him and started to rise from the bed. She realized he had every intention of picking her up and taking her across the room so she did the only thing she could – she hooked her arms around his back and pulled him down, hard.

They landed on the bed with a soft plop and Liz took advantage of the moment to roll out of his arms. Max looked over at her with a befuddled, perplexed gaze, and she smiled back at him seductively.

“And apparently you’re a lot stronger than I give you credit for,” he conceded.

“I am…” she murmured in agreement. His dark brown hair was rumpled and mussed from his landing. She reached over and brushed his hair back with her fingers, admiring the adorable way his bangs fell unapologetically across his forehead.

“Come here, you’re too far.”

Liz nodded and the sheets rustled as she inched closer to him. Right away she could tell that the playful gleam in his eyes from before was gone. He was looking at her with a hungry gaze that was making her shiver.

Wordlessly, she sat up, swung one of her legs over his body and straddled his waist. Max inhaled the same air she exhaled as she leaned forward and found his mouth. He brushed his mouth over hers and reached up to frame her face with one hand as he deepened their kiss.

He swiped his tongue over her lips, and right away, she opened her mouth to him. As soon as he started stroking her tongue with his, Max felt a flash coming on. He was looking at her closed eyelids in one moment and in the next his vision was filled with an adorable, younger Liz Parker, spinning around in her bedroom in a party dress.

She was so cute, and as she spun around happily and she quickly enchanted him and he was curious to know what the occasion was. And a second later, he got his answer as she started putting on a tiara with a huge number 4 in the center. Max left the flash as quickly as he entered it, and when he blinked, Liz’s eyes were wide open and she was pulling away and looking back at him with awe and confusion painted on her face.

“What’d you see?” they asked at the same time.

He licked his lips and went first.

“I saw you. It was your fourth birthday, I think, and you were wearing a big, puffy pink dress…one of those dresses that flies out when you spin, and a tiara.”

Liz groaned and rolled her eyes. “I remember that birthday…someone ran straight into the table and took the cake down to the floor.”

Max laughed easily along with her. He slid his fingers into her tresses and smiled up at her. “But before that happened, it looked like it was the happiest day of your life.”

“It probably was.”

“I saw you and Isabel running across a playground towards Michael,” she said as she traced one finger up his jaw.

“Those first two years after we were adopted, Isabel cried a lot and she would get these nightmares that something bad had happened to Michael almost every night,” he explained.

Liz nodded sympathetically. “It must have been awful not knowing where he was.”

Max paused thoughtfully before he spoke. “It was, but I used to have a feeling that everything was okay, that he was safe wherever he was. And it turns out, I was right. When we saw him that day, I instantly recognized him.”

“So I guess it’s safe to say we’re both feeling really good right now,” she said as she leaned back down to Max and kissed him passionately.

“Really? How do you figure that?” Max asked as he hooked the edge of her tank top between his fingers and nudged the lightweight material upwards.

“We both got flashes of each other’s happy memories,” she said frankly. “It makes sense that whatever we’re thinking of or how we’re feeling when we’re connected would stir up related memories.” She lifted her arms as Max pulled off her tank top, and she shook her hair out of the loose ponytail she’d been wearing all night. “Question is,” she continued thoughtfully in a light, innocent tone, “What kinds of things can stir up flashes that are a little more recent?”

He couldn’t help but smile, “Is that a challenge, Liz?”

“Maybe!” she yelped as he suddenly grasped her hips and pulled her down to the bed so they were facing each other.

Max reached over so his body was hovering a few tantalizing inches above her own. He set his hands down on either side of her body, essentially trapping her body with his, looked down at her flushed face and swooped in to kiss her hard. Their kisses became more passionate as the seconds ticked by, and it was when they started mimicking a more seductive action that they were building up to that they both got the exact flashes she’d been asking for.

When they pulled apart for air, she stroked his cheek and asked, “Did you see that time we went back to your room after we fell into the lake?”

“I not only saw it, I felt what you were feeling when I saw you in front of the window. If I’d known you were as crazy about me before, I would have confessed everything to you right there on the spot.”

“But you were scared of me,” she realized, having received the onslaught of his feelings as well during the flash.

Liz yanked his shirt up over his head with one hand and held his waist firmly with her small hands as she kissed his chest.

“I was scared about what you would think about me, and terrified that you wouldn’t accept me,” said Max in a tight voice as she wrapped one arm around his neck and moved up his body.

She looked meaningfully into his eyes. “You shouldn’t have been.”

Max groaned as she settled her mouth on his and plunged her tongue in and out of his mouth passionately. When the need for air was pressing them again, he pulled away and muttered, “God, I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy about being wrong.”

She hazily opened her eyes and moaned, “Huh, Max?”

Max muttered, “Nothing,” with a chuckle before he slanted his mouth over hers again. He slid his hands up to her bra and cupped her through the cotton material. Liz moaned softly and gripped his torso even tighter. The maddening pace he was plunging his tongue in and out of her mouth was making her dizzy, and her head was feeling light even though his fingers were tangled in her hair and he was holding her so, so close to him…
The feelings were so intense that every kiss, every touch elicited a reaction in their bodies, and the flashes came simultaneously so easily. She shivered as another faded away, and let her head fall back on the pillow.

