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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:07 am
by FaithfulAngel24
"So apparently there's this very burnt up body in Roswell, and they want us to check it out. Cam wants us to stay down there, so I've rented us a room in the motel."
The body has been found Bones just hasn't seen it yet.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:32 am
by isabelle

Coming from the Sheriff's office, I wish I knew who that was. A dead burnt body found in the desert. Sheriff Valenti said the pathologist couldn't even say for sure if it was a male or a female or how old they were. They're calling in experts from the FBI. I know it's the only thing to do but it makes my blood run cold. What if it's Tess? What will they learn from her body? Will it collapse into dust like Nacedo's did?

I was finally starting to actually trust Tess. It was walking a knife-edge between accepting her as one of the group while not letting her start to think that there would ever be anything between us. Just because Liz slept with Kyle and broke up with me, it doesn’t mean that I’m going to be falling into her arms. It’s too much. I don’t love Tess and I don’t think I can. I did think she was starting to be a friend, ‘though. Especially after the Skins came to Roswell. I let her help me to retrieve memories of Antar and it actually seemed to be working. She’s part of the group and we need her. But now – now she’s missing and Alex is too. And the dead body could be one of them.

Either one would be horrible. Tess knew so much that we never knew about our powers and our past. If she's gone, we'll lose all that. Plus, it'll mean we have a serious enemy out there -- one who found her and will be after the rest of us soon.

And Alex -- he's been a great friend, helping me even before he knew just because Liz asked. If he's paid with his life for being with us, I don't know what I'll do. Liz and Maria and Isabel ...

I'm probably getting ahead of myself. I mean, there are thousands of people who die every year. This body might not be either of them. Of course, if it's not, we still need to find out where they are. I don't like that they're gone with no word like that. I can't come up with any explanation for it that isn't bad news for them and for us.

I'm driving towards the Crashdown but I'm not sure if I'll go in. Since seeing Liz with Kyle, it's been a bit harder to see her in the diner but I can't seem to stop. She broke my heart, she doesn't want me, but she's still all that I wish I could have. Maybe I should find Michael instead. Is he working today?

I stop my jeep at an intersection, waiting for my turn and I see a big black SUV that looks like it has to be a government vehicle. I feel a chill go through me as I flash back onto my captivity at Eagle Rock. There are lots of reasons for them to be around -- including the dead body. Just the same, I turn my face away, hoping they don't see me.


Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:47 pm
by DreamerLaure
{{OOC: Let me know if this isn’t okay :D}}


“Here you go,” I say to the customer sitting before me. I lower the spout of the coffee pot to his cup and pour until the beverage fills the cup. I’m in mid-pour when I realize I’ve forgotten to get him a menu, and I raise my eyes to the front counter where the menus are and I see Tess strolling in.

Where has she been? I cannot believe she would just waltz back into our lives like nothing’s happened. She looks better, I think when I see her at first. She doesn’t look as angry, and maybe less determined. She even looks, dare I say, relaxed, and more free. She probably overhears Maria as clearly as I do, and I turn my back to her for a second as I go to Maria. “You’re so bad,” I tell her mischievously, and though I might not have said those words aloud, my heart skipped a beat when I saw her coming in because on some level the label rings true for me. She’s done nothing other than make my life hell. Tess takes a second to give Maria a particularly harsh glare, and then whatever daggers were exchanged between Maria and her are all hurled my way when she looks at me.

No, she hasn’t changed then. The look she gives me is one of pure venom, and for support, I decide it’s probably best if I do stand near Maria. Her eyes darken in her scruitny, and as smoothly as I can, I manoeuver so there’s no spillage, set the coffee down and go over to Maria. Her chipper voice is like nails on the wall to me, and I say, “Hi, Tess,” with as much self-control as I can manage. I wouldn’t want her to know that I’ve been thinking about her sudden disappearance a lot recently or that I know she is hiding something. There has to be a good reason for someone to just suddenly take off, and I cringe when I remember the possibility I wrote in my journal last night, the possibility that there is a connection to her disappearance and Alex’s.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:39 pm
by Dream Weaver
OOC: I hope this is ok..... :D


God, what are we going to do. My dad called this morning, telling me that they had found a body in the desert. My breath caught in my chest when the words escaped his lips and I asked the only question I could muster, “Who?”

According to my dad, the body was burned beyond recognition and they had to call in the FBI to ID the body. He had been with Max but he thought that I could give the others the news, explaining that Max would be along shortly.

The last few days have been nerve wrecking, not only due to the disappearance of Tess but also of Alex. All of us have been searching for any clue to lead us to them but have come up empty. We are all trying to pray for their safe return but all secretly know that the longer they are missing the less likely that they will come home safe and the more likely their disappearances could be connected and not of this world.

I think the hardest part in this whole situation is that it has just widened the rift already created by what Liz and I did to Max. Sure nothing happened but I have been sworn by Liz that I am to keep his secret. This single incident severed the tie between them and pushed him closer to Tess, which has ultimately drove a wedge in between him, Isabel and Michael. We no longer function as the tight net group that we once were and even though I, at times, was on the outside looking in, it still saddens me.

