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Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 6 6/13

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:22 am
by keepsmiling7
Looks like Max is going to have rescue Liz from Kivar and Nicholas one day so she'll know how dangerous they are.
LOL..........Max can't figure out why Serena picked Liz for him. Well he should have fun learning why.
I love the stubborn Liz.

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 7 6/14

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 9:09 am
by Roswelllostcause
max and liz believer It will be a little while before Max tells Liz about her parents. You should worry about Kivar and Nicholas! They are very dangerous!

saori_1902 Yes poor Liz!

L-J-L 76 Max knows how dangerous Kivar and Nicholas are. Liz is going to have someone teaching her what she needs to know about Antar.

Natalie36 No the news will not sit well with Liz.

Carolyn No Max has no clue why Serena is so sure about Liz for him. So far all he has seen is an angry and stubborn girl in Liz. As for Kivar and Nicholas........

Part 7

It was a week later when Liz heard a knock on her door and then a maid came in with a note for her. Liz took it and read it slowly. But had trouble understanding it. She grabbed it and when to find someone to help her read it. She walked down the hall and found Isabel. She took a deep breath and when up to the stand offish princess.

"Excuse me Princess?" Asked Liz

Isabel turned to look at Liz.

"What can I do for you?" Asked Isabel
"I got this note, and I am having trouble reading it."
"Let me see."

Liz handed Isabel the note. Isabel read it and turned to Liz.

"My brother wants to have dinner alone with you tonight."
"What if I don't want to go?"
"Elizabeth, I am not any happier about this arranged marriage thing then you are. But you might be more at easy about this if you try and get to know Max. He won't hurt you."
"You weren't the one forced to leave your home."
"True. But tell me what kind of life were you living on earth?"

Liz didn't answer just turned to walk away. Isabel watched the angry young human go. There was something about that girl that she couldn't understand. She was going to have to try and talk to the girl try and get her to see it wouldn't be a bad thing to become Max's wife.

"Is she OK Isabel?"

Isabel turned around to see her mother.

"I'm not sure. Max sent her an invention to have dinner just the two of them. But I get the feeling that she won't go." Said Isabel
"Liz, needs to work past her anger.'"
"Why is she so angry?"
"I am not sure. But had we not chosen her, she would have ended up with a powerful man, not as his wife, but working in a sex house. Oh that man would have kept her for himself for a couple months to break her in. I do mean break her. She would have lost all will to be anything."
"Mom, she needs to see that her life is better here."
"It's not that easy. All this is going to take time."
"I know. But she is so stubborn."
"That is a good thing. She can't give in if she feels that your brother's choices will not be for the good of the people once she is queen."
"She isn't too happy about that."
"Neither was I. Liz, needs to learn to open her heart."
"We have less then three years to get her ready to marry Max."
"Isabel, we need to be careful who we let know about our plans for Liz."
"You are thinking about Kivar aren't you?"
"That man is very dangerous. He believes that humans should be nothing more then slaves."
"I wish we could do something about him mom."
"Honey, he will not harm Elizabeth."
"But what about some other poor girl?"


Kivar smiled as two off his men dragged a human girl not more then thirteen into his bed chamber. She had fear in her eyes. The men dropped her on the floor and left. Kivar stood over her. He reached down and grabbed her by the hair causing her to scream. He smacked her.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch."

He ripped her clothes from her and then undressed. He shoved her down on the bed. He climbed on top of the girl who was trying to fight him off. But he was to strong. Kivar placed his dick at her entrance and forced himself into her in one very hard thrust. She cried out in pain as he took her virginity from her. Tears fell from her face as he moved harder and fasted in and out of her. It was one of the most painful things she had ever been through. When he finally finished he pushed her out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Get out slut!"

She crawled to what was left of her clothes and covered herself the best she could and left the room. The two men who dragged her to the evil man grabbed her and locked her in her small room. As she laid crying on her bed mat on the floor she heard someone come in. She looked over to see a girl a couple years older than she was. The older girl had a tub of water and some rags. She knelt by her and gently pushed the younger ones hair back.

"I won't hurt you. My name is Jenny."
"Katerina, my mom always called me Kat."
"Is that what you want me to call me?"

Kat just nodded.

"OK. Kat, I want you to lay still on your back. I'm going to clean you up down there ok?"

Kat nodded.

"This may sting a bit and I am sorry about that."

Jenny took a rag and wet it. She then as gently as she could began cleaning Kat. Kat winced as Jenny cleaned blood and what was left of that evil man's seed off her.


Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 7 6/14

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:47 am
by max and liz believer
I have a feeling that Liz will come around. She's just - as Isabel said - stubborn. She needs time to get used to everything.

The part about Khivar raping that young girl was horrible. He's a sick and evil man. Who is he anyway? What's his position? Is he a royal too or just a man of power, waiting to take over the throne?

Thanks for the update!

