Lost & Found (CC, Mature) - Chapter 48 - Completed: 03/28/2019

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Lost & Found - Chapter 8 - 11/16/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

The following days came and went in quick fashion as back in Roswell, Liz was responding well to her treatment and despite her constant pleading, her doctors weren’t willing to release her to home because they knew she would be on a plane to Vegas if she was indeed released. While at the same time in Los Angeles, Max spent time with Molly as he tried to stir her memory. The bruises were starting to heal, quicker than anyone thought was possible and even Max was wondering because he hadn’t done anything to aid in her recovery, but she still was thinner and a lot of other inner injuries to heal before they could release her into foster care.


Sitting in Liz’s private hospital room. Jeff was trying to keep his daughter calm as she still insisted on wanting to go to the conference. They were all worried that the constant fretting about the damn conference, it would cause a setback for her health and so Michael decided to do something about it as he walked into the room and saw his friend in her hospital bed.

“If you promise to stay in the hospital until you have completely recovered and are officially released, and that you stop with the fretting and pleas to get out of here, I’ll go to the conference for you.”

Liz stopped the squirming in her bed, and stopped her pestering of her father to persuade Kyle to get her released, and concentrated on Michael. “You would be willing to do that for me?”

“I would be willing to do it, so you get better, and for Isabella. Since I am a private investigator, and an expert in her disappearance, I can lead my expertise at the conference. Maria would have my head if I do anything to impede your recovery, so I am willing to do it. We do need to make sure that everyone knows Bella’s story.”

“Thank you, Michael”

“Now do you promise me you stay here until the doctors release you” Michael ordered, and Liz smiled a grateful smile.

“I promise?”

“We're only trying to do what we feel is best for you?” Michael assured his friend as with a smile Jeff left the room with a pat of approval on Michael’s shoulder. “Only you would get me to go to Vegas again,” he cracked once they were alone.

Liz smiled as they both remembered the group’s previous attempt at a Spring Break adventure in Vegas. It wasn’t a good night for both Michael nor Max, until at least Max was able to have a moment with Liz, which she would always treasure even during her most heated anger at the guy.

Yet the mention of Vegas meant memories of Max for Liz, and she hated it and hated how even all these years later Max brought confusion into her life. “Would you please stop your wife from bringing my ex into the situation, and I'll be happy to focus on my recovery.”

“You brought him into the situation when you refused to let myself and Jim go off track Max down for you,” Michael sighed as he risked getting her upset by bringing up the past.

“I was perfectly happy with my life,” Liz lied as she knew full well she fell deep in the hole after Max drove off on his mission, and the ensuing days forced her to make a decision she would soon regret when she ended it while he was still in California. She had thought he would come back after he finished whatever he was doing over there, even with their breakup. Very little had kept them apart or she thought maybe she would change her mind if only he saw him again, but he didn’t show… and never came back again, and therefore she went dark, and did things that she would forever regret.

“Bella is his daughter too you know? Once she comes home, the fact will still be with you?” Michael said quietly.

“He left for a reason Michael and I knew his reasoning and I knew he was not going appreciate if he was dragged back home to deal with me if he hadn’t achieved answers regarding his son to have a child with me.”

“He loves you Liz, and the situation with you and Tess were completely different. You actually have his child, and she didn’t.” Michael sighed. “He would have wanted to be here for you and Bella in an instant and would have treasured it. You know how he was when he believed Tess gave him a child, and to know he had one with you. He loves you Liz, he never loved Tess so he would have grabbed a hold of that potential of a future with you and Bella or at least been here for both of you to support you.”

“Obviously he didn’t want to come back and try to convince me that we needed to be together.” Liz shuttered at the distance of the memories and yet they had the power to consume her into grief and into anger. She sighed as she tried to quell the feeling. “Anyway Michael, he probably has his own family by now, and I am not going to disrupt that? Liz murmured.

Michael trying to ignore the nagging feeling of Max’s call to Isabel from the back of his mind, he sighed. “What if he doesn't? Doesn't he deserve to know that his child is in danger and may need his help? If Maria had been in the same situation, I would have wanted to know, and you would be telling her to tell me.”

“You and Maria are different than me and Max?” Liz cracked. “Max and I have too much history, and that history is better left in the past.”

“You are stubborn you know?” Michael commented.