Max brushed his lips over her collarbone and murmured, “Crashdown, this summer…I followed you into the backroom.”

“Hallway, before Algebra, ninth grade…you thought I was beautiful?”

Max was at work unsnapping her skirt and here she was flushing at his words about stolen kisses almost two months ago. The next second her blush quickly faded as she lost herself in the light, feather touch of his fingers. She bucked her hips when he started to slide her skirt down past her hips.

“You are beautiful. You’ve always been beautiful.”

Liz leaned into him, cupped his face and kissed him slowly. She could feel his heart thudding over her skin and it felt more intimate than anything else about the moment. “Touch me, Max,” she said as she unhooked the clasp of her bra.

His eyes darkened and he pressed a languid kiss on her heated skin between her breasts. Liz gave up completely on sitting up and collapsed on the pillows when his mouth closed over her breast.

“Driving across Nevada state lines,” she breathed raggedly.

Max stretched out over her, and he held her tighter as his fingers brushed over her core back and forth at the same pace he was drawing her flesh into his mouth. “Max!” she panted as another flash faded away, “August, your room!”

At her words, he slid two fingers inside her and she moaned in satisfaction.

Max shifted his weight again and she gasped as he settled his erection between her legs. He slipped his tongue inside her mouth and explored her mouth with such tenderness that she felt lightheaded once more.

“An hour ago under the stars,” he told her before he pecked the corner of her mouth.

She hastily fumbled with the buttons on his shorts in the little space there was between them, and as she did, he slid his free hand into his pocket and pulled out a condom. Liz finally hooked her fingers around his waistband and tugged the shorts down his legs along with his boxers. Then she wrapped her hand around his length and she felt so incredibly powerful and feminine when Max sank down on her body again and she felt his moan rumble against her skin like it was her own.

His fingers were just as idle as her own against her skin, but she was quickly realizing that she had him in the palm of her hand, if his moans and labored breathing were any indication. Liz wanted him to lose control tonight though in every way she could drive him crazy, so she tilted his chin up with her free hand and met his mouth in a fierce kiss.

Max broke their kiss with a ragged breath a few seconds later and he begged, “Liz, I don’t want to finish like – I want to be inside you!”

She kissed him again and slid her palm around his thighs. “All you had to do was say so,” she said with a smile. He sat back on his calves and rolled the condom on, Liz was stretched out on the bed before him with love shining in her eyes. He sank into her body and kissed her soundly, before he started moving in and out of her body. She opened her eyes and watched him as they moved. She watched his brow relax, and she witnessed the blissful smile that spread across his face when she wrapped both of her arms around him. It was in that moment that she felt incredibly beautiful.

* * * * *
All that filled the room were their heavy pants and sighs before Max gently pulled out of her. Satisfied was the only way to describe how Liz felt as she sleepily closed her eyes.

Max pulled the comforter that was falling off the bed back up and shook it out over them. He smiled wryly to himself that they hadn’t even made it under the covers. He swung one of his thighs over both of her legs as he spooned her body to his, and then he closed his eyes too.

Hours later, while they were sleeping, he moved his arm and brushed her collarbone with his thumb before his palm settled over her skin, a few inches below her neck. His hand was closed over her necklace, and the “V” in the “M” on the pendant he made for her began glowing brightly and pulsing, before it embedded itself into her skin.

Their bonding was complete.


Re: The Prettiest Thing (M/L, MATURE) Chapter 29, 12/28, Page 9

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:20 am
by DreamerLaure
*Author's Note*
I'm so so sorry about how late this part is.

It's really late here and I have class in a few hours... but your feedback is terrific! So thank you!

Chapter 30

Calvin “Cal” Langley choked on the cool sip of his “whiskey sour” as a sharp jolt rocked his system and left his eyes and mouth as dry as sandpaper.

After the initial hit, a ringing buzz filled his ears and his hands starting shaking.

The sensations and symptoms were unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. Yet it was unmistakable and recognizable from the start for there was only one reason this could be happening.

He hadn’t sensed or monitored any of the Royal Four in years, but somehow, he could feel the King as easily as it would be if he were twenty feet away from him.

A second pulse beat rushed through his body just as the first was subsiding. It was twice as strong and he could feel her.

Beads of sweat started slipping down his forehead so he pressed his napkin to his skin and tried to reclaim the sense of calm he had just moments ago.

He was known in Hollywood for three things. The first was his knack for being behind the camera. He directed some spectacular movies in the past three decades that had entered the fabric of the industry and inevitably set the standard, and when he emerged in the late 90’s with his own production company, everyone eagerly trained their eyes on him.

Over the years a handful of reporters had tried to write an exposé on him, only to find there was no story there. Little did they know there was almost nothing to be found about this eccentric director who came seemingly out of nowhere in the late 70’s because he had come out of nowhere.

He even invented a new identity for himself after hopping around the theater circuit in London in the 50’s with an entirely different name and body. Being a shape shifter had allowed him to survive all of these years on Earth, and he’d been one of the clever actors who picked up the tricks of the trade as he worked with different companies.

