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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 10 1/23/19

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:08 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 67 Don't count on Liz telling Max anything any time soon. As for Taylor and Ryan they just may start dating.

Carolyn It was great that Ryan noticed Taylor's purity ring. They may just be perfect for each other. As for Liz opening up to Max.......may not hppen for a while.

Part 11

Liz followed her boyfriend of nearly a year into his apartment. Sean had just turned nineteen. Liz was going to be eighteen in less then a month. They had just left the prom at West Roswell High. Liz would be graduating in a couple weeks. Sean well he had dropped out of high school a few months ago after learning he wouldn't be graduating. He didn't care. Sean closed and locked the door and he took Liz's hand and pulled her into his bedroom.

“Babe, you know that I love you.” Said Sean
“Sean, I am not sure I am ready for this.” Said Liz
“Liz, babe you love me right?”
“Yeah. It's just I don't want to get pregnant.”
“I got protection. Liz, it is not a big deal to have sex.”
“Sean, I know you have had sex before. But I haven't.”
“Liz, it will be ok I promise.”

Sean smiled as he lean down and kissed her. It wasn't long before he had her fully undressed and laying on his bed he pushed her legs apart and began to pump his fingers in and out of her. He smiled when he heard a moan come from her. He pulled his fingers from her once he was sure that she was ready for his hard cock. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on. He placed his dick at her entrance leaned in next to her ear.

“Babe try and relax. This may not feel good right now but it will be better next time.”

Sean then thrust into her hard ripping threw her virginity. Tears fell from Liz's eyes as Sean pounded in and out of her body hard and fast. Liz knew that having sex the first time wouldn't be painless for her. But she never thought that it would be this painful. Her sister Serena had been having sex with Kyle for a while and told her that it was more uncomfortable feeling then painful. But this was more then uncomfortable it really hurt.

“Sean stop this hurts.”
“Don't worry about it. I am nearly done fucking you. Babe, it only hurts cause my dick has to stretch you out. I could barely get my dick in your tight pussy.”

When he said that to her she realized that Sean didn't love or even care about her. All he ever wanted was to have sex with her.

Liz was snapped out of her memory when Ashlee jumped on her bed.

“Hi honey.”
“You go work today mommy?”
“Not until after we have breakfast together.”
“I hate you go to work.”
“I know. I have to work though. I can't take care of you if I don't.”
“Tay took me to the park yesterday. There was a boy there with his daddy. Do I have a daddy?”

Liz sighed knowing she would have to answer this question one day. But hoped it would be a few years off.

“Ashlee, no you don't have a daddy right now. Maybe one day you will.”
“Grampy is your daddy right?”
“Then how come I don't have a daddy?”
“Honey, not every little boy or girl has a daddy. There are also some little girls and boys that don't have a mommy.”
“How come?”
“That isn't easy to explain. The reason you don't have a daddy is that God decided that right now you only need a mommy. One day he is going to find you the perfect daddy that will love both of us.”
“Ok. Will you make french toast for breakfast?”
“Sure honey.”

Liz watched as her daughter ran off. She got up and followed her daughter to the kitchen.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 11 1/24/19

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:56 pm
by L-J-L 76
Poor Liz she realized too late about Sean. Sean only cares about sex he so needs to have his dick cut off and shoved down his throat. Boy Ashee has a lot of questions. Hopefully Liz will be able to answer some questions.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 11 1/24/19

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:26 pm
by keepsmiling7
That was so sad when Ashlee asked if she had a daddy. Liz handled it well.
Hope Liz will someday forget those terrible memories she had of Sean, and find that person that will love both her and Ashlee.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 11 1/24/19

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:09 pm
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz did realize too late what Sean was really like. Ashlee did have a lot of questions.

Carolyn It was sad when Ashlee asked Liz if she had a daddy. Liz handled it the best she could. Oh I am pretty sure that Liz already knows the man that will love her and Ashlee if only she lets him.

Part 12

Taylor watched Liz with her daughter. The perfect man was right under Liz's nose if only she would let him. But things can't be rushed either. Taylor walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.