“I know, but I like my life the way it is. I just need my daughter back, to make it complete,” Liz sighed.

“We could never understand why you got mixed up with that creep after Max left?”

“Because he was the opposite of Max and I needed it as a diversion, and he wasn’t a creep when I first knew him. I thought he was nice, and he enjoyed my company.”

“Too bad he wasn't into marriage, children or staying out of jail?” Michael muttered.

“Well, Sean Deluca is out of my life and when my daughter does come home, I can concentrate on making the best life I can for both of us.”

Michael had choice words to say about Sean Deluca, but he didn’t want to risk with Liz’s condition so fragile, so he knew it was time to leave, “I have to go pick up Betty at camp?”

“Thank you for agreeing to go to the conference next week”

“It’s my pleasure to,” Michael nodded as he got up and left moments later for the camp.


Los Angeles
Max’s home

Max had spent time watching the videotapes which was very tedious at times but also contained very good information about the types of missing kid cases out there in the US today. Unfortunately, he was also going between the house, station and the hospital as he tried to get the little girl through her crisis--since she was all alone. He knew there was an attachment with this little girl for some reason. Why, he didn't know. But she was a sweet little girl who just wanted to get better again. Because of that attachment he never got around to watching the Valenti tapes before he had to go to Las Vegas.

It was Sunday morning when he stopped at the hospital to see Molly. He had the weekend off, and he was due to leave for the airport after visiting the child.

“Molly, you look like you’re doing better,” Max smiled as the little girl eyes brightened when she saw Max to come into the room. “I am glad you’re feeling better.”

Molly nodded.

“I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I have to go out of town on some police business?” Max sighed as he saw the mood cross the face of Molly.

Molly’s eyes showed fear.

“You don’t have to worry, I will be back on Wednesday and I will come and visit you first thing, okay?”

Molly’s face softened.

“Just do something for me, build up your strength for me okay? Show me that you are getting better, okay. Also, my partner, Serena. You have met her, well, she’s going to stop in and see you okay.”

Molly nodded!

Max sighed with relief that Molly was getting stronger, and the bruises were diminishing by the day, and she indeed was improving as more of the bandages were removed, and you could see the tiny little dusty brunette fully. She was a striking child, and there was something familiar about her, but he had to get home and pick up his bags so that he could make his flight to Vegas.


Roswell Memorial

After Michael left for the conference, Liz sat on her hospital bed and read the newspapers from all over the country hoping to find a clue to Isabella’s whereabouts. It was also to keep her mind off the conference. Knowing she should be there, but at least Michael would be there.

She picked up the LA Times and started to go through the paper and came across an article!

(Los Angeles)

10-year-old Molly Davidson remains in Intensive Care at Cedar Sinai Hospital as she recovers from an almost fatal beating last week. She had multiple broken ribs, concussion, both broken legs, fractured skull and wrist, crushed throat which has made impossible for the little girl to talk in any detail. Doctors are very optimistic at the little girl’s full recovery, but it is going to be a long road for the little girl who was in a spare room in the basement battered and bruised. Her family consists of a father and four older brothers; Mark Davidson Sr who is her father, and his sons Mark Davidson Jr, Sonny, Davis and Hawk. Her mother died six months ago of cancer.

Police have been looking for the father who vanished before the little girl was located. The brothers have also disappeared, and police are looking for them as well as the father. The lead detective, Detective Evans has said that it was a problem house since the mother died and he and his partner had been out to the house on three official visits. But there was nothing they really could do, as each time the father would explain away, and the children seem fine. But the latest call was the most serious, and unfortunately this time the kids slipped away, and they were horrified to find the girl in such distress. She is under constant monitoring by the nursing staff and the police.

The detective is asking anyone who has any information on what happened or the whereabouts of the father and the brothers to please contact Det. Evans at (222) 555-1221 ext. 120


There were tears in Liz’s eyes when she put the paper down and got out of bed and walked over to the window and looked out at the park across the street. Since it was Sunday, there were plenty of kids having the time of their lives. Her thoughts went back to Isabella who should be planning her summer and not fearing for her life somewhere out there.