When he arrived in LA in the 1976 as Cal Langley with a brand new shape and face, the last thing anyone had been looking for were references. All they wanted was someone to direct their scenes and make magic happen in their films, and he did just that seamlessly.

He became known in Hollywood for two other things: his quick temper, and his tendency to have a drink in hand all night. So at least he could blame his near miss of his glass to his mouth on being slightly tipsy like the rest of his guests. What no one knew is that he changed his alcoholic drinks into water right away by using his energy.

This was the only time he wished he had something stronger because when he took a sip of the amber colored water, it did nothing to soothe his parched throat or subside the strong pulse that was vibrating steadily under his skin.

Cal took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. He waited for his heartbeat to slow down and for his body to go back to the way it was before any of this had even happened.

The vivacious blonde screenwriter in front of him had been eagerly hanging on his every word all night since a mutual friend introduced them. It was her sharp Brooklyn accent that made him all too aware that he was not alone right now and was in fact in the middle of a party he was throwing.

“Mr. Langley? Hey, Lang-a-ley?” She snapped her fingers inches below his chin and looked into his eyes. “Hey, you ok?”

He forced himself to nod before trying another sip of water.

“What’s the ramifications like if I send my script to an agent in New York instead? D’you think they’d give me the time of day? Seems like everyone over here’s too busy to do any reading.”

Cal resisted the urge to roll his eyes heavenward like he wanted to. An hour ago, he had made up his mind that although she talked quite a bit, she was easy on the eyes. She just wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box. She really needed to shell out fifteen bucks to get her hands on that Idiot’s Guide to Screenwriting like everyone else.

He forced a smile though as he said demurely, “Miss King, I think the young Mr. Wright would be better suited to answer that question. He’s at the bar right now pouring a glass of wine.”

Her eyes lit up with delight, and she gushed, “Mr. Langley, I can’t thank you enough!”

He saw her fumble with her purse and cocktail glass so she could free her hand and shake his so he backed away and ducked out of the room as quickly as possible.

If he had stayed but a few seconds longer, he would have seen the disgusted, annoyed look that graced her face when she turned and saw that the only man who was pouring wine at the bar was the bartender.

When were people going to take her seriously, she fumed. She spun around and angrily scanned the room for the mysterious Mr. Langley, but it seemed he had vanished into thin air.

Without a backwards glance, Cal made his way down one hallway, then another before he reached his private wing of the house. When he found himself in front of his study, he waved his hand over the doorknob and entered.

This wasn’t good at all, this wasn’t meant to happen kept coursing through his mind as he crossed the room to his desk. He had a vintage dial phone from the set of one of the historical movies he directed last year, a phone he hadn’t been willing to part with when the rest of the set was disassembled.

Using his fifth finger, he swirled the dial back and forth. In between the first and second rings, she picked up, her voice animated as she asked, “Did you feel it?”

“Of course,” he said quietly into the receiver. “Did you know this was going to happen?”

“Yes, I’ve known for a while.”

“A little heads up would have been nice,” he grunted.

Aislin paused for one telling moment before replying, “Then it wouldn’t have happened this way.”

“You really think I would have gone all the way out to Roswell to prevent the King from selecting another?” he asked dryly. “Don’t forget I wanted out of this,” he reminded her as he sunk back into his reclining, leather desk chair.

“Then why did you call me? Why aren’t you staying out of this?”

The thick silence that settled between them was his answer. It wasn’t possible for him to do nothing at all.

As the Royal family’s Protector, he had an obligation to step in now more than ever. He may have been able to neglect his responsibilities to the crown all these years, ever since the fall of the last King of Antar. This wasn’t the time to do so and since the situation was also messier than he could have ever imagined, the only way this was going to work was if they were quick and efficient.

“How would you like to proceed, my lord?”

“I’ll stay here and watch over the Princess.”

There was a pause, which Cal presumed she was using to sense her. Then Aislin said confidently, “She’s not back yet. She’s still here in Roswell and she’s flying back tonight.”

“Find her and fly with her here. Then I’ll take over and you can go to Evanston.”

“Won’t they need protection now?”

“The seal isn’t activated yet on either of them,” Cal pointed out.

“And what if either incarnation of his first betrothed, Ava, can sense her?” Aislin asked delicately.

“Well, she won’t…she hasn’t even met him yet. She won’t know his heart is already taken until she’s face to face with him, and if we do our job right, we can delay that little earthquake for a while. ”

“Here’s what I would like for you to do…” Cal said carefully. “I want you to shield and secure their bond for a little while.”

“From both Ava’s?”

“Yes, and if you can shield it from both sets of the Royal Four, all the better.”

“And from him?”

“Yes, of course,” Cal snapped shortly. “If he senses what’s happened, he will change his plans. All we have right now is a slight element of surprise.”

Aislin gripped the phone tightly on her end. “What if I told you that all of this was meant to happen?”

“Then I would ask you what you’ve foreseen us doing to get out of this crisis.”

He could sense that she was smiling and for whatever reason, he started smiling too.