I am approaching the Crashdown. How am I going to tell the others that a body has been found and it could possibly be Tess or Alex? I’ll let Max fill them in on the FBI when he gets here. Its going to be hard enough coping with the idea of loosing one of our own that trying to deal with how to hide our secret with the FBI probing about.

I am standing at the diner entrance and I pause to notice that Liz standing at a booth. She is staring dumbfounded across the diner where I see Maria standing by a girl with blonde curly hair. My heart skips a beat as my senses tell me that there is something familiar about this girl, could it be? Then almost in slow motion I watch her turn and I am staring into the sparkling blue eyes of Tess Harding.

I am overwhelmed with joy and relief as I burst open the door rushing in her direction, “Tess?” I question as I approach her not sure if I should be angry or happy to see her.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:50 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

“Hi Tess.” Liz greets her voice slightly uneven. There’s an unwavering accusation in her eyes that unhinges me. Why do I feel like the temperature just suddenly dropped ten degrees? I am just about to spout some sort of polite exchange of words when the door to the Crashdown bursts open. Swiftly I turn to see Kyle rush in with both joy and concern etched in his handsome features.

“Tess?” Letting pathetic emotion get the better of me I rush into his arms wrapping myself up in his embrace. I did miss him greatly. If I do have one weakness it’s the silly human boy before me. I let myself enjoy the feeling of being snuggled tightly into his shoulder for only a moment before drawing away.

“Kyle.” I state with as much affection as I hold for him. Now comes the time when they are going to ask me where I have been. I just need to stay cool, calm, and collected.

“I shouldn’t have just took off like that. Some of Nacedo’s old friends called and had an emergency they needed me right away. I’m not used to having to answer to anyone so I just bolted without a second thought. It never occurred to me that you might worry. I’m sorry.” I flash him one of my famous win him over grins.

I hate having to keep stuff from him ,but he wouldn’t understand. None of them would. They can never see the big picture. It’s up to me to insure that Destiny has it’s way. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:13 pm
by isabelle

The light changes and I take my foot off the brake, moving forward down the street without incident. Well, what did I think would happen? Not every government agent has my picture, I know. Nacedo wiped out all the evidence they had and even then, it was on the Special Unit. I have to be careful, as always, but I can't act scared. I have to be normal.

A few blocks later, I come up on the Crashdown. I slow down and pull up to the curb so I can look through the windows before going in. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to tell if Michael's working before anyone-else inside realizes that I'm looking. The question is, would Michael working give me an excuse to go in, or would it mean that I should move on since he won't be able to hang out and I should just go home?

I don't even get a chance to figure it out because as I look through the windows the first person I recognise isn't Liz, or even Maria. That head of curly blonde hair belongs to only one person. Tess. And she's got her arms wrapped around Kyle????

I park the jeep, grab the keys, and hop out, hurrying into the Crashdown.

"... so I just bolted without a second thought. It never occurred to me that you might worry. I’m sorry,” Tess says as I come through the door.

"Worry? Of course we worried!" I say, stepping closer. I can't believe she just walked off on us but I haven't heard her explanation yet so I try not to rush to judgement.

"I thought something might have happened." This is too public a place to specify my fears but I'm sure she can guess what they might be. The FBI, Khivar, Nicholas -- not necessarily in that order. "Was Alex with you?"

I'm desperately hoping she'll say 'yes,' although I can't imagine why he would be. Just the same, if they were, then that would mean he was safely back, too, and the body in the morgue is just a stranger, a co-incidence.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:46 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Something soft and warm plants itself on my lips, and I just let out an incoherent mumble and pull the blanket over my eyes. Mornings and I don't get along.

“Mom, please put that newspaper down!” I hear loudly, and then, magically, I'm up. Sitting up abruptly with my eyes wide open, I look around and see a room empty of Mrs. Deluca. And a grinning Maria giggling as she runs into her room before I can get her.

Frowning as I walk into the bathroom to get ready for work, I think back on the last couple of weeks. Alex never came home from his trip, and well, I guess that's where it all started.

Maria and Liz were distraught, and I tried to be the good boyfriend, there for her when she wanted to cry. I helped out around the house, and at work, and dare I say it, actually made a good impression on Maria's mom. Alex, was, no, is a good friend to both his human friends and us aliens who popped into his life, so for his sake I hope he's okay.

Tess disappeared around the same time though, and it's not helping things much. She really just gave Maria another reason to hate her, and put her in connection with Alex's disappearance. This is a bit of a problem, seeing as it's dividing us, and I don't know where to look. I want to side with Maria, personally not liking Tess, but she's one of us, and I can't just ignore that. It's too much to deal with.

We get to work, and I wander into the kitchen, probably stuck there for the entire shift without break, when I hear the room go silent. Peeking through the little doorway where I get the food, I see a blonde who looks awfully familiar and hear Maria's voice, loud and clear over the small amount of noise.