The tears easily came!
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 8 - Updated: 11/16/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Poor, poor Liz......if she only knew!
Surprise......Molly's injuries are healing pretty fast even without Max's help.
Thank goodness Michael is going to Las Vegas. Can't wait for him and Max to meet up.
So Liz read the article about a Det. Evans with the phone number. Small world we have here.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 8 - Updated: 11/16/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Max and Michael will be shocked to see each other. Will Max recognize Molly as Isabella?
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 8 - Updated: 11/16/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Good Michael is going to the conference for Liz. The pieces will come together soon. Molly is healing fast without Max's help. Well that just confirms in my mind that she is Bella! Oh boy when the aliens of Roswell find out that this bastard nearly killed Bella he is dead!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 8 - Updated: 11/16/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Oh thank God Micheal is going to Vegas. Poor Liz she needs her daughter back. Max should have watched the tapes before going to Vegas. Why is going to happen when Max and Michael see each other? Will Micheal be pissed at Max? Will Micheal hit Max? Will Micheal tell Max about Liz and Isabel? What will Max do when he finds out? Will Max find out who Molly really is? How will Max find out the truth about Molly? Will Max go to Roswell to see Liz?What will happen when Max and Liz see each other? Will Max and Liz be happy or mad at each other? Will Max and Liz get to talk to each other? Will Max and Liz work things out? Will Max stay in Roswell or go back to California? Will Liz go to California?Will Max and Liz raise Bella together? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for the questions I was just wondering.

L-J-L 76
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Lost & Found - Chapter 9 - 11/18/2018

Post by Parker1947 »

As Liz was brooding about the past, and the present and even the future, and the life she was screwing up, she sighed as she elected to sit back on her bed, and watch some television when the door opened, as she looked over and smiled when she saw Maria come into the room. What are you doing here?” she asked her best friend. “I thought you were working?”

“I am on vacation for the next week,” Maria smiled. “I just dropped Michael off at the airport for his flight to Las Vegas, and with Betty visiting Mom and Jim for the afternoon. I decided to pay you a visit. Do you want some company?”

“Sure,” Liz nodded. “I didn’t think you were scheduled for time off?” she asked. “I hope you didn’t do it because of me.”

“No, it’s summer and with Michael gone, well, I figured I needed some time to be with Betty as I forget how much I depend on Michael’s laxed hours with his private investigation business. Ricki is taking over for me,” Maria smiled.

“Has work been busy,” Liz asked. “I haven’t seen you much since I got sentenced here,” she remarked, and Maria only shook her head. “Yes, I know, I need to get better, so you don’t have to say it.

“I was busy working stories before my time off,” Maria smiled. “With Jonathan gone, it’s only me and so the work load is double as I we work in the newbie,” she cracked. “Ricki is great, but Barbara needs work and so it puts more responsibilities on me.”

“So, are you enjoying the new responsibilities?” Liz asked.

“I love it,” Maria said. “I never imagined this would be my life when we were in school. It just fell into my lap, and I have made it my own way.”

“Yes, you have,” Liz smiled. “I am proud of you. I am sure Michael and Betty are thrilled with your success, and during all this, well, you have been
a rock for me. I hope you do know how much I appreciate you and Michael...”

You are family and one of my own and so I will do anything for you” Maria smiled as he saw emotion on her friend’s face. “What is wrong, I know you feel like you are a captive here, but you are getting stronger every day, so why so emotional?”

“It’s an article in a Los Angeles newspaper. A little girl was nearly killed they think by her father. He's still on the run, but the injuries inflicted are so much for a little girl to take?

Maria saw the paper on the bed, and she picks up and reads the article.

“My goodness,” Maria asked as she read the article. “No child should go through that kind of torment.”

“I know?” Liz sighed.

“Do you think this detective is Max” Maria asked as she picked up the name of the detective in charge.”

“There are a lot of people with the name Evans,” Liz swatted away.

“It’s just strange if you ask me,” Maria said quietly as she remembered back to the call Isabel received from Max. Given it seemed Max was now in Los Angeles, and the case was out of California too, so she had to make the connection and she had to wonder if she was right, she sighed to herself. She hated this.

“So, what if it is him?” Liz muttered as she felt a little weak, and so she went and sat on the bed after pacing the room.

“Then you know he is in the Los Angeles area?” Maria asked.

“So what?” Liz asked again.