This was a game they played, where she asked him a question that hinted at one of her visions, and he asked her one back. One of her Antarian vows for priesthood called for her to never directly reveal the future, whether in action or speech, and she still remained loyal to every single one of her vows.

“To keep them safe, we have to do the impossible,” he said after the lighthearted moment between them faded away. “We have to protect them from their other protector.”

After they disconnected, Cal started to consider the potential consequences of what had happened tonight. He only had the barest of details about the pact Khivar, Nasedo, and Ava created before the Fall on Antar.

Aislin was always reluctant to discuss the Pact whenever he brought it up to her. Before either Zan or Ava were born on Antar, their families had arranged a marriage between them to ensure that there would be a succession of powerful royalty to the throne. However, they weren’t even married yet when Khivar seized the crown.

Cal knew Khivar discovered that Royal scientists and engineers where replicating the Royal Four’s life essences, but the degree that Khivar tailored his plans accordingly to this information escaped Cal. Aislin was very tight-lipped about whether Ava created the Pact before or after Vilandra, Zan and Rath were assassinated. What he did know was that it had to have involved a promise of a position of power for Ava, and the only one she wanted was to be Queen of Antar. To do so, she needed to bond with and marry Max, and eventually carry his heir.

Ava, or Tess, as her first incarnation went by here on Earth, was not going to be pleased when she found out that her birthright had all but vanished.

Cal wearily sat up and heated the side of his glass for a few seconds. When he brought the glass back to his mouth, he swallowed back the bitter black coffee and let every gulp recharge him. He would need his strength tonight as he planned out his next move. Shielding the bond was only a temporary solution, one they could use to their advantage, but also one that could fall apart like a house of cards if Tess ever came face to face with either Max or his Chosen One.

And if Tess and her protector found out that Maxwell was already bonded to someone else – an ordinary, human girl – there would be hell to pay.
* * * * *
“Well, Miss Evans, you are all set. You can board flight 219 in terminal 3 right now,” the flight attendant said as she handed Isabel back her punched ticket along with a handful of the airline’s colorful brochures.

Isabel glanced at her watch before withdrawing her arm and sliding her pass back into her handbag. She would have half an hour before the plane took off from the Albuquerque Sunport, and it would be another four and a half hours before she landed safely in Los Angeles.

She smiled politely as she thanked the flight attendant. Across from the check in station, her parents and Michael were standing together in front of the newsstand, though she noticed that Michael was slowly inching away from them. As she neared them, she couldn’t help smiling as traces of her Mom and Dad’s argument reached her ears.

Her Mom suddenly whipped around to face Michael. She pinned him with a challenging, mothering gaze that always managed to make him nervous.

“And do you think we aren’t supposed to sniff the perfume samples?”

When Michael frowned, his eyebrows disappeared under his bangs. He did his own combination of a shrug and a grunt and mumbled, “I’m not sure, Mrs. Evans.”

Philip Evans rocked back on his heels when Isabel reached them and he confided, “Your mother was required to purchase this magazine.”

Her eyes flitted to the magazine she was clutching to her chest. Isabel could make out the sleek Calvin Klein ad on the back cover with toned models who were only seconds away from sharing a kiss under a waterfall. Whatever this magazine was, it was a far cry from her Mom’s usual subscriptions of garden and parenting magazines.

When she looked up again, her Mom was standing ramrod straight and daring Isabel to say a word about it.

Diane Evans cleared her throat loudly. “They had a few fragrances in here I was interested in, so even if I end up giving the magazine to your father, it wasn’t a complete loss.”

“A few fragrances she’s already scoped out.” Philip interceded with a boyish grin.

She playfully rolled up the magazine and swatted his arm with it. “I was already by the cashier and he asked me if I wanted to buy it.”

Isabel bit back a smile. She could read her Mom so easily and knew exactly what she meant by that. She was willing to bet her savings that her Mom had been told she had to buy it.

Then her Dad leaned in towards her and confirmed what she was thinking. “He saw her sniffing all those samples and when he overheard her gushing to me about how wonderful it was that it smelled like flowers in the summer, he came over and told her it was against store policy to sniff fragrances because then the magazines aren’t new.”

Michael chimed in with, “And she was looking at four different magazines.”

“How she managed to wheedle him into letting her buy only one of them is beyond me,” Philip said with a heavy sigh.

“I was curious about this GQ business anyway. I thought it was time for me to look into it,” Diane informed him before she shoved it in her bag. “And you know I have a way with words. It really wasn’t that hard.”

Philip squeezed his wife’s hand and kissed her cheek soundly. Isabel was tempted to roll her eyes at the obvious display of affection between them. If it had been a few years ago, when she was going through her angsty Samantha Baker phase, she would have.

Now, she accepted these shows between her parents as nothing out of the ordinary. What surprised her when her father leaned in to whisper something to her Mom and a blush cropped up between the two of them was that she felt a small longing for something a lot like that.

It was ages since she’d even gone out on a proper date. She had never even been the type of girl who harbored dreams of a prince swooping in to sweep her off her feet for the rest of their lives. She supposed it would be nice if she had something more though, a constant in her life, someone she cared about a lot. And Michael and Max and her parents weren’t filling that ache anymore.