“Tay! Mommy made her french toast!” said Ashlee
“I see. Morning Liz. What time do you go in today?” asked Taylor
“I have to be in at nine.” Said Liz
“So are you working on things with Max?”
“Max and I are only friends. That is all that is going to be between us.”
“You were in love with him in high school.”
“No I wasn't. I had a crush on him. There is a big difference.”
“Liz, ever since Sean dumped you, you have been scared to let anyone close. Yes you dated but you have kept your heart locked away.”
“Taylor, you are the last one to talk to me about this. You have never let anyone close.”
“I just haven't found anyone I wanted to let close.”
“You need to go out and meet someone for that to happen.”
“Actually, are you working Friday night?”
“No I am off Friday and don't have to be to work until three Saturday at 7pm. Why?”
“Do you remember Ryan Turner?”
“I ran into him yesterday at the park. He kind of asked me out.”
“Did you get his number?”
“Then call him and go out with him.”
“Thanks Liz.”
“Tay, Ryan is a good guy from what I remember. He is also the kind of guy to understand your decision to wait until you are married to have sex.”
“I know. He wears a purity ring.”
“Taylor, I have always admired you for making that choice. I don't regret having Ashlee. I love her. I do regret that I believed Sean when he said he loved me. I should have known it was just a line to get me into his bed. My parents hated that I was dating him. He never treated me that well.”
“Liz, making mistakes part of growing up. You have been hurt more then you should have. Max, is a good guy. If you let him in then I know you will be happy.”
“I can't be hurt again.”
“Then you risk never being happy.”
“You know Taylor for being a computer graphic designer you are acting like a shrink.”

Liz got up and went to take a shower so she could head to work. Taylor just shook her head. She would never understand her cousin.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 12 1/25/19

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:48 pm
by keepsmiling7
The future looks good for Taylor and Ryan.
Now if Max and Liz can get over the hump. What does he think about Ashlee??
Can't wait for more!

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 12 1/25/19

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:01 pm
by L-J-L 76
Love the talk Liz and Taylor had. Taylor is right Liz needs
Max in her life. Yes Liz had been hurt but she needs to move on. Glad Max and Liz are friends. Maybe later they can be more then friends. Hope Max and Liz will have a Chance to talk.

L-J-L 76

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 12 1/25/19

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 7:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Things just might be good for Taylor and Ryan. What does Max think of Ashlee? Well he has only seen her picture and not met her yet! So he doesn't know what to think.

L-J-L 76 Liz is scared to let Max in. Deep down she knows that he won't hurt her. But she just can't bring herself to let him in.

Part 13

Sean grunted as he pounded into the blond under him. He actually hated this bitchy slut. But she was an easy lay. Had been since she was thirteen his cousin Lucas had been the one to pop her cherry, in fact Sean himself had lost his virginity at twelve to this slut. The only thing he couldn't understand was her obsession with that loser Max Evans. Not that he cared. She was good for a hook up most days. But the best thing about a hook up with Tess Harding was that he never had to use a condom. He hated the way they felt on his dick. Tess Harding was not a bitch he could knock up, not because she was on birth control either. She had no need for it. She was a rare bitch born without a uterus. He grunted more and pounded harder and harder into her trying to reach his release. He never cared if a girl got off when he fucked them. He only cared about himself. He finally grunted loudly as he dumped his load into the barren slut. He fell to the bed breathing hard.

“That felt good Sean.”
“Yeah whatever.”
“Sean, why do you want to fuck Liz Parker? I mean she is such a prissy loser.”
“You do know I was the one that fucked her first right?”
“Yeah so?”
“Well, I happen to know that Evans wants her. But I plan on fucking her so damn hard that she will be ruined for him.”
“What do you mean?”
“I will make sure that I tear her pussy up so bad that even the thought of another dick inside her causes her pain.”

Tess looked at Sean and realized that he was truly was insane.