“Even when you are sick, you are stubborn?” Maria muttered as she was annoyed that her friend was being so stubborn about Max, even if she had many issues with the guy. Still, Max needed to know the truth and if he did, that was the one thing that would get him to return to Roswell, whether it meant anything for him and Liz is another question.

“I have been told that before!”

“This time believe it?” Maria smiled.

“How is Betty?” Liz asked as she wanted to change the subject before her friend brought it back to the subject of Max, which she didn’t want to discuss yet again.

“She is brilliant, adorable and conniving all at the same time?” Maria laughed. “She amazing with all the stuff she tries to pull on her father and me.”

“Must be in the alien hybrid gene, Isabella is the same way?

“You slipped,” Maria commented.

“I know,” Liz sighed because she knew she had been slipping more often. She had known all along who her baby’s father was, and although she crafted well enough lie to cover… she knew she hadn’t fooled anyone, except maybe Sean at the beginning. But then maybe not given how it all blew up anyways with the idiot, because he had believed her and then when he figured it out and confronted her, she continued to lie and it only caused a lot of heartache with Bella in the middle, because before she was three months old… Liz was back living with her parents as she tried to save money to get her own place with her daughter. Her parents were devoted to their granddaughter, but still it wasn’t the life she had imagined for herself, and it didn’t get any easier from there…

“I know this is hard for you, and I hate it for you. I wasn’t going to tell you this, but Mom received a call from Sean, and he wanted put a message to you through her, and me.”

“What is he up to now?” Liz asked, wearily as she thought of her original ex-husband.

“He’s trying to get out of jail by saying he didn't commit that murder? Maria groaned as she thought of her cousin. She regretted every day that her best friend got messed up with him, through her even if it was all on Liz to go back to Sean in the wake of her breakup with Max. But still she felt malice towards her cousin and wish he would die. But she also knew her mother felt conflicting feelings regarding to her nephew.

“Bull, he confessed to me that he did to get back at his boss?” Liz muttered as she thought of her first ex-husband which might have been the most life-changing mess she had ever done in the wake of losing Max.

“He is telling a completely different story now?” Maria acknowledged.

“Is anyone believing him?” Liz asked.

“No, not right now, even Mom isn’t allowing him warm up to her, and she’s not believing what he’s trying to sell which should tell us something…” Maria murmured as she knew she hated to be the one to have to tell her friend what she was about to share. “He wants to see you,” Maria muttered, as Liz went pale. “I know, I know.”

“There is no way I’ll see that man” Liz groaned as she thought of Sean. “I am not seeing him. I refuse to.”

“You don’t have to, but when I sent a message back to him that you were in a coma here in the hospital…”

Liz giggled as she felt relief at not having to revisit a painful time in her life. As she had struggled in the wake of divorcing Sean, and while her parents were obviously happy that they she left him and was divorcing him; as they were not happy about her getting married. She waited until she was 18 so that they had no say in whether she got married or not, and now she was single within a year of the marriage, so she did lean on her parents to help her and Bella when she did become single, and she didn’t relish having to see her ex because it was a painful split as Sean took the breakup badly. “Thank you,” but then a darkness came to her as she saw Maria’s expression, as it turned into a frown. ‘What did he say in response?”

Then how would Isabella be found? Maria revealed, and Liz’s smiles instantly turned into tears. “Look I know,” she whispered at the instant devastation on her friend’s face. “I wish I didn’t have to tell you this and he might be lying, and I regret that, but I thought since he invoked Bella, then I should tell you.”

“How would he know? He's in prison in New York?” Liz asked.

“I guess your story has gotten natural exposure as it went viral. There are even rumors that Oprah is talking about enquiring the story rights”

“He doesn't know anything right?” Liz asked fearful for a moment that Sean might know something since he did take the fact that they broke up badly and was throwing around threats aimed at her as he was dragged away to prison, and for the first time she had to wonder if the road to Bella led through her ex-husband.

“I don't know? He has been inside for years and has a lot more before he even is considered for parole. Why would he have anything to with Isabella’s disappearance?

“The police checked him out, but it doesn't mean he couldn't have planned it?” Liz asked.

“Stop it. Sean is a convicted felon that has a history of bad scams going back to when we were in high school. Ignore his threats, as I didn’t want to tell you but since he did invoke Bella’s name, well, I thought you should know.”