With a little pang of longing, she realized that she almost wanted what Max had with his girlfriend, Liz. But she knew what things she could have and what things she couldn’t have. Life simply didn’t go that way for her, and it never would.

Isabel glanced over at Michael’s scowling face. He was even more uncomfortable here than she was. She realized with a rush of gratitude that he actually was here to see her off to California. Last night she called him to issue a reminder that tomorrow was her last in Roswell. He grumbled that she had some nerve calling during the game, and then he hung up the instant she finished talking. The following morning when she sat down for breakfast, he was already at the table thanking her Mom for the sunny upside down eggs.

Michael yanked his baseball cap down further over his head and slumped against the wall. Every single day she spent with him this summer, she witnessed him turning back into the lost, little boy she and Max found on the playground. The recognition between the three of them was instantaneous that fateful day and they had remained close ever since. Now it was almost killing her to see him slip back into his shell. He was going to be staying in Roswell to attend community college to become a mechanic.

“Isabel…where’d you go, hon?” her Dad asked gently as he pulled her into a one-arm hug.

She noticed the concerned look on her father’s face and tried to soothe him right away. “I was just thinking about tomorrow and all the unpacking I have to do,” she sighed.

“Just take it one box at a time,” he joked.

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Easy to say when you have four boxes of casework to file through. It’s a little different when there’s fourteen boxes with my name on it at the off campus storage facility.”

“And two more arriving by post,” her Dad chimed in with.

She laughed. “Okay, see? That makes sixteen boxes. It’s going to be so much fun moving in.”

“Maybe by the end of the year, you’ll have two dozen boxes,” Philip said slowly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business envelope.

She didn’t even have to make out her name in her father’s impeccable, “lawyerish” penmanship to know it was for her. Both Evans siblings had been receiving envelopes like these on special occasions since their tenth birthdays, but going back to school had never counted as one before.

Isabel tried to stamp down her enthusiasm and totally failed at doing so. She squealed as she threw her arms around her Dad and ended up hugging him so tight that he had to settle on grasping her shoulders.

“Thanks so much, Dad!”

She couldn’t stop beaming as he handed it to her.

“For special occasions,” he said with a wink. “And pizza emergencies.”

Isabel was aware of the implicit promise behind those joking words. She smirked as she pushed into her handbag with a flourish. “I’ll spend it wisely.”

To her surprise, her Dad shook his head. “Spend it happily.”

Her Dad’s corny sentiment hit home for her, and the feeling she tried to fight all weekend slammed into her like a train. It wasn’t fair that after her finals at the beginning of May, she had only been home a day when Michael came by with news that set the course for her entire summer. Within a week, she had seen the writing on the cave walls, felt the weight of the destiny stones in her hands, met Nasedo, and been thrust head first into the alien heritage she had tried to suppress all of her life. It was even less fair that not even two days after they got back from Florida ten weeks later, she had to start packing to go back to school.

Isabel had a fresh round of tears in her eyes by the time she was facing her Mom, tears she refused to let flow.

“OK, now that your father’s gone and outdone me,” Diane interrupted while she moved closer to them, “I suppose it’s my turn.”

Isabel returned her Mom’s hug just as fiercely, and waves of nostalgia for the simple freedom to go home with her parents and stay there washed over her. Her Mom continued to pat her back reassuringly even though their hug was lasting longer than it ought to. When they finally separated, Diane brushed away a tear that was sliding down her cheek.

“Can I expect a phone call?” she asked firmly as held her daughter at arms’ length.

“Tonight, as soon as I lay my head down on my springy mattress.”

“One night without a mattress pad won’t kill you,” Diane said jokingly.

“It just might. Why else would I have made the descent into the dusty garage to pull out my old sleeping bag?”

An announcement for her flight sounded overhead so Isabel scooped up her carry on and smiled cheerfully at her parents before she started walking away.

Michael fell into step behind her and mumbled, “I’ll walk her to the gate.”

“Call us when you get there,” Diane called out as she waved back at her daughter.

And on the ride up the escalator her parents were standing at the bottom of, Isabel heard her father shout, “Anytime, anywhere.”

Terminal 3 was directly across from them when they stepped off the escalator on the second level.

Isabel faced Michael with a slight smile. “This is it,” she murmured just as he was reaching out to hug her. The hug lasted only a second before something changed, something incredibly subtle that she was only able to recognize because of their proximity.

Michael’s heart started beating faster and he pulled her even closer. He adjusted the angle of his face so he could speak directly into her ear. “Don’t let go yet. I’m going to tell you something right now and you need to not freak out. If you can do what I’m asking, I want you to nod once.”

She was so caught off guard that all she managed was to shift her head stiffly once.

“I’m not staying in Roswell. The second after you leave, whomever he’s shape-shifted into, is going to approach me, as he has all summer and pressure me to go to New York with him. I had a dream that we’re leaving for New York tomorrow in a car and I think he won’t let me contact anyone again, like this summer. Don’t walk my dreams anymore than once a month. Nod once more if this sounds like something you can do.”