- Jo

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 7 6/14

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:54 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please come home and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I'm glad that Max is trying to get to know Liz. And I know Liz is head strong and stubborn. But I think it will take a while before Liz will try and get to know Antar. I'm glad Isabel was there to help Liz. I agree with Diane that Liz needs to try. And also think what she said about Kivar is right too. I'm glad that Jenny and Kat are there for each other. And are trying to help each other. Will Liz go to the garden? Will Liz got to the forest? What will happen in the garden? What will happen when Liz is out in the forest? Will Max follow Liz? Will Max and Liz talk? Will Max get Liz to open up? Will Max let Liz know about her parents? What will Liz do when she finds out? Will Liz run from Max? Will Liz let Max hold her? Will Max and Liz get to know each other? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings? Will Max and Liz get married and have kids? Will Liz tell Max what she heard Kivar and Nicholas said? What will Max do when he finds out? Will Max protect Liz? Will Liz meet Kivar and Nicholas? What will happen when they meet? Will Max be with Liz when she meets Kivar and Nicholas? Will Kivar and Nicholas start a war? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Serena, Philip and Daine live through the war? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle, Serena, Philip and Diane all have a happy ending together? So sorry about the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 7 6/14

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:29 pm
by saori_1902
Great part!

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 8 6/15

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
max and liz believer Liz, is going to come around. :wink: As for Kivar, he is not part of the Royal family. Max will explain a little about him in this part.

L-J-L 76 We find out what Liz does in this part.

saori_1902 Thanks!

Part 8

Liz walked out to the garden and found Max sitting at a small table.he looked up when he heard her walk up. He stood and gave her a half smile.

"Hi. I didn't think you would really come." Said Max
"I almost didn't. I had a little trouble reading your note."
"Sorry. My mom likes to tell me that my penmanship is worse than a toddler's. So how did you find out what I wanted?"
"Isabel helped me."
"Please sit down."

Liz took a deep breath and sat in one of the chairs. Max pushed her in and when to sit across from her. Then two servants came and place plates in front of each of them. Liz looked at her plate and was surprised to see a cheeseburger and French fries.

"I was told this is one of your favorite meals."
"It is."
"The burger has lettuce, tomato, grilled onion, pickles, ketchup, mustard and swiss cheese. Oh and it is what you call beef." Said Max
"It looks really good." Said Liz
"So are you going to try it?"

Liz nodded and picked up the burger and took a bite. Max watched her reaction. It was in that moment he saw her eyes light up and a smile form for the first time.

"So do you like it?"
"It's very good. Better then most of the food I have had here."
"I'm glad."

Max then started on his dinner. They spent the rest of the meal talking and getting to know each other better. When they finished Max and Liz when on a walk around the garden. As they walked through the garden Liz started to rub her arms against the chill in the night air. Max took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.

"Thank you." Said Liz softly
"You're welcome."
"Max, who were those guys that were talking that night I ran from dinner?"
"They are very dangerous men."
"Max, weather or not I like it I will have to marry you in a few years. So I have a right to know who they are."
"OK the tall blond is Lord Kivar, the shrimp of a man he was talking to is his loyal lackey Nicholas. Neither of them like my family, and hate that we are bringing humans here to be part of our families. Kivar believes that humans should be nothing but slaves. Males to be used as forced labor, females as sex slaves."
"Why does he feel that way?"
"I don't know. I personally have never asked him. All I know is that in order for a human to be placed in a family, that family has to be carefully screened. Anyone who feels the way Kivar and Nicholas do won't be approved for a human."
"Just because they were not approved does not mean it isn't possible for them to get a human to do what they want with is it?" Asked Liz
"That is true. There are black markets they can go through."
"Is there a punishment for the people who run the black markets?"
"Yes. But they have to be caught. That is a very hard thing to do."
"What about the people like Kivar? What happens to them?"
"They are stripped of all power they have. Then sent to a distant colony."
"The girls?"
"A lot of times by the time we find out about them there isn't much we can do for them."
"Are you saying they are killed?"
"No, but by the time we get them their sprit has been broken and they feel the only thing they are good for is sex."
"So what happens to them?""
"Liz, it's not important."
"Damn it Max tell me!"
"They are place in pleasure houses."
"A sex house?"
"You let this happen?"
"I would change it if I could."
"Have you tried to give them therapy?"
"Yes. Some it works on. Others it doesn't."
"You know what? I'm really tired good night."

Liz took off Max's jacket threw it at him and ran for her room. Max just stood there and watched her go.


Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 8 6/15

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:39 am
by Natalie36
this is very hard

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 8 6/15

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:40 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next. I'm glad that Max and Liz are trying to get to know each other. I'm glad Liz asked about Kivar and Nicholas. And I'm glad that Max told Liz about them and what happens to the girls. I can understand Liz wanting to see if they could help the girls. And I can also understand that Liz is being upset. I hope Max and Liz will have a chance to talk again.

L-J-L 76

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 8 6/15

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:41 am
by begonia9508
Max should really let the time, for Liz to think about all the bad things she heard from him...

It is a shock to hear what she heard and maybe knowing that Earth is lost, it will help her see through all this and help her take the decision about what's best for her...

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: A New Home (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 8 6/15

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:35 pm
by max and liz believer
This is a whole different world for Liz. Both literally and also in traditions and customs. It's no wonder that she needs some breathing space. It's a lot to take in. I'm glad that Max was willing to provide her with some answers (even though she kinda had to demand them out of him) and that he had an opportunity to show his gentleman side.

Looking forward to more meetings :wink:

- Jo