“I fell for him? Liz sighed. “I wish I hadn’t.”

“That marriage wasn’t your finest moment I grant you,” Maria admitted because they all knew it would be a disaster, but Liz was pregnant, and lying about who the father was and she needed to get married or so she though she did. She didn’t know she would be a better single mother, yet she tried and failed. “Honestly once things ended with Max, well, you weren't in the best mental shape and then you decided to end things with him. You learned you were pregnant after a fling with Sean who had the aura of being a bad boy who had a thing for you. Who wouldn't fall for him?” Maria sighed. “I should know, I have my own bad boy I fell for…”

“Michael is nowhere near the bad boy Sean is,” Liz muttered.

“He has an edge to him if you push him hard enough, but no, I am lucky. Betty is lucky. Yet, I understand the attraction to someone like Sean.”

“It was the worst mistake of my life,” Liz swore. “Kyle and I shouldn’t have gotten married, as we were better off as friends but for Bella’s sake, it worked until it didn’t, but Sean was a bad choice all together.”

“Sean allowed you a chance to try to forget Max, and try to move on,” Maria frowned.

“What if he knows something?” Liz worried. “What if Sean knows something about Bella?”

“Given your past, and the knowledge that Sean is a lot of talk and very little bite at times, I question if he does know anything. I would give it a lot of thought before you open that can of worms. Even if it gets you answers about Isabella,” Maria said quietly. “He knows how distraught you are, and how much you want your daughter is back.”

“If he does know something?” Liz asked.

“Sean Deluca is a loser who is just looking for a way out of jail. He sees the pain that you are going through with Bella gone as well as the fact you would do anything to get her back.”

“I guess,” Liz said as Maria could only do one thing, hug her best friend as she knew her friend needed some alone time so, she said her good-byes, and was checking her phone for messages from her mother about Betty, when she saw a message from Jim that he wanted to see her, at his place.

She made herself over to the Valenti house while Liz could only stare at the wall, and wonder…


As Maria made her way to the Valenti home. Isabel arrived first. She had been out doing errands when she got a call from her father-in-law. She was curious what he would want, and not want her to bring her husband if it was a family gathering. All Jim said was he wanted to see her alone. When she arrived, she saw Maria walking up the street. “Well hello, were you also asked to come?”

“Jim called you?” Maria asked surprised because she assumed the call was about Betty, or for her to come and pick her up but now to see Isabel, she had to wonder why they were asked to come over, as they knocked on the door.

“I am surprised too,” Isabel said as the door opened, and Jim arrived at the door and welcomed the in as the two women walked in, and saw the house was empty.

“Where is Betty?” Maria asked as she looked around for her bubbly little girl.

“Your mother took her shopping,” Jim smiled. “So, prepare yourself for her to be spoiled rotten,” he laughed. “I wished I could have gotten you guys here before Michael left for Las Vegas, but I got hung up at the station and then I had lunch with Amy and Betty at the Crashdown before I came home.”

“What is going on Jim?” Isabel asked.

“I know you wanted me to get back to you Isabel,” Jim said quietly as they walked into the house.

“You mean…” Isabel asked.

“Yes,” Jim acknowledged as they went into the living room. Once Jim and Amy had gotten together as the gang was graduating from school, Amy moved in and had quickly renovated the old bachelor home and now it had its old charm, and yet it was much more of a modern home fit for a growing blended family of grandchildren and step-children. While they hadn’t officially married, they were basically been all but married and yet neither feeling the need to make the final commitment.

“What are you guys talking about?” Maria asked.

“I asked Jim to get me information on Max?” Isabel said quietly, which left Maria shocked. “Yes, I know.”

“Why?” Maria asked as if she didn’t know...

“The call the other day shook me up and made me realize I had no idea where my brother is, or if he’s okay. He might say he’s fine, but one never knows with people like him, like me, like Michael. I had to know.”

“What did you find out?” Maria asked of Jim. “You must have found out something, if you called us here…”

“Yes, I did.” Jim said.

“Is he a cop in Los Angeles?” Maria asked as she remembered the newspaper article in Liz’s hospital room.

“How did you know?” Jim asked.

“Liz got a hold of the LA Times, and there was a mention of an Evans involved in law enforcement, and the idea jumped out at me since I knew from his phone call that Max is there… So, is he?”