Isabel nodded again. A tear slipped down her cheek as he added, “Don’t look back,” before he let her go and gave her a tiny push towards the terminal door.

It was by far the hardest thing she ever did.

Across from the terminal, two very different pairs of eyes were watching the pair of them with avid interest. One belonged to a tall blonde in her thirties who was accepting and punching boarding passes. She could feel the air charged with his malicious energy even though she had yet to lay eyes on him. She was curbing her impulse to look up and seek him out or even sense him, knowing that if she did, he would feel it and would in turn sense her.

Aislin couldn’t resist brushing her thumb across Isabel’s skin as she handed her back the boarding pass. She instantly received a flash and relived the words Michael exchanged with Isabel in half a second.

Isabel passed through the gate doors and Aislin finally looked up.

It was too late.

Michael was gone.


Re: The Prettiest Thing (M/L, MATURE) Ch. 30, 2/27 - AN 3/5

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:34 am
by DreamerLaure
Chapter 31

“We’ll pick up where we left off on Monday when I’ll lay out the format of the midterm.”

In the final row of the lecture hall, Max jerked awake in his seat at the sound of those words and scratched his eyebrow with the eraser end of his pencil. His other classmates were already pulling on their backpacks, and Max faintly wondered how he’d managed to sleep through the two minutes of quiet shuffling that usually went on as everyone discreetly put away their notes and started to close the zippers on their bags.

As he started to make his way out of the class also, he caught sight of a familiar face and called out, “Ryan! Hey, wait up, man.”

A tall, letter jacket clad well-built guy with sandy brown hair turned around and slapped palms with Max before exchanging a quick fist pound. “Hey, Evans,” he said smoothly. “Let me guess, notes?” he questioned with an arched eyebrow and a slight grin.

Max shifted his weight from one foot to another. “I kind of nodded off today.”

“I know. I was worried because when Walsh called on that blonde from our Social Psych class who sits in front of you, he saw that you weren’t quite with it today. He even made a note of it right after she finished talking.”

“What?” Max’s face paled.

He stuttered, “Did he really notice? I was kind of hoping to take another class with him next semester and I would hate to have given him the wrong impression…”

Ryan cleared his throat and interrupted him quickly. “No, Max. Chill, it’s okay. He didn’t even call on that girl today. He just gave us a straight lecture.”

Both Max and Ryan were on the same track for a Psychology major. After they waded through both of the required introductory psychology courses during freshman year, they ended up selecting two more classes together for the fall and quickly sought each other out to chat after class and study for Professor Walsh’s notoriously difficult unit tests.

It was already halfway into the semester and Max had already lent him his notes several times. This was the first time that Ryan had to return the favor and he was more than happy to do so. Without Max’s copious notes, he would have had large gaps in his own understanding of the material.

“Now, my notes aren’t as detailed as yours…” he explained with a slight note of apology in his voice.

“It’s fine,” Max waved his apology off. “If there’s something missing, I’ll have to find it in the readings, which I need to catch up with soon also.”

Ryan shrugged. “You just need to adopt my philosophy of absorption.”

Max waited expectantly and Ryan confided, “I don’t do the readings, I just show up to class and listen and take notes on whatever’s the most interesting things he says.”

Max chuckled. “I think if I skipped all of the readings, I’d really be behind.”

“Did you go out with Liz last night?” Ryan asked as he pulled out his spiral notebook and passed it to Max.

Max shook his head. “Nope. She’s even busier than I am,” he confessed. “Apart from lunch twice a week, we haven’t spent much time together this week. All I’ve been doing lately is trying to catch up for my Stats midterm.”

“The crunch time right before exams is always rough,” Ryan said sympathetically, understanding where Max was coming from.

He was impressed that Max was still with his girlfriend since he was going after a psychology degree and a teaching certificate, and she was enrolled in one of the toughest degree programs, a biochemistry degree, and was even holding down a work-study research position.

Though Ryan was on a very similar track as Max and was on the Varsity Basketball team, his approach to college involved taking advantage of the party scene on weekends to unwind. He glanced at the frown lines that were setting in on Max’s face as he flipped to today’s notes and began skimming them. Ryan suspected that it was past time that Max tried a little bit of unwinding too.

“Hey, are you doing anything tonight, Evans?”

Max looked up suddenly, surprise clearly evident on his face. “Library, as usual,” he finally said reluctantly.

“Nope. You’re coming to the Row House tonight with Liz for a kick-ass party. Repeat after me,” Ryan told him.

Max shook his head with a wide smile as he gave in easily and repeated. “I’m coming to the Row House tonight with Liz for a kick-ass party.”

Ryan slapped Max’s hand again. “That’s the spirit. See you tonight.”

“Yeah, you, too. Thanks for these,” Max added as he held up the notebook. “I’ll get it back to you soon.”

Ryan shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter when. I was awake in class today, so it’s all up here,” he chuckled as he tapped his forehead.

Max shoved Ryan away lightly and the two friends went their separate ways.

