What Real Life's Like Thread 4 (CC TEEN)

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Post by ~Ruby~ »

Sternbetrachter wrote:Hi Ruby :)
I hope your Grandfather is doing better again :)
To be honest, he really isn't. We just kinda waiting for it all to be over now.


I laugh and roll my eyes. “I think I can manage that. Well, just in front of the others. I can’t make any promises about when we are alone.”

I grin wickedly and press a quick kiss to Alex’s cheek. “We should get back before the others wonder where we’ve gone.”
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

I'm sorry to hear that Ruby :( *hug*


I grin at Isabel's happy attitude, glad that I could make her laugh. I'm pretty certain that I'm not blushing when she gives me a modest kiss on the cheek and really, it would be totally lame to blush because of a kiss on the cheek.

Hm, I have to make sure that Isabel and I happen to be alone very often in the future.

“We should get back before the others wonder where we’ve gone.”

"Yeah, we wouldn't want them to send out a search party." I say as I get up from the bench, pulling Isabel up with me. We slowly walk back towards the club and I frown when I see someone who appears familar. "Hm, I was only joking earlier but are that Max and Liz outside the club?"
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Post by rpchick2006 »

(sorry for not being really active school and work has been hectic. but it seems to be okay now since i'm done with school for summer. So if you guys don't mind can i jump in still?)
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Post by Sternbetrachter »

I certainly don't mind :)
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Post by isabelle »

Please do! I'd love to see you post for Maria. :D
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Post by rpchick2006 »


As the song ended I smiled a bit breathless at my dance partner. “Thanks for the dance.” I yelled just trying to be heard over the loud booming music to the dark brown haired blue eyed hunk. “I need a breather.” I replied as my blue eyes landed upon Michael who was trying to make his way towards the unsuspecting red head.

“So not going to happen.” I commented to myself before heading off my ex. Exactly ten feet behind I knew it was just enough space and time to catch up to him before he could get to the girl.

Throwing my arms around the dirty blonde guy I smirked. “Michael, I’m so glad that I found you. Now go buy me a drink I’m dying for one and I so left my purse back at the house.”I replied trying to sound casual, not wanting him to know that I had done this all on purpose. Hello I couldn't have the guy that I had my eye on try to get with another girl not while I was here at least.
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Post by Sternbetrachter »


"I'd tell you to wish me luck, but I don't need it,

I manage to not laugh at that and just nod at Michael amused. Paying for the drinks, I give a small wave when Michael leaves the bar. Yeah right, not needing luck! Considering how the evening went so far, he can't be that wrong though - it can't get worse for him than it already is.

Watching where he goes, my eyes widen when there really is a girl throwing herself at him! That damn lucky ... no, wait! Thank God, it's just Maria - she doesn't count!

Happy that the evening is saved, i stroll back to Tess. "Here you go, lets hope this time, we'll get to drink those without them being knocked over."
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Post by isabelle »


I'm just honing in on the cute red-head. She's seen me now and we've exchanged some knowing smiles as she continues to gyrate and bounce on the dancefloor. Man, she is HOT!

Then, suddenly I'm drawn up short by a pair of slim arms around my neck. Well, Hello, I think turning to face the girl draped over me, but my smile fades when I see it's Maria.

“Michael, I’m so glad that I found you. Now go buy me a drink I’m dying for one and I so left my purse back at the house.”

"Maria, leave me alone. I got things to do," I tell her, feeling annoyed. When we were together, she practically ignored me and now she's trying to interfere? I push her arms off of me. I reach into my pocket and pull out a bill -- a ten. That'll do. I shove it at her. "You want a drink, go buy one."
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Post by rpchick2006 »


The smile upon my face begins to falter as Michael frowns at me. He could at least pretend to be happy that I’m around I mean I know I royally screwed up with him when we were dating but couldn’t we at least be on friendly terms?

Sure I just stopped him from talking to that skank of a girl but hey, I’m way prettier then her and plus I don’t make guys pay me money for sex which I’m quite certain that she does.

"Maria, leave me alone. I got things to do,” Yeah I bet you do Michael or to be more exact you have people to do. What the hell does she have that I don’t? I mean I’m way prettier then her and probably way better in the sac.

I have half a mind to yell at him to go screw himself but what exactly would I get out of it? As he shoved the money in my face and told me to go buy a drink I slapped him hard along side his head. “Do you really think that’s why I asked you for the drink? Go to Hell Michael.” I braced myself before speaking again, this time in a more controlled manor. “Oh and just to let you in on a few things that girl is a prostitute. I’ve actually seen her excepting money for well sex.” I replied heatedly before turning on my heels and storming away from him. At least that last bit of information was true. Score one for Maria. These thoughts ran through my head as I sat at the bar only feeling slightly guilty for what I had done. But I would be damned if I were to apologize to him.
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Post by isabelle »


She hit me! I can't believe it!

"Shit!" I say, then glaring at her. Before I can say anything, she starts up.

“Do you really think that’s why I asked you for the drink? Go to Hell Michael. Oh and just to let you in on a few things that girl is a prostitute. I’ve actually seen her excepting money for well sex,” she says before storming off.

I turn and face the red-head again. She's chatting up another guy, looking really interested, her hands twining around his neck, tickling his ear. Is she really a pro? Damn. Well not everyone in this bar is like that. The girls I'd chatted with before certainly weren't. As I watch, the red-head and the guy with the ticklish ears leave the club, hand-in-hand, nothing but smiles.

Shit. Maybe I need a drink now. Oh wait, I just finished one. I shrug. What does that matter? Anybody who heard her outburst is going to think me and Maria are together -- and we're not. The girl network is probably already spreading the word around the club. Why the Hell did she do that?

I head back to the bar, finding a seat about two empty seats away from Maria. I raise a finger to get the bartender's attention. Without looking at her, I ask Maria, "What the hell does it matter to you who I go with?" I ask, feeling surly.
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