“Yes,” Jim said.

“He’s a cop?” Isabel asked she felt frozen in place. The last thing she would have expected of her brother, was a career in law enforcement given their adventures when they were younger.”

“And also, an ex-FBI agent?” Jim announced as both Isabel and Maria’s jaws dropped.

“You got to be kidding me,” Maria murmured.


It was long silence that filled the room, as both Isabel and Maria dealt with news that Jim had brought them regarding Max. “I know you have to be surprised. I was too” he admitted as the last thing he had expected to find out that Max was now a cop. Because so much of his early existence with his sister and Michel was to evade the cops, and especially the attention of the Federal Government. “I traced your phone records the other night, and I found him in Los Angeles.”

“How long had he been there?” Isabel asked.

“He has been there five years,” Jim acknowledged. “It was his return to law enforcement after about a year break, and the two years before his break, well, he was stationed out of Washington with the FBI.”

“Unbelievable,” Isabel said quietly of the thought of her brother having worked for the federal government.

“Yeah,” Jim nodded.

“What did he do before the FBI?” Maria asked.

“That is unclear,” Jim admitted.

“How is it unclear?” Isabel as her head snapped to attention. “He left in 2001, so if he joined the FBI in what 2003, what did he do the rest of the time?” she asked.

“He was very much a ghost most of that time, but I did get the sense he was in the hospital much of that time…"

What!” Isabel squeaked.

“You know how Phillip went looking for him after he left town for California, and after Liz broke up with him. But he didn’t find anything to indicate where Max was…”

“Yes,” Isabel nodded.

“Well we knew his car was located, but it was abandoned.” Jim said as he reminded the girls.”

“Right, Dad took that as a sign that he didn’t want to be found.” Isabel sighed. “He came home dejected. Of course, he and Mom had been having their share of issues with Max in the weeks before this, but still…”

“Turns out the car was actually located near an army base,” Jim sighed.

“So,” Maria asked. “What are you trying to say.”

“His mission back then was to find that space ship, right?” Jim asked Isabel, who grimly nodded. She and Michael termed it a ‘lemon’ but it was true Max was obsessed with finding the thing, to try to get it to work so he could find his son. It was what led him to head to California. Sure, it was also a search for answers when a man named Joe Ferrini died, and it led to him as a suspect. Luckily, he had an alibi of being in Roswell at the time but given his more recent stint of jail for armed robbery with Liz in Salinas, Utah… the authorities were suspicious. As it turned out Joe was the one who caused Max and Liz to get busted in Utah that night which led to a lot of adventure.

“You can’t be serious,” Isabel asked as she got the gist of what he was saying. “I can’t believe it.”

“There are no records of Max in the Los Angeles area from that late October date he was headed there and was seen various places added with Liz’s phone records from that period which I still have copies of. She only had one recorded call during the period before she officially broke up with him.

“So, we think he actually made it to Antar?” Isabel asked quietly.

“It’s the only thing I can think of,” Jim said quietly. “He was seen again a month later in early December 2001 when he was found barely alive nearby. It’s still not clear where he was or what he was doing. “I am told he had a lot of mysterious ailments, and he was pretty incoherent.”

“He actually made it to Antar? Maria asked, shocked.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 9 - Updated: 11/18/2018

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Oh my god Isabel and Maria now know Max is in Los Angeles. Wow so Liz, Maria know. The only one that doesn't know is Michael. Wonder what will happen when Max and Michael see each other. Also wondering if Micheal will tell Max about Liz and Bella. If Max will go see Liz.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 9 - Updated: 11/18/2018

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I think Isabella's disappearance is tied to Sean's criminal past. He is listed as the father on the birth certificate. You are making us wait for the Michael and Max reunion.
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 9 - Updated: 11/18/2018

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz certainly did make a big mistake by getting mixed up with Sean.
Does Sean know something at this point??
Interesting that the Utah bust was brought up again.
So now Isabel, the Sheriff and Liz know Max made it to Antar.
Let's hurry to LV and a meeting between Michael and Max!
Thanks, Carolyn
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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 9 - Updated: 11/18/2018

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Liz's life really became screwed up when she got involved with Sean. I have a feeling that Bella's disappearance has some thing to do with Sean and his criminal ways.
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics!

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