* * * * *

“Ohmigod, the guys here are jerks!” Nicole cried as she flung open the door and stomped inside. “How could I have forgotten? I swear my summertime European excursions have spoiled me forever…”

“Correction!” she exclaimed as she took in Liz’s impish grin. “All guys that are here on campus that I, personally, have not been in love with since last year and who have not, in turn, been in love with me since the first grade are scum.

“They’re the ones who just want to add me as one more notch on their bedpost and they are degrading, insulting, and prickly thorns in my side,” Nicole listed.

Liz chuckled as Nicole started to simultaneously wiggle off her boots and make her way over to Liz’s desk chair by hopping. It was an all too familiar sight to Liz and she lowered her textbook so she could really focus on Nicole.

“I take it that your planned seduction of the guy you hooked up with last weekend didn’t work out.”

“Huge flop…in every sense of the way,” Nicole admitted with a mischievous glint in her huge gray eyes, prompting a giggle from her roommate.

Liz held up her hand and shook her head back and forth insistently. “Ah, ah, ah! I don’t want too many details…”

“There aren’t any to share,” Nicole admitted as she sank down on the chair and rested her chin on her elbow. “It was just disappointing in the extreme.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Nicole.” Liz pushed her textbook aside, crawled to the foot of her bed, and gave Nicole a reassuring hug.

Her roommate was a Theater and Philosophy major, and remarkably, whenever life threw her a curveball, she had a dramatic outburst and a few hours later, her sunny disposition was safely intact again. Nicole also used this defense mechanism sparingly whenever her romantic prospects were not on the horizon.

With long, inky eyelashes that flattered her gray eyes and elbow length straight, blonde hair, it was a wonder to Liz how any guy could reject her stunning roommate at all. That might have been part of the problem though. It turned out they couldn’t turn her down when they met her, but later, when it was evident that she wasn’t the carefree lighthearted girl they thought she was, that she was like any other girl looking for something serious, they found it much easier to run away before they got in too deep.

Two seconds into the hug, Nicole broke it and shrugged with a lopsided smile as she insisted, “I’ll be okay.”

“I’m probably one of those girls that has to kiss a lot of frogs first and toss them back into the pond before she realizes the one that’s floating on the surface unconscious is the one for her...”

Liz opened her mouth to protest when the phone on her desk started ringing.

Nicole reached over and picked it up.

“’Lo, you’ve reached the fabulous residence of Liz and Nicole.”

She pressed her hand over the receiver and mouthed what suspiciously looked like, ‘Maxie Boy’ to her.

Liz suddenly perked up and tried to yank the phone away, but Nicole had faster reflexes and was standing up in an instant, dodging Liz.

“Hi, Max,” she murmured flirtatiously. “How are ya?”

“I’m alright, Nicole…” Max answered. “Is Liz there?”

“Yes!” Liz cried as she launched at her roommate, grabbed Nicole’s middle and pulled her downwards. Both girls landed on the floor and the phone slipped out of Nicole’s possession.

Nicole, recognizing defeat, rolled away while Liz scooped up the cordless phone.

“Hi, Max,” she greeted breathlessly.

Even though he was probably on the other side of campus, she felt his rich, warm chuckle all the way to her bones and shivered though her dorm room was quite warm. Liz repositioned herself on her bed and draped the quilt her Grandma Claudia crocheted for her around her shoulders.

Nicole shook her head with barely concealed jealousy. “I’m just going to go.” She grabbed her messenger bag and shoved her feet into a pair of clogs that were not her own. She glanced over her shoulder to see if Liz had noticed that she was escaping with her shoes but one look was enough to see Liz was miles away.

She closed the door as Liz sighed happily, “I missed you, too…”

“The past couple of days have been so…”

“Crazy,” he said, completing her thought perfectly.

At her sudden silence, he scolded playfully, “Stop nodding, Liz.”

She smiled and smoothly changed the subject.

“Hey, did you talk to Isabel yet?”

“Yes, we talked last night. She said she’d love to come.”

“Awesome,” Liz exclaimed. “She’s going to love Homecoming weekend.”

“Definitely, and I wouldn’t have gotten the idea if you hadn’t cooked up this idea. Nicole’s okay with her spending the weekend in your room, right?”

“She doesn’t mind at all. Though knowing Isabel, I’ll most likely be taking the sleeping bag.”

Max shook his head vehemently. “I know Isabel has that reputation from high school of being slightly untouchable and aloof, but she’s really not like that at all. She’s warm, funny, and almost as bighearted as you are. ”

Liz smiled again, as Max had been trying to reassure her that she and Isabel would get along wonderfully nonstop. Northwestern University’s Homecoming weekend was the following weekend, and Liz was the one to suggest that Max invite Isabel to come. He knew Isabel and Liz hadn’t faced each other since high school, and what he wanted more than anything was for his sister and girlfriend to befriend each other.

“And I believe you. I’m mostly happy though that the both of you will finally be able to mend some bridges when she gets here since you haven’t seen her in a while,” she said, trailing off and softening her voice.

“That’s true. It’s been a long time,” he conceded.

“Well, good thing that’ll be remedied next weekend,” she replied cheerfully.