“The bitch is back.” Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day.

"Maria, come here," I whisper, and try to get her attention. We can't do this. Not here, not now.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:50 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Liz quietly moves over to where I am standing and shoots me a concerned look as if she’s looking for reinforcement of some kind. Whatever she decides to do I‘ve got her back. “Hi Tess.” She greets as warmly as possible. I’ve got to say she’s got one up on me. I can’t even fake a pleasant welcome. I want to know where the skanky home wreaker has been all this time.

She thinks that just because she’s an official member of the pod squad that she can put the whole group in danger by just taking off on a whim. I swear if anything would have happened to Michael the government would have been abstracting frizzy imitation blonde hairs from in between my knuckles for days. I listen as she rambles on and on.

Then I watch rather disgusted might I add as she and Kyle have what could pass as a tender moment. "This is so touching.” I commit dryly. “I think I might actually shed a tear…or not.” I finish with a sarcastic bite to my tone.

Max rushes in and immediately begins to access the situation at hand. Poor guy he feels responsible for everyone in the group. It’s not fair to him. He begins to inquire as to Alex’s whereabouts and I eye the trouble maker angrily. I am about to give the once Alien King one less person to worry about. It’s then that I hear Michael’s voice calling me back to reality.

"Maria, come here," Even at a whisper I hear him perfectly. Damn it. I can’t ignore that voice. Dragging my feet over to where he is I shoot him ‘the look’. He seems fairly unaffected. “Michael I want to see if she knows where Alex is.” I am not even going to pretend to be nice. The girl has got information that I need and that’s all. We just need some harsh lights and an interigation room. I'll get that bimbo to crack.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:00 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Worry? Of course we worried!" Max exclaims while appearing out of no where. Funny I never thought he would notice if I simply vanished. At least not if Perfect Liz Parker was in the room. A flutter in my stomach alerts me to my excitement. He missed me! After all this time he has finally seen the light. We belong together. Past. Present & Future. It’s always been us. I knew that with the right motivation he would take his rightful place at my side.

"I thought something might have happened." He was genuinely concerned for me. That is so sweet. Then all my hopes and dreams come crashing down.

"Was Alex with you?" Is that it? He was worried about Alex. Sadness fills me. A lump suddenly appears in my throat and I find it increasingly difficult to speak. Pushing down the hurt and disappointment I attempt to answer him.

“Alex? Why would he be with me?” Putting on my best ‘clueless’ expression I bat my eyelashes innocently.

“I haven’t seen Alex since right after Prom I think.” I can’t believe that Max is all worked up over an insignificant earthling. Doesn’t he understand his importance in the grand scheme of things. We are Antarian Royalty for Christ’s sake. He better learn to act like it. :D


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:33 pm
by DreamerLaure
{{OOC: My, my :shock: I haven't done Liz Canon in a while; let me know if it's not okay}}


I know it's not fair to, but I can't help it. It's back again; that feeling, that ache, that doubt, that voice inside of my head that compels me to want what I can't have. I need to push it away, but....I can't. From the past few months, all I can remember is the pain of not having him in my life in the same ways. It's hard to even remember what it was like before, until I see him. It can be something as innocent as passing him in the hallway in between classes, or just seeing his jeep zoom by The Crashdown without even stopping. It's right then that the knowing feeling kicks in and grabs me. It's the knowing that Max is around, but not. Max is in my here, there, and everywhere, but I don't see the same thing mirrored in his eyes. And, unfortuanately, I'm worried there's no way to remedy that.

But...eyes on Tess, eyes on Tess because she's back and she's right here. She's standing in front of us looking smuger than ever. I'm lucky Maria is right here by my side, and like always she has something sharp to throw out. The comment has the expected effect on Tess, and I can't figure out how that smile isn't freezing on her face; it's got to take a lot of effort to keep putting it back on. I want to throw something out, but the bell rings, and I can place exactly why I felt Max; he's right there.

And the worst part about the knowing and the disappointment that follows on its trail is knowing that Tess comes first. He didn't even glance my way. "Worry? Of course we worried!" My eyes take in Tess' reaction to those words, and I am surprised to see how elated she is. She still wants him, I realize, and this time I can't even try. I hear her calculated responses; it's so obvious that she is trying to cover up something. Coincidences don't happen in Roswell.

“I haven’t seen Alex since right after Prom I think,” she adds, and that's when it kind of clicks for me. Prom is where everything happened, and I don't think she did see him at prom. Maria's slipping away from my side because Michael called her, and I don't hesitate from doing the same. If Alex's disappearance really does matter to him and this isn't just about an interest in keeping "safe" I'll be there, but I think I can manage some sleuthing on my own. I spot a menu on the counter by the milkshake machine, a much closer grab than across the room by the door, and I pick it up and bring it to the customer, turning my back to Tess, and Max. I'm starting to think it really is irreparable.