Liz walked into the doctor's lounge and over to her locked to put her purse away. She didn't like to admit that Taylor was right. She wasn't happy, and that was because she was scared. She was scared that if she let anyone in that she would be hurt. She was also scared that if she let Max truly in and let him really know her that she would fall in love with him.

“Liz, you ok?”

Liz turned to see Carolyn had come in.

“Uh yeah. Why do you ask?”
“Well you have been staring into space for like ten minutes.”
“Sorry. Carolyn, I'm sorry that I haven't been that great to be around lately.”
“Well if I didn't know better I would think that you were in love.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well you seem to be thinking about something a lot or maybe a hunky ER doctor?”
“If you are referring to Max Evans, there is nothing between us. He and I just have lunch or coffee together when we are working.”
“You wouldn't mind if he asked you out though.”
“Carolyn, I am not going to date Max Evans or any guy.”
“Don't tell me that you don't want to know what it would be like to have him inside you.”
“I don't want to have sex with Max or any man.”

Liz slammed her locker and headed out.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 13 1/26/19

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:57 am
by keepsmiling7
So Tess was born without a uterus........that's interesting.....
Sean has disturbing thoughts about Liz, and it appears he and the one night stand have already ruined Liz for sex.
Such a shame, that hunky ER doctor would be so different I think.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 13 1/26/19

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:12 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Sean is very disturbing! Don't be so sure that Liz has been ruined for sex yet! That hunky ER doctor just might be what is needed to fix what is wrong with Liz, and he is not going to give up on her very easily.

Part 14

Serena smiled as her parents walked into the Crashdown.

“Mom, dad how was your trip?”
“It great. Everything go well around here?” asked Nancy
“What about your sister? Is she ok?” asked Jeff
“The same as she has been since she came back to town.”
“She needs to stop hiding from life.” Said Nancy
“Well, Liz is stubborn as hell.”
“Serena, isn't there anyone that you could have take her out?” asked Nancy
“Oh I know someone who would love to take her out. But she won't go out with him. She is to scared. She also is afraid if she lets anyone in and it doesn't work out that Ashlee will be hurt.”
“Our granddaughter is a lot stronger then Liz gives her credit for. That little girl needs a father.” Said Jeff
“Who is this man Serena?” asked Nancy
“Max Evans. He is an ER doctor at the hospital. It took both Taylor and me to get Liz to agree to start having coffee or a meal with him while they are working.”
“His parents have that law firm over on third right?” asked Jeff
“Yeah, Mrs. Evans was the one that helped Liz with getting Doug to give up his rights to Ashlee.”
“I remember that. But your sister is very stubborn and will not give in easy. She is also very protective of her daughter.” Said Nancy
“I know mom. But I just know that Max is the right man for her.”
“Your sister has not been the same since she went out with that punk back in high school.” Said Jeff
“Sean, really hurt her. She has not had any luck with guys since then.”
“Honey, do you know why Liz always picks someone that won't make her happy?” asked Nancy

Serena sighed. She knew Liz better then anyone. She was closer to her then anyone. But Liz's choices when it came to dating confused her. Liz's first boyfriend had been Steve Winters back in seventh grade. Steve came across as a nice guy. But at the spring dance that year Liz caught him making out with Gina Lopez, under the bleachers. Then Liz went out with Tommy Dawson in eighth grade until just before Christmas. That was when Serena found him at Pam Troy's holiday party screwing Tess Harding. Will Powers was next and while he never actually did anything wrong but he wasn't good for Liz due to having a drug problem. Liz was able to get him to get help.

“Mom, I wish I knew. But her history with guys is bad. It's like she can't see someone's true nature.”
“Does Max know about Ashlee?” asked Jeff
“I am not sure. When the subject of Max comes up she changes the subject.”
“It's ok honey. We will talk to Liz ourselves soon.” Said Jeff

Serena nodded. She just wished she knew how to help Liz get passed her issues with men.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 14 1/27/19

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:27 am
by keepsmiling7
Seems like Liz's whole family is in favor of the hunky ER doctor........too bad Liz won't give him a chance.
Oh well, they need to keep trying, and I hope that Max will be able to meet Ashlee sometime soon.