Max was across campus as it happens, in the stairwell of the library; talking to Liz was the perfect study break in his mind as she was always the one to lift his spirits.

“She sounded really excited about it and is probably booking her plane ticket as we speak. Anyway, how’d your lab report turn out?” he asked.

“I got a high pass.”

“Nice!” Max enthused. “Hmm, tell me, Liz, was it worth it?”

“Yes and no…I would have rather not pulled an all-nighter and instead gone out to dinner with you on the only date night the both of us were free on,” she admitted in a deflated voice.

She was usually good about staying on schedule with her work, finishing her essays and lab reports a few days before they were due. This time around it had absolutely worked for her advantage because when she was looking over her data, she realized there was a large margin of error. Her date night with Max then had to be postponed so she could redo part of her lab work and edit the appropriate portions of her report.

“Any big plans tonight?” Max asked casually.

Liz twirled a free lock of her hair around her finger and sighed. “Laundry and finishing my Chemistry study sheets.”

“Right, nothing too pressing…”

She sat up, alert, suddenly. “Nothing that can’t be er, postponed until tomorrow.”

“Well, Ryan’s invited us to a party that’s happening at the Row House. We could go, make an appearance, and see where the night takes us after.”

“Cool,” Liz said with a small smile. “What time were you thinking of going?”

“How about nine thirty?”

She looked over her shoulder at her alarm clock. That gave her more than two hours to finish more work, phone home, and get ready if she timed everything just right.

“Perfect. Just come on in when you get here.”

“Hey, if Nicole’s free, she should come, too.”

“I think Nicole’s at rehearsal until ten, but I’ll leave her a note,” Liz said as she scribbled info about the party on a post-it so she wouldn’t forget.

“OK. Liz?” Max said huskily.

“Yeah…” She nibbled her lower lip anxiously.

“Whatchawearing?” he asked, jamming the words together into a messy collision that was surprisingly very decipherable to her.

Liz glanced down at the comfy-study clothes she had on and shrugged. It wouldn’t hurt to see if she could make his heart beat a little bit faster.

“I am wearing one of my striped bras with a…front clasp.”

Liz bit back a silent laugh when she heard Max’s all too audible gulp. “Under one of your West Roswell t-shirts with a pair of jeans and…my fuzzy Cookie Monster socks.”

He groaned. “So as usual, you look adorably sexy.”

She giggled wholeheartedly this time as her shoulders shook and her stomach quivered. “Of course, Max! And for tonight, I’m going to slip on a pair of heels to complete the grand ensemble.”

“Fuzzy blue socks and heels?” he questioned with a pause and when the only sound was another fresh batch of her giggles, he cracked, “As usual, I have so much to be thankful for.”

* * * * *

Three hours later Liz found herself somewhere she hadn’t quite expected to be. She was perched on a barstool in the kitchen of the Row House, and trying so very hard to focus on what Ryan was explaining to her about the chances of the Northwestern basketball team of making it to the college finals this year.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Max getting waylaid by some of the guys from his dorm floor on his way back from the punch bowl. Liz impatiently drummed her fingers on the countertop as Ryan continued talking and she took cues from when he sounded excited or when he sounded concerning.

By the time Max returned with a drink for her, she had done an awfully convincing job of nodding in the right places and Ryan was impressed with her.

“Hey, Max, you’ve got a keeper,” he joked. “I don’t know too many girls who’d hang on to what I was explaining about basketball so well. She’s an expert now on my upcoming season.” Ryan gave them one more charming smile before he went off to mingle more.

One corner of Max’s lips quirked as he turned to face her. He drawled, “Oh really?”

Liz took the cup from his extended hand. “Don’t look at me. I wasn’t really listening. Ryan was the one who was pulling the conversation along. I can’t even summarize what he said.”

Max’s hand found hers while she drank a few sips of the punch. “He gets carried away sometimes, but only because he loves basketball so much.”

Liz nodded as she threaded her fingers with his. “I could tell.”

She sat up and squeezed his hand lightly as Nicole came into her line of sight. “Look who’s here, Max…”

She gasped a few seconds later when the crowd parted slightly. “She’s wearing my clogs,” she gritted.

“And you’re borrowing her sweater,” Max reminded her gently. Earlier when he stopped by her room to pick her up, Liz had realized all of her sweaters were in her laundry bin, and hadn’t hesitated from heading over to Nicole’s closet.

“Well…” Liz huffed. “I’ve already received permission to borrow her sweater. I didn’t even know she was wearing my clogs.”

Max kissed the side of her head and murmured, “Is it really a big deal?”

His breath was warming the side of her face and making her skin tingle. Liz bit her lower lip to suppress a moan. “Hmmm, not so much…”

Liz set her cup down on the counter with the intention of freeing her other hand to wave at Nicole when Ryan suddenly collided with Nicole.

Max glanced away from Liz when she began laughing softly to look in the same direction she was, where Nicole was staring Ryan down with her hands on her hips and he was hastily apologizing.

“You know, I wouldn’t have ever thought to…”

“Set them up together but they’d be really…”

“Nice together,” they both finished together before turning back to the scene that was fast unfolding between two of their closest friends.